The Grief Mentor | Life After Child Loss, Hope and Healing For Grieving Moms, Bereavement, Christian Grief Support

Is Heaven Real? If So Where is it? 3 Facts That Lead To Peace!

Broadcast on:
13 Feb 2024

Heaven Series Episode 1

Is Heaven Real? If So Where Is It? 3 Facts That Lead to Peace!

I heard you clearly! I did a SM poll about doing an episode on Heaven AND!!! I recieved a huge reponse. So...I bumped it up to this week. While preparing it became evident that this needed to be a series as I have so much to say about Heaven. 

I give you 3 facts today about Heaven that will set your heart at ease. 

Friend, Im praying for you as you listen, becasue I want to hear a sigh of relief coming from your spirit after you hear the evidence in this episode. And If I didn't answer your No. 1 pain point about heaven today stay tuned because theres much more to come. 

It brings me joy to help you see things from a different perspective, because the truth is, thought mangement is the N0. 1 way to have peace flood your soul. 

I'd love to hear your thoughts!!!!!!

Are you a Grief Mentor Insider? My joy comes from providing resources that can make your journey less stressful. AND! I share my life with you in a weekly newletter. I'm active on SM but I'm what is called a Solopreneur, it's just me. Because I still work and manage all the things I can only pour myself into so much. It's called boundaries-I've learned to be kind to myself!

So! I pour myself into this podcast and my weekly newletter, SM is there when I have time to spare, which is not often. 

I hope to see you there!!

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