Steak for Breakfast Podcast

Episode 411

On today’s (Friday 2 of 2) Episode of the Steak for Breakfast Podcast, we are covering:    DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas visits the U.S. Southern Border to provide the Biden Administration cover for the recent rash of brutal migrant crimes across America while the U.S. Attorney General, Merrick Garland faces a Friday deadline to turn over the former Special Counsel’s Biden tapes or face inherent contempt of Congress   House Speaker Johnson and Rep. Loudermilk race to prevent Steve Bannon from his scheduled July 1st date with federal prison as the democrats roll out this election cycle’s version of the 51 former intelligence officials against Donald Trump and we’ll hit any late breaking news heading into the weekend Guests: In Order of Appearance  All profile handles are for X (formerly Twitter)  Congressman Tom Tiffany (@RepTiffany) U.S. Representative, WI-7   Website:   Monica Paige (@MonicaPaigeTV) White House Correspondent, One America News Network   Website:   Instagram:   Steak for Breakfast:  SUBSCRIBE on Apple Podcasts:   SUBSCRIBE on Spotify:   email the show:    Steak for Substack:   linktree:   MyPillow: Promo Code: STEAK at checkout  Website: Website:  Via the Phone: 800-658-8045    My Patriot Cigar Co. Enter Promo Code: STEAK  and save 25%   Man Rubs Enter Promo Code: STEAK15 and save 15%   Beard Vet Coffee Enter Promo Code: STEAK and save 10%   BattleBorn Coffee Roasters enter promo code: STEAK and save 20% off your first order   New Hope Wellness use this link or enter promo code: STEAK during intake for free consultation and $100 off your first order Call: 1-800-527-2150

1h 27m
Broadcast on:
28 Jun 2024
Audio Format:

On today’s (Friday 2 of 2) Episode of the Steak for Breakfast Podcast, we are covering: 


DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas visits the U.S. Southern Border to provide the Biden Administration cover for the recent rash of brutal migrant crimes across America while the U.S. Attorney General, Merrick Garland faces a Friday deadline to turn over the former Special Counsel’s Biden tapes or face inherent contempt of Congress  

House Speaker Johnson and Rep. Loudermilk race to prevent Steve Bannon from his scheduled July 1st date with federal prison as the democrats roll out this election cycle’s version of the 51 former intelligence officials against Donald Trump and we’ll hit any late breaking news heading into the weekend

Guests: In Order of Appearance 

All profile handles are for X (formerly Twitter) 

Congressman Tom Tiffany (@RepTiffany) U.S. Representative, WI-7




Monica Paige (@MonicaPaigeTV) White House Correspondent, One America News Network






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- Monkey, this is not nom, this is bowling, there are rules. - Hey, hey, hey, junior, America! (upbeat music) - Steak. - Four! - Bassist! - So stand by. - All right, everybody, welcome to the Stake for Breakfast podcast. I'm Ro Noah's here with me. If you're a first-time listener, welcome to the show. If you're a long-time listener, welcome back to America's Fastest Growing. And quickly becoming favorite political podcast. We're on the back end of two big Friday editions of the show today. If you're here on this episode for the first time, don't worry, we'll see you in a bit. Press pause, head back, and check out our first edition of the podcast, where we hosted Congressman Jim Jordan, Congresswoman Victoria Spartz. We had a full comprehensive recap of the debate and how America reacted up through today. We're gonna be jumping into this episode here. Programming note, we originally had Charlotte Perez of the Arizona Young Republicans set to appear, but she ran into some travel issues, and instead, we're going to be catching up. In addition to Wisconsin congressman, Tom Tiffany, Monica Page of One America News, she was stationed in the spin room yesterday via satellite location from where the actual debate was. However, she was able to watch it in real time with all of the political figures that were there. She got some great interviews with Vikram Swamy. She caught up with Matt Gaetz, Tennessee Senator Marcia Blackburn. And she's gonna give us a comprehensive look into what she saw last night as it kind of unfolded in real time. So we're gonna be catching up with her great episode here. We're gonna be talking about a couple of the Biden cabinet officials right now who are having, well, what most would consider a pretty tough week. Embattled DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, for some reason, that only God knows, went back down to the US Southern border this week. And Mr. Data himself gave a press conference. - You have data this time? - No, Poppy. - I left the data in my other pants. - Fortunately for him, he didn't have on a border patrol jacket because we all know how the troops down the US Southern border feel about that one. Take that shit off, you didn't earn it, end quote. But again, you wanna talk about these people and how they have pathologically lied through their teeth, starting off with policy, and then narrative on what's going on in this country right now. Well, this is an actual cabinet level official in the Biden administration telling us that his number one priority is the safety and security of the American people. Think I'm bullshitting ya, let's check it out. - Obviously the media, the nation has had their highs on the brutal crimes committed recently by illegal immigrants. One of them was actually wearing an ice ankle monitor. Yet this morning you said in an interview that the safety of the American people is the priority and that these individuals are vetted. But we know in our conversations with the ICE director, we've heard the FBI director say that there are significant gaps in intel. So what would you say to reassure the American people that they are in fact safe? And what would you say to the families who are mourning? They're loved ones because of these migrant crimes being committed. - Well, let me start where you ended. A message to the families is of course, our hearts are with them, given their suffering. The safety and security of the American public is indeed our highest priority. We screen and vet individuals when we encounter them. If we learn of derogatory information subsequently, later in the process, then we take enforcement action accordingly. - Oh, shut the fuck up. - No, I saw real good graphic on cable news before and it had a map of the United States and like the 15 most recent migrant crimes that have happened here. You know, you're talking about Jocelyn, Nungarei, there's now, I don't know if you heard this one, our first migrant on migrant crime happened in the United States. Did I hear correctly that one of these migrants was actually an ICE ankle monitor during the commission of a crime? - Yeah, that was one of the two people who raped for two hours and murdered Jocelyn, Nungarei. Shortly after the body was dumped into a swamp, the guy cut off his ankle monitor and then remember we talked about it on our last show, he showed up at his job site, asked for a forwarded payment for the work that he's done and asked his boss to help them get out of town. - Well, that was a detail I was not aware of. Did he leave the ankle monitor in the swamp near the crime scene? - It's just disgusting. But yeah, up in New York State, the Syracuse area, I believe two people who illegally entered the United States, one which was apprehended by Border Patrol, the man, and then someone who entered with two family members that weren't her parents in the year 2023 is economic migrants wound up in the same area of upstate New York recently. They had lived in the same area down in Ecuador. Apparently, they both attended the same high school down there as well. Long story short, about a month ago, they met up at an Airbnb where this man from Ecuador raped and murdered his ex-girlfriend and then buried her in a shallow grave in the backyard of the Airbnb. So now you have a first inside the United States, a legal alien on a legal alien, migrant crime. Amazing. - Can't make this shit up. Lovers from another country who came in at two different times wind up in the same area, and this is what happens. It's fucking wild. And it was underreported in the news because the immigration status of the offender was not immediately revealed to the press. Very disgusting. Yeah, it's just really disheartening. Alejandro Mayorkas would go on to try and debunk a story that's been out in the news lately talking about people with ties to ISIS who have been released into the United States. Let's hear it. - Sorry. - Can you hear me now? - Yeah. - DHS confirms that at least 400 migrants with potential ISIS ties recently crossed the United States. - I didn't confirm that. - That is incorrect. Tell us why. That reporting is incorrect. We do not have identified 400 people with potential ISIS ties. And let me, again, assure you that individuals who are identified to have those ties would pose a concern to us from a public safety and a security perspective, and they would be priorities for detain, detention, and removal. - Following that initial NBC report, inaccurate over the 400 potential ISIS ties, I think it is inaccurate. - What do you think about that, Noah? Sounds like he's lying through his teeth. - I think lying through his teeth is 100% accurate. - You know, and I just want to remind our listenership. Again, people who usually come from countries where they develop these ties to ISIS can't be deported back to these countries because the countries tell our country we're not going to let you land there and dump these people back off in their homeland. They're your problem now. Send them back to New Mexico. Oh, well, that's not the country of their nationality. We can't just dump them there. We dissolved remain in Mexico. That was a Trump policy. Oh, sounds like you're shit out of luck. Well, you can't detain somebody with suspected ISIS ties forever. So guess what? Again, we just want to reiterate to our listenership, if they're not going home and they're not going south, they're coming to a neighborhood near you. Let's listen to that softly debunked NBC News exclusive talking about how DHS has confirmed hundreds of people with direct ties to ISIS have been released into the United States. Contrary to what Alejandro Mayork has said about it. - Tonight, NBC News has learned more than 50 migrants with potential ties to an ISIS-affiliated smuggling network are at large in America. Many illegally crossed the border and were released into the US by border patrol because there was no information suggesting terror ties at the time. Now, their whereabouts are unknown as immigration agents look to arrest them. US officials tell us saying they're among a group of over 400 migrants, DHS identified in the US from Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia and Russia as subjects of concern because they were brought to the US by an ISIS-affiliated smuggling network, something the FBI director warned about earlier this year. - Some of the overseas facilitators of the smuggling network have ISIS ties that we're very concerned about. - ISIS located and arrested over 150 of the 400 migrants so far with some already deported from the US, officials say, adding authorities are not panicking because their ties to ISIS are not certain. But they're prioritizing their arrest out of an abundance of caution. - The problem is the volume of people coming across the southern border, individuals from ISIS and other affiliated groups have recognized it as a weak point in our defense and they're using