Steak for Breakfast Podcast

Episode 416

On today’s (Tuesday 1 of 2) Episodes of the Steak for Breakfast Podcast, we are covering:    Joe Biden defends his candidacy, presidency and legacy through the weekend and we ask at this point are democrats circling the wagons for the beleaguered president or spiraling the drain?  It was a bad kickoff to the week for Team Biden as his media appearance on Morning Joe doesn’t go as planned and the media attacks KJP during a chaotic White House Presser  Guests: In Order of Appearance    All profile handles are for X (formerly Twitter)  Congressman Mike Collins : (@RepMikeCollins) U.S. Representative, GA-10   Website:    Senator Tommy Tuberville: (@SenTuberville) Republicans U.S. Senator, Alabama    Website:   Congresswoman Lauren Boebert: (@RepBoebert) U.S. Representative, CO-3   Campaign:   Website:   Subscribe to the show and rate it, don’t forget to leave a review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. And find everything Steak for Breakfast at Be sure to listen, like, follow and SHARE our Steak for Breakfast content!   Steak for Breakfast:  SUBSCRIBE on Apple Podcasts:   SUBSCRIBE on Spotify:   email the show:    Steak for Substack:   linktree:   MyPillow: Promo Code: STEAK at checkout  Website: Website:  Via the Phone: 800-658-8045    My Patriot Cigar Co. Enter Promo Code: STEAK  and save 25%   Man Rubs Enter Promo Code: STEAK15 and save 15%   Beard Vet Coffee Enter Promo Code: STEAK and save 10%   BattleBorn Coffee Roasters enter promo code: STEAK and save 20% off your first order   New Hope Wellness use this link or enter promo code: STEAK during intake for free consultation and $100 off your first order Call: 1-800-527-2150

2h 16m
Broadcast on:
09 Jul 2024
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On today’s (Tuesday 1 of 2) Episodes of the Steak for Breakfast Podcast, we are covering: 


Joe Biden defends his candidacy, presidency and legacy through the weekend and we ask at this point are democrats circling the wagons for the beleaguered president or spiraling the drain? 

It was a bad kickoff to the week for Team Biden as his media appearance on Morning Joe doesn’t go as planned and the media attacks KJP during a chaotic White House Presser 

Guests: In Order of Appearance 


All profile handles are for X (formerly Twitter) 

Congressman Mike Collins : (@RepMikeCollins) U.S. Representative, GA-10




Senator Tommy Tuberville: (@SenTuberville) Republicans U.S. Senator, Alabama 




Congresswoman Lauren Boebert: (@RepBoebert) U.S. Representative, CO-3






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And now, this is the moment you've all been waiting for! It's time for the Skate for Breakfast, and now... It's Tuesday July 9th, 2024 and this is the State for Breakfast podcast, Episode 416 and 417. Make sure you're subscribing to the show. It's available across every downloadable podcasting platform. Find us on Apple, Spotify, iHeart, and Google Podcasts. Check out the Stake for Breakfast Linktree to take the show's Instagram, our latest sub-stack, and verified accounts on Twitter, Getter, and True Social. What's up, everybody? Welcome to the first of two big Tuesday editions of the show today. I'm Ron, and I've got Noah here with me. Lots of breaking news. The Biden team's got the knives out, and we posed the question. Are Democrats circling the wagons, or circling the drains? We'll analyze. We'll also check in on the bad week that the DC Swamp has had. We're getting kicked off here with Joe Biden, hemorrhaging support, and everything from the mainstream press. What's gone down at the White House press pool? Absolute chaos. We'll check in there. Donald Trump sat down for an exclusive interview with Fox News's Boomer Sweats, Sean Hannity last night. We've got complete coverage analysis, and as Donald Trump prepares for the Republican National Convention, Joe Biden still continues to seek support from his own side of the aisle. We'll bring you the latest. We've got a great slate of guests coming in here today. Georgia Congressman Mike Collins will be joining us. We'll also be catching up with Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville. Oklahoma Congressman Josh Prakin will be here. We'll be sitting down for the first time with Colorado Representative. Lauren Bobert and we'll be catching up with one of our favorite offices, that of Texas Congressman Troy Nells. But before we get into any of the headlines, let's take it up to the Capitol and change the way you consume your news. Monkey, this is not nom. This is bowling. They're a rule. Political podcasts. We're going to be starting things off today up on Capitol Hill, the House, the Senate. Everyone's reconvening, trying to figure out what's going on with Joe Biden in regards to his legitimacy as far as remaining a candidate for the Democrat ticket. We've got Donald Trump riding the wave outside of the debate, and we've got a ton of stuff going on in regards to news up on Capitol Hill with the House Republicans pushing the Save Act, trying to get it up to the Senate. Investigations into Merrick Garland's, now Joe Biden's physician, etc. And we're going to be starting things off today up on Capitol Hill. We're going to be sitting down with one of our favorites. He's the Congressman who represents Georgia's 10th Congressional District, and we are always excited to sit down and catch up with none other than Mr. Mike Collins. Welcome back to the show. I appreciate you having me on. Congressman, whenever we can catch you, it's a treat for our listenership. You know, there's a lot of stuff that's happened over the course of the last week, the fallout from the debate, the turning of the media on Joe Biden, and it's what seems like his reelection team or now lack thereof. I know you've been tracking this stuff well. I know you've got some pretty good opinions when it comes to not only how President Trump did during the debate, but how he's carried himself on. Through and heading up to the Republican Convention, which starts next week, but more importantly, what's going on with Joe Biden and the Democrats, as you guys are reconvening up on Capitol Hill this week as well. Why don't you give our listenership a little bit of commentary on how you've seen last week or so shake out and, you know, how you're feeling right now when it seems like we're doing a little bit of winning for once, which seems like it's a little bit of a rarity, but we're getting it done. No, you're absolutely right. Winning is not the word. I'd say, I don't know. It's definitely feeling good to win for a while. Let's just leave it at that. We don't want geeks anything over here. You know, you take a look at the Supreme Court decisions, not just on immunity, but Chevron deference. That was huge. That's going to help lead into the 119th Congress to where we can really, really make some good strides at getting these agencies back on track. And so, you know, we've had some good wins. And of course, the debate was a no-brainer. It was kind of like one of those car accidents or train wrecks that you see, you want to turn away because you know it's bad, but you can't. You got to see what else is going to happen. And, you know, of course, President Trump, he's done a real good job. He just sat back. He's watching and letting them have their day in the spotlight. You know, it's not that the media is calling it straight now or calling it fair because they'll still go out and call you guys, MAGA Republicans, who are looking to overthrow whatever and do all that silly stuff that they usually do and report inaccurately. But they're actually calling it out on the other side of the aisle right now. Is it at least kind of nice to sit back and be able to watch them have to answer not only the tough questions, but then the follow-up questions when they don't answer the tough questions and kind of watch them squirm for once? Yeah. Well, you know, what's amazing to me is how the media is just all of a sudden become aware of what we've been looking at now for almost three and a half years. And that's the decline of Joe Biden. And, you know, so it goes to just put a little more proof in there that the media is disingenuous, that they do lean left. And they will cover, and they'll still cover. They're going to cover no matter what happens, whether Biden's in, Biden's not out. Kamala's at the top. So, you know, and people ask me about, you know, who do you want to see Trump run against or what do you want to see happen? To me, that's not the question from the Republican standpoint. We just need to make sure that we get our people to the polls. We need to make sure you know when early voting starts. I know you don't like early voting. I don't either. I'd really have one day election day, and that's it. But that's not the rules of the game. Play by the rules. Go vote. Get other people there to vote. We turn our crowd out. I don't care who they put at the top of the ticket. We're going to win this election in November. We're going to crush them in the House and take back the Senate. And by God, we're going to take our country back come November. You know, it's a really good point you make. And then, you know, still sticking in the threat of July and heading into the Republican National Convention. There's been a lot of coalescing around President Trump, top of the ticket. And it seems like, like you said, if we get people out to vote, we're going to be able to do the things that, you know, at least we promote here on the show, and that's urging people to extend and retain the power in the House. Representatives flip the Senate for Republicans and take back the White House with Donald Trump so we can get this country back on track and get this world being a lot safer than it's been for the last three plus years. But do you feel in the same thread now that, like right now, outside of a couple of people who might have really extreme egos that you probably could see from space? Most of the Republican party has kind of called us around President Trump and, you know, their political aspirations inside. It looks like they're going to get behind the former president and everybody else who's going to be remaining on the ticket to make sure that we could do the things we need to do in regards to working for the American people next year. Yeah, no doubt. I think we mentioned it before when President Trump came up here to Capitol Hill to visit with the conference. It was amazing to see over 200 people that were in that room. We know some of them weren't exactly Trump. You saw over 200 people rolling that boat the same direction and just as hard. And I think it's because we all understand exactly just how the situation is sitting here in this country right now. You've got a president, Joe Biden, who's not actually running the country. We know that whether it's Obama that's actually pulling his strings, whether it's a corporation, maybe it's a group of people. But there is a definite agenda with this Joe Biden in that administration to push this country as hard, far left and socialistic as they can. And if you don't want to be a part of that, and I'm sure you don't, no matter what kind of Republican you are, your own board now, we understand that Donald Trump is in harmony. I don't understand how they wouldn't have been behind him from the get-go. Anybody that was here three and a half, four years ago, or the last administration saw what Donald Trump was actually able to accomplish. This time, we'll be able to do more than just executive orders. So yeah, everybody's behind him. We're ready to rock and roll. We're out there campaigning hard for people. We're going to stay out there campaigning across the country until November's up and we get a bigger majority in the house. No, it's good to be seen. And then as far as your Democrat counterparts, I mean, it's going to come down at the end of the day to Jill Biden and her team versus the Democrat donors and who actually has more pull. Do you think that Joe Biden is going to remain on the ticket? I mean, there are state deadlines. There are delegate rules. There's money, you know, parameters that are set up on campaign cash, et cetera, that make it very hard for anybody outside of essentially Kamala Harris, who was one of the worst presidential candidates during the primary season in the history of modern politics, pulled around 2% nationally to help before Iowa out before her own state of California. I mean, you know, there's lipstick on a pig and then there's what they'd have to do to Kamala Harris to make her presentable, especially with all the weird soundbit she's given for the last three plus years. Do you think they're just going to probably try to ride with Biden and save the rest of their bench for 2028 when it's going to be a wide open field? You know, like I do, Jill Biden is not going to let Joe get out of this race. She's going to be in this race to the end of it. I don't care if this thing winds up at the end of the day looking like a weekend at Biden's where they have to roll Jill Biden out there with some hand trucks and then prop him up at the podium. I thought it was amazing how after the debate. I think they told him do not let go of that podium until Jill gets there to escort you off. So I don't think they're going to change. And the other thing that you often hear, it's not just the delegates of the money. It's just the fact that if you don't run for your second term, then you're going to look like you were a failure for your first term. Correct. And most people will say, I'd rather go down and lose running for my second term than to not run at all or to bow out of it. And so, you know, everybody up here in this town's got to ego. You know, and so I don't expect him to get out unless they just somehow force him off that ticket and I don't see them doing that. I think I think Joe Biden is probably going to be there now. If you'd asked me this six, eight months ago, I would have said no, but I didn't think he was going to run. But I think it's too late in the game now. Sure. No, we do as well. And, you know, I think we're going to wind up being right. You're going to see a lot of hyperbole and, you know, talking points made people virtue singling over the course of the next couple of months. But the fact of the matter is they're about two months out from their convention unless they want, you know, absolute chaos to ensue live on television for all of America to see. And then the next day is able. Everything's fine. Let's just be Donald Trump. That's not really going to work. And I think they've woken up to that. I think you're right. And I think that a lot of your Democrats out across this country are just going to be disgruntled voters may not even show up to vote and maybe low turn out on their side. But I don't even want to count on that. No, I just want to make sure that we keep our side pumped up and keep if we run the score up, that's fine with me. You know, let's run the score up. But let's make sure that we get out there on the field and play the game and get our votes in. Got to do. It makes a whole lot of sense. Congress, but I do want to switch to, you know, one of the things that I know you've been tracking working extremely hard on over the course of, you know, this session of Congress. And that's the, well, trying to preserve what semblances of America energy independence we had left, you know, the Biden administration has done everything to end pipeline contracts, cut off domestic output of gas and energy to the world. You know, they've had a huge attack on liquid natural gas over the course of Joe Biden's presidency, all but pausing its production and exporting at some point until federal court came in last week and made a ruling that says, you know, you can't just take things that bring this country money that doesn't really have anything wrong to do with, with pretty much anything in regards to the environment or all the stuff that you guys continue to prepare. And let's just kind of put a pause on you guys ending it. So as someone who's been tracking, you know, the war against liquid natural gas, can you give our relationship a little bit of update of how your office is looking at this recent federal court decision? Oh, this, this court decision was huge. You know, I was in Louisiana last month, and we've visited with venture groups down there. Who is the LNG group that wants to export? And the reason why that's so important is two things. Number one, they've been asking for this permit for over a year. Now, this is a group that has figured out how to manufacture the facility and bring it in step by step. So they're able to do it cheaper than the old way of building these natural gas exporting facilities or just natural gas facilities period. The other thing about this is that the Gulf of Mexico, when we drill, it produces 15% of the world's gas and natural gas as well. And they can do it 80% cleaner than anybody else in the world. So Saudi Arabia, Middle East, wherever the Gulf of Mexico is 80% cleaner. So it's kind of a no brainer where you can do it cheaper, cleaner. Plus, you're also going to be cutting off Russia for being able to sell their export their gas to Europe. And now we're going to be exporting gas to Europe. It's a double win. I mean, here we are pouring money and cash into Ukraine to fight Russia. And Russia's just sitting over with moneybacks because the rest of the world's feeding Russia to keep the gas on them. So it's fantastic ruling. It's about time. It should have came a while back. These people are ready to roll and I know they're happy. They should have that facility up and running shortly because I know we were down there. It was almost ready to go now. No, it's going to be fantastic. You know, when