Five On The Floor: Miami Heat/NBA

Miami Heat: Would they regret cutting Josh Christopher, Isaiah Stevens?

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16 Jul 2024
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The Miami Heat's summer league team is rolling, and Josh Christopher and Isaiah Stevens have been two of the reasons. Should Miami reshuffle its two-way slots to accommodate? Ethan, Alex and Brady discuss.

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Got 'em all there. Y'all see the block. Stop the one hand. And pack with trust. It's time to have the guts. We here to bring the heat. Y'all can hang it up. Welcome to Five on the Floor, a daily insider show on the Miami Heat and the NBA featuring Ethan Skolnik, Greg Soulvander, and Alex Toledo, plus others from the Five Reasons Sports Network. All right, welcome back to Five on the Floor here. Today's floor plan on Ethan Skolnik, and follow me to Ethan J. Skolnik and the Five Reasons Sports. We got Alex Toledo, you can follow him at Tropical Blanket. Brady Hawking, follow up Brady Hawk 305. We just got done on playback. Check it out, download the playback app. Look with the Five Reasons Room, or go to And we're watching, had more than 150 in there. So we appreciate everybody who's watching the game with us. Miami Heat, slow start, and then blow out OKC. And there's one really familiar face. There's a couple that we've been excited about. And then there's other guys who we got to start to talk about now. So our floor plan, essentially, today is to figure out whether there's room for some of these guys. Because we thought this would be one of the better summer league teams that the Heat have had in a while for a variety of reasons. That hero, none, Robinson team, was kind of the best that they've had probably in the past 10 years. This one got off to a slow start, started to pick it up. Then Jaime Hopkins started to play. And now, other guys are starting to flourish. So let's start with this part. Jaime Hopkins does not need to play anymore. Not necessary. All summer league is about for second year guys. You want to make sure that they took some kind of a jump, because that they didn't. There's a problem. There is no problem. It's like man against boys. I said this on off the floor that I was told that the coaches of the US Select team thought two players stood above the rest on that team. One's really positive for the Heat. The other's just insane. If you think about it, 17-year-old Cooper flag and Jaime Hopkins Jr. were the two best players on that team. It's all translated with what we've watched. I mean, the circus shots he's making today. And we keep trying to put him in a box, because it's kind of what we do here. And me talking about whether he's a two, or whether he's a four, or whether he's going to start, or whether he's not. He's just like a really good basketball player. And I think as we speak about him this season, it's a question of-- and Brady, you got into this in the podcast, we did-- of not putting him in that box. The team not putting him in the box, and just allowing him to create and flow. His game is all flow. It's just like-- I mean, honestly, it's like his hair. It's just like all over the place. It's elbows, it's this, it's that. But it's effective. And he's going to be a monster for them, I think this season. It just depends on, again, how they utilize him in it. I say, it's the role they put him in. It's actually not. It's the role they don't put him in. It's just like letting him be a basketball player. And I think that is supposed to ask. We've talked about Khalil Ware. Khalil Ware, I keep mispronouncing it. We've talked a little bit about Larson. We'll get into him more often. And we've talked about Khashogg Johnson, who, by the way, is going to join us on 5 on the floor. So we're excited about that. And we're going to come up with some questions overnight to talk about him. But we're watching this Josh Richardson. Josh Richardson, he's on the roster. Josh Christopher thing, Brady, and you and I had the conversation about Summer League that like, and they're two ways, that they look for players who can fill roles around their stars, right? And so sometimes it's not about talent. It's about fit. It's about willingness to do the dirty work. We talked about this with Alondas Williams. It looks really good with a ball in his hands, but how much would the heat with the ball actually be in his hands? What do they do with Josh Christopher, though? Because I mean, the guy, he went nuts in the second half today, and it's not like there's no talent there. He was a first round pick who wants to be in Miami. What do you do with him? I mean, one of their most recent two-way success stories was a guy that they had previous NBA experience and was kind of a low-end talent that they felt that took a chance in their program in Kayla Martin. And look where it just happened this past offseason, where he gets paid and moves on. This is even a different circumstance, because this guy's a former first-round pick. This is a guy that is seriously heavily talented in the high school realm and just has an ability that feels like he can fill many different roles. It doesn't feel like the Alondas thing, where we kind of talked about him kind of mean the ball in his hands and he's kind of been through this program for a little bit. Josh Christopher is a guy where it feels like he's the