David Icke

Saudi Arabia And The Petro-Dollar - David Icke

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24 Jun 2024
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I am here... to bring light. It's about healing. Mind, body, soul. Don't ever settle. Find your purpose. Find the answers. Don't hold back. Achieve maximum success. Go ahead. Book with me if you want to live. We're going to dive into a number of stories today. We spoke about yesterday, which is to do with the Saudis dropping the petrol dollar for the currency they're going to use in oil transactions. Now, this is kind of a trend, isn't it? A lot of people have made memes and images about this over the years. Countries like Iraq dropped it, look what happened to them. Libya dropped it, look what happened to them. Syrians dropped it. Iranians dropped it and so on. But obviously, the Saudis are supposedly an ally of the West. So, for them to drop it, it's quite an interesting story and it will have implications massively, won't it? The implications are enormous for Americans and the American economy, because for all these years, this deal was signed in the 1970s. Saudi Arabia, of course, this massive global oil producer, has been selling its oil in dollars and for various reasons. This has had a phenomenal impact positively on the American economy. It's allowed it to rank up a lot of debt, for instance, and be able to service that debt, because people have needed to have dollars to do international trading and stuff, not just in energy, but in other things as well. I've been tracking this now for quite a long time, and it's obvious that what has happened with Saudi Arabia now dropping the petro dollar, dropping the dollar as its only form of international trading, is another enormous step in moving power in the world from West to East. This has been going on in many and various ways for a long time. For instance, the global corporations, and this is a point that, oh my goodness me, I've tried to get this across to those in the mainstream alternative media. I don't seem to grasp that when they talk about globalists, it's about a global agenda. It's not about America, that's part of it, but it's not about America as an individual country. It's about global power and a global dystopia. Therefore, as I have said so many times, that this global cult I've been exposing for 35 years does not do borders, it has no borders. There are borders of a public consumption. Therefore, the whole idea of a global dystopia is that it's everywhere. The borders don't matter. And so we have this situation where American corporations, American in quotes actually cult corporations, have for how many decades now been moving their production out of America and the West into the East. It's given the East, dominated of course by China, control over vast tracts of the global supply chain. You look at the situation militarily as they run down Western militaries and build up Chinese militaries. You're looking at a transfer of power from the West to the East. And what has happened with this petro dollar therefore fits perfectly into that. Because what's been happening now is the development of this BRICS trading alliance, Brazil and Russia and China and South Africa and more and more are coming in, of course, Iran and what have you. And this BRICS alliance is basically focusing itself, not least because the major players, Russia and China are in the East. It's focusing itself in the East and India as well, of course. And so what is happening now is that the dropping of the dollar as the exchange currency, the international currency means, as Saudi Arabia has said, it's going to now start trading in other currencies, including the Chinese currency. And at the same time that this is happening, you've had the Russian stock market putting a stop on trading in the dollar and euros, Western currencies. And this is all about moving power from West to East. Now, here's a short report on some of the consequences, just some of them, of this Saudi Arabian decision. And then we can talk about the economic impact when that's over. The U.S. economy may face increased volatility without the consistent demand for its currency provided by the petrodollar system. This instability could result in significant fluctuations in exchange rates and financial markets, affecting overall economic stability. The previous stability afforded by the petrodollar system helped to smooth international trade transactions and provided a reliable market for U.S. debt. Without it, the U.S. could experience more economic shocks and less predictable financial conditions. With a decreased global demand for the dollar, inflation rates in the U.S. are likely to rise. The Federal Reserve may need to increase interest rates to combat this inflation, which would make borrowing more expensive for both consumers and businesses. This scenario mirrors past instances where reduced confidence in the dollar led to inflationary pressures and higher interest rates to maintain economic balance. Higher interest rates resulting from the need to control inflation will lead to increased costs for various types of borrowing, including mortgages, auto loans, student loans, and credit cards. As the cost of borrowing rises, consumer spending and economic growth are expected to slow down. This increased cost of debt can lead to reduced investment by businesses and lower consumer confidence, further dampening economic activity. The U.S. might face significant challenges in financing its national deficit without the support of the petrodollar system. Higher interest rates will increase