FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Secret Service and Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump - Midday Mobile - Monday 7-15-24

Broadcast on:
15 Jul 2024
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"There will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone, and I would ask that you please try to, um, keep down the loud cheering and the clapping. There will be no booing and no unruly behavior." With that? This is painful, and it will be for a long time. "Don't you, baby, that's right, this man knows what's up." After all, these are a couple of high-stepping turkeys, and you know what to say about a high stepper, no stepper, too high for a high stepper. This is Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan on FMTalk1065. "Well Sean's a tough guy, I mean I think everybody knows that, you know Sean, he took some licks, he hangs in there." "Yeah, what's wrong with the deal we got, I mean the deal we got pretty good, don't it?" "Did you hear what I said?" "This is a babe council, I had no doubt about them, that doesn't suck." "If you don't like it, you're bad." "Last question, were you high on drugs?" "Last question, kiss my ****." Alright, here we go, FMTalk1065 and Midday Mobile, our number two on this Monday, uh, go straight to the phones here, well it won't go straight in a second, just to say I do want to read this headline, if we have a chance to come back to it, Doug Shone over at the Hill, right? One of the writers over at the, here's the headline, they're just trying to figure out something. It's that only an October surprise can swing the presidential election, I mean what the **** else are they going to throw at the guy, right? I mean the stuff that used to be an October surprise that would have, you know, swung the election, I think they've already tried, I'm not tempting them, but I think they've already tried that, Doug Shone. Alright, phone number 3430106, 3430106, get you through on the text line and the phone line, speaking of which, let's go to the telephone, we've been holding on, I appreciate that, Billy in, uh, Billy D, in Mobile, hey Billy. "Hey, Sean, uh, yeah, just two quick questions or points, uh, you know, I started realizing like, you know, it's the Democratic Party that wants more gun control, but who's doing a lot of this shooting?" Yeah, yeah, it's, yeah, yeah, I mean, what you said is true. Right, and so, I mean, it's just amazing to me how, you know, they want stronger gun control and there again, you know, they, they, they want to provide guns for the people that want it anyway, so, uh, enough of that, but, uh, the other thing I was going to bring up is, you know, now that CNN, MSNBC and all of them, you know, you're going to have to pull some of that rhetoric back. And so, what are their talking points? You can't be the border, it can't be the economy, it can't be any of those things. And so, now what are they left with? Well, they're, they're left with, you know, trying to figure out, you know, conspiracy theories and all out of the world and, and October surprise, uh, I mean, what, what the heck, Doug shown over at the Hill, Doug, please tell me what else they're going to throw. Usually it's like, oh, well, that they had a relationship with some, you know, it's usually something like that. Dude, they've, they've exhausted that there, you know, now people are shooting at him. Uh, well, dude, look, I mean, think about this, man, how long has this man been running for office? Right? What was it? When is 2016? Well, yeah, when he came down the elevator with, yeah, so, yeah, there's nothing left. They turned over every rock, every stone, they, it, you know, it, it, there's nothing left. And so now they're hoping for an October surprise, the only thing they can hope for. And I hate to say this is Biden, something happens to him. And then here comes, you know, Kamala and she brings in, you know, that October surprise. Yeah. And they'll lose too. Yeah. That's a done. Yeah. Oh, yeah, dude. It's, it's, it's foregone conclusion at this point, dude. There it is. I know coach says that you're tough, man. I could only imagine what he thinks about Trump right now. That's for sure. Really. I appreciate the call. Yeah. It's the, yes, absolutely. You couldn't have painted a better image of the, of the photograph of tough when you just get, you get shot. I mean, that was just a couple of millimeters, not why does everybody in this go metric? You notice that? Like we're all like, stay with the English standard. And then when it comes to something like that, well, it's just millimeters. Like, okay, let's stick, stick with it. Like a quarter inch, a quarter inch away from getting impact on the, be right there behind the ear, that part of the brain, like the congressman and I talked about a bit, the round then would, would, would transfer kinetic energy and, you know, you'd