Steak for Breakfast Podcast

Episode 421

On today’s (Tuesday 2 of 2) Episode of the Steak for Breakfast Podcast, we are covering:    The Republicans National Convention kicked off in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on Monday and we’ve got all the Day 1 highlights and analysis  Dueling interviews took place in prime time on Monday night; President Joe Biden sat down with MSNBC’s Lester Holt and newly nominated Vice Presidential Candidate, JD Vance gave an exclusive from the RNC to FoxNews’ Boomer Sweats, Sean Hannity  Guests: In Order of Appearance  All profile handles are for X (formerly Twitter)  Congressman Ralph Norman: (@RepRalphNorman) U.S. Representative, SC-5   Website:   Mark Ivanyo: (@MarkIvanyo) Executive Director, Republicans for Renewing America    Website:   Richard Stern: (@RichAStern) Director of the Federal Budget (policy), Grover M. Hermann Center at the Heritage Foundation    Website:   Steak for Breakfast:  SUBSCRIBE on Apple Podcasts:   SUBSCRIBE on Spotify:   email the show:    Steak for Substack:   linktree:   MyPillow: Promo Code: STEAK at checkout  Website: Website:  Via the Phone: 800-658-8045    My Patriot Cigar Co. Enter Promo Code: STEAK  and save 25%   Man Rubs Enter Promo Code: STEAK15 and save 15%   Beard Vet Coffee Enter Promo Code: STEAK and save 10%   BattleBorn Coffee Roasters enter promo code: STEAK and save 20% off your first order   New Hope Wellness use this link or enter promo code: STEAK during intake for free consultation and $100 off your first order Call: 1-800-527-2150

2h 24m
Broadcast on:
16 Jul 2024
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On today’s (Tuesday 2 of 2) Episode of the Steak for Breakfast Podcast, we are covering: 


The Republicans National Convention kicked off in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on Monday and we’ve got all the Day 1 highlights and analysis 

Dueling interviews took place in prime time on Monday night; President Joe Biden sat down with MSNBC’s Lester Holt and newly nominated Vice Presidential Candidate, JD Vance gave an exclusive from the RNC to FoxNews’ Boomer Sweats, Sean Hannity 

Guests: In Order of Appearance 

All profile handles are for X (formerly Twitter) 

Congressman Ralph Norman: (@RepRalphNorman) U.S. Representative, SC-5




Mark Ivanyo: (@MarkIvanyo) Executive Director, Republicans for Renewing America 




Richard Stern: (@RichAStern) Director of the Federal Budget (policy), Grover M. Hermann Center at the Heritage Foundation 




Steak for Breakfast: 

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Bucky, this is not nom, this is bowling, they're a rule! Heh, heh, heh, hey, junior! America! AHHHHH! It's like... FORBASTEST! So stand by! Alright everybody, welcome back to the State for Breakfast podcast. I'm Ron, flying solo for this edition of the show today. If you're a first-time listener, welcome to the show. If you're a long-time listener, welcome back to America's Fastest Growing. And quickly becoming favorite political podcast. If you're in this episode for the first time, don't worry. We'll see you in a bit. Press pause. Go check out our first edition of the show episode 419, which aired earlier. Today featured Kansas Republican Senator Dr. Roger Marshall from the Republican National Convention. We also caught up with James Blair, who's the National Policy Director for Trump 2024, and the RNC, also from the convention. We discussed the happenings, which happened in Butler, Pennsylvania regarding Donald Trump and the assassination attempt on his life over the weekend. And our second new segment kind of walked you through how the world reacted to it. And what's led us up to this point, where we're going to be jumping into this episode and our complete, introductive coverage of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Get anything started to get off this episode of the podcast. We're joined by the Congressman, who proudly represents the 5th Congressional District of South Carolina. Always excited to talk to Representative Ralph Norman. Welcome back to the show. My pleasure. Glenn, be with you. Well, we had a busy weekend, a historic weekend. A tragic, unfortunate turn of events. There's a lot of America got to see it unfold in real time. Obviously, we're talking about the assassination attempt on President Trump's life while he was holding a rally up in Butler, Pennsylvania, Congress. But I know this is something you've weighed in on, something you obviously saw yourself. And I just kind of want to get some commentary from you, how you saw, you know, the events unfold. And what you kind of went through is you saw, you know, that President Trump was okay and was able to make it out, obviously, heading over to the RNC on schedule. But you know, when you talk about how we've gotten here and where we need to move as a party and a country from here, there seems to be a lot to say. Well, a lot of questions go ahead to be answered that we saw unfold. Now, fortunately, and I think providentially, President Trump came within two centimeters of life and death. That being said, what's got to be asked is, well, how did a man with a rifle, which you can't put in the back pocket of your trousers, be allowed to go on premise, go up a building where a pedestrian saw him, have a police officer climb the ladder to confront him, only to stay at the barrel of a gun and why he didn't engage. I thought that was pretty, you know, most officers, I don't understand how that took place, even more importantly, to get that close to, you know, for the Secret Service who I do not understand their actions. I mean, the fact that Trump stood back up, how do they not know that another shooter was in the audience? So, in fact, just a lot of things don't have to be answered. But at the end of the day, the sad part, there's a father that's not going home to his children or his wife. There's two injured, critical injured other people. They just went to a rally to hear a man that they admire and respect and want to hear. And it's a dangerous time in America. You know, you make some great points. You know, I do want to touch on what happened at the rally and the way you kind of laid it out there. You know, it seems, organizationally, there were some intelligence failures, obviously failures with security. It seems like almost as the events were unfolding and once it was confirmed that President Trump was okay, the House of Representatives on the Republican side, leadership, et cetera, wanted to get to the bottom of this immediately calling for investigation. Now, what can you tell us on how you guys are kind of looking at this and what you expect to find, or at least here as you guys get the investigational wing of this kicked off, looking into, you know, the intelligence and security failures that happened up in Pennsylvania this weekend? Well, first of all, I know Biden has come out saying he wants to do an investigation. I have no confidence in that man. And if he really wanted to help America in particular with the crime problem, he would stop the flow of the illegals across the border. Psychically, I think the House will have investigations, but you know, they're going to have to have consequences now. For what happened, I think the American people are sick of investigation, not investigation, but no consequences. Merrick Garland has defied to subpoenas, no consequences. When you look at the ones that have been before the committees, they orcas and so many others in this administration, they just lawless and they weaponize every agency. But the big question I think that will surface will be, did President Trump ask for an increased security? And was he denied? They're going to have to get to the bottom of that, which I think they will. No, that's a great point you make. And I'm glad the House is kind of leading that calls for investigations. I know, you know, America can kind of get a little bit of impatient with it. And then when you see some of the investigations that have been led to the House, like from the withdrawal from Afghanistan and that Joe Biden still hasn't held anybody to account for, you know, the numerous lives that were left, including those of U.S. servicemen and women, the hundreds and thousands of people that were left behind and abandoned by this administration. You kind of reluctantly go in saying when Joe Biden says he wants to get to the bottom of it, he's going to actually do anything about it. But I think it is good that House Republicans are looking to, you know, at least figure out what happened and then where we can move from here as we present it to the American people. Because I think there's a lot of people who, you know, still today are in shock. You know, they see President Trump moving around yesterday. They see him getting on and off planes, leaving New Jersey and heading over to Milwaukee for the RNC. And, you know, when you think about how fast the news cycle moves in this digital age, it's crazy to think that, you know, he's ready to roll and he's remaining on schedule, which is kind of where I want to move to next. We're at the start of the Republican National Convention. You know, I think there was a lot of coalescing within the party over the course of the last several months since the presidential primaries ended. We've seen even more of an outpour of people looking to get behind the ticket and come together, knowing what's at stake here in this country. You know, in addition to all the bad things you could point out, whether it's the economy, the border, safe streets, geopolitics, you know, there is an attack on regular Americans now. And we saw it on full display in Pennsylvania this weekend, you know. And when you talk about it's time to check your ego when it's time to, you know, might not agree with every single policy point that Donald Trump and people on his team have put out over the years. But, you know, what's at stake is a lot more important than, you know, people's political careers and aspirations right now. And I think it is really a positive note to see everyone getting behind the president. And we're looking to have an absolutely great week out of Milwaukee. Well, as we the people who are getting involved and we the people has got to take back control of the country, you know, I ask a Democrat not long ago, name me 10 things that he feels like the successes have been of this president. Prickets, you couldn't hear anything. That's what named me five. Is it, you know, cheaper gas? Is it, you feel more secure? Are standing in the world with our allies? Do we feel better? Prickets, that's what named me one. And, you know, I can't think of anything that this president has done that's benefited American. They're feeling it in their pocketbooks. That's what's different today. And secondly, as you, you know, the media is all over themselves about after they saw one debate, where has the media been for the last two years? He's gotten progressively worse. He couldn't find his way off the stage, nor could he read a teleprompter. They've known this. And who would you, what would you let this man do in Joe Biden? Would you let him operate on you if he were a doctor? Would you let him fly a plane? Even would you let him watch your grandchildren or drive a car now? And this is the leader of the free world. It's a dangerous time of America. Yeah, and as you've seen the press kind of, you know, pull away from covering for Joe Biden, it's been pretty eye-opening for a lot of Americans who aren't dialed into politics, who are, you know, the casual ingestor of it once they get their headlines by, you know, turning on the local or nightly news, or ones that just, you know, open up their phones and check out what the latest headlines are on the internet. Now, I mean, you talked about the concerns that you have over Joe Biden, his mental acuity, and the fact that there's been a big cover up to it. What do you say about people on the other side of the aisle, especially like cabinet-level positions? So many of them have seen Janet Yellen and Merrick Garland and Alejandro Mayorkas all asked over the last couple of weeks about things from, you know, do you feel like he's fit to run all the way up to invoking the 25th Amendment? And they still kind of laugh in the face of any kind of narrative related to that, and regardless of what America has seen since the debate, you know, which was an absolute disaster all the way through some of the speaking events he's done, where the same behavior and display has kind of continued. They will do anything to maintain power. That's why the 15 million are in this country. They're in the gates. They put us at risk. They're registering to vote. They're on our tax time flying all over the country. It's just unfathomable that this man could do this much damage in the last three and a half years. So the good news is the 20 points that President Trump has laid out from deportation to energy independence to stopping the inflation, where it's been, lowering rates, all that. The good news? He's done it. Look at the four years, he was in office and looked at the past three and a half years. You tell me which time period can America say they felt the best. It wasn't this last three and a half years. Now, when you talk about that 20 point policy platform that's been adopted by Donald Trump and the RNC, it lays out a robust agenda, but it seems like it's a pretty common sense one. Nothing gets too specific into details. It also opens up the door and lends to opportunities to build on those and move out in different directions. I know there's never everyone that's going to be satisfied every time a policy platform is laid out there. But when you talk about the ability to lay out just 20 common sense items that could be promises made and promises kept again, another version of that in a second President Trump term, and then meet the needs of the ever-changing, well, not just news cycle, but the way the world works, it seems like it's a recipe for success. It seems like it's ones that Republicans are looking to capitalize on this week. And then how do you think President Trump's messaging maybe has changed since over the weekend and what his opportunity to really unite this country behind him and the Republican ticket sounds like as we head towards Thursday? I think what you'll see is an inspirational talk. I think what you'll see is an uplifting talk that now's the time for everybody to get behind this man. And unless you want more of the same, you embrace Donald Trump. If you don't like his personality, I'm sorry, his actions are what matters. I think he will have an exciting Vice President, which anything will be an upgrade from what we have. Sure. I mean, Kamala Harris couldn't, you know, I call her the Giggler in Cheese, but what can she do? She can't do anything as a President cannot really effectively do anything. So, from his Vice President pick to his words to, I think, a brevity. When you come within two centimeters of Taehav in your life taken, I think that changes you. And I think that will change President Trump and I think that will come out in his message. He's just thankful to be breathing right then. Yeah, I know. I think we are as well. And then the last thing I want to touch on, you know, yesterday there were some developments and announcements from Florida federal judge Eileen Cannon. She tossed the special documents case and investigation, the special counsel out in court. What happened was she said that Merrick Garland did not go through the correct congressional measures to appoint Jack Smith to lead the special counsel. You know, I think that's huge. When you look at the way that the justice system has been weaponized, not just against President Trump but against all Americans over the course of the last nearly four years now, to have a ruling that big and to specifically point out it's because you're going after the guy to go after him and you could have done the exact same thing if you would have used the appropriate measures and methods but you did not. So therefore it's not a legitimate case. Just some commentary from you how you kind of saw that announcement come out. It couldn't have come quick enough. It should have been far, you know, before this because he's been accused of, he didn't even know what the crime is. Right. He doesn't even, they just, they will hope to destroy him politically and they miscalculated because this helped him. I mean, he's gone up into polls. I was at one of the trial dates in New York and the judge is obviously against him. I mean, his daughter was fundraised for the Democrat party. They obviously hate Trump haters, but it's not work. So I think you'll see a lot of them as it unfolds over the next couple of weeks. You see a lot more things dismissed and, you know, the crimes committed. Let's look at what the LLC is, the administration through Joe Biden have taken. Let's see the money. Let's see where the dollars have come for Hunter Biden's paintings. All that has been getting heard a word about that. Those are the real crimes that need to be investigated. And I think they will be. No, I do as well. And you want to know what? You don't see courage at the judicial level. You know, we all know what the Supreme Court justices go through on a daily basis. Ever since the Dobbs ruling, you know, there's people outside of their house 24/7 yelling and screaming. There's been attempts and threats on their lives moving forward. We would think the same, not hope for and pray for the safety of Eileen Cannon. But, you know, you don't see a lot of people at that level making the brave and bold decisions that coincide with the law instead of the rule of the mob. And I think it was a great decision by her to kind of toss this out. Let them start at square one. It's never going to happen before election day. And then after that, if Donald Trump's able to take back the White House, all this stuff goes away anyway. Congressman, this was great catching