Steak for Breakfast Podcast

Episode 409

On today’s (Tuesday 2 of 2) Episode of the Steak for Breakfast Podcast, we are covering:    Donald Trump delivered remarks to supporters at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA this weekend and we’ve got all the highlights and post-event analysis  Joe Biden’s mental fitness, the border disorder and our Presidential Debate preview are three of the big headlines we’re covering in our last news segment of the day  Guests: In Order of Appearance  All profile handles are for X (formerly Twitter)  Theo Wold (@RealTheoWold) Former Deputy Assistant, President Donald J. Trump   Website:   Jesse Binnall (@jbinnall) Founder, Binnall Law Group; Constitutional Attorney    Website:   Steak for Breakfast:  SUBSCRIBE on Apple Podcasts:   SUBSCRIBE on Spotify:   email the show:    Steak for Substack:   linktree:   MyPillow: Promo Code: STEAK at checkout  Website: Website:  Via the Phone: 800-658-8045    My Patriot Cigar Co. Enter Promo Code: STEAK  and save 25%   Man Rubs Enter Promo Code: STEAK15 and save 15%   Beard Vet Coffee Enter Promo Code: STEAK and save 10%   BattleBorn Coffee Roasters enter promo code: STEAK and save 20% off your first order   New Hope Wellness use this link or enter promo code: STEAK during intake for free consultation and $100 off your first order Call: 1-800-527-2150

1h 51m
Broadcast on:
25 Jun 2024
Audio Format:

On today’s (Tuesday 2 of 2) Episode of the Steak for Breakfast Podcast, we are covering: 


Donald Trump delivered remarks to supporters at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA this weekend and we’ve got all the highlights and post-event analysis 

Joe Biden’s mental fitness, the border disorder and our Presidential Debate preview are three of the big headlines we’re covering in our last news segment of the day 

Guests: In Order of Appearance 

All profile handles are for X (formerly Twitter) 

Theo Wold (@RealTheoWold) Former Deputy Assistant, President Donald J. Trump




Jesse Binnall (@jbinnall) Founder, Binnall Law Group; Constitutional Attorney 




Steak for Breakfast: 

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My Patriot Cigar Co. Enter Promo Code: STEAK  and save 25%


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New Hope Wellness use this link or enter promo code: STEAK during intake for free consultation and $100 off your first order

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- Monkey, this is not nom, this is bowling, they're a rule. - Hey, hey, hey, junior, America! (yelling) - Snakes. - Four! - Bassist! - So, stand by. - All right, everybody, welcome back to the "Stake of Breakfast" podcast. I'm Ron Fly and Solo today. If you're a first-time listener, welcome to the show. If you're a long-time listener, welcome back to America's fastest growing and quickly becoming favorite political podcast. If you're hearing the show for the first time, don't worry, we'll see you in a bit. Press pause, go back and check out our first edition of the show. That's gonna be episode 408. We featured Texas representative Keith Self and former U.S. Ambassador to Denmark, Carla Sands, who now works through the America First Policy Institute. We also talked about the remarks Donald Trump delivered at the Faith and Freedom Tour leg in Washington, D.C., over the weekend, broke that down a little bit. And how CNN is finally showing its true colors and Trump derangement syndrome ahead of the first presidential debate in just three days. This episode, we're gonna be jumping in to the rally that Donald Trump had at the Lea Cura Center at Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania over the weekend. In addition to that, we'll be looking at Joe Biden's mental fitness, the U.S. Southern border, and a little bit more of the first presidential debate preview. In addition to that, we've got former Trump administration deputy assistant Theo Wold joining us. And we'll be catching up with constitutional attorney who's doing a lot of work for President Trump behind the scenes, Jesse Benoll. So great second edition of the show today. We're gonna jump right in here with the remarks that Donald Trump was delivering in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at Temple University over the weekend. Talking about how the people in this country are looking for one thing and one thing only right now, not to invoke the former president Barack Obama, but bringing it for real, and that's hope. Let's check it out. - 107,000 people in New Jersey. (audience cheering) Wildwood, Wildwood, we love Wildwood, 100% of them. We're 25,000 people. And that was a rainbow coalition. That was a real, that was unbelievable. And there wasn't one bad word out of it. There wasn't a fight. There wasn't a, it was like a love fest. It was the most beautiful day. Everybody came together. You know why? The people of our country are looking for hope. Whether they're white, brown, black, or anything else. They're looking for hope. They're tired of it. They're tired of being called stupid people all over the world. Four years ago, we were so respected and now we're being left at. - You know, and that's a great point that Donald Trump brings up that I don't think it's talked about enough. Even on places like this, like State for Breakfast, you know, Donald Trump has these massive events. And some of them are outside in places that are, you know, there is security there. Obviously he's the former president of the United States. He has his own private detail. He has the Secret Service. You know, he has local law enforcement that he coordinates with to make these events happen. But you want to talk about any kind of protesters, like the environmental people, the pro-Palestinian people, the antifas who still want to derail Donald Trump's chances at a second term in office. Outside of the one or two people who speak up very infrequently at one of these events where you get the traditional, you know, go home to mommy, you just don't see it. But every other political figure out there from Joe Biden to even this weekend, I know a lot of our listenership probably at least saw on social media portions of that absolutely cringe rally for about 150 people that Sandy Ocasio-Cortez and Jamal Bowman had out in New York at like some public park where they were like dancing around to Wu-Tang Clan and just being completely obnoxious. I'm so glad that fire alarm pulling enthusiast Jamal Bowman is gonna lose his primary election today and no longer be a congressman. But you know, AOC had to be rushed by security detail back to the method of transportation. She took out to that rally because the pro-Palestinian mob was looking to get her. And that's just another reminder for our listenership. If you live in Utah, Colorado or New York today, big primaries get out there and vote for Donald Trump. People like Trent Staggs in Utah, Lauren Boebert in Colorado. And then of course, anyone who's America first up in the Empire State. And let's get continue to keep that ball rolling. As we know, our brave men and women up on Capitol Hill need some assistance in the 119th session of Congress next year. You heard Texas Congressman Keith Self allude to that just as much when we had a sit down interview with him today on our first edition of the show. So we're gonna keep things rolling here. Not only is Donald Trump seeing that the people are calling for hope in a second Trump presidency, but levels of enthusiasm that are off the charts is something that's really resonating with the former president and current GOP nominee. And the reason for that is we've mentioned it on the show. A lot of people say, oh man, how does Donald Trump do this? The law fair, how tough it's been on his friends. His family, his former surrogates, people that are running in races congressionally and at the gubernatorial level. And for the House of Representatives that are looking to support him, primary challengers that are getting inserted into these races on behalf of people like Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy, how does he get up every morning and do it? Well, it's our enthusiasm, our prayers, our vision of what a second Trump presidency will mean for not just the United States but the rest of the world that energizes him and he absolutely loves it. And every time it comes to mind, he talks about it. Let's check it out. - In fact, we got the most votes for a sitting president in the history of our country. And then we were told, oh, but you just missed it. You just lost, now, now we can't let this happen. And I'll tell you what, I have never seen and we had a great 2016, we had an even better 2020. There has never been enthusiasm, like I'm seeing right now. There's never been, never been. (audience cheering) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, wow. - Big crowd, big crowd. (audience cheering) - Leg rate. You know, when you talk about the level of enthusiasm, it was so funny. So at the Lea Cura Center where they had this rally on the campus of Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, you know, the Biden White House account, whoever probably KJP who puts out tweets for Joe Biden's official account, you had the Biden, Harris, HQ, dark brand and troll account, all putting out images of Donald Trump's rally which clearly showed that the upperist deck had no people in it. Now, back in 2022 during the midterm elections, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Barack Obama, all came out to the same venue and supported then-senatorial candidate, current U.S. senator from Pennsylvania, John Federman, heading up to election day with, I guess you could call it, a rally. Ah, it was disgraceful. Joe Biden and the stage they set up, flanked by the aforementioned, filled up, I would say, one-tenth of the arena, used none of the floor outside for press, had a couple risers filled with probably paid supporters, staffers of the candidate and people bust in because there's no organic followership for any of these losers. And just for tight imagery, had people behind the stage, had people in the first and top deck of the Lea Cura Center there and made it seem like it was absolutely packed. Well, much like we saw at the private former university that I believe is now a private high school in Philadelphia a few short weeks ago, Joe Biden was allowed to do the same kind of venue filling which was tight-angled, given out to all of the news outlets, including Fox News, and no one called them on it, even though on social media, members of the press who attended the event live said that they're using tight-angle shots because nine-tenths of the gym are completely empty. Now, Donald Trump came in for this rally, he filled up the first deck, he filled up the second deck and in cases where you use the floor for seating as is the case with Trump rallies, you know, where they play the actual basketball games on the floor in this arena, they also had a lot of seating there as well, you're not allowed to use the top deck for spectators, it's just one of the policies that they have at this gym. So the Biden campaign went out and said that like, you know, Donald Trump's promoting all of this BS of people filling up and there was an overflow crowd watching huge television screens outside of the arena because they weren't allowed into the stadium because once it had reached capacity, you can't let anybody else in. And then the fact checking that went out online of the people who were at this Biden, Harris, Obama, Federman event back in 2022, which were showing panoramics of the stadium at Temple University and how empty it was compared to the ones of how full it was this weekend for Donald Trump and they just continue to ratio themselves in every way, shape, or form. And that's the kind of behavior and narratives we're gonna see heading into these events, much like the presidential debate, which is coming down this Thursday. You know, Donald Trump talked about Joe Biden's preparation in a way that I think only the former president and current GOP nominee could. Let's check it out. - Tonight, we'll refer to him as Sleepy Joe 'cause right now, as you know, he's been reported that right now, Crooked Joe's gone to a log cabin to study, prepare. - No, he's sleeping now. 