David Icke

The Israeli Government Use Censorship To Protect Themselves From Exposure- David Icke

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Hey, does it annoy you to see others get rich in crypto? If yes, it's natural to wish you could do the same, but probably looks too hard, you don't have the time, not to mention it's bloody boring. But if that's you, why not copy me? On my copy my crypto website, I share every crypto I own, which means you've just copied me. Here's how Richard Carlo, who's made over 800 grand as a member, describes the site. It's like having a big brother who knows what he's doing. I don't need to know a thing about crypto as I just copied James. I'm James McMann, and I run the Crypto with James' YouTube channel with over 65,000 subscribers. In mid-2020, my viewers watched me buy 26 cryptos. Had you put 100 bucks into each one, it went on to be worth 123 grand. One of the cryptos, Phantom, went up 692 times in price and retired a number of people. Remember this is public record, go to YouTube and verify this yourself. So to join other 3,700 members who copy me, go to the link on screen. You not only find proof of everything I've said, but as one of David's viewers, you get full access for just a dollar. Guys, it's only a recommendation, but I suggest you go there now. The offer expires soon, and after that, I'm not an option. I remember when that censorship started, it would be an aggressive nature of trying to send people to buy it as well. You were saying at the time, it's not about what they're doing now, it's about what they're planning to do. This would have been 2018, 2019, when that was certainly having to go at our events, it was 2018. We obviously see what that planned is what's happening now. And people called out from October the 7th, October the 8th, that no way that could have happened without prior knowledge, without them at least having warnings and why did nobody react and all those things. And here we are now, what, eight months, nine months later? Even the mainstream news are reporting on it in a couple of different ways. The report by Ben Swan, the American journalist, was very good about how it was allowed to happen. Yeah, what's happened is that it's come out, I mean, anyone with the brain could see it from day one, and we're talking about it from day one. But what's now come out is that you know this music festival where all these young people were attacked and some died and some were kidnapped and what have you. What's come out is that they knew that this was going to happen. And they allowed those people to be attacked. I'm talking about the Israeli government and the Israeli military without any response. And like you say, a very good alternative journalist, Ben Swan. This is part of his report on what's been now established. We show you that the party was approved last minute despite multiple warnings of a violent incursion from Gaza. And we've discussed how days before the festival, two entire brigades of soldiers were taken away from the area of the Gaza border and then sent to the West Bank. And you might think that immediately upon receiving information of a devastating attack on partygoers, military authorities would alert units to immediately exit their bases, race to the side of the conflict, and go on the counter attack, right? But that's not what happened. Perrets reported, quote, "At 7 a.m. the party organizer called Lieutenant Colonel Eli Zendani, a man tasked with approving the festival and told him that terrorists were shooting the partygoers. He suggested that they fend for themselves. The first IDF forces arrived at the party scene at 3 p.m. That's eight hours for a response time for one of the most efficient, capable, and will militarize security forces in the world, operating in a country the size of New Jersey with their Gaza division only a few miles away." Well, one of the big things that wasn't exposed until recently as well is that the license for that festival to go ahead was given at the very last minute. Now, if you knew warnings were coming before you gave a license to a festival, you wouldn't do it, would you? Or if you did, you would absolutely pack that place out with military. Yeah. You wouldn't have allowed it to happen. You'd have said, "Oh, we've got intelligence, and, you know, for your safety, we can't allow this." But there was no response. You saw in Ben's once report there that it was hours and hours before there was any response. And to make it even more grotesque, because why would they allow their own citizens to be attacked like that and slaughtered like that? Because they wanted an excuse to do what they've done in Gaza, problem, reaction, solution. It's exactly what has been going on. So we now have this story at the same time. Israeli army used a Hannibal directive during October 7th, a mass attack. This is an investigation by an Israeli