The Mortuary Show

Paranormal Activity Surrounds Death šŸ˜±

A fun one today that goes all over the place! Krissy spends her timing working for a tissue donation org andddd an intuitive medium. Moral issues with tissue donation, the power of spirits, how meditation & intention work in the death industry, and more. A LOT MORE.


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Show Notes:

(07:45) ā€“ Dive into the paranormal.

(15:32) ā€“ How to connect with spirits.

(21:06) ā€“ Can you really train your mind??

(32:08) ā€“ Simplify your life.



  • Organ and tissue donation can be a morally complex issue, with concerns about consent and the treatment of donors and their families.
  • There is a need for more extensive education about organ and tissue donation to ensure that individuals fully understand what they are consenting to.
  • The speaker's experiences as a recovery coordinator highlight the challenges and ethical dilemmas involved in the organ and tissue donation process.
  • The speaker's journey as an intuitive medium has allowed her to connect with spirits and provide guidance and messages to others.
  • Being open to intuition and trusting one's gut can lead to a more fulfilling and mindful life. Meditation doesn't have to be a long, formal practice. It can be done in various ways, such as walking meditations or even quick moments of mindfulness throughout the day.
  • Believe in the signs and guidance you receive from the universe. Trust that they are real and meaningful.
  • Retrain your brain to think positively and focus on the outcomes you desire. Negative thoughts attract negative experiences, so choose to think positively and manifest positive outcomes.
  • Simplify your life and embrace the support of your spiritual team. You are never alone, and you can always call on your guides and loved ones for help and guidance.
  • Celebrate your accomplishments and live in the present moment. Don't always strive for the next thing, but appreciate what you have and the journey you're on.

Broadcast on:
16 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

(upbeat music) I remember them in the operating room. It was an organ donation. And just to stay vague, I won't say which city since it could be either one. And they were just like, there were cases that like I had to advocate for the donor because sometimes the person that's allocating the organs while we're in the operating room can get like a little greedy and little. - Right. - Yeah, so. - That's true. I mean, being on the other side of things like in the funeral home, it's like, oh my gosh, sometimes you feel for that person because it's just like sometimes a massacre. And I know it's helping other people and I understand that but for sometimes it's a very gruesome type of procedure. And yeah, I get that feeling too sometimes and I could see both sides of it. So that's why I'm very torn. But I think being a mortician, you lean on that side of saying, do you really have to go to that extent? I don't know, I don't know. What is your perspective coming from the other side the tissue donation side, I guess? - Yeah, so just, I'm an organ donor but I will never put on my license. That's what I always tell people because I have seen some bad interactions with the family not being taken into account because whenever you first get your license and they ask you if you want to be an organ donor, you're like 16 or 17, you don't realize that what you're consenting to. It's like you're giving first person consent. So when you're in an accident, your consent is on your license. So you automatically are giving your consent to the procurement organization of that area. And I don't think a lot of people are educated on that part of it. So I've seen families not being able to say goodbye because they're flying in and just, family's uncomfortable with certain parts being donated because even like a religious belief or anything but it's like that first person consent trumps everything and they fully utilize that. So they don't morally take anything into account. They always just say, like, nope, we have consent. We're going, you know. - Yeah, it's that tough thing because, you know, one of my dear friends, he's my cousin who has passed away but he has cystic fibrosis and he had two liver transplants and that helped save his life and prolong his life for a number of years. And he was on the waiting list for a double lung transplant and it never came to be. And unfortunately he passed away a little over a year ago. So I can see as far as some of those organs, how life changing that can be. And that's why I've always said, like to my family, if something crazy ever does happen, like my internal organs, I am like totally down and fine, donate away. But I think it's everything else that that's where I start to see problems with because it's more of a more intrusive and more. - Or it should be for sure. - It's hard to describe it without being too gruesome but our funeral directors and morticians know exactly what I'm talking about about limbs in the skin and things like that that to me doesn't seem necessary to potentially save someone's life, especially because they're getting a lot of people that are and this is a selfish thing and I'm aware of that but they're getting a lot of people that are donators that are on their driver's license and I feel like they can get plenty of what they need from that specific part. So I know that's very opinionated but just coming from that side of it. - I totally agree, yeah. - Yeah, it was like an amazing job. It was fascinating, it was exciting. It was interesting, but there are so many moral issues I had with it because yeah, it would take everything and anything and we would be able to rule out donors 'cause we'd read their medical chart but they would still say like recover 'cause even if we don't use it, we still get paid something and I'm like, okay. - That's yucky. - Yeah. And then I ended up getting really sick like when I first moved to Philadelphia, I was in the hospital for like two months and they were thinking it was probably from recovering on a donor that I should not have been and I kind of remembered what donor that was and calling it in and being like, I don't think this donor is like suited because of this, this, this, but they're like, recover anyways and you know, you're covered head to toe but-- - Yeah, I've seen it once before, yeah. By the time you're, yeah. So as a recovery coordinator, like we would be very careful 'cause we're the ones with our hands there like first person like getting, you know, doing the recovery. So it was like, being like the front lines of it, we were always a little pickier about like our donors but then we weren't always listened to. So that was like kind of the frustrating part