two of the biggest virtue singers outside of the United States in the Ukraine war have been Germany and France. And over the course of the two plus years that the war has been going on, Germany in the first year and France last year were the two biggest buyers of Russian liquid natural gas. You know, when France is threatening to send ground troops into Ukraine, but they're the number one buyer of Russia's liquid natural gas, it really doesn't make up much of a sense for anyone who kind of understands everything that's going on. And then, you know, just recently Saudi Arabia said I think they found 15 new oil fields that have been untapped so far in their country, which is just going to be hundreds of years. They're knowing that Donald Trump's going to be back. They're knowing that deregulation and not adding more restrictions and all these things in regards to the energy sector are coming back. And they know that they have to kind of put themselves out there because if Donald Trump does one back the White House in November and takes the oath of office in January, we're going to be drilling and we're going to be exporting a lot of energy out of this country in a very short amount of time. Yeah, you're exactly right. And it's not just the energy independent side that the Trump administration is going to bring to the table. It's that federal agency side that you were just mentioning there, that raining them in and getting them back under the control, which was a lot of that Chevron deference that the Supreme Court ruled on. Thank goodness. That way, these federal agencies can't just take rules and come up with their own definition of what they think that the guidelines are. And, you know, and another thing that I've been hearing up here that I would love to see is we're going to move these agencies out of this beltway up here and put them out across America. And that's where they need to be. You know, if you're going to be Department of Energy, we don't do very much drilling up here. Get out there in the Midwest, get down on that southern coast and be down there where your industry is located. And once we reel these people in, we get permitting, we get energy independence, you're going to see inflation come down dramatically. You get taxes as back low because all the Trump tax policies have expired. We passed it on to House and sitting in the Senate for a one year extension. Don't expect them to take it up. They're not taking up anything over there. But there's so many easy things that we're going to be able to do once we get President Trump back in that White House that we should get this place back in the order and soon. No, certainly is. And that's where I kind of want to end with. You know, the concern to the voters is something we always try to keep our finger on the pulse of here on the show. You guys just spent a little bit of an extended time out in district. You have been traveling all over the country and other candidates districts talking to their constituents as well. Mike, just kind of tell our relationship. I mean, we just went through another tough holiday season. Fourth of July, everything's expensive, food, gas, the cost of living. You know, it's another hot summer here in the United States and energy costs are through the ceiling. You got streets that aren't safe. You got schools that aren't in educational goals. You've got medical systems and then, you know, the pharmaceutical industry that's just completely out of control. All the stuff that's going on across the world. And then what's going on down on the U.S. Southern border? What are some of the biggest things that people are, you know, looking to really focus on as they get ready to head to the ballot box in November and Georgia 10? And when you went around the country in some of the other candidates districts, were you here in echoes of the same kind of concerns? Yeah, you know, sure. I'll take this in reverse because, you know, and I tell people this latest last week, you know, no matter where we have been in the country, I think you could just close your eyes when you're talking to people and you'd still feel like you were in the 10th district of Georgia. You know, inflation is on top of everybody's list. You know, whether you can't buy homes if you're young people, whether your credit cards are tapped out, whether you're looking at these exorbitant fuel prices that keep you grounded and you don't even get to take your family on vacation like you did during the last administration. But the other two big things that we're seeing out there is the crime wave that's going on in this country because you've got law enforcement, their hands are tied. They want to do their job. But, you know, back when you had all the Black Lives Matter and all the district perspective, you found the police, a lot of that has set in. And so our law enforcement is not able to do their job. They're not able to pursue, they're not prosecuting, and you've got a lot of criminal activity. And you've got illegal aliens out across this country that are committing a lot of these crimes. So, you know, that's top, especially in the 10th district of Georgia with Athens and the Lake and Riley murder still so fresh on people's minds. But I would say the last thing that we're seeing a lot of is just the voter integrity out there. People are worried about illegal aliens voting and what's going to happen in this election. And that's where I tell people, listen, we've got to win this thing so big and we've got to run those numbers up so big that they can't rig it and it can't be rigged this time. I was there in 2020. I don't want to receive a repeat in 2024. Same. No, it's the way to, you know, the threats of what's going on in these major cities you've seen recently in the last week, both Wisconsin and Michigan, blue wall states, Rust Belt states that are now proving those free for all drop boxes, you know, with very little security and, you know, very little oversight provided into how the votes are collected there in addition to, I mean, when you add anywhere between 10 and 20 million illegal aliens to the equation of the voter demographic across the United States and then you have entities in all of these states saying, well, there's not really any way not to register them to vote if they apply for ID once they get work authorization, et cetera. It just opens up the door to so many things that we need. I mean, I think the voter act that you guys to say back is a definitely a good thing that you guys are working on right now. I'm very reluctant to think that Joe Biden would sign it outside of like extreme pressure to like, okay, show the American people you're doing something on, you know, illegal aliens and stuff. But that's neither here nor there. You said exactly what needs to happen. We need to get everyone out, out and force, overwhelm the numbers and overwhelm the vote this November. And the best part about it is Mike. We're here for it. You're here for it with us. We love when you could join us on the show. We'll be keeping up with you all throughout the election season and through the end of the 118th session of Congress, which we're currently in right now. We've got your congressional website live linked in the show description today. Anyway, that wants to follow you on social media. Where can they check you out? Hey, they can understand that Mike Collins, GA, you find us on all social media platforms like that. Absolutely fantastic guys. It is every time we can catch up with the man who's representing Georgia 10. You come for the memes. You get a little bit of policy as well. Congressman Mike Collins, thanks for joining us on the show today. Sir, have a great rest of your week. Yes, sir. Thank you. The issue of this election is what kind of America do we want to be? What kind of America do we want to be? You want to be a country of anger, your friend, revenge and retribution, or country of hope and optimism and possibilities as we've always been. I want a country where women have a right to make their own health care decisions. Trump wants America where abortion is banned and women are punished. I want America where health care is a right, not a privilege. Trump wants to throw tens of millions of people who couldn't get insurance in the other way than Obamacare, off of Obamacare. I want America where the very wealthy began to pay their fair share. Trump wants to give the very wealthy a digital last time out when his president gave him a $2 trillion tax cut, creating the largest deficit any president has in one term. All right, jumping into the news portion of the show today, the first of two big Tuesday editions of the state records podcast. I don't know us here with me. And that was Joe Biden. I guess the cure for questions on his age and mental acuity, the fact that he can't put two sentences together or do any kind of a speaking event without reading off cards. All the real problem was to get him out on the campaign trail and have him read off of cards and teleprompters. Noah, what are you doing lately? I wish it wasn't as bad as it was, but it is. And we are here. What do you think? No, it's been a wild week. You know, I thought this was going to maybe cool off a little bit over the weekend, but the Dems had a closed door meeting today leaks all over the place. We've also got a clip from California Congressman on the Democrat side pulled for our second edition of the podcast today as they continue to guess. I don't want to say circle the wagons anymore, maybe circle the drain in regards to their political aspirations for the upcoming election cycle. But what do you think? No. I'm so tired. I'm so tired of it. I'm so tired. I'm so tired. I'm so tired, boss. I'm tired, boss. Oh, gosh. Yeah, it's it. It's been wild. Almost as wild as kicking off the show today with an interview for the first time in a while, and that was Georgia Congressman Mike Collins, one of our favorites again, like as advertised on his official congressional Twitter handle. You come for the memes, but you stick around for the policy and commentary. And that's exactly what we got today. So, you know, we're jumping into the news cycle here, and we'll circle on the wagon, circle on the drains, the opinion that is going to be formed throughout the course of this segment. Again, it's going to be yours, the listener. And I have to mention it, we've have absolutely stacked America First lineup coming in today, guaranteeing it for Tuesday. This will be the best all-star lineup that you will see on any political show period. Mainstream media, cable news, local news, you won't get a lineup anywhere else like you're getting here on State for Breakfast. Obviously, again, we opened up with Georgia Congressman Mike Collins. You're going to be jumping in with the coach, Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville at the end of this segment. We'll wrap up the show today with the Congressman who's representing Colorado 3 for the rest of the cycle, which will be the Congresswoman in Colorado 4. Obviously, in the next session of Congress, Lauren Boer will be joining us for the first time. And then in Show 2, we'll catch up with Texas Congressman Troy Nells. Maybe get a little insight on to some of the happenings going on within the Republican caucus that's developed over the last 24 hours. And we'll round things out today with one of our favorites, Oklahoma Congressman Josh Burkine. So, a lot of familiar faces. We're going to be talking about the biggest issues and things that are impactful to you throughout the course of the show today. We're going to be sticking in this thread here. We're listening on Joe Biden who spoke over the weekend at a campaign event out there in Philadelphia. And we're going to try and put together exactly what the talking points are from, I guess, the Oval Office right now and via the direction of Jill and Hunter Biden. The big family members who are pushing to keep Joe Biden at the top of the ticket, which, no, I have to say, I've actually edged back into the Joe Biden's going to remain on the ticket a little bit more than I was maybe leaning towards heading into 4th of July. And I guess the big thing for me is time just continues to pass. Well, I think that they thought he was going to be a lot more moldable and follow their orders. And when you have, you know, Dr. Jill whispering in his ear. Oh, never let it go. That's the truth. I mean, I can imagine the severance package, everything from pardons to cash and what kind of business dealings they would set up. Not the illegitimate ones that Joe Biden has made his, you know, family millions on, but I'm talking about like Netflix deals and book deals and things of that nature. So it's kind of interesting to see. And again, we're about to hit peak season. All of the athletes out there, especially people who have ran track or swam over the years know exactly what I'm talking about. In regards to the Republican Party in the ticket, we're a week away from the RNC. Donald Trump will be making his decision on a vice president very soon. And we're going to be coming out of that riding a wave of coalescedness that we haven't had yet the selection cycle. And usually there is a bump, which is going to show Donald Trump extends his lead in all of these polls a little bit more, you know, following the events of next week. So, to have a big change on the Democrat side, could spell for disaster, but let's keep it in the thread right here. Joe Biden going back to some of the stale and already disproven talking points out on the campaign trail over the weekend. Of course, talking about things like January 6, let's check it out. Trump's biggest lie of all, because he had nothing to do with the insurrection of January 6. We all saw with our own eyes. We saw we sent thousands to attack the Capitol. We saw police being attacked, the Capitol being ransacked, the mob hunting for Nancy Pelosi. Gallows set up to hang Mike Pence. Let me ask you something. After what Trump did on January 6, why would anyone ever let him be near the Oval Office again? It's amazing that he's still running with the same fucking bullshit rhetoric. Like, Trump sent these people. He did nothing. It's like that is... I mean, how many more times can it be proven that that was not the case? But like I said, a thousand times before, you just keep repeating the same lie until it becomes the truth and the mouth-breathing, idiot, mask-wearing voters that you have lined up ready to vote for you again? The busy two editions of the show today. I got to tell you what. Donald Trump's got a busy week as well. He's going to be hosting a Trump rally down at Doral in Florida tonight. He's also going to be in Butler, Pennsylvania, I believe, on Saturday. And no, I don't know if you've heard. There's going to be a VP nominee party. Really? Saw the article came out online. Believe it or not, we're invited. Believe it or not, someone's offered to pay our plane tickets as well. I explained to them between work and, amongst other things, we're going to pass. And then they were so uninspired to go. They said, "Alright, how about you go instead of me?" Because of all the inviting that's going on over the vice presidential candidate right now. But reading off the invite here, you are cordially invited to the Freedom First event with the nominee for vice president and Donald J. Trump before he formally accepts the presidential nomination at the RNC. That's going to be, I believe, Club 47 down in Florida this week. It's going to be on Thursday night, July 18th. So, going to be keeping track on that heavily this week as we kind of go through the motions here figuratively. And, you know, try to bring you the reporting as accurately as possible. I've heard it as much as a two horse race right now. I don't want to put names in anybody's mouths, but Marco Rubio and Dr. Ben Carson seem to be the last two men standing, although there are heavy pushes for Doug Bergham and JD Vance behind the scene. So, I guess we're just going to have to keep tracking it the best that we can. Obviously, we're not breaking any news here on a pre-recorded podcast that comes out twice a week and four different episodes. But, you know, you keep tracking and follow us online and on social media, we'll be able to accurately get you the news just as fast as we hear it or when it comes out. So, Joe Biden also, you know, wanted to touch on the fact that, well, again, for the Democrat talking point that they didn't weaponize the federal government against the number one ranked political opponent, which is Donald Trump, after he left office, or that Joe Biden directed any kind of law fair against him, he sure likes using those talking points out on the campaign trail. Let's hear it. Trump is a convicted felon, found guilty, 34 felonies, trying to hide husbanding payments to a porn star. Another jury found Trump sexually assaulted a woman in a public place and has been fined $90 million for defainer. $90 million. They've only been banked about 20 times, but I don't know. This so-called great businessman owes over $400 million in fines after being convicted in New York state of business fraud, already convicted. Find $400 million. Donald Trump is just a convicted criminal. He's a one-man crime wave. And there's the newest talking point for the Democrats right there. One-man crime wave. No, what do you think of that banger? Lame. It's so lame. It really is. And, you know, I think the number one question that Joe Biden was trying to answer, besides filling in the blanks for all the lies out on the campaign trail this weekend, was addressing, well, the press, which is essentially now committing a mutiny against him. And I think that's a really good talking point that we're really going to have to, you