'Cause they wanna get him good and strong. So a little before debate time, he gets a shot in the ass and that's, they wanna strengthen 'em up. So he comes out, he'll come out, okay, I say he'll come out all jacked up, right? All jacked up. No. Will anybody be watching the debate on Thursday night? (audience cheering) I'm shocked. No, I'm shocked. But they've taken so much fun out of it, there's no audience. They actually wanted us to sit down. I said, "Look, I wanna do this thing." You know, they gave me what happened is they gave me something that couldn't be accepted. They gave me an offer I couldn't accept and I said, "I'll do it." Number one, it was CNN fake news, right? Who hates Trump? (audience booing) Then it was fake time, who really hates Trump? And Danabash, you know it's Dan, it's not Dana, it's Dana, you know that, right? - Dana. - Right? It's Dana, right, isn't it? It's either. - Oh. - Cheers again. Then they said, think of this, but no audience, it's like death. It's to us and to of them. It's like death. This could be the most boring or it could be quite exciting. Who knows? - I'm gonna edge on the side of exciting just because I think Donald Trump is ready for this. I mean, listen, the way he's outlined it, the way he's ratioing these losers heading into the event and absolutely hammering Joe Biden in his whatever you wanna call preparation. I mean, Donald Trump put out a post on true social the other day it was, drug tests before the debate, I would, and I think Joe Biden should have to do one too, before and after, mega. It's just, you know, the way we've come to know and appreciate the fact that Donald Trump is dialed into these issues, he's not just listening to campaign staff and the people who are helping him prepare, you know, sharpen his sword, policy-wise, so he knows exactly where to hit Joe Biden and what he can prove to the American people worked during his first administration, the opportunity they have to enjoy that and more during a second Trump term and, you know, what it looks like. But I mean, man, when you talk about the logistics, the two people that absolutely hate Donald Trump, Mr. Hitler enthusiast himself, fake tapper, and Donna Bash, whose husband was one of the 51 former intelligence officials who signed on to the fake news, Hunter Biden, laptop, Russian disinformation, bullshit that Tony Blinken was running around with back in 2020, no fans. I mean, they're pushing for chairs, sounds like Donald Trump doesn't want it. The muted mics and the no accountability for the last time that these two were on the debate stage, it's gonna be really interesting to see how this all shakes out. But again, that's why we're here for it, that's why we're giving it a big preview today and that's why we're going to have comprehensive coverage and a recap and analysis following the debate on both of our Friday edition of the shows. Donald Trump would continue to drag Joe Biden, especially for the recent string of embarrassing moments that he's had both home and abroad. Let's hear it. - They get him in about nine different positions. I mean, even normal positions, although I assume he's been in some very bad ones. But they get him in all these horrible compromising posts and then they say he wasn't, it really wasn't that way, I was told. Then everybody sends in, they all have cameras. See, everyone of you has a camera. If I blow it up here, though, they actually, they take a perfect, brilliant, beautiful statement that I make, I go for two hours without teleprompters. And if I say one word slightly out, they say he's cognitively impaired. Whereas Biden can run into walls, he can fall off the stage, he can fall up the stairs, he falls up. He can turn around, listen to this, from 20,000 feet of paratroopers landing right in front of him. Everybody, all the foreign leaders, they're watching. And he turns around to look at a tree, right? Now, and then they say it was fake, he was fine. And then the press goes along with it. They go along with it. They say, isn't it terrible the way they cover him now? He's terrible. The worst president in history by far, and we have to get about. Or this country is not gonna survive another year. That is the truth. And again, we don't deserve Donald Trump for the way he can frame some of these Bidenisms that we're treated to on a list. And every time he comes on television basis there, but I mean, listen, when you talk about the consequences of us not getting the job done in November this year, Donald Trump sends a harsh reminder out on more than a daily basis of what we need to do over the course of the next five months. You know, I just want to remind everybody, I mentioned it in our first show, but now since we're talking about the specific rally, Donald Trump also had an attendance as VIP guests, as many as would come of the 13 families who lost loved ones, servicemen and women, during Joe Biden's embarrassing retreat from Afghanistan at the terrorist bombing at Abbey Gate. And spent some time with them, I believe, before the rally and acknowledged them throughout the course of their speaking events. And then, you know, while all this stuff is going on and we're talking about all these awful policies that Joe Biden and how Donald Trump is hitting him ahead of the debate, we had challenged a lot of people who listened to this show who serve in a greater context outside of just being a listener. And those are our elected officials. Well, Andrew Bailey, the attorney general of Missouri, has really taken the precedent in running with challenging the Biden administration. It's just been revealed that a federal judge is willing to listen to his arguments in regards to a lawsuit he's doing against the Biden regime when it comes to student loan forgiveness and how it has been unconstitutionally not using the correct avenues via Congress to forgive billions of dollars in regards to student loan forgiveness and how the grunt of that will now fall in the American taxpayers whose student loans debt it is not. In addition, he's also filed a lawsuit against the DA Alvin Bragg's office in regards to an election interference narrative and by them wrongfully persecuting and prosecuting Donald Trump, it is disenfranchising the voters of Missouri. We saw similar things out of the state of Missouri combined with Texas and several other states following the 2020 presidential election when they argued that state legislators, state houses and Senate, voted for voter laws and then rogue secretary of states and/or governors collaborated to change voting laws free for all mail and ballots, extending voter periods both before and after election day, et cetera. So Andrew Bailey, amazing job, continue to kick ass in the way that you do. I'd also like to see some lawsuits come in forward about the dropping of asylum cases for people who have illegally entered this country or even the amnesty that Joe Biden wrote just last week in regards to the spouses of DACA recipients, almost half a million people if not more by the time everything's said and done. So some work being done for America first and we have to be able to take into consideration that there are some people, albeit few out there working very hard for the American public. Guys, where are you listening to the show today? You're welcome. Hope you're enjoying the second of two big Tuesday editions of the State for Breakfast podcast. Listen, help us out. Whether it's on Apple Spotify, we'll podcast iHeartRadio or wherever you listen to your shows, just make sure you're subscribed to us. It's 100% free. We'll never ask you for a dime. Just hit that subscribe or follow button or plus follow button on Apple podcast, which is where we prefer. It helps us out in massaging the algorithms, make us more present in suggestions for political podcast, news and commentary. It also helps us out in the Apple top 100. The more downloads we get, the higher we go. Recently we were as high as number 59 in the United States for news and commentary. We're also showing up in many of the top 100 charts in several countries across the world. Number one, albeit in some small countries, it's still the message is getting out there and we really appreciate it. And then check us out on social media, Twitter, get our true social Instagram and now TikTok. It's where we've got accounts. Find us, follow them, hit the notification bell and never miss out on anything we've got going on here on the show. So here's the deal. We ran in our first episode of the podcast today without Noah because like I already had mentioned, forklifting happens. Listen, these cargo containers are not gonna deliver themselves. Neither is anything that's on them and where it needs to go. So when duty calls, he goes a forklifting and... - I thought that was a Biden reference. - Damn it, joining us on the show now is our much beloved co-host Noah, welcome back. - What's up everybody, glad to be back. - Sound tired. - Yeah, you know, we got one of those electric forklifts. - Okay. - And we ended up pushing it most of the time. So it's kind of like the Flintstones. - Did you see that guy that had the Cybertruck melt down on social media this week? - Yeah. - He charged it for 12 hours and he got a whopping like 42%. He can go like 130 miles. He's like, why would I wanna go to the gas station and pay 50 bucks when for $40 worth of energy, I get half a Cybertruck when I could fill up my gas-powered car and drive 500 miles and it's like a make-sto sense to me. - Yeah. - Ridiculous. - Yeah. They're gonna have to do a version two of that thing at some point, but uh... - Past some electric school bus the other day, I was like, wow, that sucks. Only way that could get nerdier. - Yeah, there you go. Well, Noah, we're in the second of two big Tuesday editions. We were able to make it, unfortunately, without you for the first one, but here you are. We're talking about Donald Trump as he delivered remarks in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at Temple University this coming weekend, it was a great rally, massively packed. The Biden account on social media tried to make fun of it and say because the top ring wasn't filled. It wasn't filled, even though there was an overflow crowd and a lot of people came in to find out policy at the university states, if you use the floor of the arena for part of your crowd, you're not allowed to fill up the top ring of the arena. So then they went in ratio, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, John Federman and Kamala Harris, who held a rally for Federman there back in 2022. They used long story short, one ninth of the gym and tried to make it seem like it was more packed than Donald Trump's rally this weekend. It failed miserably online. - You got to love it when you see that shit because people know it's bullshit. Like looking at that picture, I was hard pressed to see what they were talking about. And then I was like looking and I'm like, oh, you mean like the nosebleed seats that nobody wanted to be in anyway? - Yeah. - Geez, God forbid. - Yeah, God forbid is right. And we're jumping into the part of the rally now. Different remarks and what we heard in our first new segment of our first show where Donald Trump talked before the faith and freedom circuits of the DC leg of their conference, but here in Philadelphia, he was talking about the migrant crisis and without getting into the specifics of the things he usually says on the campaign trail. He had a personal story about where one of the last crimes committed by illegal migrants against US citizens happened, let's check it out. A scene from a horror movie forced them into the woods, tied them together by their wrists and raped the young girl at a park in Queens, a park that I grew up right next to while filming it on camera. He put it on camera, he thought it was great. You know, I used to go to that park and ride my bicycle like a kid. I was a kid too, can you believe it? I'd ride my bicycle to the park, my mother loved me but you'd say good, now be home at a certain time, you know? I'd ride there, this one went for years. It was never any thought of anything happening. Now if you go to a park near your home, you have a very good chance of never seeing your child again. This is not living in a country that we grew up and we're not going to stand for it, we're not going to stand for it. We're going to take our country back. I mean, no, when you see some of the migrant crimes lately, you know, listen, the two people who kidnapped and raped 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungareye outside of the Houston area about two weeks ago, they were in court today. They both got a $10 million bond dropped on their heads and aren't going anywhere until their legal proceedings are over. And that's good at least, I mean, everybody else is getting released for everything. - Well, they're also waiting for some of the, I guess, DNA evidence to come back that's going to allow them to push for the death penalty because it's in Texas. - Oh, good, I like it. - Fantastic, but here's the deal. As some of the developments for the first time came out in court today, you know, it was revealed by the prosecution that the sexual assault of this young girl by these two monsters went on for over the course of two hours. And when they talked about how this young woman's life ended, eventually by strangulation and then she was dumped into a pond that was adjacent to the park where this crime happened underneath a bridge outside of the Houston area. - And these were two guys together doing it? - Two Venezuelan newcomers. - Can you imagine? - No, well, Cameron, obviously, obviously you can't, but can you imagine, A, being so desensitized to just being a fucking human being, that that seems like something that, A, you should film, and B, you should do with a buddy, like that is just, like when you say monsters, that's not monstrous enough. - No, it's not. And the security cameras throughout the city saw that I guess these two absolutely inhumans, subhuman monsters ran into this girl at a convenience store and essentially coaxed her into where the attack happened, but they talked about the defensive wounds today that both of the subjects had, which included deep scratch marks and even bites. So I mean, this girl literally fought for her wife while over the course of two plus hours, she was viciously raped before being strangled to death and threw into a pond 12 years old. I couldn't imagine. I couldn't imagine, that's my daughter's age. - Yeah, no, not okay. - No, it isn't. And, you know, I don't know, what is it when they cut your insides out and then string them up or something? - Oh, you're talking about-- - You're on and quartered? - Yeah, medieval display the entrails for everybody to see. - Do it. I'd be down for it. I'll have to see what happens. - And not to make light of, you know, the subject matter, but if somebody doesn't make a queen bicycle race rendition of him saying the thing about the bicycle, I'll be very upset. - I absolutely love it. I also love that Donald Trump invited US Senate nominee, Dave McCormack, who's run into flip a seat there against the incumbent Democrat, Casey, on stage to, you know, talk about his support for his candidacy and mutual support for Donald Trump running for the president. Let's hear it. (audience applauding) - Thank you, Mr. President, for that great introduction. Thank you all. I'll just say briefly, as a father of six daughters, it breaks my heart to hear about these young women that are raped and murdered by illegal migrants of Rachel's story. It's a heartbreaking thing. As a native son of Pennsylvania, it breaks my heart that 60% of Pennsylvanians are living paycheck to paycheck, prices on the rise, 20%, as a combat veteran, it breaks my heart that we can't make our recruiting numbers that our military is in decline and that 22 veterans a day kill themselves. We need new leadership. We need new leadership. We need a new president in the White House that's gonna get our country back on track. We need a new majority in the Senate that's gonna be able to take our country in the right direction. Thank you all. Thank you, Mr. President. - You know, and when you talk about how McCormick didn't make it in the last Senate race back in 2022, as he ran against Dr. Oz and lost to him in the Republican primary, his rise in the poll numbers and what it looks like up against Bob Casey right now seems, you know, with Donald Trump continuing to surge in the Keystone State, you know, this may be able to be a Senate seat