of it too. - Yeah. And it is a business too, just like any other business, just like funeral services business that is too and it's one of those tricky things, you know, whereas the line and it can be moved and it's very fluid based on who you are, where you're at, the business that you're a part of. And that's what makes this whole industry a challenge and part of the reason why some people maybe go against it and seem anti are overarching industry because they think it's, you know, to be profiting off other people and that's just absolutely not the case where we're trying to make a difference, we're trying to help in whatever way, shape, or form might be like for being in tissue didn't issue, trying to save people's lives. Like if you're in funeral service, you're trying to help the people that are still here and take care of the person that has passed away. And the more we can do to talk about that and to spread the goodness of what we do is super important as well. - Oh, for sure, yeah. And I just don't think people understand the extent of what's recovered either. So yeah, it's just when you're at the driver's license place and you're just like, okay, yeah, of course, I want to be a good person. I don't need it when I'm gone, but it's like, there needs to be maybe more extensive education on it even though it is kind of like a gory, uncomfortable conversation, but yeah. - That's the top part 'cause it's like you're 16 years old, you don't need to know what actually goes on with that. So that's like the other thing is like, how can we educate someone and how can someone understand this sort of stuff? And it's so delicate and so tricky. - So delicate. Well, as tissue, you have an option, like you have to have like a medical, social background interview with like the family first. So if the family doesn't give that normally, they can't proceed with like the tissue, but with organs, it's like, nope, they're, yeah. - It is. - They have full control. So that's, yeah, it's kind of just interesting. For our audience, this is Chrissy here today. Not only does she come from our realm of funeral and gift of life side of things, but she also has some very interesting background in the paranormal side of things. And would you call yourself a mediumest? Is that the appropriate word as well? We got some fun stuff to talk about here for us. So button, buckle yourself down because I think Chrissy's gonna come at me a little, too. (laughing) - So I usually just stay intuitive because if I say psychic, a lot of people think I have like a crystal ball and particularly there, but like, so I do intuitive and like mediumship. So, yeah. - So what am I thinking right now? (laughing) I just asked them with you. - No, actually that's usually people's first question is like, maybe make thoughts and like, I can't read your thoughts. And like, I don't even think I'd want to, oh my God. (laughing) - Oh, that's great. Like, how many people do you help? And what does that look like? And I guess I would love to know your, the whole path of your career, you know, you started off in funeral service and then moved on to other things. And no matter what, you've kept your ties to what our show is about and it's everything post life that whether it has to do with work or anything else. So tell us a little bit about the career and where you're at now. - So, well first I started off like, graduating high school, I went right into art school, couldn't, you know, just didn't know what to do with myself. And then I've gotten into real estate appraisals, but then the market crashed like in 2007. It was like the big mortgage crisis. And it was just depressing going into people's houses and doing like, seeing the appraisals and pictures and just everything was a foreclosure. It was just like soul sucking. - Oh, yeah. - So then I was like, well, maybe I'll go into like, mortuary school. - Yeah, that's bad as soul sucking. (both laughing) - And it's always been like an interest of mine just never, it's without having a family background in it. I just didn't know it was possible. So, and it ended up living 15 minutes away from, you know, PIMS and I'm like, well, all the pieces are falling in the place and I trust my intuition. And so I just went to mortuary school. Then I couldn't have the hardest time finding an internship, but luckily like, you know, I'm home to take me in, but I was like, the interns intern, like doing everything that intern didn't wanna do or helping the intern, which I was just grateful to be in the, like having a job, like within the field that I was interested in. But then my instructor helped me get an interview with CORE and then I ended up working for CORE and everyone was like, you're going to the dark side or the enemy side because yeah. But I was actually able to help a lot of like, even my classmates with like CORE, like with just how, with the process and they actually had someone to like ask questions too because you don't always have the resource to be like, why is this taken? What's this? Why have you do this? Like, you know, and so it really helps to, like I had many people reach out to me and with like good questions about the recovery process. - Yeah. - And then I went from CORE to gift of life and then stayed home mom and now I'm a full-time intuitive medium. - Wow, that's a fun pathway and a fun journey. And that's really, I think, helpful knowing someone that was in your shoes for your funeral director friends to understand what's going on behind the scenes. That's very helpful, I'd imagine. Okay, so you were always sort of interested in this. Was there some things in your childhood that spoke to you that was like, hey, there's something different about me. Like, you know, I feel something or I see something. What was that like? - Yeah, so I grew up in a very haunted house. Now reflecting on it, I'm pretty sure it was like the land was haunted and I nicknamed them the Amish people just because of the way they're dressed. And I actually have a picture of my two sisters on Halloween and there's like a figure behind them. And she's in like a long dress and it's not a family member. You can see right through her, it's crazy. I have to even send you the picture. - Yeah, please send it 'cause I want to post it when we release this. We have to figure it out. - Yeah, okay, I'll send it to you. I just realized it now. And I saw these spirits, I could hear them talking. They spoke a different language. I would hear them like just in our kitchen dancing. It was crazy. So, and then if I turn the lights off, I would just see like figures just walking past me. And one night I actually woke up. My room was like the very back room furthest away from the bathroom and I woke up and I ran into someone. It was like a wool sweater of like a