up with you today. As it always is. It's a busy week. We really appreciate all the commentary and insight you give our listenership. We've got your congressional website, live linked in the show description. Anybody else who wants to check you out, where can they find you? Absolutely fantastic. As it is every time we can catch up with the congressman who's representing South Carolina's 5th congressional district. Representative Ralph Norman, thanks for joining us on the show today. Sir, have a great rest of your week. My pleasure. Thank you. Milwaukee will be the center of the political world with the Republican National Convention in town. The political world will descend on Milwaukee. As Wisconsin gets ready to welcome the grand old party. All right, jumping back into the news portion of the show here. Getting things kicked off on our second of two big Tuesday editions of the State for Breakfast Podcast. Bringing you guys a little bit of insight and analysis from the Republican National Convention as we can. Obviously everybody's very excited for the greatest event ahead of the election. That the Republicans undertake. Obviously Donald Trump made it officially yesterday with the RNC nominating and putting him over the line to become the candidate on the Republican side. Absolutely fantastic. In addition to that, and before we get into our RNC coverage though, there was a little bit of other breaking news that I want to touch on. I think it's huge in regards to the scheme that makes up the political landscape right now. I was going through social media yesterday and ahead of his interview with John Rich. Former Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson put out a teaser for one of his shows that was going to be airing on X. Obviously on the Tucker Carlson network as well. When they received a little bit of breaking news during the interview, let's check it out. Think about the level of danger with that. And it has not existed in my opinion until recently since technology has gotten to the point to execute these things. So if you've got a second, can I read something for you unless you want to ask me something? Yeah, so Lexi's just come in with this. Yeah. Breaking news, Judge dismisses classified documents case against Donald Trump. Judge Eileen Cannon has dismissed the classified documents case in a ruling Monday. She said the appointment of the special counsel, Jack Smith, violated the Constitution. That's kind of, I mean, I'm just hearing this because it just happened, but it does seem like all of a sudden, and I'm starting to interrupt, but I just don't respond to that. It seems like everything has aligned in the period of like three days to make it very obvious Donald Trump's going to be the next president. There's no doubt about it at this point. Very little doubt to the extent you can tell the future, but what do you make of that? Well, they tried to kill him. Yeah. Well, there's that. I mean, and they missed or God turned his head and they missed. And then within like four minutes, Elon Musk endorses him. Right. Just man in the world. Right. Biggest, most important media mogul in the world by far. And, you know, Bill Ackman, lifelong Democrat. It's like all of a sudden it's just everything changes. Yeah. One moment. Well, when God shows up that clearly it's hard for even the biggest detractors to deny it. I think that's an excellent point that John Rich makes. And listen, to be someone who would argue that God didn't have his hand on Donald Trump Saturday in Butler, Pennsylvania. Well, this definitely ain't the show for you. And I really think you need to do pun intended some soul searching in regards to what motivates you to get out of bed and live your life every day. I mean, when you start to look at some of the AI generated forensic rebuilds of, you know, the positioning of the head matched up with the actual video. And how close we came to again, this being an entirely different show than the celebratory narrative we're going to be getting into right now. You can't say enough about how the Lord works and what he did to intervene in that situation and protect Donald Trump in such a pivotal time for our country. You know, it wouldn't be long before many of the major media outlets were conducting meltdowns over to the decision again. Eileen Cannon took the special documents case. Jack Smith had done a lot of things wrong here. Tampering of evidence, presentation of evidence, the expedited nature that, you know, he wanted it done. You know, looking for gag orders, all this stuff that just didn't pass the smell test. But long story short, when a special counsel is appointed, there are certain constitutional and congressional methods. We've asked lawyers about it and because of the unprecedented nature of his appointment and how fast they wanted to get this thing rolling. We never really got to the bottom of it until yesterday when Eileen Cannon said this special counsel wasn't appointed in the correct manner. See you later. CBS was the first one that I saw where the meltdowns were being conducted. Also, you know, again, trying to take shots at the Supreme Court figuratively, of course, we're not promoting violence here on the show. In regards to some of the opinions that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has issued regarding special counsels and all things, Jason Linter. I am surprised, but exactly as Jan Crawford just said, this is something that Justice Thomas telegraphed in that case that we all got to talk about dealing with whether or not foreign President Trump has some or absolute immunity from criminal prosecution. This is something that Justice Thomas brought up during the oral arguments where all of a sudden he says, you know, I think maybe we should talk about the special counsel and how the special counsel was appointed. Then he mentions it again in a separate opinion. I will say I am surprised because my understanding is that the weight of authority goes against this, meaning most judges assume that the appointment of a special counsel, the way Jack Smith was appointed does in fact comply with the appointments clause. >> No, it doesn't. >> And we're really talking about a provision of the Constitution that tells us how you can appoint certain people, meaning is this something where you need the advice and consent of Congress? Or is this a situation where Congress can say to a President, you have the power to do this on your own? And what Judge Eileen Cannon is saying this morning is that, in fact, we don't have the power that he was not appointed through the proper channels. >> And that's the truth. You know, not going through the congressional avenues to get this special counsel appropriately appointed basically shows a huge bias. It's either Joe Biden, the Department of Justice, or both. Without going through the congressional methods to make this official, you can say whatever you want. Oh, you know, they're throwing it out because of this that and the other thing. It looks like it's political targeting. Again, pun intended. But here's the deal. It's not going to fly anymore. Listen, the law fair, the witch hunts, the hoaxes, you name it. They tried to silence him by removing him from social media. They tried to bankrupt him. They tried to put all his friends in prison. They've got jail sitting over his head for a thousand years. They've done everything they've can. Now there's been an assassination attempt on his life. People who are in high ranking and extremely political positions like a federal judge, like Eileen Cannon, has to take into context where the country goes constitutionally from here based off the events that are happening in real time. And in my opinion, which is not a legal one, might not even be a professional one. I mean, again, I am only a micro influencer. She made the right call here. If they want to figure out another way to bring the documents case against Donald Trump, good luck using the correct methods and good luck getting kicked off before the election. That's all I have to say to Jack Smith and all those other dirtbags of the Department of Justice that have been going after this man and his family for the last several years. But let's kick it over to Milwaukee, Wisconsin and jump into some more of the celebratory fashion. So as Donald Trump was getting his delegates appointed yesterday by the states during roll call, there was an announcement made about halfway through. And I think in an attempt to not kind of keep everybody guessing to keep the social media machine moving. And to kind of allow for enough time for this to sink in and resonate with everyone ahead of Donald Trump's speech, which, again, has a lot of moving parts going on and is changing from what it was going to be following the events of this weekend, what it will be on Thursday night. Donald Trump made an announcement via his true social account. Let's check it out. We have some news and the news. Let us go to Danabash about what is going on right now. Well, we now have the former president's pick and it is J.D. Vance, the 39-year-old freshman senator from the state of Ohio. Let me just read if I can read. So we have this announcement is that Donald Trump truths social debt. After lengthy deliberation and thought and considering the tremendous talents of many others, I have decided that the person best suited to assume the position of vice president of the United States as Senator J.D. Vance of the great state of Ohio. J.D. honorably served our country in the Marine Corps, graduated from, he says Ohio State University. It should say the Ohio State University I've been told. In two years, summa cum laude, and as a Yale Law School graduate where he was editor of the Yale Law Journal and president of the Yale Law Veterans Association, he became a major bestseller in movie as a champion the hardworking men and women of our country. J.D. has had a very successful business career in technology and finance and now during the campaign will be strongly focused on the people he fought so brilliantly for the American workers and farmers in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Minnesota and far beyond. That came at 2.04 p.m. Central time, so 3.04. And there you have it. So, you know, and there had been reports coming out through the day, Marco Rubio was called, told he wasn't going to be it. Doug Bergen was called, Donald Trump referred to him as Mr. Secretary, something that we've kind of pushed as what we've heard. You know, in the past here on the show, Secretary of Energy, Secretary of Commerce, I think Doug Bergen would be a fantastic fit for either. There's also been rumors that he might want to work on the transition team as well. You're going to attempt to bank some political capital as he's going to decide after Donald Trump's next term in office what his political career is going to be or look like. I mean, he's not a spring chicken as well. So, you know, it's one of those things where the stars kind of aligned. And when you look at the finalists who were most mentioned, and that is Doug Bergen, Marco Rubio, J.D. Vance, Ben Carson, Tim Scott. There were a couple others, Elise Stefanak, you know, there were some people wish casting still, but Vekramaswami, although we've been told that, you know, for the past couple weeks, they've been looking at him for a different and probably equally as important cabinet position within the next Trump administration. Although there are rumors now, and Vekramaswami has done some media saying that he would be deeply inclined to consider filling the Senate seat of J.D. Vance as an appointment there for the rest of his term, which I believe is still three years. So, lots of news ahead of the major announcement, and when it became official, and that is to when cameras went to the floor, and a delegation ripe with Trump family members, Eric, Don Jr., Tiffany, Laura, Kimberly Guilfoyle, etc., made the announcement that they would be giving all of the delegates from the state of Florida to their father, and therefore putting them over the threshold to officially become the Republican nominee. Let's hear it. Florida, 125 delegates. Madam Secretary, and everybody in this great city. On behalf of our entire family, and on behalf of the 125 delegates in the unbelievable state of Florida, we hereby nominate every single one of them for the greatest president that's ever lived, and that's Donald J. Trump. Hereby, declaring him the Republican nominee for President of the United States of America. (Applause) First, first, to the announcement of the delegation and the rules and procedures of this convention, Florida. 125 votes, President Trump. (Applause) So I guess they would break into the notification that he's over the top, and officially the Republican nominee for the party at the top of the ticket, naming his VP, JD Vance, and the mood, I have to say, was more than good. I got so many of our friends, Jesse Jane Duff, Ambassador Carlos, and Theo Wold. You name it, Christina Bob, as Fox News continued to pan the audience and watch everybody kind of celebrating in the fact that Donald Trump had passed over the 1,215 delegate threshold to take the nomination for the GOP, dancing on the floor, some with cowboy hats on, some with their best maga attire when it came to the Trump's. Obviously, Laura's been on the show before, she'll be back again soon. And everybody was extremely in good spirits and good spaces. And I think you can't take out of context the road that it's taking to get here. Remember, it was just 2022 when they were talking about Donald Trump would never be this, that or the other thing in the polls, and regarding his ceiling, talking about his inability to fundraise as someone that you would present to the American public at the top of the ticket. And how negatively it could affect House and Senate races, governorships as well. The fact that America did not want his divisive policies represented to them in version 2.0 on steroids. And what do we have? Someone who's fundraised more than any political candidate in the history of the universe. Someone who surged in the polls, and it's some of the battleground and swing states has already well exceeded the 50% threshold. And someone who essentially walked to the Republican nomination here as the fake multiversal primary and all of the losers who got in this and got out very quickly against Donald Trump realized that he was the clear and defined leader of our party and our movement and moving forward with the addition of JD Vance as vice presidential pick is really reshaping modern politics and essentially the Republican Party forever. I think it was absolutely fantastic moment, much to the behest of CNN, and you know, the op-op media commentary on to JD Vance would start almost immediately. I believe Van Jones was the first one that I saw. He's been on one big time lately in regards to JD Vance and when they started talking about, you know, breaking down who he is as a man came from extreme poverty, had a mother who had a crippling problem with addiction raised by his grandparents, you know, joined the Marines, graduated from Yale at the top of his class, became an author, became a movie producer, became a huge successful entrepreneur and businessman in America here. There are a lot of correlations outside of the military service that a young JD Vance and his rise to the cream of the political crop brings to the table that I'm sure reminded Donald Trump in context a lot to himself. And I think out of all the candidates and everybody brought something different to the table. I think where you look where you want the party to go, when you look at securing a victory in the VP debates, when you look at not necessarily having to put all of the maggish chips in one table, just because JD Vance has been nominated and now accepted the role of being Donald Trump's vice president, it doesn't necessarily means that he is the next president, but for someone as young and as bright and as strong as he appears to be right now. He's been up the door to have him have a strong four years alongside Donald Trump in office and then vault himself ahead of the pack of potential other candidates who would be looking to run in 2028 as part of the torch passing and listen, no one's going to get better hands on training than someone that's now essentially going to be working hand in hand with the president. The long road that JD Vance has made back from never Trumpism to where he is at now literally Donald Trump's running mate. There's going to be a lot of negative press that talks about that. He gave some and then our second news segment tonight we're going to do a tale of doing interviews. We've been set down with MSDNC, political commentator Lester Holt, and JD Vance sat down with Boomer sweats Sean Hannity on Fox News. And we're going to see back and forth what the Democrat ticket looks like now and what could be the future of maga moving forward. Again is Van Jones jumping in on JD Vance and you know, for a party that's looking to turn down the political rhetoric, there was nothing short of violent tactics coming from the commentators over CNN. This is not a short term electoral calculations. He matters because of what he means to the Republican Party long term. This is cementing a kind of nationalism. Now Trump, to your point I agree with you, he's an instinctive, impulsive, intuitive nationalist. JD Vance is an ideological nationalist. That's a much more dangerous virus because he can make this, he can polish this stuff and make it seem palatable to people. He can sell this stuff to Silicon Valley. He can sell this stuff other places. And what it does is it locks the Republican Party on a pathway that I think is dangerous for the world. Again, the Ukrainians are now in deep trouble. NATO is now in deep trouble. Trump is, he could have gone with a Nikki Haley and said to the world, "Hey listen, I got to get stuff from my base, but I'm not going to