that we can flip for America first and get someone in there who you know is gonna support the president on a more consistent basis. So I actually like that. I also saw that during the time that the rally was going on, there was announcement, Donald Trump talked about it at the rally, but I pulled a post from True Social where he alluded to it as well. Now, no, I know you remember recently, Donald Trump took a trip down to Washington, D.C., where he met with the, you know, the brain trust, the top tier of the Teamsters Union and talked to them about, you know, maybe coming around to endorse him this time. We don't normally see labor unions. We see their workers go out and vote for the president, but to get the endorsement of an international, you know, Union Association is big as the Teamsters. I think it was pretty huge that they would even invite Donald Trump in to kind of talk to them about what's going on in this country right now. And I saw on True Social over the weekend, right after the rally in Philadelphia, he put out this post. Sean O'Brien, the general president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, has accepted my invitation to speak at the RNC Convention in Milwaukee. Our great convention will unify Americans and demonstrate the nation's working families and how they come first. When I am back in the White House, the hardworking Teamsters and all hardworking Americans will once again have the country they can afford to live in and be respected around the world. Sean, I look forward to seeing you represent the Teamsters and Milwaukee together we can. Wait for it. Make America great again. So, man, I didn't see that one coming. I know Donald Trump probably gave them a good pitch. I know some people who aren't necessarily supportive of Donald Trump or even conservatives in general. I'm talking about people from Wall Street, the big tech community. Some of these major billionaire donors have, you know, turned it around over the course of the last month or so and said, they can't make money if people can't buy stuff. And they can't buy stuff under the current administration because of how bad everything is. And I think it was a huge moment for Donald Trump to get an endorsement like that and the support of someone that large representing the Teamsters to speak at the RNC Convention. One of the things he also wanted to talk about throughout the course of this rally was polls. He always likes looking at the polls. He loves when the numbers favor him as they have for the greater part of most of this year already. Well, he doesn't necessarily pay too much attention to the rest of the ticket, except when he's kind of embodying RFK Jr. Oh man, he put out a post yesterday, it was so cringe. He's like, well, I didn't qualify for the CNN debate, so I'm gonna debate myself. Who wants to watch it with me? And so many people were just absolutely, nobody cares. Like every Trump Biden on Thursday night is where the world is gonna be watching. And I don't care what kind of dog and pony show that RFK Jr is going to be propriety on social media. It's not gonna have any effect on what's going on with the debate between the former and current president. But he did talk about how the more people get on ballots in more states, they're not taking away from America first. They're taking away from Cricut Joe Biden. Let's hear it. So we got this poll last night from Rasmussen, and it was very, they also did it like with Kennedy and with the other ones in there, Cornell West. He's one of my favorite candidates, Cornell West. And I like her also, Jill Stein. I like her very much. You know why? She takes 100% from them. He takes 100%. Kennedy's probably 50/50, but he's a fake. He's a fake. He's a total fake. You don't wanna... Man, he, well, I mean, if he has the opportunity to ratio Ned from South Park, then he's gonna do it. So, yeah, it was one of those things, it was a great event. It was well-attended. You know, I saw the mix of people who were there, young and old, men and women, veterans, people of all shape sizes and colors. It was a typical Trump rally, but again, it was in battleground, Pennsylvania. It was in the place where Joe Biden has his reelection campaign office in the city of Philadelphia. It's where they say Donald Trump just can't do the things that he's telling us he could do out on the campaign trail and we're seeing it in the polls every week. We're gonna talk about the polls in our next segment of the news and, you know, I mean, Noah, when you talk about the level of enthusiasm, the hope America's starting to get behind Donald Trump, we know he's walking into the Lions then this Thursday and that the chips are gonna be stacked against him. We played all the good clips from the two moderators of the debate, a montage of Jake Tapper calling Donald Trump Hitler and that he's leading Nazis, a clip of Donna Bash from CNN saying that it was very unfortunate that the Supreme Court ruled on the side of the framers, the founders and the Constitution when saying Donald Trump should be allowed to appear on the ballots in this presidential election cycle, but he's gonna have to do it and he's gonna have to show America that he's up to the task. We all know who he is, but it's gonna be a really important night for America First on Thursday night. What do you think? - Yeah, I mean, every night's gonna be the most important for America First, but everything coming up especially, gotta get people motivated and get them out there. - Yeah, and if you got the chance to absolutely body Joe Biden, like we know Donald Trump can, he's gotta do it the right way in a good tone, he's gotta bring facts, but they're not gonna be able to say, "Oh, that's not true, Donald, that's not true." We're not gonna put this, so that's just not true. Everything that they used to say is not true is true and there has to be some accountability for that. Last clip I've got before we jump in with Theo Wold, it's Donald Trump Curl, so now it's the rally in Pennsylvania, let's hear it. ♪ We will make America free again ♪ ♪ And we will make America great again ♪ ♪ Thank you, God bless you all, thank you, thank you Pennsylvania ♪ ♪ Thank you, brother, beautiful, thank you ♪ - Beautiful. And I have to tell you, for his large and his energetic as this crowd was Noah, he hit the Trump several times. - Nice. - He actually pointed at people and then hit the Trump, so they made sure they can get fired up and cheering for him. Listen, when you wanna talk about messaging, and again the fact that he had the Gold Star families of the people who died at Abbey Gate in Afghanistan during the Biden retreat there, the fact that you've got state attorney generals like Andrew Bailey working hard behind the scenes to challenge the Biden administration and their open border policies and their fight to forgive student loan forgiveness in challenging them on election interference when it comes to the persecution that happened up in New York. Seems like a lot of forces behind the scene are working really well for the former president, so as we're getting ready to jump in with former Trump deputy assistant Theo Wald, let's check in again with one of our partners. - This episode of the podcast is brought to you by Battleborne Coffee Roasters. They're law enforcement family owned and they produce some of the best available special to grade coffee. That means all those beans have gone through an extensive process to remove all defects. Battleborne research is all their sources, farms, and milling stations to make sure you're not getting pesticides or chemical fertilizers. Sit back and have a couple of their borderline Mexico Chappas blend while you're out sitting on an X or sitting in the office. High quality coffee from high quality people use promo code STATE for 20% off your first order. Make sure you go check them out at battleborne.coff. - All right, joining us next on the show today, this big Tuesday edition of the State for Breakfast podcast. He's the former deputy assistant to President Donald J. Trump and joining us again, one of our great friends, Mr. Theo Wald, welcome back to the show. - Ah, it's great to be with you. - Well. - So good to be back. Always a pleasure to host you, sir, and we're in the midst of a big week. The first presidential debate will be the first and last. We don't know yet. I guess that goes off of Joe Biden's debate performance, but they're already kind of setting up the way that a lot of people hypothesize that it would look like. I know you saw probably yesterday in the news, Caroline Levitt didn't last a minute, 30 seconds on fake news CNN, which he started calling them out, for some of the things that obviously the American public has seen over the course, whether it's their misreporting, whether it's their bias against President Trump and things of that nature, et cetera. And here we are, we're two days before the debate, and I think America is really ready to see just where both of these presidential candidates are standing at, what about you? - Yeah, I think that's right. I think most Americans are really interested to see like a fault line on substantive issues, but they're not gonna get that, not on Thursday. And here's why, I mean, think about the last time CNN hosted a televised political event. It was that town hall last May in New Hampshire, and the entire left media apparatus almost uniformly called it a giant debacle. They essentially platformed a liar and a genocidal maniac. And all of that was because they essentially allowed President Trump to interact openly with an audience, right? And so the curious thing that came out of that event last May was the head of CNN lost his job. I mean, the actual president of the network was fired because it was considered this enormous taboo to actually allow Donald Trump to interact with real voters and then broadcast it live. So the current head of CNN now, you gotta remember, Thompson is a former, I mean, he's British, not an American. He's a former chief executive of the New York Times, and also the director general of the BBC. And you know, I both know those are just, you know, stalwart conservative outlets. So I think this idea that we're gonna get a substantive, you know, meaningful policy discussion between, you know, the deeply infirm Joe Biden and Donald Trump is totally, totally wildly fantastical. I mean, what Mr. Thompson has said is, well, I wanna go back to a very simple classical format, like the Nixon Kennedy debate. But the difference was the Nixon Kennedy debate didn't have a Jake Tapper. Or nor did it have a Dana Bash, you know, as so many people on our friends of ours have pointed out, I mean, Dana Bash's husband is one of the guys who signed the Intel officer letter criticizing Donald Trump over the Hunter Biden laptop. So calling it Russian disinformation. So look like the moderators aren't gonna be impartial objective, the rules, you know, silencing the microphones between answers, no live audience, potentially seated format. All of those were designed to placate and cajole Biden into accepting the invitation. And then three, as you said, it's CNN. And the last president of CNN who wanted to do, to treat Donald Trump fairly got fired. - Correct. - So I have very low expectations for Thursday. - Now, before we get into some of the parameters of this debate, which I do wanna talk to you about, Theo, let's talk about some of the, you know, wave that's riding into this. So for the last essentially six months, I mean, Donald Trump has enjoyed some great polls throughout the course of the last year, to be honest with you. But six months specifically, you know, you see both sides of the mainstream press really hyping on some of the numbers that have, you know, are essentially leaving the Democrat plantation and heading back underneath the MAGA 10. We're talking about all the cross tab demographics in regards to African Americans, Asians, Hispanics, et cetera. You know, and when you wanna talk about the reasons that they are more open to the American first policies that Donald Trump is bringing to the table, it's because they have to do with the economy. They have to do with safety on the streets and security around the world, the US Southern border and their kids' education, et cetera. You know, the Democrats just wanna continue to talk about how much they've done for the trans community, how many people they've let into the country and how much free shit they can give you ahead of every major election. But, you know, then you see last week the polls starting to tighten. Even a Fox News poll, and we know that Paul Ryan pulls a lot of strings behind the scenes there. You know, showing Joe Biden either getting into the gray area or even in some instances, pull ahead of Donald Trump. Do you think that's kind of just a plot or a ploy to kind of make the debate seem a little bit more legitimate at this point when we know at the end of the day, what it's gonna look like when those two guys get on the stage, especially for 90 minutes, limited commercials, even with all the stipulations, et cetera. But just talking about the poll numbers heading into it, you saw, I mean, I know they're just a snapshot in time and you can only pretty much take 'em for what they're worth in that breath, but the fact of the matter is to show Joe Biden, you know, after a disastrous G7 summit, you know, the executive order on the border, which everyone on both sides of the aisle is called essentially amnesty and then granny amnesty for, you know, half a million more illegals in the country and things like that. It just seems like, you know, as Joe Biden continues to pander, they're using that as the fuel to flame these positive poll numbers, but when you look at the case for just about anywhere else on the planet, it really doesn't make any sense. - Yeah, I think that's right. So three quick things. I'd say, you know, first off, the polling for President Trump has been consistently very, very good and very competitive in the places where he needs to win. And that I think has created some headwinds for the leftists in Joe Biden's reelection campaign. They weren't counting on the president running this well, you know, in the blue wall states. Number two, I'd say, look, the president Biden has been hit with not just the G7, right? Like it was essentially a daily occurrence of the phased out weekend at Bernie, you know, presidential candidate, you know, talking point. And at some point, right, KGP took to the podium in the White House at a presser and essentially said, well, look, these are deep fakes. 