What is a habit? Webster says it's a regular tendency or practice. It's any regular repeated behavior.
Why is that important for you? Because what you do in your daily life, that repeats itself over and over, allows the brain to make your actions automatic, this is also true for your thoughts. The repeated actions and or thoughts create a pathway in your brain that runs without awareness.
This is important for you if....
you have developed some habits that are not producing the results you would like in managing your grief.
It takes awareness to create a new pathway. God says how a man thinks in his heart becomes who he is. Proverbs 23:7.
Three habits that lead to exhaustion in grief:
- Living Tomorrow Today
- Focusing On What Your Child Is Missing In This Life After Their Death
- Believing God Allowed Your Child To Die As A Test or Punishment
Listen and find out what to do instead.
The next Grief Mentor Support Group is July 18th, questions need to be submitted by July 16th. This is a safe place for bereaved parents to come and just be with like minded grieving parents who understand what its like to have your child leave this earth.
How do you attend? Become a Grief Mentor Insider, and follow the directions found in the newsletter.
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Order the devotion book: Finding Hope And Healing In the Midst of Grief Here Journal: Here
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