The Grief Mentor | Life After Child Loss, Hope and Healing For Grieving Moms, Bereavement, Christian Grief Support

Overcoming Hurdles In Grief And Loss | How To Make Peace With The Holidays

Broadcast on:
24 Oct 2023


Grief Tip Week With The Grief Mentor

What's your biggest hurdle of grief? What's the one thing you struggle with the most? It can be difficult to pick one, but to find peace in the chaos, we work step by step. 

One thing those of us that grieve all have in common, is facing those special days and holidays and what to do about it. And that's the step that we're going to focus on today. I know you don't want to hear this. But Thanksgiving is five weeks away, and Christmas is in nine weeks. To get through this time of year, you need a plan.

Not having a plan going into the holidays when your grieving is like driving your car without headlights in the dark. Stop wasting time and create a plan with The Grief Mentor to make this season managable. The longer you put if off the more overwhelmed you will feel. If this is the first holiday season or if its the second or third, let me help you take away the dread and create a plan. When you learn to live in the tension of what was and what is it will bring rays of hope into the darkness. 

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