'Cause that's really where they've got to go to sort of discount this growing, you know, visual and rhetorical narrative that President Biden isn't really capable of governing and isn't really capable of staging a multi-state campaign to stay in office. And the best evidence of that is where has Joe Biden been for the past seven days? Radio silent. And the curious thing about his radio silences, his team has said, no, he doesn't need a week or two of debate prep, which, you know, led me to ask, okay, so they're trying to say he's not hitting the books and studying 24 hours 'cause that would make it seem like Trump is a real threat to embarrass him in the debate. No, really, what's going on here is they're just trying to avoid another gap of him falling down the stairs or him staring, you know, backishly out into space. Three, I'd say, I think there's something to what you're hinting at here, which is they're trying to, you know, maybe add some drama and excitement to the debate. I think, also, they're trying to obscure the failure of the law fair, this entire coordinated legal apparatus that they designed to prevent Donald Trump from being on the ballot and prevent him from winning. And the fact of the matter is it's really actually backfiring. Normal, everyday Americans, the ones who work and spend their hard-earned dollars driving this country's economy, their reaction to the New York litigation has essentially been, you guys went too far. We don't believe this, this is actually, this is actually poisonous. And the best evidence of that, what they wanna obscure, look at the polls in Virginia and in Minnesota. And I'm a skeptic on whether you can carry those states just because there's such a large, you know, leftist, blue vote stink in two of those states in between cities in Minnesota and then in Northern Virginia and Virginia, but the fact that they're that close and the Democrats are now committing some actual campaign resources, opening a few organizing field offices in the Twin Cities and also in Arlington, Virginia, is an indication that, man, if it's that close in Minnesota or Virginia, it's probably a good sign that the polls showing Donald Trump up in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania are true. And the last thing I'll just say really quickly, you know, I've mentioned to these, you know, offline, for me, this election comes down to Nevada. Nevada has been consistently the thorn in the side of Republican candidates, even when it was someone like Mitt Romney for all, Mitt Romney's, you know, failings and, you know, their legion, he was an attractive candidate in Nevada because of the Latter-day Saint vote populace there. - Agreed. - Even Mitt Romney couldn't, he couldn't break the threshold there, a statewide candidate like Adam Laxalt with deep ties in Nevada, couldn't break. Donald Trump has consistently been up high single and some double digit leads over Biden for over a year and a half. We haven't seen that for a Republican candidate for president since 2000, 2004 with George W. Bush. It's been that long, almost 20 years since a Republican candidate has pulled that well in Nevada. If Donald Trump can hold that, I honestly believe that means he is going to win this election. So I would tell your listeners, keep an eye on Nevada. How Nevada goes is how this election will actually break down. - Yeah, you'll probably see some of those high profile, non-candidates who are out there, stomping for Joe Biden, AOC, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, et cetera, doing major events in Nevada as we get to, you know, closer to election day because I definitely think that that state is in play. I think it's favoring Donald Trump right now, obviously. You know, we've talked with so many candidates for years now since Donald Trump's been out of office. What Nevada looked like on the ground and what it looks like now. It used to be a state that, you know, had cheap gas prices, a robust job market, relatively low on crime, even with Las Vegas having so much stuff going on. And now, you know, when you talk about the, it being one of the largest human trafficking corridors in the entire country right now in addition to the massive amount of unemployment problems they're having there, the ridiculous inflation. And then it's always a top five state in the country in regards to gas prices. It never used to be in the top 20. And since Joe Biden's been in office, gas prices have just, you know, absolutely gone through the roof. Plus they have, you know, a very big mining community there and agricultural community in Nevada that have been absolutely destroyed by Joe Biden's policies with all of the regulations and things of that nature. Plus the killing of the energy being produced in America, it seems like it's turned Nevada from being a top five state in general in the country to, you know, in the bottom of the tiers when it comes to all the things that it used to be great at. So I think the people there have absolutely had it. The streets there aren't safe anymore either, whether it's, you know, the gang members that are coming in and, you know, enjoying the not being prosecuted crimes throughout the state or the cartels, which have put a pretty big foothold in that state in regards to human and drug trafficking. So I definitely agree. I mean, you talked about some of the polls that are close. You know, you also can't go without saying New York is in single digits for like the first time. And since the eighties, you have Caroline Levitt, a couple of weeks ago, put out a poll in New Hampshire where they're essentially tired or within the margin of error. I mean, the Democrats have a lot of cracks in the dam that they need to work on now. But when you talk about the Rust Belt, the Blue Wall, and one or two other states that are going to make a difference in Nevada is definitely going to be one of them. And we have to keep an emphasis and an eye on that state heading all the way up to election day. - Yeah, I think that's right. I mean, the fact that New York is in single digits, as you said, is incredible. But it is a testament to some of these things that you described specifically in Nevada, which are, you know, surging energy prices, the cost of living, whether it's, you know, buying a new home, even affording rent or paying for gas, but also, you know, the crime in the streets. And in this general perception, as you said, at the outset, and we started this conversation that the left is preoccupied with, you know, marginal, really, at the end of the day, nutty issues that are not about, you know, governing well, or providing Americans with a path forward for raising kids and having a stable and safe communities. The other thing I just want to say, I want to lay down a marker here if I can be so bold, which is if there is a tidal wave of, you know, election interference in the left, you know, does what they do and they cheat in this election. And we don't see the results that we want to see. There's going to be this acrimonious debate about, well, look, it's turned out that America first just really isn't something voters want. We've got to move away from this. And the curious thing that's happening right now that I want to lay down a marker on, is that Donald Trump is leading in all the bellwether swing stage. He's polling, as you said, with these new demographic groups that would have never, never a million years, no matter how much money you spent, never considered polling the lever for a Republican. But they come out to the rallies, they come out to the Chick-fil-A to see Donald Trump. The curious thing that we're seeing is, Donald Trump is leading by several points, or, you know, within the margin of air, ahead of Joe Biden in these swing states. But when you look at the down ballot, traditional Republican senatorial candidates that have been recruited to run in these races in Wisconsin and Michigan, they are not winning. They're not winning. And so the advantage that Republicans seem to have is actually attributable in some ways to Donald Trump, the man, but also the policies of America first, that Donald Trump is the best expostulator of. And so I think it's importantly down a marker, which is, before people say America first doesn't win, if we had more America first Senate candidates, I think we would be seeing a net effect that would be privileging Republican candidates, not just President Trump, but everyone down ballot in some of these swing states. - You know, unfortunately, I mean, you see it kind of in an instance, in Indiana, this cycle with Jim Banks going from the House of Representatives into a seat which he's gonna secure for the US Senate. But there are just not enough candidates of that caliber or better who are worthy to move in. I mean, I think we're an election cycle or two away, probably like, you know, four to six election cycles when it comes to the House of Representatives, 'cause they only have two-year stints for some of these really strong members in the House of Representatives. I mean, I could easily see, you know, like Senator Byron Donalds and ones of that caliber that are rising stars within the party. I know they have higher than that aspirations as well. If you, they're not gonna be able to resonate at a national level in regards to a presidential ticket early. I mean, a lot of them are so young, why rush it? Continue the progress, be a Senator for a term or two, and then announce your national campaign. But I do agree with you. It seems like every time some of these seats come up, especially in an election cycle like this, where, you know, there's an over 70% chance that where the Republicans are gonna flip the Senate, you have some of these candidates, and they couldn't be more establishment tied milk toast, like not fighter, that you know, speak a good game out of the campaign trail. They could thank Donald Trump at every rally he does in their state when he calls them up to the stage. We're hopeful for them, but then when they get into the Senate, you know, they don't understand how that Mitch McConnell and friends leadership, even at Mitch McConnell's reduced capacity right now, he has a stranglehold over that. He's looking to be the appropriations chair in the next question of the Senate. So, I mean, what could you do? You go from absolute leadership to the person who essentially holds the purse strings, and then you're gonna run into the same issues policy-wise, I think, with Mitch McConnell maybe in the next session. I mean, it seems like he's coalescing a little bit, but who knows? We'll just have to play it by ear and see what happens. But I do like your point there, Theo. So lastly, I wanna talk to you about, we kind of laid it all out there. Let's just talk about the debate in general itself. What are your expectations on this? I don't see CNN giving part of opening remarks or as the commentators leading America into this debate talk about how they got it wrong in 2020, when it came with Russian disinformation, when it came and reported on the 51 former intelligence agencies, when it talked about defending Joe Biden in regards to Joe Biden defending his son on the debate stage. All things that we know have come to be truth that Joe Biden and the mainstream media lied about. They're not gonna give Donald Trump that. They'll probably lead in with Donald Trump talking points regarding his legal problems and things of that nature. But I don't see them giving him, lobbing any beach balls his way for him to try to hit out of the park. So when you're talking about just kind of how this thing is gonna shake out, I mean, I think if Donald Trump doesn't get into a tit for tap with Joe Biden and talks about the job he did in his first term and some of the policy things he wants to build on moving forward, it'll be a super success for him. But at this point, I just kind of want to see what your perspective is. - Yeah, I think the way you just encapsulated there in those last few sentences, I think that's exactly the kind of battle plan that the president needs to have. A president Trump needs to have for this debate and hopefully his debate prep team is preparing him to do exactly that, which is really to stay on message and to describe the contrast between four years of Trump presidency and what we now have. I mean, because if you go back to that first 2020 debate, it's clear that sort of the strategy was push Biden because we know he lacks the mental dexterity and the physical stamina to stay in the ring with you. So push him, he'll make a gap, he'll misstate something and he'll get off his game. And unfortunately, instead what a lot of independent unaffiliated, as supposedly quote unquote swing voters walked away with from that debate in 2020, was Donald Trump seems like a real mean guy. And those mean tweets, I guess that's just who he is and Joe Biden, Uncle Joe was very likable. And so people were willing to pull the lever in Clark County and some of those white suburban voters in Fulton County or the ring counties around Milwaukee, Wisconsin because they wanted more civility and a different tone and then look what they got. So I think the president, President Trump stays on the contrast point. It'll be more successful. And here's why none of us are gonna get the satisfaction that the president is owed, that we are owed as America first voters from CNN or any of these moderators. And as you said, none of them are gonna acknowledge that they were wrong, probably purposely and intentionally wrong about the way they presented the 2020 election, purposely wrong and potentially manipulative in the way that they presented the information on Hunter Biden's, a laptop or the Biden family's involvement in criminal investment schemes in China or Ukraine. They're never going to acknowledge any of that. So if that's our expectation that Trump is gonna go in there and set the record straight and get some kind of appeasement or recognition from these people, look, that not only is not going to succeed as a debate strategy, it's never gonna happen. So I think it may be something of a disappointment for those of us who are more rapidly in the corner of saying like now's our time to throw the haymaker and break the glass