this opportunity to try to sneak in. - NBC News was first to report on a similar arrest of a news spec man in Baltimore, whose country alerted the US he was affiliated with ISIS. - Lovely. - That man, like the others apprehended so far, was arrested on immigration charges, not terrorism-related charges. ISIS-K has claimed responsibility for deadly terror attacks in Russia and Iran in the past year and recently, the DHS inspector general sharply criticizing vetting at the US southern border, saying DHS is at risk of admitting dangerous persons into the country or enabling asylum seekers who may pose significant threats to public safety and national security to continue to reside in the United States. - Imagine my shoes back. - Two senior laws enforcement officials told NBC News they are not tracking a terror plot from this group of migrants, but their arrest on immigration charges come out of an abundance of caution, Lester. - All right, Julia, thank you. - Well, that's the best we can do to fact check Alejandro Mayorkas from Norway or this week. You know, and what can I tell you? Obviously these people are not getting picked up on terrorism charges because they haven't been committing acts of terrorism within the United States. But listen, first of all, it should come as a shock to all of you that ISIS is alive and well and not only working in South and Central America, but throughout the entirety of Mexico in regards to human smuggling. And if they want people who can pay the money to get into this country, these are people that DHS originally detained and admitted. You're not even making or taking into consideration the millions of Godaways and what those people's ties could be to terrorist organizations. And again, all it takes is a few people to go into a public square and you could have something like happened in the Russian theater a few months ago in the blink of an eye, you can't do anything about it. Well, you can, you could shut down the fucking border and do your job, but Alejandro Mayorkas, that was never what he was meant to do. He ruined CIS, he worked for Global NGOs and now he's the head of the Department of Homeland Security letting in all of the people he set up this operation for through the Global NGOs, it's a disaster. And something like, you know, Ben Carson, I think said it best, America is going to pay for what Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas has done down the US Southern border and probably with American blood and treasure as well. Guys, wherever you're listening to the show today, no matter what platform it's on, please make sure you're subscribed to the State of Records podcast. Find us on Apple Spotify with a podcast, iHeartRadio or wherever you listen to your shows. Hit that subscribe button, follow button, it's free, helps us out big time on Apple in the top 100. Apple and Spotify, rate us five stars. Leave a review if we get a good one, read it on the show. In addition, check us out on social media, Twitter, Getter, True Social, Instagram and TikTok is where we have accounts, find 'em, follow 'em, hit the notification bell, you'll never miss out. On all the great stuff we've got going on down here, like our top tier guest list. And just a little bit, we're going to be jumping in with Wisconsin, Congressman Tom Tiffany. Definitely want to talk to him about the scotest rulings that came out today, defunding the UN, which he is pushing on, and of course some of his commentary as a huge Trump supporter from last night's debate. All right, let's switch gears here from one cabinet level shitbag in the Biden administration to another, and that's Merrick Garland. You know, he has defied a congressional subpoena to come in and talk about why he is not going to release the audio transcripts from the Robert Herr led special counsel that investigated Joe Biden regarding special documents and classified material where Robert Herr's conclusion was Joe Biden was guilty of the crimes he was accused of, however, at this point is too old and mentally frail and unfit to stand trial for these crimes. So he's not being charged with them. Still weird how he's able to be the President of the United States, but hey, that's just us. Yeah, I'm no expert, but that seems a little weird. So in the face of this defiance, Florida Congresswoman, Anna Paulina Luna, has pushed it, I would call it, to the nth degree. And she said, you want to know what? Fuck that. He can't just laugh in the face of a congressional subpoena. And then once he defies, it says, via his own Department of Justice, isn't going to prosecute himself. While Steve Bannon prepares to go to prison, and Peter Navarro currently is in prison for the same exact thing. Now, they've taken it up to the next level. It's going to be a vote on inherent contempt. I'm pretty sure this is just regular contempt on steroids. And what happens is, if this goes to a full floor vote, and they pass it, it will give them the ability in the very rarest of occasions to dispatch the Capitol police. And if he will not come willingly, put the Attorney General of the United States in detention measures, which could include an up to handcuffs, and bring him up to the people's house to answer for himself. So what do you think of that? - I think it's great. I think that should be what happens. I was listening to, what was it? There was an interview on Tim Poole, and there was some fucking idiot on his show. And the mental gymnastics, I listened to this guy go through to try to say that jailing the top law official in the United States is different than jailing say, Bannon or Navarro for that matter. And he was just like, well, Bannon is dealing with the Russians and blah, blah, blah. And Tim Poole kept him right on point. He's like, well, what does that have to do with anything? We're talking about the law and this specific scenario. It was hilarious. Like, I can't remember which episode it was. If you have the opportunity, go listen to it. It's fucking hilarious listening to this. - I actually did hear a part of that IRL podcast. And here's the deal. They try to spin it in so many different ways. They say, oh, okay. Well, Bannon can't cite executive privilege because he was fired in 2018 in the January 6th committee came out in 2021. So there was a gap in between service. But then you immediately referenced Peter Navarro, who was with Donald Trump from the moment he came down the Golden Escalator through when he took off on the tarmac, was a top appointed advisor to President Trump and therefore should have executive privilege much in the same sense that they laid off of Dan Scavino and Mark Meadows, who was in the exact same instance. And they did nothing to. So it's just really weird the way that they kind of pick and choose it to frame their narrative, but in the big context and greater scheme of things, they're incorrect and just full of shit. - Yep. - And it was weird to me yesterday, if I told you that a press conference was gonna go off amongst the Republican conference in regards to something as big as taking it to the next level with the Attorney General of the United States, led by Anna Pauline Luna, but also starring people like Tim Burchit and Dan Crenshaw, look, I'd have a hard time believing you, but here's the deal. You like it when everybody gets on the same page behind a narrative because that's what they're actually supposed to be doing for the people. It's not like, oh God, Donald Trump is pushing this. Oh God, Magus pushing this, fuck that, I love Ukraine. This was, okay, this is gonna happen now and we need to stop it or this is gonna continue to happen to conservatives and liberals are just gonna continue to get away with it. We're gonna start off with Anna Pauline Luna leading into this and then we'll hear from the dueling congressman, not in the pistol sense, just when they talked in order. Let's hear it. - Then the justice system. As you know, on February 27th, the oversight committee as well as House Judiciary had sent a subpoena to Attorney General Garland, of which we received no response and after referring him for criminal contempt within 48 hours or less, the Department of Justice refused to prosecute. Inherent contempt is clearly within our Article I authorities and Congress does have the power to investigate all legislative powers. Investigations are part of our legislative process and people that interfere with these processes should be held accountable. Inherent contempt was first used in 1795 and this was further upheld in a Supreme Court decision in 1927 and McGrain v. Doherty that stated that Congress does indeed have this authority. It's important to note that when an individual is called before courts across the country, they appear. Why should the Attorney General who is supposed to be head of all law enforcement authorities any different? Garland still has time to comply with this request. We are asking that he bring the tapes to the house and let us listen to them, but in the event that he does not, we will press forward with calling the privilege motion on inherent contempt to the floor on Friday morning. It is also important to note that if we as a Congress do not have the ability to enforce our investigative ability, that we are essentially going to be ignored and undercut and essentially handicapped by all other branches, which would make us not a co-equal branch of government. After me, I have Dan Crenshaw speaking that would like to address this issue, but I would appreciate that the press report on this accurately in that Congress again does have the authority to do this, that the Attorney General is not above the law and ultimately we will be pressing forward with this. This is something that, again, would enable the Speaker of the House to order the Sergeant of Arms to take into custody, the Attorney General, if he fails to comply with our request. - That's big. I would call it unprecedented, as much of all the news we see now. And you know, this comes in an instance, I just got a text message. I'm going to read it. Friday, June 28th, 2024, Order and Pending Case, Bannon, Stephen K. V. United States. The application for release, Pending Appeal, presented to the Chief Justice, and by him referred to the court, is therefore denied. So, what's that? - Interesting. - Yeah, it looks like it's going to be an interesting 4th of July for the gang over at War Room. Thoughts and prayers, as always. As she mentioned, Dan Crenshaw was next to the podium. And, you know, I can't stomach him, no I can either. We all know he's a fake and a hack and just a globalist piece of crap who is more concerned about, you know, his futures in the military industrial complex and special interest than he is about serving the American people. If there was a halfway decent candidate that they could drop in his district, he would have lost a primary two cycles ago. But the fact of the matter is, is that, you'll have to see what happens. I know they got a decent one out there that got about 40% of the vote last time. Severely underfunded. And if Dan Crenshaw isn't holding the line next year in the house with Donald Trump as the president, he will call him out and let him know that his time is short. Before he can get into the, well, I guess, private enterprise. Here's the Texas Congressman reading his spiel in regards to this narrative on holding Merrick Garland accountable yesterday up on Capitol Hill. - Thank you, Ana, for doing this. Thank you for pulling us all together and addressing this important issue. The sad legacy of the Biden administration will be its lawlessness. Weaponizing governments against political enemies using its power to protect