FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Paul DeMarco - Jeff Poor Show - Tuesday 7-16-24.

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16 Jul 2024
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My heros have always been cowboys And they still all seem sad in search of one step in my heart for themselves And there's more of you than three Welcome back to The Jet Force Showing up and talking about 065 that you're sticking around on this Tuesday morning. Just so I didn't want to get touched on the program, 251343, 0106, whatever it is that's on your mind. Hit me up there. Still come on the program. Judy Barlow from Eastern Shore, Republican women, that's in the next hour. And John Wall from the Alabama Republican Party chairman of the Alabama Republican Party will be with us. Joining us now. And he and I are both kind of watching this from afar, but Paul DeMarco joins us on the line. Paul, good morning. How are you? Great. How are you doing today? Well, thanks for making time for us. We always appreciate it. I guess we'll do this for sort of the dressy elephant in the room. The reaction to the attempted assassination and I don't know. It feels different. I don't know what it is to be on the side of the ball and the way things are sort of going. And there's a bunch of emotional factors. But politically speaking, I haven't seen or heard about this much optimism from Republicans since I was a child. Yeah, if we can't just talk about the assassination check real quick, government, how much accountability do we ever have from government? Look back to Afghanistan, those 13 soldiers and sailors. Are you aware of death of anybody, anybody that was held accountable for their death? That's the complete failure of all of that. And you had all these folks come before Congress and we got nothing for those poor families. And here we are, there's going to be an independent investigation. We can't have a JFK investigation, there are still questions. Everything's got to be put on the table because there's just so many questions swirling around all of this. There's a lot of finger pointing. That's one thing I do hope is complete, independent, clear answers who failed, who didn't fail, and accountability for so from that part. As for the election, I mean, yeah, it's been a, you look what's going on with the president as vice presidential pick, the dismissal of that case. I mean, yeah, he's riding high down. Thank goodness he survived this assassination check, but you know how politics it can change on the dam. Yeah, I do, but I mean, there's no one thing here is just, there's just no reason I don't think to believe that Joe Biden has like an ace up his sleeve can pull off anything, right? I mean, he's just, it's been flat for, I guess, last six years, unimpressive, uninspiring. And for Biden to win, I mean, it's going to really take a Hail Mary. I don't know, they're capable of it. Well, what's going to be interesting, Jeff, is obviously for since the debate, it has been two weeks of hard, easy going to quit, easy going to quit, obviously with the assassination attempt with the vice presidential pick by Trump and then, you know, everything leading up to the convention this week in President Trump speaking on Thursday night. What happens on a week from today or a week from Monday? Are we back to, are the Democrats back to, we can't have him as a presidential nominee? Are they back on that? Are they just giving up on that? You know, I think that's, once we get past this week and that the news cycle is looking for, for more, for more food to report, are we back on that, because the media was on all over that. I mean, they were all on board. Hey, that, that night, he cannot be the nominee. Are they, are they, have they been, are they off of it? Well, do you think it's just so, just, just, I look what we know right now that Democrats are kind of like, this is the one that got away from us. You can't win. Why throw another candidate out there and let make, make, make, make a potential, you know, future star of the party fall on the sword. No, I don't think they're going to give up on it. And, you know, somebody was asking this me this morning, like, about, you know, Elon Musk and his, is it, what, $45 million he's putting in a month towards a pack to support Trump in that number I read, I said, put it towards ballot security, because, you know, the Wisconsin Supreme Court just ruled in the past three weeks, they're still going to support those boxes where you can just put, put ballots in those boxes. So anything is possible in politics, and you've, you've got to focus on the election. You've got to focus on ballot security, you know, the polls as of last week were still closed. So I think he's still full steam ahead. Yeah, I don't disagree. I mean, they got to keep playing the apply to the whistle, but I mean, just as, as observers here, Paul, you and I, I mean, would you lay a dollar down on Biden right now? Well, it was interesting. I mean, you know, there was, you know, the people are talking about Tim Scott and Katie Britpo. What about the teamsters president speaking last night? And, and I'm like, is he just hedging his vats? You heard he speak or, you know, or is he like reflecting what his members are telling us like, look, we're voting for Trump. Right. You know, you go out there and do all that. But is he, are his members saying we're voting for Trump, you know, he's reflecting what we won't. So I thought that wasn't interesting because has there ever in the history of