Murder Unscripted

The Lost Boys of Bucks County, Pt. 1 - "Hedonistic Killers" (Ep. 2:2)

1h 0m
Broadcast on:
09 Jul 2024
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what did you say I broke my crown like your tooth or your your your tiara no no no no no no no no like a crown like that you color with a crayon picture with like my lip crown is what I broke that's what you're talking about your lipstick yeah lip crown like you color your your lip it's cray on say say it with me cray okay I'm sorry I broke my crayon there you go I'm glad you got it sorted out it's Tuesday and you're listening to a better ex-scripted what is up everybody welcome to another episode of murder unscripted I'm your host Ed Heidock and with me as always is the great Melissa Spivey who I like that give you a new title every week it's a great and powerful odds but this is even better we are now in week two of our block on hedonistic thrill killers and it's been kind of crappy so far after I successfully ruined our week last week and my mood ring you definitely did that was that was probably that was one of the sadder stories and that that I've ever heard and it I think it's because like you had mentioned it's it's our when you tie it into your own family and you make it personal these things really they hit you yeah we were fine until you brought up the kids and we're both like oh my god yeah that was sad anyway I wish I could say this week was better but for this story we need to go back to Bucks County Pennsylvania which is just a stone's throw from where we're at now essentially the Philly suburbs 2017 and at the time I was working on as a freelance producer on a few different shows but living in the area where these events happened it was one of the most terrifying things because we were watching this you were too Melissa we were watching this all play out live and I remember the headlines I remember the stories I remember the the newspaper articles it was a very big deal and it's incredibly unusual in the true crime world to be able to produce a story about a local case that you had followed along the way we're always reporting on on these crimes from the 80s in the 90s and just however long ago but this one you lived it and then you get to produce an episode about it so we're this is the lost boys of Bucks County part one this will be a two part episode so Melissa let's get right into it take us into that time machine I regret to inform you I did not have a time machine sound effects I'm sitting here like your whole opening I can't tell you what you said because I'm like I'm gonna be as my time machine I don't I don't but I it is in the works and in the works meaning I've thought about it great so it's still up here instead of in my computer it is it is so but so for take us in the makeshift time machine for the time being back about so it's not that far this time only about seven years beep beep beep so we're going back to 2017 so what the hell happened that year well most importantly everybody saw what you're doing take notes my youngest fur baby Milo he was born in January so write that one down but with the rest of the world so in the United States we were jamming out to Despacito featuring Justin Bieber and shape of you by Ed Sheeran if you're a Star Wars fan you were probably standing in line to see Star Wars the last Jedi or nostalgically watching the live-action Beauty and the Beast great movie maybe you were watching these movies while playing your Nintendo Switch which was released in 2017 we were mourning Tom Petty and Bill Paxton of Titanic and Twister fame which is coming out with a new twister we're going to see it already got us tickets they are when I don't know but I saw it on TV and I'm super excited for it well we're going okay you know who else died in 2017 Hugh Hefner yes and this was like prior to all the documentaries and the Quay Ludes and so but that brings me to another big topic in 2017 Harvey Weinstein and that me too movement does that feel like it was just like that feels like it was yesterday at home I know I didn't realize it was all the way back in 2017 crazy well that rock not only the entertainment world but the rest of us as well especially when the movement brought down other scumbags like Kevin's B.C. and Matt Lauer and while all of this was going on we were all trying to figure out what Trump meant with Kofieff Kofieffie! Kofieffie yes that was an epic meme for about six months it really was well that was 2017 so beep beep beep beep my time machine sounds that's so bad we need something ASAP that's that's my new priority because that's all number one anyway well this story begins in new town Pennsylvania and this is a tiny little spit of land right in the heart of Bucks County it's only about 2200 people that live there and this town is as charming as it gets I mean quaint little downtown shops bucolic farmlands sprawling estates I mean you go it's a lot of do you know what I mean when I say old money oh absolutely yeah so it is had the same money in their families for generations and generations and yeah absolutely so so a lot of old money there I mean you'll be driving like farmland farmland cow farmland and then boom this like two million dollar man like out of nowhere these beautiful homes it's it really is an incredible place and fun fact founded by William Penn himself I did not know that so in 2017 the people of Newtown were celebrating the 4th of July in style and this was a this was a rare 4th of July because it happened midweek it was a Tuesday so people were still partying regardless the people of Newtown they had they had cookouts they had big parade everybody had their done in their red white and blue and they're in the holiday spirit except for one couple Richard and Sharon Patrick so they're 19 year old grandson who lives with them his name is Jimmy and he was named after the great Jimmy Hendrix so Jimmy was awesome so Jimmy was at a 4th of July party with some friends and he had stayed out past midnight came home when right to bed so now we're at July but this story is going to be a little a little piecemeal because it's happening in some different locations throughout the county so it's going to be you're going to hear things sometimes out of order but it'll I promise you I'll connect all the dots so Jimmy's out 4th of July Tuesday night with some friends stays out past midnight comes home late goes to bed the next day Jimmy heads to work at his part time job and I'm actually not sure where he worked but it doesn't it doesn't play into the story I just can't remember where he worked so Jimmy gets home around 5 o'clock says hi to his grandparents who he lives with and he tells them he's going out again this time is just for a little bit he's going to meet some old friends from high school he went to Holy Ghost Prep he was going to meet some old friends at Chick-fil-A for some dinner I'm not a car but he wasn't driving today so his car was was still outside someone someone was going to pick him up so his grandmother Sharon