The Daily Mind

Season 17. Episode 404: Guess who's not coming to dinner

Being invited to someone's house for dinner is a real nice gesture, but have you ever been to someone's house where the food......Just didn't match the gesture? From mice droppings in muffin pans to Macaroni and cheese being made with breast milk, I read some of the most bizarre dinner invitation stories out there.

Tik Tok episode 21. Season 2 @austin.edwards070

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1h 36m
Broadcast on:
02 Nov 2024
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(upbeat music) - Hey, what's up everybody? What's going on? What's going on? Welcome, welcome. Welcome to a brand new podcast of The Daily Mind on this beautiful Saturday. Excellent, excellent day, you know, despite it raining out a little bit during Halloween. It's all good, it's all good. Let's get to it. Hopefully everybody's weekend is going well. Whether you're working, you're not working, you got the day off or whatever. Hopefully it's going well for you, you know? For me on the other hand, I just been running around, went to the gym, got something to eat. I went and bought a bunch of candy that's 50 to 75% off because why not? That to me is like Halloween. I mean, who doesn't want a discounted candy? You know, I went to Dollar General, actually I just came back from Dollar General and I got the candy, they barely had any left and the majority of the discounted candy was really like Tootsie Rose, Lolly Pops, but they had some, they had chocolate still, scooped up about six bags of candy for like 20, little over $20, which if I would have bought it before Halloween, it probably would have been double that, maybe $40 for those six bags of candy. Inflation is kicking on as candy's expensive and I think maybe that's why people scale back. No, no 50% off of baby oil, man. You know, I didn't even go see if they had baby oil. I was more focused on the candy anyway. Nah, they probably do, they probably do. I don't know if you want to consider that the trick or the treat either way. I'm not, I went for the candy, all right? That's all I went, went for the candy. Anyway, I did that and my wife, I wanted to surprise her with the candy and she showed up about the same time I did, so she already seen all the candy already and we already put it in this big ass tub thingy. You know what the cheese curls come in? The cheese balls I mean when you go to like Costco and you get the cheese balls in that thing? Yeah. All right, Rio, you said you put it on the treat. That's the trick. Now that depends on what the treat is. And user 44576009, you said I can't afford my baby oil anymore. Brother, I feel bad for you. I really do. Baby oil is probably most expensive. In fact, I'm surprised you even found baby oil. You figured by the time like Diddy bought all that shit, it'd be hard to find. I bet bottles of baby oil is like $12 now. I feel bad for the babies because now they don't have baby oil. I guess they're going to have to fucking use to vegetable oil or some shit for baby skin or something. I don't know. Either way, man, I'm sorry to hear about it. You can't afford baby oil. Hopefully you go to like Dollar General, Family Dollar and you can go find some. Other than that, I don't have the need for it right now. But that's not what this episode is about. Anyway, so I'm starting a little bit early, right? Because I plan on going out. Now I had quite a few episode ideas today. The show that I was originally going to do was about hoarders and hoarding. You know, people who like to keep a bunch of shit in their house that is not even necessary. I don't know if you like to keep a bunch of newspapers or use Reese's peanut butter cup wrappers or just some random ass trash you want to keep in your house. There are people that are like this and it's sad. There are people who have died in houses that they were hoarding a bunch of stuff and they just couldn't move and couldn't get it all out. He's died in the house. But that's not what today's episode is about. I found a little bit of inspiration along with trying to find a hoarder episode. However, the hoarder episode is in queue. But that's not going to be today's episode. Today's episode I ran into is also a little bit inspired by a previous episode that I've done before about potluck dinners. If you have not seen that or I wasn't streaming at the time, but if you haven't heard that episode, you can go back on Spotify, look for that episode. It was about maybe a season or two ago that I've done that potluck episode. Also inspired by Thanksgiving. Now, how many of you actually been to someone's house or invited to someone's house out of the grace of good? Hey, come over. My parents is making this or my wife is making this or my husband is making this. And of course you're thinking, man, that's great. Because one, I don't have to pay for it and it's free food. But then when you get there, you've seen some shit you shouldn't have seen. You tasted something, you shouldn't have tasted. The food was just awful. And of course you can't be like, damn, you know, I just shit is nasty. Why'd you invite me? No, I really said, come on, we got chitlins and collard greens. Brother, you got me all wrong. I don't fucking know chitlins, number one. Collard greens, I barely eat anymore because when I worked at my aunt's restaurant, I cleaned pounds and pounds and boxes and boxes of collard greens to the point where I don't even eat them anymore. Good try though. However, we've all been there. When you've been to somebody's house where they invited you and the food was nasty. And then you take the paper plate, you flip it upside down and you push it as deep in the trash can as possible 'cause you just don't wanna be rude, right? You just don't wanna be rude. You just don't wanna be like, hey, you know, you know, they invited you over and you just tell them the food is just straight ass. So you just put the plate over and just push it down. That's what today's episode is gonna be about. It's gonna be about horror stories. Guess who's not coming to dinner? Not me anymore because I'm telling you right now, if I go to your house and you serve me some shit and this shit is, I'm never again. In fact, I have one instance where I went to a Thanksgiving dinner overseas, right? Rio, you know exactly what this story's going into. So I go over my buddy's house for Thanksgiving. Everybody bought something, right? Everybody bought food, desserts, whatever, it was great. We had to do that bought over like this unusual dessert. This dessert, which if I'm not mistaken, was like Jim Bean cake, like a brownie, but he put so much liquor in this brownie and it was the most Midwestern thing I've ever had. Needless to say, I tried it at first. It was starting to taste like something and it was just disgusting. It was nasty. And everybody who tried it said the same thing without saying it out loud, of course. And at the end, he tried to push it off. Yeah, there definitely is some funny stories to this. Oh, sit back and relax this. I've read some of the shit, it's already ridiculous. That's what it was, Jack Daniel's fudge, people. We knew somebody that made a Jack Daniel's fudge cake. Mind you, this man is from the Midwest. He's my boy and all, but that was the most disgusting. Well, not the most disgusting, but it was very unusual. Anyway, I tried it. I didn't like it. He tried to push it off on everybody to take home. Nobody really took that shit home. And if they did, it made it look like they were taken at home but then they threw it out as soon as they got out or as soon as they got home. Listen, we don't wanna be rude, okay? We don't because people put the time and effort to make something for you. The least you could do is give them the courtesy to have it there. But if it's nasty, man, don't be rude about it. Just, yeah. And yes, I know how I got home that night, but man, let me tell you, it was rough. I didn't drive, but it was rough. You ever been so drunk to the point where everything's bouncing around and you feel like you're in a fucking pinball machine? That's exactly what it was like. For every buck my wife hit when she was driving, (growling) I'm telling you to do. I felt like Sonic the Hedgehog in a fucking pinball machine. It was terrible, but it was fun. It was a very memorable Thanksgiving meal. That's the crazy part. The pilgrims had nothing on that shit when we had that 'cause that was like the best Thanksgiving I had in a long time. Anyway, enough reminisce that I'm gonna get right into the stories provided by Buzzfeed because a lot of the dumb shit I read comes from Buzzfeed, shout out to Buzzfeed for providing the most ridiculous fucking stories known in the man. All right, they wrote this article on November 16th of last year. So they already had the idea of Thanksgiving in mind. I've done a Thanksgiving episode, I believe, last year or the year before, fun stuff. All right, now, the article starts off with the title, quote, "I faked an emergency and got the hell out of there." 22 times people were invited to eat at someone's home and regretted it immediately. Captain James, welcome to the show, my man. You are in for a treat. Tonight's episode is about horror stories. Where you go to people's house, they invite you to dinner and it's probably the worst thing you may have eaten or seen. So I got 22 stories already lined up, ready to go for this shit, strap into a seat, it's gonna get stupid, all right? So I got 22 stories with this. And of course, as always, Captain James, thanks for the gifts and anybody who is watching, listening, gifts, gifts, it's fantastic, I love it, I love it. But the most, it's not about the gifts, it's about the interaction with you guys because you guys are the inspiration behind the show, gifts are no gifts. The gift is you guys being on this show. All right, let's read the first article. Actually, I'll read the opening line. It says sometimes you just have to politely eat what your friends and family serve you despite not loving it. Other times, I think it's absolutely warranted to make up some excuse not to eat their food after getting behind the scenes glimpse at how they made it. Yeah, we'll see, if you're invited to somebody's house, you don't know how they made it. But see, that's also kind of that idea of when it comes to potlucks and people bring dishes from home. And I remember that episode, I read some god awful shit. Actually, no, I did stream that episode potluck. It'll be up soon on the YouTube channel. So they asked Reddit community to share their, can't eat at everybody's house horror stories. People gave some truly harrowing tales of eating and refusing to eat in other people's homes. Here are some of the worst stories known to man when it comes to eating at somebody's house. No, this is not liquor, this is pure leaf tea. All right. First story coming right out the box. Number one, first story of horror stories is I told my dad, my sandwich tastes like fly spray at my grandma's house. No, no, no, yeah. He didn't believe me. Now two days later, I catch my grandma spraying the benches clean with the $2 fly spray you find at a cheap store. Dad figured it was safe to make sandwiches straight on the countertop because they look clean. I dragged him over to sea and he apologized and took my sister and me for fishing chips for lunch. Damn, listen, believe your kids, if something doesn't taste right, it doesn't taste right. Especially if you're eating sandwiches and shit, it tastes like fly spray because more than likely, grandma has moths and flies and roaches at her house. That's disgusting. Luckily the kid didn't get sick. Number two, my first boyfriend's parents invited me for Thanksgiving. I came over a few days before Christmas