abandon the world." This pick is a horror on the world stage. So JD Vance matters because Donald Trump is pointing the Republican Party in a very scary direction for the long term. Nikki Haley, first of all, shut up. And secondly, man, I always wonder where I'm going to strategically put these bad boys in the show. What in the actual fuck? Nikki Haley, absolutely not. You know, she's lucky after Donald Trump surviving an attempt on his life this weekend that he decided to let bygones be bygones and extend the olive branch and extend an invitation to her to speak at the convention. Same thing goes for Ron DeSantis. Nikki Haley is scheduled to speak tonight. We'll have full comprehensive coverage of the major speaking segments on both of our Friday editions of Steak for Breakfast. We'll also have full comprehensive coverage and analysis of the remarks that Donald Trump and JD Vance are set to deliver as well. In addition, we'll preview Donald Trump's first speaking event, public speaking event. He will be holding a rally this weekend. The man is unfazed and he's ready to get back to work Saturday. He'll be in Grand Rapids, Michigan, battleground state. State needs a win. Statey thinks JD Vance helps him get over the finish line in November. But when you look at the way that the left is already responding, it's just an absolute embarrassment to see them not even wanting to look into JD Vance. The man, his character, what he's gone through, which is quite a telling story. And Sean O'Brien, who you normally wouldn't see, number one at the Republican National Convention, number two, speaking as one of the headliners of the day one agenda. Because he is the head of a labor union, the Teamsters, who number one haven't endorsed the Republican candidate in over 40 years and number two historically have not not wanted anything to do with Republicans in general. Now, I think Sean O'Brien, who all the be it, hasn't given his official endorsement yet, is kind of looking at this in the grand scheme of things and what it means for the face of his organization moving forward. Listen, it's always easy for the brass to go out there and endorse the Democrat candidate because of all the money that switches hands behind the scenes, which is fine. That's the way that they run their politics, it's not necessarily the way Republicans do it all the time, especially when you get into the majors of the Beltway. But the fact of the matter is I think this guy understands, after four years under Joe Biden, another four years of something similar, and the people that work under them are going to wonder, is it really beneficial to me to be a part of this labor union, when for the past at the end of what would be Joe Biden's second term, nearly a decade now, you've endorsed the person that has destroyed my family. And I think a lot of that is getting taken into consideration. You know, you heard people like Elon Musk, as Tucker Carlson mentioned, within four minutes of the assassination attempt publicly and fully endorsed Donald Trump online, he set up a super PAC. I think what's launched yesterday, $45 million a month he'll be donating to that. And, you know, bill hackers, people that you just normally wouldn't see even sniffing around. The conservative side of the aisle, other than to demonize them, are now getting all in and fully behind Donald Trump. Let's hear Sean O'Brien right now. Teamsters present. As you jumped on. I know. Never Trump or Neil Cavuto show to talk about JD Vance. I mean, JD Vance is the short time that we've worked together. I mean, he's been great on Teamster issues. He is supporting co-sponsor to in line manufacturer and bill that addresses outsourcing of critical in line maintenance to China. He's also supported paid sick leave for our railroad workers. You remember that situation a couple of years ago, when they weren't getting sick time, he stepped right up. He's also been very vocal and supportive of holding employers accountable who try and skirt their obligation under an independent contract, a model known as DSP. So he's been right there on all our issues, would publicly stated it. And look, at this day and age, there's nothing better than having a US Marine represented as a Vice President candidate. Amen to that. You know, you talk about the things that you wish. You know, some of the things that Donald Trump is probably looking at in a whole different light this week. I mean, I don't think anything about his work ethic or his schedule or how robust his days usually are is going to change. But I think perspective wise, maybe man, I wish my father, you know, who passed away over a decade ago was around to see this. My dad was a Teamster for 40 years, started off as a card-carrying member, worked himself up to a shop steward, eventually, and towards the end of his career. And with his job, you know, spent a lot of time in the main office in one of the Northeast chapters. And to see the President of the Teamsters out there supporting someone like Donald Trump, I think my father would have really enjoyed it. And you know, it's one of those things you can't take into consideration what you just pass over every day. I think that's the underlying tone of both shows today. You got to make every day count, even if you get something minimally accomplished, whether it's, you know, something with your family, something with your employment, something with a hobby, something to make yourself better. In regards to like, let's just say health and well-being, you got to be able to take the time. If so, even just listen, if you want to get spiritually right with yourself, keep a Bible in your car like I do. And if you need to refresh or restart before you get out of the car to go take care of a task or go into the store, or after you drop your kids off at sports, get to work a couple minutes early and we're in the parking lot. Give yourself that freshness to wash over you and give yourself the ability to take on your date. You never know what's going to happen. You really don't. KJP was at the White House press pool. Yesterday, I'm actually surprised. Well, I was surprised at first that they held it, but then realized that everybody's eyes were going to be focused on the Republican National Convention as it was. Delegate confirming time and with the announcement coming of JD Vance being the vice president, so whatever they had to say was going to go right under the radar. In addition, you weren't going to have the cream of the crop in regards to the press there. I believe Peter Ducey and Jackie Heinrich for Fox News. Amongst all the other heavy hitters. We're all in Milwaukee at the Republican National Convention, but you know, when the announcement came across the wire that JD Vance, who was going to be Donald Trump's election for vice president, KJP was asked about it. Let's hear a response. Senator JD Vance, who Donald Trump is just picked as his running mate, put out a message on social media Saturday, about two hours back to the shooting, blaming the president of President Biden's rhetoric for the shooting. In fact, he said that rhetoric led directly to President Trump's attempt at assassination, but your response. I mean, I kind of gotten this question in many different ways. I'm not going to politicize this moment. We're not going to politicize this moment. It is wrong to politicize this moment. We have been, you know, very clear on how sick the president said this word. Saturday's events were sick. It's not acceptable. Political violence is not acceptable. And we have said that over and over and over again. And we will continue to be very clear because we need to lower the temperature. That's what we need to do. Lower the temperature and unite the country. That's what this president, that's the cornerstone of his presidency is uniting. It sure isn't. Listen, six hours later, the MSNBC exclusive Lester holds that down with Joe Biden would air, obviously taped, probably heavily edited, but here's the deal. You want to talk about someone who doesn't want to divide, someone who's supposed to be a unifier and all that other bullshit that she propagates from the lectern as the press secretary on a like, you know, quad-leakly basis there. As soon as Joe Biden was pressed and repressed hard on questions that he didn't want to answer, got completely pissed off, all oddity and, you know, very defensive with Lester hold on, you know, why they're not doing this, that, and the other thing to Donald Trump. So, take it for what it is. You know it's complete bullshit, but you like to hear the reaction. Much like I like to hear the reaction from one of the VP finalists as well. And that's from Dr. Ben Carson. Before we play a brief clip of him at the RNC yesterday talking about it after the selection was made, I mean, here you go, Joe Biden's official account after the announcement was made yesterday. Here's the deal about JD Vance. He talks a big game about working people, but now he and Trump want to raise taxes on middle class families while pushing more tax cuts for the rich, complete bullshit, unadulterated lie. The post ends with, well, I don't intend to let them. And if you're with me, pitch in. And then it's a link to, you know, the whatever it is, win blue or the Democrat money making apparatus. And yeah, so already trying to say that, you know, exactly what Sean O'Brien, the president of the Teamsters and a clip we heard recently, refuted that Donald Trump wants to work with the working man and the middle class families, the people who make the Teamsters great. And that's why Sean O'Brien is moving towards the direction, I think, as the president of the organization to endorse Donald Trump for president. Here's Dr Ben yesterday talking about the selection of JD Vance as Donald Trump's vice presidential pick. I think you're going to enjoy it. You served in the last administration, your thoughts on this pick. You served with Vice President Mike Pence. Yes. Very different pick. Very different ideology. Very different guy. Frankly. Yes. Well, I was very pleased with this pick. I read JD Vance's book. And the things that he's been through gives him a very wide spectrum of the American society to deal with. And I think he'll be a very good pick. He's very articulate. He's very smart. He's young. He's energetic. And quite frankly, you know, we are so fortunate that Donald Trump survived over the weekend. He will win. No matter who is a vice president. But having the extra of somebody like JD Vance, I think, is icing on the cake. What a sparkling endorsement by the former HUD Secretary retired pediatric neurosurgeon, author, etc. A great friend of the show here. I can't wait to have Dr Ben back. Listen, I know there's a lot of people in America first who thought that Donald Trump and Ben Carson would have been an ideal ticket for what they both bring to the table. How they compliment each other, etc. We're in that demographic. But here's the deal. If we wanted everyone who decided that Donald Trump wasn't going to be the pick in the Republican party during the fake multiversal primary election season, those who support Nikki Haley, those who support Rhonda Santis, those who went out and back Vivek Rumswamy. If you want all of those people to come on board in regards to the president, and now that it's official, that he is the Republican nominee and he will lead our party to victory in November, why wouldn't you want the same people? Or those under the America first tent already, those strong supporters of Donald Trump, not to get behind who he selects for his vice presidential pick. You can't have it both ways. So, privately, if you want to express frustration, listen, there's tons of funny memes about it as well. Do your thing. That's what group chats are for. That's what BSing with your buddies around the fire pit, with some mouth pillows in, and some cold PBRs is all about. But when you talk about what you need to do as the listener, and as a supporter of President Trump moving forward for this country, I think the best way to take it is, you have to kind of swallow the pill in the same fashion we ask people who supported other candidates during the presidential primary season did. Colesse behind the party, Colesse behind the ticket, Colesse behind the former president, and make sure that he becomes the next one, and that includes now bringing JD Vance with him as his vice presidential pick. I'm all about it. So, did a lot of reflection, talked to a bunch of different people who I respect, who work in and around the RNC and around the Trump campaign, some of the major influencers online, people who work for major news outlets, kind of just threw some stuff at the wall. Hey, I think this, I think that, you know, are we checking these boxes? Are we doing this? I feel completely comfortable with it. I don't think JD Vance takes away from anything to do with the ticket. So, in turn, all he could do is add. I don't think it's a push either. Donald Trump doesn't make decisions like that. And I trust him more than I trust my own instincts because, again, he's already been the president of the United States. He's looking to do it a second time. So, take that for what it is. You make your own decisions. You take it however you want. But moving forward, you know, we're going to continue to support the president and the entirety of the ticket that goes with people he's going to be endorsing along the way. Might not love them all. Guess what? Need them all. So, suck it up. It's only four months to go. And then you guys, if you really want, and didn't like some of the things that happened in this election cycle, could start focusing on the next one as long as we win back the White House, retain and extend that house majority. And flip the Senate to Republican control. I don't know if you guys saw, there was a murder on the floor of the Republican National Convention yesterday. Not even 48 hours after Donald Trump had an assassination attempt on his life. I believe some dirt bag from one of the absolutely disgusting media outlets, probably MSNBC, tried to hit up Don Jr. and ask him about, well, nothing to do with his father, nothing to do with his father's well-being. Nothing to do with, you know, how's the family holding up after your dad was literally almost murdered live on television less than 48 hours ago? No, it's now that Donald Trump has completed his ticket and selected JD Vance to be his vice president. Is Donald Trump ready to ramp up the separation of families in regards to immigration again? If you think I'm joking, let's check it out. Continue to see policies like separating 5,000 children deliberately from their parents. You mean the Obama administration? You know they didn't do that, sir. Sure. There'd be a second family separation policy. It's MSNBC, so I expect nothing less from you clowns. Even today, even 48 hours later, you couldn't wait. You couldn't wait with your lies and with your nonsense, so just get out of here. The nomination continues here in the Florida delegation. We're about to hear from American Don Jr. Man, I tell you what, if you could hear Don Jr's voice crack, it probably took a lot for number one for him to just slap that fucking microphone right out of that guy's hand in for number two, pulling back and just laying him out on national television. Me, personally, I don't know if I would have been able to show the same restraint, to be honest with you, you know, when you saw the emotional way that Don Jr reacted to his dad taking the floor last night for the first time since the assassination attempt. He started, you know, like when you're trying to hold it in, but you do the little jiggle and your eyes well up and you know if you can't catch your breath in that moment and kind of just compel yourself a little bit, you're going to absolutely lose it and start balling. There was a great shot of that happening with him on national television last night, and I tell you what, couldn't imagine if it happened to my dad. I also couldn't imagine if that happened to my dad if he was the former president of the United States who's looking to become the next one as well. So a lot more at stake for the Trump family, and to see the absolute bottom feeder mentality of some of these outlets and trying to get you in a gotcha moment, absolutely disgusting and disgraceful, absolute embarrassment for them, but then again, they don't give a shit. Doug Bergen put out a statement as well regarding JD Vance. Donald Trump is the strongest leader to enter a political arena in modern American history. Today he selected Senator Vance as his running mate, whose small town roots and service to country make him a powerful voice for America first. I look forward to campaigning for the Trump Vance ticket and also look forward to making America great again. There was a lot of good feedback from people who, you know, were behind Donald Trump maybe looking to be the vice president. And I think it was with that intention that Donald Trump made the selection. He knew people like Tim Scott and Doug Bergen and Marco Rubio weren't going to come out and be like, "Oh yeah, F this now, this is BS." So that was never going to be the case. And when Donald Trump took the floor last night as we're going to jump over towards the evening festivities, it was quite the scene. Let's check it out. J. Trump. ♪ Tomorrow all the things were gone ♪ ♪ I worked for all my life ♪ ♪ And I had to start again ♪ ♪ Just my children had to run away ♪ ♪ To make my lucky stars ♪ ♪ Even here is a day ♪ ♪ 'Cause the flag still stands for freedom ♪ ♪ And they can't take that away ♪ ♪ And I'm proud to be ♪ Bandage over is right here. Standing ovation. People absolutely going wild to see him back out there. And I think what was a pretty strong worded day with the theme making America wealthy again as the topic. To have Donald Trump on a day where he announced his vice presidential pick formally accepted the nomination needed to be there. America