man's chest. And I was like, oh, sorry, sorry. And then I kept walking and I was like, wait a second. What was that? So, it was like, it actually being able to feel the wool sweater. Like it was, it was crazy. - No, thanks. - I have a little sister who's like 11 years younger than me. And she was maybe two at the time. And recently we started talking about like our ghost stories about living there. And she's like, oh my gosh, the man in the sweater. I remember seeing him in my room. And this is the first time in like 20 years that we even talked about, maybe one. I don't like out. So, she was a little toddler. And she remembers seeing a man in a sweater. And I'm like, that's the, it was just like validated my story that like, or my experience of like running into him. And like, it was a wool sweater. I felt it. I felt his chest. And I just said like, oh, like half awake. I'm like, oh, sorry, sorry. And I just kept walking. And so, so there was like-- - It's like you're walking down the street in New York and you just bumped in and said, oh, we'll try it. And then-- - Yeah, exactly. - Big double take, right a minute. Whoa, that's crazy. So what makes you think the whole land was haunted? What language do you think they were speaking? - I feel like, since I, I feel like it might've been like, like Pennsylvania Dutch, maybe, because I'm in Pennsylvania. - Yeah. - So I, that just, yeah, I just couldn't really put my finger on like the language. I knew it wasn't English because I couldn't understand it. But, and like, it was a man and a woman. I'd hear them talking all the time. It was, it was a wild experience. Just, it was daily things. Like we would have to unplug our TV 'cause it would always turn on. But even if we unplugged it, it would still be on like-- - What? - Yeah. And then we started like experiencing their own things. And we would hear door slam or like furniture move in our basement and then we'd go downstairs and nothing was moved. It was just, yeah. I've always wanted to go back to that house so bad, but I don't know. - You have to. - But let me investigate it now. - You have to. - I know. - What do you, like, why does this stuff happen? I feel like that has a legit question. What is the, what is the reasoning? And it's not everywhere. So why in some places? It's everywhere. - It's everywhere? - Now that I've kind of opened up more 'cause I kind of tried to suppress it to so I wasn't like-- - Of course. - Like I was weird enough being fascinated in death that like I just, I kind of just wanna be like that weird. Like middle school and high school. - That's because of the high level. - Yeah, so kind of like a suppressor kept it to myself like more and more. But now like that I've just kind of, I would say like came out of the closet. Like I'm open, I'm out, like, you know, 'cause it's still a very tabby topic. - Yeah. - Especially being in like, no, we just moved to rural Pennsylvania. So I'm like, hi. (laughs) The new weird girl in the neighborhood. But people have been very welcoming. But now that I'm open to it, it's everywhere. - Yeah. - It's amazing. Like I would say there's more places that are haunted than not. Like very few. And it's not that there's spirits are all the time that like we all have visitors. Like we always have people coming and going. And like even our old house wasn't haunted, but I would have experiences here and there because like a grandparent would visit or like, and like just being sensitive. I could hear them, sense them, see them. So I just, there's more spiritual activity than I think people even realize or want to realize. (laughs) - I believe it. I'm totally with you that people have their blinders up to that kind of stuff. And if you just open up yourself to that experience and allow it, I think it comes through. I've had that feeling before too, for sure. Specifically thinking about my grandparents like getting that feeling that they're there or they're around or my cousin who I just talked about, I get that feeling sometimes. And it's super eerie and it's indescribable, but it's like you feel them with you. And I think it's a beautiful thing. Like that doesn't scare me. That makes me feel so joyous that they would want to see. I could tear up just like thinking about that and talking about that. - You just feel so loves. And we actually have like a spirit that follows my family. So it's someone that my husband knew, but I had never met. And so I never met him ever. And anytime I get a reading or do a practice reading, he always comes through and I'm like, oh, I know who that is. But he says-- - Who do you think it is? - Well, he's like a friend of my husband's family. And I just don't think his, like he's given me messages for his family before, but they're just like not open for it. 'Cause not everyone is. And like-- - Right. - And he's like, okay, but he, even when we moved, he's like, can I still come with you guys? And it's just like, I think it's like the highest compliment. He's like, I love your family. You're so fun. You guys are so lovely. Like there's so much love and joy and happiness 'cause I host parties and I do all the holidays. And so he wants to be with us. And like, oh my gosh, I never thought like that would be such an awesome compliment, but like it's an amazing compliment. - That's wild stuff. - And yeah, and I've never met him in life, but now I talk to him. He helps me even go get spirits, but I'm doing mediumship readings. He does protections for us. Like it's, I know, if you don't experience it or you don't really understand it, like it can sound like crazy talk, but it's something I never thought I would experience either. I didn't realize it was a possibility, so. - Whoa, weird, weird in a good way. Like that's super crazy. So what led you down the road? What was like the final kick that you needed to go to this? Or was it becoming a mom and having all these experiences and it wasn't going away? And you're like, I just got to double down. What was it like getting to where you are now? And tell us a little bit about it because I don't honestly know like that that much. And I'm super fascinated by it too. Like I'm into this stuff. So you got to give me a more of a rundown. So I can get familiar and same with our audience. - Sure, so like everyone can do it. So that's what I like to teach now. So like I actually started like an LLC to try to get people to open up and understand that they can do this. They can communicate 'cause like we're all, it's more about listening than anything. But now I'm just staying at home mom, I just kept having experiences. I kept doing research or reading books and just trying to take in classes, just trying to figure out my abilities and like how to control them. 