Well, good morning, thanks again. This is Todd Moore, bringing you online Bible school with Grace Institute. And we are sharing this with our other discipleship group, PowerPoint Motivational Word, PowerPoint discipleship and favor media. I want to welcome you to our Tuesday morning edition as we continue our lesson in our final week here and dealing with the three components that I believe that we will have to access by grace through faith throughout our walk with the Lord. But we use these three components of sharing with you in the length of time that we have is because we want you to get an idea, get an understanding that number one is impossible to serve God without faith. Okay, we know that Hebrews 11-6 tells us that Hebrews 11-3 tells us the world will frame how by the Word of God. And so when we look at these three components and understand that that we have this grace that is, you know, that we tap in, that we access by faith, then we recognize that before faith comes, we have to have what? We have to have hope and what is hope. Hope is a confident, the way the dictionary defines it in so confident expectation. In other words, so that may be a little bit blind to you and I, but it's like the thermostat on a wall, the best way I can describe that to you and I to give you a better picture. Well, the thermostat doesn't cool down the room. The thermostat sets the temperature, gauge and giving it a mark. If it's 90 degrees in the house and you want it to be 70, you set the thermostat to 70 and in that thermostat sends a signal to the unit on the outside and it kicks on. Well, the unit on the outside itself will be faith because hope has already set the goal into where it wants to be. It wanted to be 70 degrees, it's 90. Hope set the temperature, hope set the gauge, hope gave the goal setting point. Can you see it now? And then faith on the other hand, take what hope has given and it goes to work. Not only does it's faith involved, but then we know that patient is an element of faith as well. Good morning, brother George. Faith is a patient is an element of faith as well. Why? Because it's not automatically going to cool down to 70 degrees just because the thermostat is set. It may, you know, depending up on where you are, depending up on the condition of your house, you know, it may take an hour, it may take 30 minutes or to bring the temperature down to 70 degrees from 90 to 70 degrees. It may take a couple of hours, but notice this. You already within yourself notice this knowing that that thermostat, what give you the confidence that thermostat is set on the wall and that thermostat is already set. So you already set in your mind that the house is cooling down. Number two, faith is at work because you know the unit is on and it's bringing it's kicking out that hot air and it's bringing in cool air. You could sense cool air coming in. And then what patient does patient holds you steady until the desire that you have reached that you want to you want it 70 degrees in the house. So patient will stay with it. Keep that unit on until it reached 70 degrees. And then all of a sudden what happened? The unit shut saw. Why? Because the thermostat that was set which is hope says I have met the goal. I have completed the task. That's what hope does hope is a goal setter. Hope is a positive impulse to your imagination. And so faith on the other hand is a response to what hope has given. It turned the unit on. You heard it kicked off. You feel the air coming in. So you are really expecting. Can you see how the three come together? And then patient does what patient hold a steady while that unit is steady pumping cool air in and throwing out the heat air that's in the house. And when it reached to 70 degrees you know it's a boy getting cold in here is feeling comfortable in here. Why? See patient allows you to do because you are you know that it's not automatically that that that you that house is going to cool down to 70 degrees in five minutes. See and that's what biblical patient is. See sometimes when we look at patient people use patient in a mean of thinking that well you know my patient is wearing thin with you you know I'm on my last leg. No that's not biblical patient. I mean I know we use it in a physical turn and whatever but that's not patience. Biblical patient won't let you quit. You know I think it's Proverbs 2410 that speak of it says if you thank you to talk about if you quit in the midst of a trial then your strength is small. And so what that simply saying is it's just that you don't have enough evidence understanding of the truth the whole you steady because when you have enough evidence of the truth that you have embraced then you're able to are you're able to withstand whatever that's trying to come against you just as Abraham that is now that's what I'm doing. I'm bringing you back to our lesson that we're trying that we are finishing up this week about Abraham because excuse me Abraham was a person that did not quit. God didn't quit on him and he didn't quit on God. Now Abraham tried to change God's mind. Abraham tried to make his son to become the promised son because his wife was buried but then at the same time Abraham gave into notice that God is the one that has to prove to Abraham the covenant that I made with you this is not the covenant I made with you this is not the promised child. You see what you did you know without Sarah you see this is why faith is so important because when God brings something together whether it be a ministry