wanted to see it after the events of this weekend. And as always, without speaking, one word to the audience, to the press or to the media, delivered. And I think we need to just be able to compartmentalize the emotional way that this day kind of shook out and how he went and set that standard, which is going to be ready to explode by the time he comes to give his formal address to the nation on Thursday night. NBC News reported that as Donald Trump took the floor, there wasn't very much that they could do to break through the narrative. This party was united. This nation was coming together. And Donald Trump looked stronger than he ever has before. Let's check it out. This is a Republican party that is confident in itself, confident in being a party that is Donald Trump's. And that is where you see JD Vance in a lot of ways, represents a lot of the delegates that we talked to here. There were folks eight years ago that were reticent towards Donald Trump. They were questioned his faith, his morals. And yet, where are they now? These are the party activists, they are elected officials. And there is no dissent inside of this room. When JD Vance's name was called for the acclimation of the vote, everybody was yay. There was not a single name. And I think it speaks to where this party is heading into the final three and a half months, Savannah. It's going to be fantastic, right? I tell you that much. And now I want to jump over to some of the great speaking pieces we heard last night again. Remember, the theme was make America wealthy again. Tonight's theme, which is Tuesday, is going to be make America safe again. I'm not clear on what Wednesday or Thursdays are, but we'll have a full comprehensive recap on our Friday edition to the show. First one I've got up is, you know, current South Carolina Senator and former maybe vice presidential contender jokes going around yesterday. Time to cancel the wedding. Oh, Tim Scott, let's hear him. If you didn't believe in miracles before Saturday, you better be believing right now. Thank God Almighty that we live in a country that still believes in the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, the Alpha and the Omega. And our God, our God still saves. He still delivers and he still sets free because on Saturday, the devil came to Pennsylvania holding a rifle. But an American lion got back up on his feet and he roared. Oh, yeah, he roared. It doesn't seem like there's any animosity from Senator Scott in regards to not being selected for the vice president. You know, another one who I thought gave a pretty good speaking piece last night was Virginia Governor Glenn Yunken. The left vest between him and Donald Trump is really blossomed over the course of the last month. You know, Donald Trump lent some support his way. They met behind closed doors. They met publicly rally in Virginia. Glenn Yunken seems that he's on the same page. He's put out numerous times that his objective as the governor of the state of Virginia is to flip the state so that a Republican presidential candidate can win it in the upcoming election. Also add as many members to the house in an attempt to retain and extend the majority, flip the Senate and get this country back on the right track. Let's hear him. And could this election be more simple? It's common sense versus chaos. It's strength versus weakness. Friends, it's not just Republicans who see this. It's Republicans, independents and lots of Democrats. It's Americans. Under President Trump, America had high growth and low inflation. Under Joe Biden, America has low growth and high inflation. 66% of Americans now live paycheck to paycheck. Moms and dads worry and can they buy new shoes for their kids going back to school? It's a truth. Can they write the tuition check for college? Will they ever be able to retire? Under President Trump, 2.4 million Americans were lifted out of poverty. [Applause] Women, black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, all saw record low employment. Under Donald J. Trump, we once again will have that rip roaring economy that lifts up all Americans. That is our tomorrow. Certainly is, and listen, if you got skin in this game and someone is such a high profile position as Governor Yunken does, the Governor of Virginia, you have to be on board with pleasing your constituency and his support of Donald Trump solely for the fact to get this economy back on the right track. You have to. I mean, Americans are just absolutely getting crushed. I'm sure it's the first thing they hear anytime they go out publicly to speak about it. And it is the number one issue riding hand in hand with border security that just has to be a day one agenda item to get this country steered back in the right direction. I know we played an excerpt of them before giving some commentary on the vice presidential selection of JD Vance, but the Teamsters President Sean O'Brien was also one of the speakers in prime time last night, gave a really good and insightful speech into why Donald Trump is a very plausible alternative for people who have historically voted Democrats, especially when it entails to making the middle class families in this country great again. But he also lent credit to the toughness level of the 45th president, let's hear it. President Trump had the backbone to open the door to this Republican convention, and that's unprecedented. (Applause) No other nominee in the race would have invited the Teamsters into this arena. True story. Now, you can have whatever opinion you want, but one thing is clear. President Trump is a candidate who is not afraid of hearing from new, loud, and often critical voices. And I think we all can agree whether people like him or they don't like him, in light of what happened to him on Saturday, he has proven to be one tough S.O.B. (Applause) (Applause) And at that point, Donald Trump will lend a smile and add a nod to Sean O'Brien again, the president of the Teamsters, and he would continue on with his speech. Guys, wherever you're listening to the show today, thanks for being on board. Second of two big Tuesday editions of "Stake for Breakfast." We need your help. We love your listenership. Do us a favor. Head out to whatever platform you're listening to us on right now, Apple Spotify, Google Podcast, iHeartRadio, or wherever you hear your shows, and make sure you're subscribed to "Stake for Breakfast." Always going to be free. No paywalls. You don't have to do anything in regards to your wallet and hearing bonus content from us. You get it all here for free. And then make sure it's downloading to your electronic device. That's the most important point of all. In addition, social media, Twitter, Getter, TrueSocial, Instagram, and TikTok is where we have accounts. Find them, follow them, hit the notification bell. You'll never miss out on any of the great stuff we've got going on down here at the show. North Carolina Lieutenant Governor, who's looking to be the next Governor of North Carolina, Mark Robinson, one of our favorites, best known for one of our favorite sound clips as well. Ain't but two genders! I am Mark Robinson. I am the first Black Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina. And come November, I plan on being the first Black Governor of North Carolina. But I am not one of the political elite. I grew up poor as the 9th of 10 kids in Greensboro with an alcoholic father who beat my mother. I'd love to tell you that I graduated from high school found success. Never worried about money again, but I can't. I lost two jobs, two manufacturing jobs because of NAFTA, which by the way Joe Biden voted for. Politicians in DC made bad decisions. People like me suffered. I lost my car in my house. I was desperate. But you know my story isn't unique. A couple of months ago in my travels I stopped at a gas station. As I was leaving the man walked out with a beer and he looked very stressed. He got in his car and I could see him holding an envelope. My heart dropped, 'cause years ago I held one just like it. It was bankruptcy papers. I could see the fear on his face. It took me back to lying awake at night with that darn worrying debate in which bills weren't going to get paid. Unfortunately, many families today are having that same experience. Under Joe Biden, grocery prices have skyrocketed and gas has nearly doubled. In North Carolina factories, just like the one I worked at are closing, leaving families feeling hopeless. But there is hope and I'm proof. My wife and I never gave up. We kept our faith. We worked hard and made it through those tough times. Now I stand before you on the verge of becoming the first black governor of North Carolina. As governor, I will not forget where I came from or the struggles of the people I meet. And you know there's someone else who will fight just as hard for you. President Donald J. Trump. You know, and someone who's been such a strong and outward supporter of President Trump for so long, is North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson. It was really great to see him get a primetime speaking piece for a lot of people in the nation maybe to get introduced to him for the first time. And how he kind of told how he came back from the brink to lead a very successful, faith-based, servant lifestyle. And then attribute that to the way Donald Trump brings his platform to the table. I think the most going into it, controversial, guess that spoke last night? But one that absolutely delivered a slam dunk I have to tell you is, I'm not going to call her actress. How about this? Entertainer? Amber Rose. You know, she was seen a month or two ago down in Florida with Donald and Melania Trump at an event. It might have been one of the log cabin events or something. Political event fundraiser. Kind of sent shockwaves through the interwebs. Then you see her in that vastly seen viral video of her walking out of a Starbucks and back to her car and TMZ trying to get her. Oh my God, how could you Donald Trump's the threat to democracy? The guy's racist, blah, blah, and she like cuts them off and says, "Hey, listen, you guys have been lying to us. You've been lying to African Americans for a long time. I don't have to believe you anymore. You can do my own research." And there was some posts on social media, MAGA hats. I'm looking for that support for the president. And now she's got a second fundraiser. And the rumors start. She's going to be speaking at the RNC on night one, close to the end of the agenda when keynote speaker times. And I was like, "Damn." And again, I don't remind you. I want to remind everybody listening today. You might not appreciate her career, what she's done in the past, what she may do in the future. Some of the stuff's absolutely gross. However, Donald Trump, again, is not running to be the president of the Republican Party. He's not running to be the president of Christian Nationalists. He's not being ran as the president of tight-ass America. Donald Trump is running to be the president of the United States. No color, ethnicity, race, religion, or creed should prevent anyone from coming in and supporting not only him, but his agenda. And cliche as it sounds, making America great again. Amber Rose is bought into this. After seeing the way things have shaken out and how close she's gotten with the president and first lady, this is not a publicity stunt. Because they're a lot smarter than that. This is the continuation of the widening of the MAGA tent solely because so many Americans have been lied to for so long. I'm going to play you for peace right now and leave it up to you, the listener, to decide. Amber Rose from South Philadelphia. Hello. My name is Amber Rose. I'm a model and entrepreneur. Thank you. But most importantly, I'm a mother. My whole world revolves around providing for my children, keeping them safe and giving them an opportunity for a better life. That's something that unites all American parents. Whether we're Republicans, Democrats, conservatives, or liberals, we all want a better country for our children. [APPLAUSE] But I'm here tonight to tell you, no matter your political background, that the best chance we have to give our babies a better life is to elect Donald Trump President of the United States. [APPLAUSE] You may be wondering why I'm up here telling you this. I'm no politician and I don't want to be. But I do care about the truth. And the truth is that the media has lied to us about Donald Trump. [APPLAUSE] I know this because for a long time I believe those lies. So I'm here to set the record straight. The first person I knew who supported Donald Trump was my father. I was shocked. My entire family is racially diverse. And I believe the left-wing propaganda that Donald Trump was a racist. My father said, "No, he's not Amber. What are you talking about?" And when I insisted, he said, "Prove it." So to prove my father wrong, I did my research and looked into all things Donald Trump. [APPLAUSE] People have to do their research. [APPLAUSE] I watched all the rallies and I started meeting so many of you, his red hat wearing supporters. [APPLAUSE] I realized Donald Trump and his supporters don't care if you're black, white, gay or straight. It's all love. [APPLAUSE] And that's when it hit me. These are my people. This is where I belong. [APPLAUSE] So I let go of my fear of judgment of being misunderstood, of getting attacked by the left, and I put the red hat on too. Thank you. [APPLAUSE] Love you, too. I never felt more free and more love for my country than I do now. I want to thank my father, who's in the audience tonight, for opening my eyes. He served over 20 years in the US military. Thank you for your service, Dad. [APPLAUSE] Yes, yes. [APPLAUSE] I love you, Dad. I love you. [APPLAUSE] I love you so much. Thank you. [APPLAUSE] When I met the President and Melania for the first time, he was kind and generous and funny as hell. [APPLAUSE] Very funny. The first lady was gracious and smart with a smile that will brighten up any room. If you're watching this tonight, you know our country is in trouble, just like me. When you go to the store and buy food for your family, you're shocked. When you fill up your gas tank, you're pissed. [APPLAUSE] I know I am. [APPLAUSE] And when you turn on the news, you are just exhausted. Inflation is out of control, and you know in your heart it was not like this under Donald Trump. [APPLAUSE] My message to you tonight comes from a humble place. The left told me to hate Trump, and even worse, to hate the other side, the people who support him. When you cut through the lies, you realize the truth. American families were better when Donald Trump was President. [APPLAUSE] We were safer, wealthier, and stronger. A vote for Donald Trump is a vote to put money back in our pockets and good food on our kids' plates. [APPLAUSE] Or, as Trump would say, it's a vote to make America great again. Thank you so much. [APPLAUSE] She didn't need to do that. These superstar elites, it'll never affect them. All the things that are affecting all the listeners on this show, in the wallet with your children, the job market, the ability to provide. But the fact is, when you hear about the conversation she had with her father, who was a 20-year veteran, and someone who apparently she still has a very strong relationship with, just challenged her. When you talk about your research, tell me I'm wrong, and to see how her eyes were opened. I hope there's more of it. I hope there's more of them. We need it. My opinion, my opinion alone, that was the best speech of the night by a lot. And you're talking about some obscure, actress model, entertainer coming out there and lapping, essentially some career politicians, not saying it in a negative way. America needs someone that doesn't necessarily have anything to gain by doing what she's doing. She has a lot to lose. And putting it all out there for America to see why it's time to make America great again. The funniest moment of the night came as the prayer was about to be presided over the arena. And it even was one that got Donald Trump laughing as well. I think you guys know what I'm talking about. If you missed it, let's check it out. It's a great pleasure to be here. Great pleasure to see President Donald Trump safe. And if I may, before the benediction, give you this promise. You're going to be so blessed. You're going to be tired of being blessed. I guarantee it. And even busted out the Trump right there at the end of, I would call it a 6.5 out of 10 impersonation of the former president and GOP nominee. Donald Trump laughed. He needed it. The convention needed it. Listen, it was an emotional night. It was a night of, just again, emotionally, a rollercoaster of feelings. Everything across the spectrum in regards to some people still feeling angry. Some people still feeling heavy heart. Some people still looking for answers to make their lives better. Some people out there, you know, wanting to know is President Trump really okay. And then to have a lot of those fears and a lot of those concerns addressed and quelled. I can't imagine a better way to get the RNC kicked off. I think they absolutely nailed it. Christopher Watley, Speaker Johnson. And everyone else is working behind the scenes to make this an event that is really going to get America motivated to get behind Donald Trump. And in the next four months, elect him, the 47th president of the United States, couldn't have asked for more. We're going to end it with our coverage there. We're getting ready to jump in with Marco Vannio, who comes in as the executive director of the Republicans for renewing America. We're going to talk about the events of this weekend, the kicking off of the RNC as he is there and going through the day one festivities. And we're going to talk about adding things to the platform to help make America great again as well. But before we jump in with him, another check in with one of our partners. I think it's time we had a conversation about a good night's sleep. 