and all the same dirty dishes from Thanksgiving was still in the kitchen. I passed on coming over for Christmas then to time out, time out, time out, time out, time out, time out, time out. I'll read that again because I kind of breezed that. I'm not sure what the hell happened. My first boyfriend's parents invited me for Thanksgiving. I came over a few days before Christmas and all the same dirty dishes from Thanksgiving were still in the kitchen. You, you got me fucked up. I will never, ever. You mean to tell me you had the same dishes in the sink for a whole month from Thanksgiving to Christmas? Let me tell you something. I can't even stand the fact dishes being in the sink overnight, let alone a whole month. What are you doing in your house that you have the dishes that you have from Thanksgiving still in the sink from Christmas? What are you doing that entire month? Like there's something about you that when you got to look in that kitchen and be like, "Damn, I probably need to wash those dishes." There's no way in hell you passing through this. Every single day, and like, I'll get to it. Now, I'll get to it. I'll do it later. It's already Christmas, people. If I was Santa Claus and I was coming down to the chimney and I saw that fucking sink, I will snatch all the gifts and shit from the tree. Take the tree when we back up the chimney 'cause nobody in that house, but like, nobody deserves anything for Christmas if you got shit in the sink that long. I'm out, I'm taking a tree with me too. Fuck that, wash your dishes, that's disgusting. I wanna walk right out. Now imagine, your memory is that clear. Well, you see the dishes, and you remember them just the way they were on Thanksgiving. That's attention to detail if I've never seen it. That's some real attention to detail type shit. Wash your goddamn dishes, please. All right, number three. I had a Christmas party at work and someone bought pasta salad. This can't be good. The bowl was full of cat hair. Some hairs in the salad look like pubic hair. I wanted to throw up immediately. Unfortunately, I'm bad at keeping a poker face, so I guess this person just ate it. I would have said something. It's like when me and my wife, we go to a restaurant, we find something a little bit out of the ordinary. When it comes to the food, we are not the type, and we had this happen. We are not the type of people that will make a scene in front of everybody because let's be honest, shit happens, and the FDA does allow a certain amount of shit and food before they consider it no good. Believe it or not, you don't know what you're eating out there, but we will politely get the host, waiter, waitress, or whatever, and we'll tell him, hey, hey, look, we found this in the food, and they're so appreciative that we pull them aside rather than make a big scene. So sometimes they'll just give us the food discounted or they'll just give us a fresh new plate rather than putting somebody on blast because the people that bring you the food, it's not their fault. We don't know where that hair or whatever in the food came from. We don't know, it just came out of nowhere. So I mean, I'm not keeping a poker face. If I see something in my food, I'm gonna say something, but I'm not gonna go ballistic over it. I hate people like that. I get it, you find something out of the ordinary that you didn't ask for. Don't make a scene out of it, come on. All right, number four, I was babysitting a kid in a pretty dirty house. I was told to wake him up, supervised bathing and changing clothes and feeding him. I was welcome to whatever was in the fridge. The house and his clothes were filthy. Then when I opened up the cabinets, floods of roaches poured out. There were roaches in every open box and container. I took him back to my house and returned him later that day. I hope the boy ended up in a better situation. I found out child protective services got involved shortly afterwards. Let me tell you something, if I'm babysitting some random ass kid in a dirty ass house and I see roaches crawling out of the sugar smack box, I'm calling the CPS immediately because that means that this shit has been going on for a while. Now, she could have just been like, it's none of my business. I'm just a babysitter. I'm here to get paid. But she said and thought about that kid's wellbeing. That's dope 'cause other people would have been like, "Man, fuck this. I'll make sure I shake my clothes when I leave. I'm getting paid, that's the kid's problem." Nah, man, obviously that is not cool at all. And to be honest with you, I think roaches when it comes to cereal, like you guys ever have sugar smacks? For some reason, roaches are attracted to sugar smacks and corn pops 'cause when you open those fucking boxes depending on who house you're in, they love being in that cereal. I don't know why, I've seen it. And it's crazy that roaches have their favorite cereal that they don't mind being in the box and just chilling. Disgusting. I've seen situations like that and it's not pretty. It's not pretty and people still eat the cereal, which is even worse. All right, number five. My mom thought that the turkey would dry out if you cooked it for the recommended time. We even used the turkeys with the popping thermometers in them and never once did I ever see it pop. As a kid, I just thought it was a turkey button. I kind of thought that too. That little fucking red little thermometer thing in the turkey. I thought that was just a turkey button. I thought that kind of the same nonsense too. At least I'm not the only dumb one. Then she would eat the outside of the turkey that was cooked because she liked the white meat in the skin. Wait, hold on, whoa, whoa, whoa. So she thought that the turkey would dry out if she used the thermometer, but then she proceeds to eat the outside of the turkey that was cooked and the inside of the turkey is raw. That, you know what? Happy Thanksgiving. Number six, number six. Oh, oh no, there's more to it, there's more to it. Quote, like ma'am, there would be a lot more white meat and less pink meat if you cooked it longer. My siblings and I always got sick after Thanksgiving and she tell us it was because we were fat and ate too much. Wasn't until I moved away from college that I found out turkey wasn't supposed to be pink. Honestly, I thought I was just allergic to turkey. That's a goddamn shame. I don't tell anybody that they're fat. Number one, I think he getting sick. You just can't cook. What make, all right, it did mention that she didn't like using a little pop-up thermometer thingy. People, when you cook turkey, that shit, listen. I get it, cookies take a long time to cook. A lot of people like to put them in the little fucking fryer, right? Some people have the patience to cook a turkey. It takes hours. Let the shit cook. You do not want to send everybody home sick. I mean, honestly, use the thermometer. Use your hand if you have to. Make sure the turkey is done. You don't plan, when it comes to poultry, that shit needs to be thoroughly cooked. Now beef, on the other hand, you can fuck around and cook beef halfway. Hell, you can damn the eat a steak raw. Chicken and pork, you can't do that. That shit will mess you up. Don't do it, people. All right, number six. Sleep over in the fifth grade at a friend's house. Her mom made chicken and veggies. I took a bite of the chicken and something was off. Flipped it over and the backside was coated in black dog hair. Why the fuck do you got clipped with the big black dog in your damn kitchen? Why is that dog hair coming off of food? This is why your pets should not be in the kitchen at all. If you're one of those people who have your dog and cat in the kitchen, I will never eat at your house. In fact, no, that's a lie because I only know one person that I've been in today's house and the dog and cat been everywhere. Well, in the dog, in this case, and I didn't find nothing like that. But there are people that let their dogs and cats like crawl on the countertops and everything. Just keep your pets out the kitchen. There's no way I should be flipping a piece of chicken over and it has black hair on it. No, that's terrible, people do better. Keep the goddamn pets out the kitchen, please. That they don't belong in there. I know like when I had my dog, I kicked out of the kitchen every damn time. If my wife was cooking, get out the kitchen. You're out, there's no need for you to be in there. You will eat when the food is ready, but while it's cooking, hit the hell out, head out. All right. Number seven, when I was a kid, Christmas Eve was always celebrated at grandma's house. Always got sick afterward. Like, Merry Christmas, you're gonna puke now. Yup, go get the, I always kicked her ass right out of the kitchen. When it came to like, food being cooked, she was out instantly. Let's say it wasn't until I was all grown up and helping her out in the last weeks of her life that I learned why she did not believe in expiration dates on anything. I bet there's a grandma right now that has like seasonings and salt that expired on Y2K. Don't believe me? Go to your grandmother's house, this Thanksgiving. Look inside her cabinet and I promise you, you're gonna find some shit that's been in there since the last episode of Seinfeld and that was May 1998. Something, I don't know, I've heard this before, like there's some elderly people that don't believe in expiration dates. They'll sit there and look you dead in your face and tell you this shit is still good. No, it's not, grandma. It's, and you probably think it's good because you haven't eaten it, you're not dead yet. So, no, just listen, there's a sell-by date and there's an expiration date. There's a lot of people that get that shit confused. Sell-by date is not an expiration date. You just gotta get that shit out by that particular date, but it's still good. All right. Yeah, I think California is making sell-by dates on products illegal. Not sure why, but I think they're the only state that is doing that as we speak. But people, grandma's everywhere. Sweetest people on the planet, check the expiration date. At least once a month, I think everybody should purge their refrigerators and cabinets just to make sure you're not leaving anything expired. 