itself, undermining the law for cynical politics. This administration is repeatedly circumvented the law, creating executive amnesty last week to around 500,000 aliens. Stopping federally funded construction of the border wall, paroling millions of migrants into the country outside the perimeter set by the Congress, which has killed Americans nationwide, most recently in my hometown of Houston. Hanging over the entirety of this administration is the fact that the president's son used his access to his father and his father's offices to enrich himself through foreign business dealings and artwork, where one buyer of hunter's art was appointed to the US government commission. Well, the Biden administration shields its own. It also targets regular Americans it dislikes. - Sounds like somebody forced him to lead this. - Unconstitutional ATF rules. - He'll want to be part of the party for once. - Wait, we'll just threats him. - I'll patch me up. - And censorship of inconvenient information. This brings us. - Always bothers me how he says all day. - Congress performing its oversight duties has been ignored. Founders established a system of checks and balances, and that has been dismissed. Congress and the American people we represent have been disrespected, so we are here to say no more. We'll not stand by while the DOJ covers up information subpoenaed by Congress and refuses to comply with our vote holding the AG in contempt. It is not that the DOJ cannot prosecute Garland. It is that they're choosing not to, because they wish to protect the president and his obedient clacky. And I understand that this sounds extreme. It sounds extreme to put the AG in handcuffs and drag him in here. And I'm here, I'll tell you why I'm here, what motivates me. Because what the DOJ is doing in my hometown in Houston, they're willing to arrest a regular citizen, put them in handcuffs, charge them with ridiculous crimes. And for what? Because that particular citizen, a man named Dr. Heim, decided to expose a crime in Texas. That crime was performing harmful gender transition practices on minors. He was indicted for alleged HIPAA violations. And this demonstrates that Merrick Garland and his DOJ's determination to target whistleblowers who oppose their ideology. They want to protect themselves, but they want to attack regular citizens. - We'll kind of leave it at that. You know, it seems like things that the Department of Justice has done to average American citizens has affected everybody in different ways. And, you know, Texas Congressman Dan Crenshaw read a specific one there about someone from his home district. You know, somebody blows the whistle on what's going on in regards to something disgusting, like genital mutilation and transitioning children. And they say by doing that, he violated his oath of conduct to, you know, being a doctor, and therefore throws them in prison. So it's one of those things where we've seen it beyond the nth degree. And if we don't stop this now, it doesn't end with Donald Trump pointing back the White House. Because all the people that have protected these agency heads, like Alejandro Mayorkas, like Merrick Garland, like all the other ones that are awful Pete Buttigieg, they're all still going to be there as part of the administrative state, just because the president changes and the cabinet level position leaves and the new ones appointed. All the same workers are there that just served, you know, 12 out of the last 16 years under the Obama-Biden White House. So who do you think their loyalties lie to? Donald Trump changing everything in four years when he was trying to do America first, or what it's been like for nearly the last two decades. So just take that into consideration. We have to be able to put our foot down congressionally and use every avenue possible to listen. He needs to come down and explain why he's not releasing this stuff. And then if Congress wants to take it to the next level, then apparently they're going to vote on doing that. Last one I've got on this before we jump in with Rep Tiffany is, Tennessee Congressman, great guest of the show, Tim Burchette, giving his two cents. Let's hear it. - Brother. - Well, thank you very much. Luna, thank you for allowing us to be here. And the mom of maybe Henry, the possibly the fourth best-looking child in the last, born in the last 60 years. As the 435th most powerful member of Congress, I'm always, when I'm pulling up the end here, all the good cliches have been used and all the sayings have been used but actually every dad got one of them are the truth. This is a serious situation. Couple of weeks ago, the House passed a resolution to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress. He refused to comply with the subpoenas. Can you imagine if one of us, or one of you, was called into court in your own hometown with what would happen? You'd be arrested. You'd probably arrested in the middle of the night. Of course, he was covering up to prevent the president and prevent the American people from hearing his interview with Robert Herr, and he later called the president a simple, a sympathetic, well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory. The American people deserve to know if their president is an elderly man with a poor memory, especially going into election year. And especially the guy who carries the nuclear football and has our nuclear numbers. Merrick Garland refused to comply with Congress while we were trying to get to the bottom of this. We have these rules in place for a reason. Congress is supposed to be a regulatory authority over the executive branch, not the other way around. The founding fathers had it right. This administration has arrogantly thumbed its nose at the American people. It's wrong and we need to correct it. Our Attorney General is not above the law. If he broke the rules, dad Gamut, he should face the consequences. Thank you, Linda. He's one of my favorites. Don't you love when he comes on the show Noah? Yeah. When is he coming back? He'll be back, I believe, in the next two weeks. He's already confirmed a date. I don't have the calendar up in front of me, but every time we end an interview with him, same day I send the next 30 days' worth and they're always one of the first them, Rep Ogles, Tom Tiffany. The regulars that you see on the show, Rep Spartz, Aaron Hoachin over the course of the last couple of cycles. There's a good deal of Congress people. As soon as they're done, they're ready to get locked in for the next one. And then again, we're about to run through our carousel of great senators too, Roger Marshall, Tommy Tuberville, and Ron John are all scheduled to be joining us in the month of July as well. So it's good times here on Steak for Breakfast. Not so much from Eric Garland and Alejandro Mayorkas, but we're going to kind of leave it at that as that's where the news ends regarding them this week. It should be ramping up again, I guess maybe ahead of Fourth of July or directly after next week here on the show. We're getting ready to jump in with Wisconsin Congressman Tom Tiffany, but before we do, another check in with one of our partners. It's an unpleasant truth that 42% of Americans are obese and 79% of Americans are overweight. That's practically one in every two Americans, living day to day with every minute counting down to the end of an unhealthy existence. It's time to change that and make Americans healthy again. You've probably heard about weight loss injections that can help you get back into that right mindset and help curb those cravings so you can focus on what's really important. New Hope Wellness has changed thousands of lives and maybe it can change yours too. They are American family owned and operated with the goal of saving lives. With convenient telehealth options you can speak to a licensed professional from the comfort of your own home and all products are delivered discreetly to your front door. Visit and start your journey to a better you. That's to get your free consultation and a hundred bucks off your first order. 1-800-527-2150 Make America healthy again. Alright, joining us next on the show today, this Big Friday edition of the State for Breakfast podcast. He's the congressman who represents Wisconsin's 7th Congressional District and we're always glad to be able to catch up with Representative Tom Tiffany. Welcome back to the show. Nunnies, good to be back. Always a pleasure to host her on a busy Friday. There's so much stuff going on. It's been a whirlwind, 24 hours. The first place we got to start with you is some post-debate commentary from last night. There was a lot of build up going in. What would it look like when the moderator is getting involved? Would Joe Biden be able to handle himself? Would Donald Trump make emotional responses or just point out the successes of Term 1? What it's going to look like in Term 2 and hammered Joe Biden on his globalist policies? And it seems like when you want to walk off to the debate stage last night, Donald Trump in a swift manner, Joe Biden, led by his wife very softly. But it seems like America first and Donald Trump picked up a huge W in regards to the first debate. And all the things that you just said there, the president had a good night. But part of that is Joe Biden had a horrible night. And now the Democrats got an answer for them. Knocking Bernie Sanders out in the 2020 primaries and saying, "We're going to install Joe Biden." They knew he was on the decline. He knew the dementia was getting worse, but they knew they could hide him by using COVID as a pretext. And now they got an answer to people. Answering the American people because the American people saw very clearly last night, Joe Biden is not up to being the president of the United States. You know, I think when you look at the biggest arguments that happened between the two candidates last night, if you want to talk about the largest one, I think that made news. It's them arguing over, you know, their golf handicap. When you talk about Donald Trump being able to appropriate answer the questions, like whether or not it's the debunk to Charlottesville Hoke, how the largest deportation operation in the history of the planet would look like. Joe Biden's failed foreign policy, the fact that he forgot about the 13 servicemen and women who died at AviGate during the Afghan withdrawal, et cetera. I mean, Donald Trump came to play, and when he saw Joe Biden wasn't on top of his game, he pounced, he hammered him, and I think he left America, you know, kind of real, and for the fact that just three and a half short years ago, we were in a lot better place, and we probably didn't make the right choice, and, you know, buying into the narrative that was Joe Biden, because we've gotten the direct opposite since he's taken the Oval Office. Yeah, you know, there were three areas that the President came back to, and, you know, the President isn't the most eloquent debate or anything like that, but that's part of the reason, that's part of the appeal for the average American, because they picture themselves sitting up there going, "Man, how do you answer these questions? What would I say?" and whatever, they like somebody that's like them, and I think that's part of the appeal of President Trump, and I thought there were three things he kept coming back to, weakness in terms of foreign policy. Weakness leads to war, instability around the world, but it's been growing. I really wish President Trump would have hit on the first go-round on the 13 soldiers that died at the gates of the Kabul airport. When Joe Biden lied to the American people and said, "No soldiers have