The Grief Mentor | Life After Child Loss, Hope and Healing For Grieving Moms, Bereavement, Christian Grief Support

Will The Pain Get Better? Living In The Tension of Child Loss On Thanksgiving Day.

Broadcast on:
21 Nov 2023

Grief Tip For Thanksgiving Day

How can your broken heart learn to live in the tension of your loss? I would be deceiving you if I said there was a path to quickly get there. Because there is not. In fact, there is nothing quick about grief at all.

But there's one thing I want to remind you of that is overlooked. And that's where we are going to start our discussion today. Thanksgiving is in two days. Holidays carry different weight for all of us. How will you manage your day this year? 

I have a challenge for you to commit to an exercise that has the potential to brighten your day. Stick with me, it's easy, but it will require to be still before the Lord. It's a short but powerful epidsode! 

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