jaw of these fools. That satisfaction, unfortunately, will have to wait until January 25th next year. Right now the president's best sort of boxing strategy is quick jabs, get in there and say look at inflation, look at GDP, look at home prices, look at mortgages, look at the interest rates, look at gas, look at the border, just draw out the contrast on point after point after point to remind people this is how good you had it in 2018. This is what you are enduring now and also the difference isn't just climate or the environment or the global economy generally, the difference is one of leadership and I've got it and he doesn't. That's what's gonna prevail on Thursday. As much as you said one final point, there's gonna be enormous headwinds against the president and the first one as you noted, the first obvious trap for the president is gonna be they're gonna give no ground on the Biden family's corruption or the fact that a US attorney essentially said the president is unfit mentally to stand trial but cannot actually recall critical details of his involvement in the corruption. They'll give no recognition of that but they are gonna hit the president and hit President Trump over the head with his own litigation issues, the law fair that the left has brought against him and the president's just gonna have to get in and get out really quickly on those things. If it becomes a debate about President Trump and the New York trial, you know what the left will do with that on Friday. - Yeah, I mean President Trump should just kind of segue into that with saying like as you guys are all aware of as America is aware of, I am still under gag order. So if you wanna continue to bring it up as a talking point, you can do so but I can't feed into argue against or make any kind of commentary regarding the matter. So I'm just kinda wanna move on and talk about what we're doing to solve problems. And then I think a part of the big strategy for the Biden team, it's one of the easiest things. He doesn't have to even remember anything policy wise is just push back on Donald Trump and say like you can't just change X, Y or Z with the flip of a switch when we all know Theo that when it comes to Donald Trump's relationship with international world leaders, what you could do to close the US Southern border on day one, deregulations in regards to energy independence. And all things pretty much in general, you can make a pretty big dent in the machine that Joe Biden has been fueling for the last three plus years on day one of the next Trump presidency. But they're gonna try and say that that's not the way the world works even though a lot of people forget Joe Biden reversed many of Donald Trump's policies in the first couple of weeks that he was president leading the country down the path that we're on today. So it was great catching up with you and getting a little debate prep amongst other things in the fire with you today. - We've got a link to the Claremont Institute where people could find out more about you and the work you're doing. But if anybody wants to check you out online, where can they find you? - @realtheowold on Instagram and on the X. - Absolutely fantastic as it is every time. We can catch up with the former deputy assistant to President Trump. He served with him during the first term. In addition, he's doing a lot of great work for conservatives in the America First Movement out in Idaho. Mr. Theowold, thanks for joining us on the show. Sir, have a great rest of your week. - Thanks for having me on again. Good to be with you. - Thank you for joining us for more on all this. Former Acting Ice Director Tom Holman is a Fox News contributor. Tom, good morning. - Good morning. - So a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesperson said Friday, these two suspects, both illegally entered the U.S. without inspection, parole or admission by a U.S. immigration officer, what is your reaction to that revelation? - Which requires by law, they be detained. The law says they shall be detained. This administration is not detained. And I'll follow what Congress will call us. This administration is doing this on purpose. But they signed over 90 executive orders with the two weeks of coming to office and abolish everything we did that create the most secure border of lifetime. I'm gonna say this, these young ladies will be alive today, most likely. They're President Trump was President because we ended catch release. We had to remain a Mexico program in place in third-state country agreements. Remain in Mexico for the Trump administration was a game-changer. Illegal crossings dropped to a 45-year-old law. These people would not have been released in the United States. So it's pathetic and I do blame the Biden administration for these deaths. They all-- - All right, jumping back into the news portion of the show here. Last news segment on the back end of two big Tuesday editions of the State for Breakfast podcast. Amro Noah has joined me. - Yo. - And that was former acting ice director Tom Holman. He served under five U.S. presidents. He's worked as the head of six major agencies throughout the course of his career talking about, well, if you wanna read between the lines of what they were trying to say, the two people who murdered that young girl in the Houston area recently were gotaways. They weren't detained, they weren't encountered, they were never vetted, they snuck into the United States. Man, I guess as part of their interviews, it was revealed that over the course of the last year or so they were able to sneak into the United States and you know what's even bad about? After they raped and murdered that girl, Noah, they actually returned to the place where they are employed. I guess they're doing construction and they asked their boss to forward them their paycheck, which was due that Friday, so they can leave town and it was the boss on the job which they were working at. - Who reported him? - Who made the initial call to law enforcement who got involved quickly and figured out what was going on here. - Why did he make the call? Like they were covered in blood when they showed up or something, I don't understand. - I have no idea, I guess. I mean, you know, these people that work in the business- - Or he thought he was gonna get fucked for hiring illegals. So maybe he decided I'll report them before they report me. - It's a good point. You know, you have to take, I mean, these people know who they're hiring. I mean, obviously people that are complete getaways that have never been encountered, they're not immediately filing for benefits or if never, the people that are hiring them know they're hiring illegals. And you just have to take into consideration this guy made a judgment call based off the circumstances. It just didn't seem right to him. The long story short, these guys are in prison and are staring down, you know, dual death sentences. Hopefully if all things go right in such a tragic instance here. So, and you wanna know what's funny. - If all things go right, then they're gonna get stabbed in the yard, to be honest. - Yes, there's always that as well. I saw that top Biden reelection campaign surrogate and current sitting US Senator Elizabeth Pocahontas Warren jumped on ABCs this week in fake news to defend Joe Biden's open border policies and try to refute the fact that the millions of people coming into this country under Joe Biden are causing crimes and killing Americans and taking away constitutionally giving components of just about every aspect of our life. Let's hear this embarrassment. - There have been more than 6.9 million apprehensions at the southern border. Thus far, in Biden's term, there were just over 2 million in Donald Trump's entire term. What did the president do wrong? - Now, this isn't about what the president did wrong. Remember, on the very first day that he was sworn into office, President Biden asked Congress both for the resources and for comprehensive immigration reform. The Republicans blocked it, blocked it, blocked it, blocked it. - Donald Trump didn't have that either, Senator. He didn't have that either, and there were 2 million during his entire term. Still last fall, the president tries to deal with a problem that is presented to him. He can't deal with it if Congress and the Republicans continue to block him. And so the president is using the tools available to him, but to create border security. But he doesn't have the resources because the Republicans are blocking access. - But he is president and understood. I do think you've made your point, but poll after poll, as Matt Rivers just pointed out. - Got it, girl. - Say that this is a very weak poll number for President Biden. Trump surpasses him by 17 points in trust and working the border. - I understand that. And I understand that the president is doing what he can with the resources available to him. But you know as well as I do, that he can't manufacture more judges. He can't manufacture more guards if Congress doesn't give him the resources to do that. - Sister of the campers, got us from you. - You know, the president is out. - I'm kind of retarded. - Mm, yes she is. I mean, this ingenuous piece of shit. - Well, she's part of the elite class. The illegal migrants don't affect her in any way, shape, or form. So why should she give a shit on if some 12 year old girl outside of Houston gets raped for two hours murdered and thrown into a swamp? - But how can you argue with any of that? Knowing what we know about Biden's first day in office and all of his executive orders undoing all the shit that was working, all the shit that was working that was the reason why there was only whatever the number of apprehensions that she mentioned like, well, I don't even remember what she said, 2,000 or something, or 20,000? 200,000? I don't even know. - Right. - There was a lot. But under Biden, what, 30 times as much? - It's ridiculous. - Oh, you're 100% right. And here's the deal. I saw a lot of Biden campaign surrogates out in the media this weekend and you want to know what their pushback was on migrant crimes? - What's that? - You're talking about one case, one case. Okay, one 12 year old girl was murdered. So if you're going to say that 20 million people came into this country, that's one. That's one, one instance. And Donald Trump continues to demonize an entire class of future Americans who are here hardworking in this country. - That's literally what their argument is right now. It's disgusting. It's disgusting. - Well, it's everything. It's all the degeneracy and fucked up stuff that the left has to go out and champion because you're automatically placed in the enemy demographic, simply because you have one thing that you disagree with. And it's even they do it to people on their own team. It's like, hey, are you down with this? I'm like, well, yeah, I'm totally down with that. That sounds awesome. How 'bout this? Yeah, that's pretty cool too. What about this? Well, you know, that one seems a little bit fucked up. What, you fucking Nazi? We racist and then you're the fucking enemy and you're just, there's so many of these people on the left that are so scared to stand up and say a single thing. And that goes for pop stars. That goes for people in Hollywood. That goes for all this other shit. People that are basically closet Trump supporters because they know they're critical thinkers and they know exactly what's going on and that it's fucked up and wrong. Yeah. Yeah, no, it's the truth. And you have to look at it with that kind of a lens. I'm seeing a couple headlines developing. No, did you hear that the U.S. Surgeon General in Joe Biden's administration has declared that gun violence is now a public health emergency as of this morning. Weird, I wonder what that is gonna lead to. (laughs) Yeah, this election-- Luckily, we all had those boating accidents. Man, there's so many lakes out there that look hungry. (laughs) I also saw that it's becoming more and more apparent that Donald Trump might announce who his vice presidential pick is going to be ahead of the debate this Thursday night instead of waiting for the RNC convention. What do you think? That'd be nice. Yeah. Do we have any hints? Any of our friends giving us hints with the strict do not don't ask, don't tell policy or whatever? Well, I always tell every, you know, I actually went asking around yesterday and I got to catch up with two former ad-man officials, two who both are optimistically looking to serve in an ex-Trump presidency, both of which asked to, you know, remain off the record, but I'm hearing that the big three as of today or yesterday was J.D. Vance, Doug Bergum, and Marco Rubio. Yeah. Okay. So I guess we'll have to see which way that goes. I mean, we always let everybody know we're a Ben Carson podcast and we support the former HUD administrator and pediatric neurosurgeon as we feel he'd be a perfect compliment and we're going to reasonably sit down and digest whatever Donald Trump's pick's gonna be. But I also came to learn that there's a lot of people behind the scenes who are battling for their voice to be heard of the loudest and I'm talking about, you know, like former administration officials who work at policy institutes or think tanks who are represented by some of the people that I aforementioned as the potential top three, I guess in a snapshot of yesterday. So it's pretty interesting to see how that's all going down. The only other thing I see is kind of a big headline. So I guess Judge Mershan up in New York says, things have changed since the verdict was issued and Donald Trump's Manhattan case, the sham hoax witch hunt trial that happened up there. You know, we're still waiting for sentencing on July 11th. He said that he's partially rescinding the gag order ahead of the presidential debate. I guess to allow Donald Trump to defend himself if Joe Biden just comes out and doesn't want to talk about anything, he's ruined over the course of the last nearly four years and, you know, just call Donald Trump a felon and things like that. I think that's kind of interesting. Something that we kind of have to take a look at. - No one cares if Donald Trump's a felon. - Yeah, but Donald Trump could be looking at some penance in the cell up in Manhattan if he violates his gag order during the debate and that's addressing claims that Joe Biden or the moderators could make. I mean, there