'Cause like I was like Cub Scout, like mom or whatever. And like during some of the meetings, it was like at a church and there was like a spirit there that kept, I'm like, oh my gosh, I'm so distracted. I can't even figure out like how to tie knot, you know. So just like it was everywhere. So like I need to get this under control. So once we moved, we moved in July of last year and I just had this like whole, like I listen to my intuition all the time. Like that. - That's good. - Like so many people ignore it. It's the best, you know, guide for answers that, you know. So I have to like. - I'm with you. - Yeah, trust your gut. And it's like, it's not just the saying, it's like a way of living. 'Cause like you'll, yeah. - Yeah, legitimately. - It's there for a reason, you're feeling that for a reason. - Yes, absolutely, I believe it. - Absolutely, I believe it. - So once we moved in July, we moved to like a old, like military camp, which I didn't know until we lived here. 'Cause I never heard of the town before. - Yeah. - We never, we saw the house once. - This song like the making of like a horror film. - Yeah, exactly. My husband's like, are we literally facing this entire move? I'm like, you know, a feeling you're having. I'm like, yes, we are. - Yeah. - And so we moved and it worked out for so many different reasons, but one thing was that there used to be a military camp and there are just so many spirits here. And it used to also be a potato farm. So the first spirit I started seeing was a farmer. And my son's like, oh, the guy outside with the red hat. I'm like, oh, I see him like in my bedroom and in the kitchen, but yeah, that guy. And then my husband started seeing him. So like, yeah, so it was just kind of snowballed. So I'm like, I need to figure out how to control these spirits. So I have some friends that are mediums and stuff now and some other resources to go to. And they started telling me how to, you know, how to control it, how to like take my power back, how to like make sure like I set boundaries because it was overwhelming. So then I started doing like some crossovers, which I'm like, I never thought I would do that in a million years and, you know, even now I'm like, I'm going to do my crossover if it's real. Like so, but then I asked for like signs and yeah. Yeah, just kind of all snowballed. Once I moved to seem to like just open up like crazy. So. - And you get a lot of feedback, a lot of back and forth on it seems like. - Yeah. And I do, I do a lot of readings. I started doing reading like professionally this year. And so, because I was just doing practice, practice, I just, I take it like so serious that like I'm, if I'm giving so much information, I want it to be like the highest, most genuine like information with the, you know, within my highest like integrity. Like I just like take it very serious because it's, these are a lot of people go for a reading because they really need it. - Yeah. - I mean, answers, guidance, they closure. I mean, there's so many reasons. - Yeah. - I just started doing more and more readings. - And what does that look like? So how do you get your readings and where does it come from? And how does it come to be? It's so fascinating. - Yeah. So everyone has like their own process. So in the beginning, it took me like 15 minutes to do like protections and call on everyone. But like now I just like, I always say they come from God. And it's kind of funny because like a lot of people say that like if you talk to God, you're religious, but if God talks to you, you're crazy. So I just always like, I just ask God to like channel messages through me and I ask my, I do a lot of angel work. And I just, I don't know. I wish I would have known about my angels and my twenties because it might have been a little bit easier. But now I just, yeah, I call on angels. I call on my, like deceased loved ones. Like, I mean, they're waiting there to help us. And so I call on them and then I literally like my process is just connecting. Just like, I want to connect with your energy. And then I just write and I don't even remember what I write. And so the one I'm reading it. - What do you mean by that? You did, it just kind of flows out of you. - Yeah, like I, well, I have like notebook after notebook. I've just like, yeah, read it. And it's like, actually it's not that example. But yeah, I have like notebook after notebook. I'm just like a ton just, yeah, it just comes out like what they might need help with like and readings are for like today. So it's like, I always say, what does this person need to hear, see or acknowledge today? It's like maybe a problem that you're ignoring or problem that you need help and guidance with that like your angels or gods trying to help you, but like some people are just so blocked they can't hear or see or feel or so. I'm just kind of like the middleman for that. And so I just, I do a lot of journaling and then I read my journal to the person, the sitter, I guess. And then sometimes I pull cards and that's usually for even like validation for me to make sure like I'm on the right track and then for mediumship, it's basically like, usually I ask for a name and then I can call that person and try to get some information and I see like pictures. So one person might, it might be snowboarding. So I see like snow and then I'll see like, you know, that's someone coming down the hill. And so, and then once I kind of get my validation pictures of what who I'm talking to, then I get like messages, like words and it's just like a knowing and these like, they're not my own thoughts. It just, I don't know, it's hard to explain, but like once you feel it and you kind of get used to it, like you know what's your thoughts and what's not your thoughts, you know? - Yeah. Wow, that's, I mean, really beautiful, first of all, they do able to channel that, do that and do that for other people, really nice. You know, I used to do a lot of meditation and I really should pick it up again because I like had those feelings before. Like there's something that are these my own thoughts or like there's something bigger and beyond me and it really gives you a sense of peace. That's the way I felt about it. And it's something that, you know, you get caught up with your day to day life and but staying connected to those things is so important. And I think it gives you a better perspective on how you should be living or ways that you can do it to be the best person or live the best life that you can. If does that make sense? - Oh, 100% yeah, exactly. And it's, it's even comforting, like we're never alone and we're all doing this. You know, we all have like a team with us all the time no matter what we're doing. And just, the more I even do readings, the, it blows my mind like how complicated every person's life is, you know? - Yes, yeah. - So