gives Jimmy a kiss and and off he goes but a few hours pass and then a few more and Jimmy doesn't return Jimmy is a Jimmy's a super responsible kid he has an incredible relationship with with Richard and Sharon his grandparents and whenever he comes home from being out he will find them and tell him he's back safely and even it's the middle of the night he'll wake him up say hey I'm home and they are thankful to be woken up to know that Jimmy's safe of course but well and I was just going to say just about your documentary real quick I've seen this documentary probably more times than you have and it's funny because I didn't know you when this documentary came out and I love this documentary I make everyone watch it I think I made my mom so they don't watch it with me at least five times but it's so good and I felt like you guys did a really good job connecting with the families and I felt like Sharon and Richard Jimmy's grandparents seemed like the kindest most amazing people on the planet and usually these cases well I want to say usually these cases don't get to me and I promise that's true regardless of last week and not this week but they just make me so sad and there's one part of the documentary where you're interviewing Richard the grandfather and he talks about how I did everything with Jimmy that a father would do and because they're his primary caregivers they're his guardians the way Sharon talks about Jimmy it was clear that he was just like the light of their lives and I can imagine like I feel like people with their grandchildren they're already the light of their lives and then having like primary guardianship I can just imagine that their love for him was just insane and you just you watch Sharon and you just want to give her a hug and be like Sharon I'm so sorry like he's not an act that's not an act at all and I'm not saying it ever is I mean rarely have we run into people that we interview who are faking it like for attention or to make themselves seem like they were more involved I mean most people are very genuine and these people were no exception the Patricks they are amazing people and what you saw is what who they are and we're going to get into a little bit later in the story why they were so attached to Jimmy but the reality is you're right I mean they were his primary caregivers yeah they were his guardians and it's it's clear how much they loved him right so so now we're we're kind of we're at a spot where Jimmy's not coming home and the hours are taken by there's no phone call there's no text there's nothing so you can kind of see why the why the Patricks were beginning to worry so the rest of the night comes and goes to the night of the 5th and although uncharacteristic the Patricks hope that Jimmy just decided to stay out at a friend's house maybe maybe he was at some girls house you know and just just didn't let him know after all he's 19 he can do what he wants you know so but come Thursday July 6th they haven't heard a peep and Sharon has been blowing up Jimmy's phone and we're talking like I think there were a dozen phone calls 22 text messages and Jimmy always always responded so they were needless to say in quite a panic yeah so that morning Richard and Sharon start calling all of Jimmy's friends no one has heard or seen him apologies and and get this the friends that Jimmy was supposed to meet up with they said he never went to Chick-fil-A and that's a that's kind of a big deal because for now as far as the Patricks knew Jimmy never ever lied to them but it really seems like in this instance he did you know what though he's a 19 year old kid I think we all lied to our parents and no I know that we all lied to our parents at some point I mean he didn't do anything different than any single one of us have done at one point absolutely and and I want to I want to be clear about that the Jimmy was a good kid and we're not we're bringing up the fact that he lied only because it really is important to the timeline and it's something that that differs so greatly from his personality so and this will all come together so around noon on July 6th the Patricks called the Newtown police and they get the usual story Jimmy's a teenager it's the 4th of July he's probably in a car with some girl or somewhere out with his friends and Richard's like his car is in the driveway so right so but police say you have to wait 24 hours so literally a few hours we're at like the 19 hour mark at this point and Richard so they wait they wait a couple more hours and then call right back and report Jimmy missing and we've talked about this before in the in the blackwood case but to have to report a loved one missing I don't know to me feels feels like the ultimate I don't even know what you would call it it's the it's the moment that things that that worry turns to true panic and things get very real it's the moment shit gets real absolutely and watch this never ceases to make me angry in every true crime case because I feel like it's nine times out of 10 the same story and it just makes me so angry like I thought the whole 24 hour missing thing was false I thought we've debunked that and like you shouldn't have to wait to report I understand being like my my 20 year old kids been missing for 10 minutes like I write but I have X amount of hours and especially when you know your child better than the police do to be like this is not like them right right and it would be hard for for any grandparent but especially the Patrick's and here's to kind of piggyback on what you were talking about earlier and how great the Patrick's were so Jimmy's mother she battled schizophrenia her whole life his biological mother so she knew she would be unable to care for Jimmy and so the Patrick's were at an impasse I mean it was either put up Jimmy for adoption or they take care of themselves and that's a tall task is at the time they were in their fifties and I couldn't imagine having to take on a newborn in my fifties and that but that's what they did and and they are seriously the most amazing people you will ever come across that it was never a second thought like that was their baby yeah and they treated him that way and she said Sharon said in her interview about Jimmy Jimmy was the love quote Jimmy was the love of my life and I always felt we had I always felt like we were really soul mates I loved him like he was my son and and Richard did he did all the things that that a dad would do and it was probably harder to do when you're when you're a little older to keep up with a young kid like that but Richard did it I mean he would there was a great video we played in the doc it was a home movie it with he was shooting hoops he was asking basketball with Jimmy and like Jimmy launched it over made like this shot from across the street and it was just it was awesome and you see Richard's face and he's just he's over the moon he's so excited he's so happy so Richard did all of the extracurriculars while Sharon helped Jimmy all the way through high school at Holy Ghost