a business whether it be a marriage whether it be some type of relationship God has to be the one to mend that thing in a manner to show this is my plan. See if you could just do it on your own just know think about it. Naturally a man a woman can bring forth a child because that's what God created right but here Sarah has been bearing all her life and now she's 90 she's 90 years old 91 years old or before she was 91 years old she was in her late 60s or she would probably be in her 70s and uh Abraham was in his 80s. Abraham was 86 years old when he bore Ishmael. So Sarah had to be in her uh mid-70s or early 70s. The point I'm trying to make to you is that God knew Sarah was bearing before the covenant was made but God wasn't concerned about it but we as human beings are concerned about the lack of productivity that we can bring to the table because while we look at our handicap Good morning sister Cheryl see we look at our inability to bring forth fruit in the natural. See if I was just natural I would quit. I would turn around and go a different way I would accept status quo but you are not just natural. You are born of God and I really want you to understand because you are born of God. You have to recognize sin cannot camp out where you're the part of you that's born of God. There is no God. There is no sin. There is no darkness there. And this is the reason why it's so important that you and I grabbed hold to this. That was no darkness in God. That was darkness in Abraham. That was doubt in Abraham but again Abraham didn't make the covenant. God made the covenant with Abraham. Abraham came to the place of an agreement like Mary. Mary received a word when Abraham came to the place that he received the word of God. I mean just think about both of them was impossible in their position. We know nothing was wrong with Abraham. Sarah was the one that was barren. Okay to be barren means that you you are fruitless. You are powerless. It that means something has been shut off. Well for for Mary to bring forth a child without being touched. You know just that was a biological miracle with Mary. I mean with Abraham and Sarah. Well this was a miracle but with the word of God the seed is the word. So Mary received the seed the word as a seed. See God was already God without Mary. But what God needed was a body that he needed to come through. Good morning Pastor Carl. God needed a body that he needed to do what come through to make everything legal in what he was going to do. I mean you when you think about this you know that was thousands of years that this was prophesied hundreds of years before it came to pass. I mean when Isaiah spoke it that a Savior will come. That was a 750 year I think it's about right. But it was over 700 years before that problems came to pass. I mean you know let's just say I'm off. Let's just say I'm off 300 years. Just say 300 years. That's a long time. That God spoke. He said well why did it take so long for him to bring redemption to mankind because guess what God had to cooperate with man. God had God had put himself in place that he gave man authority and dominion. And that goes in Genesis 128 when God the Bible say God blessed him and he said to them be fruitful multiply and replenish the earth. So God had put he created the earth the heavens and the earth but he put man in it as a trustee over it. Now man relinquished that trustee and gave it over to the devil. And that's why God had to become a man in an earth suit to do what to redeem and to restore us back to the original place that God originally intended for us to be. Now that sounds simple but if you go back and you start reading through the book of Genesis and just go up through the old covenant you're going to see that a lot of things took place before God because why do you think Satan was after that bloodline because he heard that prophecy in Genesis 3 and I think in verse 16. So he'd been chasing the newborn from the birth to two years of age of a male species of hearing about the one that's going to crush his hair, bruise his hair. And it started with Moses. Moses married Moses mother and we'll teach about that later but Moses mother would not kill her baby or would not yeah or get rid of what she did she kept him. And Pharaoh's daughter fell in love with a Hebrew child and raised him up and brought him up in the finest education brought him up with everything that was Moses was excellent in everything that he did. He was a man of war you know you you have to read that in history that he was trained in the best schooling of Egyptian and so Moses was set but you know Exodus don't tell us this but if you go back to the book of Acts in chapter 7 and you start somewhere around every you know just read the whole chapter but it starts somewhere around about verse 17 through verse 33 or all the way down into verse 60 that it came it came I think in verse 1 and it came to him that he was to be the deliver of the children of Israel. Well how could that come in him? It had to be God. Are you following what I'm saying? That's for another lesson but that's my opening dialogue. I want to just finish it up and in sharing with you about Abraham yesterday remember we talked about where God spoke to Abraham in a manner and said that at the time of life I should surely come back and we look here at verse 12. So before we do that with Genesis 18-12 let's say well don't make our faith confession. Say it out loud with me. Father Lord is good and his mercy endures forever whom the Lord has