be looking at somebody probably dead. So I mean, you have that happen, then you get up and you go, wait, let me get my shoes, which I think is, I think that line is like, I think that was from shock, but it is a boss line. And let me get my shoes. They're nice shoes because they tackled them, right? The Secret Service did what they're supposed to and tackled them. That's a amount of his shoes. Coach would have been proud. And then he gets up and holds the fifth side. There's, I mean, there's, you can't get any, you can't, the Democrats have nothing to fight against there. And back to Larry's text I read before we went to the news. He said, wait a minute. I thought Pennsylvania had really strict gun laws, possible red flag laws. They have worked on some red flag things, but I don't think the red flag laws would have gotten the start bag. I don't think he would have, I don't think he would have gotten him. And they really don't have maybe in the metros. They have it, but where my folks come from, South Central Pennsylvania, farming country, kind of incredible, I mean, little in the box stores. We had incredible local gun shops there and all that yet, but it's, it's, it's, it's if you go buy a gun there and I've never bought a handgun there, I probably don't even have a handgun. But if I would have bought long guns there, if I ever had a long gun and it's, I mean, it's like Alabama. It's no, it was no different. And he goes on and saying, I thought communist, social liberal activists, hated guns, funny how we've not heard anything about that yet kind of like what Billy was saying. All right. To the phones, then back to the text. Let's go to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, to, let's go to Tony in Sims. Hey, Tony. Hey, Sean. How you doing? Man, your thoughts here. And first of all, we go back like asked on the text line. When you first saw the, whether you saw it live or saw the video of, of that shot, you're just not even the political, just your gut reaction, like regular, just how'd you feel? What, what came out? Uh, well, it's just complete shot, but I don't know why I tell you, I don't know why because since he defeated Hillary in 2016, the left is generated so much hate for the guy. That's nobody's tried it sooner. I mean, I'm not, I don't wish it on a baby's straight to the imagination, but the amount of hate that he felt one person, I mean, this isn't a new world record. I don't know. You're right. It does. It holds the record for hate against one person. Yes. Think you're right. Uh, what I wanted to say though, was it, it made me in general how long the press held on to popping sounds, not gunshot. People dead on the ground and they're still saying, well, they were popping sounds and as late as yesterday morning, they were still saying a lead shooter, he's dead on a roof. He's dead on a roof with a gun in his hand. I mean, when, when did it stop being a ledge and pretty darn sure that was him? But you're on the popping sound things. They could have said, cause I mean, nobody wants, well, I'd say nobody wants to get it wrong, but they, but they do with great regularity. You saw it over the weekend. Maybe they could have just said use the word gunfire. I know it's scary to them, but the alleged report is it was gunfire. At least that gives them their, if they're, but they didn't want to say that. They didn't want to say that Trump heard a loud noise and fell down. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The other thing that I wanted to point out was I was watching the coverage right there. So I saw it within a few minutes of it happened and Margaret Brennan. Everybody's favorite beats of the press. She, one, one of the Trump senior advisors said something. I'm paraphrasing here that they tried to keep them off the ballot. They tried to put him in jail and dialed this and she said, what is she saying? Who is they? What is the, what an inappropriate thing to say? The press, the presidential candidate's been shot a man's dead and she's trying to steer the narrative to what are his people saying about it. And when you dissect what he said, did they try and keep them off the ballot? Yes. Did they try to put them in jail? Yes. And now this. Yes. What do you dispute? I don't know. I mean, it's to give me, you know, give me the counter argument. Tell me where that's wrong. And they, they don't do that because there's nobody sitting there on their little panel to, to question them back and say, okay, tell me how that's not true. Yep. Exactly. Appreciate your call. Thank you. We're going to grab a few more at three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six. I will read a couple of texts here in between two backstraps, stackers says the thing that caught me by surprise was the police secret service and whatever other agencies were all in different radio frequencies. They couldn't communicate with each