David Icke

"We Knew Something Was Going To Happen" - Israeli Journalist Exposes October 7th Attacks

This week on Gareth Icke Tonight.

What really happened at the border on October 7th?

We’ll be talking to investigative journalist Shelly Bandel Rawlings. She, and her organisation ‘Choose love not fear’ are on the brink of releasing a revelatory document titled "A Man's Sword Against His Brother," which meticulously details the events leading to the October 7th massacre and exposes the shocking complicity of various world leaders, including those in Israel, with Hamas.

And later in the show, we’re joined from South Africa by Michael Tellinger. Micheal is a scientist, explorer, humanitarian, and internationally acclaimed author, who is looking to provide solutions through community, with his ‘One small town’ project.

Dr Graham Lyons is a research scientist, university professor and cattle farmer. He is also a freedom fighter that became a leading voice in the revolt against Australia's draconian covid policies. He’s here to talk about net zero and the quite blatant attack on the food supply.

And Master in the occult and esoteric arts Chris Horlacher comes on to talk about his research into Atlantis, the Anunnaki, Fallen Angels, and the Nephilim. Having begun his studies as a teenager, he was later informed by his family that he came from a centuries-old line of Freemasons, that included several Grand Masters. That’s Gareth Icke Tonight, Thursday 7pm UK on

Broadcast on:
04 Jul 2024
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This week on Gareth Icke Tonight.

What really happened at the border on October 7th?

We’ll be talking to investigative journalist Shelly Bandel Rawlings. She, and her organisation ‘Choose love not fear’ are on the brink of releasing a revelatory document titled "A Man's Sword Against His Brother," which meticulously details the events leading to the October 7th massacre and exposes the shocking complicity of various world leaders, including those in Israel, with Hamas.

And later in the show, we’re joined from South Africa by Michael Tellinger. Micheal is a scientist, explorer, humanitarian, and internationally acclaimed author, who is looking to provide solutions through community, with his ‘One small town’ project.

Dr Graham Lyons is a research scientist, university professor and cattle farmer. He is also a freedom fighter that became a leading voice in the revolt against Australia's draconian covid policies. He’s here to talk about net zero and the quite blatant attack on the food supply.

And Master in the occult and esoteric arts Chris Horlacher comes on to talk about his research into Atlantis, the Anunnaki, Fallen Angels, and the Nephilim. Having begun his studies as a teenager, he was later informed by his family that he came from a centuries-old line of Freemasons, that included several Grand Masters.
That’s Gareth Icke Tonight, Thursday 7pm UK on