redeemed from the hand of the enemy. So again we want to say good morning and look over here with me in verse 12 of Genesis 18 it said therefore Sarah laughed within herself saying after I am waxed old shall I have pleasure uh my lord also being old. So she recognized that she was old Abraham was old and notice did. She didn't say could should I have a baby she said should I find pleasure? Why because you see it's like we old. How does it go happen? It's like anything of the point I want you to see we know in in in all things being natural God has put man and woman on the earth to draw attraction to each other. That's what we're we're we're made to be attracted to each other. We're not made to be attracted to the same male same sex whether it be male or female God created us to be attracted to the opposite sex but Satan because he wants to make a creation he can't make one so what he does he wants to pervert make men attracted to men and women attracted to women well that's another lesson in the set but we could see some of this happening right here in the Father as the Father go down here chapter 18 and so notice this here in verse 13 and the Lord said unto Abraham wherefore Sarah laughed saying shall I of a surety bear a child not watch it which am old see notice what she said and the Lord said unto Abraham wherefore did Sarah laugh saying shall I of a surety because he remember when God spoke this to them for ten years they worked on it and the Bible said if you go back in Genesis 17 it go back and they show you that she was 16 she Abraham was 86 years old and it's been 10 years since God spoke the problem and nothing happened and so it was Sarah's word to do what go into our hamming and bring forth this child this promised child that God has spoken to us about anytime you try to do something in the flesh we know what happened now for Abraham and Sarah it was a it was a biological child and it brought chaos so what you can look at us and use a figurative similar situation here what things have we done in the flesh we brought the past and we wanted God to bless it I mean if we be honest with ourselves I think we all have you know but thanks beyond the God we're not condemned by it and so here Sarah is saying wherefore did Sarah laugh God is saying shall I of a sure to bring bear a child which is old because I tried it didn't work what am I doing I'm trying to speak to you and I in a manner that this is where we're gonna try it didn't work I tried the ministry I tried to put this or do what you cut but it's now it didn't it's not moving it's not going Lord I try to open that business Lord I try to bring resolve to my marriage or to whatever it may be it just it's not happening and you see what happened is is that many a time noticed it she was caught up in the flesh just like many of us were caught up in the flesh because I've tried everything and nothing is working so what what is the difference the difference is again as we open up this lesson so many weeks ago Hebrews 12 I mean Romans 12 1 and 2 Paul said I beg of you brother by the mercies of God that you present your body a living sacrifice and he goes on to say holy acceptable under God which is your reasonable or one translates to your spiritual worship meaning of my own will I have to choose to present my body as a living sacrifice and as the righteousness of God if I say I'm the righteousness of God then I need to present myself in a manner to walk as the righteous of God okay why because it's Christ in me is the hope or the expectation of what God is wanting to come for from me okay number two in verse two says and be not conform to this world so number one I got to make myself a living sacrifice in other words that the Holy Spirit can begin to navigate me in the way that I should go okay number two then he said be not conform to this world but be what transform the word then be not conforming don't be fashion after this world after this age but transform means to have a complete change of mindset that's why you have to stay with the word meditate on those truths long enough until your mind has changed so your spirit don't need to change your spirit has God spiritual DNA in it it has the life of God in it see that life wants to enter into the other immaterial part of you which is the soul and the soul has a conscious it has an imagination it has a wheel that it chooses and it has a emotion and so all of those factors has to come in alignment but it comes through the word of God out of your born-again spirit your spirit is the life of God the soul is part of you you have to present it as a living sacrifice so that this body itself the body is neither good or bad it's just natural first correction 240 it's just natural but what make that natural body good or bad is what I do in it is what I represent is what I'm representing this body in where I am and it's the same thing with the word of God so I can represent this body with a renewed mindset what a transformed changed mindset then I can prove what is that good perfect and acceptable will of God but you can't prove that without yielding to God's word and that's why Sarah is acting how would I know of a surety see shall I say shall I know of a surety that is bear a child which is old what was she looking at did she have a right to look at that yes see faith is not denying what is see there's no power in denying when we say we apply we live by faith this word has the right of the ability to override a super see that which is which is it isn't what God