Are you angry?
Did you have to stop and think about that a minute, or did you belt out a resounding heck Yeah I'm angry!
I've yet to meet a grieving mom or dad that didn't feel angry after the death of their child, even if they didn't realize they were angry.
Anger shows up in unexpected places when you're grieving. But if you listen today, you'll find out you're in good company if you have experienced anger after the death of your child.
The next Grief Mentor Support Group is July 18th, questions need to be submitted by July 16th. This is a safe place for bereaved parents to come and just be with like minded grieving parents who understand what its like to have your child leave this earth.
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Are you angry? Did you have to stop and think about that a minute? Or did you belt out a resounding, heck yeah, I'm angry? Friend, I've yet to meet a grieving mom or dad that didn't feel angry after the death of their child. Even if they didn't realize they were angry. Anger shows up in unexpected places when you're grieving. But if you listen today, you'll find out you're in good company if you have experienced anger after the death of your child. Are you lost in the chaos of grief, struggling to find your way in the darkness? Are you asking yourself, will I ever be able to enjoy life again? Are you wondering where God is right now? Welcome to the Grief mentor show. This podcast is a safe place for you. It will shine a light into the shadows, helping you discover that joy and pain can coexist, that you still have purpose and there is a path to peace. Hello friend, I'm Teresa Davis. I too was lost in the chaos of grief the day my son died. Just like you, I longed for peace in this unfamiliar world. I longed for the wake, crushing my chest to be lifted so I could breathe. I clung tightly to the anger and it was there that I discovered the tools I needed to navigate life after loss. And I'm ready to help you do the same. If you're ready, I'm holding my hand out to your friend. Let me show you the way, one step at a time. Summer is supposed to be a lighter time of the year, but when you're in pain, nothing feels light. Because we live in a market driven society, as soon as the back to school supplies pop onto the scene, all of the marketing begins for the holidays. From October to January, it's everywhere you look. Inside the 12-week program, the grief roadmap, I have prepared tools for you that you need to navigate life after the death of your child. And that includes how to navigate all of those difficult holidays. Inside module two, you'll learn how to plan for special days like birthdays and heaven days. How to survive Christmas. How to manage socialization and nutrition on those difficult days. How to manage decorations and gift-giving meal prep to host or not to host. Decision-making on a good day can be exhausting. Let me relieve you of the stress of facing those days alone. Let's do this together. Join the wait list for the program so that you will have the first option to join. When the cart opens for the course, the people on the wait list will have that option first. Because I'm keeping the group small, when the cart closes, it will be closed until the next 12-week session. I've been working on this for a year and I cannot wait to see what God will do in your life when you say yes to allowing him to speak life into the darkness of your grief. To add your name to the wait list, become a grief mentor insider at Once I receive that notification, I will send you an email. If you're already a grief mentor insider, click the box that says wait list. It's that simple and then your name will be automatically added to the list. Anger is an emotion that we were given by our creator. Did you have to stop and think about that for a minute? Our society tells us that anger is bad. Maybe your faith leaders have taught you that anger is bad. So let's break this down a bit. Anger is not a gift of the spirit, okay? I'm not trying to suggest that it is, but anger is a real emotion that is demonstrated by our creator in numerous places in his word. We're created in the image of God and as his children, we have the emotion of anger. Here's what our creator says about anger. Don't sin by letting anger control you. The amplified version says be angry at immorality, at injustice, at ungodly behavior, yet do not sin. This first shows us the heart of God because he demonstrates anger toward immorality, at ungodly behavior and at injustice. Friend, that means the death of your child. God demonstrates anger about the death of your child because it's unfair. Death is an enemy of God. Who are you angry at? Maybe you're angry at God like I was. Are you just angry because your child died and it's not supposed to be that way? That's a good book, by the way. Lisa Tierkist, it's not supposed to be that way. God answered the why question for me out of that book. Are you angry at your child? Maybe you're angry because you feel robbed of the life you expected to have with your child that never came to fruition. Friend, you have God's permission to be angry. Do you believe that statement? Because it's true. If we are made in the image of our creator and God feels anger, then my friend, you have his permission to be angry. The question