(upbeat music) - Hello and welcome to "Garethite Tonight." It's selection week in the UK. Oh, it's a very exciting four-yearly barn dance where we get to choose which privately educated millionaire gets to represent the working classes of Britain for the next few years. At the point of recording, I don't know, he'll get handed the keys to Downing Street, but I would be shocked if it wasn't Sir Insincere starma, the leader of the Labour Party and the son of a toolmaker. Then if you knew that. But who is Sir starma? And what does he mean when he says he's changed the Labour Party and will change Britain? 'Cause change, of course, is an arbitrary term. It doesn't actually mean anything concrete, but, you know, it's vague enough for people to get behind. After all, most people won't change in one form or another. So starma took control of the Labour Party in April 2020 when the Israel orchestrated and completely manufactured anti-Semitism crisis ended the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn. But who takes control of starma? Of course, he's a Sir, so he's willing to get on his knees for royalty. And he's part of the David Rockefeller-founded trilateral commission. So, you know, he's a proper man of the people. But when it comes to the party itself, it's a battle between two organizations for starmas loyalty. The Tony Blair Institute for Global Change and Labour Together. Now, we all know about the former, the war criminal who's never seen an anti-human agenda he didn't want to promote, but Labour Together are a little more elusive. They call themselves a think tank, but their role goes quite a way beyond that. Labour members are unable to join or get involved with Labour Together, and from what I can see, the only way to get a foot in the door with them is to donate an awful lot of money their way. They have a very long list of millionaire donors with very little history of Labour Party support in the past. One major donor being Sir Trevor Chin. Chin is a major supporter of Labour Friends of Israel and also helps to fund organizations like the New Israel Project. Labour Together were founded and funded into existence, just coincidentally, at the same time that Jeremy Corbyn, a man openly critical of Israel's treatment of Palestinians, was elected leader of the Labour Party. Also created at this time was Momentum, a group that was meant to support Corbyn, but of course did anything. But organizations like the Jewish Labour Movement suddenly became more active as they saw a threat to the status quo when Corbyn took charge. There's a theme appearing. Starmer's right-hand man now is allowed by the name of Morgan McSweeney. McSweeney also came through Labour Together, but more interestingly, before that, founded the Centre for Countering Digital Hate. C. Imran Ahmed, the current CEO of the CCDH, claims to have founded the censorship organization, that's not actually true. Companies House shows Mr. McSweeney as a director from the organization's founding before leaving and entering Circuistama's staff. If you don't know who the Centre for Countering Digital Hate are, they are a group that coined the term, the disinformation dozen for 12 doctors that were correctly warning about the dangers of the COVID vaccine warnings that have now been shown to be completely true. The CCDH also attacks anyone critical of Israel. You'll be surprised, critical of the climate change scam, COVID, Ukraine, gender ideology, you name it. If you call it out, they want to shut you up. They are a narrative management organization that links into the Labour Party in the UK and the Centre for American Progress. In the United States, that's John Podesta, by the way. So the leader of the working class Labour Party of Britain is in the pocket of David Rockefeller's trilateral commission. He's in the pocket of the Israel lobby. After all, he's openly stated that Israel has a right to cut off water to Gaza. Cutting off water to civilians is a war crime. It's a nice bloke, isn't it? He's also under the senior advisory ship of a man that formed an infamous censorship organization that seeks to silence free speech. The Jewish Chronicle are rapidly pro-Israel rag that gets sued for libel more times than it gets read. This week said, "Labor can be trusted again, "under circuit stammer." Yeah, it can be trusted to do as they're told, can't they? See, all the political parties are scumbags. None of them represent you, and they will in the end show themselves to be mere puppets of the establishment pushing an agenda that is against the people, not for them. But some parties would do it faster than others. And if I'm right and Labour do win this election, then for once a secure stammer isn't lying, there is going to be change, all right? It's going to be one hell of a ride, folks. (upbeat music) The October 7th attacks on Israel are still fresh in the memory, doesn't feel like nine months ago. And for many, the horrors are still continuing on a daily basis. 1,139 Israelis were killed by Hamas militants on that day and the death toll of Palestinians killed in response. Now approaches are 38,000. We immediately asked the question, how was this allowed to happen? Israel's got the strongest border security in the world, and one of, if not, the world's most advanced military infrastructures and it was outwitted by tractors and paragliders. Later it emerged that the Israeli Defence Forces were aware of the attack almost three weeks before, but did exactly nada to stop it. We're joined now from Greece by Shelly Bandell Rawling. Shelly and her husband Daniel formed an organization called Choose Love Not Fear. The organization's mission is to raise awareness of world events and threats to our democracy. They're on the brink of releasing a revelatory document titled A Man's Sword Against His Brother, which meticulously details the events leading to the October 7th massacre and exposes the shocking