I like to not know a single thing about the person. I don't want to know what they look like, like just give me a first name just so I can write it. So, you know, start journaling about that person and I know what name to call on to like connect with them. But yeah, the less I know the better but it's just like, or easier for me because I just never want to like add my own opinion in, you know, or so. - Right, right. - And, but it's just everyone is so complicated. Like even whenever you have to write an obituary, it's like you have to take this person's whole life and family and everything and put it into like, yeah, you put into like one, like, or like two paragraphs and it's like. - Not easy. - Yeah, I think so many people see other people as those two paragraphs, but like whenever you start doing your reading, I'm like, no one has it together. Like everyone's life is like a struggle. No, yeah, no one has anything figured out. Like no matter what, like, it just also teaches me to never assume anything about anyone. And, you know, just to be careful, the staff judgments and it just, yeah, it's so easy to look at someone and be like, oh my gosh, they have it all or they're so successful or, but it's just, no, they're holding it together in public, you know? - Yeah, and they're dealing with different things maybe than you are or whatever else everyone's dealing with it. And I think being able to cope with that and sort of persevere through those things and live like by that inner feeling, that inner gut like I'm super into that. And it's just, I think you've given me a little motivation today to like get back a little bit more to that mindfulness. And I've said this many times, like us funeral directors are probably some of the most or people in death care in general are very mindful because they see loss so much that you can only help but live in the moment and embrace every day, you know, as long as you aren't too jaded from everything that you're dealing with, it can give you a beautiful life because you're able to see it for what it is and appreciate things a little bit more too. - Yeah, and it's even just, the things always like the funerals for the living, not the dead but I would have to tell the dead are there. - I believe it, yeah. - I've heard some criticisms of funerals that they're like, why did you do that? I didn't want that. And like, you know, it's kind of funny. Like, oh, you've had the reception at like my least favorite restaurant. Like, why wouldn't you pick this one? You know, they get, they call the family out on like, - That's hilarious. - So like, just to keep that in mind too because it's not always, yeah, the dead are most likely at their funeral because it's a very common thing. And also, just when I would do recoveries, so many times they're in the operating room. They're hearing these conversations, they're hearing how you're talking about them. And just like, that's why I think whenever I had a recent reading, I had two donors come through and they were just like thanking me for like, standing up for them and just like in the operating, and I'm like, oh my gosh, I know exactly what cases those were because of the way, I don't know, it was handled. And I almost lost my job a couple of times over kind of like, standing up for what I felt was right. And just because I could experience that person in the operating room, so you're in that room when they do pass. But my experience, I don't wanna say it's like, but like from my experience that like, our souls can leave our body before our body actually dies. Yeah. I think that happens a lot, especially in like car accidents and everything, but. I believe it. So before we would cross-clamp and the person would pass, and we can actually recover the organs, or like they would be in the room. And I'm like, just be mindful that they're listening. Like, you know, they can hear what you're saying about them. And you know, it's just, it's not as, as, I don't know, final as people think, you know? Yeah. 'Cause you see this person just laying there and they're dead, or they don't have brain activity, but like their spirit, their soul, whatever you wanna call it, or, you know, is still there. And so, but even to go back on your meditation, meditation is so important. And I always tell people that like, meditation doesn't have to be like 30 minutes laying down in a dark room. Right. There's walking meditations, like five minute meditations, like if you just get it in, like sometimes I even just do like a little quick meditation in the shower 'cause like that's like clear my mind. You're, it's like the symbolism of like washing away old thoughts. Yeah. It's just like, so I don't know. I have a friend who meditates when he drives, but he's practiced. Yeah. And I think it's a long commute. So there's, you're sitting in traffic. I've been filming that a few times too. I'm in Chicago, so, you know. Oh, like, then when you can't. Yeah, it is good practice. And yeah, it can be done in a whole variety of different ways. It isn't always just, you know, sitting with your legs cross in the dark room. Like you said, there's a variety of ways. And it's really just about being mindful and present. And the deep breathing really does make an impact on you emotionally and, you know, physically too, with your body, like you feel that difference. And people get frustrated when they're starting off. Yeah. It's literally training your brain. I mean, it took me like a year to be able to like, feel the benefits of meditation. Cause like, I've just sit there and like clear my mind, clear my mind, clear my mind, you know, because thoughts would constantly pop in. But sometimes you just have to acknowledge those thoughts and then like, send them off, you know? Yeah, I like to. And they're popping in your head for a reason. It's like, you need to either resolve that or just connect your emotion from a memory that might pop up. Like, so it's part of the process. So it's just like, don't get discouraged. Yeah, no, that's so true. I'd like to try to think of it as, you know, clouds sort of passing you by those thoughts and not every thought you have is necessarily true by any stretch of the imagination, not at all. A lot of times it's about just letting those thoughts just pass you by. And I agree, it does get frustrating because like when you do have like a really good experience with those, I know we're super deep into this stuff. And I think a lot of people are going to like it too. But once you have one of those experiences, like in a deep meditative state, you just want to get back there. And that's what frustrates me is that I'm like, like, come on thoughts. Like, I'm done with this. Like, get me to the good part. And that's the whole purpose of it is because you have to