FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Rep Jerry Carl talked about Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump - Midday Mobile - Monday 7-15-24

Broadcast on:
15 Jul 2024
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There will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone and I would ask that you please try to Keep down the loud cheering and the clapping. There will be no booing and no unruly behavior With that this is painful and it will be for a long time After all these are a couple of high-stepping turkeys and you know what to say about a high stepper No step too high for a high stepper. This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk 106 five was shot a tough guy. I mean I think everybody knows that you know Sean He took some licks he hangs in there. Yeah, what's wrong with the beer? We got I mean the deal We got drink pretty good, don't you hear what I said? So this is a brave council. I had no doubt about them. That doesn't stop Last question. Were you high on drugs? And the way we go FM talk what oh six five and midday mobile glad to have you here on this Monday Know the couple hours of live local talk it feels like for so many of us Conversing on Twitter or acts over the weekend. We've been doing this show Saturday afternoon on through yesterday into today And we will continue with those comments from you at three four three zero one zero six three four three zero one zero six of course, there's More news in the mix today and we'll get to that in just a little bit But everything back to Saturday and the attempted assassination of a former president and candidate for president again I would argue at this point you can start calling him president elect Trump that there in Pennsylvania and we'll talk about the next part of the story that heads to Milwaukee as of today with the RNC convention starting and Check in with our congressman a L1's congressman Jerry Carl our first guest live from the walkie. Thanks for your time Thanks for being on Hey Sean great to be with you buddy good to have you on as well. So Before we get into what's going on inside the convention lots of cable news over the weekend You know standing around outside the convention doing showing security and talking about security measures So described to us like what that was like getting into into the building. What is it like? So the built the way they you have to move as a delegation so the Alabama delegation has four or five buses That the delegation has chartered they drop us off about five blocks as close as you can get with a vehicle to the Entrance and then we actually walk in from there So of course, I've got the protesters that are about three blocks from here now so far they've kept them pretty much Corralled up, you know, they've got one solid Block that's theirs and they're screaming at you and hollering at you and doing what you expect them to do But we're here. I tell you it is it is Electricity in the air here everybody's just so excited. We're gonna find out who the VP is today according to Some leaked news. I'm told I assume that's correct So we're about to get underway and everybody it's just a magical moment for this country We're ready. Oh, and I think it's gonna be that I can only imagine what's gonna sound like when double Trump's takes Takes the stage in Milwaukee. I could just only imagine After this weekend's but your thoughts as a congressman as a person that you know, it's nose Trump personally After seeing what went down Saturday just your regular like well, not even congressman Carl Just Sean and Jerry talking your reaction to that At deer hunt. I'm used to shooting out of deer stands 130 yards shot out of a deer stand is a pretty common shot Done deal, right? They're not for them to not have secured the top of that building is a huge miscalculation and I know everybody's trying to point fingers at one another we just Congress we had a we had a Meeting yesterday via phone and we when we get back next week when we'll start diving into it It's not gonna be the typical investigation We want answers. We want to know live time of what they're what they're picking up and what they're collecting It's appropriations time. We'll remind them that and we still hold the magic pin on their budgets and we won't be able to share that information But we're gonna make sure that this this process gets pulled Pushed through and we're gonna find out who is responsible for this breach of security without with President Trump It's gonna happen. So we're gonna I know most everyone's kind of throwing hands up So don't it's the same people investigating it that may be true But you got you got some eyes on it as they're gonna wish we're not there and it's gonna be us Congress Yeah, you'll have oversight on it and there's so many we'll talk later in the show y'all about different theories out there, you know But I think back to this congressman that advanced teams go to wherever the The person of value is you know in their world whatever the person they're protecting is gonna speak I mean, I even think about situations where Presidents have gone overseas and there have been advanced teams on the ground for a month before they get there and You have watches. It's not new. I mean I've watched this in the past where they they secure every building I mean even in like in a city people are like I we can't go to the office today Because president so-and-so is speaking, right? So we can't even go up in our office building So they would have been swept that would have been swept two weeks ago. Yeah And they would have known every building they would have charted it that would have done