other. Now, backstrap, I hadn't heard that yet. So I'll put it in some real fancy terminology. That sucks. If that's true, you should be, everybody should be on the same frequency. And I do wonder, I mean, if we find out in this investigation, I know there's a lot of reason to go, you know, was this coordinated and all that, but it, some part of me, the Occam's razor goes, was somebody just, are we going to find out that somebody just didn't do their job? Did they do this? You know, like, oh, we do this every time and we work with the local police. You got that covered. Yeah, I got that covered. You got that covered. Yeah, I got that covered. All right. The speeches started, I guess we're good. And one security detail person walks over the other to see if they're going to go get the, the wings at the hotel or say it, I don't know. I don't know. Buddy says the thing that cost, uh, I'm sorry, that was, that was buddy saying that backstraps stacker says, uh, WTF, do they think the motive was the motive was to kill Trump? The dirt bag failed. The Dems took their best shot, literally, and failed, Trump will save this country. Um, Irish Indian said Sean, he got off eight shots as well. Did he get off eight or five or because there was also return fire from the, uh, the sniper team? So you may be right. I have not, those numbers bounced around over the weekend. So I don't want to, uh, the, the point is the dirt bag got to shoot at the president, president elect, as I'm calling him, the former president, uh, Irish Indian said the Sean, the, uh, he got off eight shots as well. It's not like he was shooting automatic. You would think after the first or second shot, the sniper unit would have been on him and he shouldn't have got off those shots. Uh, yeah. So he was, and they, I don't know after shot five, I have not, you know what, I don't have the full detail. There've been so many different narratives out there. Once again, the, the sniper teams there, the, the counter teams are important, but if you look at the way they set these things up, they are there just, that's not the defense. It's part of it, but that's the insurance policy. The defense is to give a dirt bag nowhere to be able to make that shot. That's, that's the thing, right? The sniper team is there in case, I guess this happens, uh, Chris and Orange Beach says Trump should never be seen in public again, unless of course it's in a bulletproof booth. I don't care how weak that seems to look. It looks better than being in a coffin. I don't, you know, and this is a tough thing, you could, with Biden, you could keep him in the basement, right? And the last, you know, the last cycle, Trump feeds off being out and, and, and doing this. I don't know, although I think, you know what, I'll, I'll say this with where we are, Chris, with where I think the, the political, uh, tied is moving. He could, he could, Trump could stay at like the basement, you know, I guess he can't do it at Mar-a-Lago because there's probably no basement there, but, uh, but then sir, wherever, he got a house with a pay, he could stay in that basement for the rest of the cycle and still win. I think it's that strong. All right. To the phones at three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, and Robert is in Sims. Hey, Robert. Hey, Sean, thank you for taking my call. Well, you know, I know you have to, to a certain degree, thread, the needle, you know, you don't want to aggravate this group or that group, and that's legitimate concerns, but like who, like whom? Well, I mean, you don't want to aggravate law enforcement. You don't want, you don't want somebody to ask the wrong questions and come off as aggravating law enforcement. You don't want to offend, I mean, I mean, that's fair for you to, I mean, that's just my impression that you try to be fair with everybody. Yeah, I am fair. But I think it's a legitimate question to ask, and it's, if anybody has any questions, I can look at the video of this event. There were three women, uh, Secret Service agents there. And my question is, I'm not going to comment on that. You can, you know, I think holster in your gun would be day three at Secret Service. Yeah. You know, I looked at that when a bunch, Robert, and it really stuck out to me with not holster in the gun. The only thing, and absolutely she couldn't hold it, but I wonder if just the stress of it, she couldn't, but they, they should be stress test. That's why the people, that's why you're in Secret Service and you're not Barney Five. And that brings me to my question. In the whole United States of America, female law enforcement, and there's more now than there's ever been. Is that, were those three, which one of them looked panic, I mean, one, the one, you know, the one, one couldn't holster gun, the other one looked like she was having some kind of, you know, I don't know what I'm not going to just try to