'Cause I promise all of you who are watching and listening that if you look inside your cabinet, I promise you got one thing expired in there because sometimes we go and we buy shit and then we forget about it. It'll be like in the back of the cabinet somewhere. And then like where we find it, it's like, "Damn, this shit expired three years ago." It happens with me all the time. My life will buy things. Sometimes we forget about it and then we find it later, it's expired. Just simply throw it away. All right, number eight. My aunt served us a lovely tray of double eggs. I already know this is not good. I hate double eggs, it stinks. My aunt served us a lovely tray of double eggs, complete with very old paprika sprinkled on it. So old, in fact, that there were many weevils mixed in it that were dead. Do you guys know what weevils are? They're like little worms, they look like little maggots. The fact that they're not even alive goes to tell you how long that shit's been in there. A long, long time that the weevils are dead. Do better. Fine, my mom tells one story about going over to her aunt Virginia's house. She, her parents and siblings were in the kitchen while her aunt was cooking and my mom could not figure out why no one else was having any of the incredibly delicious bread that was on the table. She was on her third slice of this bread. When her aunt stepped out to do something else and my mom was told by her brother to go look in the flower bin, it was filled, absolutely filled with Miller Moff larvae. Aunt Virginia had been losing her eyesight for years. She's been baking bread with bugs in it for years. For as long as she's been losing her eyesight, this woman was baking bugs and bug eggs in the bread. So this bread is sitting there this whole time aunt Virginia, her poor self, is sitting there eating this bread, slice by slice by slice, and it's like, why is Aunt Virginia eating the bread nobody else? People, you know, flower pancake mix can develop a lot of nasty shit. And the one thing you need to check is expiration dates, expiration dates, expiration dates. For a love of God, I can't imagine eating larvae, Miller Moff larvae. I've never heard of that before, but I could tell you this shit's probably nasty as shit. Number 10, I visited a friend's house who was living with his mother. She asked about one in a coffee, I said yes. You think coffee is not a big deal, right? Upon getting to the bottom of the cup and taking the last few gulps, I found it was a used band-aid stuck to the bottom, never ate or drank there again. You know, I've heard things getting stuck like band-aids on certain foods and shit. But how the hell does a band-aid get in the bottom of a coffee mug? Well, they like trying to seal like a crack or something on the bottom of the mug that they perhaps they try to band-aid unless somebody is putting their fingers in the drink of that mug and the band-aid comes off there's no way or there's a band-aid inside the coffee filter. I'm just, I'm trying to, you know what, I don't, my mind, my, I don't have the mental capacity to figure stupid shit out like that. That's just fucking dumb. The band-aids in your cup of coffee. That's like something out of Waffle House. No, don't, don't ban me Waffle House. Shout out to Waffle House, you guys are great. I never found a band-aid inside my Waffle House coffee, okay? Just want to let you guys know. Number 11, a girl I was interested in at the time had cats. I see where this is going. I came to her house one day to pick her up for a date. All right, hey Rio, you said band-aid in your Oreos. How do you even get that in your Oreos? You know, no, no, before I finish the story, that's possible, you know. Kids that walk around with like maybe a cut of something on their hand, they go digging the cookie jar, digging the Oreos, maybe the band-aid comes off. That's a little bit more plausible than finding a band-aid in a coffee mug after you finish drinking the coffee. That's, unless she was one of those people that like stirred the sugar and shit with the, okay, that makes sense now. That makes all the goddamn sense. Anyway, I'll start over. Number 11, a girl I was interested in at the time had cats. I came to her house one day to pick her up for a date and she had a large sack of rice open in her pantry with the pantry door open. That can't be good. One of the cats hopped out of the sack of rice and she just casually laughed at it like, oh, they're always getting into things. Oh, don't worry. Pancakes always jumps and stuff like that. Are you fucking out of your mind? Why is there a cat jumping out of a bag of rice? And why is the bag of rice open? (laughing) They're always just getting into things. It happens all the time. I came over the following weekend and the same sack of rice was in the pantry and I could hear one of them tussling around it again. (laughing) Oh, we stopped dating some time after that. But any time she offered the cook for me, I immediately pivoted to take her out to eat instead. Can you imagine you go back the second time and you see waffles and bonkers playing inside the fucking rice and you just hear them like tussling inside the rice. (barking) Listen, we're broken up at that point. The fact that she's cool with this shit happening, like matter of fact, my daughter, she lived with someone who had cats in the house. No, let me tell you something. I was helping her move recently. Nice cat noise. (laughing) Tell me about it. But no, my step daughter recently, my daughter, I helped her move out of her apartment recently, about a month or two ago. And the roommate that she was living with had cat or cats. And there was fur everywhere, even in my car because all the shit I was moving was covered with fur. And it took me a while to clean this cat fur out. In fact, it's still in there. Cat fur gets on everything. I mean everything. No cat should be playing in the bag of rice, period. Okay? And if I swear to God, if I go to somebody's house and I hear a fucking dribble playing in the bag of corn on a cob, I'm leaving. I'm out. Why is the cat even playing the corn on the cob? And why is the cat inside your fridge anyway? I'm out, I'm leaving. People keep the pets out the kitchen, especially out of a bag of rice. Fucking cats are funny though. I need to do an episode on cats at some point. Hey, my wife is on there. Hi, Auntie, I see you. And you tried to call me too. I told you I was doing a podcast. I'm live. Now you're on the show. Congratulations. All right. Number 12, my mother-in-law fished around. Hi. My mother-in-law fished around in the green bin with her bare hands. Didn't wash them. Wiped her garbage juice hands on the tea towel and then went back to prepping the salad. Oh, you asked me if I want sweet plantains. No, I'm good. Thank you. I'm good. I'm good. So she wiped her garbage juice hands on the tea towel and then went back to prepping the salad. She also got horrifically offended if I didn't want to eat at her house. You know what that reminds me of? Again, going back to Seinfeld. Real quick, it was an episode of Seinfeld where Jerry and his girlfriend went to her father's restaurant, Poppy. And Jerry and Poppy ran into each other in the bathroom and he noticed that Poppy took a piss and didn't wash his hands. He walked right out. Jerry saw this and when Poppy made them a special dish, he didn't want to eat it. And the girlfriend took offense to it but she doesn't know why. And meanwhile, he's like thinking of the time he saw Poppy not wash his hands and he put his hands because he made a pizza for them. And his hands, you know, when you need dough and shit for a pizza, you know, your hands in there. Nonetheless, that's disgusting people. You can't cross contaminate. You can't, I am music. Hello, brother. Hey, what's going on? Welcome to the show. Talking about horror stories of eating at other people's houses. I'm pretty sure you got a story. If you do share it below, I love to hear it. Or in this case, I love to read it. Number 13. There was one time I was eating at my boyfriend's house at the time and his grandmother was cooking food. She wasn't feeling well and everyone offered to cook that night, but she insisted, oh, more power to you, grandma. Usually when she's cooking, she doesn't like anyone in the kitchen. The thing is, the kitchen is the first thing you see when you walk into the apartment. So I came from the store to help her pick up a few things for dinner, there's more. I walked in, saw her blowing her nose with her hands. And then used the same hand to massage seasonings in the chicken because that's her special seasoning, snot. So this woman sneezed her hand at shoe, took her hand and started seizing the fucking chicken. Oh, no. No. She then cooked the chicken in the rice. I didn't eat that day and I just said I ate before I came over. Some of his family members thought I was rude, but I didn't have the heart to tell them since they also didn't like me very much because I was shy. So this man was like, listen, I'm not risking it. They already don't like me. If I tell them this, they're going to really hate me because they're going to think I'm lying. That's the scut. Listen, I'm sorry. I'm telling, I'm snitching 1-800-snitch. I tell on grandma so fast and say, "Hey, grandma is putting her boogers in the chicken. You guys are eating this shit." Now you could like me or not, I'll leave, but I'll die on that hill and I'm not eating that food. If you guys want to eat the food, go ahead. I ain't doing it. I will die on that hill. I ain't no way, grandma, I'm telling on you 'cause there's no way I'm gonna, no, absolutely not. Number 14, I had to stay at a friend's cousin's house for a few days. The thing is, the house was hoarder level. See, I was gonna do an episode on hoarders that might be tomorrow's episode. It's calling me. That's a sign. So the house was on hoarder level. She fed me macaroni and cheese, but I distinctively remember that there being green crust on the noodles and the fork being dirty. Wait, why does noodles have green crust? I've eaten macaroni and cheese all my life. I never seen green crust on a noodle. Not wanting to be rude. I picked out what noodles I could and claimed. I wasn't hungry since I had to leave my home. The milk she offered me the next day was cottage cheese. Okay, I got you a text message, hun. You should probably go inside. The milk she offered me the next day was cottage cheese and I politely phoned another friend to ask if I could sleep on their couch because I was finding bugs on my body. I felt a certain way, that's disgusting. Yeah, I would never go back again. Yes, I will sleep at a bus stop before I stay there another night. No way, bugs crawling on me. I don't even like them. The feeling, even the thought gives you the X. I'm not doing it. Ain't no way. Not a grandma or whoever the hell this is. You're canceled, you're absolutely canceled. There's no way. I'm out. Number 15, I went to a friend's house after school. She was going to make us toast, went to put the bread in the toaster and realized there was already bread in the toaster. She popped it up and it was covered in mold. A lot of mold. Put the fuck, wait a minute, hold on, when you put, okay, when you put bread in the toaster, right? This isn't supposed to pop up when it's done. Why the fuck the bread is still down there? The only logical explanation I could possibly think is that somebody unplugged the fucking toaster while the bread's down there. The bread is not supposed to be stuck down there. It has anybody noticed the smell coming out the toaster? It's covered in mold. Imagine you trying to put bread in a toaster is already bread in there and it's covered in mold. Somebody had to have thought something. All right, you're asking me sweet plantains, will it be good in a car? I don't know, I wouldn't risk it. You should never bought that. Hey Chris, thanks for joining today's show is about horror stories where you go to people's house and they serve you dinner and it's probably the most disgusting shit you ever had. I'm pretty sure you got a story. If you do text it below, I'll read that shit out loud because some of these stories I'm reading right now is horrific. It makes me the only one to eat anybody's house. Number 16, I went with my then fiance to visit some relatives of his. We arrived at their place to find that they were serving up leftovers of this noodle dish called pantsuit. They had been there fair. They had been there fair the night before. That's some weird English. Now, if you know anything about handling pantsuit safely, you know that it goes rancid really quick and hot weather. All right, George is getting upset. You know, you know, you know, I'm a Seinfeld fan. I really it says watermelon is watermelon checking in today. Watermelon, what the fuck is watermelon? I don't know. Watermelon, wow. I don't know who watermelon is. Now, it says if you know anything about handling pantsuit safely, you know that it goes rancid really quick and hot weather. I could smell that had gone off even from the doorway of the house. One of the older relatives knew this too and bundled some of us to get McDonald's nearby. Those who insisted on eating the pantsuit got a bit sick later that day, what a mess. Oh, the vibes from yesterday. Oh, no, but