type of player you do take a swing on. And I've been talking about it because Alex, we were talking about it on playback too, where you're saying you kind of felt like the two-ways probably do stand in some degree, like if you were to guess 'cause it kind of ends up playing out that way. And I've been leaning in that direction as well for a good portion of the summer league. But the more I think about it, there's no reason and it's Zion Poland's a guy that we're gonna talk about a lot 'cause he's currently on the two-way with Drew Smith. I don't think you need Zion Poland and Drew Smith. Like I've talked about needing a guy that the heater always gonna have that one guy in their system and that two-way spot that they can trust, that when a guard goes down, he can come in, run their half-court offense, put them in positions and he just doesn't demand a lot. Like he just plays a certain role. In some ways, that's kind of what Poland is and that's what they like in Drew Smith. So I'm like, I don't think you need both of them. Stevens is the guy, kind of the extra piece that is a point guard. Similarly can do things and set up an offense and the passing and all that stuff, but he does give a different element that I think you can get away with it. But Josh Christopher is the guy that's different. He's the guy that you have three two-way spots for a reason. It's kind of you use it up, but what a game. And this one, like the shots he's hitting, the degree of difficulty, the stuff off the catch. He has juice in terms of like he's a high flyer. He can get up above the rim. He can move off ball and he's a lob threat. He's doing stuff on the ball. The issue is we're talking about him after a game where he had it going and it feels like there is a little bit of a hit or miss thing here where he, there's some games that he doesn't have it going then it feels like it's more about him on the defensive end and it's him trying to play out into the open floor, but he's tough when he has a flow going. So I'm just all in. We talked about it with any, but when we were prepping for the NBA draft with the first a second roll pick, you get the talent. You get the most talented player there. And when you're dealing with guys that are in the two-way realm and summer league realm, I'm just all in on getting the talent. So I'm just, I'm interested. I think this game matters. Like this isn't one of those throwaway games in the summer league. Like this game matters for what their value. - Well, if it didn't matter at all, Jaime wouldn't have played, right? And I don't mean the result matters, but I mean like the evaluation matters. Like they're taking this stuff into consideration as they kind of, again, I think with Jaime, it's more, okay, has he grown as much as we think he has? Yes, answer done, go home Jaime. Go get back to your work and no need for you to be there. I mean, Christopher was dapping up the other bench. Like this is, there's an edge to his game and it does feel like they have too many guys for too few spots this time, which considering that we thought that the program had been a little bit depleted of late because again, you develop Max, you develop Gabe, you develop Caleb, again, not through that program necessarily, but you bring him in on the two way, they're all gone, you keep Haywood, but it didn't seem like they had, they had, we're talking about the big specifically, right? But they've replenished that with wear, with their first round pick. But I guess Alex, it comes down to this and we're talking about three point cards. They don't need three point cards. And this is a team that plays without a point card at times, right? And we even got into the whole thing about Rosie yesterday on how they want him to play or not play. They still got Jimmy handling, they still got Bam handling. Tyler's gonna handle provided that he's here. I don't, I just don't, I'm gonna keep on back to this. I don't understand the need for Drew Smith. I feel almost bad saying it because he seems like a nice guy. He had a bad circumstance last year. He's a pretty good defender. He's not like a useless player, but I don't see the upside. I think Steven's runs a team better from what I've seen. And I think Poland has higher upside. So I don't know how you could justify like when you're seeing what, particularly what Stevens is doing, you have a player in Williams who clearly has scoring talent. Like no question, I don't know where it fits here, but he has scoring top, but here's the other thing. If Drew Smith was out there tomorrow, I don't think he gets poached. I don't. So if Poland gets poached, Stevens is short, so maybe he doesn't get poached. I know Josh Christopher's getting poached, right? I mean, wouldn't you think so? I mean, if you have former first round pick? - Yeah, that's what I was, I mean, I made that comment on playback as well. It just feels like he's giving me the vibes of somebody who is kind of auditioning for another team's two-way spot right now. And I don't mean that to say like he has no chance at the Heat's two-way. That's just kind of like the vibe that I'm getting because yeah, like Brady mentioned, I had made that comment about like the, I think the Summer League, you know, a lot of stuff is happening. A lot of guys are making their case, but if I had to bet on an outcome, it would probably be that the spots go unchanged. That doesn't mean that's where I stand on it. And