this country, a teamsters, no, president spoke at the Republican convention? Yeah, no, no. And only missing BC last night, June Saki said that, I mean, seeing the teamster president speak stung a little, I think that was the way she described it. Um, no, obviously I think that's, I think it's a big deal. I'm not so sure that if you watch the last night or not, but I don't know if I would have given the teamster's guy that much airtime and prime time at the convention. Well, I, I agree with you, especially with some of the stuff he was saying. I mean, you know, yeah, what, and exactly your, your standard, uh, Republican talking points. And it was also like, and, you know, we, we, we just, we don't, we don't look at party. We look at, you can't see that a Republican national convention, but I think Republicans in the room were just happy he was there. Yeah. Yeah. I think it's the, hey, the whole theme of this presidency is the elites. It's the Hollywood. It's the media. It's, uh, it's, you know, pro Hamas. It's, it's what everybody's been saying that the college academics, and they're all out of touch with you. Donald Trump is in touch with the average man and woman, uh, and I think that feeds into his pick of, uh, JD Vance. Anyway, we are in touch with the average American. We, we, we take the mantle of the blue collar work with average man. We've taken that from the Democrats because look what they have done, whether it's boys playing in girls sports, whether it's, uh, what's going on in these riots at the campuses. That's done now. We're, we're your party. That's the theme is what it looks like to me. I agree with that. It's just the, it got a little too niche on the Democrats side. Very little special interest and trying to be, um, you know, when diversity being such a, uh, a high, high ideal for the Democratic party, when you can't please everybody, you know, uh, you can, you can please, please as many people as you can, but I, I think this is just, this is what's going on here. They, they got a little too, there's just too much there and they've left other things kind of on the burner. Yeah, and, and that's why when you've looked at some of this polling and even some of the, you know, the, the, the Rust Belt that is, is closer, you know, the Michigan's and Wisconsin's and Pennsylvania's and even they talked about New Jersey and New York like, well, he, he's pulling Donald Trump is pulling folks that, uh, I admit Romney or George Bush never pulled it. Well, tell me, says he's connecting with her. And I know if you're handicapping this right now, what is that? What do you think the totals look? What is, how about this is the way to ask your question. What is possible here for Republicans and Trump to cycle? What, I mean, what states will Donald Trump that he has it historically or Republicans have it historically been competitive in? What's on the table? You think here? Well, well, let's look at two different things. Folks are going to vote against Biden and then folks are going to vote for Trump. I mean, when they're talking about New Mexico, I think the governor New Mexico told Joe Biden, my state is in play and that had been a red state and it became a blue state. And when you start looking at states like Nevada, a big union membership out there, but they're saying, Hey, that's towards Joe Trump. Now, Arizona, who knows? I mean, can you predict anything about Arizona? No, no, I mean, put Arizona side. When you talk about states like Nevada, New Mexico, maybe George Trump, you know, they talked about, um, Michigan, I think with everything that's going on in the Middle East, I think that's why you say could Michigan go towards to Trump because of the anti Joe Biden vote there in that whole Detroit and all that area. So, I mean, some folks are saying landslide, was it after Reagan? Did I read that after the assassination? Tim, Bill Reagan, he won every state except Minnesota? Yes, that's it. So would you see what for Mondale? I know everybody's talking landslide, landslide, landslide, but you've been covering this a long time like I've been watching. This is still July. There is so much that's going to happen between now and November. And look, I want to be the most optimistic person. It's over. It's a landslide election. You know, let's start talking about the cabinet. There's just too much that can happen between now and then. I just don't know what I guess I, what what can I do? Like, what less less to Jeff are there? Is it going to be? Paul is it going to be this or we're going to just run on a national abortion ban and project 2025 and JD Vance being like, some kind of like, like, Luther character? I mean, I don't think that's going to get them any votes. No, I think they played all those cards and they and they and you look at two years ago where Democrats outperformed and Republicans didn't win what they thought they were going to win. But there is such a thing as momentum in politics. There's no question about it. At some point, then it's like what everybody wants to be on the winning team, which is what I thought you saw with the Teamsters last night. I mean, yeah, did he get invited by the Republicans? But I think he also see his members are for Donald Trump. And I think that's where the momentum is starting to swing. Plus, they can't forget that Joe Biden's performance and debate and they know in the next four years there could if Joe Biden were to get elected, it'd be a president, Kamala Harris. Is that do they really? They don't they don't see that as serious. That's