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He's the Executive Director of the Republicans for National Renewal. Glad to catch up again with none other than Mr. Marc Evonio. Welcome back to the show. I appreciate it. Thank you for having me again. You're bringing well-wishings from Wisconsin as all of our guests are today. We want to talk about the kicking off of the RNC yesterday and the events that took place last night. But before we do that, I'd like to get a little bit of your commentary on some of the events that happened over the weekend. And, namely, that's pretty much has encompassed the news story over the last 72 hours, and that was the attempt on Donald Trump's life. Yes. I was there when President Trump showed up to the RNC yesterday and it was kind of an emotional appearance in that people saw President Trump and saw the bandage on his ear. And, you know, everyone's so grateful that he survived that assassination attempt. And we would have been in a totally different reality, had he not. And I think it's just strengthened the grassroots, the people who were just so happy to be there and to see President Trump again. And just in general, though, we see this kind of a higher morale. People are high energy. I mean, we heard USA chants on the floor when we were voting to President Trump as a nominee. I mean, it felt like a Trump rally even without Trump being there initially. And so I think we're in a very good position and people's spirits are high. You know, there's so many different ways that we got here, but when you talk about some of the probable root causes of this, you hear a lot of rhetoric that comes out rallies and speaking events, you know, Republicans are known for wanting to go through the process the correct way, wanting to get people out and widen the tent, point out the failed policies of the left and the right. And how much it's changed almost unrecognizably in some aspects, different parts of American culture. But the one thing you don't normally hear from Republicans, especially in the modern political era, is the incitement of violence. Then when you consider what has come from the other side of the aisle, especially since Donald Trump has entered the political arena, I mean, calls to the incitement of violence, they've said everything short of literally what happened this weekend, Mark. And you know, when you talk about now for like a national call to cool down the temperature, it doesn't seem like that rhetoric. I mean, calling Joe Biden the worst president in the history of the United States and then pointing out on many different aspects, everything from the border to crime, the economy and geopolitics is not ramping up political rhetoric. It's, you know, opening up the door to political debate. Obviously on the other side, calling Donald Trump a threat to democracy and he's only in this for himself. And if he wins, we're going to lose the country and things like that. It seems to be a little bit more going down that road of, you know, maybe people who are low information or low IQ wanting to do something physically instead of being able to do it all Americans have the opportunity to and that's make the change of the ballot box every four years. And I kind of want to get your take on that, you know, it seems like Republicans kind of need to stay in their lanes. They focus on the policy driven points here and continue to show Americans just how bad life has been under Joe Biden. And if the Democrats want to continue to, you know, say that Donald Trump's a threat to democracy or we don't have a country anymore if he gets back into the White House and they can sure as heck do that, but it doesn't really bring anything for the normal political discord that you would see in an election cycle much like we're in right now. Yeah, you know, those are good points and I've been thinking that, you know, so you're right. We point out policy failures and incompetency and things like that. And then the left is saying, well, President Trump is literally Hitler. When he gets in power, he's going to silence all the media. He's going to shut you down. He's going to put homosexuals and internment camps and things like this. And so whenever they, yeah, like these low IQ folks or just radical folks in general hear that. Yeah, they want their insights to do something physical and, you know, you always hear this question from leftists. Oh, if you were to go back in time and you saw Hitler, would you stop him? Would you try to kill him? And their answer is always yes. And so they believe that President Trump is the second coming of Hitler because they've been listening to all this propaganda. Well, then, yeah, they're going to be motivated to go out and do something about it because they believe that they're on some kind of jihad mission, basically, to help with their life. They're stopping the next Hitler. And where do they get this idea from? Well, it's from the fake news media from the leftists. Their rhetoric is really hyperbolic. They're always saying things like, yeah, once he gets into power, yeah, he's going to put your mom in a camp somewhere. If you're a migrant, even if you're a legal migrant, you know, you're in danger because President Trump's going to lock you up, even though you're a legal migrant. This is kind of this crazy stuff. And, yeah, I think that's probably what led to it. And I guess the media now, from what I've seen, the mainstream media, they're trying to dial it back a little bit with their incendiary rhetoric. You know, they'll say, oh, we need to focus our fire on Trump. Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that. I meant to, you know, just focus on Trump. So things like that. So I think it's kind of moving in a better direction, but we need to hold these people accountable. Sure. You know, constantly, we're always on the lookout for fake news. But when they say things like that, I think we need to call them out on it. And I think that will keep them a little more honest. They'll always be dishonest, nevertheless. But to say things like that, now we saw the assassination attempt. I think it's only going to help President Trump. And we'd have to still hold their feet to the fire, though. We can't just get placed it and say, OK, they apologize. So it's OK. Let's move on. No, no, no. These people want that. And in fact, a lot of them, and you'll see a lot of this on Twitter, for example, praising the shooter and saying, oh, you know, it's too bad he missed. Well, we need to capture those comments. We need to take screenshots because when President Trump is the 47th president, we need to provide to the authorities because these people are dangerous. Yeah, they certainly are. And, you know, it's going to be interesting to see how everything kind of, I don't think the dust is fully settled from what happened over the weekend yet. And President Trump's already, you know, forced back into the spotlight with the RNC Convention, which is what we're going to segue to next. You know, it was a very joyous occasion getting things kicked off yesterday. The party unity, like I had not seen in decades there, you know, you don't have delegates and people who are nominating President Trump, holding them back. You don't have large factions of different states not showing up. Even like we saw as recently as 2016, in the case of Ohio, you don't have elected officials, you know, refusing to go because Donald Trump's such a divisive candidate, you have everyone there. A massive show of force when it comes to the Republican Party and the Republican platform. And I just kind of want to, you know, pick your brain a little bit on how that atmosphere was yesterday when things finally got to the floor when President Trump came out there. And when we got into, you know, the A list of the speakers that were, you know, laying out the platform last night. Yeah, I mean, it was a, that's a good point. Like, there's definitely a show of unity. I don't think any, well, at least anyone openly was never a trumper or a rhino. I mean, you had the grassroots there and every single state who announced, you know, the delegates votes were very pro Trump. I mean, every message, when they were casting their vote was, you know, we proudly nominate President Donald J. Trump for the KSC of the president. And so, yeah, it's, there was no, no question about it that Trump is our guy. And no one was, yeah, we'd have people not showing up. I mean, every single delegate was there. All the delegate votes were for President Trump. And then actually even some of them were once we heard the news of JD Vance being nominated also for JD Vance. And so, you know, it was amazing to see. And people, I mean, it's a long event. So it's kind of worth understanding a little bit to be there, you know, from, you know, at 10 in the morning to after going through security and then you're there until like 10 p.m. The people were there. Nobody was was walking out. He was there and waiting for President Trump to come up, come by. And they got what they wanted in. It was kind of surreal experience. Really, it's it's tough to put words to it, but to see all these, all of the America first folks in one place. And when the one, when the Mitch McConnell is there, there's not the American first guy gets a beard. It was, you know, you're in the right place. You're in the place with a bunch of grassroots folks. Definitely one of the highlights that I enjoyed watching yesterday and fold on TV. And then when you talk about the, but now the vice presidential pick at JD Vance. Let's give our listenership a little bit of insight on how you feel. I mean, listen, if you look back a couple election cycles, the face of the Republican Party surely has changed. It's going to be changing a lot inward with America first coming back to the forefront. It's going to be investing in things like American energy and safer streets. It's going to call for, you know, our borders being secure for geopolitical footing to be restored in America to be a beacon of hope and a single strength throughout the world. I think when you ask for a really, really strong compliment to what Donald Trump brings to the ticket, I think someone that could articulate magnificently and has a very populist vibe to him. JD Vance checked off a lot of those boxes and I think that Donald Trump has done an amazing job in making that decision. Yeah, you know, JD Vance is an endorsed candidate of Republicans for national renewal for that very reason. I mean, he's a solid America first candidate. We think he's a fighter. He certainly doesn't shy away from battles. And that's the kind of person we need as a vice president or just just as any kind of elected politician, right? That's the kind of person we want. And so we think it's a very good decision. Probably one of the better decisions and I've heard people on the convention floor saying, well, that's a assassination insurance in that the left doesn't want him to be president either. And so you get someone who's like minded, who's same as you on policy and you're pretty set. You know, hopefully, we're not going to expect to see a Mike Pence situation with JD Vance. His loyalty is a little stronger and he's more outspoken about his positions, whereas press Mike Pence was a little more reluctant to speak his mind. He said a lot of nicer rhetoric, but it seemed like he wasn't really speaking his mind. What do you actually thought? And so I think JD Vance is a more transparent politician and couldn't really ask for better. No, I don't think we could. And moving forward, it's going to be interesting to see how some of these players who are in the deep stakes. Those have come out. And, you know, really supported President Trump out on the campaign trail, how now his cabinet and transition team is going to start to materialize as we head. I mean, we're just a few short months out from the November election. We all know that there's people behind the scenes that are being tapped that are being asked. Would you take this, you know, cabinet level position and then start to receive the policy training to make sure that once they get not only in front of Senate confirmation, but working for the American people, they're ready to go. And this is just another component of, you know, that agenda that's going to make America great again, which is where I want to go with you. Listen, we know both publicly and privately behind the scenes. You have worked diligently to strengthen that Republican platform to make sure that it is directed totally at America first. And make sure that the RNC and President Trump, you know, the promises that are going to be made are the ones that are kept over the course of the next four years, but they are the strongest ones offered up to all Americans as possible. So if you want to touch on a little bit of those things that you were heavily focused on as we headed towards the convention and where we're at now, let our listenership know some of the stuff that you guys are going to be working on in addition moving forward. I think that'd be great. Yeah, I appreciate it. We had a grassroots events on Twitter, Twitter space, X space, and it had thousands of folks coming in. Lori Hines from North Dakota, Alex Collin from Arizona, several other members or delegates who are on the platform committee joined. But in addition, we wanted to get the grassroots input on the platform. And Scott Prusler showed up as well, Roger Stone, a lot of great patriots, and we kind of took those ideas and wanted to implement them. And we also had our planks for the platform and some of those planks included stopping anti-white racism, bringing peace between Ukraine and Russia, improving access to cryptocurrency, and restricting legal migration, because you always hear kind of the establishment of the Republicans saying, "Well, I have no problem with legal immigration. It's the illegal immigration. That's the big deal." Well, we've taken in over a million legal migrants every year, and so we need a step back to assimilate these folks. We're having too much of it, so maybe this should be a restraint on legal migration as well. And while we didn't get the full platform that we wanted, we got probably a really good one and probably the best one we could get in the fact that it's strategic. President Trump had direct input. We were working with the Trump campaign on this, and we think that as far as the average voter goes, this platform will really resound with them. And that's kind of what the goal is to begin with, to get more voters. We need to elect President Trump. We need to elect other Republicans, especially America's First Republicans, and having a platform that the average person can look at and say, "Yeah, I agree with most of that," or all of that, that's the goal. So it's not so much of we need something that the most "far right" person agrees with. And while I do that, I could be considered far right or whatever you want to call it. We need something as far as the platform goes that can just speak the average every day of America because we are a party of the people. And that's what we're pushing the party to be, is a grassroots party. And so the people have spoken. And I think we've got a pretty good result on this one. And I think it's going to help out elections for Republicans everywhere. And really, another goal of ours was to have the platform be so that the grassroots folks can use it as a weapon against the rhinos, against the establishment and say, "Hey, this is what the party platform says. You're not abiding by it. So you need to change your ways, or get out." And so that was one of the main goals as well, is to empower the grassroots. And so I think it's a solid platform. And I'm happy that we're able to make some changes and have some influence on it. No, you know, you make a lot of good points. And I think, you know, and some of the I've bounced off a lot of people directly close to the RNC, close to the Trump campaign about the, you know, adopted policy platform agreed on by President Trump in the RNC, was that there are so many of those bullet points that can begin to get implemented on day one. It opens up the door to expand greatly over the course of four years. Things that aren't on there, things that have yet to come to the forefront that aren't necessarily a priority, but that the America First grassroots want to see interwoven into how Republicans conduct themselves legislatively moving forward. And I think the biggest part there, Mark, is that, you know, when you talk about how President Trump works, he didn't just necessarily, I mean, listen, he didn't campaign in 2016 on being the first American president to walk into North Korea. He didn't campaign in 2016 on bringing peace in the Middle East between Israel and a lot of its longstanding geopolitical foes. You know, he didn't campaign in 2016 on crippling Iran so bad financially and their footing geopolitically that they were almost at the for, you know, the opening of internal revolution. And because he was able to get some of his policies implemented so early in his first term in office that he was able to expand on things that really benefited the American people, especially when you talk about in the realm of geopolitics. So I think that's a great start for you guys, and I think heading through the rest of the convention, this election cycle, and once the Trump is elected back to office, it's going to meet big, big dividends for the American people. Listen, this is great catching up with you today, as it always is we don't have you on the show as much as we can. You need to reach out more and as do I and get you locked in here. Once a month, we'd love to have you come in and contribute a little bit and talk about the face of the race, talk about the face of the policy platform, other politicians that are out there, that maybe some of our listenership in different states could