like be Zen and patient and willing to go through that to get to the outcome. And it shouldn't be about the outcome anyway. It should be about the whole process and the journey. - The whole process, it's a journey. - Beautiful. So it's like, ah, come on, give it to me. - Exactly. I know. And like, oh, when you have a, yeah, like you're, you can feel in your whole body, your meditation, like whenever it's like a good session or whatever. - Or don't. - Yeah. And I always use the expand app from the Monroe Institute. Love it. I want to say it's like 10 bucks a month. So Monroe Institute is just like, I've always wanted to go, but haven't gone yet. But it's like on my bucket list. And it's an institute of just how the mind works and how to train your brain. And it's just, it's amazing. Those, those meditations, I always say they're called my, they're my like, see Jesus moments because like, I have like, sometimes very spiritual experiences whenever I get like a deep meditation. - Yeah. - And I've only been able to go that deep with that app. - Wow. - Just as the suggestions, there's so much out there. 'Cause I started off with YouTube and then I went to like different ones. And I'm like, that's like, expand one is my go to. - Okay, good. Yeah, 'cause I definitely started on YouTube, calm. - Yeah, calm. - Yeah, and I didn't, honestly didn't get, I was better off like doing my own personal thing than going down that road for whatever reason. Just everyone's different too. I'm sure and it's your own specific thing. But thank you for the recommendation 'cause I definitely want to give it a go. And it sounds, it sounds good. It sounds good. - Yeah, it's amazing. And I actually did one earlier today just to like, there's some readings and then, you know, our talks, I was just like, should probably clear my mind a little bit. - Yeah, it is so helpful. Especially when you're dealing with one of them. - Oh, sorry. - No, it's when you're dealing with a lot of things, it is extremely helpful and just, just makes your day to day life a little bit better. And it's hard because you think I don't have the time to be just, you know, to meditate. But the funny thing is like, the more, you know, rushed and crammed, you feel like the more you need it is when it's one of those like catch one or two things where it's like, I don't have time to meditate. Well, that the whole reason you feel that way is 'cause like you really need to. - Yeah. And especially like the more like people interactions I get. You know, if you're, if you have like a funeral with like, like, I mean, every funeral is heavy to some extent and all that energy is there. And like, you need to get rid of what's not yours because like we do, it sticks with us. And it's just so important to like clear those thoughts, you know, and just kind of reset. - Yeah. - It's very true. And I feel like every time I get away from doing these practices, like someone like you, like I'm sure you believe this sort of stuff too that pops into your life and it's like, hey, you gotta get back to doing that. Like, come on, what are you thinking? It's happened to me several times. Like over the, you know, I've tried to often on like, since, you know, the last five years or something like that. But we're literally have a conversation now. Like everyone else is just enjoying the show. (both laughing) That's how it goes. - It is. - It comes up in almost every reading. It's like, are you meditating? Or are you getting in nature? It's just like, it's just like, we're, for whatever reason, like our culture or society, like makes being busy valuable, but like being at peace is the value. And just like that, yeah, like it complicates. Like our lives don't, we don't need complicated things to understand it. Like the way, even just like I started doing mediumship and intuitive readings and stuff, just like, I stop like, stop worrying, stop thinking. And it just like, it kind of comes through whenever you just like, we complicate everything so much. Like even whenever it comes like religious beliefs and just, it's as simple as just like talking to God or talking to angels or whatever you want, like whatever your terms are, talking to the universe. Like it's as simple as going outside in your bare feet, you know, it's just, it's whatever is simple is what works or is what is meant to work. And we're just, we're just not taught to do the simple things anymore. - Encouraged to be busy, it was very well put in the whole purpose of it is like, I'm gonna go and work so hard and do all this and like, so I can like be more still and be like, you know, take that, you know, vacation where I can not have to do live like this. And like, everything is working towards like an end rather than just like living and working just to be. - Yeah, exactly. And it's like, and you're always going to be in want, you know, whatever like, and it's just like, just to take a moment and be like, I now have what I wanted. And so it's like, you know, just so many times life passes us by cause we're trying to keep achieving things instead of like celebrating what we've accomplished and what we did, you know, bring into our lives and what we have, you know, done and what we do have. It's just, yeah. That's why we just, we complicate all of it way too much. - Yeah, yeah, I'm with you. I'm vibing with you. I'm on the same page with all that stuff. That's really cool. - It's like simplifying everything, you know? And all the answers are within. That's why you've been with mediumship. It's all comes from within. Like your thoughts are your reality. So what thoughts you don't want, you dismiss them or you get rid of, you know? And the crazy thing is like, our brains are like kind of set as like a default of like negative thoughts. For whatever reason, we're just like default and like the negative. - I think it's good. - So it's like train your brain to just think positive. - Right, right. - So I just say like certain affirmations like during the day, like I'll be like, I choose to live in heaven. Cause a lot of people choose to live in hell or choose to live in chaos. But like you choose, like you choose what you live in. And I just think saying some affirmations like only good things happen to me because if you're going on like a job interview or you have like a big day ahead of you, it's just like remind yourself like only good things happen to me. Like it's like life's happening like for me, not to me. And so you have to retrain your brain because you don't want to always assume something bad is going to happen or like something negative is going to happen because that's what's going to happen. - It does. - And it's not even like manifesting or anything like that. It's just like you really are just like, you live in like our mind is our