it through the You know on the ground in the air everywhere possible and that's what those folks are paid to do I mean there there's supposed to be the best of the best, but right now I just you know It was it's a it's a miracle that Donald Trump is alive. It is that act of God that he's alive And I'm not moving him up on that God postal by no means but by him turn his head that little bit And that bullet not not hitting Something solid could you know how what bullets do when they hit a solid matter? They fraction it just turns into yeah, 200 projectiles instead of one But we're blessed with still guiding it's you know, I encourage everyone. Let's let's show a little bit of patience here Let's let's truly give them time to dig out the information. Let's find out if there was bad people involved And if they are get them keep in mind it is the president and I get that but every elected official is a target Well, that's about say are y'all are y'all being offered that there was my next question congressman Have y'all had a briefing or been given any additional security as members of congress? No, not not really Most people you know it's four hundred thirty five congressmen and most people don't know who we are what we look like You know our constituents do in our district But you've always got that one long wolf that wants his name always to be remembered as the guy that feel the guy And that's just the mentality of the people that we're talking about So do we get a briefing? Yes as they tighten our security up. Yes, they have When folks made us at the airport get us off the plane Just our hotel. I mean, they're doing everything they can do to protect us But there's so many of us. I mean, I don't think the taxpayers Could really pay for enough security for everyone if it's an open threat If you've got an open threat obviously they're gonna take care of you if they do a pretty darn good job capital police taking care of us On the politics side of this like you like I said, I can only imagine what y'all were here Well, we'll hear it through our TV speakers tonight or radio when Donald Trump takes the stage in Milwaukee But the politics of this we can go back and I can pick apart, you know, President Biden's Press conference whatever he did over the weekend where he screwed that all up But at this point, I don't I don't see how they see there's I mean it wasn't a path to victory Before some dirt bag tried to kill Donald Trump. I don't see Can somebody there's Nate Silver over at 538 or anybody giving us any path to victory for Biden at this point? And if not, do you think they leave Biden in that position? Well, I've been in lines trying to get in the building most of the mornings as well as a breakfast I haven't watched much much news, but you know, somebody said one of the president coming back early from from the beach which you did Saturday night, I believe it was a lost track of time I said it was to come home and figure out and looking at softball and figure out how to pack his clothes If he knows he's getting ready to move But it's that simple. It is that simple and I don't know who they could pick up pick and actually pitch in His position Harris is not it. You know, you know, I've had his conversations numerous times So we'll we'll we'll see We hope this this event here goes off without a hitch We don't tell we won't keep everybody safe and I'll be honest with you Sean. I've seen two Democrat congressman here I don't know what's going on. Wait, Democrat congressman at the RNC convention. They are here. Do you think they're here for? I don't know think they're getting ready to switch parties No, they're probably doing TV interviews. It's true to me. No, but still the fact we're here I mean I stopped them. I stopped well forward. You know for these on he's on Fox News all the time I'm thinking for his his his view on things. I might not agree with if I appreciate the way he delivers it and I don't know. I guess they're stranger things but switching parties. I kind of doubt that But it is strange to bump into Democrats that you know that are here, but there's security everywhere Everywhere in the conversations that are gonna go on like like so many things There's what we will see the public when we watch a video of the convention And then there's probably what goes on, you know on just like Congress We want you all you know what C-SPAN and why don't you all get up and address Congress? But I realized all the un-might stuff going on there in the hallways or even on the floor is what's important So what happens guy give us some? Understanding as people have never been there to commit what's going on on the floor. What what discussions happen? Well, this is actually my first trip To the National Convention, so I probably wouldn't be a good one to tell you that but you know the delegation I'm part of the delegation. I'll be one of the votes that are cast also But you know we're we're looking at from a state standpoint what we don't want people in the state of Alabama We do it say he doesn't need my vote because he's going to win We need everybody to vote for the conversation thus far as far as the delegation is they're trying to figure out how to stir our Bases up to get them out to vote. We need everything everyone down ballot very more needs as many votes as he can get in district one You know, we're looking at Dobson district to Dobson here with us all socially. She's one of the Alternate so it's a huge Hoover public in Tommy fear and at her halt and you know Everybody's here and we'll have those conversations. What can we do to help one another get more people out to vote? We don't want to win We want