are some instances where they could ask him questions on a national stage and he would have to, of course, say, well, I'm under a strict gag order, so I can't answer that. And then they can continue to hammer that point around as a talking point narrative that they're just gonna make commercials out of and show the American public. It looked like Donald Trump doesn't want to fight in that moment, but he could be looking at hell on a cell if, you know, he does. So I guess partially lifting the gag order in that case is gonna allow him to defend himself a little bit, but sticking in the thread of what's going on with the migrant crisis here, I saw Bill Maher hosted Mr. Garlic Knots himself, eat the sausage, Andrew Cuomo on his show the other day. And they had a very interesting back and forth when it came to a bunch of different things, especially polling, which we're gonna play next, but before we get to that, they were talking about the open borders policy and as the former governor of the Empire State who's been absolutely destroyed by the millions of illegals that have been dumped there over the course of the last three plus years, Andrew Cuomo was telling Bill Maher and his national audience what his experience was like living under Joe Biden's policies and what it meant for the big apple when he tried to be, well, the governor of that state, let's check it out. - His immigration policy was a mistake, right? I get the theory of the extreme left where land of immigrants let everyone come in, we all came as immigrants. I get it, but how you do it makes all the difference in the world, right? And to just open the borders with no plan, you don't know where they go, you don't know who's gonna pay for them, they wind up in cities all across the country, New York has a couple of hundred thousand, in hotels, costing New York City a fortune, no jobs, no training, no help assimilating into society. So who did you even help, right? It was a great theory. - You have the person in your old job, the governor of New York, a Democrat saying, "Don't come here." - Those are her exact words, "Don't come here." And the mayor of New York saying, "This is going to ruin our city." I mean, if I didn't know who was talking, I would thought they'd be Republicans. - Yeah, but they didn't stop them, Bill. They could have stopped that, right? The governor was saying she didn't want them outside of New York City. But the mayor could have said no. The governor could have said no. Many mayors and governors said no. But New York was more of the ideological left or are welcome. And now we're finding out 200,000 people later. You needed a plan. You needed to know what to do with these people. (audience applauds) - And that's where you plan. Trump is up. He has a 23 point. - I'm gonna pause it right there 'cause we're gonna jump into looking at the polls that they talked about in the segment that continued on there. But Noah, when you hear about, you know, a Democrat governor in a Democrat state who got to enjoy all of Joe Biden and Alejandro, New York, it says, open border policies, especially, you know, during the times of COVID and coming out of it, it didn't seem like he had a good time, especially when it came to all matters budgetary, to say the least, that's not including the stress that it put on the healthcare system, the work system, the educational system, and, you know, how it affected crime and things in the city that were already getting pretty lax due to the non-prosecutional ways that they go and govern themselves there in New York. What do you think? - Yeah, and one other thing, when these people who used to be the biggest proponents of the left start coming out and saying this stuff, it is amazing and it makes me happy. But it's also hilarious because, like I was talking about another portion of the show, when you divert away from what is the accepted speak and you delve into the wrong speak that everybody thinks it is. So I posted a bill mark clip, and a different one than that one, and this exact same clip with a couple similar, you know, people that were generally not on our team that were going against Biden. And I got a few people deleted me, it's amazing. I'm like, these people are on your team, I'm not saying that they are. It's amazing that these people, they cannot stand to see that fucking walls crack around them. - No, they certainly can't. And, you know, instead of being embarrassed or even trying to defend their talking point, even in the face of like someone on their team saying, like, no, actually we're wrong on this one. They'd rather just delete you. - No, they will run headlong into the wall, like fucking lemmings, just to say that they're right. - But I mean, like they'll delete you and pretend that that reality just doesn't exist. That's what the crazy part is. They'd rather live in their own fake little bubble of a universe while everything's crashing around them than, you know, kind of open up to their eyes to the fact that stuff like this is going on all over the country. - Yeah, they have no interest in a new perspective on anything. It's like, well, with us, we can't help but see it because mainstream media does nothing but shove the shit down our throats. We have to go and seek out these alternative media sources like our podcasts, different news places, you know, stuff like that on social media. But these people shelter themselves from it. Like they're burying their head in the fucking ground, like an ostrich, it's ridiculous. - No, it certainly is. And, you know, when you talk about where they went from there, they got into the poll numbers. The best part about this entire segment, or even the episode of the show was that Cryin, Adam, Slavy, Ukrainian, Kinsinger, was the other guest and he just sat there with the most annoyed look on his face while Cuomo was going into how Joe Biden's open border policies contributed to the increased deterioration of life. And as we know, it in places like New York and that Donald Trump's immigration policies were correct, in fact, during the course of his presidency. But then they would get into the poll numbers. And this is something that we've talked about for a couple of weeks on the show. It just doesn't seem conceivable that over the course of the last year, you've heard that like blacks, Hispanics, Asians, single mothers, people without college educations, people with, everyone's leaving the Democrat plantation, everyone's fed up and sick with Joe Biden and the Democrats, no matter what they do to try and pander, they know they being replaced with the legals, they're being replaced with trans people and furries and things of that nature. You know, and how Donald Trump could have such great, strong commanding leads in so many different polls and now that we're running up into the first presidential debate, even after all the bad shit that Joe Biden's, well, first of all, he's gone off the grid for more than a week. Second of all, that's on the heels of a disastrous trip to Europe with what happened at D-Day and then the G7 after that, not attending events, falling asleep during everything, walking off, talking to air and all this other, now that Joe Biden's starting to look great in the polls again, right before the first presidential debate, it makes no sense. There's no mathematical way that every pollster on the planet could go in one direction for an entire year and just because of the debate's coming up, we all of a sudden see the spikes in Joe Biden's favorability when he's done nothing to promote any kind of favorability for anything that he's done. The only thing he's done is given retard college kids forgiven debt and people who technically can't vote in this country the ability to live here forever. But besides that, when you're talking about pollsters and how they conduct these polls, it's not like they're reaching out to broccoli headed millennials who are just getting out of college or illegal aliens to get their polling data from. And Bill Maher, who, you know, at the end of the day, he's a piece of shit and he's a radical leftist and he's a complete creepy weirdo. But when he does find something that just bucks the trend, he is kind of a realist and even if he's not gonna feed into the fact that Joe Biden's getting more popular in the polls, he's gonna ask everybody else that comes in to show, why do you think this is happening? Let's check it out. - 45% of Hispanic voters prefer Biden compared to 39% for Trump. Last time he won 59%, that was 2020. So he's lost 14 points there. He went to Morehouse. He said, what is democracy if you have to be 10 times better than anyone else to get a fair shot? That seemed like pandering to me. Black voters under 50. He led by 80 points in 2020, now by 37, still a lot, but he's lost 43 points off the key constituency. Student loans, he's forgiven $144 billion in student loans, only 36% of student debt holders like it. I mean, if you can't win the people you're pandering to. I mean, I get it, politics is somewhat about pandering. That's not even an insult. You're supposed to do what people want to a certain degree, also be a leader. But if you're not winning these groups and he's lost 8% off women since 2020, and yet I read in the polls, he pulled ahead this week. Explain that to me. - Or how about even better? No, you explained it to me. Explain it to our listenership. (laughing) I got nothing. - You want to talk about quantum retardery. This is it on full display. - You can't even, it's hard to retard that hard. - Oh shit. - Yeah, there you go. I like it, we might run with that one. But here's the thing, and even though both of the clips we played you favored at least narrative-wise what Donald Trump is bringing to the table, he quickly jumped off the truth social following the show and had some pointed words for, I guess it's embattled host. Bill Maher, the highly overrated quotes star of the ratings challenge show with the fake loud and obnoxious laughter pouring out of your set every few seconds, even when nothing was said that was funny, which is most of the time, suffers from a terminal case of Trump derangement syndrome, sometimes referred to as TDS. Republicans should stop using him as a reference point, the show is dead. Now again, just for the sake of wanting to use him as a reference point, having pulled the clip from two social is why we use it as a reference point. As you see, we've kind of abandoned that pretty much for a long time. I think when we were in our last location is when, because he was having more conservatives on and he was trying to beat them up and make them kind of do a little dance for Donald Trump before he was like really picking up steam. But now when you see what's going on with all that stuff, you kind of want to be able to stay in the thread of, well, even if these big libtards are kind of questioning, what the hell's going on with these poll numbers? And why does Joe Biden look like he has a pulse when he's been dead for a long time? It's something that you have to kind of examine and provide, at least what you think your analysis is on that. And that's kind of what we're doing here on the show with you guys today. Guys, wherever you're listening to the show today, getting ready to round it up here, two big Tuesday editions of Steak for Breakfast, biggest thing that helps us out, do us a favor. 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It's about a three minute read, past guests, future guests, ways to help out the Trump campaign, and our biggest headlines heading into the next week. Rounded up here, I saw Van Jones sat on a panel at the Milken Institute. He was there yesterday, and was talking about how, well, it's something that Bill Mar just alluded to. How many African Americans, when it comes to polling-wise, are walking away from the Democrat party and coming back under the MAGA tent? You know what I wanna make clear for, we are fighting, I'm talking about the Democrats right now, the radicals, for the fourth and final chapter of Barack Obama's completed two full terms as president. That's what's going on here. The open borders policy, the no prosecution crimes, the criminals running rampant in the streets, the destruction of the public education system, the failed foreign policies, which are gonna make us, you know, basically rely on the United Nations, and NATO, and the WHO, and the EU to sustain what we need to do to survive in this country, NOAA's pointed out several times the attack on the global food chain and how that affects the big scheme of everything, the erasure of any kind of energy independence in this country, and what that means for America moving forward. We will complete the job that Barack Obama has set out to do if Joe Biden can win in November. It all starts and ends, I think, with a lot of these demographics that Bill Mar just mentioned in the polls, walking away from the Democrats, and coming to America first, what that means is, Donald Trump has all the people that Barack Obama has essentially panned or two for the last 20 years, walking away from the idea of hope and change, and going back to making America great again. Let's hear it. - Trump does seem to be appealing to significant numbers, particularly of letting the voters, but also black men. What's going on? - What's going on, black men? - The Obama and Biden coalition is in trouble. It's in trouble. And I get beat up every time I say it, but, you know, it's obvious that it's in trouble. And it has to do with a number of things. Number one, the white working class guys left for your campaign in 2016, the Democratic Party. And now, black and Latin working class guys are falling along. And they don't have to follow in massive numbers, against razor-edged stuff. So, I mean, the vast majority of black people are gonna vote for President Biden. The vast majority of black women are gonna vote for President Biden. The vast majority of black men are gonna vote for President Biden, but that's not the point. The point is, you have a margin that is hurting and uncertain among black and Latin men as to whether we have a place in this party. It's not easy to talk about, but there is a sense among a lot of guys that you talk to that they're just tired of being lectured, tired of being wrong, tired of being criticized, tired of being called toxic, tired of, frankly, a lot of other groups getting more out of the Biden