and after graduation Jimmy headed to Baltimore Maryland where he attended Loyola University and he made the Dean's list and during his second semester he got into a business honors fraternity so this kid he was going places he had big things in store oh he definitely was and he was so handsome I love his picture he's he's very all American boy next door he you know he reminds me of and I realized this young man is not American but no he kind of reminded me of Robert Erwin, Steve Erwin's son oh the crock hunters kid yeah oh my gosh very much alike they do they definitely do absolutely so once Jimmy was reported missing the first thing police do is is ping his phone boom they get a hit pings in Springfield Delaware County so we're about 40 miles south of the Patrick's home so if he was just going for a short time his phone is now 40 minutes away so there's there's a big red flag right there no but the Patrick's are like Jimmy doesn't know anyone in Springfield Delaware County so along with all of Jimmy's friends they go there and they go to this park and they just start plastering it they're like where will people congregate in this kind of rural community so they head to a park plaster Jimmy's pictures all over they pass out little flyers like have you seen him can you help us find him and there's just no luck needless to say police can't do a whole lot at this point and it's very frustrating for the Patrick's because they all they want is help their loved one is missing and no one was stepping up at the time so what they do is they hire a man named Dan Boyle and Dan Boyle is a former police officer turned private investigator and side note about Dan another another great guy he actually passed away a few years ago which I had learned after the after the doc was done obviously it was so sad to hear because during filming he had welcomed welcomed us into his home and we did some b-roll shots which was we explained what b-roll was last episode or last block but it's it's all the shots that are not interview shots so it's filler stuff that you can cut together and this was this was my favorite Dan Boyle story because at the time I was driving this sweet Dodge Challenger 100% and I stand by I don't care now he drives a minivan I don't think don't be spreading vicious lies I wouldn't be your friend how dare you I was in this challenger which here's an interesting little thing I try not to it was it's my only vehicle it was my only vehicle at the time but you you try not to do that like you don't want people to see what like I considered that a really nice car and I worked hard and I saved up a lot for that car and we're rolling up to people to to victims families houses and stuff and they're seeing like a profit like you're profiting off these stories like wow look how much money they're making in the murder business off off my loved one and that's not the case yeah so we do we're conscious of stuff like that too it's things that those people people don't really know that that kind of side of things but anyway I stroll I roll up in this challenger and Dan is miss jaw dropped and he was like I need to drive that thing and I was like I think we're gonna we're gonna get some driving shots with you so tell you what for for doing these shots with us you can drive my car so when you see the documentary there's that's my challenger in that he's driving and we are whipping through the neighborhood and I'm like Dan aren't you a cop and he's like I mean you know near the time of his life so that was that's my Dan Boyle story what a good man I love that anyway so on July 7th Dan begins his search for information and here's where things really get interesting Dan goes online and on social media to look for any information you can find about Jimmy and he finds that as as young people do they're all talking about Jimmy and that's not all people are also talking about another missing young man 19 year old Dean Finnequero and he was from Middletown Township so now we're only about five miles from Newtown also in Bucks County so now there's a creepy pattern developing private investigator boy was was trying to come up with he had the same questions like what's going on here so he immediately gets on the phone with the Finnequero's Anthony and Bonnie and Anthony we just talked about his personality a little bit Anthony is a typical Philly guy hard-nosed blue collar speaks his mind and he was angry he was the angriest of the family members and I tell you why a little bit later maybe in part two with because he had very good reason and Bonnie is just super sweet they also open their home to us open their open their treasure trove of photos and videos to us I mean we have stacks of stuff about Dean and it really helped us kind of make this documentary stand out yeah so Anthony Finnequero tells Boyle that he's never heard of Jimmy Patrick but he'll tell him whatever he wants to know about Dean and unlike Jimmy Dean was a bit of a wild child he was a thrill seeker who was always looking for adventure he'd even he'd been busted a few times by police not doing anything bad just mischievous like the one time he and his buddies were writing their ATVs down the street doing wheelies weaving in that a car is just boys being boys so typical yep and we used a video they had a home video that they were it was them were you know how boys did just putting it online oh of course so Anthony was like the worst and the best and the best right so regardless to Anthony says Dean Dean was a good kid regardless of those little those little run ins and there was no good reason for him to be missing right and here's a good spot to to remind everyone that this is a an active investigation so things are unfolding simultaneously in different parts of the county which I had mentioned earlier where you have Jimmy Patrick missing so that that's one investigation now Dean is missing a whole separate police department whole separate investigation so if if that makes sense well and that can complicate things also that it's different departments and I know that in 2017 things are a lot better than they were even probably in 2007 or 1997 where you know they do like because of technology you can communicate faster with other departments but it's still like something's two things are happening in completely separate departments so who knows how long that could take to really connect exactly right and that's that was the case here that's what was happening here so I want to stick with Dean Finnecaro for for now the middle town so Anthony and Bonnie contact the middle town police department and officer Megan freer responds to the Finnecaro's place and Megan is a what an incredible person and police officer she was she used to be a city cop in Philadelphia and then I think around 2016 moved over to middletown kind of in the country which was a huge change from working in Philadelphia so Philly there's always something happening every single day busy as it gets and middletown not so much you know this is a this is a quiet