know, kind of break down over the course of the next couple months as we head to November. I mean, what Joe Biden has done in regards to getting the media to flip on the Democrats and how this is going to hurt them moving forward. There are just receipts after receipts of Democrats coming out for the last three years, talking about how awesome and sharp and cartwheeling and quantum physics doing. Joe Biden is behind closed doors. You know, we've gotten to the point to where Joe Biden has turned the media against Democrats, something that they're going to have to crawl back to kind of gain their trust again now and having to fairly cover Republicans as well. In addition, Joe Biden is essentially meddling in a lot of these races, where people who are abandoning him vote wise might not be so inclined to vote with Democrats down ticket following it. You might see a lot of, I'm going to vote for president and nobody else, maybe just switching over to Donald Trump from independence and some moderate Democrats. And then you might see some Democrats who maybe want to get money back in their bank accounts, maybe want energy costs to go down, maybe want their mortgages and homeowners insurance is to, I mean, I was telling you mine went up $600. This year, really, $600. Yeah, it was like $200 on the homeowners insurance for the annual policy and then, you know, you want to talk about like interest against the life of the loan, etc. Our mortgage payment went up 600 bucks this year. For no reason, just because of the economy. You know, and have safer streets, better health care to have their kids actually start learning in schools, the borders closed. Oh, I thought that I thought you meant that's what you were paying for. Oh, technically we are. Yeah, but I mean that that's the thing. And, you know, it's going to be a big question here on the long term damage that Joe Biden and his family are doing in regards to the way the media runs cover for the Democrats in addition to a lot of these candidates who don't know what to do, first time running those in purple and they're running for reelection and who to support, because even after behind a closed-door meeting today, between the Democrat House caucus, it seems like there is a little bit more coalescing, especially from the big guns, but they're not all on the same page still. And, you know, how does Barack Obama, who put out a tweet supporting Joe Biden last week, same thing with Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton's come out and spoken on it. You know, how do they walk that stuff back of all of a sudden they want to change the ticket and then to look at anybody outside of Kamala Harris at this point, where the money can go? Who's already on the ballot, et cetera? Yeah, the money's gone if it's not her, right? Yeah, well, the money gets fought over if it's not her. And that's not the entirety of the war chest. I believe the Democrat war chest is over 250 million in regards to the national campaign, but Kamala Harris would automatically be awarded close to 100 million of it if Joe Biden was. But then again, and I want to stress this to our listenership, for as much as people are pushing, other people are going to be on the ticket and those who are pushing it are saying it's going to be people outside of Kamala Harris. Can Joe Biden legally finish his term if he decides to not run for reelection? His entire candidacy would be disgraced. His legacy would be erased and his presidency would be even more illegitimate than people accused of being now. Yeah, the people around him aren't going to let him step down, but if he did have to not run based on him not being fit for office, then he's definitely not fit for office at the moment. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. The other thing you mentioned with the people just only voting for Trump and not voting for anybody else, like I am super concerned. Anytime I leave any of that shit blank on one of my ballots because, you know, like we saw in the previous election, you would see poll workers and it was maybe a race that people didn't really know about, and they just left blank. And like you literally would see somebody just filling in the bubbles for the one they wanted to win. The next thing you know, there's a new member of the squad up on Capitol Hill. Yeah, and that's a very dangerous thing that could happen. Yeah, it certainly is, but Joe Biden was addressing those concerns about him being too old, incapable, and what he plans to do in regards to moving forward with his candidacy during the speaking of Al-Tair. I and you are not finished yet. You probably also noticed while discussion about my age, I know I look 40. I keep seeing all those stories about I'm being too old. Let me say something. I was too old. I wasn't too old. I wasn't too old to create over 15 million new jobs. 21 million Americans are insured under the Affordable Care Act. To be a big farmer, the first one ever to do that and lower the cost of $35,000. Was that too old to release student debt from nearly five million Americans and grow the economy? Too old to put the first black woman on the Supreme Court in the United States of America. To find the respect for marriage act. Was that too old to sign mostly living in gun safety law in 30 years? The past, the biggest climate building the history of the world. Not here, the history of the world. The biggest waste of money in the world. My critics say sure, but you did all that. But that was in the past. What about now? How about the 200,000 jobs you announced yesterday? So let me ask you, what do you think? You think I'm too old to restore Roe v. Wade to law the land? You think I'm too old to ban us all weapons again? Protect Social Security and Medicare? I think we get the point. Taking credit for the $35 for insulin, didn't Trump do that and then it drastically changed when Biden became president and now he's putting it back? Just a lot of the other things he was doing? It's been fact-checked everywhere. Yeah. I mean, you know, and... I think that you should get penalized or... Do I like it? F-E-C violations? Yeah, like if you have... If something has... Well, actually, you know, that would be bad because then they would use it as a weapon because obviously all the stuff that was getting fact-checked that we were saying that's become true or was true the entire time, but now... The Russian laptop and all that other bullshit. Oh! Yeah. No, it's bad. And listen, again, whether or not they make a switch, I think the big thing that we have to take into context here is that Joe Biden's running literally to get reelected and that's where it starts and then, whether or not we see the 25th Amendment invoked by next February, we have some kind of a manufactured medical emergency, or, you know, they essentially just force him out is going to be something that's yet to be seen. Hopefully, we won't have to get there because Donald Trump is going to win the White House in November, but we still have to take into account exactly what's going on. Kamala Harris is running to be the president of the United States and she will serve an overwhelming majority of a second Joe Biden term if he's able to defeat Donald Trump in November, which just can't happen. And I don't want to keep saying it almost every week on the show is, but the more I hear this guy talking in some of the ways that they're just kind of rolling him out here, we're going to get into his, I guess, new exclusive with Joe Doucheboro yesterday right now. But I mean, it's like, you know, there's a lot of people within the Democrat party. Every time Joe Biden's opened up his mouth, I'm sure behind closed doors, they're saying. He said, "Fuckin' die!" I'm not even joking. It's just one of those things where people were tired of it, you know? And I think a lot of the frustration, especially from people on the Democrat side of the aisle, is that they know exactly what had been going on and they were forced to make other talking points. No one would think that's probably accurate. Well, yeah, it's amazing that they had to act like everything was fine when they knew everything wasn't fine. And that's the other thing. They should be held accountable for just fucking lying to everybody. And whether it's, you know, we're just happy with them losing their credibility or they actually have to actually answer legally for, like, why they were lying to the American people. Yeah, certainly are. I do like the tar and feathering ideas, still. Alejandro Mayorkas, we're talking to you. Joe Biden caught up with reporters on the tarmac following that event before he headed back to the beach house. And he was asked questions regarding whether or not he should be remaining on the ticket and continue on with candidacy and his campaign for reelection. Let's check it out. Are you not ready for something to do together? Completely rolling that out. Mr. President, how can you work on a person who is based in the democracy of the West? If you are the best candidate, then you've got to talk. Because I've been to before and I've gotten more done than any president has. You've been wrong about everything so far. You're wrong about 2020. You're wrong about 2022. And we're going to get wiped out. Remember, the Red Wave. You're wrong about 2023. And you said all the tough rates were going to be won them all, but two. So look, we'll see. Have you spoken to members of Congress? I have. I've spoken to you. At least 20. What are you telling me, sir? Tell me to stay in the race. We're going to go. We're going to go. We're going to gather. We're going to gather. We're going to stay. We're going to step aside and be centered on our reporters. Well, Mark Warren, by his hand, is the only one considering that. No one else has called me. Do you value the guards of the commissioner in your power? I hope they'll debate me. I wouldn't be surprised if he was-- And if he didn't, will he implement the debate? My committee now, absolutely. What is in her now? Do you value the thoughts of the members of your own party when it comes to your decision to stay in the race? Sure I do. That's why they've said, "Who do you think I saw the governors?" Everyone in that room. We're all those governors who've stayed in the race. War here. War here. We'll give it to that. I don't know. Somebody yelled, like, not really, like, three times and it was hilarious. Yeah. You guys are wrong in 2020. Not really. Oh, man. Yeah. No, you are. But what am I? Knives out. Knives are out. And it's not going to be a cakewalk for Joe Biden because, you know, this is a-- This is what happens when, you know, you've got a corrupt media who's just going to carry water for the narrative. And the thing is, this is a big part of this goes for the advancement of all of their careers and the promotion to be able to dunk on conservative news outlets when there's a Democrat and I guess an operation around the president like there is with Joe Biden. You know, they all want the exclusive interviews. They all want the right leaks from the White House. And it's like, hey, we'll keep saying this, that and the other thing, if you just continue to promote the narrative that everything's fine, you know, it's pretty weird. We haven't talked about how great Ukraine is winning since Joe Biden's mental acuity has come under scrutiny. What do you think, Noah? Now it sounds like Ukraine's getting absolutely curb stomped and they can't look for a way to get out of that war fast enough. I mean, when you have both Putin and Zelensky saying like, yeah, I heard Donald Trump's got a really good idea. We should probably take a look at that at some time before the election. If it's really that could have an idea, I'd love to talk about it. The video of Putin with the translator going, and I've heard that Donald Trump would like to work towards ending this war. I don't know what his ideas are exactly, but it seems like it would be a good idea. I think our listenership really enjoyed that when we played on our Friday edition of the show, and listen, there is nothing being taken care of behind the scenes right now. Nothing legislatively. Everything is fucked. Yeah. Everything is, I think the only way that you could visually show what's happening behind the curtains of the Democrat war machine or whatever you want to call it. I think there's another word we could use for that. It starts with an A, ends with an apparatus. I was trying not to use that word. Oh, gotta use it sometimes. It would be if you literally cut the head off a chicken and then let it run around, but it's wearing Mickey Mouse shoes. I remember the first time I saw that in real life. I was a very young boy. I've still never seen that in real life. It was a turkey, actually, and my grandpa went to, I guess, where they got their meat from. You know, you're talking about Italians that are off the boat here in North Jersey back in the, I would say this is the early 80s. And, yeah, I couldn't believe when they did it, the birds, like, literally would run for a while. It's not like they would, like, take a couple steps and then turn on, fall on the ground, start conversing. They would take off. It was pretty wild seeing. They fell on the ground and started talking to each other. Well, they didn't really have anything to talk out of except the blood that was squirting out of their necks, but... I mean, I guess if you're going to go out on the level of, like, the blood needs to come out anyway, and if they're moving around, it probably comes out faster. I guess that's kind of a natural bonus. Yeah, good point. I've been seeing a lot of lobsters walk themselves into the frying box lately. Poor fellas. But, no, that's the American people. There you go. Yeah, that's exactly where we're at right now. We're definitely boiling and probably getting a little bit crispy. So, a huge line, believe it or not, Fox News is reporting on it down in Doral, Florida right now that there's overflow waiting to get in. I guess the gates open up around 2 p.m. Donald Trump set to speak at 7 p.m. Eastern tonight. And it's going to be a well-attended event. It looks like it's going to get some coverage in the mainstream press, and we'll have full comprehensive coverage breakdown and analysis of everything that happened in Doral tonight on our Friday edition of State for Breakfast. Martha Raditz, one of the leading pundits on all things presidential was on ABC News this weekend. Not really buying what Joe Biden's selling and also talking about, you know, how Joe Biden is absolutely freaking out behind the scenes and speaking of chopping the heads off of people, looking to get scalps for anybody that wants to say anything outside of her husband is the number one candidate and should remain on the ticket. Let's hear it. Martha Raditz, the president is talking to a lot of people, but he appears to be listening to a very tight circle. A very tight circle and administration officials I have spoken to said that very tight inner circle is telling them he can win, that he needs to keep going. This of course includes his wife, Jill, who they said is lashing out at those who want him to get out of the race. Oh, she's got to be a raging bitch. Did you see her freak out on reporters yesterday? Just the fact that her, she can't even contain her looks of disgust and frustration while her husband is talking. Like the video when he just goes off the rail and does the dog face pony soldiers thing again and she's just like, she looks to the side, expels air and then, yeah, you could feel the fucking tension. Yeah, no, yesterday I thought her screaming at the reporters before she got in the car was interesting. I also thought it was interesting that she did three speaking events. I missed that one. What did she do? Oh, she was just walking into the car and everybody's like, talk her behind it. I was just like, calls for your husband to get out and do not have a good candidate. I was like, are you going to listen to anybody? And she's just like, she stops. She takes off her huge sunglasses. All the lights are flashing, you know, paparazzi. And she's like, when is screaming at me ever worked? Why don't you guys just let me talk? And then she put her glasses back on and got in the car. Screaming at you worked just now, man, because you turned around and addressed us. Yeah, but I thought it was weird that she did three speaking events in three states yesterday. Rowley style events, fundraisers with supporters and, you know, sparsely packed high school gymnasiums. But we got a couple of clips of it to play later. She was out on the campaign trail doing a little bit of, you know, what Donald Trump does, again, to sparsely attended events. But I just thought it was weird. She was without her husband who remained up on. They need to set up facial recognition and identify every person that goes to that. And whoever the most vocal, screaming, clapping, acting like a retard is raised their taxes. There you go. So Joe Biden's weekend went from that speaking event, incoherently reading off of the teleprompter, to what supposedly was a no hold bar, no pre approved questions, sit down with George Stephanopoulos on ABC. And although the interview was pre recorded and I guess lightly edited compared to what we usually see from Joe Biden, I mean, he'll do those 30 second TikToks and we'll see like eight or nine transitions where you know he was just fucking it up. So they had to like read it over. But yeah, I mean, this didn't go as planned for the Biden team as well. Let's jump right into it. Did you ever watch the debate afterwards? I don't think I did now. Well, what I want to get at is what were you experiencing as you were going through the debate? Did you know how badly it was going? Yeah, look. The whole