she sent me a, she sent me some sort of message and it just went to her live video. I don't even know if she'll probably pop up on here. I guess we'll see, probably not, but she was doing a live at the time. Have watermelon. Number 17. Hey, the bees, what's going on? Today's episode is about horror stories, going to people's houses to eat, you know, they invite you over to dinner and it's not that great. So I found some stories that kind of collaborate with this and some of these stories have just got awful. I'm pretty sure you got a story or something where you went to somebody's house, you were invited and then they made dinner and it was just awful. Like you missed the one story where this woman had a cat in her rice bag and to her it was perfectly fine because, you know, the cats going there all the time. That's fucking disgusting. Like I said, keep the pets out the kitchen. Number 17. Yeah, man, you said, who is watermelon? I'll explain later. Number 17, I dated a girl once that I thought it'd be a nice idea, the banks of muffins. She forgot to wash the muffin pan. Do you want to know how I know she forgot to wash the muffin pan? Because we had a mouse problem and there was mouse shit in the muffins. People, that's not chocolate chips. That's not raisins. It's fucking mouse shit in the muffin. (laughing) Hell no, I don't know the muffin man this time. I'm getting the fuck out of there, there's no way. No way. That goes to tell me, you said milk duds? No, I ain't milk duds either, it's mouse shit. Do you know the muffin man? No, I don't bitch, I'm out. You need to clean your muffin pans. That's disgusting. You gotta check your stuff. No, I get it, like pans and shit. They usually, some people keep them in the stove, some people keep them under the sink. Even if you don't think you have an infestation problem, you still should wash your pans anyway, because that's disgusting. And you know what's funny, even if you serve somebody knows muffins, they wouldn't even know that was mouse shit. They'll just think it's like, I don't know, unsweet or sugar-free chocolate chips. Mouse shit in the muffins. (laughs) That sounds disgusting. Oh shit, all right, number 18. All right, the boss, 95, I'm questioning grandma's muffins growing up now. Let me tell you something, I read a story about Grandma where she had larvae bugs in her flower and she was baking bread and she kept tearing this fucking bread up. And with that being said, everybody was sitting here watching this woman eat the bread, but nobody was touching it. And it was because it had larvae eggs in the flower. She would bake this bread. She'd been doing it apparently for a few years. Grandma's are the nicest people in the world, but sometimes. Oh, and that grandmother had bad vision. So she couldn't even see the damn flower going bad anyway. Yeah. Number 18, this episode is funny. I knew this show was gonna be stupid. I stayed the night at a friend's house and in the morning, when I went to pour myself a bowl of Cheerios, there were tiny roaches in there. When my friend told me just to pick them out and eat the cereal anyway, I called my mom to pick me up and never went back. So the fucking roaches are playing hula hoop in the fucking Cheerios, 'cause there's tiny roaches. (laughs) Oh no, I'm never going there again. In fact, I'm never eating Cheerios again. I mentioned earlier that something about Kellogg's sugar smacks cereal, roaches love those because some reason at people's houses when they have roaches, they're always in either the corn pops box or a sugar smacks. That's disgusting. (laughs) You'll imagine you open the fucking Cheerios box and you got roaches fucking playing hula hoop in all the Cheerios. Brother in Christ, I will never go back to your house again. In fact, we're no longer friends. Number 19, I went to a barbecue held by a coworker of mine. When we got there, she mentioned that she had marinated the chicken and the bathtub. Oh no, oh no. All right, the boss, he said, I don't know how some people are okay with mice and roaches being in their homes because in some cases they don't have a choice. They got nowhere else to go. So they gotta just, some people are settled with that. No, listen, they have things at the store that you can buy to help mitigate it. Like if you can't afford an exterminator, all right, let's say you live in an apartment. It's up to the landlord to get the exterminator. Let's say you live in a house and you can't afford an exterminator. You're cool with this shit? Hell no, hell no. Especially when if you're cooking, like you can't be comfortable with this. I've been in houses where they had mass roach infestations. It should have no joke. I'm telling you, it's hard to sleep that you turn the lights on. They scattered about, they just go in different directions. It's terrible. It's absolutely fucking terrible. All right, back to this shit 'cause apparently somebody's marinating chicken inside the tub. You already know that strike one. We're not marinating chicken in the tub. All right, she said, when we got there, she mentioned that she had marinated the chicken in the bathtub, which put me off eating anything not prepackaged. Yes, boss, it does make us appreciate what we have, man. I get it, some people are in situations they can't quite get themselves out of. You gotta count every single blessing, man. I swear to God, there's some people living really far whether by choice or not. There are people out there living far. All right, later I asked to use the bathroom and actually saw the bathtub. It was fucking disgusting. Street went black for some reason. I went back outside and suddenly passed the word around not to eat the chicken. I think I might have saved a life or two, man. You probably saved the whole village. You probably saved the whole village. I know she was mad as hell. Like, "Why nobody eating this chicken?" I spent all night after my shower making this chicken and nobody wants to eat it. I'm pissed, you should be. Don't you got like a sink or something where you could marinate the chicken? You know, I've seen people put the chicken in a sink. My wife don't do that. She puts the chicken in a bowl. Like, if you have to defrost the marinate, it goes on the bowl, you wrap it up, that's it. And a sink is diabolical. Diabolical work. And a tub is even worse, especially when the tub has black streets. So that goes to tell me that she doesn't even wash her bathroom. And it said it was a barbecue held by a coworker. Remember, go back to one of my last episodes I did about potlucks. This is why when it comes to potlucks, you have to walk a very fine line when it comes to potlucks. Hey, boss 95, thanks for the gifts, man. I appreciate it. I'm glad you found this show. And I'm glad you find it entertaining. I'm doing the best I can out here. But potlucks, you have to walk a very fine line with potlucks because you don't know where this food is coming from. You don't know what their kitchen is like. You got people marinating chicken in tubs. You got people with larvae bugs in the flour. So, and you got my shit in muffin pans. So where you think it's unsweetened chocolate chips. No, it's unsweetened mouse shit inside your muffins. Do better people. That's your dangerous work. And then you got to worry about the same thing at restaurants. Two restaurants is not exempt. You don't know what's going on behind that kitchen. Number 20. All right, Susie, you now join him and you're missing a lot of ridiculous shit. Hi, boss. Not trying to be political here. But I heard Kamala Harris made greens of her bathtub. I'm not surprised. I'm not surprised. That's some, listen, that's some sudden shit. All right, Susie, this episode is about kitchen, not kitchen horror stories. Guess dinner horror stories. Where you get invited to people's houses for dinner, you go there, the food is terrible. And then you find out where the food came from. It's terrible. All right, you really said collard greens and Kool-Aid. You just had to go there, huh? You had to go there. You lucky you're my top fan and producer. You just had to go there. And then going back to you, boss 95, I wouldn't be surprised if she did cook collard greens or had them in the bathtub. You know, a lot of people in the South do that. Like, especially if they cook in big Sunday dinners. They do that. They gotta go somewhere. And then you said, oh, God, bro, my older sister-in-law would cook and they would always be here in the food. Are we talking pet hair? Are we talking human hair? Because kibbles and bits. Oh, man, I love this. I love this. I love this. Let's keep this going. This is funny. All right, Subi said human and pet and chin hair. That's terrible. What have you found like Gerber fur in your hamburger meat? First of all, how does a Gerber get inside hamburger meat? You be surprised. I bet you guys don't notice, but the FDA, the Food and Drug Administration allows, they have a certain threshold for what they consider is consumable. So if it's, okay, in any food, you find little things in it that you don't wanna find, but it passes as the FDA approves it to be consumable in a sense that it's hair here and there. It's no big deal. Look this up. I'm telling you, you think you go into a restaurant, you're getting out of it now. You're probably eating some shit. You just don't know you're eating. That's just the risk that we take. We gotta eat though, you know, eat at your own risk or like do what some people do. They just don't go out and they just cook at home. Some people don't even trust going out. But here's the thing, when you get food, you gotta go out and get it. Or if you get a hello fresh, like me and my wife does, we do that. All right, and you said, "Ampi, not in my store." Good. (laughs) All right, what's that? What's that like the story, number 20? (mumbles) Oh no, no, I didn't read this one. I didn't read this one. Number 20, had a friend several years ago who lived with her parents. She always told me not to go in their kitchen because it was unfinished. This was weird to me as the rest of the house was completely fine. And yes, hello fresh is fire. Shout out to Hello Fresh. I'm telling you, the meals that my wife and I have been getting has been delicious. Well, proportion, never too much fluff. Oh, Hello Fresh, I recommend Hello Fresh. If anybody from Hello Fresh is watching this, shout out to you. Hopefully I get some sort of sponsorship or whatever. Hello Fresh is the shit I drink to that. All right. (laughs) Not sponsored by Hello Fresh. Hey, chill out, I'm trying. All right, anyway, so this person goes to the house. They say, "Stay out of the kitchen." They thought it was weird because the rest of the house is fine, but the kitchen is not. Well, let's find out why the kitchen is not fine. All right, one day my curiosity got the best of me. This is why curiosity killed the cat. An opportunity presented itself. As I stepped inside, low and behold, the kitchen wasn't unfinished. It was just filthy. Dead rat in the sink of old dirty dishes, dog peeing poop on the floor, old moldy food sitting in pots and pans on the counters. Never, ever thought about eating anything from there again. That solved it. Yeah, that's all, let me tell you something. I don't even gotta look in there. If they don't want me in the kitchen, I'm not going in the kitchen, but I'm gonna think like, okay, well, maybe that's something they don't want me to see or whatever. I mean, that should have been red flag. The rest of the house is fine, but don't go in the kitchen, red flag, dude. That's disgusting. Man, I don't even know how anybody's eating out of this. There's something that has to trigger you. There's a dead rat in the sink. Why should, what possesses you to want to cook in that kitchen seeing this shit on