complicity of various world leaders, including those in Israel with Hamas. Shelly, thank you so much for joining us. Before we talk about October 7th, can we find out a little bit about yourself and your background, what led you to form Choose Love Not Fear? Thank you for having me. Well, the reason why I decided to do to form Choose Love Not Fear was because of everything that was going on. Obviously, there's so much happening in the world, and most shocking thing is, of course, you probably know about that, is how many people are still not aware that all these things are happening. There is such a, you know, a problem with people taking side instead of trying to unite and fight against the real evil that is happening in the world. And during COVID, of course, it all kind of like clicked for me, like a lot of other people around the world. And I couldn't just sit back and do nothing while this was all happening. So I just used the experience that I had with media and a little bit of marketing. With my husband, of course, he is an amazing video editor, and we just decided to take it by the horns and try to do as much damage control as we can. Informed people, like most of my videos are very light to people that are still kind of like waking up to realizing what is going on, explaining in detail about organizations like the World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization, what they're about, what they're trying to do. And that's pretty much it right now. - It's interesting, you mentioned COVID kind of, you know, things clicking for you 'cause that happened with a lot of people and I actually saw it at last start to bring people together as everyone, you know, from different backgrounds and religions and political backgrounds, we're actually going, oh, hang on, we're all in this together. And then I don't know if it's the same where you are in Greece, or even in Israel, but in the UK, when October 7th happened, it tore that freedom movement, it just split it down the middle. - Yes. - What were your first thoughts when you saw the attacks on your television screen? - Oof, I was very shocked, very, very, very shocked, like a lot of people, I didn't only see it on TV, of course, I saw a lot of it that was happening online, and I'm just seeing right now the pictures in my head too, it was very, very hard to see. And I knew from the beginning that it was not what the media, of course, it was, it was not just black and white, there was more than, like, simmed on the surface, and my husband and I actually left to Greece. I'm Israeli, I was born and raised in Jerusalem, and I was actually born in Brazil, but that's a long story, I'm adopted from Brazil, but raised in Jerusalem, Israel, I grew up there and lived there my entire childhood until I was 20, so I always knew something was really happening, and when I was 20, I decided to move to Canada and I lived in Canada for the rest of my adult life. I came back to Israel on 2020, so I was happening, I saw what was happening to my family too, with the vaccines and everything, and then we kind of knew something big was going to happen in Israel, my husband and I knew, and that's why we took the kids and we moved to Greece, at June 20, 20, 20, 20, 23, and when it happened, it was not a shock, unfortunately, we knew something big was going to happen. - When you say you knew, Shelley, in what way, was it just a feeling, or was it something you'd heard? - It was a feeling, yeah, but there was a lot more than just a feeling, I started doing the channel back in 2023, full time, and I connected some dots. Israel have been under a special emergency law, and honestly, I don't know since when I haven't even looked that far in the past, but I know for a fact that it has been happening since COVID, since COVID, Israel and a lot of other countries from all over the world were under special emergency law, which allows the country to enforce laws quicker and usually they give a little bit of time for the public to resist if they want to, give them a little bit of time to be aware that they're going to enforce a new law or vote on the new law. And when the COVID emergency law, sorry, when the COVID emergency was over, it was around February 2022, if I'm not mistaken. Don't quote me on that, but it was around 22 when they stopped with the COVID laws, like the green passport and all that stuff. But the emergency, special emergency law for COVID was not over, and they actually extended it until February 2024, and I asked myself why, and I knew that before February 2024, something else big was gonna happen because they're not going to allow this special emergency law go and disappear, dissipate like that, you know? So I had a feeling something else big was gonna happen. I thought maybe it was the new WHO pandemic treaty that they were signing right now, but I had no idea that it was gonna be that big and that terrible, no. - So have they extended those emergency powers then, Shelley, as a result of October 7th? - Exactly. - Right. - Exactly. So now the special emergency law is still happening but under the new war. - So if you want a special emergency law, you just need to keep creating emergencies, don't you? And you can just kick that can down the road as long as you want. As you said there, you grew up in Israel. So I'm assuming then you still have contacts there and friends, their family there. What is the feeling like in Israel regarding October 7th and particularly the security breach and the response of Netanyahu and his government? - Good question. I think people are still very much in shock because the war is still happening and the government is still, they're still being citizens in Israel, still being bombarded by missiles. Whether they're real missiles of Hamas and the Hezbollah or not, that's another story that I don't wanna get into it because it's another... - Yeah, it's around that whole of its