way I prepared nobody's fault mind, nobody's fault of mine. I prepared what I usually would do sitting down as I did come back to foreign leaders or the National Security Council for explicit detail. And I realized part way through that, you know, all the, I get quoted to New York Times had me down at 10 points before the debate. Nine now or whatever the hell it is. The fact matter is that what I looked at is that he also lied 28 times. I couldn't, I mean, the way that the debate ran, not my fault, no one else's fault, no one else's fault. But it seemed like you were having trouble from the first question yet, even before he spoke. Well, I just had a bad night. And I get what they did there. They probably told George Stephanopoulos every time he freezes and tries to think what he's going to say too long or starts to ramble, interject and redirect him as a way to make it not look like they've heading to a commercial break or had to do an edit. That didn't work as, I mean, he started off by saying his debate performance. There's no way that thing wasn't edited together. There's no way. No, but I mean, he starts off by saying he had a terrible performance and then he kind of rambles on about things that, you know, don't really make any sense. And as soon as George Stephanopoulos tries to get him back on track, he's like, what do you want to do? I already said I was terrible. I'm like, really? This is supposed to quell the fears of people on your side of the aisle? It was brutal to watch. And they would stay in that thread of the debates, but then open up the door to Joe Biden's mental acuity, which I think is a lot more of a concern to Americans than Joe Biden's overall debate performance. I mean, whether or not he was tired because the debate was late, whether or not he was ill-prepared because it didn't seem like he knew what he was talking about. And whether or not he was sick and had a cold, like, you know, they're asserting that he did at the time, it doesn't mean that you can't start talking about things going on bigger than debate prep and that's Joe Biden's physical fitness. And he would continue to just double down and say, like, come on, man, what are you talking about? Jack? I said I was tired. You just got to believe me. Let's hear it. Let's start with the debate. You and your team have said you had a bad night, but your finance, he posed. He actually framed the question. I think he's on the minds of millions of Americans. Was this a bad episode with a sign of a more serious condition? It's a bad episode. No indicates that any serious condition I was exhausted. I didn't listen to my instincts in terms of preparing and a bad night. You know, you say you were exhausted and I know you've said that before as well, but you came and you did have a tough month, but you came home from Europe about 11 or 12 days before the debate spent six days in Camp David. Why wasn't that enough rest time enough recovery time? Because I was sick. I was feeling terrible. Matter of fact, the docs with me, I asked him they did a COVID test. He was trying to figure out what's wrong. He did a test to see whether or not I had some infection in our virus. I didn't. He just had a really bad cold. It still sounds like shit. We're like more than 10 days outside of the debate now. What do you think, Noah? You think physically he's just breaking down due to the fact that they have to, you know, push him out there even more now? No, he's breaking down because he is an old man who is not aging well. Yeah. Yeah. Joe Biden would whisper a little bit when they talked about policy. You know how he likes to get up close and personal with all the things that he essentially makes up everything from jobs numbers to, you know, ending every war, which he started and everything in between. Let's get into it. And you serve effectively for the next four years. Oh, George. I'm the guy that put NATO together in the future. No one thought I could expand it. I'm the guy that shut Putin down. No one thought could happen. I'm the guy that put together a South Pacific and issued it with caucus. I'm the guy that got 50 nations, not only Europe outside of Europe as well to help Ukraine. I'm the guy that got Japanese to expand their budget. So I mean, these, for example, when I decided we used to have 40% of the computer chip and we invented the chip. What's in everything from cell phone or weapons. And so we used to have 40% we're down to virtually nothing. So I get in the plane against the advice of everybody. And I fly to South Korea and convinced them to invest in the United States billions of dollars. Now we have tens of billions dollars being invested in the United States, making us back in a position we're going to own that industry again. We have, I mean, I just, anyway, I don't want to take too much credit. I have a great staff. Sure you do. Did you see the picture that was circulating online of the Joe Biden speech writing team over the course of last week? No. KGP in the back. Two boys. You have a whip. Hang on. She's in the back on our, you know, big computer setup. Then there's like 12 girls that have probably never been able to hold a relationship once the guys get to know them. They're immediately dumped because they just, they are like the physical representation of high maintenance. And then all the way on the right side of the picture, there's two soy boys that look like they have never known the touch of a woman working diligently on laptops. And it's like brought to you by the Joe Biden speech team. We all know that KGP runs Joe Biden's accounts here. He got caught posting on it once when she accidentally posted it on hers. Amazing. And then the 20 year old broccoli topped soy infused douche bags who are writing his speeches right now. That's absolutely bottom tier. Guys, wherever you're listening to the show today, no matter what platform it's on, make sure you're subscribed to the Stakes for Records podcast. We're on Apple Spotify podcast, iHeartRadio, or wherever you're listening to your shows, follow the show, subscribe to it 100% free. Make sure it's downloading to your electronic device and then check us out on social media, Twitter getter, TrueSocial, Instagram and TikTok is where we have accounts, find them, follow them, hit the notification bell. You'll never miss out on all the great stuff going on down here on the show. So, Noah, do you think they've got anything out of these media events that happened over the weekend Joe Biden in person rallying I guess if you want to call it that and then sitting down with George Stephanopoulos for what they called a no holds bar unedited, but pre recorded speaking event? First of all, there's no way that wasn't edited. And second, they're definitely not getting any new voters from this stuff. The only people showing up to this stuff are the mouth breathing idiots that I mentioned earlier. Yeah, yeah. No, you're right, and I completely agree with you. And, you know, when they talk about, well, what Joe Biden has to do to turn it around here, would you believe that Joe Biden actually wants to measure, not PPs? Any sizes? Did you hear this one? Yeah, I heard that one now. What an idiot. Was it even funnier that Stephanopoulos called him out for it? Oh, my gosh. You know he got fucking whipped for that later. That's here. What's your plan to turn the campaign around? I saw it today. How many people do you draw crowds like Andrew? If I'm any more enthusiastic than today? I don't think you want to play the crowd game. Donald Trump can draw big crowds. There's no question about that. And you can draw a big crowd, but what does he say? Who does he have? I'm the guy supposedly in trouble. He's the guy that's supposedly in trouble, Noah. Yeah, I just don't think, man, out of all the things, he probably could have referenced corn pop. You don't think Donald Trump's going to go to drow tonight and he's going to have tens of thousands of people down there in Florida and not mention that Joe Biden said in a recorded interview with George Stephanopoulos that he draws bigger crowds than him? It's bad. It's bad. And George Stephanopoulos would segue right to talking about the polls and trying to tell him, like, how do you not believe you're not losing this race? There isn't a poll out there. It's probably some Democrat internals. We hear all the alarms are going off on those, you know, saying that you're not behind. Well, for all the people who are aficionados of election integrity, listen to the answer that Joe Biden gives. I'm working anyway. But look, do you really believe you're not behind right now? I think it's all pollsters I talk to tell me it's a toss-up. And when I'm behind, there's only one poll I'm really far behind, CBS poll and NBC, I mean, excuse me. And New York Times and NBC, both of you have about six points behind in the popular vote. That's exactly right. New York Times had me behind before anything happened to do with this race, had me behind ten points. Ten points had me behind. Nothing's changed substances in the New York Times poll. It scares me when Joe Biden puts an answer together that essentially says they're tied. Or speaking that, don't worry, Jack, we're in the margin of error. Because I think we all know what that means. It sounds like water pipes. It sounds like drop boxes. It sounds like sucker bucks. And we can't stay in this gray area. We have to be able to take the wave that we're going to be riding after the RNC and the bump of the polls. And we're going to have to continue to stick with those all the way through Election Day. No, we know what happened in 2020. We know what has happened in elections for decades here in this country. You know, we're seeing it in real time right now to where a lot of people were making a big deal out of all these illegals coming in, the fact that they're getting registered to vote. You don't even technically need them to go out on Election Day because what you have is people that are unerasable from voter rolls without big pushbacks from the state who get to sit on these voter rolls forever. You know, and it's just a shame to see and should terrify a lot of people that Joe Biden acknowledges the fact, "Hey, if it's close race, it could go either way." We all know it shouldn't. All the numbers suggest it won't. No. But based off of their long track record of, you know, doing what they do, it should be terrifying to say the least. Yeah, and that's the thing. It's like whether or not illegal aliens are voting or not, their ballots exist. Exactly. And that's all that matters because all they have to do is be like, "Hey, we had all these migrants that they gave this address to this housing place that we're at now, and we just got truckloads of ballots. We're just going to fill them out and send them in. A little scribble on there. A little scribble. That's a signature. You've never seen a signature before? Yeah. That says, "Have your prayers. Looks like it." Yeah. Formerly of Venezuela. Currently of MS-13 in America. Oof. Last one I've got before we jump in with Republican Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville. The coach will be joining us in just a sec. You know, at the end of the day, Joe Biden also acknowledged if he runs a race and does the best job that he could, at least he knows he did his good or his best. Let's hear it. Mr. President, I've never seen a president 36% approval get reelected. Well, I don't believe that's my approval. That's not what our polls show. And if you stay in and Trump is elected and everything you're warning about comes to pass, how will you feel in January? I feel as long as I gave it my all and I did the goodest jobs I know I can do. That's what this is about. The Goodest. No. That one would have gone under the radar if you hadn't mentioned it like leading up to playing it. I might not have noticed. Thank you. The Goodest. Donald Trump weighed in via his true social account after watching Joe Biden stumble through the weekend. And listen, I think he's on the same page as we are here on the show and wants Joe Biden to, you know, tough this one out. Crooked Joe Biden should ignore as many critics and move forward with allocratty and strength and his powerful and far-reaching campaign. He should be sharp, precise, and energetic, just like he was in the debate. In selling his policies of open borders, parentheses where millions of people including record number of terrorists are allowed to enter the country from prisons and mental institutions totally unchecked and unvetted. To ending Social Security, men playing in women's sports, higher taxes, higher interest rates, and encouraging awoke military, uncontrollable inflation, record-setting crime, only electric vehicles, subservience to China and other countries, more endless wars, putting America last, losing our dollar-based standard, and so much, much more. Yes, Sleepy Joe should continue the campaign of destruction and, all caps, make China great again. Oh boy. Well, at least he gets it. I think you guys get it too. We kind of laid out what Joe Biden's weekend looked like. He would kick off the week with an absolute cringe vest and, well, heavily contested interview with Mika and Joe Duchbar. We're going to be jumping into that as soon as we catch up with Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville. But before we jump in with him, I first check in with one of our partners. Hi, this is Beard O'Rourke at Beard Vet Coffee. What's wrong with America today is that Americans are putting convenience over values. We need to start thinking about our dollar as a vote. We need to start using those dollars to support companies that believe in our values and aren't afraid to take a stand. That's us at Beard Vet Coffee. We're not another pretend conservative company that puts a pew pew on the packaging to take a line with our principles. We don't identify as America first. We live America first. We're a vet-founded vet focus in obviously period. So if you haven't had a cup of beard vet, buy a bag. Hope us continue to support veteran charities every month. And as we always say, stay awake, not woke. Use promo code "Stake" for 10% off your order. Alright, joining us next on the show today is a big Tuesday edition of the "Stake for Records" podcast. He's the Republican Senator from the great state of Alabama. Always excited to catch up with the one and only Coach Tommy Tuberville. Welcome back to the show. Thank you. Glad to be here. Always a pleasure to host. We've got a bunch of stuff to talk about. A lot of developing news over the course of the last week or so and we want to be able to get your commentary and analysis on a lot of it. First thing I think we should start off is something that, well, we've got four members of the Republican House on the show today as well, Senator. They've been working really hard to get the SAVE Act passed up to the Senate. We know you and Senator Lee have been working diligently up there to kind of explain to your Republican counterparts. And then those on the other side of the aisle, how important is this piece of legislation for the American people and if we could get your take on it? And, you know, kind of stress to our listenership just how important it is. We'd love to hear it from you. Well, fair elections. What an idea, right? Seems pretty simple. Everybody have an idea. Everybody go vote. Everybody have a paper ballot in one way or another, even if you're doing a machine where we keep account of it. But, you know, we just, we don't want non-citizens of this country deciding the future of our country. Exactly what we don't want to happen. We also want fair elections to where people don't vote more than once. People have in the past and we know we've seen all the evidence of stacking the deck. And if you even go back to Hillary Clinton, she said she didn't have a fair election back in 2016. Well, there was a lot more reason for her not having a fair election. But that being said, American people are fed up and we're trying to let them know at least we're trying to do something about it on the Republican side. But the Democrats will know part of it. They won't illegal aliens. They won't anybody possible to vote because everything to them is power. They won't power over you and your money and your kids and they want to be able to control everything that you do. That started with Obama back in whenever he took office and it's even gotten worse as we speak. No, you make some great points there. And then, you know, when you just look at what Joe Biden has done or allowed to happen over the course of the last three plus years. And that's by the time we get to the ballot box in November, I mean, Donald Trump has put the number around 20 million people coming into the country and released all over the place. You've got these people that are coming in illegally and they're setting up in cities. They're setting up for benefits. They're getting ID. Some of them are getting work authorization. A lot of things where on a lot of state, you know, websites or when you go to like, let's just say the DMV for an ID. You could check one box and it doesn't matter what country you're from or what status you have in the United States. You could be registered to vote here. Now, as we don't think as many as 20 people could vote in this upcoming election, what it does is it adds these people and adds a ballot to all these voter rolls across the country. You know, for as easy as it should be to not register a legalist to vote, it's very hard to get voter rolls clean. And I think that's what the big there there in this legislation is so many people are trying to make, you know, the punditary commentary and saying like, oh, the laws are already on the book. You should just enforce them. Well, if