describe, but she looked panic to me. That would be my description, our opinion, I guess. In the whole United States of female law enforcement, those three, and the one that was not tall enough for the body bunker, I mean, you know, see, that's the one I'd like to hear them discuss in Congress, because that's nothing about what's between your legs. That's just, are you tall enough to be able to take the bullet for the, for the person you're supposed to protect? That's just matter of fact stuff, man, because there's short dudes and tall, tall ladies, right? Get somebody tall enough to cover the body. That is what you're there for. You are a bullet pillow. So my question is, I'm, I'm trying to keep interrupting myself. They couldn't find a, in the whole United States, that was the, and this needs to be the best of the best of the best, you know, that's a men in black quote, you know, best of the best of the best. That was it. Those, those particular three agents and that, I don't, I don't understand, you know, this, people want to talk about DEI, so I'm going to let somebody else apply that and I'm not going to, but, you know, that's just not a job first. You need to, for somebody who's less than that. I don't think. No, and, and we have an easy one here in the height thing, right? And I'm going to be height, heightist or whatever you can say, whatever the term would be. And so you have to have some, a tall enough to cover the target. That, I mean, this just matter of fact, right? If your job is there, the, the reason I have such a difference for law enforcement and for members of the military is they put their bodies in between us and bad people. And in this case, you physically have got to be able to put your body around the person that they would be shooting at and you take the bullet. That's why you have reverence for these people. That's why they're cool, right? Because they're, they're, they're studs and studettes for doing that. But when you can't physically cover the guy and you leave him from waist up exposed, who the hell put that together? If you'll give me just one more minute or less than that, they're apparently, now this was reported in the news, there's a cop went up on the ladder and that kid point is gone at him and he, you know, they stories like, you know, and this is going to be a cliche at this point. It's going to give all of you. That's high school down in Texas, you know, part of it, that job, that's one of the reasons that job is, is dangerous is you, you might get in a gunfight. And if somebody points a gun at you, I think, no, no, I'm tactically, I think he should have had his, his sidearm out before he looked over that roof in case he saw somebody he needed to shoot. Yep. But I, I wasn't there, but you know, this situation and it's happening more and more with these cops and I know, I'm venturing into hazardous territory talking about, you know, saying cops, there are some cops who are not, you know, where there are a hundred of them and you've all these, but I don't know why he didn't, you know, I don't know why they had the sidearm, you know, I don't know why he didn't have his sidearm in his hand. Don't tell me like people did online that you can't climb a ladder with it in your hand because, oh, she's not listening, right? I may or may not have climbed multiple ladders with the course light in one hand. So listen, I know it can be, to be done. Robert, appreciate the call. We'll get more calls and texts when we come back 3430106 and yes, the, also the, the raw emotion that y'all are telling me and, and texting about when you saw this happen. Not even now that you've had to be able to process it and point fingers, just what did you feel when you first saw the image of, of Donald Trump getting shot? This is Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan on FMTalk 10065, right to 125 FMTalk 10065 Midday Mobile on this Monday. Check it with my friend Anna at Mobile Bay Coins and find jewelry for an update. You said, you're going to restocked with silver engravables. Describe those to us. Let us like picture that in the mind's eye. Well, it's basically like a silver coin is one out of the fine silver and the front will normally be through some kind of theme and we have just about everything for everyone. So we've got like, you know, God bless America, we've got the army, navy forces. So a lot of those religious ones, there's even like football, soccer, volleyball, you know, any kind of, any kind of sport and even like, I love you teddy bears. There's all kinds of different themes, even with flowers on them. And then you can get that, like you said, that engraving to make it extra special. Tell folks how to check out silver engravables and everything else going on at Mobile Bay Coins and find jewelry. We're at 2204 Government Street and Midtown Mobile, just a Black West of Little Park at the school and church. Anna, thank