just to be fair, like I do think Drew is a positive defender. I think that's what he brings. He's a, you know, he's got good size for a guard. So I don't want to trash. Because I know he gets like the brunt of all the jokes and the slander and people think that he's terrible and all that. So that's just to make the case for him. Like, 'cause we did talk about that, they're missing perimeter defense. So if they really feel that strongly about his perimeter defense being that much better than the other guys in their program, then I kind of get the thinking. To me, I don't know if that gap is big enough between him and like Zion Pullen, for example, where to like, you know, if you had to pick one, like Brady's talking about, I don't know that that gap on defense between the two is as big as maybe the gap between Zion Pullen and Drew Smith on offense, right? 'Cause I think Zion isn't like this amazing score or even amazing point guard. Like I think he's decent at both. And I think he has that kind of combo guard build that the heat of looked for in the past, right? Where it's like, you know, the stuff that we were talking about the last time, right? Where it's like, you know, you play a role. I think he can play that kind of off ball combo guard role who doesn't make many mistakes when he does get the ball, but it won't be very often. And I think that's why he kind of got that spot to start with. And I honestly, I don't think he loses that spot. I don't think it's out of the question, but I don't think he's gonna lose a two-way spot. I think Stevens has made a hell of a case. Isaiah Stevens has made an insane case for like, yeah, maybe I deserve this two-way spot. You guys talk about the offense not being good enough. You talk about not having a backup point guard. Not that Isaiah Stevens would be in the rotation, but like that is literally his game. And then I think there was like some questions about the shot. And when you just look at it aesthetically, but like he's making them at a high rate, he made a few of them today. And when you look at his percentages in college, it was always good. Like he didn't have a single bad shooting season from three in college despite the shot just kind of looking a little bit unorthodox. Like he shoots it with a lot of comfort and was making him on and off ball today. So like I just think like he separates himself when it comes to the playmaking. 'Cause I do think pulling is like a good point guard. I feel like Stevens is on a different level when it comes to the confidence of just like playing with pace, making quick decisions. And I just think he's a more advanced pass. So I feel like pulling plays it a little bit safer and it looks for a shot a little bit more just from what I've seen so far. But I think both of them kind of deserve two-way spots. And if I had to do it right now, I would probably give that spot to Stevens over Drew Smith. I just think that like what he does on offense is more, you know, it's more tantalizing right now because he's so good at it. Now I think you could have questions about how much you'd be able to actually show that off for the Heat. And I think it's kind of a similar thing going on to what we talked about with the Laundice and even what we talked about now with Josh Christopher, where it's like, are they gonna be able to show the skills off if you just kind of throw them into the Heat's mix one night? And I think that's ultimately why I think the spots going changed. 'Cause I think Drew, Pullen and Kishad are kind of the easiest guys to just throw in there as role players, whereas like Stevens is gonna need the ball a little bit. If he's gonna, you know, if he's gonna facilitate for everybody, he might not need it that much. He does it. I don't think he's a high usage player, but like if he's totally off ball, is it worth giving him a two-way, right? And then you look at a Laundice and Christopher. I know they're different players, but both of them are kind of like score first guards, even though a Laundice had a nice passing game and I think, you know, the three has been falling for him the past couple of games. Like, and then Christopher today, who's never been a good three-point shooter in NBA, hasn't shot above 30% from three in NBA shot, 32% from three for the Sky Force last season. Like six of the eight shots he made were from three. So how much can you rely on him to be anywhere near this type of guy where it's like, it kind of screams more that it was a flooky game and not to doubt him 'cause he has this scoring talent. I'm not saying he can't do it again, but it very feels like it very much feels like he's a streaky player. How much rhythm would he be able to generate, right? If he's thrown into the Heat's mix, kind of a similar thing to a Laundice. And I think, you know, it goes back to the playing a role thing. And ultimately, I wish they had like five two-way spots and it hurts even more that they can't promote one of these guys to that last roster spot. So you could have another one, but, you know, I just think you might lose a couple of these guys after all this is said and done. - Well, they fought for the three two-way spots. Like, I mean, the heater one of the reasons that three two-way spots exist. Well, the other side of this, I want to get to the use of the roster spots already, okay? And we're going to close with that. But I do want to, this was Josh Christopher's pro-comparison