PVE: Podcast Versus Enemies

Playlist Weapon Palooza! - Ep. 109

1h 52m
Broadcast on:
16 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

We've got a massive list of weapons to discuss this week as well as upcoming changes hitting the game with Act 2 of Episode 1! Join us as we cover all of the new or updated Crucible, Nightfall, and Gambit weapons.


Intro - 0:00

Act 2 Update - 12:40

Aggressive Scouts - 23:20

Weapon Set Overview - 35:25

Wild Style -  39:10

Pre Astyanax IV - 44:03

Warden's Law - 50:12

Origin Story - 53:38

Shadow Price - 58:15

Scintillation - 1:05:30

Hush - 1:17:30

Better Devils - 1:26:20

The Guiding Sight - 1:39:05

Claws of the Wolf - 1:43:30








[MUSIC] Hello, everyone, and welcome to episode 109 of podcast versus enemies, a Destiny podcast dedicated to the PvE sandbox. My name is impetus and I am joined by my usual co-hosts court and sync to beer court. What did you do in Destiny 2 last week? Hello lads. Just a little bit of GM's to done my fair amount of iron banner. I'm certainly a banner doubt. Got some more salvation edge experience under my belt. At this moment, I need to double check the next time I log in. I can apply my remaining deep sights to some of my spare nullifies, so I should be able to craft it. And yeah, I'm looking forward to running around with that. I know we are to cover that in a future episode, all the new Salvation Raid weapons, but that is the one that I am really looking forward to. Saint, how are you doing, man? I'm doing good. It's been a pretty good week, a lot of play with stuff this week. Iron Banner, Gambit, Grandmaster's catching up on a lot of seasonal stuff, a lot of the like the fail-safes, you know, actual episode content and just your regular content from these other play lists, like kind of falling behind on. Just there's so many quests and things like that to go through with the expansion. Caught up on a bunch of that, farmed out some of the weapons you may or may not be here in this talk about this episode. Also been spending a bunch of time prepping for the last, I believe will be the last two sessions of the D&D campaign that I've been on, urban, then DMing for the past, I don't know, probably like five months or so. It's been a, you know, decent chunk of the campaign. We got the penultimate session tonight and then the last one coming up just about two weeks after that, which I'm really excited for because one of my, a friend of mine that originally taught me, you know, basically how to be a DM and run the game is going to be, just so happens to be coming into town. So he's going to be stopping by and playing the role of our lead villain, which I'm super stoked about. This should be a lot of fun. Court, how about you, man? Is Salvation's Edge craft and nullifies, uh, impetus? How about you? Yeah, did not do Salvation's Edge this week, uh, just wasn't in the schedule. I have been slowly but surely working on various quests and things. The seasonal quests, again, I play all three characters, so I like to knock that stuff out. That's definitely been nice to get all that stuff. Like I've got all the seasonal or the episode armor, I should say, unlocked for all three characters. I don't have a lot of red borders from the episode weapons, so I think I'll probably tackle that next week. Um, but it's also kept me from doing a lot of other stuff that many people have been doing that you don't typically only play on one or two characters. So this past week, I finally did get Kavostov unlocked. I've been playing around with that. Gun is very strong. I love it. It will definitely have a place in my arsenal, but I am not a fan of that ricochet sound. It just, it fires. I don't know what it is about it. I've been trying to figure it out, but it's been, um, it's, it's so persistent and there's a double sound effect whenever you hit a shielded enemy with the ricochet bullet and it just drives me crazy. And I know some people are laughing at me when I say that, but I, again, I can't explain it. It just drives me the wrong way, but I will continue to use the gun because it was a very good exotic weapon. So that's what I've been working on. I have started unlocking the remaining prismatic abilities for my hunter through the six adventures. So I think I have my melee and my grenade fully unlocked. And now I just need to do the supers and the aspects, but, um, yeah, definitely need to focus on the episode weapons start getting a few more red borders because there are some things that I want to play with and try out, especially before we get even more weapons added to that pool come this following week. All right, Saint, who do we have to thank this episode? First up, you want to shout out some new patrons of the show, Haldor Ignatian and Zach's attacks. We also have Fernando, Will, John S, Paul and Rhett. Thank you all for joining us, supporting the show, allowing us, enabling us to do what we love. Also, as always, I want to give a shout out to our PVE Grandmasters, Dark Wizard 85, David Deakin, I'm K Rose, Jelly Puppy, the Shazzle, the Puxter, the Mirror, and this moment, as well as our continuing support from D&B sponsors, asking Monk, I'm K Rose in this moment. As a reminder, you can send us all kinds of feedback directly to our socials via the Discord server or the @pod versus enemies Twitter or our Patreon. Positive, critical, and constructive feedback always help with how we present the show, breakdown topics and all kinds of stuff like that. Much more in the PVE sandbox that there is to cover and sometimes, you know, we need a little feedback on exactly what it is that