Joe Biden hasn't adhered to the laws for the last three plus years in regards to immigration and how these people, you know, are gaining status in the United States, whether it just be for an ID or for signing up for federal benefits, et cetera, then they should have to apply the same kind of logic to think that these people aren't going to adhere to the laws when it comes to registering to vote or whether or not they show up on November 5th on Election Day. Wake up America. Yeah. That's exactly what we need to tell everybody. This is not a Republican or Democrat or an independent topic. This is about either you're a globalist or you're a patriot of the United States of America. Folks, let me tell you something. I've been there seeing it. I think a lot of people have seen it. Our country is being overrun by people that should not be here. Now, we are a country of immigrants. We need to bring in probably a million a year. People that want to come here for the right reasons want to do it the right way. Understand our Constitution, go buy our laws. And then you come here and you make a great life for yourself. We are being overrun and it's not 10. It's not 15. It's probably at least 20 million people. I was in the Darian Gap in Panama this past week. We are being infiltrated by all kinds of people from all countries. I saw some operatives of the NGOs and talked with them down in the Darian Gap and it's a coach. We have people coming from Venezuela all over Central America. But here's the deal. We have more Africans coming in now that are ISIS and they are coming to our borders, walking across our borders. They will build sales. We will be the next Europe. Europe is lost. Italy, France, Great Britain, immigration has ruined our country and it's ruining ours. If we don't wake up, if we don't change the direction, if we elect Joe Biden in this administration again, it's over as the country of the United States as we've all known. That's a great point and definitely some reference points when you look at places like France and Germany, Italy and the UK. It's tough times there. When you have national elections in a place like France over the weekend and the people that are out celebrating in the streets are all the immigrants who have gone there. And then in the UK, you see places that have been around since the Braveheart times that just don't exist anymore because they've been turned over to migrant communities and the unwillingness to assimilate to anything to the countries that they're being led into. It's definitely a warning we see it in places here in the United States and states like Michigan and Minnesota a little bit, but to think after another decade or so of this kind of broken borders immigration policy that that can't be places in every state across the country. You probably need to get your head examined. Or like you said, America needs to wake up to the problem that we're facing regarding illegal immigration and just how bad it is. Drugs, drugs, drugs, the cost of what's going on in this country. We are dead broke. We're 35 treating in debt and we're probably spending a billion dollars a month on illegal immigrants. And it should be going to childcare. It should be going to education. It should be going to people that are disabled. It should be going to our veterans. But what are we doing on the Democratic side? All we want is power. We don't want to help anybody. We want power to control the country and transition it, as Obama said, into something different. And we are headed in that direction. We might not be able to stop it. Even President Trump, even anybody that's elected on the Republican side, we are so far gone. We might not be able to stop it, but we can try. And this is our last chance as Americans to turn this country back into the United States and not a globalist non-border socialist communist country. How's the whipping going in the Senate in regards to the Save Act? Does it seem like a lot of your Republican counterparts are receptive to this? Maybe even people on the other side of the aisle who are up for election this year. I think it's going to wind up passing the House. They just added their 120th member of the Republican caucus last night with the filling for Colorado's 4th congressional district. But once that gets up there, is this going to be something that Chuck Schumer allows to get to the floor? I hope so. But you just never know. I mean, Chuck Schumer, he's all about himself, he's all about doing whatever he can do to get elected. He's not for this country. He's a corporate greed. And I keep hearing about, hey, this corporate greed, these bad corporations, you know, Donald Trump's tax cuts, you know, help the corporations. It's the biggest bunch of nonsense in the world. The Democrats blame Republicans for everything. Now, there's some things that we probably could do better. But the game plan that we have is a plan, at least, for the people in the taxpayers of this country. The Democrats care nothing about the taxpayers. All they want is their money. You wait and see that Democrats get back in in this election and take over the tax reform that will have to happen early and next year. They will do away with President Trump's tax cuts. You will have less and less money in your pocket and you think inflation is going to get worse. You think childcare is going to get tougher and tougher to have. You think prices are going to be hard to deal with when you have less money in your pocket. We have no savings. We have a trillion dollars in debt and credit card losses as we speak. The American people in trouble, but all these people up here do in Washington, D.C. And even some Republicans get in the damn way of the American people and not allow them to live their life. It's been a tough couple of years. And like you said, I don't think our country could sustain, at least. You know, you want to talk about middle class families and how much they're buried right now. In debt, the cost of living to keep a roof over your head, a hot meal on the table. And just the ability to get back and forth to work, heat and cool your home. It takes up nearly or more than 70% of your paycheck right now. It doesn't seem like those prices are going down any time soon if you've seen Jerome Powell or Janet Yellen over the last couple of days in hearings as well. So definitely got to move in the right direction. Hopefully to get President Trump back in the Oval Office next year. The flip that Senate to the Republican side and then retain and extend the House majority. Which is kind of where I want to go next. You know, we're enjoying a little bit of a wave coming out of the debates. I think, you know, a lot of America was shocked. People in the Senate and down in the lower chamber probably not because they've been trying to hold the Biden administration accountable for Joe Biden's mental acuity and his performance on the global stage over the course of the last three plus years. But, you know, America got to see how scary of a situation it really is in regards to who's the commander in chief right now in this country during the debate with Donald Trump a little over a week ago. And coming out of that, it seems like the Democrats have been in a complete state of disarray, you know, knives out for everybody. Who's going to get the receipts on who's still with Joe Biden, who wants Kamala Harris, maybe a different candidate. I know you've been tracking all of this very closely as a strong supporter of Donald Trump and wanted to get your commentary on some post-debate analysis. And where do you think some of your counterparts from the other side of the aisle go from here? Well, this was all of the national media's fault. We've set up here for the last three and a half years and watched the sickness that Joe Biden's had. He's gotten worse. When he first got in an office, he actually could carry on a conversation. Some of my colleagues who went to the White House said that he very seldom talked, you know, when they had a conversation about the inflation reduction act or anything to do with the chips act. He said that pretty much he brought people in to do the talk and he just sat there and dozed off the sleep. But it's a disaster. And the debate was a disaster. We knew it was coming. There's no way he can stand up there and carry on a conversation with anybody. Just a plain conversation, even about his family. You know, it's just unfortunate. When people get that old, they get sick at times and he's sick. And, you know, if people are looking at this situation now, as you just said, who in the world is making decisions? We've all asked that since we've been up here since Biden's been in office. Obama's behind the scenes, Susan Rice, and you have Schumer and Pelosi running Congress. They love it, though. They love it because they're not getting the blame for a decision that Joe Biden is supposedly supposed to be making, but they're making the decision. They have run this country directly into the ground. And, unfortunately, we are a rudderless ship that is going to continue to be rudderless if they put Joe Biden back in an office where these clowns behind the scenes can make the decision to turn this country more into a socialist, communist country. No, that's a great point you make. And, you know, when you talk about some of the decisions that Democrats are looking to do now, what is your opinion on where you think they go? I mean, there's a lot of legal parameters that they still need to stay in. There's delegates. There's ballots already filled out. There's, you know, the money and who we can go to and how if they decide to try and switch a candidate. I mean, I think with a little bit less than four months to go before we head to the ballot box, it's a dire straits for them. But I think they kind of have to ride with Biden at this point and just want to kind of see if you were on the same page with that. Yeah, you know, the right after the debate of what about a week or so ago, everybody, even the mainstream media is going, "Oh, my gosh, the cat's out of the bag. Now what do we do?" Well, we start blaming him and then we make a change. We get the American people thinking that, "Really, we didn't know about it. It's been a disaster for the national media." I thought even 24 or 48 hours ago that Kamala Harris is going to end up being on the ticket, "My God, what are we doing?" But the more and more I see Joe Biden, not Joe Biden, Joe Biden's fight for her husband. So now a lot of the people are coming out. Obama, he's supposedly standing behind Joe Biden, but he'll push him right out in front of the train tracks if he thinks he needs to. That's how the Democrats do it. But at the end of the day, I think Joe Biden has rounded the curve on this. I think unless he just makes a huge gap, which he's going to continue to make small ones because he's not going to be in front of the mainstream media much in the next few weeks, I think he's going to make the cut on this. It's yet to be seen, they could jerk him out of it, but the longer they wait, if you think about this, the longer they wait, the better chance they got put in somebody in late where the Republicans don't really have a chance to go after them. It's somebody new, it's somebody fresh. I mean, this is who we want in there. We did the right thing. We're behind this person now that Joe Biden's out. That kind of worries me a little bit, but at the end of the day, the Democrats are going to look at everything and they're going to put it like this. Okay, can Joe Biden win? They don't care if he can make the decision. They don't care if he can be a good president. Can he win? If he's going to lose, he's toast. If they figure that he's going to lose here in the next few weeks, Joe Biden is going to be out watering the flowers for Jill here in a few months. Yeah, and she's the one that's out running campaign events for him. She had speaking events, I believe, in Florida, Georgia, and North Carolina over the last 24 hours, fundraisers and speaking events. It's sad to see in real time because everybody who understands the complexity of the situation and what exactly is going on. I mean, we're watching the degeneration of a man in real time who's supposed to be the commander in chief and essentially leader of the free world. And then we're seeing how the people who have ran cover for him or enabled him over the course of the last however long this decline has been going on in real time kind of circle the wagons with the knives out. So it's been interesting to see. One last thing I want to ask you about Joe Biden, you know, now they're starting to be revelations coming out that his, you know, physician might be complicit in covering up for this. I know you had mentioned the media, but you would have to think that that's another component of what went into the big lie that is Joe Biden's candidacy presidency and eventually his legacy. You know, is this something that the Senate's going to be looking into? It seems like the guy may even have ties to have brought money into Joe Biden's account through business dealings and things of that nature. Yeah, I'm sure behind the scenes if Joe Biden is doing anything, she's making sure, hey, if we do get, don't make the cut here. You know, there's a few things we're going to want out of this. If we step aside, we're going to need a pardon for me and for Joe Biden and all of his family members because they've all taken money. Their grandkids even got bank accounts that's got millions of dollars in it. That's what's the shame coming from China coming from 22 different countries, by the way, we've all seen the information. He's as crooked as the Clintons. I don't know which ones are more crooked, but, you know, he's taking money, a son's taking money. So he's going to want a pardon for all that. Then he's probably going to want a $50 million deal from the socialist group in Netflix where they can give them a movie deal and like they did Obama's, then a $100 million book deal. Now, they're not going to go empty-handed. If Joe Biden steps out, I promise you one thing, his pockets are going to be filled up and he's going to be free to do whatever he wants because he's going to get a permit. Which is absolutely sad, but at the end of the day, we'll have to see what happens. Right now, you know, I walk down the halls here in the Senate or walk over to the Capitol and man, the media is all over the Democrats and they're bleeding right in the left. I mean, they're losing blood because for the first time since I've been here going on four years, they are being raked over the colds for, hey, y'all didn't tell us Joe Biden was sick. So, you know, what goes around comes around. But we got to take this country back. We got to get these globalists out of here, these socialist people that want to change this into something that this country has never been. We've got to make a course change here in November. The people better understand that. Even the Democrats, the Democrats, if you're listening to this show, I'm telling you, this is a guy right here that I care nothing about politics. I love this country. And if you put Joe Biden back in there and these Democrats, it is over for you as well as Republicans. Well, it's a true story. You can't make any debate about it either. We got the receipts over the course of the last three plus years and you can only assume that it's going to get worse over the course of four more. Senator, last thing I wanted to ask you, the RNC is a week away. Donald Trump's got two big events this week, rallies in Florida, and he's also going to be up in Pennsylvania. He's hosting like a VEEP stakes party down in Florida as well this week. And it's good times for the Republican Party, but I just want to talk to you real quick and get your commentary on how important it is to coalesce. You talk about the urgency, the ballot box, what we need to do to get this country steered back into the right track. And when you look at the big picture of things, you know, there are still a few people out there remaining who haven't completely coalesced or thrown their support behind Republican candidates in the Senate and in the House, but especially behind Donald Trump as the party leader. And I think it's pretty much time to let our egos go, but just kind of want to get your take on it real quick. Yeah, they got their feelings hurt. A lot of Republicans up here, the rhinos, they just can't stand to think that they were wrong that Donald Trump couldn't win. You know, I was the first senator when Donald Trump came out and said he was running. I ran to the microphone and said, "Hey, I'm in. I'm glad the guy's running. He's the only chance we have. We don't need somebody this week. We don't need somebody that's prize to deal with the Democrats. Let's help America. Don't worry about anybody, but the citizens, the taxpayers of this country. It's the only chance we got. I mean, we can't continue to run this place like it's been run. McConnell's getting ready to be gone. We're going to have a new leader in the Senate. Hopefully we take over the majority. We get the House back. If we get President Trump back, we have a chance then. It's not a big chance, but it's a chance because the Democrats have done so much damage to the United States of America and all their policies and all the debt and the crime and the education and the borders. Our military is so wokie. You wouldn't believe it. I'm on the Armed Services Committee. Foreign wars. I mean, Donald Trump and I tell President Trump this, "Are you sure you want to do this?" Because this is going to be the... You thought it was hard last time. You gained control this time. I mean, put your staff together. You better be ready to hit the ground running in January the 