did in Romans 4 17 right what did God do he the Bible said where God as it is written I made the father of many nation see and what he did he said by calling those things that be not as though they were so what did God do I'm human he called something that was not in other words everything was there to do it but the body composition itself was not responding it wasn't responsive so what what would make what would give Sarah body or her mind to do what to be responsive to God's word to God's law and look with the Lord axor here's the confident here's a comp the confident booster look at verse 14 is anything too hard for the Lord see what she was doing she was looking in herself okay again that was no that was no problem with Abraham because we knew that Abraham brought forth on each meal at 86 years of age so the problem was not with Abraham the problem with what Sarah you see why would that be it's not about it was a problem that was a that was an appointed time notice this here he said is there anything who called for the Lord or is it at the opponent at the time upon it now that's important at the time upon it see that's why we bring each meal I can tell you I made some and and and what I'm trying to tell you is that I've lived through them all so I'm here to tell you and testify of the goodness of God but you can learn what not to do through my own mistakes through the teaching I'm giving you I mean when you look at verse 14 how would you handle this number one the letter part of verse 13 she said of assured that how would I know I didn't try everything you know I gave my hand made night you coming back and talking to me about this and you know and and and Sarah laughed but Abraham laughed too because it why it just looked like now this can't happen that's why the covenant God made the covenant because the burden of the proof is in the hand of God to reveal and once God make known to you and I through understanding then you will pick it up and say I got it but you have to be convinced and he says is that anything too hard for the Lord and look what the law said at the appointed time I will return and do what I'm today I will turn under the according to the time of life and Sarah should have a son notice he didn't say she might when that word shall use in the Bible throughout the Bible excuse me it's the most powerful English word for you and I in the English connector the word shall because what is it doing it's painting a picture that this is going to happen you can bank it I guarantee why because God said it it's the same thing that God said in Romans I mean yeah Romans 614 he said sin shall not have dominion over you Wow for a long time it took me a long time to understand that because how could you how could you be sending and you said sin should not have dominion over that's before I learned that man is spirit soul and body and I'm just telling you and when you when I learned that when I understood that it was like man the light came on but here notice it I will return under the according to the time of life and Sarah should have a son and Sarah did not saying I laughed not for she was afraid you see and he said nay thou did his laugh wow now we could go into the lesson in here now you know the thing that Abraham I'm just going to relate this to you for reference sake that was three two other angels which I think Jesus was the other free incarnated one that was there but only the two angels the other two went to Sodom why the Lord hung back and talked with Abraham Abraham and the reason was he said why didn't Jesus go because that it was not his time for vengeance he had not brought forth the life that we now know of of grace that can be really appreciative appreciative and so what what was he doing because he made covenant with Abraham and a lot was part of his family and that was homosexuality going forth over there and the Lord said I will not hide this thing from my friend Abraham whom I have made covenant with I'm not going through them just reading this part from verses 15 on through through the rest of that chapter I mean it goes all the way through the chapter 19 and etc but we're going to pick it back up here in chapter 20 because I want to finish this lesson about Abraham but if you read the rest of chapter 18 through chapter 19 you'll see that the angel had to deliver a lot and his two daughters but the mother itself she turned into a pillow salt because she turned back the angel took him out and told him not to turn back but she did and so you know the story of that but you recognize the point that I wanted to make in that that God would have spared Sodom angle moral for Abraham got down to five and if he would have kept going God would have spared because while the covenant God made what Abraham so God was not remember God was not in the earth to do anything without letting Abraham know what was that Abraham right there was a type of the father if I could use Isaac was a type of Christ and so we've seen a symbolic here in the natural that you know God is not doing anything again because God is spirit but God had to take a body and you know he did as we you know over here in the new covenant but I'm just making known to you that when God made covenant with you and I he doesn't take that lightly and if something is wrong because he has given you a commission and your family is involved or something that your family could be affected by or are the people whom he gave to you to lead can be affected then God will talk to you about them so that