be focused on heading towards November. And we've got the live link for the Republicans for National Renewal in our show description today, anybody wants to follow you though, and check out all the great work you're doing, where you're at, and what's going on in social media, where can they find you? Yeah, I appreciate it. You can find me at @markyvania, so this is just my name on X. I'm also on Instagram with the marker underscore i underscore two four. And, yeah, also, which you probably have on your life's life description. And, yeah, really appreciate it. Always great to be here with you. And, you know, you're doing great work and covering the grassroots folks and some of the best comments that I've been on your show as well. So, it's always a pleasure to be here and I appreciate it. Always a pleasure when we can host you. This is the executive director of the Republican International Renewal, Mr. Mark Ovenio. Thanks for joining us today. So, have a great rest of the convention. Sir, I appreciate it. I'm listening now. In your last TV interview, you were asked if you had watched the debate. Your answer was, "I don't think so." No. Have you since seen it? I've seen pieces of it. I've not watched the whole debate. The reason I ask, because I guess the question is, are you all on the same page? Are you seeing what they saw, which was moments of, frankly, that appear to be confused? Lester, look, why don't you guys ever talk about the 18 to 28 lies he told? Where are you from this? Why didn't the press ever talk about that? 28 times it's confirmed he lied in that debate. I had a bad, bad night. I wasn't feeling well at all. Amen. I had been without a big hand. I screwed up. I just asked a question, because the idea that you may or may not have seen what some of these other folks have seen, you're not on the same page. I'd have to see, I was there. I had to see, I was there. By the way, seriously, you won't answer the question, but why didn't the press talk about all the lies he told? I haven't made anything about that. We have reported many of the issues that came up in that debate. No, you haven't. We will provide you with them. I love you. Okay. All right. Jump back into the news portion of the show here. Last news segment on the breast of two huge Tuesday editions of the State of the Breakfast Podcast. I'm Roan Flying solo, rest of the show. Noah jumped in. First segment of first show. He had to take off for some training. Listen, when the forklift calls, you lift the forks. And that was Joe Biden sitting down with MSDNC lead political correspondent Lester Holt. Watch it is ever getting pissed off when pressed on his debate performance three weeks ago against Donald Trump. And right now we're going to do, as part of our last news segment of the day, a tale of dueling interviews. We had two of them last night in prime time. Obviously Joe Biden has counter programming to what was going on at the RNC. Don't really think it resonated nationally. A lot of reports out of the beltway saying that this interview did not quell fears with detractors in the party. There's also been some developments from Joe Biden's office. So apparently there was a law in Ohio that it's something to do with finalizing the ballots ahead of the Democrat National Convention in August. And because there needed to be some finalization of who the nominee was before the DNC, what the Dems were going to do is they were going to hold a virtual conference like next week. And what they were going to do was everyone who was Biden delegates were going to pledge them, get him over the threshold and virtually, officially, but not officially because it's not legally. I don't know. Make him the nominee and essentially protect him through the rest of July and August until they hold their convention mid August up in Chicago, Illinois. However, I'm hearing that there's kind of a revolt going on. And there are people within the Democrat apparatus who are now challenging Joe Biden on this saying you don't need to have it. If you're the nominee and you're not worried about it, let's just roll to August. You'll be fine. They amended that law in Ohio, so it does not affect what the virtual vote would have been needed for. However, because there are still a growing number of people who are calling for Joe Biden to bow out, this has become an issue. So as Joe Biden and Lester Holt sparred in a non-live edited interview, Senator J.D. Vance sat down live on Fox News with Boomer sweats, Sean Hannity. And as we heard from Joe Biden, we're going to play a dueling clip of J.D. Vance and one of the biggest questions people who didn't support him as being Donald Trump's selection for the Republican vice president on the ticket with him have to ask. Well, J.D. Vance was a never-trumper like five years ago, you know, calling him threats to democracy, saying that he didn't support him, saying that he'd never support him. Showing a lot of hate. And J.D. Vance is going to have to answer these questions. He's already done it many times. He's been asked the question so many times since he came out as such a vocal supporter of President Trump in this presidential election cycle. But now in during formal interviews, he's going to be asked to kind of walk us through. It's much in the same way, believe it or not, the way Amber Rose had her eyes open. She heard things. She ran with the media talking points. And when asked to do her research or simply look at the results, she realized, much like J.D. Vance did, that he'd been lied to about Donald Trump. And when he saw what he was doing for the economy, for border safety, for geopolitics, for the military and law enforcement, eye-opening. And essentially brought him under the MAGA tent and someone who has become one of the biggest strongers of President Trump was here. I had an opportunity to talk to Donald Trump and I knew this question would come up. Actually, for almost every person that was under consideration, and that was past comments that you had made about him. And when I, I'll tell you after what his response was. But you weren't, didn't have the nicest things to say about him back in 2016, which seems like a long time ago now. You know, you literally said, you texted a friend that Trump is a cynical a-hole like Nixon who wouldn't be that bad and might even prove useful, and that he's America's Hitler. And you compared him to a cultural heroine in the Atlantic Monthly. And I'll tell you Trump's response, but you said that then. What do you say to people that say, "Well, wait a minute, what did he mean?" Well, Sean, I don't hide from that. I was certainly skeptical of Donald Trump in 2016, but President Trump was a great president and he changed my mind. I think he changed the minds of a lot of Americans because, again, he delivered that piece in prosperity. If you go back to what I thought in 2016, another thing that was going on, Sean, is I bought into the media's lies and distortions. I bought into this idea that somehow he was going to be so different, a terrible threat to democracy. It was a joke. Joe Biden is the one who's trying to throw his political opposition in jail. Joe Biden is the one who's trying to undermine American law and order. President Trump did a really good job. And I actually think it's a good thing when you see somebody, you were wrong about him. You ought to admit the mistake and admit you were wrong. When I brought it up to him, he said, "I can't wait for this." Okay, when I brought it up to him, he said, "Yeah, he goes, but he doesn't think that way now, does he?" So he actually had a very good sense of humor about it. I also says a lot about him and he understands. Were you as political back then? Not really, Sean. My book came out in 2016, "Hillbilly Elegy." It's really sort of the story of growing up in poverty, achieving the American dream, starting out in business. I really didn't care that much about politics. I certainly had views. I was Republican. But I was not as nearly as involved, obviously, as I am today. And again, it was something that really changed for me. And I think for a lot of Americans is we saw the results of the Trump presidency compared to the obsessive deranged media reaction in 2019 and 2020. Like, what's going on? What's so bad about this guy that he's delivered rising wages for American workers in peace in the world? Why is the media so obsessed with him? I think a lot of Americans actually have had a similar awakening over the last few years because you compare the results with the reaction and clearly the people with the reaction to the problem. That's not President Trump's problem. Again, in our first two clips, both people, the current sitting president of the United States, and now the Republican nominee to be the vice president behind President Trump are asked tough questions, very tough questions. Joe Biden had an abysmal debate performance. How do you not ask him about it? What does he do? Immediately deflects on Donald Trump, says, "What's wrong with you guys in the media not covering this straight and arrow and down the middle? Why don't you question all the lies he told during the debate? I'm Joe Biden." Off the rails. Now, the Republican nominee for the vice president, co-ticket member with Donald Trump, JD Vance has asked, "Okay, not only did you not like Donald Trump back in 2016, you called him Hitler. Tell us what has changed from then to now so much so that you've been tapped by Donald Trump to be his vice president." And JD Vance goes into this whole, "Listen, I had my own opinions without knowing anything. I also fit into the media lies and talking points, and I use them to promote my own platform, to advance my political career, etc." And after watching the media talk about Donald Trump but then seeing President Trump work for four years, I knew I was wrong. I have no problem admitting that. My eyes have been open, much like much of America has been, and here we are. It's not that difficult to be able to take responsibility for your action, something Joe Biden is completely incapable of doing. I mean, saying I had a bad debate performance because I felt horrible is not taking responsibility for not being able to form sentences and having essentially Donald Trump and the moderators gang up on him for what the hell are you talking about old man. And, you know, what JD Vance has done to call us behind the former president so much so that he's now been tapped to be the VP. And, you know, as we're going to continue to roll along here, Joe Biden was asked about JD Vance, and I'd love to hear what he had to say on it. Let's check it out. It's not that you're just going to surround himself with people who agree with completing with him. Oh! Have a voting record. I support him. Even though if you go back and listen to those things, JD Vance said about Trump. Well, he said some things about you, yeah. Well, he said something about me, but see what he said about Trump. That's with you guys. Come on, man. Well, the point I'm making is that JD Vance has adopted the same policies, no exceptions on abortion, making sure that he supports the new $5 trillion tax cut that Trump wants to give in the next administration. Signing on to the whole notion of whether or not he says there's no climate change. It's happening. I mean, he signed on to the Trump agenda, which he should if he's right over Trump. Man. Come on, man. Couldn't believe he dropped one of those. But no, listen, for the people who are coming out and saying that JD Vance is the same virus that Donald Trump is that he's a Trump clone. Okay. I want to remind everybody, JD Vance won his sentence seat in the 2022 midterm elections, so therefore he never voted for anything in regards to the Trump agenda because Donald Trump was a private citizen who had recently announced his candidacy to run for the White House again when the 2022 midterms were happening. It terms happen. I think Donald Trump announced the next week. So that's again, Joe Biden, not knowing what he's talking about becoming increasingly frustrated with the questions, the peppering of how the media is trying to say, you know, can you just give us a straight answer on this Saturday, other thing and his inability? I just watched him wrap up. He spoke in Vegas, Joe Biden did before the NAACP National Convention, and he went for about 17 minutes off teleprompter. I've got, you know, the big screen here in the studio on mute, but for as many times as he puts up his hands and starts to do that eye rolling blinking when he's like messing up what he's saying before he sits anyway and moves on to something else, it was probably like a dozen times. And I wasn't even reading what he was saying because I don't know if it's accurate based off the way he usually talks. JD Vance described to Sean Hannity during that interview what it was like in the moment that he got the call. And again, according to the press and people close to the president, outside of his top advisers, I'm talking about President Trump's and people probably the closest to those that are working with him, nobody knew, nobody knew going into the RNC yesterday. JD Vance didn't know before he got the call. They all knew that they were finalists. The news at leak that the list would be in getting smaller and smaller throughout the day as Bergham was notified, Rubio was notified, kind of left like three or four people hanging there. And then right before Donald Trump officially crossed the threshold to get the delegates, which would secure him the Republican nomination formally, he put the announcement out on true social. Here's JD Vance talking about what it was like in that moment getting the call from President Trump. So like his last couple of days, well, it's down to two, you and Senator Rubio, what was that like for you? You know, I just tried to enjoy the ride. It wasn't an honor to be considered if it had been Senator Rubio, obviously Marcus, a good guy, a good friend. So I tried to just have a good attitude about it. You know, my family's very excited, obviously asking a lot of questions. I will say, Sean, I hope that I'm not betraying too many confidence is here, but when the president called me today, it actually formally offered me to become, you know, the vice president's nominee, which just sounds crazy, my son, my seven year old son was sort of making noise in the background. You know, I get so embarrassed. It's like, oh my God, Donald Trump's asking me to be his vice president. So the phone rings, he calls you and you're like, okay, this is the call or maybe not the call. Or maybe it's a bad call, right? It's the call. Who knows whether it's good or bad, but then he actually has me put my seven year old son on the phone. When you think about this, everything that's happened, the guy just got shot at a couple of days ago and he takes the time to talk to my seven year old. It's a moment I'll never forget. All right. And what did he actually say? You know, he just said, look, I think I'm going to go save this country. I think you're the guy who can help me in the best way. You can help me govern. You can help me win. You can help me in some of these Midwestern states like Pennsylvania, Michigan and so forth. And he said rightfully that we have been very, very close for a long time, but especially since I endorsed you in 2022. And I would not have won that race without Donald Trump's endorsement and the president's trust then and his partnership since then has been something I value a great deal. Great answer. Listen, my son has asked me so many times. Do I think he'll ever be able to talk to Donald Trump on the phone? I always tell him I don't know. I'm pretty sure I lean towards the no, but it is like a dream of my son to be able to talk to him on the phone. I mean, when he was younger, he would ask me, do I think Donald Trump would go to any of his little league baseball games, which I thought was cute, you know, he's a little bit older now and kind of understands the way the world works. But you know, to have JD Vance describe that moment, what Donald Trump said to him and how he kind of segued into probably saying like, Hey, I want to want to talk to your dad about something really important. You think we could just keep it down for a second or two? We're trying to save this country really wholesome look into how Donald Trump doesn't just always run on business. He takes it to a personal level and that's why people that have had those intimate interactions with him remember it in such a way that it affects sometimes the course of their lives. So I'll just put it to you that way. You know, in a time where you would hope that the rhetoric coming from Joe Biden and his team would be cooling because it has literally led to an assassination attempt on Donald Trump's life. Joe Biden didn't seem to really remember or care too much to stay in that thread during his interview with Lester Holt last night. And when asked about now that we've got to the incitement of violence, where do we go from here, Joe Biden still stuck to some of his campaign platform talking points that essentially Donald Trump is a threat to democracy, et cetera. You appreciate it. I didn't say crosshairs. I was talking about focus on look, the truth of the matter was, well, I guess I was talking about as a time was there was very little focus on Trump's agenda. Yeah, the term is bullseye. It was a mistake to use or I didn't say crosshairs, I'm a bullseye, I'm going to focus on him, focus on what he's doing, focus on one of his policies, focus on the number of lies he told the debate, focus on, I mean, there's a whole range of things that look, I'm not the guy that said I want to be a dictator on day one. I'm not the guy that refused to accept the outcome of the election. I'm not the guy who said that wouldn't accept the outcome of this election automatically. You can't only love your country when you win. And so the focus was on what he's saying and, I mean, the idea. But