The Grief Mentor | Life After Child Loss, Hope and Healing For Grieving Moms, Bereavement, Christian Grief Support

Finding Joy In The Midst Of Grief: Cliche' or Truth?

Broadcast on:
18 Apr 2023

Joy and grief are antonyms. So why am I doing a show centered around Joy, on a podcast for those who grieve? Good question! I avoided this topic from the get go. Why? Because nothing is more offensive to a grieving heart then a shallow glib comment like "choose joy." First and foremost if that's all someone can muster up to say to someone who is grieving it's better not spoken at all. 

Tammy White Hurst is an author, blogger, and full time speaker. I choose her to talk about Joy today and she said Yes! 

This is not a show on how to grin and bear it, fake it til you make it or give a false sense to everyone that all is well with your soul when inside your breaking into a million pieces. 

That is not our purpose here. 

I know that if your listening to my podcast its because your hurting. So please don’t tune us out. Our purpose is to give you a new perspective of Joy. Not happiness, happiness is a feeling, its situational there is a difference.

We are going to talk about the kind of joy that is not explainable in human terms. 

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