you can talk to them and help them to make a spiritual decision now you can't make them but because of what you would know it will it should get their attention and they should and they'll be able to choose where they have to make the choice they own hopefully they choose the the right way okay so I'm not going to get into that at this at this lesson because if I do that I'm gonna be two weeks later finishing it so let's drop down here to chapter 20 because now God is saying at the time of life I will and maybe I should just go to chapter 21 but I want to do chapter 20 because I want to I see I want you to see the humanity side as much as we saw supernatural and Genesis 15 17 and 18 let's look at chapter 20 look at verse one and Abraham journey from from dense toward the south the country and dwelled in between cadet and sure and so journey in Girard and Abraham said to Sarah his wife she is my sister and a bimela king of Girard sent and took Sarah now she's pregnant she's pregnant now this is amazing watch this and he sent and took Sarah and God came to a bimela in a dream see covenant see God is the one now she's pregnant she's no longer buried they came together acted on the word of God and notice this now God because he's in covenant he's in covenant to do to do it to watch over his seed watch over his word because they obey the word God is getting ready position himself as a man to enter into the earth I know what Abraham did and I'm giving it to show you what Abraham did but I'm one new one show you why watch this but God came to a bimela in a dream by night and said unto him behold thou art notice this a dead man for the woman which thou has taken she is a man's wife and a bimela notice this had not come near her and said lord will thou slay also a righteous nation see he knew the lord in his amazing god is talking to he's still talking to a man he's talking to an Egyptian man king of bimela look at this but a bimela had not come near her and said lord will thou slay a righteous nation said he be not he's to notice it he's not unto me he not unto me said she's my sister and she even herself said he is my brother look at it a conspiracy they just experienced pleasure they just experienced the power of God bringing them together so that conception can be made can you are you are you are you seeing this people still vasculate in their mindset you could love God but because of what you see at time what you hear and through your emotions it can throw you for a loop and i don't care who you are it can happen to anyone look how close i mean look what they have experienced and yet there is a conspiracy that the both of them had come together and said look at verse 4 said he's talking to the lord in the dream look at this but a bimela had not come near to her and said lord will thou slay also righteous nation verse 5 said he not unto me he said she is my sister and she even herself said she he's my brother and the integrity of my heart and the innocence of my hand have i done this which is true which is true verse 6 and God said unto him in a dream yes i know that thou did is this an integrity of your heart for i also withheld thee from from sinning against me notice he didn't say damn sinning against me why because she is pregnant with the promise child just like merit she was pregnant with the promise child if you could remember the story how what that king name was what it was he he wanted to kill he was set out to kill erret he was set out to kill Jesus he had to measure he wanted them he said i want to worship him too we'll get into that go and show me and come back and show me where he is but the angel in a dream gave him a dream and spoke with him because why what would God do he was protecting his seed what is God doing right here he's protecting his seed that that child didn't come natural yes it was born there but it didn't come with a natural mind say it was a biological miracle in other words this could not happen without God let me say that again this could not happen without God i know i'm speaking to someone because i consider that deep down on the inside because you're ready to quit you're ready to give up you confuse someone you don't know uh you've escalated back and forth and i'm just telling you if you hold fast God will make known to you because he know you remember if nothing else if you don't if you don't have the proper direction that you're looking for i challenge you go back and read Psalm 139 read the whole chapter i think it's 16 verse but read it in the classic amplify and in the message translation and what you're going to define especially in verses 14 through 16 the last couple verses it's expresses the point i want you to see before excuse me before you and i lived any day one day god had your whole life planned before we think about that for a moment now according uh you know now the way we live is not god you know everything was god because why it has to be by faith we we have to cry out to god to warn his way but nothing catches god by surprise and what i'm saying because our heart is toward him god will reveal to you it's still not too late don't let your mistakes don't let your misstep down whatever has happened to say god can't use you that's a life and a bit of hell i'm using i'm giving you something by this is the reason why i'm doing this is the reason why it's grace well it's not an excuse to live in sin it's to show you that what sin already did you said well how could god contain them ministered through someone that's