community for the most part so a call about a missing teenager was definitely something that she took seriously especially because get this Megan Freer was one of the officers who had busted Dean in the past for riding his ATV on the street so she did know she knew of Dean she knew his personality and knew who he was so it kind of hit close to home so officer Freer sits down with the Finnecaros and to take this missing persons report and find out everything she can about Dean's disappearance and as the story goes Bonnie had been spending the holiday weekend down the shore with some girlfriends and we say down the shore basically that's a local turn of friends that is Dean's mom Bonnie Finnecaro correct so she wasn't around when all this began which was an incredible so they Dean and Anthony his dad because mom was away had this this time to share some one on one time and these guys were buddies these were not just father son they were best friends so this was a good time for some one on one time he worked at a local burger and ice cream shop he was a he was a cook but he had an off he had off on Fridays Anthony had to work but he returned home around 430 immediately took a shower and when they were done when he was done Anthony as Dean if he would like to go get something to eat for dinner and Dean's favorite meal was sushi so they went out for sushi after dinner they come home and Anthony was down in the in the basement doing some laundry and he hears Dean yell from upstairs he goes oh running out back in 15 minutes and Anthony he's a grown kid he can do what he wants but Anthony's like who are you going with and Dean says some neighborhood kid so that was kind of the last time that Anthony heard from Dean and all he knew was that he was leaving with some neighborhood kid for 15 minutes right and Dean told Anthony everything this was a best friend relationship in addition to being a father son relationship so it was it was he believed him he took him at his word 100% why would you not I mean when I was his age my friends and I used to do that dumb stuff like I had a friend who'd be like hey I'm running to Wawa you want to go with me sure like I'll literally be gone for 15 minutes yep and it was no big deal whatsoever yep so but 15 minutes passes half hour passes and hour passes and times ticking and Dean's not coming home so now Anthony is terrified he has no idea where he went or who Dean left with and you can tell from his interview just how worried Anthony was he was the way he described it he's like I put I forget how many we had to bleep what he was saying but I mean he's how many miles he put on that floor pacing he too was blowing up Dean's phone like Sharon was doing with Jimmy and there's no answer so Anthony calls Bonnie down the shore and tells her something seriously wrong and Bonnie ends up cutting her girls weekend short and immediately rushes home I can't imagine I mean they live we know where they lived and we're not sure what sure she went to but she was at least an hour and a half away I would be willing to bet so to get that call and be that far away I can't even imagine just how long that car I'd must have taken to get home how long it felt like it must have taken sure absolutely so it's Saturday the July 8th at this point and Dean doesn't show up for work so again we have this this situation where you now have two boys who don't appear to know each other they're both in Bucks County and both missing is this a coincidence and before I before you answer I should tell you that Dean's phone wasn't pinging anywhere it was just off so now you also have a 19 year old who is not using his phone which is unheard of Yeah very so tensions are running pretty high at this point with all with both of these families and with police and with residents I mean this was a big news story that was unfolding for the county and we we saw it Melissa I mean it was man once that first once that first article hit about Jimmy it was like boom boom boom rapid fire like updates every couple hours of just strange strange things that went on It was on every single channel just even when just Dean and Jimmy were missing right you turned it on and you know 6 ABC CBS 3 NBC 10 like it was just on all the time because and I hate when people say this but this is a small town it doesn't happen here It doesn't right it does it actually doesn't literally doesn't and this is and we're getting information it's coming fast and furious the reports because and as news agencies do they just want to be the first to report on something so even if they don't have a lot of information And that's what was happening is you were getting bits and pieces of information from all these different news outlets trying to put together the puzzle as to what happened and nobody could so in Middletown officer freer begins her investigation Meanwhile the Finnequaros are also doing their own and they are digging to the most powerful tool that you can possibly use in situations like this especially when involving a teenager is social media So they get on yeah they get they get on Dean's Facebook page and start hitting up all of his friends everyone gets back to him worried about Dean but they saying they haven't heard from him but they're all worried And as they're kind of going down the list of people they get to they get to one who isn't responding to anything his name's Cosmo de Nardo and some of Dean's friends suggested the two might actually be together So this was something they obviously want to pursue like some people that that knew Cosmo or acquaintances with Cosmo they knew he and Dean had a had a friendship so it was like maybe they're together he's not responding deans nowhere to be found maybe they're together so Cosmo was a he was a 20 year old from Ben Salem and the Finnequaros knew him but not personally just just his name because about a week prior to the to Dean disappearing Dean was out with friends Anthony and Bonnie were lying in bed it was late at night and Anthony says where where did Dean go and because he didn't have Dean actually didn't have a car so he couldn't drive so he needed to be taken everywhere he went So Bonnie was like oh he's just with some friends and he's getting a ride home with a kid named Cosmo and Anthony's direct quote was who the fuck is Cosmo like he didn't know he didn't know Cosmo and Bonnie's like I don't know So they knew Cosmo was a kid that their son hung around with but that was that was about it just to just to recap so we're all we don't lose track of things so 19 year old Jimmy Patrick goes missing from his grandparents home in Newtown on July 5 two days later on July 7 19 year old Dean Finnequaros disappears from his house in Middletown about five miles away so that's where we're at Okay But things are still happening in Newtown with with Jimmy Patrick so I'm gonna stay even though they are I'm gonna stay with Middletown for now just for for the sake of clarity And that's that's where the case ultimately breaks open so based on what Dean's friends were