people want us to hone in on. We want to extend a special thanks and appreciation to everybody that supports PVE by downloading, listening, and discussing our show each week and especially those supporting us directly via Patreon. Speaking of which, if you would like to support us, you can click on the link to Patreon found in the show notes of this episode where you get access to members-only channels and our Discord server behind the scene contents, text writeups of weapon breakdowns, input on future of the show, and more. Court, what are we talking about today in episode 109? Yeah, so we've got a quick recap regarding Act 2, so by the time this episode goes out, you'll all be either downloading or waiting in a queue to get into Act 2, or you'll be playing it. But the bulk of this episode will be dedicated to part one of our playlist weapon breakdowns. As for kind of housekeeping, we don't have much here in terms of housekeeping and any other kind of missed updates. We do have some posts up on the Patreon, if you have been following that, we have got the Mahi's HC4 and the Dead Grammaray 4 from the episode 108, that's the previous episode. I've also put up a little highlight in regards to sort of science, or DPS, that's the Glaive Compendium, if you want to check that out. I'll be posting that kind of DPS highlight maybe once every three or four weeks, and we'll kind of go through a bunch of some really great quality content over in the science side. Over in the Patreon side, we did put up our weekly sort of ask your feedback, ask your questions, we did get a couple here. So one from Robert, who was talking about the Exotic Class items, obviously we haven't covered that yet. It's coming in a future episode, we're just kind of waiting for us to gather as many roles as possible before we sit down and discuss some Prismatic + Exotic Class item build. The same goes for Ergo Zoom, which comes from Brian, also asking about kind of great picks, some sort of weapon breakdowns dedicated to that. It's one weapon, but it's got a bunch of exotic perks and obviously the sword frames attached to it. So again, much like the Exotic Class items, we'll discuss them in a future episode as well. One question here from New Chemistry was also kind of one-upped by Deakin. Solar Snipers is a must at some point before the new artifact mods come out. So yeah, we'll touch on that real quick here. Emptus, what solar snipers are we going to be kind of highlighting for the new act? So the Exotic ones I think are going to be pretty straightforward. We all have been playing with at some point Still Hunt, which is our brand new Exotic Solar Sniper special. Solar Sniper, I do need to throw that clarification out there and it is getting tuned a little bit. It has been very spicy, very, very strong here. Still going to be a superb choice for hunters, especially to pair with Celestial Nighthawk. I would even argue for our Warlock and Titan players as well, if you haven't played the Exotic quest to unlock Still Hunt, you absolutely should. It is a very strong special weapon. Definitely the best Exotic Sniper rifle in the game. I know Whisper fans probably not too happy with me saying that, but I'm sorry, Still Hunt kind of eats your lunch, even after the tuning. However, if you are a Whisper stan, Whisper is still very viable. Definitely a Solar Exotic Sniper rifle, very much going to be strong as well for those longer DPS phases. I know that is the pick for Oryx, definitely. I remember using that both in the regular version of Kingsfall and then also in the Pantheon fight against Oryx as well. Still going to be very viable for those longer damage phases. Let's also touch on our legendary options here. We're going to mention four here specifically. We're not going to talk too much about them, just kind of mention the top roles here. We've got Usume, our four is our most recent pick here that does have an adept version. I think that was the drop actually for this past week here, the week after you're listening to this episode. That does roll 4th times a charm or clown cartridge in Calm 3 and then Vorpal Weapon where precision instrument in Calm 4, it's an adaptive frame. I should throw that out there. Definitely a decent combo. Again, any combination of those Calm 3 and 4 perks will lend you a very solid roll here. Adaptives though on the whole are not quite as strong as our rapid fire in our aggressive frame sniper rifles. We have a few rapid fires that we'll talk about. I do want to also point out last foray that came out in Season of the Deep and that is a world drop. It does get the role of Envious Assassin and focused fury very, very nice as well here. But our rapid fire solar sniper rifles are currently kind of king of the crop. They have deeper ammo reserves as a part of the frame here which allows them to last for a very long time for sustained damage, kind of similar to how Whisper the worm really shines in those longer damage phases as well. So we've got Twilight Oath as one of our more recent picks that came out in Season of the Wish our last season here. That could get Envious Assassin and then you have a choice between Vorpal Weapon precision instrument and then let's not forget high ground as well. That was newly buffed coming into the final shape so that it doesn't have quite the same stipulations as they used to. That can be very strong in a witness style fight when high ground does get propped against the witness. If you weren't aware of that in Salvation's Edge you can naturally proc that just standing on that center platform to deal damage against the witness