It's Time To Armor Up Friend!
Do you understand what is happening around you in the spiritual world, as you grieve?
As believers we have a seal written on our foreheads and a target on our backs. If you listenned to the "3 Habits of Grief That Lead To Exhaustion", you heard the story of job. And it may not be the version of job that you've been exposed to before.
In that episode, you learned the first place that Satan went when he wanted to crush job, was straight to his children. Make no mistake about it spiritual warfare is a component of grieving the death of your child.
Today, I'm going to teach you. How to armor up for the battle. What each piece of the armor of God is, how to use it in your battle against authorities and powers in the unseen world, and against evil spirits in heavenly places. Friend! It is time to armor up.
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Do you understand what is happening around you in the spiritual world as you grieve? As believers, we have a seal written on our foreheads and a target on our backs. If you listen to the three habits of grief that lead to exhaustion, you heard the story of job and it may not be the version of job that you've been exposed to before. In that episode, you learned the first place that Satan went when he wanted to crush Job was straight to his children. Make no mistake about it, spiritual warfare is a component of grieving the death of your child. Today, I'm going to teach you how to armor up for the battle. Stay tuned to find out what each piece of the armor of God is, how to use it in your battle against authorities and powers in the unseen world and against evil spirits and heavenly places. Friend, it is time to armor up. Are you lost in the chaos of grief, struggling to find your way in the darkness? Are you asking yourself, will I ever be able to enjoy life again? Are you wondering where God is right now? Welcome to the grief mentor show. This podcast is a safe place for you. It will shine a light into the shadows, helping you discover that joy and pain can coexist, that you still have purpose and there is a path to peace. Hello, friend. I'm Teresa Davis. I too was lost in the chaos of grief the day my son died. Just like you, I longed for peace in this unfamiliar world. I longed for the way, crushing my chest to be lifted so I could breathe. I clung tightly to the anger and it was there that I discovered the tools I needed to navigate life after loss. And I'm ready to help you do the same. If you're ready, I'm holding my hand out to your friend. Let me show you the way one step at a time. I have a launch date for the grief road map. If you're tuning in for the first time, the grief road map is 12 consecutive weeks of content focused on teaching you the tools and mindset you need to navigate life without your child. It has seven hours of video content over 80 pages of workbook, six modules and 24 lessons with weekly mentoring with me within that small group community. I'm giving you the framework on what you can focus on. What you can take responsibility for, what you can control to live again because, friend, there's a whole lot of things as grieving moms that you cannot control. And the more you dwell on those things, the more exhausted you become. I'm keeping the group small so that I can help each of you apply the knowledge that you're learning to your life and your specific grief needs. If you're not already on the waitlist, go to the email I sent you this morning and click the button, you'll be automatically added. If you're not on the waitlist and you're not a grief mentor insider, then go to my website,, join my newsletter. I'll get a notification that you joined and I'll send the email to you. Why join the waitlist? Joining the waitlist will give you the opportunity to join me inside the grief road map 48 hours before it opens to everyone else. It also gives you priority seating. The launch date is August 5th and the first small group mentoring session inside of that small group community will be August 15th. I'm planning a special event for August 5th and all the details will be announced next week. Friends, as I mentioned in the opening, you have a seal on your life that is visible to all the heavenlies, including the enemy. That seal tells us, according to Ephesians 113, that we have a promise, the deposit of the Holy Spirit. And that promise guarantees your future, your inheritance for what's to come, and that is eternal life in the arms of Jesus. Now, if you followed my journey of grief here on the podcast, you know that the biggest hurdle I faced as a grieving mom was believing that God lied to me. Because of my belief, I felt betrayed by God. I had a crack in my foundation because I believed that if I prayed and I asked for physical protection for my children that God would provide it. Boy, was I wrong. If you're listening today because your child is no longer walking beside you on this earth, you may resonate with that statement. But through my deep dive into the Word of God, I discovered something. I discovered that my belief was not true. It wasn't accurate. God does not promise physical protection. The only protection that our Father in Heaven guarantees is our spiritual protection, where we will spend eternity. This journey was a step-by-step discovery for me. In my compassion and desire to know who God really was grew with each step. The more I discovered, the more I wanted to know. And because of that desire, He met me where I was, and He gently guided me to the answer for every question that I put before Him. When we keep knocking with that type of perseverance, the door into the mystery of God will be opened. I was like an annoying child. As soon as he answered one, I was right back with another. And in Module 5 of the Grief Roadmap, we discuss where God is in your grief. It's one of my favorite modules, guys, because it's where I fulfill in love with God. I could not resist His goodness anymore. I wanted to blame Him, but when I came to know Him, who He really is, I realized He wasn't capable of what I was accusing Him of. I'm not going to apologize for my tears today, because you know how I feel about that. Tears are a love language. It's an act of worship in my view that says, "I can't do this on my own, and I need you, Jesus." Which leads us into our topic today, spiritual warfare surrounding the death of your child. I want you to hear this loud and clear. In the story of Job, Satan, the enemy, the accuser of the brethren, he wanted to destroy Job. He wanted to crush Him, so He went straight to His children. To my knowledge, Satan is not a father, but he knows how to destroy the heart of a parent. When his plan to permanently separate us from God by bringing death into existence, and the garden failed, who did he go for then? He went for the Son of God. You see a pattern here? Right after Jesus' baptism, we are told that He was led into the wilderness. He fasted for 40 days and 40 nights, and the Word of God tells us He was hungry, because He was human in every way. The enemy came to destroy God's plan once again. He presented the Son of God, Jesus, with three if/then statements, to provoke Him into submission to His plan. Go read it for yourself. You can find it in the book of Matthew, chapter 4. I told you in the opening that as grieving moms, you have a big red target on your back. Why? Because the enemy seeks to steal, kill, and destroy. He is an