you. We'll talk again soon. All right. All right. Anna, checking in from Mobile Bay Coins, Jerry in downtown Fort Morgan said, I'm not sure if I'm a hay seed, but I do like to put the hay down there where the goats are able to get after it or get to it. I'm saying it my way. And so you, we always said, well, the horses can get, my grandfather always said horses and get after it. But listen, I'm following you, allowing this bunch of clowns to protect the president is like asking the CEO of Kentucky Fried Chicken to feed your chickens while you go on vacation. Flip side of that. So there's Jerry. So James, the sad troll and James, I don't know if you control this. I know Jeff says you're the official troll of the Jeff Porsche. So I don't know if you're, you're moonlighting here with me, but that's fine. I appreciate the text. I kind of, I guess. I appreciate you texting. I don't know if I appreciate the text because you said you should sell tin hats to these collars. You would make a fortune. So James, I think I'm pretty moderate when I look at, I'm the guy that doesn't jump to all these conspiracies, which would be the easy thing to do, right? If anything you're hearing from people today, you say it's tin foil hat, you need the tin foil hat. You don't think it's worth asking how the hell that happened on Saturday? How did you can get dude, man, dirt bag into a place 130 yards from the former president and the leading candidate for this cycle and make a shot? At least a lot of questions out there in my mind. We're supposed to secure against the, the world's most deadly assassins when it comes to our officials and this dude from the Keystone state with his George and T-shirts can get in there with a rifle and set up for a shot. It's not tin foil stuff at all. I named texture here says, did you see the censorship from CNN has already started to happen where they remove the American flag behind Trump's image after he was shot, but that I didn't know that they did it. I know that I think New York, they might have, I did not see it. New York times runs the story with that picture, that iconic picture and doesn't have the flag in it. And I'm sure they'll tell us it's something like, Oh, we only had so much space here. Sean says for the record, Alex Jones doesn't think it was staged. He does think they're going to do something to Biden now and blame it on some dark MAGA person. Sean, I saw the update from Alex Jones on, I guess it was on my Twitter feed over the weekend. Sean, if you're probably more where is he, did that look like Costa Rica behind him or something? He did that video. Right. Is he now in Costa Rica or some kind of lush tropical, or maybe he had a green screen. Sean, I saw that and I was like, where is out? Where is he? It's not Texas. Back to the text and the calls 343, 0106, 343, 0106, this is Midday Mobile. This is Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 1.065. My 135 FM Talk 1.065, Midday Mobile on this Monday. Let's check in with my buddy, David McCraery, at LCM motorcars and inventories, only since the story, we're starting off a week. What's it look like? Really good. We got everything in that we bought last week, so it's a total of, I think, 24. We ended up getting last Monday and Tuesday and they're all here. Pictures should be on the websites of everything except maybe one or two, so it's a really good time to come out and check us out because we should have, if we don't have what you're looking for, you're not a serious buyer. That is true. You've got a great selection. That's not, I know you and I end up being, I guess, I'm typecast. We talk trucks a lot, but I mean, that's just part of what you'll have. We've got plenty of the things that aren't trucks. We do, and you know, you talk, Sean, about us fine and stuff or something. I got a high school, well, he's actually doing my best, for instance, the second grade. I mean, we just found another vehicle for his daughter. It'll probably be here Wednesday or Thursday, they'll come back and pick that next Friday. My attorney's looking for a truck. He wanted a brand new 2024, Silverado with, you know, all the Gizmo's and everything. Well, we found him four or five pre-owned ones that's only got 1,500 miles on him, and it saves 10 grand. I like it. Now where do you go wrong there? You don't. All right. So tell folks who you got their attention on that. How do they get in touch with you? We're at Highway 90 and Plantation in Theodore's, one miles south of ITNX 15A, you just come to see us. You can give us a call at 251-375-0068 or go to the website, Thanks, David. You're welcome, buddy. All right. There goes David McCreary. And before we get right to the text here, this, just head by and came across one of the Upteen tabs I have open on the Google Chrome here, and this is from Daily Express US. So there's, as I go through this, we'll just, you know, kind of I