so that's where it's viable as a one example. But you do have your more kind of classic perennial picks of precision instrument and then Vorpal Weapon to pair with Envious Assassin in Column 3 and that's Twilight Oath. And then finally an older pick here definitely harder to get as a crafted option nowadays because it can only drop as a red border from the Serif Shield exotic mission but that would be the Eicholos sniper rifle with four times the charm or overflow in Column 3 and then focused fury or as a backup pick here high impact reserves. Very very solid. Again the rapid fires just with naturally more reserves are going to be better than our adaptive frame sniper rifles like Usume and Last Ferret. And then aggressive frames are kind of in the middle. They're slightly behind rapid fires but still quite fine as well. We have not had a recent solar aggressive frame sniper rifle. We have Luna Regolith 3 but that is the playlist weapon. It has a ton of perks on Column 3 and 4. That can be very hard to chase down a decent roll of that but you could look at something like Clown Cartridge or Vorpal Weapon. The four that I've mentioned before that though would be a little bit easier to acquire. Again assuming you've got Last Ferret to drop over the following season since Season of the Deep. So those are our solar snipers just in a nutshell there to talk about kind of things to be aware of here. Let's get into our thoughts on Act 2 excuse me a recap of what was mentioned in that livestream and I'll pass you over to Saint to cover the news that we have learned about. Yes especially have quite a bit coming with Act 2 of our first episode and I wasn't expecting a livestream but I get why they did it to kind of set the tone of expectations and stuff like that. So we'll highlight some stuff here and then we'll go back and discuss a few of these upcoming changes in a little bit more detail. Starting off with new content we got three new Battlegrounds. Delve and Conduit will both be with the launch this coming Tuesday and then Core is the third one and that will be releasing on July 23rd. They describe this briefly as journey to the center of Nessus which I'm pretty keen on that. You know Nessus is a really interesting just destination and they've been delving deep into what's going on there metaphorically and literally so pretty keen on that. We also had you know friend of the show long time sport of Chris Proctor on the stream talking about some new weapons and stuff coming to the game and we three pretty spicy weapons that that we maybe talked about in the next episode or the episode after as soon as we can get our hands on these and start using them we're very keen on these weapons. Starting up with Baron action is a solar rocket sidearm. Corrasion a arc heavy burst pulse rifle so same as the new raid pulse and the new trials pulse that you've seen come out that new archetype. And then finally I have one more Dawn weapon also being added which is perfect paradox a kinetic rapid-fire shotgun. Also some really interesting stuff on there and some solid synergy with its origin trait but you know more on that later. Next up we had a review of the artifact which includes some really spicy stuff. Speaking of solar snipers like new chemists and DK we're asking about. So they're asking about solar snipers because in the artifact we've got anti-barrier sniper. First time we've seen that a long time. Scavenger mods discounted to one cost scavenger mods on your legs. Incendiary rifle rounds which is precision sniper hits apply scorch I believe and then solar foam a nation which is coming back from season 17 season of the haunted and it's very powerful perk for increasing the I believe it is it damage and radius of ignitions. Yeah I'm getting some nods here. Really strong trait especially with the right artifact mods the right builds and weapons you can really get a lot of utility out of that. And then finally snipers meditation based on some early testing from the game footage that we saw on this stream it looks to be about three percent per stack and max it five stacks which means 15 percent for hitting you know five shots in a row. Think of this like a artifact version of precision instrument right specifically for snipers and and that's kind of the idea here. Now court correct me if I'm wrong but I believe that damage traits like this stack multiplicatively is that correct? Yeah so I'm hopping back to a comment Rodney we had Rodney on way back in our second dev episode and he made the point of they're quite happy putting these kind of stackable outlier I know a lot of community colleagues outlier damage stacking buffs on the artifact so I have every faith that this will be stackable as well. We see other stuff and well there's things in the artifact right now that don't stack like radiant orbs because it gives you radiant expanding abyss is a bit of a different one because it just makes your weakens more potent so they do like to go a bit kind of create not as crazy as they used to but they do like to add these kind of stackable damage buffs to the artifact. If this was maybe if it was maybe a surge system or if it was an empowering buff so if it went up to 35 percent we'd be able to tell that immediately that that was probably not a stackable damage buff but because this goes up to 15 percent I'm quite safe to say this this will be stackable with everything including your sergees your empowering buffs your debuffs your weapon perks all that jazz yeah a lot there a lot to be want to be capitalized on we'll we'll round this out with a little bit of a more