The Grief Mentor | Life After Child Loss, Hope and Healing For Grieving Moms, Bereavement, Christian Grief Support

Grief and Marriage with Wade and Clarissa Thaxton

Broadcast on:
21 Aug 2022

Wade Thaxton returns to the show today with his wife Clarissa. They are here to talk about their grief journey’s and how their marriage survived against incredible odds. 

They're honesty and vulnerability permeates the entire episode. They share the hards parts and not so pretty parts and how they got through it to the other side. 

They will give you incredible tools for the journey showing by example there is a way. It’s not always easy but there is a way through it. 

Join us for 55 minutes, it just might change your life. 

Let's Connect:

Visit Here for resources for your grief journey. 

Finding Hope and Healing in the Midst of Grief is available Here