own, that one, yeah. - Yeah, exactly. But people are in shock. They're running to the bomb shelter still on at least a weekly basis, depends on where you live. If you live up north or in the Gaza Strip, it's always happening, it's almost on a daily basis. So people don't even have time to take it all in. And the thing is people didn't even have time to take what happened during COVID in because it's crisis and after crisis, that's how the government of Israel works since the dawn of time. So people don't really have time to really recover from anything that's happening before the next crisis come. And that's how they control the people there. And it really all clicked for me, like I said, during COVID because I couldn't believe how I was talking to my friends and family. And it was talking like a robot, like somebody was there, but the light was on, but nobody was home when we were talking about maybe wait a little bit with the vaccine, don't take the vaccine right now, wait till you see if other people will get the side effect, if other people want to take it. And people were just, they didn't want to hear anything, they didn't want to talk to me about any of that. And it was just, it was a shock for me to see people that I thought were smart and intelligent and just blocking me out of their life because of my, because of, I was asking questions, not even gathering a solid opinion yet at the time. And it all clicked for me, I think it's a thing. I don't know, it's a little controversial what I'm gonna say right now maybe, but a lot of people in Israel, of course, have to serve in the military. It's a must. You have to serve the military when you're 18 in Israel for boys and girls, women and women. And I think maybe that's one of the reasons people are so institutionalized, they don't question the orders they were given. And that's why a lot of people were running towards getting the vaccine, getting, don't question the war, it's not the time right now. However, I do see online, I don't know these people in person, but I do see online a lot of people waking up, a lot of more people are questioning the narrative and it's really good to see. So I'm not giving up. - No, absolutely not. It's my home, it's my family. - You're right though, I saw a similar thing with people 'cause I've kind of been aligned with like the anti-war movement for as long as I can remember. And you know, the basis of that is that, you know, you've got big arms manufacturers, which to me are just the same as massive big pharmaceutical companies. You know, it's the same thing, money, money, money. And they don't care how many people die. And so I saw the same. I saw people that were friends with of mine in the anti-war movement, they were anti-globalist, anti-corporation that were running to big pharma. And I was looking at them going, what, same thing is, I think people genuinely lost their minds and I'm not even saying that for effect. I genuinely think that they did for a while. And some have come back now, haven't they? You know, and I kind of go in, you know, but to go back to October 7th, do you believe, 'cause I've not read this document of yours yet, I'm very excited to read it, but do you believe the attacks were allowed to happen? It certainly, obviously it points that way in terms of the security breaches, it's very odd. And if you believe it was allowed to happen for what end do you think that that was done? Oh, was it allowed to happen? Absolutely. There's no doubt in my mind that it was allowed to happen. As you probably know, the current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and probably I'm gonna get a lash back from all the right wing friends that I have about talking so badly about Benjamin Netanyahu, but it's, he is a web agent. And not just him, it's on the left too. And there is a lot of corruption in Israel. A lot of people are connected to the World Economic Forum. And I posted even a few times a video of an interview that Benjamin Netanyahu was doing with the President of the World Economic Forum. Borsch, I forgot his last name now. I don't wanna mispronounce it, but he was a minister in Norway. And he was saying in that interview, two Benjamin Netanyahu, the President of the World Economic Forum, how Benjamin Netanyahu was such a great contributor to the World Economic Forum, how he helped finance the headquarters of the Fourth Industrial Revolution of the World Economic Forum in Israel. And how much he contributed to the 2030 agenda, and so on and so forth. So it's all out there. It's happening. And it's obvious what the real agenda underneath it all. And with, forget about Benjamin Netanyahu, all the evidence, all the witnesses, all the number of coincidences that keeps surfacing is infinite. So many people are coming out, so many evidence are coming out, pointing it was ignored. And how can you ignore so many threats that are coming your way? Like the Israeli intelligence is considered to be one of the best in the world. They can prevent a terror attack from happening in Brazil, but they can prevent the most massive terror attack happening in Israel on their own land by thousands of terrorists. It's just, you have to be insane to believe that it was a coincidence. - Yeah, I agree. And you know, the fact that the Egypt came out and said that they'd warned of this impending attack. And then of course this IDF document comes out showing that Israeli intelligence had been watching Hamas literally running through what they were going to do and even saying that they were going to take 250 hostages and that they took over 200, didn't they? So, you know, the figures even that were being quoted and that was nearly three weeks before. It is extraordinary that it was clearly allowed to happen. Another one for me has had someone, I went to Israel many years ago, I went to play a beach soccer against Israel actually. So I've been to Israel. So I know the