world. - Right. And you're attracting that sort of stuff. I'm fully, and it's like that thing when you resist persists, but the same vibe. And if it's that constant, negative thought or that constant, you know, hidden this mental wall. And it's like, well, yeah, because you're thinking about it all the time. If you think you're going to get sick, you're going to get sick. Like that is like, that is a fact. - Never fails, yeah. - Doctors and scientists and they'll all agree with that too. Like it's like people that, there is that syndrome that, you know, they think anything with the wrong thing. I can't remember what it is, but they think that everything is wrong with them. It ends up like, of course you're going to find some wrong with you when you're looking for it. It's like always going to happen. And that's, I know people will question that stuff, but I fully, I fully believe that. - I know, it's from my own experience. I'm, yeah, it's like what, yeah. So if I ever have like a negative thought, I'm like, that no longer serves me or I'm not giving that any energy or I'm just not acknowledging it, you know, just, but it takes a lot of practice. Like retrain your brain because, yeah, our default setting is to have negative thoughts. I don't know if it's like a survival thing to always predict the worst, but like we don't, we're not living that same lifestyle. So it's like now predict the best. 'Cause then, you know, I actually get your hopes up. So many people are like, don't get your hopes up. 'Cause if it doesn't happen, like get your hopes up. 'Cause you know what, if that doesn't happen, something better is going to happen or just change your way of thinking. So, yeah. So many people are like, I wanna get my hopes up about this. I'm like, get those hopes up. You know, that's how it works. - There's nothing wrong with it. That's what you wanna do. And I agree, I was thinking the same thing. I think that negative mentality comes from generations, you know, and like even back to cavemen or whatever, like always having to be on high alert for bad things to happen. You even a couple hundred years ago, you know, you'd be killed or put to death for nothing in particular almost. So the world has changed so, so much, but it's still hardwired into our human nature to have some negative thinking. And we gotta untrain that and program that within ourselves. - Yup, for sure. And yeah, and we're the only ones that can do it for ourselves, you know? - Yeah, it is. - Yeah, 'cause a lot of times even my readings that like people will be like, I spent $8,000 last year on therapy and like I got more out of an hour with you because it's just like, you don't need to outsource your healing or your brain training or anything. It's like, yeah, just remember just to go back to the basics, you know? - Yeah, absolutely. Speaking of, do you have anything for me? You gotta help us out in the audience. If you've been with me for a long time, you know me at least decently enough. So I think we could have some fun with it. And I'm nervous. - So I got a few little things for you. So... - Literally sitting on my hands and you're... - But yeah, doing it live. (laughing) - So this is like my like reading room. So I don't know, I just, from doing some earlier today, I'm just, I don't know if this is like a lingering spirit, but I also when we first started, I saw like an orb around you. So I don't know if you'll notice it. Like it was like right by your shoulder and it kept like moving. - This one? - No, I don't know. So yeah, you definitely have someone around you. - Okay. - I'm not normally good at getting names, but I usually ask for a name, 'cause like, I'm always saying it's not like a party trick. I'm not just pulling names out of a hat. It's just like, then I can call in the person, but for whatever reason, I can be the name George. So I don't know if that's someone, but it could just be like even like a guide that's helping to bring these messages through. It could be so many different things. - Okay. - So I did see like a big picture frame that had like white and purple flowers. And it was over like kind of like a beige, like kind of fancy couch. And I don't know if that's like something like in your home or in like at work. And just getting that like an older man always sits on this couch and he's like, I'm always on that couch like watching you guys, like you're doing a great job. And then I also got that, I don't know if like your office, you have like a lot of papers. I just heard like, you need to get rid of the papers and like get organized. And that like kind of get with the times because like you don't need all these papers anymore. Like why are there papers everywhere? And then I also got that he was wearing a suit that meant a lot. There was like a lot of meaning behind the suit that he was like buried in. And that he's like, I'm still wearing the suit. He's like, I'm never taking it off. So when he comes through and he's like showing himself, it's like a suit. I wanna say it's like kind of even like a skinny, like almost like a squarish tie and very, very tailored. And that he was, I don't know if like someone in your family is currently pregnant, but he was kissing a baby. And I think it's a girl because he had a baby doll in his hands and the baby doll was like kind of just like a stuffed animal baby doll. - Yeah, my sister just had a, had a baby. So, yeah. - Oh, okay. - And a girl, yeah. - A girl, okay. So he definitely kissed her before she came here. And then there's something big with fingernails. Like I don't know if he was very meticulous and he was like always cleaning his fingernails or something, but it was just something like he focused a lot on fingernails, I don't know. - Huh. - 'Cause I just learned to say everything 'cause like sometimes like-- - No, I feel out there. No, 'cause I've got some thoughts and ideas on some of the things, for sure. - Okay, and then I don't know if he even like passed from something with like the stomach 'cause like I was just like very nauseous and like kind of just felt like I was going to be sick. Like I just felt very nauseous whenever I was writing this. - You did, huh? - And I'm sorry about that. (both laughing) And then also then the last thing I saw was just like two, it was like a lot of mirroring. Like like two benches that were like facing each other, like wooden benches. But it just seemed like, I don't know if there's like a mirror where it kind of makes like a funhouse kind of mirror that makes the room look like it's mirroring itself or couldn't really quite fit. I just wrote mirroring and I just drew what the benches look like. So they're like almost like pews for their benches. And yeah, just maybe there's a mirror in the middle of them, but it was something with that. And