to win by as much as we can because those people are involved when you get the vote you get them involved That's that's when we start winning as a country Yeah, and it is a thing that it's hard to think about with all this The political tail wins Republicans have right now, but yeah, sometimes that is the thing where people assume, you know, like You know, Alabama's playing whatever team and they say when you see get so angry that people wouldn't show up because they were sure it was a win Right. It's that kind of that kind of thing happening Wonder any kind of Do you think there's gonna be any policy division going on there? I mean, there's been some questions about what's not in more than what's in but what's not in the Republican platform. Oh I'm there's no doubt. I mean, that's why we come together. We don't all think alike. That's what makes us Republicans We all have different views and that that's a good thing It's our job to come together and work and hash out a final result that everyone can live with and move forward It's just like serving in Congress. You can't make 218 people agree on anything But put something together that 218 people can get get along with that. That's your goal You know, we start whipping these things. So But we're excited. I mean, it's it's a good time here Yeah, I'm gonna try to take a couple text and maybe reframe. I think keep the spirit of what they're asking And so I just put it in my words and the question is you're gonna do this investigation into the secret service And you talked about because the households the purse strings. So you're You're you're stick not care it would be withdrawing funding versus this person's asking, you know, why is my orcas didn't get, you know, didn't kick He's doing the job. Well, the head of the social secret service department still be at a job What if people are looking for that somebody to be kicked out? I mean, that's it the that's at the request of the president, isn't it? Or what what happens there? It is well, you know, we've got a short window here think about this for just a second We've got to collect as much information as we can as Republican Party share as much as we can We can't share everything share as much as we can to get the American people to actually trust the investigation Now some of the stuff they're gonna tell us we're not gonna be able to repeat. I'm good with that But you know the people don't need, you know, they just have a friend of mine of security says you some things you don't want to know and Maybe that's the case here. I personally think it's a long walk. I think it was just a horrible job We have been complaining about Trump's security for months. I met him in Montgomery and gets off his plane. He's got six Secret a secret service agents waiting. That's it six. Well, that's that's just enough to try on the body That has to you know, they contain the math of the body. That's not near enough to you know, go after the actual Attackers, so we've been complaining about that. So maybe it's gonna happen now Robert Kennedy I mean poor Robert Kennedy's riding around whether you like him or not. I mean, he's got no security And I mean, how would you like to be the one to kill the third Kennedy? Yeah, that's the mentality of these people were dealing with Yeah, you would it is of note there too that maybe there are some Democrats that said it I didn't see it. I saw the publicans Come out and say Robert F Kennedy junior needs need secret service It would not even Democrats and here's something that in that case that RFK you can pick the state RFK Well, you know in past polling can hurt Trump more than Biden in some states, so it's not even It's not even political. It has you know, it's just what's right and you've seen Republican step up and say hey This guy needs protection to and the Democrats have that I have heard unless there's something I missed have been very mum on that So this is my prediction and ever listed them closely There will be something that happened to Biden's they have to turn the attention back to Biden. They have to Get people the sympathy vote. They have to do something because this wave that's going on And I'm very cautious to not use that I said I wasn't going to use it because it blew back on this last time But this this spirit of this election is Everything's focused on Trump and what is focused on Biden is negative So they've got to do something and if and I hope nothing happens to our president Other than he loses November the 5th, and then we can we can take office and get this country turned around But they've got to do something dramatic In his life to get people to won't vote for him. That makes sense Yeah, I just don't know. I don't know what it could be. I mean, you know But then again the watch a new cycle and there's things I never expected to happen that happened. So I don't know what that can be Well, just how do you get more sympathetic than a situation where you know somebody tries to kill? You know the the candidate the former president Trump I mean I think what happened there too is people that were on the fence about Trump the few that were left That said out of heck with it, you know, you see on social media or the weekend people saying I wouldn't real sure Whatever, but they're not gonna do this. I'm gonna go vote for him Right. Well, it's got all it's got all the positive attention on Trump and you know the people that that now saying wait a minute This guy's willing to give his life for us He's willing to step out there and take a bullet for us and him standing up shaking his fists You know showing the strength of America. That wasn't fake That was a man that has