the floor? Some people just have no scruples whatsoever. Number 21. I had a small circle of coworkers that I was friends with, and we were occasionally hangout together outside of work. One of those coworkers was Lisa, who had a couple of little yappy dogs and several cats. She invited several of us over to play board games, and she said she would cook us dinner. Oh, nice, right? We got there and while she was still cooking, and we were standing around the kitchen, talking to her while she finished up. Hold on now, loading, there's more story. Well, we all about shit, our pants. She took the spoon out of the pot of spaghetti sauce. She was cooking, tasted it, casually held it down for her two dogs to lick the spoon, and then stuck it right back in the pot. I was spaghetti and continued stirring it like it was the most normal thing in the world. That's not normal, people, that's bizarre. I'm not sure how the rest, the boss, hold on, you said that's why my freshman would have ended right there. Oh, absolutely. I'm telling you right now, if your cook is spaghetti, and I see these fucking two dogs licking the spoon, and including you, because that means she probably don't kiss the dogs, they probably share the same hamburger together, probably lick the same ice cream cone together. Listen, when they say man, like dogs is man's best friend, don't take that fucking literal. You can't do everything a dog do. Yes, on the contrary though, dogs' mouths are somewhat cleaner than humans. But do you know where dogs put their mouths? Have you seen what a dog do to another dog? But then again, humans do the same shit to each other, so we're all messed up, we're all dirty. That's it, it don't matter, but I'm not gonna eat spaghetti if there's a dog licking the spoon, and it's stirring in the pot, I'm not doing it. I'm not doing it, it finishes up by saying, I'm not sure how the rest of them got out of eating it, but just before we were supposed to sit down and eat, I faked an emergency call from work, said I had to run to the office to deal with a problem and got the hell out of there. I was always busy every time she invited us over after that, and never ate anything she ever bought to an office potluck. People, if you're at one of those jobs where you have potlugs, that's the kind of shit you gotta worry about. On the layer, on the outer layer, the food looks great. But do you know what that food had to go through to get to that point? That may give you a clue right there because that shit. Let me tell you so, that is the ultimate fucking panning button. If you see some nasty shit on that plate, or you seen the way the food was made, in today's world, you got technology on your side, you get a phone call, hey, I gotta run. My emotional support hamster just fucking ran away and depressed, I need to go find this hamster. I'm out, I will make a whatever excuse to get out of eating whatever it is on that plate to go find my emotional support hamster. Just so I don't have to eat that food. (audience applauding) All right, next. All right, that's the last story on this page, but I did find another story with a few, another page rather, with more stories. All right, boss, I gotta go feed my go fish. That's a good one. No, that is an actual good excuse. I mean, the emotional support, Gerbil going on, you know, running away from home is a little much. I think the feeding the go fish thing is a little bit more plausible. I probably would use that, but now in my imagination, I will come up with something wild. Like, I don't know, my two cats are in a shootout with police or some shit like that, and I gotta go like negotiate something with the cats. I come up with something really stupid. All right, number 22, this is the last story on this page. When I was a kid, my sister and I were great friends with the kids that lived next door. I went to their house early on a Saturday once when they had just finished breakfast and we're cleaning up, they were pouring the milk out of their glasses. The family had been drinking out of right back into the milk jug. They had six kids, so I guess they had to be frugal. I never ate there, not with the thought of backwash milk in my head. All right, look, this story right here is, couldn't be any further from the truth when it comes to people who are struggling. Listen, they always tell you when you're younger, don't waste that milk, don't waste that cereal, don't waste that juice. This family was probably so poor, I can't even gig on this one. This family was probably so far on the bottom of poverty that they were probably told, yo, don't waste that milk. Pour that shit right back in the jug and save it for later. I get it, the idea is somewhat nasty to some of you or a lot of you, but until you win those shoes right there, that's some serious shit where you have to be so rationing with milk that you take a few sips and you don't want it, you can't pour that shit in the sink, you gotta pour it back in the jug so that everybody else can have milk. I can't even gig this one. This one is, that one is actually pretty deep, but I guess as this kid said it, he never went back, he never went and ate at that kid's house again, but he didn't understand, I guess now as you get older, you will understand, but in a situation like that, that's pretty damn serious. All right, now I'm going to go to another page. There was another page of horror stories. Let me see how much time I got. I got eight more minutes to the show as within its hour threshold, which at some point I would just like, done. All right, let me see if I can find something else 'cause that, those stories were just fucking unbelievable. Um, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. All right, I got another website called The Bright Side,, they have an article that was written just 10 months ago. 10 stories from people who regret eating at someone's house. All right, number one. All right, these are really quick, easy stories, so it's not a lot to read for what I'm seeing right now, and this will put me over that one hour threshold, and then the show will be done. Number one, I visited a friend's house who was living with his mother. She asked if I wanted a coffee, and I said I would, upon getting to the bottom of the cup, wait, this is kind of like the same story I read on the other page, moving right along. I bet, I wanna make sure these are not the same stories. Okay, this one's a little different. That's funny 'cause that first story was the same as the other one I read on Buzzfeed. This one is different though. When I was a kid, I was having dinner at a friend's house. She had two golden retrievers, and her house was covered in dog hair. Her mother made saucy chicken wings for dinner, and was bringing them to the table when she dropped them on the floor, not wanting to waste them. She just scooped them up off the kitchen floor, and told us to just pick off the dog hair. She made us eat them, and I was too polite to say no, so gross. Listen lady, I'm not eating that. It's on the floor that's dog hair, I'm not eating it. You can't force me, you can't make me. But this is, they were having dinner at a friend's house, so I guess they were trying to be polite? Fuck that. I'm being polite telling you I'm not eating that off the floor, because me eating that off the floor is just me lying to you, saying it's good, even though it's covered, and golden retriever fur. No. Okay, that's the same story. Some of these stories are a repeat of what was already on Buzzfeed. I'm trying to see if there's something different. No, it's all the same story. How do these stories end up on this page? All right, moving right along. I'm not gonna read the same shit over and over again. All right, maybe this one is different. This is on a website called The Stratify. This was actually published last Halloween, exactly last year, from old yogurt to insect sprayed sandwiches. Okay, I know some of these stories are probably repeated, but let me see. All right, nope, nothing really here either. Oh, come on, I wanna read just a few more stories, and I'm done. There's no way, thousands of stories, and then there's only stories that's ending up on here on repeat, there's no way. All right, you know what, let's try Reddit. Reddit is always full of surprises. All right, this is on the subreddit of Unpopular Opinion. They came up with a thread, I hate eating at other people's homes. I wanna see what they say. Let's see if I can find some stories. All right, this person said, "I love eating at other people's house." This person goes by the name of Tebanano. It says, "I love eating at other people's houses. "I don't have to cook, I don't have to clean, "and I get to try someone else's cooking. "If it's yummy, awesome, if it's me, at least some fall. "If it's disgusting, it's a fun story for later, "and at least on fall. "You're not gonna be full eating disgusting food, "unless you can stomach through it, "or you're just not wanting to be rude." Other than that, there's no way I'm gonna stomach through that and say it was delicious. That shit is about to go in the trash, upside down in the plate. It's that simple, hold on, just scrolling. Every time I have about four or five minutes left, I gotta scroll the little puzzle piece, just in case. Let's see, there's another story somebody got. It's just opinion, opinion, opinion, opinion, opinion, opinion. All right, look, I'm not doing that. All right, look, I'm gonna see if there's another site. If there's no other site by the time I hit an hour, I'm done. I just gotta be something, 'cause I love these stories. They just have me fucking losing my mind. Now, there's a couple of those little people also ask questions. I'm gonna actually just breeze through that real quick. Is it okay to eat other people's food? I think, honestly, it's, of course. Definitely entertaining these stories. Yeah, man, these are actual testimonies, actual real stories. Sometimes it's not the stories, it's the delivery of the story, so I try to make it as funny as fucking possible. Now, the question is, is it okay to eat other people's food? Sure, when you go to a restaurant, right, you're eating someone else's food, so is it any different eating at somebody else's house? You could have a dirty kitchen at a house, just like you could have a dirty kitchen at a restaurant. It's the same thing. Now, it says most healthy adults should have an immune system that can tolerate the amount of bacteria likely to be shared this way. However, people with a weak and immune system, such as the elderly, young children, pregnant women, and people who are sick may be at higher risk, but that's the risk you take no matter where you go, whether it's somebody's house or a restaurant. It's just what it is. Is it rude to leave the table while others are still eating? Actually, no, let's go to this next question. How do you eat food you don't like at somebody's house? Now, of course, people are gonna say you take the paper plate, flip it upside down. Now, what if you don't have a paper plate and you gotta scrape the food off into the trash and they catch you doing this shit? And in some cultures, you gotta clean everything off that damn plate. You already know, black culture, Hispanic culture, everything's cleaned off that plate. So if you're sitting there doing this shit in the trash, you're gonna get it. All right, now, how do you eat the food you don't like at someone's house? Hide the food inside something else. This is a great way of hiding bad taste or horrible textures. If it's swimming or tucked inside some food that you don't like, it'd be much easier to get it down. Wow, they're telling you how to throw people shit away. Fuck it, man, or just tell them you don't like it. Is it rude to refuse food at someone's house? All right, be polite when you refuse food by accepting an invitation to attend a dinner party. You enter into a social contract that includes certain expectations, such as eating. That said, you are not obligated to overindulge or eat anything you dislike. However, a little tack can go a long way when it comes to the climbing food. Have you ever ate at an Italian's house? You don't refuse shit. In fact, or a Hispanic's house, you don't refuse nothing. You eat everything. When I went to my wife's family down in Florida, I could refuse nothing. Even when I was full, the food kept coming in. Oh, hun, you're still on, okay, I got it. Am I lying though? When we go to Florida to see your family, you can't say no to nothing. They will keep bringing the food to you or they will make it like, they'll make you feel guilty if you don't. All right, boss, you say I'm the same way, it's respect. I know, I know, let me tell you something. I go up to my mom's house in New York. My mom is an excellent cook. But it's like, she always feeling me, feeling me, feeling me. I'm still working on this. And Ampy, you said exactly. It's a form of disrespect, yes. But you, did you not hear the one part where I said, you gotta have a little bit of tact. You know, you can't be like a dickhead and be like, I don't want none. Damn, stop fucking feeding me, no. politely asked, listen, I'm full. I don't want no more, pour for four, please. And then it doesn't matter 'cause they still gonna give you fucking food anyway. So you just screw it. Or if you're smart, pack some away and they to go plate. Pack some away and it's a go plate. Don't sit there and be like, damn. 