Welcome back to the Joseph series, Feeling Forsaken; Time In Prison, Part 3 or 4. There's a thought provoking question in the middle of the episode, that I want you to take some time and think about. Do you believe God is going to bring a harvest from your brokenness, beauty from your ashes, a crown of righteousness, a joyous blessing instead of mourning? I want you to ponder it in your heart. I want you to pray about it. I want you to talk to God about it. Tell him what your fear is. Tell him what keeps you awake at night. If you don't believe he's capable of bringing those promises into your life. Tell him! Then ask him to help you believe. Those promises come from Psalm chapter 126: 5-6 and Isaiah 61:3. Open your Bible and read them. If you don't have a Bible, download the YouVersion Bible app. It's free. I use it all the time. Read the verses and then pray them back to God, asking Him to bring about those promises in your life.
I would love to hear from you and your thoughts about the question. And if you're willing. Share your answer with me. My email is teresa@thegriefmentor.com. You can email me directly or go to my website and contact me from there. Today, we're going to spend a few moments with Joseph's story to see how it relates to our grief journeys. What an incredible rollercoaster of event he experiences. This is a four-part series. As I mentioned in the beginning, in the next episode, we're going to see how God uses his time in prison, it's titled the Dreamer Revealed. I've added three bonus episodes titled the Family Reunion. I only planned guys to make it one episode, but God had another plan. You won't want to miss these bonus episodes as it all comes full circle in Joseph's life. The family shows up in need and they have no idea who Joseph is but Joseph knows exactly who they are. Listen in as his life takes another unexpected turn.
Visit my website for resources to aid you in your grief journey. Join my newsletter to receive uplifting words of encouragement as we walk this grief journey together. The Grief Survival Guide was created to give you simple steps to get you started in the right direction on your grief journey. When your life gets turned upside down you need direction. There is also a Spotify playlist available that I created, Teresa's Grief Worship. I personally picked these songs because they mean something me. As I share more of my journey with you it will become clear why we need to have a way to worship in midst of our grief.
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