fought for this country. That's a man that has lost a fortune fighting for his his own self and this country was you know, it's And that will that will go down and history is one of the biggest moments in history. It truly will Yeah, my son was sitting right with me and I thought for a second to shield it for a second I said no, you know that that just happened and you just saw something that'll people people will be talking about, you know When when you're my age historically, that's it's that big of you But him standing up shaking that fist saying fight by fight. I mean, it's unbelievable That's what he's telling you don't give up under any circumstances I've taken my money now. They're trying to take my life. You continue to fight You didn't know how bad he was wanted. He had no idea other than he had blood Yeah, it was I mean it was you could It was so amazing and I think that's probably what's open to you know people to try to say it couldn't be it has to be you know Some faith the or which I think is poppycock, but yeah, it was a heck of a story. Well We'll watch tonight as the coverage comes in and and and watch what's happening and then hopefully You have a great convention and we'll talk again when you and Tina get back from Milwaukee All right, my friend. I appreciate it. God bless American. Thank you. Show absolutely. There he goes AO1's Congressman Jerry Carl check it in and we will check in with you on the text line at three four three zero one zero six Three four three zero one zero six save number for the phone line. We'll check in on the phones as well your thoughts. I mean what? Like just your gut reaction not I mean you can spend your conspiracy stupid your gut reaction and seeing that on Saturday Three four three zero one zero six coming right back This is mid-day mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk one oh six five 1227 FM talk one oh six five and midday mobile thinking it of course this is biggie with the bump music, but I know for a lot of you. This will be lost, but some of you are hip. Did you see that fitty? 50 cent had a You take it that iconic Fiddy album cover and took his face off there and put trumps on it to show the that he did Saturday night I think it was Saturday night show you got the the Fiddy cent Vote and probably Fiddy cent followers out there as well. All right, I'm gonna go to the text line for a second Here we'll come back to this, but yeah fire dog. Okay. He said some of us are rabble. Thank you I said I was rabble rousing, but I wouldn't call in your rabble Would you rather be the rabble or the one rousing the rabble? Jim said Sean. I don't immediately ascribe malice to what may have been just gross incompetence, but I But I do rule out But I don't rule out malice. That's from Jim. I would get into that we come back from the break. There's cuz I You know the old Occam's razor, right? the sometimes the Simplest answer is the most often the right one. Of course that doesn't jive with what goes on and online where everything has to be a Multi-level conspiracy and it we'll talk about that But could it be people just sucking at their job like oh, yeah, we got this secured now I'm gonna go over and talk about what we're doing tonight with the other Agent or police officer over there. I'm gonna go over there and say hey man. You want to go to the sports bar tonight? Yeah, it could be something like that Otto says I can't believe the FBI can't open a cell phone. I don't have any Confidence in them conducting any investigation that has anything to do with President Trump What we will hear from them is nothing to see here, and well, you know, we'll see Otto I think they'll get into cell phone. I think they probably already have Let's see Doesn't have meta is sent me many videos. Yes doesn't have met. I thought the same thing that when When Trump walks into the RNC he sent me a video a raslin video here walking it yet Trump will be The applause when he walks in there tonight will be incredible incredible And like I've taken now over the weekend calling him president elect Trump And he walks out of Milwaukee tonight coming right back. We'll call some tax three four three zero one zero six You You're listening to mid-day mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk 106 five Right to 1235 FM talk one of the six five midday mobile on this Monday Same the show brought you by 1-800 got junk brought you by my van tray. So you're a friend of mine But a friend of mine long time many y'all know tray Bennett, you know the people that work with train They're in your houses in your storage units anywhere. You got junk. They're getting a gone mobile in Baldwin counties They're doing it for 16 plus years now and the system works fantastic I've used it personally and with this radio station several of us here have as well And if you go to look at the Google reviews the independent reviews on the web. It's not just us It's hundreds and hundreds of folks that love the service enough That they went online to say something positive. I mean, that's it's an amplified thing, right? People love to get on the web and go I don't like But the number of people go what a service what a great thing 1-800 got junk it does and it does it takes that to do List item and crosses it off whether you're getting a storage unit empty because you don't need the stuff anymore Don't want to pay the money every month house you're getting ready to sell getting the last of the stuff out of there Or maybe you got junk in your house. You just need gone or like this idea. I've talked about in the past It's crazy, but if you're lucky enough to have a garage So there's these things called garages