administration than black folks got. - Oh no, is he talking about the trans community and the illegal aliens? - The transformers and the... (groans) You know, Van Jones doesn't sound as partisan and deranged when he talks on a panel like that. Believe it or not, former Trump campaign surrogate, she served in the White House. I heard she's doing some advising for Donald Trump behind the scenes right now. Kellyanne Conway was part of that panel too, and she was sitting right next to him. I guarantee he kind of kept his narrative in the light that he was able to express there because she is a very stat-driven political expert and she would have hammered him on it. But here's the thing, he's correct. And we've always said it. People are going, oh, Donald Trump, 30, 35%, 50% of African Americans are gonna vote for him, don't need it. They've said Donald Trump is comfortably in the teens with African Americans throughout the course of this run for the White House. If Donald... - That's more than enough. - If Donald Trump gets anywhere close to 20, it's over for Joe Biden. And that's just the factual way to look at it. And it's sad, but you know, you wanna talk about replacement theory, everybody's always talking about the traditional, like, you know, white male that helped found this country that came over from Europe and the Anglo-Saxons and stuff. It's the minorities that are getting replaced. You know, so many illegals have come into this country and they're just getting access to the services that hard-working Americans who are trying to put food on their table and provide for their family in such tough times in some of the most urban areas of this country are getting absolutely railroaded and then have their kids in over-packed schools, healthcare systems that are completely stressed out, they don't have the opportunity to work for competitive wages because people are paying illegals less and in cash. You know, it's them that are getting replaced as well and it seems to be resonating enough to be showing up in the polls in much of the way it has. And it's cost confusion amongst the Democrat Party. Then diagram enthusiast. Yellow school bus identifier. Oxygen is breathable, quote her. Kamala Harris sat down on MSDNC this morning and was talking about the upcoming election, some things she was confused about in regards to the poll numbers. She's also starting to feed in that Hillary Clinton narrative, why aren't they up by 50%? But when you talk to anyone who understands the way Kamala Harris usually word salads it when she gets in front of the media, Noah, wait till you hear how she said elections go. - To ask people to really imagine what the world will be like on January 20th, 2025. On the one hand, you have Joe Biden who has spent his life and career fighting for the well-being of other people including health care. On the other hand, you have the former president who spent full time when he was president trying to get rid of the Affordable Care Act, which if he is successful as president, again would mean over 100 million people would be stripped of health care coverage. - Oh God. - You have on the one hand Joe Biden who under his leadership bipartisan support for the first meaningful gun safety legislation in 30 years. And on the other hand, the former president who when speaking of survivors of horrendous gun violence says get over it and will proudly talk about how to the NRA about how he did nothing on the issue. And I could go on and on. I think that the debate is gonna make clear the contrast between our president, the current president who works on behalf of the American people, fights for the American people and the former president who pretty much spends full time fighting for himself. - We talked about that one too, Noah. Remember, there's not a person out there, I think at this point with more than like an IQ above 50 who could think that today, Donald Trump is running in this election for himself because he wants to continue to be the center of attention. He's looking at what? Seven million years in prison. He's already lost tens of millions of dollars in personal funds and assets and business properties and things of that nature. I mean, what part of this is bigger than Donald Trump but that's what they're gonna try and do. Again, abortion, health care, doesn't exist. Social security doesn't exist. Donald Trump did neither to those two things throughout the course of his first term and then making this about himself. Those are the campaign talking about, no, it's so funny. They always talk about the Affordable Care Act. So now they have this thing where everybody has to get health insurance. If you don't get health insurance, you get what, fined or taxed because you don't have health insurance, right? Yeah, but now all of these 20 million illegals are gonna be in the country by the time we go to the ballot box in November. They don't have to get Obamacare. They don't get taxed or penalized if they don't have health care. They just get everything for free and walk right out of the hospital and into the wind and there's no accountability for it except either the hospital operates severely in the red and eventually shuts down. Again, harming communities for American citizens or it all gets put back onto the taxpayers who has to pay it back for health services that they never received. Quite amazing, isn't it? Yeah, it's wild. Gotta love it. As we're rounding it out here and as our last audio clip of the day, we're gonna finish almost where we started. Trump, national press secretary Caroline Levin, hammering Joe Biden for his weak plus juice cleanse out of Camp David Littier. Not only is President Trump meeting with policy advisors, he is also continuing with his very busy campaign schedule and meeting with the American people, the most important audience of all. Yesterday, he was in Philadelphia. He stopped at a cheesesteak shop, took questions. From voters directly, he gave an hour and a half long speech last night in Philly. He was also in Wisconsin this past week for another very big rally on Tuesday evening. He also gave a speech yesterday in Washington, DC. So President Trump is prepared. He constantly engages in hostile interviews with the news media. This is something we don't see Joe Biden doing nearly ever and we know that for the next week, Joe Biden is hunkering down, hiding away in the woods at Camp David with many policy advisors. The truth is Joe Biden can meet with as many advisors as he wants. You can tell him everything they want him to say, but the real test is not going to be whether Joe Biden can stand up on that stage for an hour and a half. It's whether he can defend his policies over the past three and a half years that have led to a border invasion, the likes of which we've never seen in a record high inflation crisis as well. - I like it. No, I know you like it. It's outstanding. I think our listenership likes it as well. And again, we'll have full comprehensive coverage, breakdown, and I guess post-game analysis of the first presidential debate of the 2024 presidential election cycle on both of our Friday editions of the podcast. As of right now, we're getting ready to jump in with Trump attorney Jesse Bernal, but before we do that, one last check in with one of our partners. - It's an unpleasant truth that 42% of Americans are obese and 79% of Americans are overweight. 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He's the constitutional attorney who heads the banal law group. Somehow I always seem to spoil it before I can introduce him. Mr. Jesse Banal, welcome back to the show. - Thanks so much for having me again. - Sir, we have a lot of stuff to talk about today. It's been a busy week so far and it's only Tuesday. I guess that's good for the news, bad for the Constitution, usually. And I want to start off down in Florida where I've seen the media attacks over the course of the last few months. We've talked about it a couple of times that you've been on the show recently. Jesse, about the attacks on Judge Cannon ahead of trying to see if that special documents case is going anywhere before the election. Last time you were on, you didn't think it was probably going to happen. But I've seen over the last maybe 48 to 72 hours, probably ahead of the first presidential debate as well. The attacks on the mainstream media really ramping up against the judge saying she needs to pass the case along. She's in way over her head. But when you start to look at the receipts and the things she's actually investigating and trying to present to the American public before a trial would even hypothetically start, it seems like she's trying to use the rule of law which I understand could be a shocker to a lot of people since we don't see it applied very evenly in America these days. But it seems like she's doing a pretty good job and just wanted your commentary on how you saw this thing shaking out so far. - Yeah, no, that's exactly right. And what you are seeing from the law fair crowd, the people out there like Andrew Weisman and a number of commenters, everybody from Politico to the New York Times, everybody else, is there's this gnashing of teeth that you actually have a judge that's willing to put her oath above political expediency? You know, what they are used to saying is judges like Mershan and Judge Chutkin who have no interest in due process. They only want to take in railroad Donald Trump. And so for these, the mainstream media out there right now, any judge who's not engaged in railroading Donald Trump taking cases through far faster than they normally would go. They're just going to viciously attack them. And what you saw with Judge Cannon is a judge that is taking very seriously issues that haven't really been litigated before in many cases and are novel to this case. And she's taking them very seriously because that is what a judge is supposed to do. And there is no part of the constitution that says that the president of the United States can have his justice department fast track a trial against his political opponent or his own political expediency. But that is, if you listen to people like Andrew Weisman, that's what you would walk away thinking that is normal is that you can just take and railroad a criminal defendant through the process because they're politically disfavored by the regime. And that's absolutely, you know, that complete odds with what the constitution actually says. - What is this say for Jack Smith's argument? As it looks like a lot of it has, you know, kind of been nuked in real time. Every time he tries to add a stipulation, whether it be a gag order, whether it be to present evidence that was, you know, that they want to add evidence to the case that was done when for the brief amount of time that the security cameras were off down at Mar-a-Lago during the raid. It seems like Judge Cannon has been up to the task of saying, like, you know, if you can't present this in a way where it says, this is essentially, and you know, I'm using non-legalist terms here, a life or death situation to include this in the case, it's going to be highly scrutinized and probably not going to go the way you thought it was going to. - Yeah, that's right. He's, she's holding their feet to the fire. And they are very used to at this point, judges that will give them whatever they ask for whenever they want it, and not calling them out for their chicanery. And Judge Cannon doesn't do that. So when you have, you know, one of the senior lawyers in the case, really belittling Judge, Judge Cannon, when she was at the bench, she let him have it the other day. And quite frankly, that is exactly what we need right now is judges who are not going to let the special counsel's office think that they are somehow above the law themselves. And so I'm optimistic that with everything that she's doing right now, she's going to hold them to account. I think there are some very, very serious constitutional issues such as, you know, can you have a special counsel that is effectively above the law? And really what Jack Smith's office was saying yesterday that Judge Cannon pushed back on, was it they're above Congress? - Right. - Is it they're completely unaccountable to Congress through the most important power that Congress has? And that's the power of the purse. And Judge Cannon brought up, that's a very serious separation of powers problem. But they don't care because they think that that they should be able to be completely above the law that they should be, he said, the final deciders of the schedule and that they should be able to force through political cases in a way that will impact and interfere with the presidential election. - Well, speaking of Congress, I kind of want to stay in that thread, Jesse. I know you saw or have probably seen a big push from some of the America First, Congressmen and women there, especially Annapolie and Aluna, to, you know, you want to talk about holding people accountable. It's holding Merrick Garland accountable for his contempt of Congress, a vote that was taken and passed just a few short weeks ago. But, you know, shortly after the vote came down on the House floor, the DOJ announced after the weekend that they wouldn't be doing any kind of further anything regarding Merrick Garland, including prosecuting or holding him accountable. So as you see, the Congresswoman making to, you know, continue down this road and bring to the floor a vote, which very well may get law enforcement involved in regarding the Attorney General of the United States. What does it say for the current DOJ? And is this a pretty good move by Congress in the current political, you know, part of the timeline that we're in right now? - Yeah, I think it is. I mean, essentially what we're seeing is that contempt of Congress is only a crime that Republicans are prosecuted for. You know, Merrick Garland likes to wax, poetic about how dangerous it is for people to question, even question the independence of the Department of Justice. And whether or not he's making decisions for political motives about how dangerous it is even to just bring that question up, ignoring the fact that that is what our entire system of government is based on is transparency and people being able to, you know, petition their government for redress of grievances, for instance, be able to bring up when things appear to be rotten in the state of