when he came out of college was Jordan Clarkson. This came from Bleacher Report. It was one of the scouting services though. Christopher has the look of an NBA scorer with quickness, strengths, skills to grade and tough shot making ability. Improving a shooting consistency and decision making will be key to his success and efficiency. So, I mean, this is, you know, part of it is he got caught in the mix because the Rockets have four first-round picks that year. And it just feels like he got lost in the shuffle there a little bit. And, you know, again, that happens to guys and then some of them have to go overseas, honestly. But I kind of feel, yeah, Alex, it does feel like he's going to end up on a roster with a two-way. It just might not be the heats. Do want to mention a great sponsor of the five-reason sports network. It's prize picks, use the code 5FIVE, get the initial prize match up to $100. Again, you can play legally in the state of Florida. Again, they've got their new game. It's, you set your lineup, basically. Set your lineup. Up to four players, hit them all, you win big. 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So put it down, it can wait. Don't drive distracted, shift into safe. A message from the Colorado Department of Transportation. - When you need meal time inspiration, it's worth shopping king supers where you'll find over 30,000 mouth-watering choices that excite your inner foodie. And no matter what tasty choice you make, you'll enjoy our everyday low prices, plus extra ways to save, like digital coupons worth over $600 each week. You can also save up to $1 off per gallon at the pump with fuel points. More savings and more inspiring flavors make shopping king supers worth it every time. King supers, fresh for everyone, fuel restrictions apply. - So let me ask you this, 'cause this is coming up. So the heat's still have a roster spot available. And again, they're pressed up against the second apron. So this, again, creates issues for them. In terms of adding players, they may have to wait to add a player, they've done that before. But there's also the thing that they re-sign Kevin Love. They re-sign, and they re-sign Thomas Bryant after he opted out. And they signed Alec Burks for the minimum. And we've gotten into some speculation on why the Bryant thing may have happened, which Greg's thought on that is that it was sort of understood, like opt out, give us a little more space now. Get you back on the roster. I saw that Andy Ellesberg said yesterday when he was on the Sirius XM NBA that like, "Spo will play Thomas Bryant." I think that's a big thing like with Biggs and Spo. We know that there is a certain standard there that he's gonna play a guy and the fact that he would play. And even though he didn't play him for certain stretches of the season last year. And the Burks thing, like, you know, you had a shooter who's had some experience in the postseason, like it makes some sense. But do you either of you regret these roster spots being used now? 'Cause it's not, this isn't like the NFL. You don't just cut a guy and it's just wiped out. These are guarantees. Does that, I mean, they didn't re-sign or later Robinson. That's why they have the one spot available. And then again, they added high Smith with roughly $5 million a year. But either of you regret any of those three moves, Brady. - I mean, the Thomas Bryant one. Just, it feels like their big man room has kind of decided where you have a young guy at the mix who should be getting some rotation minutes. You have Kevin Love, who's still a playable big. And I think that one you needed to bring back just for the locker room, just for the vibes, just for being a connected piece. Like that even, not even counting this up on the floor you needed. Whereas Thomas Bryant, I mean, if you're saying it is because of that reason that he was going to opt in anyway. And there's nothing they could have done about it. Like, I don't think you can hold it against them. But that one definitely kind of hurts just because of the fact that when you look at this roster, they're missing a point guard. They're missing a backup point guard. And you're looking at the fact that maybe it isn't the worst thing in the world to have two point guards on three of your two ways because you're trying to balance your roster all the way through and they don't have enough with the regular roster. So like a guy like Isaiah Stevens feels like kind of the guy you lean toward. Alec Burks, is it like a veteran Josh Christopher? Like a hot and cold player that could get streaky from three and play in that way. It's just kind of a experienced player. I wasn't mad at that signing just because of that reason that I don't trust this team's availability in the regular season still. That there's going to be certain games where if you have to throw like a veteran scorer in the mix, it's not the worst thing in the world. Kind of middle of the season into late in the season. So I don't know, it's hard to really hold a lot of these, these signings against them for that reason because they were held up against the second apron. But now it comes down to the two ways. They're basically the three two ways they signed are going to probably play more than like five guys on the regular roster. Like Keisha Johnson, I was making the point, like it's probably going to start more games than a lot of guys that are signed to this team. Like