to go on houses and cars fit in them and trucks fit in them It's really pretty cool if you get the junk out of there and you go up and getting around and I'll get around to it We'll get around to it today make the appointment to have 1-800 got junk come to your house your work your storage unit and get rid of the junk Appointments easy pick up the phone the name is the number call 1-800 got junk or go online to 1-800 got junk Dot-com make that appointment and see what we're all talking about out there say hello to my buddy Trey for me When you see him right now, we'll go the phones and text in one second here. I do want to roll this out I thought about this and some of the conversation just had with Congressman Carl and give my phone was ringing starting Saturday afternoon a friend of mine. I was on the tractor and and texted me and said Somebody's attempted an assassination somebody shot at Trump, and I I was incredulous at first and like what? What actually happened and so I'm getting it, you know Go back in my house and And see that in fact, that's exactly what happened a assassination attempt on Candidate and former president and I would argue now president elect Donald Trump and then my phone started ringing with multiple other people And some of them in the world of people that will know Security and those kind of ops and things like that will put it that way So I had some good conversations on Saturday trying to learn here, but and bouncing ideas. I had off them who actually did it for a living But I do know this like That guys on my shows referred to as dirtbag, right? We don't I'm not gonna promote a name y'all can hear it in the news accounts But the shooter at the dirtbag in this case, how's he get access and this is just I'm just a mold. Hey seed, you know, what do I know there's some questions? I mean I mentioned it to the congressmen social security So secure secret service Goes out well before event to sit scout and secure an area. I remember Remember secret service was down in Columbia securing something they all gotten well several of them got in trouble for Hookers and blow or something like that because they've been down there so long embedded making a secure area They go out and they secure an area and in doing that and I mean here. I am. I'm just a small guy I know this that your job is not just a security on the day of the event, but is to predict what a dirtbag might do To gain a you know to be able to shoot and kill a president So you have you know the bomb sweeping and all that stuff that goes on beforehand But well before that you look at the buildings in their yarn Bethel, Pennsylvania You look at the buildings there I think the security zone, you know 360 a circular security zone that is what I was told 2,000 yards And I don't know if hopefully I'm not spilling state evidence or state secrets here, but a 2,000 yard bring of That full security so any building any tree Any radio tower anywhere that somebody could gain elevation or get a clear shot Not even getting it where they could get a clear shot in the podium the stage We're the person that the secret service is there to protect where anywhere if somebody could get a shot That's a no-go zone You've heard the stories when you know there's a speech in a a big city and people can't even go to their office buildings because secret service says Nope, nobody up there. Nobody can go up there. So the secret service teams go out They it's got to have a place is a hundred and the yardage keeps moving But I think the preponderance of evidence I can go over to on X maps or something and map this But I think it's like 130 yards 130 yards elevated Place it's a rooftop and it's unsecured. I Mean there's a security perimeter You know and inside that security perimeter. Here's a shooter spot You go out the secret service will go out and eliminate any spot that a shooter could make a shot from right? The sniper teams that are there are an insurance policy They're not there as the primary The primary is to eliminate any place a dirt bag could gain elevation for a shot The sniper teams are there in case somehow by some Some somehow somebody gets gets through that's why they're there the insurance But the main thing to be done is to have nowhere for that person to go Outside the magnetometer that they could make the shot the 2000 yard range around there and This place is open and little one is this place open you've got like just dudes that spot him Party dude the video that shared right away right I said right away. It's Saturday evening who said we're watching the guy We're pointing them out And you know people said well the you know when the law enforcement guy got on ladder went up there to confront him The guy pointed the gun he went back down Don't expect that officer to get shot But that officer shouldn't have been in that situation in the first place To go up there and dirt bag good and so dirt bag. Here's the thing. So this is a a former president and I would argue the Odds on favorite to be the 47th president of the United States And this isn't remember we've talked about the Iranian assassin that's in this country They can't you know that I believe did not clear that Atlanta's heart's field. I think walked across the border It's not a reigning assassin not a Russian assassin. It's not some covert highly trained it's This guy the 20 year old That foils the secret service It's not even like the guy was addressed like He was law enforcement had a security badge or something that might come out of a movie You know where he looks just like somebody with the thing and he gains access. He's Wherein whatever George's in a t-shirt And he