saying Officer Meghan Freer knows that Cosmo DiNardo may have some information on Dean's whereabouts So the first thing she does is do some research on the DiNardo's and find out they own two properties in Bucks County one is this this kind of upscale home in an affluent sale as action it's a cul-de-sac in Ben Salem But that's their that's their main home so that's where the DiNardo family lives And the other is this massive massive compound and it's in Solbury so and I don't use the term massive lightly this was a I'm talking a hundred acres it was so big that it encompassed two addresses It was like situated on a corner so you had lower York Road and then around the corner was Aquitong Road and between the two addresses there's a there's a main house there's a little another little kind of dilapidated house around the corner There's a house building some garages some farm like grain silos it was gigantic property when we filmed there you could actually only see the main buildings with a drone like we couldn't film their house we get a drone up in the area and like fly it in and just kind of shoot over top And then there's obviously there's corners they get cut but not in this one it was pretty we had a permit we were flying to and interestingly Trump was we are drone day here's a little behind the scenes tidbit so our drone day was pushed back I think two or three times because Trump was at his golf course in Jersey which was it was within me it was in that circle where like while he's there nobody can fly you know this far around him so like it was like man you screwed our shoot up thanks a lot Wow, hope you had a good round but this was a an imposing place to say the least big iron gate surrounded by these creepy old trees and I'll try and find a pick on Google that I can put up but but to put you on the map this compound is about two miles away from a place called peddlers village and as the crow flies so and peddlers village you know is this like artsy how would you call it an artsy shopping center it's got restaurants it's got antique shops it's got a lot of really fun eclectic little stores actually they were really fun dog store there oh really or you can get the funnest stuff for your dogs and like decor and it's great that's awesome that's awesome well so remember I said that Dean's phone was off or the battery died so it couldn't be so what officer Freer did was she asked the phone company for the devices last known activity and they told her it was used in the soulberry area on Sunday July 7 the same exact day that Dean vanished so now it was kind of more important than ever that police check this place out so officer Freer gets ahold of officer Gary Farrister who he was of the soulberry police department and he was at the time he was simply the officer on duty the night this all happened so now we have a third department getting mixed in exactly because now soulberry this this this compound is now playing a role maybe like they just know that this is kind this area is starting to become suspicious so Gary Farrister just was lucky enough to be the investigator on duty that night so he took the call and and he was only hearing bits and pieces as well so officer Freer gets him up to speed on everything she knows she's like I have this this missing young man Dean Finnecaro his cell phone was last used in this area and there's a chance he was last seen with this other young man who lives who has property in the area Cosmo DiNardo so can we check those properties just to see if they're there and Farrister obviously realizes that this is the stakes are high at this point so he agrees to accompany the Meghan Freer to the DiNardo's place and after the when yeah when the duo arrives it is late or after dark we're talking late late at night like two o'clock in the morning so I before we started this I recently rewatched the documentary it had been probably a couple months available on Amazon Prime for two rent or buy but this part actually shocked me because I think it was you said it was late but we're talking like 2 a.m. Yeah that's not urgent yeah and I'm gonna be honest and maybe I just don't get an idiot but like I honestly didn't think that they would go out there that late like to me I assumed that they would be like okay we'll worry about it in the morning so just see them go out there at 2 a.m. and not be like let's worry about it on the next shift I thought that was pretty incredible it is and that just shows the the level that everyone is on high alert I guess the best way to put it so the first thing they do is they go to the Aquitong road address and this property sits right off the street it's easy to see there's a there's a rundown building that it's like a beat up garage and this like farm housey looking thing and I'll pop up a couple I took a couple personal photographs while I was there and I'll put them up on the screen but creepy is an understatement we were there right as the sun was going down and it was it's a terrifying place you're out in the middle of nowhere no vehicles and it looks it just looks abandoned to the naked eye so first thing they do is go up to this creepy old farmhouse peek in the windows and it's like it's like nobody's there it's like nobody had lived there it was dirty decrepit so exactly right nothing going on there so about 2 40 a.m. the two officers leave the property and officer Freer was headed to the de Nardo's main property in Ben Salem while officer forester was basically returning to his patrol in Solbury but as far as there's leaving this this property he can't seem to shake the feeling that something is wrong here something's not adding up it was just it was just eating at him so and this is a great example of a gut feeling like that that while police act on credible evidence or sorry credible information hard evidence this is a gut feeling and he was just like something about this place all the circumstances and and after seeing this place I feel like there's something there was spidey senses were tingles spidey senses absolutely and he he makes the decision he calls Megan Freer and says I'm going back I want to check out that shed that we didn't get to check out on aquatong road so officer forester approaches the shed super cautiously what does he see tire impressions and no big surprise it's a garage right after all but they're fresh and the fact that this building looked so old and unused to see fresh tire tracks there was like something something doesn't make sense not be jarring I think right so forester walks up to the garage carefully cracks open the door and he can see a car inside and it's an early 90s Nissan sedan no leaves no dust no cobwebs like you would expect to see in a if you saw the garage you expect an old car in there just just up on blocks or someone working on something but this was a car that looked like it just pulled in there off the street so that makes the tire tracks make sense so what do you think what would make sense that that what was that car doing there it's hiding