The Grief Mentor | Life After Child Loss, Hope and Healing For Grieving Moms, Bereavement, Christian Grief Support

Grief And Gratitude | The One Thing That Will Turn Your Grieving Mother's Heart From Despair To Hope.

Broadcast on:
14 Feb 2022

In this episode I discuss a pivotal turn in my grief journey. This one step, though it came months after our loss, helped me go from despair to being able to consider living my life without my son Andrew.  I resisted it, and my heels were dug in. It wasn't until I took this step that I was able to see I had a life to live.  The Grief Survival Guide was created to give you simple steps to get you started in the right direction on your grief journey. When your life gets turned upside down you need direction. There is also a Spotify playlist available that I created, Teresa's Grief Worship. I personally picked these songs because they mean something me. As I share more of my journey with you it will become clear why we need to have a way to worship in midst of our grief.

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