the cost of servicing the national debt, putting additional pressure on the federal budget. This could lead to larger budget deficits and potentially necessitate cuts in government spending or increases in taxes to balance the budget. A reduced global demand for the dollar could lead to its depreciation. A weaker dollar would make imports more expensive, affecting the purchasing power of American consumers and potentially leading to higher prices for goods and services. I think what's interesting is what you just said there, Saudi Arabian decision is probably key to point out. It absolutely wouldn't have been a Saudi Arabian decision, would it? It would have been a decision made well above, they're just carrying it out as they're part of the cult's job. Yeah, this is the point that I've been making all these years, is that countries and so-called governments and dictators, like they have in Saudi Arabia, they are pawns in the game. The real decisions are made in the shadows on a global level, by a global cabal. And so yes, Saudi Arabia will be taking orders, of course it will. And those orders and all these other decisions that are being made, including the corporate move from creating and manufacturing in America to the East and China, these will all be decisions that are globally coordinated. See, this is the thing that it's very frustrating for me, sometimes, more than sometimes, to see this focus on America in much of the mainstream alternative media, when actually the real story is happening way above and beyond what we perceive as the American government. It doesn't matter if it's Biden or Trump or Kennedy, it doesn't matter because the decisions will be made above them. And even if some politicians don't want to make certain decisions, then the circumstances are manipulated by the cult in the shadows to force them into making those decisions, even though they don't want to. And so this is a very, very significant move here, which can have enormous implications for not just global finance and where the power is, but the everyday lives and ability to function of people all over the world, not least in America. So you have a situation now where the banking system is holding on for dear life, because the plan all along 2008 was just a prelude. The plan all along has been to lead us into a massive financial crash, which will allow them problem reaction solution to offer the solution of a vastly different economic system, which will be based on digital currencies and will be dystopia on steroids. And you see, one of the things that's being pointed out is that the United States's ability to service its debt will be very, very much harmed by the petrodollar disappearing as an international trading currency, or the international trading currency anyway. And I had a look this morning at the latest United States debt. And by the way, this is only basically government debt, adding all the private personal corporate debt. And my God, what will their figure be? But government debt is 35 trillion or coming up to it now. How do you service that kind of debt? And now the petrodollar situation has happened that's going to be vastly more difficult. And, you know, it's something that frustrating doesn't even come into it, that so much of the mainstream alternative media just focuses on America or this country or whatever. As if that's where it is, whether it's Biden or Trump or whatever, when we're dealing with politicians that are not there, I'm talking about the leading ones and many who are not leading, but gophers for the leading ones. They are not there to represent the interests of the country or the interests of the population of that country. They are there to represent the interests of the cult. And therefore, you have Western governments and Western politicians that have been taking decisions to systematically dismantle the West in terms of financial power, military power, all of it. Because they're not representing the people. And so, we are looking at the West being dismantled from within by those politicians that are put there by the global cult. I mean, you can see aspects of it with the world economic forum and its young leaders that turn up later to be the leaders of Western countries and non Western countries too. But that's what's going on. You know, these people like Starmer that is likely to come in, very likely to come in as borrowing a miracle as Prime Minister of Britain. He's a cult representative. The people around Biden, not Biden, not what he's doing, but the people around Biden, they're representing the cult. The people around Trump, despite what is his natural constituency, which is not wanting this stuff, the people immediately around him will be those that are representing the cult. So it's, it's not about national governments. It's about that, which is controlling national governments. And as you rightly say, Saudi Arabia has had its orders. They're going to drop the dollar and they drop the dollar and the implications are going to be enormous in terms of where the global economy in the Western economy goes from here. Yeah, it's clear to see all the leaders in the West. We've spoken extensively about, you know, the sort of weak leaders in the West, whereas they're trying to put people like Putin and Xi Jinping and even the guys in North Korea create this kind of strong man image of these strong leaders while you've got people like Macron and Trudeau in the West that are just feeble and obviously there's no sense of pride from people in those countries to have those people as leaders. And it's clear, you know, we've spoken about the power