has a rifle Semi-automatic rifle of AR type platform, I guess I don't know what so he has a rifle. It's a long gun If you even you got a short peril You're not concealing that So you're telling me that the best of the best which I I think secret service has shown themselves to be really darn good The years, but that they were foiled By a 20 year old with a rifle gaining an access to to make a shot And thank God things at the end there the when officer went up all these things that it forced the quick shot that missed I mean we were within An inch a half inch a millimeter Of I don't know what I don't know what this country looks like Right now if if the bullet would have would have killed Donald Trump Once again, it's not the You're telling me this guy Well, I mean, what the hell I mean if you've got Assasin teens from other countries that would love to see the American president dead. What did they just say? When they're looking like if we were the known it's that easy. We would have gone in before I mean this dude So I mean the idea that it leads to conspiracy thoughts I understand But I would also offer into the mix the Occam's razor of I got a question Was it just routine? You know, that's the problem with all things that you get in a routine and you miss things and was it a situation where? Oh, they thought yeah, this is just another event and you know It's just same as the next one or same as one before and the one before that one before that and all right We got everything secured and whoever was supposed to be scanning that walks over to talk to the other agent about You know, they're gonna go to the wings place tonight in Pittsburgh or whatever. I mean is it something that That innocuous or is it something Sinister Because I will throw into the mix of all the conspiracy theories. Maybe it's people just Screwing up and not being and not being ready and not being on mark. I think it was Earlier text that St. Jim had said about you know Could it just be Ignorance here. What did he say he said gross incompetence? It could be it could be gross incompetence. So we'll put that in with the mix as well But damn it y'all a 20 year old sneaks in with a rifle sets up and Damn near kills the former president and I would argue the next president of the United States All right to go the phones at three four three zero one zero six three four three zero one zero six And let's see we go there first okay David in mobile up first hey David Hey Sean, I'll be interested to see what the investigation comes back with about the security procedures put in place for this rally Because I do know one of the security and procedures they put in place for Trump's return trip to mobile in 2016 when he got elected was that they all of the hanger doors and all of the buildings that brookley had to be closed when you know before Trump arrived and You have to go through security on a normal day to get to get to access those buildings You know so the security would have been even greater to access those buildings on that particular day. So You know so I'll be interested to see what what the investigation turns up, but what that said You know, I think you can call safely called the summer of 2024 the summer of Trump But because he's had a politically speaking he's has had a good of a some a month that you can have with being shot in the year That anybody can have because he he trounced Biden in the debate at the end of June by just showing up and not being a being an a-hole And you know because Biden performed that badly. He got a positive ruling from the Supreme Court on the presidential immunity. He obviously This assassination attempt is going to energize his voter base to the point that the short of Jesus coming back before the election Nothing is going to stop Trump's orders from getting out and voting on election day not Not storms not snow not hurricanes nothing There's nothing's gonna stop him from showing up and even undecideds are now I've even seen undecided say I didn't know who I was voting for in this election I'm now voting for Trump based off of his reaction to be in shot and the Democrats already had a enthusiasm gap problem to begin with Because of Biden's health issues and then today Trump even got a dismissal of the classified documents case in Florida Yeah, the judge can't and those things are and listen the cases. I would say the Ali and Kennan's decision today and the community cases all these are Important, but the two you name that I think motivates Not wonks like you David and I'm not you know, I'm just saying that accurately And not wonky people. I'm talking about just regular people to go and vote or the debate and the fact that somebody tried to Off him and he stood up with I mean the iconic the iconic photo Which is cliche to say now, but it is iconic to stand up with a fist raise with blood running down your face dude You can't you know, even though I know that blue and on the people on the left are saying that I see that was staged I like the fact for a second here. Can I just say this that the people on the left have now turned into Alex Jones Then over the weekend that they They had these grand conspiracies how he set this up to get shot to do the I mean come on It's because they have no they have no antidote. They have no antidote even to the To the picture of Trump there and him standing up and acting like a leader I mean that I'll say I'll say this about about conspiracy theories about this and conspiracy theories theories in general the special prosecutor that investigated the Watergate scandal under Richard Nixon said that he That his experience in Watergate proved to him that the story of Jesus