20th next year. Well, I mean, if you look at November, the election coming up is technically half-time for the country. And then January, when you guys are all sworn back in, the start of the second half, there would probably nobody more I'd want making those half-time adjustments than you, Senator. And I'm glad we got to catch up with you today and forecast a few of them. We've got your senatorial website live linked in the show description today, and we're going to put your Twitter account in there as well. We thank you very much for coming on the show, and we hope you have a great rest of the week. This is the Republican Senator from the great state of Alabama. Coach, Tommy, tell me real, thanks for joining us today. Thank you. America first. And so you have repeatedly said that all of these people and entities are wrong. And let me go through them. The New York Times editorial board, the Economist, the Atlanta Journal Constitution, the Boston Globe, Jerry Nadler, Seth Moulton. Let me go to Julian Castro, Tim Ryan, David Axelrod, David Renek, Richard Haas. Yeah, I know which one you're responding to there, Zeke Emanuel, but they're saying that you should step aside. So what is your plan of attack moving forward? These are pretty big names. And keep doing the big names, but I'm not going to care what those big names say. They're wrong in 2020. They're wrong in 2022 about the Red Wave. They're wrong in 2024. And go with them. Come out with me. Watch him. Watch him react. You make a judgment. You make a judgment. Jump back into the news portion of the show here today. And it was great catching up with Senator Tuberville. What some really good takes on stuff that's going on in the upper chamber, talking about him and Senator Mike Lee out of Utah's work to get the save act to the floor and the Senate can vote on it at some point in the near future. Once it gets through the House, in addition commentary on all the things going on within the Democrat Party, definitely some specifics on the border as well. And we're going to be taking a look at Joe Biden's -- I don't even know. Well, there's the lead in right there. That's pretty much what the interview with Mika Brzezinski and Joe Duchbarro and how it went down on MSDNC yesterday morning with Joe Biden, who apparently called in from his bathroom. And his team obviously knows nothing about, well, podcasting acoustics to say the very least. You're the echo there. No, that's an engineer's nightmare. Oh, yeah. Awful. And much was his answer. Defiant Joe Biden to say the least. And this is kind of where we're at. The media is going to continue to point out pundits, colleagues, people up in Congress and in the Senate, governors across the country who are calling for him to step down or step back. And Joe Biden, obviously you see the talking point forming. He used it at his rally in Pennsylvania over the weekend. He went to it again when he sat down with George Stephanopoulos on Sunday, Monday morning on Joe Scarborough show. He referenced that the media has been wrong in regards to him losing to Donald Trump in 2020. That's actually incorrect. Whether we like it or not, all of the polling showed that Joe Biden was going to win both the Electoral College and essentially the popular vote. You know, there were very few over the course of the entire cycle, which showed Donald Trump being able to win both. And then the red wave, I guess, which is kind of an accurate statement, which didn't happen in 2022, is something that Joe Biden's referencing again. And then accrediting that to a good job that he did, I guess, question mark. Oh, kind of weird as well. But when he's sitting down for interviews like this, you have to be able to kind of lay out what the messaging is here. And, you know, I don't understand what the Biden's team is like, I get it. They've already said, you know, Joe Biden hides. He doesn't answer questions. And then their answer to that. And I guess they kind of have a little bit of a buffer set up because it's not like candidates outside of Donald Trump, especially, you know, when he was the president goes and lets the American people touch them. You know, so they're thinking that we'll just stay within standard practices here and we'll just do more media. But I don't know what it would really look like if Joe Biden did retail politics where the store wasn't cleared out. You remember when he went to like the Schlitz up in Pennsylvania and they gave him like money to give to the cashier as a tip at a convenience store and how awkward it was. Oh, that was, it's painful. It's painful. I think they should just let him out. If they're going to just feed him to the wolves, just send him out and literally don't reel him back in. Like, drop him off somewhere. And then everybody just drive away and leave him. And then you did the watch like Joe Biden try to find his way home or take an Uber, hail a cab or get on the bus. I don't got any change, Jack. I mean, he did say in that interview with George Stephanopoulos. I didn't want to pull the clip, but, you know, he said waking up every morning is essentially a cognitive test for him because of the decisions he has to make. That was like literally one of his answers. I take a cognitive test every day. I get up in the morning and I'm the president of the United States. Imagine playing pretend was your cognitive test. Janet Yellen, Janet Yellen, the Treasury Secretary who's getting ready to retire and she'll be enjoying her eighth federal retirement check a month with the conclusion of her service to the country. And I think that she is not aware of any talks going on behind the scenes of the 25th Amendment in Joe Biden. That is a ridiculous amount of money to be pulling in at the, I mean, basically the taxpayers expense, right? It's tough. It's brutal. What's going on here? And, you know, when you look at how Joe Biden was during this interview with Joe and Mika, I mean, again, he wasn't talking about rally size, but he's talking about traveling the country and being warmly received by people. We can't even get those kind of receipts when he goes to places like Atlanta, Georgia or Philadelphia, Pennsylvania anymore. But again, that's, that's kind of what he wants to argue on. Let's check it out. You know, I was just on down the line. And so I'm not getting any of what I was told. I want to make sure I was right that the average voter out there still wanted Joe Biden. And I'm confident they do. And I'm confident. And like I said, the pressure was with me. I think they've been fairly fair. I haven't read any reporting they did today. But the fact is that, you know, I think they have to be knowing with large crowds and enthusiastic crowds. And, you know, and now they're talking about whether I use a prompter. Well, I did it all extemporaneously. The fact of the matter is, I'm using prompter too. I don't get that. But the bottom line here is that we're not going anywhere. I am not going anywhere. Hmm. You know, they're watching Dems right now on the television. They had a closed door meeting with the, well, as many people in the caucus that made it back up to Capitol Hill by yesterday was when they were especially supposed to start going to work. And you've got people from the Democrat Party who are still very noncommittal and might want to just stay out of this race and regarding, you know, what Joe Biden's got going on. So he also talked about the elites, believe it or not, Joe Biden, after watching him conduct himself and the way his families acted, essentially for the entirety of his public service. Talk about how the elites are the ones in the Democrat Party that are looking to challenge him at the convention, the people that essentially have helped him promote the big lie, which is this presidency. He's now turning around and calling ambulance. Yes, but not for me. No, we're there. We're there. And, you know, not taking into context what the video component of this interview looked like. The bewilderment from Joe Scarborough and his wife, Joe Biden, rattled off some of these answers. It was very interesting to watch. Let's listen. The American public is not going to move away from me as the average voter. And again, I'm here for two reasons, pal. One to rebuild the economy for hardworking middle class. People give everybody a shot. It's a straight shot. Everybody gets a fair chance. Number one, number two. And all of us talk about how I don't have the black support. Come on, give me a break. Come with me. Watch. Watch. I'm getting so frustrated, but by the least, now I'm not talking about you guys, but by the elite in the party, who they know so much more. But any of these guys don't think I should run against me. Good. Announce the President. Challenge me at the convention. Hey, feel about that, Noah. I mean, to say we're watching them eat themselves in real time. It's amazing. Like her coffee mug, and she just looked down in it and then just looked back up at the camera like the vodka that's in here isn't strong enough to get me through this. It's amazing to watch, but it's terrifying to know that because of the infrastructure and the A word that they have set up around them, that they could still potentially win this. It's frightening because it's a disjointed, dysfunctional mess. And if they get back into power, they're already so sliced half in half to whether they want to burn the place down or make all the kids chop their dicks off all this other nonsense. It's just going to be a bad next four years if Trump doesn't get in. It is really the only solution is just to get anybody but them in. And that's the thing. When the model is Joe Biden's physical family, you are going to see some disjointedness, a lot of dysfunction, maybe a little blow. Who knows? A lot of blow. A lot of blow. CNN who's no longer riding with Biden officially, and a lot of this stems from the fact that the Biden team gave so much heart criticism on the moderators, even though one of them literally helped Joe Biden get elected. That was Jake Tapper and the way he conducted himself during the first presidential debates when Joe Biden ran against Donald Trump back in 2020. And Dana Bash, who's husband, well ex husband now, was literally one of the former 51 intelligence officials who signed off on the campaign. And that's just crazy. I mean, the Biden team has hammered them for not stepping in and saving Joe Biden during this debate. So now every time CNN opens up a new segment or a new story or a show, they go in hammering Joe Biden. Here's fake news, Jake Tapper playing a clip of the interview we just listened to with Joe Scarborough and Mika. And it's been providing commentary on it and how this isn't very reassuring for Democrats who are looking to vote come November. In reality, 72% of voters say that they believe President Biden is too old. That's according to CNN's most recent polling. Voters have been saying this for quite a long time. The reality is that the Democratic elites are mostly late to acknowledge these eligibility issues compared to the rest of the public. The elites have been forced to reckon with it after the debate, just 11 days ago. Look at my career. I've not had many of those nights with a terrible night. And I really regret it happened. But the fact of the matter is how can you assure you're going to be out on, you know, face that can intervene on your way to go to, you know, work tomorrow. Age, age wasn't, you know, the idea not too old. The fact of the matter is how can you assure you're going to be out on, you know, on your way to go, you know, work tomorrow. Age, age wasn't, you know, the idea that I'm too old. Keep in mind that somebody is supposed to be reassuring to those Democratic supporters who have gone wobbly. Oof. Many Democratic officials with whom I've spoken are worried that President Biden and his family and his inner circle appear to be in complete denial, not just about whatever might be wrong with him, but the state of his candidacy right now. Wow. You say wow. And I say, gotcha, bitch. Man, not only did they play the clip, then he read the transcript. It said, oh, this is supposed to be reassuring for potential Democrat voters. And it made it sound so much worse. Oof. Come on, bro. Look at those poll numbers when you get up in the car in the morning and you know, you got to work in the supposed to, uh, yeah, well, never mind. Anyway. I never thought I'd see it. You know what else I never thought I'd see. Did you see what happened at the White House Press Bowl yesterday? No, I mean, maybe. I don't know. What are you referencing? Well, there was complete mutiny to where instead of just running off, which she did see that, I did see that. I think they told her she's not allowed to run away anymore. Yeah. Well, I mean, first they started hammering her. And then when they started hammering her, they said, well, here's John Kirby to talk about stuff that doesn't matter. Lower gas prices, the continued push to defeat Putin in Ukraine. So then they started asking John Kirby the questions they were asking her and he's like, I really don't feel comfortable. So here's the press sec. And then she comes back and she tries to give like some bullshit answer and everything. We're going to listen to it right now. Technically, it is what it is. But honestly, the chaos that ensued in the White House Press pool to see the media, not just, you know, conducting a mutiny against Joe Biden on their own networks and in their evening programs and things of that nature. But when they get these officials in front of their face, listen, if Joe Biden can't answer the questions for himself for any reason, X, Y, and D, and then you're going to have the people that represent him like the press secretary. Want to play this name games? But we all know what we're not talking about her IQ, but her mental acuity and sharpness, that's still there. And she doesn't want to answer the questions. Well, this is what's going to happen. Let's check it out. We provide to all of you. It's a very basic direction. Hold on, wait, wait, wait, wait a second. Eight times or at least once in regards to the president specifically. Hold on a second. But you should be able to answer by this point. Wait, no, no, no, no, no. No, wait a minute. Ed, please. Ed, you're better than this. A little respect here. Please. So every year around the president's physical examination, he sees a neurologist. That's three times, right? So I am telling you that he has seen a neurologist three times while he has been in this presidency. That's what I'm saying. I'm telling you that he has seen them three times. That is what I'm sharing with you, right? So every time he has a physical, he has had to see a neurologist. So that is answering that question. No, it is. It is. You're asking the extension. I also said to you, Ed, I also said to you, for security reasons, we cannot share names. We cannot share names. We have to. Okay, I'm going to finish the rest of the club in just a second just for our listenership who might have missed it today. Former White House physician who served under three presidents, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump. Texas Congressman Ronnie Jackson went on the news today and completely debunked that. Yeah, they always fucking give up the names. Completely debunked that. You know, if you are an official that is working for the government, your entity is public record. There's no secrets about it. It's not like a double agent for the CIA is also, you know, moonlighting is the White House physician. Therefore, for reasons of national security, we cannot tell you the name. So that is complete bullshit right there. It's been debunked in real time by the former White House physician that served under three presidents. But let's stick in this thread right here and continue to see how this, I guess, devolved into what it eventually would be. Let's check it out. We cannot share names in regards to someone came here. No, we cannot share. We cannot share names of specialists broadly from a dermatologist to a neurologist. We cannot share names. There are security reasons. We have to, we have to protect. Is she a security? I understand that. I hear anyone to see. I hear you. I cannot from here confirm any of that because we have to keep their privacy. I think they would appreciate that too. We have to give them, we have to keep their privacy. I hear you. I hear you. I hear you. I hear you. They definitely told her she can't walk off. There's no reason to get back and forth. There's a rest of the way. We missed around here about how information has been shared with the press board. What do you miss about? What do you miss about? What do you, and then every time I come back and I answer the question that you guys asked. I never answered the question incorrectly. That is not true. I was asked about a medical exam. I was asked about a physical. That was in the line of question that I answered. And I said, no, he did not have a medical exam. And I still stand that by that. By the fact, the president still stands by that. He had a verbal check-in. That is something that the president has a couple times a week, a couple times a week. Now, in regards to Dr. Kevin Kidard. And I am telling you, right now, that I am not sharing confirming names from here. Me! And we're going to leave it at that as we're going to jump around this presser. I wonder if that's going to be the new MO for her where she's just going to stand there and take it. They're like, all right, double or nothing. All the shit that we promised you. Now you just have to sit there and take it until we shine a little flashlight at you from the back of the room. And then you can leave with your binder. And the item in question, which they're bickering over right now, is the January 17, 2024 meeting at the White House between four people. Which included Dr. Kevin O'Connor, who is the personal physician for Joe Biden. Kevin Kidard, who you heard Ed, bitching about a Parkinson's specialist from Walter Reed Medical. Is Kevin Kidard on DuckTales? I think that was Don Carnage. I like DuckTales. John E. Atwood, a cardiologist from Walter Reed also. And a fourth person in the meeting who, to this point, remains unknown. It's an unfortunate middle initial. Yeah, I like it. It's John E. Atwood. Good take. But, you know, and again, there have to be some, is this part of a team who makes a decision based off the physicals or any other concerns that might have come up? Because there's something else there that a top cardiologist from Walter Reed and, you know, someone dealing with Parkinson's, neurologists, et cetera, are coming in to take a look at Joe Biden. Now, there's a lot of people who have said, "Oh, yeah, he's definitely had Parkinson's this." I've watched everything that Joe Biden's done for the last two weeks in regards to him using both of his hands. Yes, he stands weird, but he holds stuff in both hands. I've seen him take things with both of his hands. I've seen him grip the podium with both hands. I don't want to kind of say, "Oh, yeah, he's definitely got Parkinson's." Joe Biden's got some stuff going on, but the people here on this show are not going to be the ones to make that medical assumption and push it as God's word. Yeah, I mean, there's definitely signs like his rigidity and unable, like when he had to turn sideways to walk down the stairs and stuff like that. Yeah, I mean, he's just a fucking old man. It's not necessarily Parkinson's, but it is the warning signs of dementia. Like his memory, his ability to speak, frustration, that's the whole thing, yeah. And then, you know, I talked about John Kirby taking over for KGP and talking about things that have nothing to do with what they were wanting answers on and that when he was asked with Joe Biden's, whether or not he's showing symptoms of senility, he, again, said, "I'm not a medical expert. I'm a rear admiral. He does make a little bit of eyeliner and didn't feel comfortable asking the questions, let's check it out." Are you saying you have never encountered a situation where you thought that he was displaying any of those symptoms or affectations or, you know, something that would give pause or you just declining to answer one way or another? Well, I'm a little uncomfortable answering these kinds of questions because as a spokesman, my job is to be an advisor and counselor and I don't think it's appropriate for a spokesman to, yeah, because I wanted to make it clear. So, yes, I'm uncomfortable with these kinds of questions. But to answer your specific question, in my experience, the last two and a half years, I have not seen any reason whatsoever to question or doubt his lucidity, his grasp of context, his probing nature, and the degree to which he is completely in charge of facts and figures. And if he isn't, what I've seen is, because it happened to me this morning. When he isn't and when I can't be in command of those facts and figures, I have to fast up and go get the information that he's asking for and he asked me some questions this morning, I didn't have answers for. You know, as Joe Biden's getting set to have his presidency put again under the spotlight on public displays, he's meeting with NATO allies at the summit here in the United States. Now there's reports coming out, just today, the German Chancellor said that he had a sit down meeting at one of these big, you know, G7 or whatever summit at recently. Joe Biden's team never canceled and when they went to meet for dinner, Joe Biden never showed up. And Tony Blinken, who again was the person that led the push to get the 51 former intelligence officials to sign the Hunter Biden laptop document saying it was Russian disinformation presented himself and said, Joe Biden's fallen ill and had to go to bed. And I think it's really interesting to see how many more of these world leaders are going to come out and say that Joe Biden stood them up and that they used some kind of a short term sickness to kind of cover up for long term concerns that a lot of people are now having. I think it's a great question to be. How many other world leaders is Joe Biden stood up and they said, oh yeah, you know, he, you know, he went to the meeting today, everything was fine. We got done. Yeah, but, but the thing is, when they're using this as a regular excuse because he can't handle being up at night, like, it's literally coming out now that once it gets to like seven o'clock in the evening, he's done. It's scary. You know, and when you talk about how the White House and Joe Biden's team, this group that supposedly doing such a good job of making him look like the best president ever. The way they talk about him, even in a joking fashion. I don't know if you missed this part. No, here's what Kirby said right before he got off the podium. You gave back to KJP yesterday. After that, the president will hold the press conference. I guess a big boy press conference. We're calling it the unprecedented strength of our alliance. Hold a press conference, a big boy press conference. What do you think about that Noah? Is that going to be the new thing, the big boy press conference? Yeah, I mean, does it mean that Joe Biden's going to take more than scripted questions from the press and read off of cards or that, you know, he's going to sit there and they're going to essentially feed him to the wolves. I don't know what that means. But when you have both press secretaries, essentially, yesterday using that kind of terminology, like, is that supposed to seem? I'm going to go with feeding him to the wolves. Yeah, is that supposed to seem like nobody's going to save you? No, but I mean, are they trying to be hip or cool or funny? Is it like a poke at the press? What do you think the angle was on that? I think they're going to feed him to the wolves. They're going to let him hang himself with the amount of rope that he has in his hands. Good point. And KJP ain't going anywhere. She's going to be one of the last people out because she wants that lucrative contract. You know, the book deal of what it was really like being the press secretary for this president. And then obviously her commentator spot probably on MSDNC following on the footsteps of the former press secretary who now has to show inside Jen Psaki's vagina. So we'll have to see. But I mean, before she got off the podium yesterday and not take a question from Peter Ducey, she did want to do a little bit more of lecturing to the press. Let's hear it. You know, come out here. Every day there's a press briefing. And we do our best to give you the information that we have at the time. That's what we do. And we understand that freedom of the press. We respect the freedom of the press. You heard me talk about when they're working for you. I appreciate the back and forth that we all have. It is, I try to respect you. And I hope you try to respect me. And we literally do everything that we can. My team does everything that we can to make sure we get the answers to you. That's what we do. And sometimes we disagree. Sometimes we are not in agreement. But you know what? That's democracy. That is what is important to have that healthy back and forth. And so to say that I'm holding information or allude to anything else is not unfair. It's really, really unfair. So that's basically her invoking, I guess, Emperor Palpatine addressing the Galactic Senate for the first time. It's sad. It's sad to watch them squirm. The ones that are going to stay loyalists as loyalists to Joe Biden the most are going to be the ones on display for all of America to see about how big and embarrassing this really is. Guys, wherever you're listening to the show today, please make sure you're subscribed to the podcast. We prefer Apple Podcasts as a platform you're subscribed on, but whether or not it's on Google podcast, iHeartRadio or Spotify. Wherever you listen to your show, hit that follow button, hit subscribe, always free here on Stake for Breakfast. And make sure that the podcast is downloading to your electronic device. In addition, check us out on social media, Twitter, Getter, TrueSocial, Instagram, and TikTok is where we have accounts. Find them, follow them, hit the notification bell. You'll never miss out on all the great stuff we've got going on down here at the show. We're going to be catching up with Colorado Representative Lauren Boebert for the first time in just a few minutes. So it's weird that this whole doctor visit came up, Noah. And once it got into the evening portion of the news last night, I came to realize why, because this physician that's tied to Joe Biden, believe it or not, has some personal relationship with him. And over the course of time, when Joe Biden was not the vice president before he announced his candidacy to run for the president in 2019, was doing lucrative business deals with him, some up to $200,000. Shocker? Wow. I think not. No. I saw Jamie Comer is looking to lead an investigation into this as he is the chairman of the House Oversight Committee. He jumped on Fox News last night to kind of get things rolling and introduce it out to the American public. Let's check it out. Is involvement with the Biden family business? Well, we know that Dr. O'Connor was involved in a shady scheme that dealt with the failing healthcare company, AmeriCorps Health. This was a deal with Jim Biden. We know this because Jim Biden talked about it in the interview that our committee conducted with Jim Biden. He mentioned the White House physician said he was his healthcare advisor because we asked Jim Biden, why were you involved in this healthcare scheme when you have no healthcare background? And he mentioned the White House physician was consulting him. We didn't press that, but now we've asked for the White House physician to come in. We expect him to come in for a transcribed interview or I'll subpoena him for a deposition. Either way, we're going to ask a lot of questions about the report that the White House physician issued just a few months ago that said Joe Biden was in tip-top physical condition because Jesse, there are only two people that I can find in Washington, D.C. that won't Joe Biden remain in the race. And that's the Biden family and his White House physician. Good point. If the White House physician is making hundreds of thousands of dollars off Joe Biden and in turn one hand washing the other Joe Biden gets the clean record to run for reelection because everything's fine. Don't look here. Well, you're going to have to start asking those questions. Again, oversight and investigations never go as fast as we want them to, but the fact that they're actually working on this and what it could mean to open up the door in a greater majority in the Republican House in the next session of Congress, we have to start doing it. I mentioned Joe Biden was out on the campaign trail in lieu of Joe Biden, three states in one day yesterday, North Carolina, Georgia, and I believe Florida. And she was kind of doing much, much, much smaller, more intimate venues. But Trump style rallies, let's check it out. For all the talk out there about this race, Joe has made it clear that he's all in. I am all in two. Of course you are. Nobody wants the gravy train to stop for as much. And as cringe as it was watching Jill Biden out on the campaign trail yesterday, it wasn't just we ain't going anywhere. She actually did hit on some campaign things, especially regarding President Trump, a whole bunch of the fake narratives that Joe Biden tried to articulate in his interviews and media hits throughout the weekend. She was in full force pushing out of her rally style event. Let's hear it. He's the only chief of staff said he called POWs and those who died in war, losers and suckers. He's evil. He said he didn't want to be seen with injured veterans because it didn't look good for him. It's disgraceful, but it's not surprising. Donald Trump wakes up every morning thinking about one person and one person only himself. We know what Donald Trump was like as commander in chief and it could be worse this time. Last week the Supreme Court ruled that there are virtually no limits on what a president can do. Our democracy cannot withstand a Trump presidency with virtually no limits. Shut up, bitch. Man, what do you think about that? No, I'm pushing the big lies. What do you think? So many lies in so little time. I don't know what to do with all this information now. Lots of them vote for Donald Trump because there's no other options. That's a very good point. And speaking of options, we got another one coming up just here in a moment. And that's going to be in the form of Congresswoman Lauren Bobert, who's under the green room. We're going to be jumping in with her right now, but before we do, another check-in with one of our partners. I think it's time we had a conversation about a good night's sleep. Pillow King of Minnesota, Mike Lindell, and the apparatus known as the MyPillow family has been cranking out savings down at MyPillow for over 20 years. And for the first time in 20 years, they've changed the longstanding MyPillow and now have the MyPillow version 2.0. 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Looking forward to it as well. Very busy times up on Capitol Hill, but we want to get started out in Colorado before we jump into some of the issues. You just are on the heels of a big primary win. It's going to be representing a new district. We wanted you to catch our listenership up. We've even had one of the congressmen who's going to be joining the house today was sworn in last night and is going to be representing Colorado for. But in regards to the move and how things kind of shook out, it seems like the people of Colorado hold you in very high regard and wanted you to continue to represent them and the America first agenda up on Capitol Hill. So let's talk about the race and how things kind of shook out there and what you're looking forward to moving forward. Sure. So yeah, I moved to Windsor, Colorado with my boys and it turned out to be a really great decision all the way around. My boys are happy. They're in sports and loving school and just this fresh start in life. And so I entered the race in the fourth district and it was a pretty crowded primary. I think there may have been some folks who thought I would just show up and not do the work and treat it like a coronation, but that's not my style. So I traveled all 21 counties, attended multiple debates and forums and then many events throughout the district. Kind of regaining trust after the move with some folks and building newer relationships and stronger relationships. So we had a huge 30 point victory on primary night and now it's time that all of us who were in the primary come together and try to take Colorado back. We have lost our state dramatically over the past few years. But, you know, throughout the campaign, voters were able to hear from all of us. And I was the only one who didn't want some form of amnesty for the invasion that's taken place in the southern border and the 12 million people have come into our country. I was the only one who said there was election interference in the 2020 election, seeing hundreds of thousands of ballots go out illegally when rogue judges and secretaries, the state and attorneys, generals changed election law in the middle of an election. And I was the only one who said no more funding for Ukraine were done. We've sent them so much money and we don't even know where it's going. We haven't had an audit. And so much and so much more. And I think at the end of the day, the voters decided we don't want the uni party representing us. But we do want a united Republican party. We have got to have people positioned in their areas of Colorado to begin to take it back. You know, you make a lot of good points there. And I think if you include the economy, you hit all the top ticket items that are affecting all the voters across the country in this upcoming election, Congresswoman. And when you talk about the coalescing behind the ticket, it starts off in places like Colorado and it's going to end up nationally with the RNC coming next week. But how important is that to, you know, be able to get on the same page? Because you mentioned the uni party. You probably knew about the detractors who were in there that were trying to get you out of your seat in there. But I think it's a very important thing to think about. And I think it's a very important thing to think about. And I think it's a very important thing to think about. And I think it's a very important thing to think about. And I think it's a very important thing to think about. And I think it's a very important thing to think about. I think it's a very important thing to think about. And I think it's a very important thing to think about. And I think it's a very important thing to think about. And I think it's a very important thing to think about. And I think it's a very important thing to think about. And I think it's a very important thing to think about. And I think it's a very important thing to think about. And I think it's a very important thing to think about. Some form of leadership or an example for those who are still going to work in their local areas in Colorado, in our governments and politically, whether they're activists or county commissioners or whatever it may be. Hopefully I could set some sort of example and they will remember this is what our voters wanted. But if we don't take a stand, then we do lose everything. I have taken