size of the country, it's not a big country at all. So the hours that it took for the response, that was what really got me at the time was okay, let's pretend they've breached the fence with all this amazing capability, but they've somehow got through it. Where are the soldiers? Where are the military? It was something like five, six hours, wasn't it? It's extraordinary. - At least, in some cases, I even just posted about it yesterday. A person was telling the news, the mainstream media that was interviewing, that the military took 27 hours to reach him and he was fighting all by himself, terrorists that were going into his communities, keyboards and massacring people, women and children and nobody came to the rescue. There was even another testimony of a person saying that he got to the prime minister while the attack was happening. He talked to the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu and he was telling him it's being looked at, we're gonna take care of it and nobody showed up. So the level of just abandonment and how they left their own brothers and sister die like that is so sad and just tragic. - It really is. I mean, fair play for that man fighting on his own. I mean, fair play there, but 27 hours. I mean, you can drive around Israel twice in 27 hours. - Yeah. - Pretty comfortably, can't you? So for it to take that long to get to him, that is extraordinary. This is a kind of, I guess, a crystal ball question and I guess it's a question appealing to the fact that you're an optimist. I think I get that impression from you. How do you believe, you know, the nightmare, which it is in the Middle East will end? Do you think there can ever be, you know, peace in the region? 'Cause in my experience, I've got friends that are Palestinian, friends that are Israeli, when you have a one-on-one conversation, they're exactly the same, they're just humans. - I believe that also from a personal experience, normal people want to get along. Extremists are not normal. I'm not talking about extremists and there is extremists on both sides. I'm talking about the normal, common sense, common people that live in that area. They want to get along. I talk to Palestinians and I talk to Jewish people. My own family has been living there also for generations and my mom's family actually used to live in the old city of Jerusalem. My mom's great-grandfather used to be a hairdresser in the old city. They spoke Arabic. They got along with everyone. And I believe that people want peace. It's the politicians and the divide and conquer, you know, narrative and that's what they're trying to do to people, they're trying to divide us because our strength is as being united together and they don't want us to be strong. They want us to be weak. They want us to be controlled by them. And this area is very explosive. It's very to, you know, it's explosive area in a way that it's very charged politically, ideologically and religiously. And it's very easy to steer people, steer the parts, steer people away from each other. And I really do believe that one day people will hopefully see the light and get together back again. - I sincerely hope you're right. It is interesting, it isn't explosive area. I was just thinking when you were saying that, you know, all the way back to the crusades and everything, you know, we're going about hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years, just for this kind of, you know, slither of land. It is crazy, really. Where can people find you and learn about you and your husband's mission and also, you know, read this document when you release it? - So our website, we're being censored right now all over except for maybe on X. So our website is probably the best place to find us. It is choose love not fear dot world. And we will post the document there on July the 7th of this year, of course. And at 7 p.m. on the same day, I will do a live event, 7 p.m. Eastern time. With the document, I will do a full presentation explaining the document, showing all the footage and hopefully later on, we will create, because the document is already old news with everything that was happening. There was so much more detail and evidence studies getting is coming to light right now even. And I hope to gather all this information after the publication of the document and even release a book. And later the documentary will follow as well. So it's choose love not fear dot world. That's where you can find us. And on Twitter or X, it's a Shelly Shock with two case. That's where you can find me. Fantastic. Thank you very much. So, okay, 7 p.m. Eastern. So that's midnight here, right? I have to get plenty of coffee down the neck then. Yeah, I look forward to watching it and reading the document. And thank you so much for joining us. It's been wonderful to talk to you. And I love the fact that even, you know, with something has horrendous as October 7th and obviously everything that's happened for the nine months since, that there is some optimism from you, obviously, choose love not fear. I mean, it's there in the name. And the fact that you know people as well on the ground in Israel that have that same level of optimism. Let's be friends. Let's get on, you know. Honestly, it's, it's mad. Terrorists, it used to be like that. It used to be like that. And with the time, with everything that's going on with Israel, I think if people really understand what is going on in our government and in the world, they will be less likely to be controlled and oppressed by them. And that's how we're going to go back to the good old times where people actually got along in that land. Yes, I shall raise a drink to that if I add one. Thank you again. And I'd love to speak to you again in the future, hopefully one day. Thank you. Same as well. It's such an honor to be here. I really appreciate you taking the time to interview me. Thank you. (upbeat music) [MUSIC PLAYING]