was true because 12 men for decades after Jesus was alive Repeatedly so told the same story over and over and over again and never changed their story He he couldn't even get 12 people to keep the same story for five minutes and Investigating the Watergate crisis. So if you had a a conspiracy of a staged assassination first of all I don't think it's days because somebody an innocent person died and if they could prove that it was a quote unquote Conspiracy that would open a whole bunch of people up to a whole bunch of liability The second of all you wouldn't be able to keep it quiet because you because of course not Weeks, I mean they Well, not only to the Trump roll links, but the best way to keep a secret is don't tell anybody else And if you have to tell somebody else tell one other person. Yeah, yeah, and then you kill them David. I appreciate the call Yeah, I wouldn't speaking of what we're talking about here. This the way this is seen I think this is pretty emblematic. I put it up on Twitter think Saturday night or Sunday or yesterday this this commentary from from Jamie Gangle over at CNN and I think Dalton played this audio this morning as well This is emblematic of not getting it of not understanding that and maybe they're maybe they're a There's something different in the wiring of the brain of like a Jamie Gangle, so this isn't conspiracies, but this is her reaction So this is from Saturday night and Jamie Gangle is on CNN right there. You know, they'll always have a panel of people sitting and reviewing things and this is Her commentary on what we just talked about the the iconic moment where Trump gets back up, which by the way Wait, let me get my shoes. I think it's one of the new Let's start using that in my my day-to-day language. I mean you talk about a you know, let's roll kind of moment Hey, let me get my shoes. That's a you just got shot. You know, yeah, let me get my shoes When Trump gets up and puts his fist in there and says fight fight fight So many Americans even Americans that aren't the biggest Trump fans saw that and said wow That's something and then over on CNN. It goes like this. Jamie Gangle. See you then I do want to say there was one thing that when I watched the tape I found odd Because of all of the heated rhetoric and that is that after he was hit Former President Trump got up and said fight fight fight I think what we're hearing from people is that's not the message that we want to be sending right now We want to camp it down Yeah, I would just know one thing on this. Okay. It's maybe I think I said that may be the dumbest thing I've heard from somebody on CNN ever and that's that's saying something way to go Jamie Gangle. I Just can't believe after being shot Then he got up and said fight fight fight There's something I could debate with there's some people I go, you know what? We got nothing in carbon. We can't even debate All right, 1252 be right back This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk 1006 5 By 1256 FM talk 1006 5 and midday mobile First second on the lighter side We have to get my buddy Jim Cox on He was texting me also over the weekend blue Marlin Grand Championship. I was we got a lockdown with the facts of me try to kill Donald Trump, but What a story down there from that? I mean, I think I've got 99 blue Marlin in the tournament. I mean that's in Nuts is nuts If somebody was texting about that 3 4 3 0 1 0 6 I tell you what we have folks on the phone if y'all will hold on a second cuz I don't have much time before the news But we'll come back to you read a couple quick text here. This textor says I see Colbert is bashing both Biden and Trump these days. I think the Dems are really starting to figure out it exactly how screwed They really are Scrove Raine says no one on the fence will switch and vote for Trump. I think you're wrong there scrove right now I know you're wrong. There are people that weren't gonna vote before that will go out and vote Absolutely after what happened Saturday Your gut reaction Michael said my gut reaction to all the eyewitness videos is if it wasn't a pure setup It was at least allowed to happen My friend's super mom was up super mom said my gut reaction was fear Then I felt pride when he raised his fist then I cried because how bad that could have been now I'm mad Jason says when President Trump got up and pumped his fist if that didn't give you goosebumps. You're not alive I was watching the rally live and I shouted when he got up USA USA Paul says Trump proved to me a while ago. He was willing to take a bullet for the country. He did it He sure risked his life to run again And you know, it seems like every swing that they make the people opposed to Trump from different corners Every every everything they try makes them stronger Steve said the fact that Trump was hit with a bullet yet remains unscathed is extremely fortunate if Give his name here I'll just say if dirt bag missed it wouldn't have had the impact that it does now It seems like a god thing if you ask me, you know, Steve. I think if the bullet would have hit I Don't know what this country would look like right now. I really do not Larry from Daphne said wait a minute. I thought Pennsylvania had really strict gun laws possibly red flag laws How did the shooter not get red flagged? What about universal background checks? Listen, we'll come back to that Larry. So, you know Good portion of my family lives in Pencil, Tucky as they call it, right? And you can get behind the gun in Pennsylvania Least in the parts of the state where my kinfolk are it's about like Alabama. It's not it's not crazy restrictive. All right Be right back news is next it's wrote