discussion on this section because we got some sandbox changes that were also teased in this announcement and there's some pretty spicy stuff here so first up correcting an issue that allows swapping between regular armor mods and reserve mods to enable a higher ammo count than current maximum so this is never intended basically this means when you rally with a reserve chest piece and you swap off of it you will be losing those you know that your your max will go then down to what your current max reserve count should be in-game and it won't last like it would now at the moment and ease the pattern and raids right reserve ammunition for all weapon types has been increased by up to 15 percent with weapons with low reserves having their weapons at getting a larger buff and the reserve mods have been decreased by one to compensate for this unsure how exactly this is going to play out any any comments lens court any thoughts well i was going to put a little note here to say this is quite a substantial change i think if you don't already follow mossy max on twitter or in the discord i think he was kind of pulling his hair out because the main point of this fix is it's applying to pretty much everything in the game and it varies by weapon it does say here in the twitter it's talking about those with lower reserves obviously benefit larger which makes sense i think they've always done that kind of thing just to kind of equalize everything upwards but this applies to everything and if you do follow my spreadsheets i do have a dedicate section to rocket launchers and that will apply it to all of these rockets so you know to take an example here um reserve for uh let's see um let's talk about crowning duologue is our upcoming solstice weapon so right now at base it's nine ten eleven twelve with your reserved mods this will probably probably mean it goes to ten eleven twelve twelve uh twelve still going to be the cap but uh it's still very a substantial change and that's just for rockets it's going to be a lot more substantial for other weapons uh and just as a kind of final you probably hear me saying this all the time stock record but the higher your reserve count the higher total ammo capacity your weapon can get the more ammo you'll pick up so this is a direct buff to ammo pick up as well um so it remains to be seen how this will be realistically fell next week or i should say this week when when we actually get into the sandbox and how it impacts a lot all of these weapons or or exotics as well that that don't generally get uh kind of reserve changes in the background but yeah it's very interesting uh fix um them offsetting the the whole kind of unintended functionality uh with a buff very happy to see that and uh yeah very interesting i feel sorry for mossy has to do a lot of testing when this goes out yeah it's a good thing he's got that really long episode to help him uh get all that stuff squared away for episode two when the reserves get thrown out the window again so oh man all right all right i'm just gonna talk over the rest of the yeah yeah so in addition to all the fun artifact mods for sniper rifles bunchies also gone ahead and reduced flinch in pve specifically uh for sniper rifles by fifty five zero percent so that is just versus combatants and pve i really want to stress that part here i know snipers are a terror in pvp but we don't have to worry about that we can be the terror in pve so that should make aiming down sites with any kind of sniper rifle but especially your solar sniper rifles a tad easier during damage phases you won't get flinched off those sweet crispy precision shots moving forward and then additionally speaking of precision shots here uh ariana's vow the sniper rifle that's actually a hand cannon has got its damage or will have its damage buffed by sixty seven percent versus barrier shields now we did a little bit of testing ahead of recording the episode here just trying to get an idea of how much of a buff this is compared to where it is currently uh dealing damage in various difficulties we do believe that this should make it always a one shot barrier shield pop in all difficulties and again we've tested this kind of pre-buff here we could not find a non-solar surge master or gm activity so we're not quite sure how that will line up again we're just looking at it on paper here but we do believe that it should be able to one shot um but right now solar surges in the master and gm activities does allow it to one shot barriers so uh we're hoping that after the buff in a non-solar surged content it should still one shot but again we weren't able to test that or get some idea of that this week when we were recording our episode additionally they are removing all stat penalties from a debt mod so they should be flat bonuses to their given stats i think that will be again a big deal in pvp i was trying to look at some of the debt mods with stat penalties none of them seem to really factor a ton for pve i couldn't find an adept weapon that i had where some of those penalties were really discounting the mod in question but yes for any of your adept weapons the adept mod should be a bit of a better bump to the performance of your gun whichever one you choose here and then our final one here that we're actually going to take a little bit of a side card here and talk about some of these weapons the aggressive frame scout rifles or as they call them at bungee the techs mechanic us scout rifles are getting their base damage increased by 30 that is three zero percent in pve which should make them kind of juicers am i right saying