'Cause think about it, you'll have food later. That's why I love about like being like Hispanic and being married to a Hispanic, I'm never hungry. And if you're Italian or you're married to Italian or anybody in particular cultures, you're never gonna be hungry because an Italian nona is going to feed the fuck out of you. And if you even try not to have any more extra marinara sauce or a calamari, your fuck. She's gonna probably hit you at a wooden spoon, easy, easy. All right, I'm gonna try, I'm wanna just, I wanna read more stories. I'm trying to see if I can find more stories. If I can't, then unfortunately I have to wrap up the show. Besides, it's already hit the one hour threshold. So that means because the shows used to be a half hour, they're no longer a half hour. So now they're one, they're hour now. Thanks to you guys and watching the TikTok stream. It would be almost impossible to fit all this content in a half hour, it's impossible. All right, let's see, maybe. All right, I think I got some stories. Hopefully they're just not like snatched from the same website. But I think I might have something here. I might, let me see. I'll know if it's the same damn story. Oh, it's a video. Am I crazy? Let me see. Video, come on, no, I need stories. I need shit to read. I like reading the stories. Ah, let me see. I'm gonna try one more, try one more. Let me see. Ah, let me see. Tales of houses that eat people. House eating people, what the fuck? There's houses that eat people now. Come on, give me something. Give me something. Oh my God, I'm gonna try one more page and I'm done. I thought I had a few things, but apparently, that's not the case. Hold on, let me see something. 'Cause I just wanna, I wanna stick around for a little bit, but I also do gotta go. I gotta shower, freshen up, meet my wife. We're gonna be out for the night. She's actually watching the show. (laughs) All right, Reddit, eating at other people's houses. Oh, let me see, hold on. Reddit, eating at someone's house. How to get food at other people's houses. What is your can't eat everybody's house horror story? Okay, I think I might have something here. Courtesy of Reddit. They have a subreddit, ask Reddit. They have a topic, what is your can't eat at everybody's house horror story? Please give me a couple of stories before I wrap this up. All right, let me see. Okay, I'm trying to see what I can find something that I haven't caught yet. Okay, all right, I think I got one. I think I got one. This is from which I am known, whatever fucking name is. Anyway, my in-laws leave food out on the table and then expect you to eat it until the dish is gone. Like on Monday, lunch might be pork fried rice. The leftover stayed on the table and you eat more for dinner. Then overnight, it stays on the table and you eat it for lunch again. They do the same thing with seafood, chicken, any dish, any weather, it's staying on the table. And if for some reason food is left over after two days, instead of throwing up, throwing it out, my in-laws will add it to the new dish. That's fucking disgusting. First of all, you cannot leave Chinese food just sitting on the table overnight or for two days. In fact, there was a story I kid you not. Somebody ate pizza that was sitting in the box or whatever, but it was sitting on the stove after two days or whatever and they died with it. And then what they're saying is even if the food is not eaten, they'll add it to something else. I get the whole adage. A lot of old school people would be like, we never threw food away, but God, no, no, no, no. My in-laws will add it to the new dish they're cooking. For example, three-day old chicken that's been on the table during the summer will get added to a stir fry. No, no, I'm not eating it. I will eat a pack of salt with ketchup before I go and eat that. Not happening, no, no. Now, somebody did make a good point. They said this is very common in some cultures due to the limited refrigeration or none whatsoever. Okay, I give you that one, but if there's someone in America where damn, everybody has a refrigerator, is pulling this stunt? No, you don't, like again, I don't mess with chicken. Poetry is not to be fucked with. Needs to be cooked early, needs to be stored thoroughly. Even beef, still, you don't leave no food out like that, just out in the open. When me and my wife order Chinese food, if there's something left over, it goes right in the refrigerator. It is no way I'm leaving it on the table. Absolutely no way. All right, let's see what we got. What's this? Okay, our friend's mom poured salt on my macaroni and cheese. China one, yeah, shout out to China one's Chinese who restaurant live right over here where it's at. Fantastic spot, shout out to China one. All right, another story for you guys real quick. A friend's mom poured salt on my mac and cheese. She later called my mom and said, I must not like mac and cheese very much because I didn't really eat it. It has always been my favorite food of all time. My mom asked me about it and I felt awkward that it married it a call home. Has anybody ever poured salt on macaroni and cheese? I've heard somebody do this. I've never done this, never. That's to mean the gates, the whole dish, pouring salt on macaroni and cheese. Unless you eat in that craft macaroni and cheese and even that's good. You don't even need to pour salt on that. Exactly this, there's no, you said God no, there's so much salt in it already. Yes, yes it is. You don't need anymore. You know your blood pressure is gonna be like 380 over 100 by the time you finish that shit. All right, let me see. 'Cause some of these Reddit stories that I read from BuzzFeed is on here but it doesn't give me all the stories. It picked 22. So there's more stories to be read on here. Oh my God. Hold on, before I read this. Somebody by the name of toaster unicorn says, not my story, you're right, but my husband's. Before we got together in high school, he had to live at a girlfriend's house because his dad was in jail. He was making breakfast one morning, eggs and toast and one of the dozens of cats jumped onto the counter and proceeded to pee in the toaster. I'm done, I'm fucking done. How's the cat pee in the toaster? I did not say that cats don't belong on the counter. Can you imagine if that toaster was on? That cat will be fucking pork fried rice on that counter. If peeing in the toaster, you can't get any more diabolical than that. I had never heard no shit like that. That is a punk ass cat. That cat would have been gone. Peeing in my toaster, again, first of all, you shouldn't even be in the kitchen. That toaster's gone, it's going right to Goodwill. Nah, fuck that, I can't do that. I can't say that to Goodwill. No, that should go right in the garbage, along with the cat, that pee in the toaster. I've never heard anything like that, but that's a story that actually happened. Oh shit. Oh boy, all right, here I got another story. God damn it, this is a family story. It happened when I was a baby, so no memory. It was a family Thanksgiving potluck style. Again, potlucks people, dangerous, dangerous. Everyone bought one dish plus a drink to share. One of my aunts by a marriage bought mashed potatoes. She let it slip that while cooking, she ran out of milk. So instead of having her husband run out to try and get more, she used her own breast milk to make them mashed potatoes. Those gotta be some big ass titties to sit there and make all that mashed potato for Thanksgiving. (laughing) 'Cause no A-cup is gonna feed that family. (laughing) Okay, hold on. Rio, you know what I said, I said big titties. You heard exactly what I said. The woman used breast milk to make the mashed potatoes because she didn't want to send her husband to go out and get milk. So she sat there and just went ham. She probably got like triple Z's because think about you cooking a big Thanksgiving dinner, a big helping of mashed potatoes for your whole family. You know how much milk you have to squeeze out for that? (laughing) She let it slip that while she ran out of milk, she had to use her breast milk. No one touched it but her. My uncle and the older kid, older kid must be a pervert. After that, it was a rule of thumb. If she made it, don't eat it. Mind you, after my grandma died in 2007, we haven't had a family holiday get together like that since. So no worry there. Just imagine your family blacklist you for cooking any sort of dish on Thanksgiving, Christmas, it don't matter, you're banned because you sat there and used your tethas to try to make mashed potatoes. Oh my God, that's the funniest shit I've read all day. (laughing) Woo, that is a no-go. Oh man. Oh, this is a terrible story. I don't even know if I want to read this next story. I don't know if I want to read this next story but given the content of the show and you guys who can handle this, I will read this. Especially for you, the Boss 95, you probably get a kick out of it. This is, if you already know me, I have a very dark sense of humor that I'm cut from a different cloth. 