newspaper, Herrettes. The Israeli army ordered the Hannibal directive, a controversial Israeli military policy aimed at preventing the capture of Israeli soldiers by enemy forces at any cost on October 7th last year. And what this Hannibal directive is, is to say to the Israeli military that no military personnel taken hostage are removed from Israeli soil. And if that means you have to kill them all to stop that, then that's what you do. That's what the Hannibal directive is. So on October 7th, as these hostages were being taken and military hostages and civilian hostages, is basically the directive went out. They don't leave Israeli soil. And so the army, and we've seen video of this, were just shooting willy-nilly at everybody to stop that happening, to stop the hostages being taken, even if it meant killing the bloody hostages and killing the soldiers that would be taken hostage. And this is why so many people died. And trying to get across this past 35 years, the scale of pure evil that we're dealing with has been very, very difficult. And I don't understand because people in the normal course of their lives come across this level of evil. And so they say, oh, no, they'd never do that. No, you'd never do that. They would. And they did. And it was all to justify the slaughter in in Gaza and the takeover of that land of Gaza. And supported by America, supported by by by Britain and especially supported now by Keir Starmer. And this is the level of evil that we're dealing with. Don't think there's any limit to the evil they will perpetrate. They don't have limits. They have no empathy. They have no emotional consequence for whatever they do. And so if that's what you're doing, and that's what you're doing in terms of Israel, you have to stop the exposure of Israel. You have to do that. And we're back again to this anti-Semitic defense posture whereby anyone that criticizes Israel is by definition, anti-Jewish or anti-Semitic. I've said it many times. I can't say it enough times. Semitic refers to language groups in the Middle East. The overwhelming vast majority of which are actually Arabic languages. So anti-Semitic is actually anti-Arab. And I don't believe Hebrew is an anti-Semitic language, is it? Yiddish is. But most modern-day Israelis speak Hebrew, is that correct? Yeah, well, Hebrew is a Semitic language. But most Israelis or Jewish people around the world won't speak Hebrew. It's an ancient language. But apart from that, all the other languages are like the vast overwhelming majority are Arabic languages. And thus anti-Semitic is a complete misnomer. But they've used it. Why have they used it? Well, for many reasons. One is that they wanted a term that was unique to them, so they invented anti-Semitism. And so we've reached this point in terms of censorship and come to a clip in a second, which is very relevant. The Jewish population ratio of the human population is 0.2%. 0.2% of the population of the world, 8 billion, is Jewish. And the people I've been pointing out are not even that 0.2% of the Jewish population, but a cult within them that actually hates Jewish people and everything they stand for. It's why they've hung them out to dry so many times. Called the Sabotean cult. The Sabotean cult has been running Israel since its creation. It was put into place Israel in 1948, overseen by the house of Rothschild, who are Saboteans. When people say, "Oh, there's Jewish people in power all over the place, like in America." Well, hold on a minute. Are they Jewish or are they Sabotean? Because Saboteans are an inversion of what we call Jewish. So we have this story this week, which is so in line with what we've been talking about, that we have to stop the exposure of what we're doing. And to do that, we've got to stop and control information that is exposing us. So here's the story. World Jewish Congress praises Meta, Facebook, policy decision to prevent anti-Semitic use of the term Zionist. Now, Zionism is a political movement. Many Jewish people are not Zionists. Many people call themselves Zionists who are not Jewish. It's a political organization. I remember seeing a clip years ago when he was a bit more complimented by Joe Biden saying, "I'm a Zionist." So it's a political movement. Now, there should be crystal clear that Israel is the single greatest strength America has in the Middle East. I always say to my friends, do they say those things to you? I say, imagine our circumstance in the world where there are no Israel. How many battleships would there be? How many troops would be stationed? You know, I used to say earlier when I was a kid, I'd say when I was a young senator, I'd say, "If I were a Jew, I'd be a Zionist. I am a Zionist." You don't have to be a Jew, I'd be a Zionist. And what they are doing, because this Sabotean movement, this Sabotean cult, it hijacked what we call Zionism and has controlled it ever since. And therefore, if