oh yeah it's time and i i just took time war and wayfarer and just dried it's a name through the mud like uh two weeks ago a week ago i i came remember which episode it was exactly and they've always been cool weapons and now they're not only going to be cool weapons they're going to be weapons that deal moderate to very good damage again though in the right scenarios and we absolutely love to see lower you know non-use weapon archetypes getting big buffs like this so let's talk about a few you know what are you looking for now if you got an old aggressive scouts in your vault or you can now craft time war and wayfarer and you're not sure what to put on it what's what's recap we you know we said we would give some recap on this i'll start off with time war and wayfarer because i owe it you know i owe it some some justice here in column three we got shoot to loot dual loader and heal clip yeah shoot to loot a classic just utility and pve right heal clip is pretty interesting because of how often you can hit quick reloads and how often you can be triggering that cure for yourself and and you know getting uh ember of an evolence proc maybe if you happen to be on a strong solar build but dual loader is super interesting because emptiness originally pointed this out to me that when you enhance dual loader on aggressive scout rifles it becomes quad loader and that really circumvents such a weak point of this archetype that that i i think this can be very strong i've currently just been using shoot to loot on this weapon because it interacts with the radiolaria pools and incandescent but i think i may be going quad loader and then in column four damage side you've got incandescent desperate measures and high ground as a reminder high ground goes up to 25 percent now at three stacks whether you've triggered that from it's it's original kind of proper trigger shooting from at least a meter above whatever your other target is or just getting three add kills in that time period for up to seven seconds we'll trigger that up to 25 buff which is honestly quite strong for just getting some kills desperate measures can out damage that by five percent at up to 30 percent if you're getting ability kills after weapon kill so kind of the trade-off is slightly more set up for just slightly more benefit but something that i will also mention in favor of high ground is that enhanced high ground adds plus five reload onto your stats which again aggressive scouts really need and yeah i don't know all of a sudden 10 more wafer went from just looking good to being good and we'd love to see that uh court we we've also get some other scouts what uh what would you be putting on there yeah so next up we've got the profit which is from trials i did we do i this might have been an episode that was off or absent for but did we even cover the profit back then when it first came out um i got very little reason to yeah so i i don't really do um but yeah anyway so if you do have a profit line around it's still an active weapon dropping uh whether it's the just the normal version or the adept one but yeah we've got some a little bit kind of a different perk combo compared to time warren and the other one of long arm we do have out long calm three keep away very apt for a a skype rifle and we've also got demo and that's one pairing with headstone that i would probably be taking into some gm content very easy to proc demo plus headstone and mix that in with the various stasis fragments and aspects that we've got uh just thinking of the one we destroy a crystal yeah you get additional base grenade regenerate for six seconds very easy to do that if you've got a kind of grenade based build thinking with renewable grasp hunters obviously very easy to to keep that sustained up so you've always got a grenade uh we also have explosive payload and calm for we've got golden tricorn as well if you can get your stasis kills again more thinking it's more apt towards hunters with their longer range stasis melee and then kill clips so it's obviously a little bit more focused towards the pvp sad box but there's some options here if you can get one and you also have three origin traits with alacrity one quiet moment and of course text text balanced stock so quite a kind of an array of perks here next up we've got long arm which is from spire the watcher that's our very first aggressive frame way way back so calm three we have subsistence rapid hit and wellspring and calm for adrenaline chunky dragonfly and explosive payload so again it's a little bit different it's quite it's getting quite an older perk pool selection now obviously this was prior to um this was prior or was it the same time vote shot came out or vote shot a season after yeah so unfortunately there's no vote shot on uh among arm which is kind of what i would naturally go towards vote shots a very powerful elemental perk regardless of what weapon you have on all of the uh weapon types have been normalized so they all do the same damage multiplier it's not like before where each weapon had different multipliers it's all the same but still a very potent uh weapon perk unfortunately we don't see that here so a little bit of a more classic perk pool but you know it's our arc option here i do see dragonflies also in calm for um redirection if you can try make that work yeah but it's a bit of a finicky one uh but yeah i think the choice here at least for me would be something like rapid hit and something like adrenaline chunky or explosive payload but again the profit and long arm they're not craftable your time worm wafer is uh it's our