80s and 90s comedians, people. I'm cut from a different cloth. I am very thick skin when it comes to shit like this but this is fucked up. This person doesn't even have a name, it says delete it. (laughing) Says, "Oh man, I'll probably get shit for this." But when I was in the military, our platoon sergeant invited a few of us to dinner. Typical stuff though, it's typical. Sam Kennison, I'm so glad you've mentioned that man, that man died way too soon. His scene and back to school was legendary as that fucking teacher. I was just thinking about this dude the other day. That's the kind of generation of comedy I grew up on. Rodney Dangerfield, fucking Chris Rock, Sam Kennison, you name it. You're probably already given my age. All right, anyway. (laughing) Now again, I'll start over. Oh man, I'm probably gonna get shit for this but when I was in the military, our platoon sergeant invited us for a few of us to dinner. She was having chemo and her hair was falling out. Somehow there was so much hair on the lasagna, it was like having hair spaghetti. I felt so bad but definitely didn't and couldn't eat it. I don't know. What do you mean? Okay, look, cancer's not funny. However, if you know you're going in chemotherapy and you're losing hair, you probably should be resting and you probably should not be making any food for anybody. What made her think this was a good idea? I guess it was just all in good faith. It was a good gesture. Well, fuck, I'm not eating hairy lasagna. That is crazy to me. I don't know, I just would have been like, somebody said it's like a sadness casserole. God, I wish I had a drink, right? Oh my God. All right, I got another story. And I think, oh, there's more stories loading up. How much time do I got? I already know that I'm in the hour threshold. Yeah, hour and 12 minutes. All right, got a story. Mean egg sand screen. Whatever, fuck, what does these Redditors come up with these names? Anyway, neighbors invited me and a couple of friends over for pan-fried steaks with mushroom. Wow, that sounds pretty good. He answered the door wearing the same swimming trunks and torn filthy t-shirt as the day before and barefoot. Those trunks with the netting inside really hold on to swamp and ball sweat stink. As it was obvious, he had it showered or washed the clothes, no dish soap on the counter, no hand bar soap or toilet paper in the bathroom, someone notified him about the lack of TP or soap and he said he just jumps in the shower after he poops. There's no soap in the shower either. I didn't eat everyone else spent the next 24 hours vomiting in trash buckets while they ejected from the other end on the toilet. Later he confessed they were mushrooms. He foraged himself. They all got lucky. The idiot had it served them something deadly. No idea what they were. Was it food poisoning or toxic mushroom? I don't know, but you don't eat at people's house unless you're certain of the food safety precautions. Some people are too stupid to be trusted around food. Amen, it's the truth. You can cook the best meal, but if you are coming out dressed like that and you're not showering and then you don't have toilet paper, so you go ahead, you take a shit and then since you can't wipe your ass, you go take a shower and there's no soap in the shower then what's the point? Just go run out and get toilet paper. It's not expensive. It's not expensive. You cannot be doing it. All right, this one is coming from the Galloping Walloper. I was in Africa and invited to eat at an old woman's house. She served us chicken and so, so many feathers was still unplucked. Turns out she was very nearsighted or damn near blind. Didn't have the heart to say anything though, so we did our best to discreetly remove the feathers from our portions. Thank God, you don't go to like Popeyes in KFC and be like, yo, let me get a bucket of extra crispy hold of feathers. Sometimes though, I've heard people finding feathers when they go to like chicken spots. It happens, there's a lot of shit that they don't catch during the processing plant process to where there's some things that still get by. Like there was stories where people found like chicken beak. Somebody found a chicken head inside the chicken. Somebody found a whole claw. It happens. Some shit just doesn't get minced in the machine, right? It's terrible to think about, but it's the sad truth. All right, boss, you said, man, I got feathers on my wings at Buffalo Wild Wings. Never ate there again. That's why they call wild wings, man. 'Cause you get feathers on them. Ampy, you said, what's wrong with a little feather? Everything. Listen, I don't want my fried chicken flying. It was able to fly when it was alive. I don't want it flying when it's dead. It should not have feathers. It should have the right amount of seasonings, the right amount of flour and right amount of crisp. I don't wanna see feathers 'cause that's gonna haunt me. It's gonna be like the chicken will pop up and say, "You know what? "I died so you can have this fucking stupid ass piece of chicken. "Here's a feather to remember me by." No feathers on the chicken people, that's a no-go. Let's not do that. That's terrible. All right, let's see, let me see the story real quick. I'm trying to see. No, that one's not that great. Okay, this is one. Oh my God. This is one. You don't complain with feathers. What are you talking about? I never had a chicken with feathers. Actually, no, that's a lie. There was a Chinese restaurant somewhere in New York City. I think there was a feather too. It didn't kill me though, but I was just like, "No, no, no, no, no." All right, this is coming from the Stormin Mormon. This guy's gotta be from my Utah somewhere. My colleague always brings me food to work. That's nice. I work in a hair salon, inside of a hair salon, if that makes sense. She owns the main salon and I have my own small salon. We share an entrance in the back room, always knew she was a bit of a slob. But when I saw she used the same sponge as the clean the dishes, she served me from to wash counters, hair color bowls, bleach bowls and sink basins. I couldn't do it anymore, that's terrible. They thought of eating from something with bleach and ammonia hair color, counter dirt and the shampoo bowl grime was too much for me. And that's all. People, you can't use the same sponge for everything. You know, you can go to Dollar General and get a pack of sponges, and you could use those sponges for different things. Like, let's see, you could use it for it. One for the countertop, one for the fucking dishes, one for the stove, one for the fridge, not one universal sponge for everything. That is cross contamination beyond your wildest dreams, or nightmare. Either way, that's nasty. Like, come on, you own a business, you should be able to afford more than one sponge. You have to, there's no way. Ampy, you say, got my numbers. Oh, cool, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll be there soon, I'm about to wrap up the show. Don't worry, I promise you I'd be there. I'm just trying to entertain the people, people. All right, let's see. I tell you what, I'm gonna find one more story and I'm gonna wrap it up. Let me see. Let me see, the, the, the, the, the, the, the. I'm trying to read something, something. I'm trying to read something that's gonna be good before I call it. Ah, let's see. Hmm. Oh, no, okay, I got one, I got one. When I was a kid, this is from Expert Equipment 2302. When I was a kid, my neighbor for inviting me over for a spaghetti dinner and a sleepover. Typical sleepover shit. Her mom wanted help cooking for a big family, so this is gonna be a big meal. She had us open six cans of Campbell's tomato soup and scooped them into a pot. She added about a cup of sugar, a little bit of brown ground beef, water and the noodles, then cranked up the heat on the stove. No way, she said it'd be ready in an hour. Within the hour, I developed a bad stomach ache and went home to eat with my parents. Oh, damn it. I don't know. And then somebody says my ex stepmother would make spaghetti sauce with generic brand tomato soup and bacon. First of all, you're not using Campbell's tomato soup that makes spaghetti. I don't know what these people's financial situation is. No way. Yeah, that's probably what made them sick or may have been the brown, oh, it might have been the brown ground beef. Like you ever went to a supermarket and the ground beef supposed to be like a red, reddish, pink, red, brown meat though. I've seen supermarkets that had the meat that was somewhat brown. I mean, that's telling me right there the shit was probably no good. And in this case, they probably had the pack of meat in there so long it probably was no good and people got sick. Food is not in the play around with people. It's not in the play around with. All right. Let me see. I'm trying, hold on, hold on, hold on. I think this one mentions an Italian family, which is something I kind of mentioned. All right, I'm gonna read it anyway. This is coming from medical science. This is a name. I was at a friend's house pretty late and his mom asked if I wanted to stay for dinner. I ended up staying. I was told we were gonna have spaghetti and meat. Spaghetti and meat. I know I can hear what you think and surely you mean meatballs. My name's not Shirley and that's what I thought. It's a fair playing reference in case it flew over your head. She told us to go play and 15 minutes later, she was calling us. I was naturally confused because I know spaghetti takes longer than that. You rushed inside and what I was served sure as hell was not spaghetti. Sitting in front of me was a plate of stone cold, wet spaghetti noodles and catch up with chunks of cold spam. I swear, you know, I'm not Italian. A lot of people get me confused 'cause the way I sound. But I tell you one thing, if I was Italian, I'd smack the shit out of the backhand the entire fucking, whoever cooked it and the kids but even like, I smack everybody. What is this? Wet cold spaghetti noodles covered in ketchup with spam. Who put spam in the spaghetti? Now spam is a delicacy in Hawaii but Italians is not cooking those spaghetti with spam. I ate like two bites and was full but they happily gorge themselves on this insult to Italian cooking but it did finally explain why my friend hated coming over to my house when my mom made real spaghetti. He thought it was fake spaghetti. First and last time I ever ate over there. My mom did not believe me until he visited again and confirmed it. Now as an adult, he says, I asked him, what in the hell was that? That was, and he said it was real spaghetti and that he eats it as an adult regularly and despises fake spaghetti. So the spaghetti that you and I know is fake spaghetti but that spam shit is real spaghetti. My friend, you need to go to like an Italian known as house on a Sunday, have a feast and you'll find out what real spaghetti is because that shit with chunks of spam is not real spaghetti at all. That is terrible, terrible. Spam is, spam should not go near any Italian delicacy at all. Not a fast spam shouldn't even go near Parmesan fucking powder and Parmesan cheese. It shouldn't even go near that. It shouldn't even go near a bread roll. Hell, it shouldn't even go near an Italian's house. Fucking spam. Oh my God. You know, people, you go to Hawaii though, they put spam on, they use spam for everything. Spam is so popular out there that when you go to Walmart and Target, they have to lock the spam up from the locals because they steal the spam. Spam is a expensive delicacy out in Hawaii. You don't believe me? Google is your friend and Google will, it will tell you right off the bat. Jesus Christ, dude, these stories are out of control. I wanna keep reading, but I wanna go. I really do gotta go, hold on. Listen, I promise you, this is the very last story. Maybe this episode may come up as a redo down the road 'cause I'm having a lot of fun with this episode, but I'm gonna read this last one and I really do gotta go, people. I'm sorry. As much as I like to say, they will be a show tomorrow. All right, if you're just joining, I'm reading some of the most fucked up dinners that people experience going to other people's houses. I'm gonna read this one and I'm done. I'm gonna make sure I don't scroll down and read anymore. All right, this is coming from Philly Fano 8. In college, we had a few friends that will take turns making dinner. One of my friends made a strawberry spaghetti cinnamon sugar thing. Hold on. Strawberry spaghetti. With cinnamon sugar. First of all, no fruit belongs on a spaghetti at all. What is this? As the main course of all things, this is the main course. Sugar-y spaghetti with cinnamon is a coarse meal. You see what I'm doing right here? I'm not even Italian, but I swear to God, this is pissing me off. This is pissing me off as a non-Italian. Eight Taco Bell on the way home and never participated again. (laughs) All right, my aunt makes mac and cheese with American sliced cheese over ziti with no sauce. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, you, what? Mac and cheese with American cheese slices? Over ziti with no sauce? No, and it does sound like that shit from Elph. Oh my God, that has to work. Can we have any Italians on the show right now that can like, or any part Italians, anybody that can just say something about this, this is a crime against humanity. God, and then it goes on to say, my grandma could fuck up hot dogs and she did. When I was a kid, I stayed there for a week and lost like 10 pounds, just eight salad. Her chicken soup tasted like chicken. Tastes like the chicken took a bath in the pot and left. Fucked up tuna salad even poured like, I don't know, how many tablespoons of salt is in it. Twitch while I had a few bites. Somebody said it's midnight and I'm absolutely losing it. (laughs) I'm losing it right now. Mac and cheese with American slices over with ziti. I guess that's real mac and cheese like that real spaghetti shit. Is there, oh my God, listen, people, I don't know how to cook. I don't know how to cook, but my wife knows how to cook. She's Puerto Rican, thank God. Can you imagine, I would at least make a better attempt in learning how to cook than the shit that these people are pulling. I would make a better attempt because there's no way in hell that you're making sugary spaghetti. You know what's funny? I saw a meme, I kid you not, speaking of sugary spaghetti. There was somebody made a meme of how Italians make spaghetti compared to how black people make spaghetti. I've been, now, I don't know, you guys answer this. Do you guys like the spaghetti and meat as like the spaghetti separate from the meat? Or do you like the spaghetti and meat together? I remember as black people, we put the spaghetti and meat together in the same pot. Italians do the noodles and the meat isn't in the sauce separate. All right, boss, you say you like it together. I mean, when you think about it always comes together, I personally like it together, too. But there's always been that debate. However, though, in this other meme that I've seen, somebody, it was a black family, they were pouring a bunch of sugar in the spaghetti and meat. I don't, I've, no, you, now, a lot of, some people said that it's not a bad thing 'cause sugar takes away from the acidic flavor of the tomatoes. But here's the thing, you're not really using real tomato sauce, you're using like ragu. Ragu is sugar tomato sauce. It's not even like real tomato sauce. I don't agree with pouring sugar inside fucking pasta. That's terrible. But to some people, I guess it's good. No, it's not good. It's not good. Ah, you know, I really want to stop reading, but I keep coming across shit. All right, boss, you said, "Sugar," and it reminds me of a recipe called Gulash. Gulash is good if it's made right. I never heard of sugar going in Gulash. I've had beef Gulash, not too bad. I want to stop reading, but I can't stop reading 'cause I keep coming across more stories. I got one. This is from Fearless Coffee, eight. My friend told me that she put whipped cream on top of a cheesecake, solely to hide the footprints her cat left when he stepped on the cake. I never ate anything that she baked from that moment before. (laughs) Oh my God, your cats are just diabolical. They don't give a shit about nothing, cats. They don't care about nothing. That's just grimy. You even covering the footprints. No, and damn well, that shit is messed up. And that you're covering the footprints with whipped cream. Shout out to Cool Whip or whatever, that's terrible. Oh my God. (laughs) Oh my God. Oh, that's terrible. I got another story. There's gotta be an end somewhere. This is from the minimalist homestead. Yes, I had a roommate whose cat regularly threw up down the cabinets and countertops. She also let them drink out of her water glass, putting their paws in the water to scoop it out. Those are the same disgusting little poop paws. Yes, people, cats can be dirty. I know they're a little cleaner than dogs, but they're still dirty. Especially when they sit in there, kicking up the cat litter to cover their poop others, disgusting. Somebody said, "I'm a cat person." This is repulsive. (laughs) It's terrible. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. I don't know, people. Mm-mm, just, you gotta be careful. Yeah, gotta be careful. And even when you go out to eat, it's not safe either. But still, just, just, god damn it. (laughs) Oh my God. I'm trying to see maybe another story. Something small. Mm, let me see, I'm trying, I'm trying here. Oh no, that's not too good. Mm, all right, this one, Android beta throwaway. That's a name. Went to a birthday party once and they said they had some very bland looking side dishes. Chicken came out of the oven looking pale with some blood stains. Chicken had like a rubbery, slimy look. I looked at my wife, she looked at me, and I covered it up with a napkin as soon as I was not being able, not being looked at, and put that shit in the trash. We went to Wendy's as soon as I could. Shout out to Wendy's. (laughs) Oh my God. (laughs) Oh man. All right, let me see. Mm, oh no, that's not funny. Oh man, again with the breast milk? All right, you're down with Kelly C. Someone bought mac and cheese to a dinner. We were having at the church I used to go to. She laid a tone, everyone, she made it with her breast milk. I didn't grab any thankfully. But let's be honest, would you be able to tell if mac and cheese was made with regular milk and breast milk, would you be able to tell? Probably not, but if somebody told you they did, then you'd be like, damn, that's probably why it tastes like that. That's probably why it tastes like a size B broth, or a size B broth sweat. That's probably why it tastes like that. All right, I'm done, look. All right, as much as I want to read more, I got to cut out. The show just hit 90 minutes, by the way. Longest episode I've done in a while. Listen, people, you guys are what make this show happen. All right, you guys make this show happen. When I started this episode, it was light as shit. I got the windows open with some regular light, and it's dark. That's how long I've been doing the show. But it is time for me to break out, all right? I'm boss, Captain James, Rio, Ampey. Thank you for watching the show. I got 7,000 likes. Oh, no, your order in call was hate. Don't even worry about it. I know sometimes, like, when I look at the analytics, you're on the show longer than anybody else. Besides, I guess, Captain James and boss 95. If you gotta, you know, you gotta go do stuff. You gotta go do stuff. You can't be glued to the show all the time. I'm glued to the show 'cause I'm hosting the show. But anyway, I'm done. I'm about to get in the shower, go meet up with the miss, just go have a good time. Listen, here's a PSA from me. If somebody invites you to dinner, take the invitation. You know what I mean? Like, it's free food. They're trusting enough to invite you, right? I'd say take the opportunity. Be mindful, though, of where you go. Like, observe the places you go to, observe the kitchen, observe the surroundings. If you feel like you're out of place, or if you feel like the food isn't good, have some tech, or do what I would do. Take the paper, play, flip it upside down, and smoosh that shit in the trash. Just have some tech. Don't embarrass yourself, and don't embarrass them either. Like, enjoy the meal, especially Thanksgiving, okay? Now, if you go into somebody's house with Thanksgiving, and you already know the type of, you've been going there for years, you know the kind of food, the setting, cool, cool beans, great. Remember, potlucks. Be very mindful of potlucks. Potlucks are gray areas. You know, you taste foods from all different types of places and cultures and different houses. Places where they have cats, cherbles, mice, pigeons, pygmies, raccoons, earthworms, glowworms, all types of shit in the house. You all know what's in that food. You don't know what's near that food, you know? And yes, Culver's is awesome. And shout out to Rio for introducing me the Culver's at the time. Culver's is pretty dope. Shout out to Culver's. Anybody that's watching listening to this, maybe the CEO of Culver's. Shout out to you guys, guys, it's pretty dope. All right, so, let's see here. What the fuck? All right, no, I'm gonna read the story and I promise I'm done. This is your bonus. This is your freebie. All right, 'cause I think I just caught wind of this and I'm trying to figure this out. Let me see, hold on. Hold on, wait, wait, wait, there's two stories here. I'm not sure which one to read. Oh, there's two of them, but there's... Oh my God, why all these stories popping up now? I gotta go. Maybe I should save the rest of these stories for part two, 'cause there's a shitload of stories here of this particular topic. You know what? I do gotta go. I will make this into a part two tomorrow. Yeah, I'm gonna do that 'cause there's way more stories. There's a few more stories that I'm pretty sure that I'm looking at, but there's so many, and I gotta go, and I wanna read these so fucking bad. But it's just so many fucking stories. Hold on, let me see. There's a lot more of these dumb ass stories. All right, look, I tell you what, I tell you what, we're gonna do a part two to this episode tomorrow. I haven't done a sequel to a topic for a long time. I'm gonna do a part two, because you guys seem to enjoy this way too much, and as much as I wanna stay, I don't wanna keep my wife waiting and I gotta freshen up. So we're gonna continue this tomorrow with a part two sequel to this show. All right, and yeah, thanks for tuning in. The Boss 9.5, Rio. Yes, I does say, you have a great night too, man. I appreciate it. Your input is just fantastic, and hopefully you guys share the show. Let's get this show out there. Let's get more people listening to it. I had a good time with this episode. That's why I wanna do a part two tomorrow, because it's gonna go down, all right? So tune in for the sequel tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your Saturday evening. Keep hitting the likes, keep sending the gifts, Captain James, of course, one of my top contributors and co-creators. And yes, I'm staying true the end and end. This is gonna be night, day number two now. If you're participating in November, good luck. I'm suffering. I had some thoughts today, and I was like, I don't know if I can do this, but I'm gonna try. I'm gonna be, I got this, we got this, all right? I think. Anyway, have a good night. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Stay tuned for tomorrow's episode, which is the sequel to what I just did tonight. And of course, I am slowly putting the episodes on YouTube. They take some time, all right? No shit, it's a lot of file to go into the show. So it takes time, especially with these episodes now going into the hour and a half range. So bear with me, I'm doing the best I can, all right? Enjoy the rest of your night. We'll do this again next time, and we're finishing up at an hour and 36 minutes, all right? Peace out. Have a good night. Stay tuned for the sequel tomorrow. Ciao. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Being invited to someone's house for dinner is a real nice gesture, but have you ever been to someone's house where the food......Just didn't match the gesture? From mice droppings in muffin pans to Macaroni and cheese being made with breast milk, I read some of the most bizarre dinner invitation stories out there.

Tik Tok episode 21. Season 2 @austin.edwards070

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