someone's hiding it for some reason exactly exactly so especially on this isolated piece of property in this shed that no one's probably looked in and just knows how long right right so forester takes a closer look and finds piles of clothes in the backseat and the first thing he worries it's this pile of clothes to and he's like body there's there's a body under there and so he checks under and thankfully there isn't there it was nothing it was just a pile of clothes so he runs the tag and it comes back registered to 21 year old Thomas Mayo out of Plumstead and for reference Plumstead is about 10 miles from the de Nardo farm but still within the Bucks County limits and in case things couldn't get me worse the dispatcher on the other end tells forester that Thomas Mayo was also reported missing earlier that day so we are on missing boy number three roughly the same age within about 10 miles of each other yeah yeah exactly and it's getting it is and this is just so out of character and we're not we're not done yet so the second forester gets this information he knows the case is bigger it's getting bigger by the minute and he checks the car for clues for more clues and he finds something troubling in the glove compartment it's a an insulin kit and he learns that Tom Mayo is diabetic so now we have a real problem talk about urgency before you got Tom yeah you got diabetic Tom Mayo missing and he doesn't have his insulin so if nothing bad has happened to him already it's it's only a matter of time until something does I feel like if this was I mean obviously it was a TV show you made it into a documentary but if this was like a thriller or something like this is when a countdown timer would show up in the corner of the screen like I feel like it's like oh my god shit just got real we are on a time crunch like we're literally working against the clock to find out where at least Tom Mayo is yeah because even if this is nothing even if this whole thing is just a weird situation a weird set of circumstances the only hard evidence is that Tom Mayo is missing and he doesn't have his insulin what's worse is he searches the garage and he finds the title to Tom Mayo's car along with the keys hanging on the wall and I'll see if I can dig up a picture I might have one on my old drive but it was really weird that because it told him that somebody put that car there for a reason like why on earth would you would a new would a missing kids car be in this garage and the title and the keys kind of up on the wall it didn't make a weird is a title something you're supposed to keep in your car do you keep that somewhere safe you're supposed to keep it somewhere safe but maybe it was just on the cut yeah so I don't know how he ended up with it maybe Tom had it in his glove compartment but still even if he wasn't like it just seems like that's something weird that's there like at least we know where the keys are I guess that helps a little but it's I think it's weird that the title is there absolutely so forest or contacts his chief and and efforts to find these boys really ramp up meanwhile Officer Megan Freer is visiting the De Nardo's home in Ben Salem where the family lives and he speaks to Cosmo De Nardo's mother and Cosmo De Nardo's mother says she hasn't heard from Cosmo in a few days but she'll she'll try to get a hold of him so the question now is where's Cosmo is he is he missing like the others or did he see if something to do with this maybe he's off on some kind of summer adventure with these guys and and it's it's all nothing it's all a big misunderstanding but yeah I guess my first thought I mean I know the story so that makes it tough but I guess my first thought would be if the mom said I haven't seen him in a few days I think I would immediately jump to oh my god we have another missing kid and that that was some now we're with how many police departments we have Megan Freer and one we have the Solbury Township we have the private investigator the private investigator like we have so many different departments working on this and again obviously we know the middle town and the Solbury police got together but what about all the other people right and it's because there's there's information unfolding at different speeds in different townships and it's just the puzzle pieces haven't connected for them yet and and what you're about to learn is there was one more boy involved in this whole saga like it's not over yet so police in Solbury tracked down the missing persons report from Tom Mayo in Plumstead and it explains that when Tom was last seen he was with his best friend at 22 year old Mark Sturgis and the detectives say that Mark Sturgis hasn't been heard from either oh boy so now we have five missing boys essentially five missing boys and if you notice in the doc we took that opportunity to really paint Cosmo is possibly another victim and I know it's a little less important here because we're still telling a story but keeping the mystery alive isn't exactly paramount but in the doc on TV it is and so we really drug out the fact that could Cosmo be another victim and it did cross detectives mind for a while but remember a lot of things are pointing back to the Solbury property and now you have this car discovery so it's chances are it's a little more than just five boys missing well and there was no at this point there is missing person report reports on four boys but not on Cosmo right his mom's just like I don't know where he is and I want to step back a little bit and tell you about the two boys Tom Mayo and Mark Sturgis the best friends before moving on with the investigation so Tom's parents chose not to take part in the lost boys of Bucks County and I'm not sure the exact reason but they were only family that wasn't on board and that made it really hard to you want to you want the people closest to the victims to help you tell the story no one knows them like they're loved ones and not only that you want personal photographs you want firsthand accounts of what happened it's the only way to really bring these stories to life and when you when you're missing that it makes it difficult and so that was a big hurdle that we really had to work around and luckily I became very close with Mark Sturgis's family specifically his mom Amy and his sister Liz and they are people that I still tell we still get Christmas cards I mean we are still in contact Amy is a very private person but she chose to take part in this documentary and without her we wouldn't have had a story because what she did is so she was able to fill in that voice because Mark was Tom's best friends so they they knew each other very well Amy knew them both very well and Amy had pictures of her son Mark with Tom in them so we were able to utilize a different family to bring another family to lift that makes sense he kind of yeah yeah so Tom was pretty Tom was an unassuming guy super chill fun loving great personality there were all these all these videos of him on Facebook just dancing around being silly