moving West, sorry, moving East and also the public perception moving East. After the Tucker interview with Putin, you spoke about creating this hero leader in the East for people to idealize, which is probably what that interview was about. Why are you talking about about power moving? I was thinking about football and how when I was younger, America was where all the money was. And now all of a sudden it's in China and it's in Saudi and that's where they're going. So even that's kind of an example of how that's moved East rather than West. So in terms of like everyday life for people, everyday people in America and in Europe, what do you think the implications could be for them of this, if there is a run on banks, if there is a dive in the dollar? Well, the banks, as I said earlier, are holding on for dear life. You've got an economy. Again, I'll use the same analogy I've used many, many times. The global economy, not least the American economy, is like those cartoon characters who are chasing each other. And they're chasing each other across the land. And they're so concentrating on chasing each other, they don't realize when they run off the edge of a cliff. But they keep going forward, even though there's fresh air underneath them. And then eventually one of them looks down, sees what the situation is, and they all fall into the ravine. And that's the global economy. It's all based on confidence. I mean, what does a dollar worth, right? It's a piece of paper with some printing on it. So it's worth nothing. What its value comes from is what people perceive its value to be. It's all a mind game. It's all a confidence trick. And if you believe that it's worth a lot of money, you will then invest in it. And you'll buy dollars if you think it's on its arse, then that's the last thing you're going to do is buy dollar. The whole thing comes down. And so given that the banking system is already in a perilous state, not least in America, not only in America either, then what is this going to do? It's going to exacerbate that situation. I think you're going to see as the weeks and months unfold, you're going to see a lot more banks go bust, smaller banks to start with maybe, but then the bigger ones start. And so the situation with inflation, the situation with price increases from a falling dollar. I mean, the more the dollar loses value, the less it can buy and the more dollars you're going to need to buy what you bought before. It's called inflation. So the implications and the potential consequences, Jay, of this decision, it's not possible to overstate them. And this is the start you see. Okay, it's a big, big step because it's Saudi Arabia and the oil and all the rest of it. But you're going to see more and more people doing this, more and more countries doing this. And it's just going to go on worsening because as they build up the power of the East, they are dismantling the power of the West financially in this case, but in all other areas as well. And when I spoke earlier about politicians who represent the cult, not the people of the country they supposed to represent, well, the sanctions against Russia is a wonderful example, because they weren't sanctions on Russia at all. They were sanctions on the West. It was the sanctions that pushed up energy prices and helped to fuel inflation. And all it did from a Russian point of view is move then closer to China. People like China and India started filling the gap that the West was filling before in terms of buying Russian energy and other goods. And it's basically fused that BRICS alliance even more. And I remember in that interview you mentioned with Putin and Tucker Carlson, that Putin said at one point, I don't understand. They put sanctions on Russia, but it's hurting the West. I don't understand. Well, you bloody do understand Mr Putin, because you know exactly why that was done, because you're in on it as well. But as a kid ourselves, this is a global situation. I mean, okay, the cult is going to control all these different countries, but it's not going to control a country as pivotal as Russia. Are you having enough? It's a perceptual game. And so he well knew that the sanctions against Russia were actually sanctions on the West. And it's all brought this about. And more sanctions that have now been announced has led to this situation where the Russian stock market has stopped the trading with euros and dollars. I mean, it's all a game. And it's to kid ourselves that there are two sides fighting each other when actually there's one side fighting you. Yep, that certainly is. Just a final one on the economic impacts here, because after 2008, there was bailouts where the banks were bailed out by the governments effectively, so by public money. In Cyprus, I remember they did something slightly differently. They did bail in. They went to the account holders and basically took the money of people that had money on deposit. Do you see a situation where that could happen on a mass scale in the West? You know, I know there's obviously a thing where as only a certain amount of money, I believe, is protected. But where they literally just go into the bank accounts of everyday people and go, "Sorry, we need your money." I don't think it's a possibility. I think it's a certainty at some point. Because, you know, what you do, it's like I've said so many times, know the outcome and you'll see the journey. The outcome is a AI perceptually controlled population that is further controlled by a digital currency, which allows them to take fines and anything they want from your bank account at will. And an AI destroyed