mean, I've seen some stories from them in the past. I don't know who is this, whose son, whose son, your shams is the, the author says headline here. And the reason I say this is sometimes when you see a headline that, that you go, yeah, because it fits in with what you think is going to happen. That's the time I kind of start applying a little bit of breaks to make sure I read critically. It says, new poll data shows more than a quarter of Americans will vote for Donald Trump after the assassination attempt against him. Like I believe this is true, but I want to make sure I'm not jumping into it, says the National Poll was done by the Democracy Institute and Daily Express US. Okay. So it's not like Pew or anything. Is this, I think it's probably better than a survey done on the back of a PopTart box, but, but this is interesting said National Poll done by Democracy Institute and Daily Express US found that of 1000s, a pretty decent sample, 1000 likely voters. So you'll see they break this down to with voters registered voters. You'll hear polls and start looking for those words registered voters, likely voters, and like confirmed, I forget what the term is, like confirmed voter. That, you know, that moves poll numbers too out there. It said, out of 1000 likely voters, 29% were more likely to vote for Trump in the upcoming presidential election following the shooting, while more than 60%, it would have, say, would have no impact on their decision. Okay. Well, good discount that 29% are more likely to vote for Trump than they were before at a likely voters. Yes. The second I saw that, like I said, I started calling him President-elect Trump. You see the, I don't know, and they, to me, this means I am going to be, even though this is silly because in reality, we're talking about something very serious, even beyond politics, but that means they keep Biden in because they know they're going to lose, they'll let Biden be the loser in that. All right. To the text line here, and, and, yes. So Billy says, it's sort of forgot to mention the two other Anderson bystanders also seriously injured, right? So you have the company Tory guide, the, the, the fire chief there, who's dead, seemed like, you know, super dude, like a guy, dead covering his family is doing the, the thing that, you know, all dads would hope that they would do in that situation. Then you have two others and not just, you know, we get in this thing, I talk about it in the local gun violence, they'll go, well, there's these killed and then they're like, oh, yeah, and some people injured, go ever known somebody who's been shot and has the long-term complications from that. I think that gets breezed by too many times, and I think one of the people is, is questionable. I think they're in medically induced coma or something. One of the people shot at the event, one of my friends in the know and I, not that I'm in the know, but who is in that world that we're talking Saturday and I immediately upon seeing the trajectory of the bullet that, that grays Trump's ear, I said, how, how do we not have people hit, you know, as you're looking at the screen down to the right and sure enough, we did. And people killed by dirt bag because I want to say Trump is extremely best to be alive today. The dirt bag did in fact misses intended target, but unfortunately took the life of an innocent husband, father and a man that was dedicated to public service. It's time for the same old thing mentality to come down. Secret service for law enforcement, key personnel need to be held accountable. Job performance of this nature would never fly in the public sector. Wayne says, uh, great show, Sean, thank you, Wayne, you know, the old axiom fight or flight. Trump chose fight. This guy's not going to run from anything. No, you, you could have spent and Lord knows, I mean, the world of marketing and all that, you could have, you could not have spent, there's not enough dollars out there and creative minds out there to create an ad campaign that did what happened, did, did, did what happened after the failed assassination attempt on Trump, nothing, nothing. Problem is with it is a quarter inch further to the right and he's dead. And I do, once again, I do love, I say that sarcastically, that the far left folks on social media, which is not like your, that's not your normal. It's not like, Oh, you Democrats now there, it's just the same thing. There's extremes on social media. There's people that half of them probably bots, uh, that say ridiculous stuff. But the ones that the ones I was watching over the weekend, I was like, y'all are, y'all are, you're going to have Alex Jones call you up and go quick, be it such a conspiracy theorist. I mean, the conspiracies they came up with, they're like, okay, so Trump paid this guy to come shut up, shut up. King of all unnamed textures say it may have been, uh, oh, by the way, I'm