opportunist, because his second plan failed that would stop God from spending eternity with His children. He has one option left. And that option, my friend, is you and I. There are no other options. The people that God loves are now Satan's target. And because that we are in a weakened state with our grief, we often question the very foundation upon which we built our life, the rock of refuge, the cornerstones that holds it all together. He seeks to destroy your relationship, to feed you all manner of lies, to convince you God is not who He says He is, to convince you that God doesn't love you, and He never has loved you. And He will attempt to present that evidence to you, since you will swallow it, hook on, and sink her, all from His point of view. His goal is to take the cornerstone and twist and manipulate it loose from the cement. And then, once he's got it loose, he wants to wiggle it even further, push it harder to completely remove it. Then he'll laugh as the house you built your life on comes tumbling down. So what do you do about it? How do you fight back? I'm going to give you three ways. Number one, recognize who Satan is and who he is not. Number two, he's a fallen angel. He does not possess the attributes of God. He is not God. He wants to be God. He wants you to believe that He is like God. He was the first person who ever tried to steal someone's identity. Number three, he is not all powerful. He is not all knowing. He is not omnipresent. The number one hope of the enemy is that you do not realize or ever come to know the power that lives within you if you are sealed with the promise. The truth is you don't have the ability to fight on your own strength. That's why Paul goes into so much detail in the book of Ephesians telling us how to fight the battle. And verse one, he starts out with teaching us that we don't have the power within ourselves. His first statement in chapter six, verse 10 says, be strong in the Lord and his mighty power. Don't forget that friend. Number two, verse 11 says, he tells us to armor up. Put on the armor of God. And I'm going to teach you how to do that. Number three, he then tells us why we need the armor so that you can stand firm against the strategies of the devil. We've seen his strategies right in the garden with Job with Jesus inside your own grief journey. Number four, he tells us what we are fighting against. You can't fight an enemy if you don't know who the enemy is. We do not fight against flesh and blood. We're not fighting against people that have earth suits, people that have physical bodies. We're fighting against evil. What Satan did to Job was evil. What Satan did to Joseph was evil. That's a great series, by the way, if you haven't listened to that one yet. We're fighting against rulers, against powers, against evil forces in the dark world, evil spirits in heavenly places. That you just stop and say, wait a minute, how is that possible? There's evil spirits in heavenly places? Remember the meeting between God and Satan in the book of Job? Read about for yourself. Job chapter one. Then in verse 13, he tells us how to be successful in the battle. I love the amplified version. And here it is. Put on the complete armor of God so that you will be able to successfully resist and stand your ground. Friend, the enemy always seeks to diminish what you have accomplished with Jesus. That's why it's so important to recognize your winds and grief. Because if he can, the enemy will convince you that you're not making any progress in managing your grief. So you just might as well give up. It's never going to get any better. It's never going to change. You're going to be like this the rest of your life. That's what he wants you to believe. He wants to remove the hope from your heart, soul, and spirit because he's a spirit crusher if we give him permission. Paul goes on to say that having done everything that the crisis demands, stand firm in your place, fully prepared, immovable and victorious, sounds too good to be true. Maybe it sounds too good to be true to you because you are seeing it through the eyes of your own strength. In that case, yes, it is too good to be true. Verse 14 says, stand firm and hold your ground. Okay? You ready for the mic drop? This is how you do it. I'm going to give you eight steps. Here we go. Number one, tighten the wide band of truth around your waist. Number two, put on the breastplate of righteousness. Number three, strap to your feet the gospel of peace in preparation to face the enemy with firm footing with stability and readiness produced by the good news of the gospel. Number four, above all. Did you hear that? That's verse 16. It says, above all, lift up the protective shield of faith which with you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. The new living version says that they are fiery arrows. Arrows that are launched to cause harm, to crush, to take away hope. Number five, put on salvation as your helmet. Number six, take up the sword of the spirit which is the word of God. Number seven, the last piece for success for the battle is with all prayer and petition pray with specific request at all times on every occasion and in every season in the spirit. And number eight, stay alert, difficult to do when you're grieving and exhausted. That's why the enemy sees you as an easy target. He always kicks the hardest when you're down. He loves a good sucker punch. Friend, we have established the need for the armor today. I knew it would take a bit to get through this, but I cannot teach you about the armor without teaching you why you need it. Otherwise, it won't have any impact in your life. We run out of time today and I've given you a lot to think about. So next week, we're going to start right with each piece of the armor. One by one, why it's important and how to use it in your grief journey. I get so excited about the word of God. And I pray that when I open my mouth, that God would put his words in it for your ears. I cannot wait to finish teaching you about the armor of God. Get out your Bible and read the passage of scriptures that we discussed today. It's Ephesians chapter six. Pray before your start. Ask God to speak to your heart and teach you what he wants you to know for right now in this moment for such a time as this in your life. Then meet me here next week to continue our conversation. Is this all too overwhelming for you to process? If it is, then let me break it down for you piece by piece in a one-on-one session with me. Bringing clarity inside the walls of grief is what God has called me to do. I'm here for you friend. I'm one click away. Head on over to the show notes, hit the link that says book a call with the grief mentor or to my website at work with me page. I hope to see you soon. I have a lot to teach you. And that's all I have for you today. So until next time, take care. Did today's episode touch your heart? If it did, would you take a moment and leave a review on Apple Podcast? I read every single one. Scroll all the way down past all of the episodes till you come to a place where you can leave five stars. And would you go a step further and write a written review? It would mean the world to me if you did. Would you mind to share today's episode with somebody that you know that needs a ray of light in their grief journey? I would so appreciate it if you did. From my heart to yours. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC]