Today we are going to learn about Joseph’s time in Potiphar’s house. This is part 2 of a 4 part series on the Life of Joseph. Part 1 is Unexpected Disappointments. If you have not listened to that yet go back and take a listen its episode #9, its only 20 mins. It will set the stage for todays episode. If you grew up listening to the story of Joseph and the coat of many colors, you might recognize this story. However, God gave me a whole new view through the eyes of grief. And Im sharing that view with you. The lens from which we view life changes everything. In today’s episode we see Joseph’s identity being threatened. He was a living a life he never imagined he would be living. Those of us who have suffered loss have much in common with Joseph. He must have felt completely invisible to the God of his dreams. Let’s listen in as the story unfolds. The story of Joseph's life can be found here: Genesis 37-50.
Visit my website for resources to aid you in your grief journey. Join my newsletter to receive uplifting words of encouragement as we walk this grief journey together. The Grief Survival Guide was created to give you simple steps to get you started in the right direction on your grief journey. When your life gets turned upside down you need direction. There is also a Spotify playlist available that I created, Teresa's Grief Worship. I personally picked these songs because they mean something me. As I share more of my journey with you it will become clear why we need to have a way to worship in midst of our grief.
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