Denmark. And rather than actually address the very, very many issues that are out there on prosecutorial misconduct on the politicization of our justice system, Merrick Garland just likes to go out there and says it's dangerous to question him, like some kind of autocrat, which is what he's doing quite frankly, I think the way that he sees himself. - Agreed. - What the result of that is, you know, with this contempt of Congress vote is that, of course, Joe Biden's Department of Justice run by Merrick Garland is not going to prosecute Merrick Garland for contempt. And I mean, to a certain extent, you know, they're at least not even pretending that they're gonna do some kind of investigation and then clear them, they're just being very upfront with the fact that says we're not going to, you know, that they think the Attorney General acted appropriately. Beside that the fact that it really is established law that you have, that Congress has a right to things like audio recordings made by the president. I mean, let's go look at the Nixon tapes, for instance. So they really are truly ignoring the law in order to protect their boss, in order to protect Joe Biden by not turning over the audio tapes of his interview with special counsel horror. But they're gonna completely ignore that. And so the question is, are we going to have accountability if President Trump wins and we have a new Department of Justice. And I sincerely hope that we are. As far as, you know, whether Congress actually goes and uses its inherent contempt procedures to use the House Sergeant in Arms to arrest and prosecute Merrick Garland, that would be, it's a very novel idea. I think it's an important idea for checks and balances. And we'll see, we'll see what comes of it. I think one of the biggest questions is, do we actually have enough courageous Republicans to actually stand up to Merrick Garland? There was enough courageous Republicans to do that role in contempt. I hope there's enough to do it with the inherent contempt resolution. - No, that's a great point that you make. It is kind of the next step. And you know how behind the scenes, there's a lot of pressure from people associated with the FBI, the DOJ, et cetera, that kind of lean on our Congress people to leave them alone. And I think that we've reached a point right now, especially as the American public where we're kind of getting sick and tired of it. Like you said, the autocrat, the elite class. And then us, the peasants, it seems like, thank God for Congresswoman, like Annapal Luna, who's leading this charge right now. I saw yesterday she passed out letters to every single member of the body talking about how important this is and why and where we go from here. Jesse, did it surprise you at all today to see that Hunter Biden will no longer be practicing law in Washington, DC as it just broke across the news wire recently? (laughing) - You know, it's an embarrassment to the legal profession that he was obsessively practicing law in the first place. I think with his mirad of ethical issues, even Washington, DC is not going to be able to protect his law license. So we think we all knew that his law license was gonna go away, was gonna get pulled as it rightfully should. You know, I think the upsetting thing for many people is that he could go along for so long without disciplinary proceedings and then you have courageous constitutional conservatives who have had their law licenses politically attack in places like New York and Washington, DC. And they seem to be Johnny on the spot when it comes to pulling their tickets and taking their law licenses. - Right, hey Jesse, you know what I did want to touch with John, we still have some big rulings. It seems like they're waiting all the way down to the buzzer. I mean, hopefully so they can get out of town and get on vacation once these briefs come out. But that's, you know, some things from the Supreme Court that the American public are very interested in hearing about that's the attack on terrorism charge in regards to, you know, hundreds if not thousands of people who have been wrongfully prosecuted in regards to the January 6th narrative and also the presidential immunity case for President Trump is we're nearing like the deadline here. I don't see this going much further than 10-ish days at the very most before we're gonna hear from the Supreme Court. Everybody's kind of saying that we're probably gonna get some of these rulings, if not both of them, maybe this week even. How are you seeing these things getting ready to shake out, especially with the way the, you know, judicial climate has kind of changed over the course of the last six months, what obviously the stuff that's gone on up in New York with them in hand case and things like that, et cetera. - Yeah, that's a great question. And talking about more gnashing in peace about the timing of these opinions, you know, you have again the set of people like the MSNBC crowd that are saying that this is some big conspiracy by the Supreme Court to delay their decision on this as long as possible. And that's just, it's preposterous. As I think Justice Gorsuch said during oral argument in the immunity case, they're coming up with a rule for the ages here. It's incredibly important for, you know, this isn't a paper that, you know, undergrads might do, maybe I did when I was under undergrad, where you just do it, you know, late at night, the night before it's due and then just turn it in. This is something that requires a lot of deliberation and thought. Not especially true, not to get too far into the weeds, but normally when the Supreme Court takes a lot of times, they will have circuit splits. They will have a bunch of different circuits that have written on the issue, and so they can really study the way various judges have handled this issue. - Sure. - They really only have the in from the DC circuit to look at, because it's such the idea of prosecuting a president is so unprecedented. It was very clear that most of the judges were not impressed by the opinion from the DC circuits. So they need to think things through to try to avoid any unintended consequences from a decision that they hope will stand the test of time. And it just is not something that they should rush into, simply through Weissman is on a timetable that he hopes will result in affecting that the presidential election. And so up to themselves to make sure that they, depending on when it comes to whenever that might be. I think the most likely scenario is it will come down this week. But yeah, these are incredibly important decisions that the justices are considering are certainly hope that they're taking a lot of time and effort and deliberation in order to make sure they get them right. - Well, I agree with you there. It's groundbreaking unprecedented, and it's something that will set the standard for generations to come on this ruling. It's gonna be really interesting to see how close we are to finding out what it's going to be. But fortunately for us, we won't have to wait much longer. Jesse, the last thing I wanna talk with you about, but it's kind of the big elephant in the room. And that's the upcoming sentencing of President Trump. I know his team is already working on the appellate process. There's gonna be a long, lengthy, and legal avenue to see where President Trump goes, whether it's via the Court of Appeals to the Supreme Court or both. But it's kind of just a big, something that we all have to kind of start mentally preparing ourselves for. The Democrats have pretty much ran out of any kind of ammunition they have in regards to anything Donald Trump's doing on the campaign trail. Every time they try to build a narrative, whether it's that he's racist, he'll go into the heart of five of the most urban cities in the United States and be so well we received. It's whether he can't fundraise, and he'll go now for back-to-back months and just absolutely lap Joe Biden in national financing, whether it's no one was gonna show up to his events because they're sick and tired of the message that he's bringing, he'll go to venue after venue. And not only are they packed with the overflow crowd as almost just as big as the crowd that's actually inside. And then after we get past this debate this week and see just how bad Joe Biden is on the national stage and up against his main competition which is Donald Trump. I do feel like the only thing that they're going to have left in the arsenal, unfortunate as it is, it's a, we'll put Donald Trump in jail, whether it's house arrest, whether it's a double white on Rikers Island, as you know James Comey kind of joked about disgustingly in the mainstream media a few weeks ago, but I just wanted to see how you're kind of looking at this because this is gonna be something, again, unprecedented. We've never had it before in the country, whatever happens to Donald Trump regarding the sentencing. It will reset the standard of where we go for, I guess, investigating and even prosecuting world leaders from our own country, from here. But just kind of how you're seeing this thing shake up, just a few weeks ahead of when it's going to happen on July 11th. - Yeah, I mean, the one prediction that I'll make is that Judge Mershan is going to do what he thinks is the most politically expedient to trying to harm Donald Trump. And that's what this case has always been about for him. Is his case has never been about justice. This was an unprecedented prosecution with no legal basis for it. And I mean, it was just, it was crazy. And the fact that he didn't dismiss this case out of hand is a blight on the judiciary. And so he's going to do whatever he thinks is going to politically harm Donald Trump. And I think he probably knows the absolute fury that will happen all across this country. If some potent judge in New York thinks he can lock up the next president of the United States in order to try to influence a presidential election. But we'll see what he's going to do. And I don't know. Maybe we'll see what he thinks is going to help his daughter raise the most money too. It is absolutely still insane that he is still in this case and hasn't recused himself when everything's come out about the amount of money that his daughter's making, raising money off of his rulings. And the fact that he's a Biden donor presiding over President Trump's case. So we'll see what happens. I won't make any other predictions other than, Judge Mershan isn't going to make a judicial decision based on justice. He's going to make a political decision based on politics. - True story, I mean, I can't argue with the fact that you're shooting it straight there, Jesse. And at least from your standpoint, you got to call it like you see it. Listen, we've got the law group live linked in the show description today, but we also want everyone to be able to check you out on social media. You're such a great contributor on the show every month when you come on. We really appreciate the time you come and have to share with our listenership. We get so much information on all of this stuff. Unfortunately, legally, that's going on with President Trump and his campaign. But, you know, for anybody that has questions going into the segment, I think you've cleared up just about everything like you always do here on the show. So where can we find it on social media? - @jbenall @ j-b-i-n-n-a-l on pretty much all platforms. - Absolutely love it and loves it and down. With the constitutional attorney who heads the banal law group, Mr. Jesse Banal, thanks for coming on the show with us today. Sir, have a great rest of your week. - You too, thanks for having me. - Two big episodes of "Stake for Breakfast" today delivered straight to you. I'm glad Noah made it in for at least the back end of the second episode today. And if you enjoyed this edition of "Stake for Breakfast" and wanna hear the over 400 other editions of our podcast, please check us out, follow us, and make sure we're downloading across every downloadable podcasting platform that's on Apple, Spotify, Google Podcast, iHeartRadio, or wherever you hear your shows. In addition, check us out on social media, Twitter, Getter, TrueSocial, Instagram, and TikTok is where we have accounts, find 'em, follow 'em, hit the notification bell and never miss out on all the great stuff going on down here at the show. We wanna thank all of our guests for coming in and sharing with us today. Texas Congressman Keith Self, former US Ambassador to Denmark, Carla Sands, former Deputy Assistant to President Trump, Theo Wold, and current constitutional attorney who's doing a lot of great work behind the scenes for America First, Jesse Banal. You guys all helped make the steak great again. Guys, we're heading into what's gonna be an absolutely busy week here on the show, but don't worry, we'll be back. Two brand new Friday editions of "Stake for Breakfast" coming in hot on Friday. And we've got an all-star guest lineup to join us as well. A trio of members from up on Capitol Hill, Indiana representative, Victoria Sparts. Representative Tom Tiffany will be joining us as well. We'll be catching up for the first time with Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan. And also for the first time, catching up with Charlotte Perez, who's one of the top directors at the Arizona Young Republican. So on behalf of the pot team, I'm Roan. Thanks for listening. Have a great rest of your week and take care. ♪ It's just like you're breaking these ♪ ♪ On a black dollar ♪ - Thanks for taking your friend, but your balloon's getting ready to pop. And that balloon's full of your own butt tooths. - Are you trying to trash talk to me? - You might wanna decide whether or not you're gonna buy toilet paper or aftershave because your face is like a butt. - Oh my God. You don't know how to trash talk, do you? - I do know how to trash talk, man. - Let me give you some trash talk, okay? Your mama's like a vacuum cleaner. She sucks, she blows, and gets laid in a closet. Now you go. - You should take a bath in a toilet. I just want to drink a debate. - No, no, now I go. Your lips are such a little turd that when you sit and sayin' cats try to bury you. - A very focal mouth. Please, let go of my hand. - If you reach down and touch my nuts-- - Copy. - It's what nuts feel like. Touch it. (indistinct chatter) (indistinct chatter) (sighs) (sighs) (sniffles) [BLANK_AUDIO]