have you taken a step back and done a little soul searching on things that you may have said that could incite people who are not balanced? Well, I don't think, look, the answer is no. How do you talk about the threat to democracy, which is real, when a president says things like he says, do you just not say anything, he's the main site somebody? Look, I have not engaged in that rhetoric. Now my opponent is engaged in that rhetoric. He talks about to be a bloodbath if he loses, talking about how he's going to forgive all those, actually I guess suspend the sentences of all those who were arrested and sentenced to go to jail because of what happened in the Capitol. I'm not out there making fun of, like when I remember the picture of Donald Trump when Nancy Pelosi's husband was hit with a hammer, talking about joking about it. Ouch, poor Paul Pelosi. And what happens when all else fails, and I don't say it in a joking manner, but even an assassination attempt on Donald Trump last weekend, Joe Biden has just announced that he's going to be presenting to the American public his push for major and radical Supreme Court reforms. Is that include more comprehensive oversight, the overall trust in the institution and how he says it's decayed with the American public, term limits, and who knows what else? He said he didn't want to get ahead of himself at the NAACP event today by teasing it. But everything from, I guess, gun control to abortion rights would be on the docket when you're looking to put pressure on the Supreme Court and these justices, listen, we have to get this guy out of office in November, and there's no clear example. I mean, he's already weaponized the justice system. Now he's looking to destroy it for his own political gain. JD Vance was asked a similar question, basically, how's he looking at the fallout from the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, which happened over the weekend? We're going to play his answer right now. Talk about when the shooting occurred this weekend, what was going through your head, and now we have some perspective, I thought that people around him on the stage, Secret Service, I've got to know the Secret Service guys over the years, sure, doing this job, and I have found them to be amazing people. They're willing to sacrifice their lives for you or for the president or for any elected official they may be assigned to. They were phenomenal. And then we found out how is it possible just to mere 130 yards away, you know, they talk about a perimeter. It was outside the perimeter. So the perimeter would be shooting range for any assassin, and a guy was able to get on a roof unnoticed apparently, except by people in the crowd trying to warn law enforcement to me a massive failure. What is your reaction to it? Well, look, Sean, it's scary. I was actually playing mini golf with my kids when people started to text me and I realized the president had been shot. Of course, I didn't know what his condition was. My first reaction was just to pray for him. I was terrified if President Trump had been killed, of course, terrible, terrible, terrible, but the reverberations in the country, it would have been a world historic tragedy. Thank God he was okay. You know, I don't know enough about the security protocols, but I was a United States Marine and 150 yards is not nearly enough of a security perimeter. It's anybody that has any skill at all. Any skill at shooting, it's amazing, Sean, frankly, that he wasn't hurt much, much worse. So I think there needs to be a full-scale investigation. We need to understand what happened because clearly mistakes were made. I'm, look, the Secret Service ran up there, they put their bodies over and they reacted quickly. That's not what worries me. What worries me is why was there a shoot or 150 yards from the President of the United States? It doesn't make an ounce of sense, but we need to understand why. Because look, Sean, you know this, a lot of Americans are extremely worried about President Trump, rightfully so, and they're very skeptical of the official narrative on anything. The way to solve that is to get to the bottom of this, understand what happened, and fix it so it doesn't happen again. All right. Good point. And, you know, if we don't get the comprehensive oversight that James Comer is looking to do, that Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas have pledged to get done in the next four months, I'm sure there'll be a larger investigation into this and to the director of the Secret Service and the leadership there, et cetera, once Donald Trump takes office in January of next year. 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Round and third, Hidden Home, almost done here on the back end of two big Tuesday editions of State for Breakfast. Joe Biden was asked by Lester Holt if he thought he'd be up to another debate outside of the two that they've already agreed on, which would put the next one following the DNC convention. At some point, I believe in early September, September 9th. Yeah, I got it on the big board there. Let's hear Joe Biden's answer. Sir Trump has said he's giving you a chance to redeem yourself, basically the idea of engaging in another debate. We're going to have another debate. Yeah, you're going to have one in September that's on the books. Would you be open to doing one in the next few weeks? I'm going to debate him when we agreed to debate. And I'm going to debate him in September. But if the opportunity came up to do one between now and then, is there a sense of wanting to get back on the horse? I'm on the horse. Where have you been? I've done 22 major events. God. There's thousands of people, overwhelming crowds, a lot happening. I'm on the horse. What I'm doing is going out and demonstrating their own computer, the command of all my faculties that I don't need notes, I don't need teleprom, I can go out and answer any questions at all, and I stood there when NATO was in town, stood there for an hour and answered questions. You know, and it became abundantly clear that every time Lester Holt and whoever the producers were at MSDNC tried to go out and have a little game of, how do you put it? Gotcha, bitch! With Joe Biden, he was just going to respond in the most negative way possible as an attempt to deflect, not only from answering the questions, but from having any accountability into what they were actually trying to get out of him. You know, in the last couple I've got with JD Vance, he was asked about what this race means and what he brings to the ticket in addition to what they're up against. And he actually gave a pretty good, thoughtful answer on when you look at the entirety of the Democrat platform, what are they actually offering the American people to check it out? Well Sean, first of all, Democrats have completely twisted my words here, and as you know, both me and my mom actually were victims of domestic violence, because when they say that, you know, Vance has supported women staying in violent marriages, I think it's shameful for them to take a guy with my history and my background and say that that's what I believe, it's not what I believe, it's not what I said, and I think Sean, it's evidence of the Democrats complete inability to talk about the future. What are Republicans running on delivering the peace and prosperity that Donald Trump already delivered in his four years? What are Democrats running on, lives and complete distortions of people's records? That is something I think the American people want to reject, they're too smart for it. They certainly are, you've heard it from a lot of the mothers and those affected by Biden's policies who spoke of the RNC on Monday night, you heard it in the words of people like Emma Rose and Sean O'Brien, the president of the Teamsters, and you're going to continue to see that narrative on full display for the American people to consume throughout the course of the next three nights. Last one I've got of Joe Biden, you know, there's a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes. One of the things that has been reported is, you know, Barack Obama has kind of taken his ball and gone home. If Joe Biden doesn't want to talk about getting out of the race and doing what's best for the party, well, you know, maybe they need some space. And Lester Holt actually asked him a couple of questions regarding the relationship, you know, how he responded to George Clooney, reneging on his endorsement of Joe Biden just three weeks after they held that huge fundraiser in Hollywood where they raised over $30 million in a few hours. And if he's talked to Barack Obama lately, let's check it out. President Obama put out a statement after the debate, but should he and Michelle Obama be doing more to express their confidence in you? No, they've, they're helping me, they've helped me from the beginning. This is my job to get this done. Have you talked to him recently about this? I haven't talked to him in a couple of weeks. Have you, have you talked to him since this issue came to light since the debate? I don't think, I may have, I don't think so. Move. I mean, if you're on the Democrat side and you're wondering you're a major fundraiser, your donor, you're someone who's maybe your political career in terms of reelection in November hinges on whether or not Joe Biden's got his shit together, not very reassuring to say the least. I think Joe Biden did a horrible job during that interview, although he didn't fumble over his words, mix up people dates and times like he usually does. He was very just crotchety and aggressive in his answerings, wanting to deflect a lot of the blame onto the media, onto Donald, he's, but essentially said that Donald Trump got on Saturday because of his own words, not words of the people that live on his side of the aisle. Pretty, pretty disgusting display. On the other side of the coin, you got J.D. Vance kind of introducing or reintroducing himself to America. I thought it was a very good job, kind of in the spare of the moment and we'll continue to see how this plays out. We're going to hear probably from J.D. Vance, obviously from President Trump at some point this week in addition, they are going to be out rallying in Grand Rapids, Michigan. It's coming Saturday as well. The last clip I've got, and as our last audio clip of the day, you know, that sentence he's not going to fill itself. Governor DeWine has been asked, is it going to be the Rose, is it going to be Dolan, or is it going to be a wild card? Vic Rumswamy, who we have heard, may have been asked about his interest in filling a cabinet level position in the next Trump administration, has not quelled any questions regarding whether or not he'd be open to accepting an appointment. To J.D. Vance's Ohio Senate seat. Let's check it out. There will be an absence in the Senate, Governor Mike DeWine is going to be making an appointment. Could we see a Senator Rumswamy? The truth is I would strongly consider it, if asked. I'd also want to have an open conversation with President Trump about where I could have the biggest impact in the future of the country. For me, my top passion and sense of purpose as well is tackling the administrative state. And I think that that exists in cancerous ways at the federal level. It exists in all 50 states in this country too. And shutting down that administrative state that shadow government is what gives me the greatest sense of purpose and impact, there are elements of that that need to be done through the executive branch. There are elements of that that frankly need to be done through the legislative branch too, in laying out the pathway for reclaiming accountability to the political branches of government, particularly the lawmaking branch where lawmakers are elected rather than unelected bureaucrats who wield that power today. So both of those could be ways to take that challenge on and that's for after President Trump wins, that's the real goal is first achieved success. And then after that, I'll be open minded to the different possibilities. And I guess we'll have to see what happens. It's really going to be interesting to see. I know Vivek Ramaswamy has come out a lot recently making some excellent points on how aggressive the Trump administration is going to be in regards to immigration. At the start of the next Trump administration and the first 100 to 120 days as Tom Holman has outlined several times on this show, but to have him in the Senate, it has an additional check and balance to the America first delegation there. We wouldn't be adding to it, but we wouldn't be losing anyone either. It would certainly be, I think a, a positive addition in either context, obviously a lot more reach and influence as a cabinet member, but if running for a Senate seat as a, the next notch on Vivek's belt to continue his political career and bank some capital ahead of the next election cycle, which we assume he will be active in, it's going to be a decision that I think he makes and one that happens after he has a long conversation with President Trump and that's going to be following the RNC. So we're going to leave it at that. Right now we're getting ready to jump in with Richard Stern of the Heritage Foundation. But before we do, one final check in with one of our partners. This episode of the podcast is brought to you by Battleborne Coffee Roasters. They're law enforcement family owned and they produce some of the best available specialty grade coffee. That means all those beans have gone through an extensive process to remove all defects. Battleborne research is all their sources, farms and milling stations to make sure you're not getting any pesticides or chemical fertilizers. Sit back and have a cup of their borderline Mexico Chappas blend while you're out sitting on an X or sitting in the office. Buy quality coffee from high quality people, use promo code STATE for 20% off your first order. Make sure you go check them out at Alright, joining us next on the show today, the Speak Tuesday edition of the State for Records podcast. He's the director of the Grover M. Herman Center for the Federal Budget at the Heritage Foundation. Glad to catch up again with Mr. Richard Stern. Welcome back to the show. What was the pleasure to be here? Man, I do want to talk about how awful this economy is right now. Get some long term forecasts. I want to hear how less of a chance Americans have to own a home. I want to hear how our savings are being drained and all those great things that we usually talk about when you could jump on the show, Richard. But we do have some big news. Listen, the Republican National Convention is getting kicked off this week. You know, we're deep in the thronks bit right now, but we're coming out of a weekend where we saw essentially history happen. Assassination attempt on former President Trump as he's getting ready to accept a nomination this week. And listen, as all America kind of watched it and watched it unfold and emotionally went through it, I just kind of want to get your perspective on it, you know, you jump on so many different political shows. Sometimes we don't get to talk to you about politics, but I think to get everybody's take this week, it'd be a really good way to start out. No, I definitely appreciate that. You know, and I think it's an important thing to remember that as much as, you know, you and I talk about economics, I always love doing that. The reason we have an economy is for all of the other things about life or civic society, our families, our communities. And I think obviously what happened this weekend could have been a much more strategy. I think God, it wasn't of course, but it shows you just how much those bonds afraid. It shows you I think just how much pain and hurt there is in America. And this is just one more step in that direction. So I think one of the things that certainly at Heritage we've been trying to do is call for calm, is call to people and say, look, this is not our way. And this has been ginned up by a politically motivated left that has been a resorting the violence. And what I want to say is has been resorting to anti American ways of handling life. One of the core things about this country was it was founded to be a place where everyone could live on their own where you could have your family, have your community, not have somebody else's whim violently oppressed on you. In fact, that's the very nature of the Bill of Rights. We cherish that kind of unique sanctity of our families and communities. What happened over the weekend is a strike against that. It's a strike by a militant group of people who want to change fundamentally that basic notion of America. So you know, my hurt hurts for everything that's going on. But I want to give that kind of call to everybody is stay by our principles, right? The way we do things at the ballot box, we don't do them with violence. And then in general, this country was founded to debate with discourse and to not resort to violence. Yeah, I mean, even though our country was, you know, founded coming out of the Revolutionary War, where they wanted to go with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, definitely pointed it in a different direction moving forward. They wanted to do things different. And I think, you know, that's the biggest monkey wrench that Donald Trump throws into the machine. It's that, you know, if everybody wants to pin him on like being a radical or being an extremist, but when you hear his rhetoric, especially when he talks about things to do with the economy, with the energy independence, with foreign policy, he's so much more of a moderate like having someone who's supposed to be a Republican say, Hey, I just want the killing to end. And I want all the fighting to stop. That's not really the kind of, you know, commentary and rhetoric you'd see out of a president who would be such a strong candidate for the Republican Party, but Donald Trump does