then remains, what does one do with anger? That verse in Ephesians 4, 26 goes on to tell us how to manage our anger. The rest of that verse says, yet, do not sin. Do not let your anger cause you shame nor allow it to last until the sun goes down. And do not give the devil the opportunity to lead you into sin by holding a grudge or nurturing anger or harboring resentment or cultivating bitterness. Anger needs to be witnessed in your grief. So what does that look like? That looks like allowing your anger to be expressed in healthy ways. Allow yourself to observe the anger, but not be consumed with it. It means verbalizing your anger to your counselor, to a trusted friend, to your grief mentor. Allowing your anger to be recognized and work through is key. Keeping it bottled up inside of you is when you're setting yourself up for an explosion. Physical exercise is a good way to allow anger to escape from your body. Writing it out in a journal, expressing it the best way you can will stop the enemy from using it as a foothold in your life. Have you heard that term before? If you don't understand what that means, picture someone having a firm grip on your foot. And every time you attempt to walk, you can't, because that foothold is keeping you from moving forward. This week I had a precious soul reach out to me. Her name is Martha. Martha has been following the podcast for some time now. In September, 2021, her husband passed. And in December, 2021, just two and a half months later, her youngest daughter passed away. She described this time as the deepest depression she had ever experienced. She shared her journey with me in a poem that she had written about where she was then and where she is now. And this is what she had to say about what God had done in her life and how he had used the grief mentor podcast in her grief journey. This is what she said, "As I was riding down the road one day and everything looked so dark and bleak, the thought came to me that I was seeing everything through the eyes of grief. I remember when I first started listening to your podcast and I could see that you had come a long way in your grief journey. I knew it was possible, but at that time I knew I had to wait on God to bring me into that place that he had prepared for me to recover. Praise his holy name. Friend, God's plan for you is to bring you out into a spacious place to rescue you because he delights in you. How do I know? Listen closely. I love you, Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer. My God is my rock in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I called to the Lord who was worthy of praise and I have been saved from my enemies. The cords of death entangled me, the torrents of destruction overwhelmed me. The cords of the grave coiled around me, the snares of death confronted me. In my distress, I called to the Lord. I cried to my God for help. From his temple, he heard my voice. My cry came before him into his ears. The earth trembled and quaked and the foundations of the mountain shook. They trembled because he was angry. Smoke rose from his nostrils. Consuming fire came from his mouth, burning coals blazed out of it. He parted the heavens and came down. Dark clouds were under his feet. He mounted the cherubim and flew. He soared on wings of the wind. He made darkness his covering his canopy around him, the dark rain clouds of the sky. Out of the brightness of his presence, clouds advanced with hailstones and boats of lightning. The Lord thundered from heaven, the voice of the most high resounded. He shot his arrows and scattered the enemy with great boats of lightning, he routed them. The valleys of the sea were exposed and the foundations of the earth laid bare at your rebuke, Lord, at the blast of the breath from your nostrils. He reached down from on high and took hold of me. He drew me out of deep waters. He rescued me from my powerful enemy, from my foes who were too strong for me. They confronted me in the day of my disaster, but the Lord was my support. He brought me out into a spacious place. He rescued me because he delighted in me. Psalms 18, one through 19. Friend, the God of heaven's armies is on your side. He is angry at the injustice that you've suffered because of the death of your child. Death is his enemy and it's our enemy too, as grieving moms and dads. But never forget that because God loves you and your child so much that he allowed his son to die to give us life forever with him and our children. Do you need to talk to someone today who gets it? Someone who's been there that understands anger. I'm here for you, friend. I'm just a click away. Visit and book your call. And that's all I have for you today. So until next time, take care. Did today's episode touch your heart? If it did, would you take a moment and leave a review on Apple Podcast? I read every single one. Scroll all the way down past all of the episodes till you come to a place where you can leave five stars. And would you go a step further and write a written review? It would mean the world to me if you did. Would you mind to share today's episode with somebody that you know that needs a ray of light in their grief journey? I would so appreciate it if you did. From my heart to yours. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)