on the uni party in Washington, D.C. time and time and time again. And it's really a bigger threat than the Democrat party at times. Especially when we have the house in a very slim majority. And we are bringing legislation to the floor that either is a border bill that we know isn't going to pass because it's on suspension. And then we give five Democrats the opportunity to come on and vote for a bill that they know is not going to pass. But now they can say, Hey, look, I'm okay with securing the southern border. Or we have a supplemental aid package that was really one of the worst structures that was available to us. I was in many meetings with the speaker and others with many different members, different factions of the GOP trying to get to a better place. And we had gotten to a much better place for the supplemental aid package. But instead we woke up the next day and found out that we were spending nearly $100 billion in supplemental aid funding. And it wasn't paid for. It's all deficit spending money that we're borrowing from China, another $61 billion to Ukraine, $6 billion to Hamas in the name of Israel. And these things were just so frustrating. And so that is what's damaging about the uni party. We need a strong conservative Republican party that is going to take charge, have this America-first agenda. That's why people love President Trump. And I'm excited that he is on the ticket, that he will return to the White House. I'm doing everything that I can to ensure that. And we need the House majority and we need the Senate so we can carry out this agenda all the way through. I'm looking so forward to 2025. No, I think we all are. And that's the big three right there, maintaining and extending the House majority, flipping the Senate into Republican control and obviously getting President Trump back in the White House, which is where I want to kind of segue to that congressman. So President Trump was on Sean Hannity last night and he calls the whole atmosphere of the presidential debate weird, so we can even call it that and stick in that thread. I mean, just after a few minutes of seeing Joe Biden go into his opening statement, I think all of America was kind of doing that iconic look that Donald Trump gave him when he didn't understand one of his answers and kind of saw that this thing was not in what it meant to be. It's not what the media and the Democrats and Joe Biden's team has promoted for all these years. The Joe Biden we saw in the debate stage a couple weeks ago was exactly what probably is on those Robert her tapes that the House is fighting, you know, so diligently for and you know, I just want some post debate commentary on. I mean, they're in a meeting right now as we're recording kind of arguing on which direction do they go? Do they come out and publicly support Joe Biden or do they say they only focus on the race like we saw the Pennsylvania Senator do this morning as he was heading up to Capitol Hill or are they going to continue to make calls for him to step down? I think there's a lot of people in the house who want to see Joe Biden stay on the ticket just for all the aforementioned reasons, but I kind of want to get your commentary and how your office is looking at it. Yes, well, certainly I want Joe Biden to stay on the ticket. I don't necessarily want him to stay in office though, because it is a threat to our country. This is a national security threat to have this man in office with nuclear codes and kind of running the free world. You know, obviously we know he's not in charge, but the Joe Biden that we saw in the debate stage is the Joe Biden that we have been shouting about for years now before he was ever elected. We were we were noticing and highlighting the cognitive decline that that was on full display and it was being covered. It was being covered up. And now you have Jake Tapper on CNN saying, you know, just how embarrassing it is and how sad it is and just highlighting all of those points as well. And it's like, yeah, this is what we've been saying all along. And I think President Trump did a wonderful job in the debate. You know, he held his cool. He he stuck to the facts. And, you know, and then also called out Joe Biden's failures. But you mentioned these Robert her tapes and this is something that we voted to hold Merrick Garland in contempt for not releasing. They gave us a written transcript and then the written transcript. It talks about parts of the interview being in an audible. And we want to know how long were the pauses. We want to know the filler words. We want to know if there were verbal cues given to Joe Biden in this interview. We know that after the interview was done, it was it was said that he wasn't able to stand trial because of his his state and his his mental ability is cognitive ability. And so we want those tapes. Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna is wanting to advance this even further and have this inherent contempt of Congress vote. And I do believe that that is coming up tomorrow or it'll be introduced tomorrow, but we should be voting on that this week. And that's something that I want because the Democrats are eating themselves alive right now over Joe Biden and what a mess this is. And I kind of want to put them on record. Like, are you going to still defend Joe Biden's DOJ and this contempt of Congress vote that we had? Are you still going to defend that and vote to not hold him in this inherent contempt? Or are you going to say, yeah, Joe Biden is that bad. And we want to make that evidence more concrete so we can get a new nominee. I think the nominee should be Joe Biden. And, you know, really, we should have kind of paid more attention to the debate and said we should debate after their convention. But here we are. And I think that he should remain their nominee, but you never know what the Democrats are going to do. Yeah, I mean, they are the reaping the rewards of all the things that they've pushed on Republicans for the last eight years. You know, saying that there's no unification at the top of the ticket. They won't get behind the clear and present leader of the party and that's President Trump. And there's so many different things that you're watching in real time that the Democrats have weaponized, starting with the media and ending with, you know, things legislatively, especially like votes and not going on record that they've used against Republicans since Donald Trump came down the Golden Escalator and now being used against them in real time. And like you said, eating themselves, it's kind of weird watching them all go out and see who's going to take what kind of taken and where it depends the rest of the day's news narrative is going to go. But then when you talk about some of the great work that you guys are doing in oversight, obviously holding Merrick Garland accountable is one of the big ones. Now you guys have our guess at the start of looking at what's going to be going on with Joe Biden and his physician, someone that, you know, has closed ties to his family and probably, you know, came up financially and helped Joe Biden financially receive some positive additions to his bank account over the years as well. It just seems like the whole situation is very murky. Obviously something pun intended that needs some oversight provided over it. And, you know, as you guys are getting back up to the Hill and gaining some traction this week, is this something that you're going to be asking questions about when you guys get in the committee? I certainly hope so. So to my, to my knowledge, we've invited the White House physician to come to our hearing. And I'm kind of tired of invites. We need to use our subpoena power. It's really one of two powers that we have in the house. We have the power of the purse and we have the power of the subpoena. And that's something that we need to enforce. We even invited Mayor Bowser to come before the oversight committee a few weeks back when George Washington University was being overrun by Palestinian protesters. And, you know, she was denying, denying, and then finally denying the hearing. And then at 3am, right, hours before the hearing would have started, she sent in Metropolitan Police to get the Palestinian protesters out and clean up the area. And then the hearing was canceled. So, you know, we got to use this authority, but I want that White House physician to be present in the oversight hearing room. And question him, how long have you lied to the American people? How many documents and forms have you lied on? Have you committed fraud by saying that the president was actually in good standing with his help? These are things that the American people need to know. I serve with Congressman Ronnie Jackson, Dr. Ronnie Jackson, if you will. He served as the White House physician for George Bush, Barack Obama, and President Trump. And this man understands the scrutiny that goes on with ensuring that our commander-in-chief is in good health and that he is able to functionally perform his job. And, you know, he's been calling for a cognitive test for Joe Biden for quite some time. And so I want this White House physician before us. We'll see if he shows up and answer these questions that the American people need to know, because, like I said, this is a national security threat. No, it certainly is. And then sticking in the threat of Congress and things that you guys are working extremely hard on right now, it's the push for the Save Act to get a vote on the floor to get it up to the Senate. Now, regardless of whether or not this bill is eventually killed in the Senate, like Chuck Schumer has done with some other great pieces of legislation like H.R.1 or H.R.2, or whether or not it does, you know, find some avenue to pass through the Senate and gets to Joe Biden's desk, whether or not he signs it, is still up for debate as well. They put out an official statement from the White House saying he wouldn't do it, but I think they only did that because Joe Biden doesn't think the bill will get there. How important is it for the American people to see that, you know, for as much as a knock they want to sometimes give House Republicans with the slim majority that you guys have? We explain to our listenership very extensively how this vote process goes and some of the great things that you guys have done. That's why we try to bring so many of you on the show and get the actual receipt so, you know, we can hear what's going on behind closed doors to the context that you could provide the information on it. But this legislation right now, I mean, everybody keeps saying, "Oh, the laws are already on the books. They should just enforce them," et cetera, but for the amount of people that are going to wind up being allowed into this country by the time we go to the ballot box November, Donald Trump said it could be as many as 20 million people. It's not even the fact that illegals could be physically voting in this upcoming election. It's that that they're adding all of these names to voter rolls, and that's almost impossible without some, you know, big push from state legislations to get those voter rolls cleaned up. And what it does essentially is give the opportunity to have just another ballot floating out there, and we all know after 2020 how that could possibly go. Yes, so the laws that are on the books have already been broken by allowing this invasion to continue or approaching for years. And like you said, it could be up to 20 million people who have come into our country illegally who broke our laws that are on the books and entered our country who are being taken care of with tax dollars in Denver, Colorado. The city has actually cut millions of dollars from the city budget for our law enforcement officers to provide more for illegal aliens. And this is something that everyone in America needs to realize is going on. You have cities that are putting these aliens in in luxury hotels. You have veterans who are on the streets and illegal aliens are being treated better and getting more benefits than the men and women who have served our country. And this legislation that we're voting on this week is the SAVE Act, and this is authored by my good friend Chip Roy from Texas. And I'm very excited for this piece of legislation because it does ensure that only American citizens can vote in our elections. We do believe even Elon Musk believes that this invasion is so the Democrat Party can own these 10 plus million illegal aliens votes forever more. And the thing is, in our country, there is no law that prevents an illegal from voting in our elections. They go to register for a license in states like Colorado where they're able to. They go to get a taxpayer benefit, some sort of welfare, they fill out a form, they can check a box and they can register to vote. Then they are on the voter roll and their vote will be cast and their vote will be counted, even though they are not United States citizens. So this SAVE Act ensures safeguards that prevent those folks from interfering in our elections. Very important piece of legislation, and I'm glad you guys are getting behind this. And then last thing, Congressman, before we come with you here, you mentioned it about the ticket in Colorado and the coalescing that needs to happen. In order to support the candidates that are going to be on the ballot in November and get this country back on the right track. Over the course of the next week, we're going to see Donald Trump host two rallies. He's going to host a Veepstakes Party down in Florida this Thursday. And then, of course, the Republican National Convention is next week where you'll have a completed ticket. You'll have Donald Trump officially accepting the nomination and becoming not the presumptive nominee anymore. He will be the nominee. And I just want to ask you how important is it for everyone in the party, whether or not you agreed with Donald Trump legislatively over the course of the years, whether you may or may not have liked the way he conducted himself, even though the receipts show that he got so much done up against all the odds for the American people during his first term in office. You know, whether you've been a victim of Donald Trump and what he does to you on social media over the years, the level of importance that we need to have everybody coalesce behind him and get on the same page. I think a perfect example of it with someone that doesn't necessarily see eye to eye to him. But, you know, got nose that the bigger picture is more important is Glenn Yunken recently in Virginia. They had a meeting before the rally and then the rally. They looked like they were very, very much on the same page, like a little love fest going on there. And to all of your colleagues who might not have come around all the way that are going to be listening to this show, how important is it to just kind of let your inhibitions go, get behind the ticket, and make sure that, you know, come November. And especially in January of next year, we can, cliche as it sounds, start making America great again. This is the most important thing that can happen this year, this election cycle going up to November 5th. We have primaries within our party to allow the voters to decide the nominees. Then we have our nominees and that is who we are running with to the election. If, you know, even locally, if there are Republicans who became the nominee that, you know, aren't your favorite, well, now it's time to get behind them because they are the nominee and it's, it's better than a Democrat. And if they do a terrible job once elected, well, there's going to be another primary season coming up and we can take care of it then. But right now we, this is, we have our nominees throughout Colorado and President Trump will, like you said, officially be the nominee of the Republican Party. And we have all got to band together if we want to secure the southern border, if we want to address our economy and inflation, reduce the reckless spending in Washington, D.C. Become energy secure and independent again and pursue energy dominance, which will also lower inflation, lower the cost of living, lower the cost of good that we are all spending far too much on. If we want peace throughout the world through strength, we need President Trump's leadership. So now is the time to come behind him because his policies do make America great again. No, they certainly do. And Congresswoman, it's been a real pleasure catching up with you today. We hope we are able to get you back on the show at some point in the near future. Obviously, we have your congressional website linked in the show description today, but anybody that wants to check you out on social media, maybe help out down the road with the campaign or see all the great stuff you're doing up on Capitol Hill, where can they find you? Lauren for is my website. Be sure to check that out. We have we have merch on there and options to get involved in the campaign. You know, I have I have small dollar donors that donate $7 and $11 and $14 all throughout the country. And that adds up it enables us to not only travel Colorado through my very large district, but also be influential throughout the nation and inform voters. Lauren for is the website. We'd love for you all to check it out and see how you can join the team. And we hope to get a lot more people joining you today. This is the Congresswoman who's representing Colorado's Third Congressional District. Representative Lauren Bobert, thanks for joining us on the show today. Have a great rest of your week. Thanks so much. Guys, we're coming back with another all new edition of the state of records podcast. So sit back, relax, and let us change the way you consume your news. [BLANK_AUDIO]