first craftable version which will obviously be much easier to obtain right now because you can just plow through a bunch of the seasonal content and get those red boxes for time war um but uh yeah i think all three of us were very excited to go and use these weapons i should also point out this will also apply to dead man's tail uh we haven't explicitly mentioned that in this episode but i do recall them saying that on the live stream i believe uh that dmt will be affected by this buff in pve this is all just pve no changes in pvp i didn't realize it was getting dmt too i believe so yep i think that was mentioned in the live stream now remember when that refresh came back if that gets anything i know it gets four pull it was you see it doesn't uh dead man's tail shoot a loot and wrap it hit mm-hmm okay doesn't doesn't dead man's tail have access to a slightly higher fire rate because of the nature of the weapon right yeah but because it's still i believe it's based on well really these weapons are based on the frame of dead man's tail uh but from previous like frame buffs they'll also still apply to the nearest exotic um frame if you get what i'm saying here they'll they'll get that damage buff as well um i might be misremembering misremembering here but i'm sure dmt was mentioned and if not then uh we'll obviously correct that but yeah dmt is craftable if you want to go through uh some serf shields um no sorry not share serf shortage presage yes thank you yeah i just so happen to be i i damn his tail has just been worked and reworked and worked and reworked in you know i i forget how it goes over time but yeah when you're you get that increase rpm when you're firing from the hip it goes to a 150 instead of 120 right and if you look at the damage profile on that now i think after it gets above i i think that there is a chance that it becomes a moderately popular unstopped weapon it's unstopped scout this season yeah yeah yeah yep i've just been using rocket sidearm so much that i forget about that a little bit to be completely honest with you but i if my like mental math is coming together here you know you get 150 rpm rate of fire from the hip you get a little kinetic you know damage bonus there from the fact that it's still up you know it's a kinetic weapon that's so working it's you know most of your enemies tag on uh four poles still on there right impetus for your champ stunning at least you know i don't know how much yes yeah yeah i'm probably going for some more reload or ammo trade or something like that still i don't know maybe maybe dmt search pop in its head back up and in some gms and nightfalls and such just as a reminder you can craft it with outlaw or four times a charm compulsive reloader killing wind moving target four pole rapid hits or shoot loot that are your kind of caught main perks and then you'll see you've got your typical barrel uh your magazine with like high cowl rounds armor piercing ricochet and your stock which is very rare thing that we get to craft in in destiny um yeah and you know so we'll go ahead i was going to say dmt just recently got some buses at own at the start of the this annual expansion for the final shape um so you get at times five cranial spike you get a 28 percent increased damage while hit firing so if you can really sustain it then dmt can be a very like tear away like absolutely snowballs into quite a monster if you can get keep that sustained something like four pole weapon yeah i was just gonna say i have it that i think i prefer outlaw and subsistence over rapid hit on scouts like this because rapid hit just falls off too quickly it's like two and a half seconds or something it's it's really not a massive duration and when you're when you can reload quick enough it's fine but these suffer from that issue where you really need that like six second timer from outlaw because you can't you know sometimes i feel like i've run to this issue where i'm reloading and then i run out a rapid hit before i even load you know i only get like a half or two thirds of the magazine done before i can finish off that that reload versus outlaw that lasts for so long yeah i think that's just because of the unique reload animation the dmt house where it's that two bullets at a time here because i've certainly noticed um what did i notice it on oh the mahist that i had was rapid hit and if i timed it just right i could get the the maximum benefit of rapid hit at the start of the reload and that would persist through the rest of the animation even if the buff fell off there's like a weird grace window there but that's because i'm reloading the entire magazine all at once whereas on dmt or some of those other ones where it's a one at a time situation yeah you might get uh two or four or six bullets loaded really quickly and then it will suddenly fall off and it will take a lot longer to reload as the aggressive frames take a bit of a take a bit sometimes with uh without any help so yeah let's a good shout out saying all right are we good to move on to our playlist weapons here any final thoughts go go get those aggressive frames i know we talked about a trials weapon and a dungeon weapon but time-worn wafer absolutely get that in your sights go get that it looks great and it now will feel great by the time you're here in this episode here but yes let's talk about our playlist weapons there's actually a lot uh we were we were kind of struggling what to talk about specifically for this so we've decided to break them up into two parts here we're not going to be giving our full breakdown for everything we will be