being funny and he was raised by a single mother despite that he excelled he was a Tom was a varsity wrestler in high school and eventually went to East Rausberg University he was on the right path yeah and and actually college was where he developed type two diabetes so this was a fairly recent diagnosis oh this was new okay I didn't know that no so and then there's mark and mark was a I think I described him as a like a gentle giant he was a he was a big teddy bear dude was six feet tall but but the nicest softest hearted guy you would ever meet and and he played sporty and he played sports he played guitar killer guitar player unbelievable and and he had known Tom for years in fact Mark's father had a construction business and that's where Tom and Mark were actually working during the summer just really incredible kids and this construction job is what sparked them to actually be reported missing though initially Tom and Mark both didn't show up for work on Saturday morning June 8 or sorry July 8 and they were they were attached to the hip so the thought was whatever they are they're together though Mark and Tom they're hungover they were party and it just whatever and Tom I'm sorry Mark was the kind of guy who he was different in the fact that he didn't care about his phone he if that thing didn't charge for three days whatever he like he wasn't the guy who was always on social media always on his phone he didn't care he was living life right for him so that was that was another thought that crossed people's minds like well we haven't heard from Mark but I mean that's mark you know right so eventually all of their parents both sets of parents realize that this wasn't the case and nobody could get a hold of Tom or Mark so this was a problem so here we have four missing boys now Jimmy Patrick Dean Finnequero Tom Mayo and Mark Sturgis with the missing link being Cosmo de Nardo and at this point he could either be missing as well or know what happened to these boys so Officer Megan Freer and Middletown Police they get savvy they know the young boys are so they know because they're young boys they turn to social media that's that's where you get information these days especially on young kids and Freer convinces her chief to use the Middletown Police Department's Facebook page to make a post about Dean and I'll pop a pickup it's really just Dean it's a picture of Dean it's it's almost like a missing poster it's a it's a post saying we're looking for information about this boy can you help because the others were outside the other boys were outside of Middletown's jurisdiction this post was just about Dean they didn't Megan didn't make a post about all the boys that she knew about at this point so and this post blows up it reaches something like 350,000 people in just 24 hours Megan woke up the next day and she's like this thing is taking off she told her husband and before long people start making the connection as people do on social media theories run wild rumors run wild and but it doesn't take long for people to be like there's four boys all have kind of close ties although they don't know each other they're all kind of tied together in a similar way and and the legend of the lost boys of Bucks County was born well and I remember it being like at least on the news it was like one boy's missing another boy's missing and then I personally feel like it got real when and I still remember this they showed a scene of someone's car and the news did and it had the insulin kid in it and I feel like that it was like and now we have two more missing boys the clock is on and just back to the social media you know that's such a double edged sword because to reach that many people that quickly is amazing however you hit the nail in the head when you said theories start to run wild yeah it can be a blessing and a curse because yes but now you have to weed out what's fact and what's fiction exactly and a lot of times a lot of it's fiction just because people want to offer their two cents but that two cents could be random but at the same time that that that random comment could be the one tip that that breaks things open but when you have limited manpower you can only you have to track down all these tips so you have to figure out what's credible and what's not very quickly let's remember that all of the departments involved again I don't know this for a fact but I don't assume that they have a ton of experience in this sort of situation exactly again these are small towns this doesn't happen there I feel like a lot of their biggest concerns were things like Dean writing ATVs down the street not four boys are all of a sudden missing right exactly and and this Bucks County at that point had turned into the hub of media activity I mean this little this little tiny town now all of a sudden CNN ABC all these people were the news was spreading and you were starting to see it on a national level and that's when for me that it got real because you follow these local stories and a lot of times you see a report about a missing boy you don't it's strange and you feel bad but you don't think too much about it you just want to updates like dude did they find it yet but when CNN and these bigger networks start covering this thing across the country this rural Pennsylvania town now is the epicenter for something huge and we were living it we were here seeing it and it was it was so strange and surreal no behind the scenes a countywide task force was was being assembled and they're basically game planning what to do about this mess and meanwhile the public is launching their own investigation people started several snapchat groups call and I've never been in a snapchat group but I'm not too old for snap 44 year old men rarely I assume you snapchat but what do I know yikes the people the ones on it probably so but this so they started this snapchat group called Tom wia is in like where you at and then there was another one dean where you at and everybody's talking about Cosmo de Nardo and what they were saying wasn't good so a local reporter he was actually an intern at the time with the inquirer and he joined one of these groups his boss was like you know what you're gonna act as a mole and you're young you're you're just breaking into the industry I want you to just get on social media find out what's happening and because he was young he could relate to the people that were starting these rumors and starting these things and he was able to get into these like exclusive access to some of these snapchat groups and he offered up some screenshots to the documentary one of someone DM'ed him one of the most terrifying photos I've ever seen in my entire life and we'll put it up right now and this is Melissa you've seen this picture this is Cosmo with a pistol shirtless with a crazed look in his eye pointing this looks deranged that is like right there's so much like his eyes and you know they say this actually I think that detectives Steve Peeland may have said something about this with Louis