it just they're, they don't care about the two way. If you're on a roster, whatever standard, they're going to play whoever they want to play. And Keisha Johnson's one of them. If Isaiah Stevens is in the mix and they're, let's say there's a game that Terry Rosier misses, you don't think he's getting the call up because they don't have anybody else to go to at the point guard position. So it matters. I think when you made the point about like kind of looking at the roster as a whole and not just the talents, I think that does play into it. But the Drew Smith holding down one of the spots and we're kind of evaluating summer league guys is where it gets, starts getting weird because we're wanting to sign the high end talent and Josh Christopher, but you're like, okay, you can't really leave out this guy and Isaiah Stevens, who's by the way, putting on like an absolute passing display in this summer league like perfect reads, being able to do all this. But the thing that's going on to Ray, I was putting up the numbers and I think it shifted because I did it before the game ended. But in summer league, up to like the beginning of the fourth quarter, you're shooting 13 of 18 from the field, seven of eight from three. Like that's not even counting his best skill, which is just point guard general and passing. Like this guy is putting on like a real display and summer league, I don't know how you let this guy just walk and cause kind of, is he, I think he is on the exhibit 10, I believe. So he will be there. - Yeah, he can't, but I don't know how you go past that point. - Wasn't he their last exhibit 10? I believe that right before they went to summer league, I thought they added him as the 20th guy, which again, they've tried to develop some of those guys before. And I guess it comes down to this, cause we do this all the time and I can say that I, from covering the dolphins for years, Alex, this was one of those things that kind of drove me nuts because like we'd spend the last week of training camp trying to figure out their 53-man roster, right? And like, okay, are they gonna cut this guy? Are they gonna take seven linebackers? Are they gonna take eight linebackers? Are they gonna take four running backs? Are they gonna take five running backs? And this guy plays special teams, can he not? And we would obsess about like these last spots, right? Like these last spots. When really all that mattered was the 10 best players in the team. And like we'd get into, and like, I actually did a study once to actually look to see if anybody that the dolphins, okay, who have been a pathetic franchise for a very long time, if anybody that dolphins gave up on like, blew up somewhere else, okay? Like a major regret it. And there was like a handful. There was like this pass rush of Rob Ninkovich and a couple of others, they went to the right situation like New England and Bella Chek found a way to use them, okay? And I feel like to a certain degree, and I wanna do this episode, but I still like to a certain degree, we do this a little too much, we do this a little too much here because I just wonder like, are we gonna regret any, are they gonna regret letting go of any of these guys? Like we talked a lot about like RJ Hampton last year, right? Like, okay, I haven't heard anything about what he's doing in Washington. I mean, who is the last? - He's in Philadelphia now. He's on the sixth or summer lead scene. - Precisely, okay? Like, I mean, even Orlando Robinson, I don't know. - Well, he's going crazy in the rockets right now. He just had a great game. - But he went crazy for them last year too, and then we started the regular season. I mean, Jamal Kane just signed elsewhere in New Orleans, right on a two way. But who is the last guy that we were like? Well, they shouldn't have cut that guy in camp. - Patrick Beverly? - Probably, right? Is that fair? He was a draft pick. - That was just like the first one I came into mind. - I mean, I can't think of anybody else. Like, okay, so, I mean, and they cut him because any house was available. And I was actually told a story recently about exactly why they cut him, and that it was regretted afterwards. But it had something to do with house being a veteran, but there was something else in the mix there. And again, he was a draft pick who ended up having to go overseas at first. I'm just, I can't remember the last one. So I wonder if we're making too much of this. Like, there's, part of it is like, what the guy's going to do on your roster, right? And part of it is what the guy is going to do somewhere else is going to say, okay, we shouldn't have made that move. I mean, a lot of this Williams can maybe go somewhere and be maybe a ninth or 10th man on a bad team. And like, he'll have like one of those, we call him random scrub heat killer games against the heat, right? Like for Washington in March, you know, for the 15 and 62 wizards or something along those lines, like, is that where, or is there any of these guys are going to be like, okay, Isaiah Stevens, man, they should not have let that guy go. He's going to be running a team in two years. - It's really hard to tell, man. Like it's just too early to tell for any of these guys, but I do think like, to me, there's easily like six guys trying to make the case for those three spots. And we know Khashad's not going anywhere. Like I think if I had to bet he would get that last roster spot