you talk about Zionists, particularly ultra-Zionists, you're talking about the Saboteans, right? So what they want to do, and what Meta has apparently done here, is to stop the use of Zionists in the sense of you're really saying Jews, right? So it's like saying, okay, you're criticizing the conservative party, or the Republicans or whatever, but what you really mean is Jews, don't you? That's what they're saying, to what? To stop the use of the words Zionists do. So the World Jewish Congress, WJC, today commended Meta's announcement that it will expand its policies to classify the misuse of the term Zionist as a proxy for Jews, as anti-Semitic, and tier one hate speech. This landmark decision following years of advocacy by the World Jewish Congress, I'll come to who's running that in a second. It's affiliated Jewish communities and other organizations, marks a significant step in combating the veiled anti-Semitism that has proliferated under the guise of political discourse and has skyrocketed since October the 7th. So you see what they're doing. They not only allowed October the 7th to happen, so that they could do what they've done to Gaza. They're using the reaction to what they've done in Gaza to justify censorship of criticism of the Israeli government and the Zionists that are behind it. And the guy who is president of the World Jewish Congress is a guy called Ronald S. Lordah of the S.D. Lordah is a cosmetic empire who says Meta's decision is a much needed advancement in our ongoing fight against online anti-Semitism and hatred. By recognizing and addressing the misuse of the term Zionist, Meta is taking a bold stand against those who seek to mask their hatred of Jews. By the way, in my book The Trigger, which was all about 9/11 and what really happened, Ronald S. Laudah, I guess a few mentions I would say anymore to read the book, but he's gone further. Ronald S. Laudah, or Lordah, he once now laws introduced to enforce severe long-term jail sentences for anyone who is considered anti-Semitic when the definition of anti-Semitism has got wider and wider and wider all the time, even more wide now. And this is the Lordah bloke describing what he wants. All world leaders, all politicians must lead in this effort. Words are not enough. Political speeches are not enough. Laws must be passed. Severe, tough, real laws that will put these hate-mongers away in prison for a long time. You're in massive trouble, really. We've both been jailed for this show alone today. Yeah, based on that, wouldn't you? Well, what I say is bring it on, because I'm not going to censor myself just because of threats from people that want to censor me because they don't want the truth coming out. And no one needs to know this more than Jewish people because this Sabotean cult has taken over the Jewish community, has done for a long time. And the people that the Jewish community in general think are their leaders and are one of them are actually Saboteans, and the last thing they want is what's good for Jewish people. That's why the Sabotean government of Israel, led by Netanyahu, used Israel and Israelis as a laboratory, his words for Pfizer, with the fake vaccine. The thing that the Jewish people in general need to appreciate is that these Saboteans that run the government that are in all these places of power in America, they have no interest in what benefits Jewish people in general. They're just a fodder to be used to secure the ends of this Sabotean cult, which is part of the wider cult of secret societies and secret groups. Yeah, and we've seen videos and we have orthodox Jews in the West Bank in particular, and other parts of Israel pushing back against what they're doing, and they get beaten up by the police, they get attacked, they get vilified. So, you know, you've got people like Gilad Asmon, who's a Jewish guy who's talked out against, they get called "self haters" or "self haters" and things like that. You know, it's clear that the contempt they have for Jewish people is astonishing. Yes, it is. And I've been forging that out and being banned for being anti-Semitic as a result, you know, it's hilarious. Well, it would be hilarious if it wasn't so bad. I'm supposed to be a nutter. And he's got some squirrely ones. Alex Jones is way more reliable than David, like, you know, people have called you a "linear" that's been written. I've been researching this stuff for 20 years. How can you research? I've been to more than 20 countries doing it. Which is funny, really, because why would they ban someone who is not with it? Doesn't know what they're talking about. From nearly 30 European countries in the Schengen border group, why would they ban him from Australia? Why would he be banned from the mainstream media and even banned from a swathe of the alternative media? Why would that be? I'm crazy, right? Why would that be... The reveal. Out on September the 1st.