died on my watch," that's one that I wish would have been hammered a little bit more, but nonetheless, President did a good job. Israel, Ukraine, all that good stuff. We had peace. We had world peace, or certainly things were a whole lot calmer when he was President. The second thing is the regards to the border. He kept coming back to it, and I thought he had a really good answer when they asked a question about minorities, and particular African Americans, and what are you going to do for them? The number one thing you can do for people that may be on the lower end of the economic strata, because that's what I took the question to be. What are you going to do for people that may not be of means in this country? If you could stop the illegal immigration that's competing against them. Donald Trump, for the first time in two decades, was getting those people raises and raises that exceeded inflation or the cost of living. That came as a result of valuing people's work more by not having this cheap labor that's been coming in illegally into our country. And then, of course, third was inflation and the economy. And President Biden just sounds -- I mean, he sounds -- he looks out of it, and he completely sounds out of it when he tries to convince the American people that the economy is doing okay. You know, there were some big concerns that were raised after Robert Herr's special counsel came to their conclusion, also with what's gone on in the back and forth between Merrick, Arlen, and handing over the audio tapes. I think America really got an insight onto what we probably know those tapes sound like after watching them on the debate stage last night. But within the Republican conference right now, and probably spreading through out some of the moderate Democrats in the House of Representatives, how big of a concern is it to you on who's really running the country right now? Yeah, so, you know, if you look at -- if people would look back at the testimony that was done yesterday, because we had a markup in the Judiciary Committee, and one of them was in regards to holding Mark Zlanner, the gold strider for President Biden, and contempt for not turning over information that President Biden gave him as the gold strider. Some of it, that was confidential information. But the left that's on the Judiciary panel today looks very foolish because they were chastising us about, you know, you're just going after the Biden family. You don't need these audio tapes and things like that. You don't think after last night after what people saw that they're going, "Man, I can see why they want to see the audio tapes. You never know what the heck is going to be on there." So, President Biden is just in a really bad spot, and Democrats are in full panic mode out here in Washington, D.C. This isn't -- I mean, this is at least a three alarm fire. I'm expecting to see Jamal Goldman running around the place pulling fire alarms everywhere. They needed it last night, I tell you that much. I mean, I'm watching Joe Biden on the big screen here, and in real time, as we're doing this interview, and he's yelling and screaming but coughing into his hand, he's wiping his eyes with a handkerchief, and he just looks awful. I mean, talking about some of the same talking points that didn't hit last night of the debate to, you know, a one-tenth-filled gym somewhere in North Carolina. As Donald Trump's getting ready to take the stage, it looks like there's tens of thousands of supporters out in Chesapeake, Virginia for his rally that he's going to be hosting this afternoon as well. I do want to stay within the House of Representatives and talk about some of the work that you guys are doing, Congressman. One of the things is, you know, holding Merrick Garland accountable, we've seen Annapolina Luna really pushing this inherent contempt vote. I mean, the way we have to look at this is, Congress is the, you know, entity of the government who dictates what the law is, these career-appointed officials or presidential nominees do not get just to rewrite the law, rewrite the books, rewrite appropriations, rewrite regulations, even though, I mean, after some Supreme Court rulings, they're really not going to be doing it, which happened today. I want to talk to you about that as well. But getting these tapes out to the American people, I mean, you guys have already held them in contempt, and now it seems like we're ready to take it up to the next level after that press conference today and some media that you guys have done over the course of the last 24 hours in regards to getting those tapes out to the American people. I really would appreciate Representative Luna really keeping the pressure on here, because there's no reason for us not to have those audio tapes. They're part of the record. No reason to not have them. Merrick Garland is in contempt of Congress. But I think what's again, we're doing in a steady methodical fashion, no different than the oversight committee under Chairman Coleman. This has been a steady methodical process where we have done it the right way in exposing this information to the American people. And after that debate last night, I think we're at a golden time where the American public may be saying, "Hey, you got to turn this stuff over," because now not just the Judiciary Committee wants to see it. We want to see it as the American people. It's a great point. And then when you talk about one of the biggest things that you're really keen on, I've seen some posts on your social media. I know you guys have been doing some work in this. And when it comes to the border, I know you're really into investigating the NGOs and their complicency in this. But even taking it up a notch still, defunding the UN. I want you to tell our listenership by that such a big deal right now and why it would benefit the American people at this critical juncture for our politics. Yeah, so you saw that I introduced that amendment this week in regards to defunding the United Nations. The United Nations is not serving the interests of the American people at this point. In fact, they're undermining us. I mean, when you're putting countries like Iran and North Korea and others on these policy-making bodies, no Americans should ever have to comply with what the North Koreans or the Iranians want the American people to do. You think about the World Health Organization, which me and Senator Johnson from my home state in Wisconsin introduced the amendment in regards to the NO-W-H-O and the Biden administration is trying to cut a deal with the WHO to turn over pandemic policy to them for Americans. That should not be happening. And the money is being thrown away at the United Nations. I'll give you another example, UNRWA, over in the Middle East, where it turns out a number of their employees were behind the October, or participating in the October 7 atrocities in Israel. And they're being funded by the United Nations and we, the American people that pay about a quarter of all funding into the United Nations, to me, it's time to send a clear message to your persona, Nandrada, here in the United States of America. No, it's the truth. I think none of those organizations really do anything that benefit American people. They didn't benefit the people of Israel, as you alluded to back on October 7th as well. And when it talks about handing over the rights and freedoms of American citizens, God forbid there's another global pandemic. You just can't have it coming from entities outside of this country. It's not the way our republic was founded. It's definitely not the way the framers and the founders intended it as well. And, you know, for all of these people who come in, politicians like Joe Biden that want to buy into that globalist narrative, any pushback, you know, when it comes from people like you and Senator Johnson, who's always a great guest on the show as well, we really appreciate it here on "Stake for Breakfast." So what do you think? Go ahead. That's W.H.O. amendment. That is, we may get that in place here, or we may get a vote on it in July. I was just told this week. We may get no W.H.O. So for our viewers here, contact your representatives and tell them... First of all, tell them if you're not on Congressman Tiffany's bill, no W.H.O., you should get on it. And second of all, get behind this bill here as we get a vote. We'll put it in our weekly newsletter as well, get the word out to all the masses. So what is the latest developments on what's going on? You know, the January 6th committee, we all figured, you know, we had Chairman Jorman on the show a little bit earlier today. He talked about the delegitimate nature of that and what's kind of happened since. We all know that Peter Navarro sitting in jail for, you know, not adhering to the subpoena from the January 6th committee. Steve Bannon got his toes on the line just a few days before he set to report to prison as well. We know that Speaker Johnson is working behind the scenes, all the stuff with the flag in regards to at least get out, you know, Congress's view on the legitimacy of these subpoenas and how they could be looked at when presented to the court. Maybe change a ruling in the decision. Maybe keeps Steve Bannon out of jail during the appellate process. But if you could tell us on any of the developments you've heard over this over the last couple of days, we'd really appreciate it. So more information is exposed about how the January 6th committee was set up inappropriately by Nancy Pelosi. It actually, I mean, while it was a sham to begin with, but it was not set up via the proper procedures. And I think we need to be attacking that. And I think some people are here in the house at this point, attacking it from that angle that this is not a legitimate means that they used. It wasn't a legitimate committee in terms of how it was established. So how can you send somebody to prison who evaded a subpoena in regard from a committee that was illegitimate? Right. And so we're going to continue to fight on that front because what's been done to Peter Navarro, and not what they're going to try to do to Steve Bannon, and so many of the people that were put in prison from January 6th, 2021, it's just wrong what they've done to some of the American people. No, it's the truth. And then I know you're talking about the 1512 C2 charge that was overturned in the Supreme Court today. That's the terrorism tack on for people. I mean, there were people who weren't even in the Capitol who had that charge that had been added, which does nothing but quadruple their sentence when they get before some of these radical judges who continue to write law in real time as they're passing out verdicts. How big is it for the Supreme Court to weigh in on that? Not just for all the people who are in jail or are gummed up in the legal system right now, but ahead of Jack Smith as he tries to push for this special counsel, that seems like it's one half of his argument would be that charge, the other half being the incoming immunity ruling that the Supreme Court is going to have to weigh on in the next few days here as well. The wheels of justice turned slowly. We can thank President Trump that we are getting some of the American people justice and finally getting them justice. And boy, it isn't just this decision in regards to the 1512. It is the other decision in regards to Chevron and Chevron deference and homeless encampments. I mean, these are major rulings that are coming down today and this week that are protecting the liberty and freedom of Americans. While it's been, you know, it's always too slow and coming because that's how the wheels