truncating a few breakdowns and again because this is also coinciding with the release of the final shape a lot of our existing playlist weapons did get a very small perk refresh and we do want to talk about some of those refreshes where it matters so case in point here we will be touching on wild style which is our solar double fire gl that did get a very significant perk refresh we'll also be talking about two other nightfall weapons here pre-ostionics for our solar precision frame bow and warden's law which is our kinetic heavy burst hand cannon additionally we'll be touching very shortly on iron banners of the guiding site which is the strand high impact scout rifle and then we will be doing truncated reviews of our actually new weapons here which on the vanguard side we have origin story a kinetic precision auto that we'll be comparing to breakneck which is the gambit kinetic precision auto from last season and then on the nightfall side shadow price the arc precision auto frame rifle and then iron banners clause of the wolf the void rapid fire pulse our full breakdown here for the episode we've got three on the docket crucibles better devils which is the strand adapted frame hand cannon gambit's hush which is the solar precision frame bow and the nightfall scintillation which is the strand adaptive burst lfr that has since come and gone it will return in the nightfall rotation but some of you maybe already have an adept version of that we will not be doing a breakdown of the perfect pitch which is the ritual solar smg of this episode but next week we will cover the reposte i just care shires wrath and then the new hits aberrant action curation and perfect paradox just so y'all have an idea of what we're working with for these two episodes here all right let's jump into our vanguard slash nightfall weapons here i'll pass you over to court to touch on the new uh zero to hero wild style yeah absolutely just to really quickly highlight we do have origin traits for these weapons and the way we split this episode up is we've split it by origin traits just so it's a little bit more cleaner to follow so there'll be some weapons that are kind of mixed in with truncated versus fully expanded breakdowns but we're going by vanguard then a gambit crucible and then finishing things with the iron banner weapons real quickly obviously these vanguard or nightfall weapons i should say are they have the vanguard's medication and you're stunning recovery we've mentioned them before we don't need to cover them the technical notes for for those origin traits stunning recovery obviously just a really quick reminder that the stun activator can be from any sorry from the weapon another weapon then swapped to this one or via an elemental effect while this weapon is equipped so a big one there would be something like jolt jolt's a very easy thing to to apply externally from the weapon and then reapply while the weapons are quips and obviously you get that magazine refill from reserves you get some hp restored plus 40 recovery for a few seconds so yeah wild style we have here that is our from zero to hero solar double fire special grenade launcher reminder for special grenade launcher for double fires it fires two projectiles at a slight offset from the reticle at the cost of one ammo the changes that they've made here in calm three they've removed keep away and unrelenting and they've added in their place reconstruction and grave robber calm for they have removed permeability and attrition orbs and they've added in for the weapon and bait and switch so yeah it's went from you know pretty i think we were quite critical on it way back when we we covered this a few weeks ago but they they've made a quick turnaround on this and we aren't doing a complete full breakdown here but they're recommended refreshed highlighted perks here in calm three envious assassin or reconstruction and in calm four forful weapon bait and switch so yeah we weren't very positive for wild styles initial perk selection but bungee have went in and supercharged a screen launcher the ammo and damage perks makes us a very like just a superb workhorse option just to take into any type of content just to clear house to use it against champions maybe even some boss action as well if you want to try and kind of maximize much damage you know getting a lot of ammo you can pull this out and try and get that bait and switch or forful weapon to proc here um saint you got any kind of further thoughts for wild style you you glad that's got a nice little glow up yeah devil fires are such a cool archetype they're you know just at their base do strong damage for per shot basis and all that stuff it's always been okay and to see some of the weaker traits removed and some more juice options getting added in especially i think reconstruction and forful weapon people will be very keen on i'll also give a shout out well you know text balanced stock is really nice lending hipfire four hipfire hits within four seconds which i think is just two two bullets are hitting multiple targets it's going to give you 20 to range handling and reload plus a 0.9 your 10% reload scaler and then a few accuracy things but that's not super key here the the thing that i would consider pairing that with this stats for all this test for all is also giving like 35 reload speed so if you are kind of getting everything to to come together just right with text balanced stock and stats for all you can get a absolutely massive like plus 55 reload speed buff with hitting just one group of shots into a dense pack of enemies and yeah i think bait