lying like this because that was no law they broke that was a a more i don't know how to say that that was a inner law that was violated and i believe man did not have a conscious until he ate of the tree of life the tree that gave the knowledge of uh of uh good and evil i believe that's when man that's when man developed a conscious i don't think he had it and and i can't be 100 percent uh show up that but when i look at the scripture and they look at it and i look at it and i look at it and it's just like the consciousness came about after man ate of that tree because there was nothing to fear that was nothing to uh to to know right from wrong god made man in the image and likeness of him which was all good but if you notice when adam ate of that tree notice the first thing he did him and his wife they tried to sow figly because they saw themselves in a light that they were never supposed to see themselves and that's why when you and i are born a gun you start walking in the spirit you no longer see people in the light of what they were or what they're doing you'll see in them from a perspective of god's redempted hand that he's already given laid his life down for their sin you could still see sin but you could see beyond in other words you could see beyond the life that they have that a life has already the goodness of god have already paid a price for their freedom if that makes sense in other words you're looking not at the situation you're looking through the situation because of what was already done for their freedom you have to choose it and this is what god done for you and i and in this manner right here notice he said notice what god said he said unto him in a dream yes i know that doubt did is this in the integrity of your heart but i also withheld the from sinning against me that's the part that gives me and notice it and therefore suffer i not to touch her you see that why because this is he is and this is where when your when god hand is on us to carry something out i believe this scripture is more but in motion when it said touch not my anointing and do my profit no harm what because he got a mandate a mandate from god and so god is obligated to do what to watch over that person so that that word that he plays within them can come for why because it's going to set the captives free what Abraham what what Abraham and Sarah did was going to set the captives free and so god was in this redeeming and restoring uh uh what he put in motion and and and that point gives me he said yep he said but i also withheld the from sinning excuse me i guess me therefore suffer id not to touch her look at verse seven now therefore restore the man his wife for he is a prophet oh my god now notice this mosey didn't call himself a prophet he called him a prophet god called him a prophet i mean i just want you to think about this so when you think about a prophet god called him a prophet you can see you know what god and i don't want to get into this because it can take me too much time in dealing with those of the fivefold ministry and that before this you know sometime next year i'm going to deal with that subject teach on that on that on that subject you know in other ways how you i can identify the call of god that's in your life but all calls you know i mean when i talk about call i'm talking about even as a believer you can't nobody can say you're a believer just because you did a kind act no second quarantine five seven things what is that what is that simple say if any man be in christ they are a new creation old things have passed away and they hold all things have become what new for our john three three says accept the man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of god see that's a call see something have to happen before you receive a be a christian before you say i'm born again before you can see into the kingdom you have to be a born again believer old thing passed away see that's a call from death on the light that's why everything about god is super natural for you and i and then even those who are called into the office of apostle prophet evangelist pastor's teacher and i'm so amazed at how all of a sudden you know i mean within the last 18 months two years how many apostles have come up on the scene i'm amazed you know and it's like we don't get to call yourself an apostle a prophet an evangelist a pastor a teacher just like you don't get to call yourself a christian unless you confess what your mouth and believe in your heart that god raised Jesus from the dead you prayed a simple prayer and became a believer no one can tell you you're a believer because hey you were born in this church you were baptized in this church and you went to that church all your life just because you go to a church all your life don't make you a christian it just like if i sleep in a garage don't make me a car i think you get the understanding what's the same thing about an apostle a prophet evangelist a pastor teacher it's not because something you've done that okay well you have a a prophet mentor a ministry or an apostle an apostle no the call has to come from god the call has to come from Jesus and you'll see that each one of those call has a function and we'll you know that's why i don't want to talk about that because he is throwing me off but notice this in verse seven i'm a close with this and we'll pick this up tomorrow because we'll we'll move into the birth of Aussie Moses verse seven says therefore restore the man his wife for he is a prophet