of justice move. These are real blows for protecting patriots in America and protecting people's freedom and liberty. When you talk about that Chevron being overturned as well, I mean, neither one of us are big fans of the administrative state. We always seem to point out the fact that people outside of the traditional Congress, the House, the Senate, and the Oval Office are the ones that are, you know, writing and getting the laws out that are supposed to be the laws of the land. Then you have these, you know, career bureaucrats who are out there just changing stuff up in regards to regulations. This is a big blow to the administrative state and in a potential Donald Trump second term, this would allow for things like American energy to get kicked off in a lot more, I guess, untraditional fashion with, you know, Chevron being part of the protective process there, then you would think in just a normal day. Can you believe it? We're going to have Americans who are going to be on an equal footing with the swamp. I mean, it's about time that the swamp was diminished a little bit here in the American people's lives. But this points out one other thing. And when I was elected to the state legislature, this is something we changed in Wisconsin when Governor Walker was there, is we wrote our bills more precisely. And we did not give deference to the agencies, because oftentimes the bill would conclude with subject to rulemaking by the agency. We stopped putting that in bills. We need to stop doing that in Washington, D.C. also and write more detailed bills that are going to be harder, right, because you've got to be more detailed. But stop giving this deference because Congress is part of the problem here also. Stop giving this deference to the agencies and write the bills more precisely. Yeah, well, doing the work is part of what a lot of the constituents. I'm sure more than most send you guys up to Capitol Hill for. We know you're one of the guys that likes to read between the lines you pointed out for so long. Again, this is a big ruling from the Supreme Court today. It's going to send us into the weekend with a little bit of winning. Congressman, this has been awesome catching up with you today. As always, we've got your congressional website linked in the show description so people can get there and subscribe to your newsletter and all things adjacent. But if anybody wants to check you out on social media, where can they find you? At Rep. Tiffany, you can find us there anytime. By the way, we have over 40,000 people that have signed up for our weekly update. The Tiffany telegram comes out into your email inbox every Friday afternoon. People all over the country get it. We put real substantive stuff in there. We've got real substantive stuff today here on this Big Friday edition of State for Breakfast with the Congressmen who's representing Wisconsin 7. Representative Tom Tiffany, thanks for joining us today. Have a great weekend. The last 24 hours, big wins for America. The President coming to Virginia today, I think, is reflective of the fact that Virginia is in play and Virginia is in play and think about it. Just four years ago, Joe Biden did win Virginia by 10 points. Again, Virginia is ready for strength. I'm so happy he's coming. We had a fabulous meeting two weeks ago. We talked about the fact that Virginia was ready to elect him. The fact that he's here the day after the debate last night, I think demonstrates the fact that we're going to work together when I endorsed him. I told him I'd enthusiastically support him to win. And that's what we're going to do today. All right, jumping back into the news portion of the show here. Last news segment of the week of two big Friday editions of State for Breakfast, and that was Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin this morning, talking about how excited he is on the heels of the first presidential debate to host Donald Trump out in Chesapeake, Virginia. Well, just a little while later in the afternoon today. So, Noah, for someone who necessarily wasn't on the Trump train to begin, and maybe even was leaning towards Ron DeSantis, when Donald Trump didn't resonate polewise early on, as the media was heavily scrutinizing, you know, things in the past, January 6th, and all that other stuff, plus propping up fake candidates like Ron DeSantis, even though America obviously didn't love meatball as well. You know, people were trying to push Glenn Youngkin into the presidential arena, and it just, we said it on the show from day one. He doesn't want that smoke. He's a different kind of politician than one of these people. He'd never be able to stand on the debate stage with Donald Trump in regards to, you know, when he starts hammering him and ratioing him as well. And he kind of made it clear that he was going to stay out of the primary, and once it was over, he got behind Donald Trump, and now, according to him, he's enthusiastically endorsed him and said his state of Virginia, which went for Joe Biden in 2020 is ready to elect him, President of the United States of November. What do you think about that? I think he's going to be a solid person to have on board with the campaign. I mean, everything that he said recently, at least, has been pretty spot-on, and I can't really remember anything in his past that's extremely terrible. And, you know, when you look at Glenn Youngkin as a whole, he's not your, like, most America-first-ish political figure. He's more of a, I would consider leans towards traditional old-school Republican, maybe middle of the road, but in the middle of that road, if he could meet Donald Trump in the middle of an even smaller road there, and that road leads to the White House in November, I think that's a good road to be on, say the very least. Yeah. You know, and again, they're going to try and throw everything, including the kitchen sink at Donald Trump between now and then. I know we touched on it a couple of times, but we need to tackle it head-on here. So, you heard about the new 16 Nobel laureates? Mm-hmm. I guess that means award winners. And the new narrative that the press is starting to cook up regarding it. Now, listen, we should already be conditioned after the 51 former intelligence officials, but, hey, that's just for us to say here. I saw on CNBC earlier this week them trying to push this narrative, much in the way the Hunter Biden laptop spun his Russian disinformation was pushed back in 2019. And listen, as a listening body here, if you hear anybody outside of the people who listened to this show start to be like, man, is this true? Like, I already can't afford stuff. Is Donald Trump going to make it worse? First of all, hold back everything you can from punching them in the face and knocking their teeth out and kindly explain to them, hey, don't you remember just a few short years ago? This laptop came out from Joe Biden's son, and all these people signed off on it, basically saying that it was fake, and the students Joe Biden got elected. They found out it was real. Don't you think it kind of seems exactly like that? Almost to a tee? You have to be able to grab your friends and family and loved ones and send them back in the right direction. Whether or not news is fake or real is one thing. Whether or not you're going to be able to afford your home over the course of the next four years, I think is a lot more important. Let's hear this story. And first up on last call, maybe call this the weaponization of economic reports. If you missed it, this week, 16 Nobel Prize winning economists are warning voters about the risks of a second Trump presidency. The group, which is led by Joseph Stiglitz and George Akerloff, who also happens to be Janet Ille's husband, writes in part, quote, "Imagine that." Each of us has different views on the particulars of various economic policies. We all agree that Joe Biden's economic agenda is vastly superior to Donald Trump. The group claims Trump's plans would be more inflationary than what we are seeing right now. The former president, remember, does want to impose new 10% duties on all imports and a minimum 60% tariff on things made in China. Now, to be fair, Biden also likes tariffs recently slapping a 100% tax on electric cars from China, shipping executives by their point according to the FT have said both policies will be inflationary. And there's also the issue, of course, of taxes. Trump wants to extend his 2017 tax cuts, but Biden wants to let them expire. Trump also wants to cut corporate taxes while Biden wants to raise them. All, by the way, is deficits and debt soar under both presidents. But here's the thing. Whether you agree with that position or not is not the point. It's that the timing of the report is likely not by accident. The election is a long time out, but the first presidential debate is tomorrow night. And I'm willing to bet there's about 100% chance that Biden will mention that 16 Nobel Prize winners are backing him over the former guy. Although, in many of these same economists wrote a letter warning about Trump in 2016 and 13 of the 17 Nobel Prize winners also penned a letter in 21 arguing for Biden's build-back better plan, which was then rebranded, of course, as the inflation reduction act. But here's the question to you. Do you care? Well, voters actually care. Will it move the needle? It better. I tell you that much. When you look at the people, the timeline that they've been doing this for three election cycles now, the fact of the matter that one of the two people leading this effort is the current treasury secretaries of the United States as husband. And again, I want to remind everybody, when Janet Yellen was the current treasury secretary, she's done such a great job with all things regarding American treasury retires. This will be her eighth full federal retirement. Eight checks coming in every month for her service to this country. So if you don't think special interests and lobby groups and the ability to keep their homes down the road is on the ballot here, they're going to do whatever they can to mislead the American public about that. Endorse the Joe Biden inflation non-reduction act. Jesus Christ, the only reason our country is in this disastrous economic state right now is because of things exactly like that. And listen, you might not have liked everything Donald Trump did economically. The fact of the matter is, we had a lot more money in our pockets and shit was less expensive. If we at the very least can get back to there, as part of the next four years under Donald Trump, I'm completely fine with it. I don't care if billionaires are getting more tax breaks. I don't care if we're taxing and terrafing the shit out of countries I could give to fucks about. All that stuff makes no sense because everybody was in line when Donald Trump was president. So his economic policies must have had something right. Maybe that's the real reason why Peter Navarro is in jail right now. Remember, he was the top economic advisor for President Trump, especially regarding all things China during the course of his first term in office. Chris Watley, who's the head of the RNC, will be making his return to stake for breakfast at some point in July, along with Laura Trump before the RNC, jumped on Maria Bartiromo yesterday morning, after this report came out and kind of bled into the press to push back on it. Let's hear it. I mean, magnomics versus bidenomics is certainly expected to be a guest here at the debate tonight. And a new CBS report cites a group of Nobel Prize winning economists who are claiming that Trump's economic plans could reignite inflation. No mention in the