not a serious candidate. I mean, I don't agree. I mean, the teams you see is maybe there's a like, it was more superficial, but I mean, there's a real problem there. The Democratic Party, is it like a Democratic Party and historical American view? It's like a put all the cultural issue stuff aside. Let's pretend that the the whole discussion about boys playing the girls sports and all that stuff on the table here. But but you look at everything else, it's becoming more like a European sort of left wing socialist type of approach to policy. Just that kind of stuff doesn't do well in America. I don't think and I think that's it becomes more focused on like the collective and the big cities and the sentiment there. And that's where you start seeing the little, they start to lose a little with the groups like the teachers are probably other unions, I would suspect. Well, Jeff, isn't it the perfect storm of the Democrats have just gone so far left like you described? Just so far left. And then the Republicans have some like Donald Trump who really taps into that average man populism. And so between the two of those, it puts the Republicans in a very good position to win the presidency, take back the Senate and keep the house with with both how far left the Democrats have gone. And then how Donald Trump is like, this is about you. It's not about political issues. I'm just about you. I'm about you and your family and your job and taking care of the economy in and I love America. So that's look at Ronald Reagan and after President Carter. I mean, isn't that kind of what Reagan did? Like, you know, this country is great. Yes. And it pulled all those back after the 70s. I mean, there really is a look back some similarities. I'll say everything, but some similarities there. But we were doing a correction here. And I get in trouble for saying this about I could see this on my show all the time. I still think of it as a pendulum swinging back and forth back and forth. And maybe with the pendulum this time, you had some forces holding it, trying to keep it from swinging the other direction. But inevitably, the pendulum does go back to the other side is always trying to achieve some kind of equilibrium. And this sort of a correction right now that the Democrats that left side of the aisle has as way over reached here. Paul, I mean, think about Joe Biden himself. Yeah, he's a traditional Democrat. But like he was never like the far left flank of the Democratic Party in the 80s and 90s. And even in the 2000s, it is Obama's running mate. This whole like wokeism that is within the federal government now, Paul, I think is sort of a new development, a new sort of, it's not a, if you take Biden pre 2019, say, it's not something that you would associate with him. No, he was more like some of the centric Republican candidates we've run in the past. And that's why they're really, is it George Wallace has said there's, was there's not a dime for the difference? Well, there is, you can clearly see the difference now. And if you didn't have Donald Trump running, and you had one of some of the past candidates running, people could have said, well, there is a difference, but it's really just not that there's such a stark difference, such a stark difference. I think that's why we are where we're at now with the popularity of Donald Trump. And and why people are taught. I'm again, until I see it, this, this is going to be a landslide that he's going to win 49 states or 48 states or 47 states. I'm not there yet. I want to believe it, but I'm just not. I think it's in the way we ought to look at it, Paul, is it's possible, right? I don't I'm not going to say that it is a lock. But you would never have said it was possible with Trump the last two times with a bit Romney, with John McCain, with George W. Bush. You never would have said such a landslide as possible. We're sitting here today on July 16, 2024. And that was a possibility, at least, of a landslide at this point. Well, you mentioned something earlier. And again, the unity in Milwaukee, and again, I still think Nashville was dumb for not having this convention in the world eyes of the world looking at Nashville. But when there's Chicago, when Joe Biden's trying to win the middle, and he's got a room full of folks saying, no, no, no, no, we're not in the middle. We're as far left. I mean, Bernie Sanders and all and AOC, and you've got the protesters for Pro-Hamas and all that there's going to be everybody's going to watch the Democratic convention like, is this what we're looking for? Because how does Joe Biden swing to the middle when everybody around is saying, no, no, no, no, that's going to be the contrast that we're all going to be watching between the Republican convention, where they pray for the parade for the hostages in Israel. They're not going to do that at the Democratic convention. It's the exact thing they attack Republicans for that the Republican Party cares too much about their right, too much about the Tea Party, too much about the far right flank. And this is, they're afraid of losing those guys on the left. That's exactly right. And that's why he's going to be told swing to the middle, but he can't. They've boxed him in. They're not going to allow him to do that. Paul got to leave it there out of time, but I always appreciate you making time for us, and let's talk again soon. Hope your listeners have a great day. Thank you. Paul DeMarco, ladies and gentlemen, we'll be right back to see is the Jeff Porte show it at the top with O6-5.