things different. He always has. And I think that's what make part of his first term in office. So success. And I think that's why more of America is resonating towards him as we're, you know, getting deeper and deeper into the election season this year. But what do you think? I agree entirely. You know, I think one of the most interesting historical notes on the US, something I think isn't talked about a lot, is, you know, we talk about the economy as being this number or that number. But the thing that doesn't get this discussed as much as who is the economy for, right? So the economy produces goods and services, but who's benefit? If you go back before the founding of the United States, there was kind of one solid answer that came out of almost every corner of every history book. And that was for the government, for the king, for the nobility. In most of the world, the common man was supposed to be there to serve the material interests of the pharaoh, right? You think of the pyramids. How many homes could they have built? How many more bushels of grain could they have had if that work had not been used to build gigantic city-sized tombs for one man, for one pharaoh? The US was the first country founded in human history to be devoted to reversing that, to an economy, to a nation that worked for the common man. That worked for everyone's individual interests. That's part of what was so amazing about America. That's part of what I was founded on those basic God-given natural rights, that kind of defensive everybody's ability to keep the fruits of your labor, to worship God, to find beauty in nature the way that you want. And I think you're right. That's what Trump's talking about. It's what a lot of this movement is talking about is getting back to that. And you know what we haven't heard of that for decades? The Unipartian DC, they've spent decades stealing everything they can for people's paychecks, printing away the value of your savings, they're just printing money from the Federal Reserve. All of it has been a retread back to that form of government that they want, where the economy serves the elites. So Trump's been representing what the conservative movement has been representing is a step back towards an economy that works for everybody. A step back to a nation, they're a spectra individual of God-given rights, and I'm proud to be part of that. No, I mean, we're here for it as well, and it's great to see the potentiality that we have in a second term for President Trump. But, you know, I do want to kind of get into some of these things, economy-related, because Richard, when we have you on the show, you're the expert here. And I mean, listen, the media does a good job of kind of spending the way the economy is. Anyone could turn on their TV in the afternoon on any of the major news networks and see the S&P 500 and the green breaking new records is setting the other thing. For people that have, let's just say, 401Ks and TSPs to see a little of it crawling back after Joe Biden destroyed it for the first two years that he was in office, that's one thing. So, how about regular Americans who, you know, are now spending well over 70% of their paycheck to put a roof over their head, food on their table, fuel in their car, and to heat and cool their homes, everyone's absolutely getting killed here. You know, savings are at an all-time low, credit debt is at an all-time high, and when you look at the forecast heading into, like, the dog days of summer here, there's just no relief for Americans. How are you kind of looking at the economy right now? Where do you see us in, you know, at this point of the end of Joe Biden's term, and where do you see the economy possibly going as we get into the fall and head towards election day? So, I think you get the nail on the head there. So, what I would say I think first and foremost is, you know, the left in particular tries to make it out like, like, financialized wealth, like assets are some kind of either immoral thing or just, you know, numbers on a page, and it is no relationship to the real economy. That's only the case because of government regulations and the government printing money, which adds, you know, noise to the signal and it means that the economy can't function properly. So, I want to give kind of one, I think, foundation that's important for everything we're about to talk about here, which is the reality of it is that all of those assets that Americans hold are representative of one thing, and it's the real assets that exist. So, you know, when you hold stock in the company, you're not just holding a piece of paper, you're holding a share of everything that company has, be it factories or delivery equipment or railroad cars, you know, you're holding a piece of a thing that produces real goods and services. So, one of the very important concepts of the economy is what is that ratio? What is the ratio of the production of goods and services, right? The volume of stuff we all have access to in a yearly basis and the financial wealth of the country. So, you know, as you were just talking about there, part of what we're seeing through inflation is the real economy isn't picking up, but asset prices are going down. What does that really mean? What it means is that the level of production per dollar of asset is plummeting. It means that America's real assets, its office building, its factories, its delivery trucks, et cetera, are becoming less productive. So, that's the important part of it. What it means is if you're holding assets, you're getting more money, but if you're not holding assets, the people you're talking about who are in an entry job or haven't bought a house yet, those people are falling farther and farther behind because the economy is getting less productive. And I think that's at the end of the day, the central thing that's going on that's coming up through the economic statistics is an economy that's less productive, that is being strangled by government regulations on one hand, strangled by the debasement of the dollar on the other hand, as the government bureaucrats are trying to siphon more purchasing power, they are obliterating the ability of the economy to save and to be able to grow. And so, as the government is not just eating the economic pie, they're just manteling the oven that that pie is made in. That's really the crucial thing I want to stress, kind of ignoring all of the little bits of numbers that the left likes to try to point to to find some saving grace. You know, that's a great point you make and I'm glad you pointed it out that way is a good way to articulate it. And then when you look at the forecast here, you know, how fast would the effect that let's just say Donald Trump winning the election would have on lowering the price of consumer goods, reinvigorating the agriculture sector, you know, opening up the energy sector, is the world kind of watching to see if like reinvestments in America and where products may be coming out of next year and how that's going to affect the global economy and again start to bring relief for Americans a thing or is it going to be a little bit longer of a process once we get started? I mean, Donald Trump did a pretty good job of getting the economy back on track just by, you know, deregulation and taxes, tariffs and sanctions on some of the nations that were crushing us with things that they were sent to this country in the beginning of his first term. We're probably looking to see a redux of that, but in the end, he's going to be looking to expand on things like energy independence and then domestic manufacturing a little bit more long term that are going to bring, you know, better benefits for the American public. Absolutely. So, you know, I think, and the way you've been friended with there, I love, there's kind of a short term and a long term aspect of it. So obviously, you know, decades of investment growth that should have happened, then I don't mean stock market investment. I mean building, you know, brass tacks, building buildings, building factories, things like that. You can't make up for all of that overnight, of course, right? Factors that should have been built over the last several decades. But the short term one is where the new money is flowing. And so, you know, right now, as we're talking about, money that exists around the globe is flowing anywhere but the U.S. The U.S. has not been building factories, office buildings, et cetera, for the last four years, precisely because it's such a bad place to invest in under the crushing weight of regulations and that a basement of the dollar and all these things are talking about. So you know, the truth is a new leader coming in that casts a vision for a pro-growth future that says, look, my promise is going to be to get the government off of everybody's backs to get it out of the way of growth. That can flip a switch overnight. You'll see expectations of how friendly it is to invest America flip. That's what happened. Frankly, when Trump won the first time, the stock market jumped 17 percent or something like that kind of in the immediacy of him being elected, not even inaugurated. That's exactly what that was, interest rates fell. So all of that right is signaling to markets globally that they feel comfortable investing in America. Like, you're likely going to see something like that again. So it immediately switches the money flows. It immediately means that there's upper pressure on wages, for example. It means as you're pointed, there's downward pressure on prices. It means that there's renewed optimism. But you know, not the sugarcoat, it takes time to build the factories, it takes time to build these things. And as we're just talking about here, we've had decades of that not happening. You know, I'll give you one step that I think is kind of very interesting about all of this. So the US population has increased some 60 something percent since the EPA was created. The production of wood products has increased by 10 percent. That's part of why it is so much more expensive to build housing in America, right? Just one of those things, right, where the government has strangled our ability to build new housing, getting the money out of it, looking at the real goods themselves. That's an interesting aspect right there. And then one thing I wanted to ask you, let's just say with the potential change in leadership, how much of Donald Trump's economic agenda is successful based off of the fact that, you know, people have already worked with him, both geopolitical allies and foes around the group. You know, it was so interesting to see that he would have almost the same kind of relationship that historically America would consider a geopolitical foe that he would someone that we've been, you know, allies with since our republic was founded. And I think that was a really big component of Donald Trump's success economically during his first term. You know, he would, he would use the same kind of platform and bargaining measures with people like Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin, as he would with the government leaders in the UK and Japan and places just as such. If we weren't sending out defense contracts, we were making sure places like Venezuela and Iran couldn't hold the world hostage for things like oil. And you know, when everybody finally got on the same page with that, you saw America really start to prosper in a lot of different aspects. How big of a component is that, you know, the Donald Trump factor, what he brings to the table to push this agenda? It is pretty bold and robust, but when you think about what potentially we could do as a country in four years and get things started long term, looking as we do kind of with the economy all the way up to 12, it seems like it could be a great direction that this country would be going on. But I just want to see if you see it the same way. You know, I do. In fact, I think what's interesting about that is, you know, as you were saying there, we kind of view that foreign policy, a foreign policy that's America first, that doesn't just play favorites, that doesn't try to force our will on people, but actually tries to meet people where they are and work out deals that are good for the American public. You know, when that foreign policy was America's foreign policy, everywhere from George Washington until the first World War. So what's happened right is it's only in the 20th century that the US took on this foreign policy that was America last, the played favorites, the created enemies that squandered our wealth in these kind of reckless attempts to nation build with people that we're never going to have are interested hard, never benefit us. And that's part of why we lost our resource. So you know, I think what's interesting about that is that foreign policy we're talking about, you were just talking about the Trump's talking about is what we did, the go from a country that was just on the East Coast, you know, with just two and a half million people to the superpower that bailed out the allies in World War one of a hundred million people spanning the entire continent. We became a great nation with that kind of foreign policy, but also that kind of domestic policy. You know, returning to that is something I think is crucial for that. You know, I'll give you kind of one of their piece of numbers. I think is interesting on that one, you know, a lot of people talk about exports and imports and they kind of, you know, paper over what's under the hood, so to speak on that. So there's a kind of good called capital goods. These aren't, you know, t-shirts and, you know, happy meal toys. These are pieces of factory equipment, capital goods are the goods you use to make other goods, whether it's a blast furnace and a steel mill or an injection mold that makes parts for cards or whatever you're looking at. So during the period you're talking about before all this during the height of our kind of, you know, interventionist foreign policy, we were exporting five times as many capital goods as we were importing. So when people say, well, why were these industrial bases leaving America and being built elsewhere, we were exporting factory equipment at a rate of five times the import of factory equipment. We literally built the industrial base we've been competing in and a lot of it was government subsidies trying to make that happen for these misguided foreign policy ideas you're talking about. Well, it's going to be interesting to see how this kind of all plays out over the course of the next four months, presenting it on the campaign trail and what it looks like after the November elections and heading into January 2025. Richard, obviously we've got your page live link to the Heritage Foundation today. Anybody wants to check you out and follow you on social media in between hits you're doing in the press. Where can they find you? Oh, you can find me at, you're talking about their, you can find my bio page, but you can also find me at Richard Stern on Twitter and you can see everything I've published and do there and, you know, I keep up to date on a lot of the economic statistics we were just talking about here. So, and as always, thank you for having me on. No, it's always a pleasure and we always look forward to sit down with a man who's working on things related to the federal budget over at the Heritage Foundation, Mr. Richard Stern. Thanks for joining us this week. Have a great rest of yours. You too. Thanks. Big start to the news week, but, as always, we nailed it. If you enjoyed this episode of the podcast, I want to hear the now over 420 other editions of the show. You best be following us across every downloadable podcasting platform. Find us on Apple, Spotify, Google Podcast, iHeartRadio, or wherever you listen to your shows. Hit the follow button, hit subscribe. It's always free. And make sure we're downloading to your electronic device. Also, check us out on social media, Twitter, Getter, TrueSocial, Instagram and TikTok is where we have accounts. Send them, follow them, hit the notification bell, you'll never miss out on all the great things we've got going on down here at stake for breakfast. We want to thank all of our guests for coming in and sharing with us today. Republican Senator out of Kansas, Dr. Roger Marshall, South Carolina Congressman, Ralph Norman, Mark Avonio, from Republicans for Renewing America, Richard Stern from the Heritage Foundation and James Blair. From the Trump campaign and the RNC, you guys all helped make stake great again. Guys, it's going to be a busy week, but don't you fret. We'll be back on Friday to all new editions of the podcast and we've got your RNC covered. We'll be live on the ground and we'll have some great guests in here. Not everyone's scheduled yet, but who's already added to the lineup, Tennessee Congressman Tim Burchin, Florida Congressman Corey Mills, and Indiana Congresswoman Aaron Hoachin. So on behalf of the pot team, I'm Ron, thanks for listening. Have a great rest of your week, and take care. This nigga done been shot standing with the J.A. and the scam people, and this nigga my uncle? Who the fuck? Who the hell is he? He's got he black. He's officially black now. But that's beautiful. They shot him. They shot him. He was like, yeah, I'm having a fight. He was fine. He was doing like this to walk down with America flag on up like this. He put one reel. I'm a real nigga. I'm out of here. That's hard, bro. I wasn't even like, I wasn't even for the vote. He won. I wasn't even for the vote. I had no, I had no skin in the game. I didn't think I shot. He won. Fucking bullshit. That's... He had real ops. Nigga, what the fuck? Joe Biden, biggest op is the staff. That's it? He had real ops. Somebody really tried to listen. That's how... That's how you know he a real nigga, bro. Joe Biden has been trying to kill himself, his whole presence. So nobody had to kill this nigga. [BLANK_AUDIO]