job market, which leaves people at the mercy of a guaranteed income, a universal guaranteed income, which would be a pittance. And if you don't accept it, then there will be consequences. And in terms of, well, how are you going to put food on the table then? And if you want to speak out when the universal basic income comes in, we allow it, then you'll lose your universal basic income because you can't challenge the government and get it at the same time. This is where it's going. Now, the bulwark to that is personal savings and access to an independent income outside of the system's control. So, for instance, a small business operating within the system, although, you know, it's subject to the rules of the system, but it's an extent it's an independent small business where the people running the business are as best as they can, deciding what happens. They want rid of those. So you had the COVID period, which did for so many of those small businesses, more and more rules and regulations are coming in, plus the banking situation to make it more and more difficult for independent small businesses, medium businesses to function, because they want rid of them. And that leaves us with the savings. So, if you've got a build up of savings, then you have a certain independence from the system and a certain, a certain more greater choice in what you do and what you don't do. Now, if the bail-ins are activated, what is that going to do? It's going to take away the savings of people and make you dependent on a universal basic income. This, this is all connected. And if you don't see the connections, then you, and you see everything as in and of itself, where you completely lose the plot because this is all connected, dot connected, actually. Do you think there's anything people can do to prepare to try and circumvent and limit that damage as much as possible? Well, it's a challenge. I mean, you know, they say that a certain amount of money is guaranteed if a bank goes down. What they did in Cyprus, if you remember, was it 2011, something like that? Is that they took money above a certain amount. And so a lot of Russian investors in Cyprus banks lost everything because anything above that amount, they took. And that is what they plan. But, but, you know, it's a thing that is incremental, because then they'll do it again, and they'll do it again. They want you on your knees. And, you know, this is why I keep saying to people, stop focusing on Biden or Trump or starmer or bloody Sunak. They're just the gophers in a game. They've got no power. The power is through them, not from them. The power is ultimately with people. If we take that power back through non cooperation, that forces the politicians to act in certain ways, because the population will not have it any other way. And by the way, in this country alone, we're heading towards 70 million people. And how many politicians are there in Westminster and add even all the gophers around them and the administrators and the shadow people. It's still a fraction of the population of Britain. Look at the population of America. How many are actually running America compared with the number of people there? They can only do it because we cooperate. It has to stop. And we have to stop giving our power away to the next chancellor who turns up, saying, "I'm going to bring about change." All they are. But not change that's good for you. Change that's worse for you, because they're following an agenda that is meant to make it worse for you. So people have to look at their own circumstances and think, "Okay, this is the outcome that's planned. How do I mitigate it from my point of view?" And that's for each individual to decide in their circumstances. Well, I've just done my phone, done a calculation, 107, nearly 108,000 people for every one MP. That's it in the UK. So basically, if they are behaving in a certain way because they fear the cult, then I think they should fear the 108,000 people a little bit more if we refuse to accept what they're pushing. That's the thing. Yeah, but I mean, when you've got Sunak and Starmer, it's kind of a focus of the mind on the fact that you have no choice. The only difference between Starmer and Sunak is that because Sunak has more pushback from his natural support, the base against this agenda I'm talking about. It means that he could move only at a certain pace towards it, which they have, but Starmer can put his spikes on. And the bigger the majority he gets, the more he'll be able to push this through with breakneck speed once he gets power. And this is a reason why the more that, and I'm not telling people who to vote for, I'm not even telling people to vote, but if they choose to vote, think about how you mitigate the unchecked power of the cult-owned Starmer and the Labour Party. Because we have a first pass the post system in this country, which gives absolute power to often a minority government in terms of votes. And the more that power is absolute, the quicker this agenda can move, because make no mistake, Starmer is there to move this on very quickly. Yeah, he's certainly their guy that's been prepping him for years, that's clear to see. I've been saying, all these 35 years, that we are all one consciousness, all expressions of one infinite state of awareness. And that, therefore, all the human divisions and fault lines of race, of political persuasion, of culture, of religion, are all illusions to divide us, and to perceptually enslave us. And you know what they call me for saying that? A racist, he's anti-Semitic. What's the truth? The reveal, out on September the 1st. [BLANK_AUDIO]