The Grief Mentor | Life After Child Loss, Hope and Healing For Grieving Moms, Bereavement, Christian Grief Support

128 | Dreading The Empty Chair At The Table? Make This One Thing A Priority On Thanksgiving Day

Broadcast on:
26 Nov 2024


Thanksgiving is in 2 days. Maybe this is the first Thanksgiving without one of your children by your side or your only child by your side. 

Maybe its the 2nd, or the 6th like me, or maybe its been longer. 

The empty chair at the table never leave us. Theres a place in our heart that longs for what we can’t have this side of heaven. 

That never ending longing swells as we watch other families gather and celebrate together because our family has a hole in our hearts, an empty chair at the table.

So today I’m giving you a template on how to start your day on Thursday. 

Join me for a powerful episode today!! 

We can do this together!!



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