The Grief Mentor | Life After Child Loss, Hope and Healing For Grieving Moms, Bereavement, Christian Grief Support

Why Silence is Not What You Think It is! The Truth About Hearing God’s voice.

Broadcast on:
05 Dec 2023

Q & A with The Grief Mentor

Last week on the podcast I shared an intimate moment between me and The Holy Spirit where  I heard the voice of God, not audibly, but in my spirit. It was a special moment that I will never forget because he comforted me and turned a dreadful experience into an unexplainable peace. I'll include the link to that podcast below. 

Today I cover 4 points regarding hearing the voice of God. 

  1. Does God speak audibly?
  2. If God does not speak audibly then how do we hear his voice?
  3. If God's voice is just a thought how do we know it's from him?
  4. Why is God's voice clear at times and silent at others?

Join me as I answer these questions and teach you how to hear the voice of God in your life and why silence is not what you think it is. 

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Episode refreneced above:

5 Things We've Learned in 5 Years of Living Without Our Son