wow he's a prophet and we'll talk about that a little bit more tomorrow and he said and notice this and he shall pray for thee and thou notice this shall live and thou be and notice it and if thou restore her not know thou that thou shall surely die and all that are thine but notice it a bummer like that lie a bummer like them brought this then bring this trouble to him Abraham did this out of fear just as he did in the twelfth chapter he did it in the thirteen chapter are you following the saying of the same book so when people say god can't work through uh sin or god can't work through people with this and that well again god will have more of the people but people will fall but remember i keep saying this because i'm going to be teaching on this where there is no law that can be no a law of sin that could be no transgression yeah i'm gonna stop there but i'm gonna give you this verse of scripture so you can you know i know lots of people listen to some of the things i say so and i know some of the things i say can kind of throw you a little bit but i'm gonna give you this verse of scripture so that you could chew on for a little bit look at uh woman's chapter five well let's look at Romans uh yeah look at Romans chapter look at Romans 4 14 and 15 and then Romans 5 of 13 watch this Romans 4 and look at verse 14 he say for if they which are of the law be heir then faith is made void this is the anything we talk about the problem we give me a talk about that tomorrow watch this and the promise made of no effect why because if for if they which are of the law be heir then faith has no place but look at verse 15 because the law watched it and this is why the promise was not to Abraham or his seed through the law but it was through the righteousness of faith why and that verse uh uh 13 because he believed God but not the verse 15 he said because the law it worked at wrath for where for notice this for where no law is then there is no transgression you said what did that mean well we'll go back here when you look at Abraham and Genesis right here everything that Abraham what it did uh two thousand years forward because they were from Genesis from Adam to Moses 2000 years from Moses up to Jesus and Abraham what it did this he would have been in sin that would have been a law held against him and notice this God would not be able to minister to him under that type of under those condition in the way that he's doing and so here it says but the law worked at wrath and for the way for where notice is for for where no law is there is no transgression and look at this Romans chapter 5 and I'm just throwing this out to you and look at verse 13 say for until the law sin was what was in the world sin was already in the world that Abraham see sin was already in the world so God was doing what walking through man that was already sinful but that was no law because God never intended for us to live by those laws because those laws the law was intended to do what to bring us back to a place and say God help me I can't live I how can how can we live and that's what grace is all about but grace is not the lesson or the vehicle as a mean of weakness it's a sign of strength because Jesus himself God himself became a man and noticed it he didn't do away with the law he fulfilled it and introduced a new law called faith so you're no longer the law of works but by the law of faith through grace and that's and I'm gonna say that and notice it in the verse the scripture said for until the law sin was in the world but watch it but sin is not imputed when there is no law see can you see that it couldn't be imputed because why what was going on with Abraham that was no law and it's the same thing about you and I said it's not imputed because there is no law because Jesus fulfilled the law well I know that gonna rule people wrong wrong wrong wrong now but there are still consequences for sin even in the natural okay I hate to leave it like that but it's something for you to think about it's something for you to investigate check the word out that's why this is an online Bible school we study the Bible we look at the scripture we break it down we milk it until we can get understanding of it well I love you I thank God for you I thank you the best group of people that always listen to me and I'm so happy to have people that come on and listen you know I'm not saying we have to agree with 100 100 of everything that's said but at least I give you enough to go back and say go look at the scripture and not just my interpretation because when I first looked at these things I'm telling it made me shut the Bible up it made me put it down it made me walk away this can't be so well I because my tradition my theology things I was taught it was just like this is going against everything I was taught and then I had to come to the place in 2015 or 2016 God said now will you teach what I tell you and that's when he gave me the assignment to teach on grace by faith of course I didn't know what all that meant then I I know a little bit but I still don't know everything I need to know that I'm gonna know but that's why I teach the way I need because my assignment is everything I teach it's about grace through faith okay now we have to see how we get there but we will so I love you I thank God for you and hey this will be upload on your online Bible school podcast hey shared with others shared with others amen well love you now we'll do it again tomorrow bye bye everyone have a great day [Music] [BLANK_AUDIO]