story that the last four years has reignited inflation because of Biden's policies. They're also claiming that Trump's deportation plans could shrink the labor force, creating more competition for US workers and push up wages, all adding to inflationary pressure. Again, no mention here of the fact that under Joe Biden, wages have gone down. We had many of the same warnings in 2016 before Trump took office, Michael. Yeah, inflation was 1.4%. The day that Joe Biden took over, it went up to 9%. And now they're trying to brag about it being 3%. Inflation never got above 2% when Donald Trump was in office. So the inflation bugaboo that they're trying to put out there right now does not square with the facts. The fact is that American workers were better off under President Trump. Real wages went up, and under Joe Biden, real wages have gone down, and it really truly has hurt every American family. Yeah, I mean, I'm glad you said at the beginning of this interview, I'm looking forward to hearing what Trump has to say about the next four years, because I would imagine that's really what people want, rather than, you know, looking backwards, they want to know. I don't know how we survived those three months back in 2022 where inflation was around 10%. Oh, it was awful. I feel like I was able to do so much more. Makes me feel a whole lot better watching Donald Trump walk out and take the stage. He came out from behind it. It's in a park, like a historic park, I guess, Chesapeake Bay. It's over there. And he walks out from behind the curtain and does the two open palms up like, you'll never guess he's here. Well, yeah, well, God bless the USA is playing out on the backgrounds, but, you know, and again, we're going to keep an eye on that. We're going to have some top economists, probably Richard Stern from the Heritage Foundation, a couple others who are really dialed into this stuff who are going to give us the, you know, what the Biden administration is trying to do in regards to spin heading up to the election in on the show over the course of the next few weeks, and we'll give you guys a lot better of a snapshot than, you know, just the initial reports that are coming out, something that they wanted to push into the new cycle for Joe Biden almost incoherently mentioned it last night. Guys, wherever you listen to the show today, last call, if you're hearing us, it's pretty simple. Just make sure you're subscribed. It's 100% free. It's 100% awesome. And it's all it does is take the click of a button, whether you're on Apple Spotify, Google Podcast, iHeartRadio, or wherever you listen to your shows, just make sure you hit the follow button so we're downloading to your electronic device. It helps us out in more ways than you could ever know. In addition, check us out on social media, Twitter, Getter, TrueSocial, Instagram, TikTok. We have accounts on all of them. Find us. Follow them. Hit them a notification bell. You'll never miss out on all the great stuff we're doing down here on State for Breakfast. Well, we're going to wrap where we started today, kind of rounding out some of the commentary that's fallen out into the news since the debate last night. Everybody's had no one adhered to the 24 hours, much like with emails. Everybody just kind of vomited their takes everywhere. And although nothing's gotten better for Joe Biden, people were coming out and talking about the great job that President Trump did. Speaker Johnson was on Fox and Friends this morning talking about the, well, he called it a historic performance. Let's listen. A lot of them are saying it to the media this morning. I mean, they have to acknowledge this because their constituents are saying these things to them. They can't hide this truth anymore. Every metric of performance last night, Donald Trump won clearly on the issues on his temperament, on his stamina, the mental acuity. Listen, we live in very dangerous times. The American people are in panic mode about their own lives. They can't afford to put groceries on the table consistently. They're worried about the rising crime rates and the open border and the weakness that we're projecting on the world stage. All these things because we have a weak commander in chief. It's not a game. This is the most important election of our lifetimes. That is not an overstatement. It's not hyperbole. Everybody knows it. Donald Trump showed last night that he can address these challenges and he can bring America back. And I'm telling you, it doesn't matter what party you're in. If you watch that debate, you're not in your head and agreement saying I want that. I want that. We'll take it. I just can't stop talking about the economy. Maybe it was ribeyes, okay? So my wife sent me. It was like usually they're like 11 some odd dollars a pound, which is fucking ridiculous anyways, but they were down to like 792 a pound. So I go and I look. Long story short, I grabbed two packages of the steaks, four steaks in each. Didn't even look. Let me guess. Let me guess the steaks were super thin. They weren't that fat. I would say they were less than an inch thick. Yeah. I had that exact same thing happen to me and the steaks were like, these are fucking ribeyes and like, I felt like I was cooking carne asada. Yep. Yep. So two packages of those bad boys because they're supposedly like $4 or $5 off a pound. I'm not thinking in my head to even look at the prices. I just looked at what steaks didn't look gross. A 12 pack of Sherman, one gallon of zero calorie sweet tea, right? And then they had a deal by two 12 packs of Diet Coke, and then you get three free at whatever price it is. And then you get the register, put in my code. Tell the lady that my wife clicked the digital coupon. She's like, okay, boop, boop, boop, bing, 133.59. I almost shit my pants at the register. It was like the first time I ever almost told the lady I didn't want the food anymore, but I'm that person to where like I didn't want to be embarrassed because there was like two people in line behind me. Yeah. And I was like, for what? And she's like, no, your total is 133.59. And I looked down at the stakes and the stakes were like originally $70 for four rib eyes, and they were like marked down to like $59 or like $55, depending on the weight. So that with some toilet paper on sale and some soda on sale, 135 bucks. Yeah, that's ridiculous, man. Like the people that are doing the mental gymnastics to defend and try to blame Trump for defend Biden and try to blame Trump for all this shit. It's like, you have no fucking idea how things actually work, nor do you care because you're just so fucking brainwashed. Yeah. It's the truth. And I tell you what, my ass hurt the whole way home. Not as much as Joe douche burrows ass hurt this morning. Now remember it was back in March when we played that clip from Joe Scarborough on MSDNC, him and his crappy wife, Mika, where he's like, hey, listen, you might want to hit the record button here because I'm going to tell you how it is. This Joe Biden, this version of Joe Biden is the best Joe Biden we've ever had and went on like some 10 minute frothy rant about how Joe Biden is awesome. And everybody else sucks. Well, consequently, after last night's debate to performance, he couldn't really lead into his show with saying final form Joe Biden is like perfect sale from dragon palsy. He had to say quite the opposite. And when you hear this fucking cope, it almost made my nipples hard. Check it out. Well, and I know so many people watching do and agree with you. And again, I've already said what I think of the man personally and think of his job. I will, I will say, Willie, that for me, I've been in politics long enough and I've been around politics long enough to know that often time doesn't heal all wounds. And if this debate does not lead to serious discussions between Democrats and the president, then what you end up having is sort of this frozen political situation where Democrats then start convincing themselves to three, five, 10 days out that the guy in power, the guy that the people closest to power will suddenly, you know, they'll start spinning and they'll believe their spin. And so I don't think that it's panic. I'm the first one. We talk about democratic bedwetting. I say that that is not this. So this is, this is like a war. We see a political battle for democracy. And this is like, this is like losing a major battle. Is it panic after a war where a major battle is lost to say this general don't know if this general is up to leading the troops the rest of the way. But I mean, again, these are just things that Democrats are going to have to answer over the next couple days, asshole. That was quite the interesting walk back to say the least. What do you think? Yeah, that was a walk back of epic proportions. And I don't want to get everybody hyped up about how great the Trump rally we're going to lead our Tuesday edition of the podcast with coverage, comprehensive review and commentaries on, but Donald Trump just opened up with the statement after saying hello to everyone in Chesapeake, Virginia, as a reminder, a vote for Joe Biden is a vote for failure, surrender and disaster for this country and everybody start going nuts. He's got the suit open up today, no tie, make America great again, hat version two. And as we're getting ready to wrap here and jump in with one America News's Monica Page, who was present in the spin room last night, got to watch the whole debate in real time with everyone else. Politically, that was watching it as well, invitees from both Donald Trump and the Biden team. We got to do some great interviews she's going to talk to us about afterwards. You know, Team Biden came out and said it today. And what is it, the Wolf of Wall Street? I'm not fucking leaving. That's pretty much where they're at right now. You wouldn't think after the last couple hours of coverage that we've provided on what's going on for the Biden team would lead everybody or anybody in America to that decision. However, his team has kind of doubled down. And I'm telling you what, it's going to take a probably an act of God to rip power away from that family's hands running up to the DNC and then the national convention. So in our last audio clip of the week, let's hear a Biden team surrogate reassuring America that even after watching Joe Biden break down in real time last night, that everything's just fine. Well, John, the Biden team, as of this moment, plans to pack up what few wins they had on the debate stage last night. You've already seen some of those packaged and posted on social media and to move on and focus on what's coming down the pike. There are no plans, I'm told, for the president to drop out of the race. And even further, I'm told that the president is still committed to a second debate in September, which is currently scheduled for September 10th and hosted by ABC News, much along the lines of the rules of the debate that was hosted last night. Now, the advisor that I spoke with said that they're not putting too much stock in a conversation last night and that many of the staffers on the campaign and in the White House also worked on President Obama's reelection in 2012. And they tried to draw the parallel to that first debate that was a very low performance for President Obama, even he would call it a stinker. And they said if you had believed the pundits in the wake of that debate, Mitt Romney would be president, would have been president after that. Hey, listen, I'd call Obama a lot of things, but I don't think I'd call him a stinker. Well, Noah, what do you think? We're going to have a lot of spin between, well, now and