like it's mirroring, I don't, yeah. - Interesting. - And then I also just heard that like you have lots of love around you and that like you're just, yeah, you're just so loved. So yeah. - I feel that I'm very lucky to have that. That's for sure. - Yeah. - Oh my God. - Beautiful. Thank you. - So yeah, I wrote it down so I'm like can't get, can't get your jock to buy it. - That's really, that's really cool. And like I have some things that we definitely, the painting in the couch like we recently did some renovations in my house. I was like, yeah, that's pretty spot on. I get this feeling that it was my grandfather, my dad's dad, who was the funeral director before my dad. And you know, I'm fourth generation of two directors. - Oh, okay. - So that makes sense. - And that would make sense that he was wearing the suit and watching. And I feel I felt him before. And I kinda, you know, I like to think about him when I'm looking for guidance too, because he really ran his funeral home and his life, like a business and it was very successful and did things really well. And you know, I got the feeling, you know, that the generation between, and this is not anything against my dad at all. It's more about who he was surrounded with, unfortunately, that it did get away from that. And I could see the papers piling up and the getting with the times, absolutely necessary. - It was very meticulous. So that's probably why even this, yeah. Maybe it's like down to like the fingernails, like make sure their nails are clean. Make sure like, yeah, it just seemed like he was like looking over every detail. Yeah. - Yeah, I could see that. And that was probably him in the prep room. I bet you it'd be like, you gotta figure out something nasty like that. Although I am a stickler for fingernails too, both in the prep room and in real life, even though I like bite mine sometimes, but that's neither here nor there. - Yeah. (laughs) - But yeah, that was very interesting. Like what do you, like, what do I do from here? Or what do you recommend people take away from things when you have an experience like that? And it's just pretty cool that you've helped us. - Just believe it. I always say like, if you ask for a sign and you receive it, don't be like, okay, well, that's a good incident. But like, just be open. Like, and if you are having these experiences, when you think of them, when you dream of them, if you've fueled them around, they're around you. It's like, stop questioning everything. You know, it's like, just, if you're experiencing it, it's real. And I think so many times we're just like, afraid to sound crazy 'cause like, - Yeah. - I sometimes, things that come out of my mouth, I'm like, - I know. - That sounds crazy. - Yeah, you know. - But like, just those experiences are real. Like, I ask for signs all the time. Even if I have a hard time with a decision or if I'm like, am I wrong in this? Like, show me a sign of like a donkey. Like, you know, I'm just being an ass about it or something. And like, I'll either see the donkey and I always give it like a timeline. Like, within the next like 24 hours, even though like, time is different on the other side. But like, just for me, I'm like, I don't see it within two days. It's like, move on. But like, you know, Cardinals are always a spiritual sign. And just, yeah, you can ask for anything. Like, I live in the middle of nowhere, Pennsylvania. And I asked for a sign about it. Like, if this move and everything was like the right move because moving is always challenging, especially with a child, starting school, friends, all that stuff. And I asked for the sign of a dolphin. And I bought something off of Facebook Marketplace and I pulled up to the house to buy, it was like a bike rack for my car. And the person's mailbox was a dolphin. And I was like, how am I gonna see a dolphin in the middle of nowhere? So I'm like, I need something hard. Like, something that I'm not just gonna stumble a lot. - Crazy. - And they like vested me as like, oh, we're just leaving it by the mailbox. I'm like, perfect. Like, less interaction than I know. - That couldn't be more in your face. - Yeah, I sat there for a minute. I was like, okay. Yeah, I get this. - I need to get the chill of that would make me go crazy. - Yeah, so I just, I always ask for signs. And when you get them, believe them because it's really just that simple. - Yep, it is. - You know, it's the simplest way to communicate. And it's a good starting point to start communicating. So you can start really like listening and obviously like also use your dreams as like, you know, a way to communicate. Like ask for guidance or a message like in your dreams and just, you know, your subconscious is working with you, you know? - Yeah. - So it's just, yeah, just to supply it. - Beautiful. That's beautiful. I'm with you. And I hope everyone takes all that stuff to heart too. And it's something that anyone can apply to their life. And if nothing else, it's going to make it a little bit more pleasurable. I can guarantee you that. - 10%, yeah. It makes life just easier knowing that you're not ever alone and you're not doing anything alone, you know? And you can, you call on your team your, whatever you want to believe and whatever mean you want to put to it. It's just, you know, just ask for help. - Yeah, yeah, you don't have to alone. - Yeah. - That's beautiful. - Thank you so much. I really enjoyed our conversation and I'm getting to know you and talk to you and you getting to talk to whoever it was coming through. And that was really fun and very special for me. So I'd appreciate you doing that. And where could our listeners find you if they want to talk to you or have an experience as well? Because she's great to talk to clearly. I think the one for days. - Yeah, I might have more to email you if I more comes through with something that happens. Yeah, I'll send you that picture too. But I go under Wasted and I kind of want to simplify and make spirituality and mediumship and stuff like not so intimidating. So many people worry about getting a reading or how do I do a reading or what it's like. It's an intimidating thing to sit for if you've never done it before. So I just want to make it like kind of fun and personal but also just, you know, find the funny side or like the entertaining side of, you know, just death. And what are our loved ones and spirits and everything around us like, you know, can help us with and just keep it light because there's enough darkness and sadness and stuff just to kind of focus on the positive and the fun. So I do Wasted and - Go check her out. Chrissy, thank you so much for joining and we appreciate you. - Oh, thank you so much for your time. I appreciate it. - Of course. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)