The Grief Mentor | Life After Child Loss, Hope and Healing For Grieving Moms, Bereavement, Christian Grief Support

Grieving The Loss of a Childhood: Unmothered with Phylis Mantelli

Broadcast on:
07 Mar 2023

This episode is for all who didn’t have a role model of a mother in their life. It speaks to the hurt and grief that grows when your mom didn’t meet your needs when you needed her the most. Phyllis Mantelli, Author of Unmothered- Life With a Mom Who Couldn’t Love Me is my guest. 

Phylis describes the loss of her childhood and the grief that followed her into her adult life. But the story doesn't end there. Phylis shows us it is possible to love those who caused us harm or left us in dangerously vulnerable circumstances. She describes feeling a prescence with her that she didn't understand until she was an adult and a mom herself. 

It's a story of redemption and breaking generational dysfunction. It's a story of forgiveness that is only possible through the eyes of the Father. 

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