whenever it's financially available for them to do it without going over to the second apron, you know, like in February or something. And then maybe they just put another two-way guy in there. I think that's probably the best bet. But like outside of that, I don't know. Like I'm not 100% sure that they're going to really regret, you know, losing out on these guys. Like they're, it's really hard to make those types of claims for guys that you're talking about taking two-way spots. And the only one I think you could actually make a claim for would be Khashad that I would be like firm about it where it's like, you cannot let this guy go. Because the thing that he was supposed to be a second round pick in the first place. So there's that right with the recency of it where like, people thought he was going to be taking, including me. Like I mentioned his name on that pot, like before the second round of the draft was just like a guy. And Brady did too is just like, he seems like somebody who could be used with a second round pick. So Khashad's not going anywhere. Outside of that, it's hard to say that for any of those guys. I think maybe Stevens, I think they might regret just, you know, they haven't had a point guard like that in their system in a while. Now that doesn't mean that I'm like a firm believer that, oh, he's going to be a difference maker as a true point guard or facilitator for them. But I do think it's an intriguing skill set. And the fact what's really sold me is what we've already been talking about here is just the shooting. 'Cause like if he was one of those guys where he's a questionable shooter, I think that maybe I would have been like, okay, whatever, you can let him go. Like he's already small. But the shooting is there even with, like I said, with a kind of unorthodox looking jumper, he makes it at a high level. And he's already a great passer. Like he's not a terrible defender. I know he's small and six four wingspan is an amazing, you know, it's bigger than his, you know, six foot height. But he tries on that end. I don't think he's as good as Pullen. Like Pullen is just, you know, a lot bigger and taller. But I do think like he's shown two-way potential. And clearly he leans offense. And that's something that this team could use. So Steven is the guy that I would lean towards. But like I do think it would be tough if like they end up telling Josh Christopher, and especially Alondis Williams too, who's kind of been around already. He's like, oh, well, you know, too bad, so sad. You're not getting one of these two-way spots, especially after having already kind of taken back those qualifying offers for Alondis and Cole Swider. Like I feel like Alondis, Swider, Christopher, I wouldn't be surprised if any of them had two ways elsewhere. Because I do think they've shown out in different ways kind of what they can do. - Well, we'll see. I mean, again, like I said, it does seem like they've replenished the store here a little bit with some interesting players. And honestly, it's been a good summer league. Like you've gotten to see what you wanted to see. I mean, I know Larson has not really shown up with a shot yet, but I know the coaches have been happy with him behind the scenes. Hawke has showed you exactly what you wanted to see. No more necessarily at this stage. At this stage. And then, and where has, you know, there's been, there's been, there was the game where we're popped. And then again, you've got a lot of young talent that they can choose from there. They're really killing it on the back end of this stuff. Like that, that's the thing. Like the, the, the drafting, the identifying, these players with certain skill sets, like that, that group is really doing well. You know, the execution on the front end of adding the star level talent, that's what's holding the back right now. And we've talked about a lot of that being beyond their control, but it's what ultimately is going to define this build. 'Cause these players are nice to have. It's great to replenish them. It's great not to have to overpay them. I think that's another lesson that's being taught now. And I think we can look back at it. They may have dodged a bullet with the whole Kayla Martin thing, because it seems like they have Kayla Martin at home. And that's kind of what they've been able to do here, year after year after year. So, you know, I liked Kayla. I was in favor of offering Kayla. I don't think it's ultimately going to be the worst thing that Kayla went. Particularly is the other part about it is, and you've talked about this Brady and we'll close here, that, that Hock is going to sop up a lot of that, a lot of those minutes, you know? So that's where it goes. All right, I need to run. Thanks to everybody. Thanks to our sponsors, insurance by the And of course, our friends over at Price Pictures is the code five. Thank you for listening to the five on the floor on the Fivers and Sports Network. After all, someone needs to listen to my dad. How dangerous is it to unwrap a burger at 40 miles per hour? More so than you think. In a little over two seconds, your car can travel slightly more than 117 feet, which is the same length as 20 bicycles. Anything that distracts you while driving is dangerous. That's why driving while texting can be deadly too. So put it down, it can wait. Don't drive distracted, shift into safe. A message from the Colorado Department of Transportation.