Perez but just like there was evil in those eyes that's in this picture absolutely and the gun has a laser sight on it and it's like the laser's kind of pointing right at the camera and it is it's it's nightmare fuel I mean if this was somebody you knew and you saw this picture posted I mean I don't even know where you what you do with that so you on friend right well the second this photo was released the entire complexion of the case changed and now people in Bucks County were truly terrified so who is Cosmo dinner we talked about the other boys but we really haven't talked about cosmo did not know as a person sure what Cosmo was man spoiled brat I guess is the is the term I would use yeah thug is a term I'd use wannabe thug wannabe thug yeah to put it lightly I mean his his family was very prominent in Bucks County Cosmo in fact was named after his grandfather who was he was a real estate mogul and his father owned a humongous concrete company in Northeast Philly and his mother ran Bella trucking so their family were big they were blue collar but they almost like worked on in some form half of Bucks County so they had they had quite an empire going and Cosmo was essentially the heir to that empire and all he had to do was behave and Cosmo did not behave I hate this kid you know how angry I how angry I get I hate this kid like with a passion I cannot think of a bigger loser than Cosmo did not know and you know what to describe that entire family I think the best way to say it is that all the money in the world cannot buy you class that's a great way to put it and and that's I don't normally trash I have feelings on these perpetrators I don't usually trash them publicly Cosmo de Nardo deserves every bad word that's ever said about him why you have me you know I love this is the name of talking shit this is the truth these are stating facts yeah and so on these the snapchat threads that I had mentioned girls were popping up on them talking about run ins that they've had with Cosmo and they would they said that Cosmo would harass them incessantly online trying to get them to have sex with him and some even shared screenshots of the conversations and they are disgusting the things that he foul foul and one thing was clear confidence was not an issue for Cosmo this guy had no problem with confidence I think he thought that his family's notoriety would just make women's pants fall off and then you could just rely on that but that was not the case he wasn't Cosmo was not just a perv he would if anyone needed a sign Melissa it's Cosmo de Nardo he was a predator he was a straight up predator he was dangerous too he had gotten kicked out of Arcadia University because of his violent temper he was caught with a handgun on campus he was consistently trying to fight with people he was selling guns he was selling sneakers online he would show when he would sell sneakers there would be a picture of the shoe sitting there that he was trying to sell and next to it would be a hot like a bullet a giant caliber bullet that goes in like a hunting rifle just sitting next to the shoe just just showing up intimidating yeah to be intimidating yeah so but it's like douchey as Cosmo was he was also very popular in his circle of friends and whether or not they were actual friends or not I don't know or if they were latching on to him because he had these he had access to one of the biggest properties in Solbury and Cosmo's parents hooked him up with toys this guy had dirt bikes ATVs guns and a playground that he could just use because they didn't even live there they lived in Ben Salem so free rein and I think that these these friends actually even commented that they felt a certain unease when they were around Cosmo even they were close with him they felt this that this kind of edginess when they were when they were around him and you know yeah you're only as good as the company you surround yourself with so if that's the type of people your friends with you need to rethink your situation Cosmo is just such an arrogant dopey looking pretentious little shit and his parents bailed him out of everything and we talked about this last week with my case and how accountable our parents and nature versus nurture and all of that and I think in this situation his parents knowingly provide it with him with those quote unquote toys that you mentioned and I think they're just as accountable as he is he was never ever held accountable for anything completely agree and I think that's what that's was the foundation for this entire case and and we'll get into that a lot in part too but from an investigative standpoint it's clear to say that Cosmo was now a huge person of interest unfortunately he is still MIA so what happens next is important though so at 2am on Sunday July 9th soulberry police on routine patrol stumble upon a car left in the peddlers village parking lot and that's that shopping center that we just talked about but it's not just any car it's Mark Sturgis's and nothing of evidentiary value is found inside it just looked like a parked car it's like Mark just just kind of parked it close the door and walked away but I can tell you that the shopping center you know there's there's zero reason for a 20 something to be there unless you're unless you're meeting someone for lunch or something like that there's not a whole lot of stores that would appeal to like a 20 year old boy there right so that that's a lesser known coincidence that people are like hmm that just that little fact doesn't even have so as you can see investigators are starting to think that the farm is is ground zero for something something bad because it's only two miles from peddlers village where Mark's car was found so walking distance and that that this farm could be could hold the answers to whatever happened to these boys so before they can put together a search warrant though they're prime person of interest services Cosmo de Nardo walks right into the police station hey I heard you heard you were looking for me as if like there's no anything that's going on and unfortunately that is where I'm going to end part one you will have to you will have to tune in next week to see what's hanging like that yep we're gonna we're gonna find out what Cosmo has to say and and let me tell you you do not want to miss it because this story is only just beginning you're right and I think we should just give everyone like a heads up that this is just gonna make you mad I'm mad and I think about this probably more often than I should but like writing Cosmo a letter and being like you are a pathetic douche like you are the spoiled upper middle class little bitch who thought he was so gangster and it's like in reality he wouldn't last a second with the people that he's trying to emulate they would laugh in his ugly old face that's true statement so guess we'll find out what happens well we will talk to everyone next week and remember just because they have fun toys doesn't mean that they're not perverts you you you you you You [BLANK_AUDIO]