Donald Trump's sentencing on July 11th and, you know, then we'll have to see where the RNC kind of goes from there as we get into the dog days of summer and wait out the Democrat National Convention. However, it's good that we're going to have Monica Page in here in a second because as the press who gets to attend these things, she will be at ABC Studios for the second debate, much like she was near CNN headquarters last night as the spin room was remote. But you know, what do you think over the last 24 hours, big win for MAGA heading into the weekend? You know, we talked about with some of our guests, but really didn't talk about it on the show, the Supreme Court rulings, the terrorism charges have been added to all the January six cases. Supreme Court said six, three not happening anymore. We also have the ending of the Chevron ruling, which again, six, three ruling says the administrative state cannot regulate things that don't go through Congress anymore. That's absolutely huge. And you know, I think watching Donald Trump on TV right now, talked to a massive crowd in Virginia. I think we're okay to be celebrating 24 hours of absolute winning, but we're going to get back to work next week. What do you think? Yeah, it's the amount of winning that happened in the last 24 hours. Like you said, just the fact that they're eating Joe Biden alive right now, it's, it's the best thing ever. Also, one thing I did notice in that really, really cringe, Joe Biden yelling, congratulations, Joe, you answered the questions. It says, let's go, Joe. Why you would do anything that has let's go in it. At this stage of the game is beyond me. They're trying to like own all the horrible things. It's like the next, the next thing you know, the Biden bumper stickers are I'm the shittiest president. Yeah. Meanwhile, watching Donald Trump out by television. And if you're watching the debate, Donald Trump's being flanked, the entire background is people holding up never surrender mug shots. You want to talk about Joe Biden harnessing like the shittiest stuff of all parts of politics and Donald Trump literally running his campaign like the head of death row records. Yeah. It's amazing and amazing is where we're going to leave it as we're getting ready to jump in with Monica Page from One America News. But before we do, one last check in with one of our partners. This episode of the podcast is brought to you as always by man rubs, rubs, barbecue tools, blow torches, t-shirts, coffee cups, and all around barbecue related gear for you to make barbecue great again. Can be found at and Instagram, manrobes, user code stake 15 for 15% off your order. All right. Joining us next on the show today, this big Friday edition of the stake for records podcast, she is the White House correspondent for One America News. Really thankful to be catching up once again with the lovely Miss Monica Page. Welcome back. Thank you so much for having me. It's always a pleasure to be here on your show. I love what you do. So I'm happy to be part of it. I loved what you were doing last night. We saw lots of debate coverage, and that's where I think we start and end with today. I just want you were down in Georgia. You were in the spin room. You were with everybody that was, it was essentially a watch party because there was no audience at CNN headquarters in Atlanta last night. But listen, I want you to kind of walk us through, I mean, I guess your kaleidoscope of emotions. When first you realized Joe Biden was going to be as bad as we all thought he was. And then what Donald Trump proceeded to do to him over the next 90 minutes of the debate. Well, kaleidoscope of emotions is definitely the best way to put it. It was just a rollercoaster. I mean, we were sitting there, it was me and our other correspondent, Dan, and we had our two videographers with us. We were just going live and doing interviews all day, talking to people all day, really amping this up because we just had no idea what to expect. Will Joe Biden be on those same drugs that he was at the State of the Union? Or will he just be that same Joe Biden that we have been seeing on his campaign trail? Or whenever he just addresses the public and bumbles and fumbles and that is the exact Joe Biden that we got. And we just didn't expect it. So we were all sitting there counting down the seconds to when the debate was going to start. And once it aired, once it started and from the moment Joe Biden opened his mouth, our jaws hit the floor. We were shocked. Just aesthetically, next to Trump, Trump looking sharp and strong and powerful. And it was such a stark contrast to Joe Biden's feeble, frail, weak demeanor. Even just the hone of his voice, the shakiness in his voice, the stumbling, the long pauses, the masked face, the garbled language. These were all telltale signs that Joe Biden is just not cognitively fit to serve another term. One job to try and convince the American people that he is, in fact, fit to serve office. And he failed. He failed. This entire debate was a cognitive test and he failed and President Trump once again succeeded with flying colors. You know, I mean, you can't really come out of this debate and say anything otherwise. And I think from Joe Biden's opening statement to, like you said, it was BDI, garbled, slurring about halfway through the debate, the eyes opened up and he stopped blinking. But, you know, there were so many things set up for Donald Trump ahead of this saying it was too early. He should accept the nomination first. Like, you know, this is a trap by the Democrats. They're trying to lure him into a three on one situation and get him all emotionally involved in his responses. Every single thing that everyone in the conservative media has been warning the Trump team about for like the last five weeks, Joe Biden tried to use and they all blew up in front of his face. Like he went low talking about weight, talking about sexual behavior, talking about policies and relationships that Donald Trump had across the world that just weren't true everything from the cost of medicine to border numbers and crime in the United States and everything in between. And Donald Trump just had specific examples picked out of Joe Biden's negative talking points and how during his presidency, Donald Trump succeeded in all of those areas. And it just made not only Joe Biden's physical performance seem worse, but his unpreparedness. I mean, going to Camp David for over a week and working with some of the best experts in the game and then that your performance last night, it was just an absolute disaster from top to bottom. Yeah. I mean, this just goes to show that President Trump was right. The anywhere, any place, any time President Trump would always be on it because Trump has policy on his side. He has his own policy, his own record, he has his own numbers to tout and brag about. And it is something to brag about. The American people were better off four years ago than they are now. And then at multiple points throughout the debate last night, Biden resulted, uh, resorted excuse me to just insults, you're a liar, you're a child, you're this. Yeah. And it's like, that's not really how you debate. If you want to be a good debater, you come out with facts. And it's unfortunate that Joe Biden just couldn't do that because he has, he doesn't have a good record. I mean, President Trump did not let Joe Biden forget about his broken border. He did not let him forget about the American girls that have been killed and, and men too, Americans just in general, that have been killed under this administration because of Biden's broken border policies. And I think that was a really good testament because I know that I think it was right before the debate, but the president, President Trump was just speaking on the phone with the families of those who have been killed by Joe Biden's leadership. And I think, uh, you know, that just speaks a true testament to who Trump is. I know that Joe Biden was trying to continuously attack Trump's character by bringing up, uh, just lies about what he said about that general and suckers and losers and these prostitutes and this and that and convicted felon, but at the end of the day, President Trump cares about the American people. And he made that known throughout the entirety of the debate. And I think that that worked for sure in his favor. Now, you had a great seat in the spin room last night and I do want to get some commentary on that as well. You know, uh, America reacted to this in almost unison to the shock of Joe Biden and how the Democrats presented him last night, his overall performance and how strong Donald Trump looked on the debate stage hasn't missed a step since the 2015 cycle when it comes down to the people that he's been able to eliminate on the debate stage trail as well. But you were able to catch up with a few of the really bigs in America first Vivek Ramaswami, Matt Gaetu is an esteemed guest on the show all the time. And then one of Donald Trump's biggest supporters, she was actually a VP finalist in his first run for the White House. And that's a Senator Marshall Blackburn as well. As you were starting to gauge the responses from these big figures within the America first movement, what were the reactions that they had? I mean, this went better than anyone could have expected. I mean, even some of the top tier meme makers out there couldn't have thought that this debate that happened last night would have shook out the way that it did and how wonderful it was to see, you know, Joe Biden is the people that everyone who has been called conspiracy theorists for years now, he is that person. There are other people running in the country. His wife and former Obama administration officials are definitely running this country right now. But the fact of the matter is, is that I'm sure the, well, at least on the America first side of the spin room last night, there was a jubilation, maybe to say the least, maybe you give us a little insight on some of your interviews. Yeah, absolutely. Jubilation, a great work to use a kind of, I felt kind of like a sigh of relief in the room because when you go into these debates, especially with somebody who's basically spent his whole life debating, Joe Biden being in politics for decades, that man knows how to debate. And he knows how to manipulate and he knows how to stretch the truth, especially, you know, with it being him and his record. But so knowing that, knowing about Joe Biden's past and his history debating, you just never know where you're going to get with Joe Biden. And that kind of led everybody to just kind of feel a sigh of relief, feel some kind of joy, celebrate a little bit because, I mean, we all had confidence in President Trump, of course, but it just helps to know that President Trump, you know, has his record on his side, has such a good, you know, support system of surrogates on his side. And yeah, I was able to catch up with the vague Congressman Matt Gates and Senator Marshall Blackburn, who all pretty much had very same testament, the same kind of reactions to President Trump's performance last night. They were all just saying, you know, President Trump, you really just hit Joe Biden. It's time after time over each issue, especially as it relates to the economy and inflation, the border, of course, or the two biggest issues that President Trump could confidently really just hit him with the facts of the matter. And especially when it comes to jobs as well and how black Americans, minorities, young, young people, they gravitate towards President Trump. I spoke to Senator Marshall Blackburn about the issue on