looking back at text you sent earlier today, King of all unnamed textures. He said, I wish somebody would ruffle some feathers with a Teddy Roosevelt comparison. That we'll talk about that. Roosevelt who had a bullet in them and finished talking. That was a heck of a story. I'm glad you know about that said it may have been a massive income competency and it was, but it was put in place and performed very deliberately. Some folks should not be on some folks should maybe be on unpaid leave till things were figured out, maybe some drug tests and backgrounds, rechecked, et cetera, at the very least. Adam says, Sean, none of what happened makes any sense, but I have a couple other questions. The news said one of the shooters said the one shooter's car was parked in the neighborhood quite a distance from the event. So if you walk from his car to the building and he had to be carrying his rifle and no one saw him Adam, even if he was close, no one saw dude. It is George and T-shirt with a rifle. I'm with you Adam. Said then I heard he climbed a ladder to the roof. So how was it that the ladder was put there and how the hell was the ladder not seen? We're not hearing anything about these two issues. Oh, believe me, the ladder thing, if you're doing a sweep beforehand and you see a ladder sitting next to a building that it can be used, it's like, I mean, I'm no law enforcement guy, but I'd look at that and go, Hey, this, this is a problem here. Hey, Bob. See, we got a ladder here gone ladder gone. Grant says how pathetic was Biden's response yesterday growth? It was. And even what this is so such an extreme situation, though, I'm not spending any time on it. I could sit, I had notes about President Biden saying and say the ballot box, the battle box. I could go through all those things. But this is that small potatoes, I think, compared to the bigger stories here. He said those people would see an N are insane. Yeah, a lot of more T boat, you're right. Set me a picture of a beard and said 85% the men at the Trump rally had this beard style. I have a similar beard style T bone, but I don't have so much on the chin. I keep it with the tight clippers here. No, I don't think so. Jason said, Sean, has there been a Trump campaign donation info released since Saturday? It's got to be a big number. I haven't seen it. I will look for that. Jason. I think that will be you think you think getting the indictment in New York drove, drove the donations. Big time. Big time. And Jason, I don't have the number I hadn't seen the story, but I, it would be to put it in Trump parlance, big Lee, big Lee, I'm sure. Matthew says VP announcement later today, 330 our time, according to CNN. Well, according to CNN, yeah, we'll hear it at some point today. Is it going to be? I mean, there were the rumor mill was that the secret service showed up at JD Vance's house. And that's a tell because now he's getting secret service protection for what that might be worth. But at the same time, something else could have happened to, you know, that may mean it's JD Vance. That may mean some coop called in some kind of, you know, attack against her or something like that. People are saying that, you know, it's JD, we'll see where we're going to find out soon. Sam, Sean, those shoes were probably our monies at $600 a pair. Someone told me they heard a Baptist preacher say this about Trump. Would I want him dating my daughter? No. Would I want him running my country? Yes. That's a big yes. Yeah, let me get my shoes line. There's something about that I think is big too. I mean, it may very well have just come from shock. It may have been the situations of things, you know, when you're in shock. At the same time, it's a pretty boss line. Textures says why wasn't, why wasn't any drones to survey the area? I don't know if they did or didn't. I don't know that. My man, Maximus, who knows a lot about the world of protecting people and law enforcement said the holster mishap is what happens when you sit on your backside and don't work the streets and never train, you know, it's, well, that was the thing that stood out, right? The not being able to reholster, not being able to reholster. I think she tried two times for sure. I don't have the video running in front of me three times maybe and you can pick those things apart. Like Robert said earlier, I won't agree with Robert. You've got to physically, whatever DEI thing or you want to talk about, you physically have got to have somebody who is big enough, tall enough to be able to put their bullet pillow, their body between bad guy and the person you're securing. I mean, that's just, it's just matter of fact stuff. All right, listen, we'll pick these, pick these comments back up on the text line. I appreciate all those at 343 0106 3430106. Coming back, time for a check up. Dr. Luke Ankerizer joins me right here on the day mobile. [MUSIC] [BLANK_AUDIO]