abortion because I think the issue on abortion is something that it gets to be really, it's a touchy subject, and it's something that Democrats have continuously weaponized Joe Biden's been spending the majority of his campaign trying to use this issue against Republicans. But Trump called out Biden about this late-term abortion on the Roe v. Wade overturning, and he said that Biden stands on abortion is extremely radical and that, you know, he would be in favor of an abortion pill, which I think is a very interesting stance. He would not put any blocks or anything on that. So I was interested to see what the senator's comments were, and she was very pleased with President Trump's plans, his vision for this issue that has been constantly weaponized and used against Trump. And of course, you know, this issue being not just a women's issue, a men's issue as well. I know that a lot of Democrats like to say otherwise, but that's not necessarily the case. But I really liked what President Trump had to say. That was something that I was personally a little bit concerned about, that issue specifically. But other than that, all three of those, you know, powerhouse candidates and office holders, Congress people, they are awesome. Doug Burgum was there, JD Vance was there, Ben Carson was on the floor, Byron Donald's was there. It was great. I barely saw any Biden surrogates. The only Biden surrogate that I saw, well, actually I saw three, but they didn't come out after the debate. They went to hiding. Governor Gavin Newsom was there, Rafael Warnock and Jasmine Crockett was there in all her glory. So quite an interesting cast of characters on the Democrat side. You're talking about America last favorite DEI, Congress was there, man. Well, you know, what can you say? It was a great night. We've seen some big developments today up at the Supreme Court. Three positive things for America first. You know, we've had the opportunity to talk to three Congress people throughout the course of the show already. Monica, we haven't had 24 hours like this in a while. Donald Trump's getting ready to take to the debate stage in real time as we're recording with you. Glenn young kids, giving them a great introduction. It's so interesting to see how the coalescing behind Donald Trump. I mean, listen, anybody that wants to do anything policy-wise or has any kind of political aspirations after seeing how weak the Democrats are last night and what Joe Biden looks like in real time. You have to kind of just swallow your pride if you're not with America first and coalesce behind Donald Trump because he's going to be your ticket to a very bright political future, not just for themselves, but for this country moving forward. And we always work together better when we're doing it in real time. And I think, you know, when you look at the amount of people who have come back under the MAGA tan, people who even supported other candidates throughout the course of like, you know, we call it the fake multiversal primary that the Republicans had under Donald Trump while he was running away with all the delegates. But, you know, the fact of the matter is that it seems like just about everybody's back under the tent now and MAGA looks stronger than ever before. What do you think? Yeah. I mean, there's no better time to be MAGA than now. I mean, I mean, if you were at MAGA back in 2016 now, you know, it's never too late to jump on the bandwagon for sure. I mean, this is the place where you want to be. We've got, you know, some of the best people on our side and, you know, we just want people to realize that less government, the better. We don't want your Joe Biden's mandates. They never wanted an open border. We want prosperous, safe, secure, where everybody is successful, not just lowering the standards for everybody. So everyone's on the same playing field. It's one where we can uplift everybody instead of tearing everybody down. It's going to be very interesting, though, to see what happens next after this. Apparently, President Biden is definitely going to do debate number two in September at ABC News headquarters. I have no idea what to expect in September, considering that the DNC is just a short two months away from now and a month before that debate. So I don't know what the Democrats are thinking at this point. I think it's going to take a little bit of time to let what we just saw last night sink in and really just, you know, feel out what happens next. I don't know if it'll be a Kamala Harris situation and Gavin Newsom situation, Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama. I don't know what we can expect to see next, but all I know is that, you know, the Republicans at this stage, we cannot get too comfortable. We have to be still be, you know, come together, still be unified. We just can't get too comfortable, because I think Republicans tend to do that. I think we get too comfortable. I think we get a little bit like, okay, like, we got this. We don't need to keep fighting, and we can take a little break, but that's not the case. Like now is the time, now more than ever, that we need to continue this, keep this momentum going. You know, I woke up this morning feeling great for the first time, at least politically in a long time, but the fact of the matter is, is you're correct. I also immediately got out of bed and instantly felt like I was 10 points behind in the polls. I'm pretty sure that Donald Trump is reminding every single one of his campaign surrogates and people that are out there working hard to make sure he wins his reelection, including himself, that that's kind of the narrative, like you kind of alluded to right there, that they need to take. You know, you can't believe the numbers, you can't believe the hype. I mean, they've been able to lie for Joe Biden three and a half years before that debate happened last night, telling you how wonderful he is. What's to say that, you know, in this digital age we live in, that they're just not going to try and make everybody forget about this and point to other things down the road, like how great the DNC convention is going to be, and then we have the second debate and all this other stuff. They're going to bring out all the people that bring out the fields in the Democrat party. Obviously, we'll see all the losers in Congress who go out there from the squad plus Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, et cetera. And they'll all be out there stumping for Joe Biden, telling us how awesome he is. I mean, his speaking event today in North Carolina, he opened up with saying, I admit it, I've lost a step when it comes to the debate stage, but that doesn't mean I'm not qualified or prepared to continue to run this country. And they're just going to continue to spin it like they do. I do have to ask you this before we cut Monica, how great is it going to be the next time the White House holds a press conference for you to just sit there with a big smile on your face while KJP does not call on you to answer any questions, but you see her try to make excuses for how bad Joe Biden was last night. I cannot wait. I have no idea when the next press briefing is going to be. We haven't had one in over a week, obviously, as you know, because of Camp David, but I can't wait to see what he could possibly say, because if I can't ask the question, I know somebody else will, and I know that person will probably be Peter Ducey because he always hits her with the best questions, because he's right there in the front row, he has to get called on so he might as well just hit her with his best shot and yeah, I'll be there smiling and just stare in her straight in the face like we all told you so. They're not cheap fakes, they're not deep fakes, you saw it live on TV, on CNN of all places, and you'll probably see it again on ABC, if he's not too drugged up, they may have learned about, they may have learned about what they did wrong this time around. So I don't know. I wouldn't put a pass them to kind of slip them a little extra Adderall in this, or whatever it may be for the next one. Wild times we're living in, but you're here for it. We're here with you and we were so fortunate to catch up with you today, Monica. Obviously, we've got your page on the One America News Network, live link to the show description today. Anybody wants to follow you on social media, check out all the great work you're doing, all the questions you're not getting called on for during the White House press events. Or can they check you out? Yep, you can find me on Instagram @TheMonFather on X @MonicaPageTV, and you can also find me on Truth Social @TheMonFather as well. And of course, please download, subscribe to OAN Live. You never miss our coverage, we always have great stuff going. Every single day we have the best anchors and the best reporters, and we're always going to bring you the truth even when they try to censor us. So thank you so much for having me, I always appreciate being on with you. No, it's our pleasure, and just a side note there, even though it's still included in my local cable network, line up as far as news stations go, I do go on the Roku app and pay my extra amount to get double OAN. This is the White House correspondent for One America News, Ms. Monica Page, thanks for joining us. Have a great rest of the weekend. Thanks. Wow, what a wild end to the week here on the show. If you enjoyed it and want to hear the other, over 410 additional additions to the Stay from Breakfast podcast, it's pretty simple folks. Just be subscribed to us and downloading our show across every downloadable podcasting platform. Check us out on Apple, Spotify through the podcast, iHeartRadio, or wherever you listen to your shows. In addition, check us out on social media, Twitter, Getter, TrueSocial, Instagram, and now TikTok is where we have accounts, find them, follow them, hit the notification bell you'll never miss out on all the great stuff we've got going on down here at Stay for Breakfast. We want to thank all of our guests for coming in and sharing with us today. Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan, Indiana Congresswoman Victoria Sparks, Wisconsin Congressman Tom Tiffany, and the Chief White House Correspondent from One America News, Ms. Monica Page. You guys all helped make steak great again. Guys, we're heading into the weekend. I don't even have Tuesday's guest list finalized yet, but don't worry, we'll be back with two all new additions of the show ahead of 4th of July. Already scheduled to appear, we're going to be circling back with Megan Ekenchamp from the Florida Young Republicans. We'll also catch up with constitutional attorney down at the RNC, Ms. Christina Bob, and probably a couple other guests to round out our America First Top Tier lineup. So on behalf of the POD team, I'm Ron, have a great weekend. Thanks for listening, and take care. Listen, he is 65 and only 223 pounds. He can't hit a ball 50 yards. You have the morals on an alley cat. We knock on wood wherever we may have wood. You're the sucker. You're the loser. He's become like a Palestinian, but they don't like him because he's a very bad Palestinian. We finally beat Medicare. Well, he's right. He did beat Medicare. He beat it to death. Look, I'd be happy to have a driving contest with him. I really don't know what he said at the end of this, and I don't think he knows what he said either. I want absolutely immaculate clean water. Kareem, I got my handicap, which when I was vice president, down to a six. That's the biggest lie. It was a six handicap of all. Well, I took two tests. God did a test. I used to. What is that? [BLANK_AUDIO]