and switch if i'm gonna go envious because i can capitalize that all the time but i think one for all incandescent would be okay options getting under that same thing of if i'm gonna be trying to like spam shots then maybe that one for all you know the sofa combo there would be okay incandescent you know just a lot of crowd control not necessarily like the damage that you'd be able to get out with vorpal weapon especially with like reconstruction vorpal weapon getting that into like a damage rotation i'm i'm sure some people are keen on it really really happy to see this thing get a just a little shot in the art just some just some juice to make sure that it makes its way into people's loadouts because it's a cool weapon archetype and we we have two of them in the game now including this one and wilder wilder flight from the dungeon i think the only two right yeah yeah wilder flight and wild style very similar naming schemes here a solar and a void one yeah so really happy to get it see it get some juice being being in such a limited archetype and hopefully we see we see more of that maybe we'll see a kinetic option or maybe you know next episode we'll see a void option make its way downtown i'm here for it if there's any closing thoughts here i'm wild style i've gotten very lucky i focused one regular one of these when i had a few spare vanguard engrams and i did get the reconstruction vorpal weapon and it is phenomenal to fire back-to-back a total of four shots into a mini boss target there it's really strong i've been using it in breach executable a lot but i imagine it will be a staple of my inventory for dungeons and raids as well i just haven't taken it into one of those yet it's here all right it's viable yeah it's viable had long last i will cover i don't know if this is going to be viable necessarily but i'll cover our next weapon here uh pre-astianics four did get a small perk refresh here in column three we lost perpetual motion perfect float in light and action and rangefinder and then we added attrition orbs to the pane cornered and opening shot which had originally appeared in column four but got moved over to column three and column four opening shot technically removed but then added back but collective action has been removed and in column four they've also added surrounded and then our new or reprised i should say archer's gambit has returned so overall not not a huge shake up here i know archer's gambit has certainly made uh the rounds here on hush of course the bow that it debuted on also our gambit weapon of focus here and yes on pre-astianics you can run the double archer's combo of archer's tempo and archer's gambit here for uh a lot of draw speed bonuses kind of up your dps if you want to think about that on a on a primary bow here not not hugely game breaking i'll be totally honest but yes the animation speed is is quite fast and you can put out a lot of arrows in a short amount of time here does that bring in some more benefits compared to something like explosive head in column four or incandescent for example i would say no i think explosive head is hugely beneficial on bows especially when we have a champion mod four bows in a given episode now you can stun champions a little bit faster because of the extra damage tech that comes with explosive head and it's it is faster than this sped up uh draw speed bonus that archer's gambit gives you right you're still having to fire a full arrow for archer's gambit to stun a champion faster in our hypothetical scenario than when explosive head requires you to fire a singular arrow that is doing two separate ticks of damage all at once so yes explosive head will be better on a utility front for stunning champions outside of that though yes can archer's gambit be a ton of fun and pve sure i will not value that however i i'm not sure it competes with some of the other classics in the bow front here surrounded on a bow i mean yeah go go buck wild you know just have fun get real up close to those thralls and man i hope your draw draw time is low because you might be doing a lot of damage i mean bows are already fairly strong i haven't really thought about surrounded as a necessity for minor enemies even in harder content i feel like i can deal enough damage to them either with just explosive head or the base arrow necessarily especially if it matches the elemental surge that might be active in the activity so surrounded i'm really it feels like a stretch to find a situation where that is the play other than i just want to have fun with the silly perk on an adept bow dropping from nightfalls here again you've got the wild card trade on there so if you if you wanted to have a blast run up to an enemy proc surrounded kill them they explode into wild card all the remaining enemies that you use to proc surrounded maybe run over those wild card bolts and then you know that proc's and got explosions going off sure i could see where that might be enjoyable to play with but is it a practical i'm having a hard time i'm having a really hard time here but if you want that for the fun role more power to you honestly i won't fight you on that court you got anything else i'm pretty honest aionics that stands out from the changes that you feel like needs to be brought to everyone's attention no you've pretty much covered my thoughts all right saint anything you want to add wild card is so goofy it it's just a really silly origin trait and i enjoy it for that wild card bolts i i will add in can activate other traits on the weapon like incandescent and chutaloot is that super in-game viable probably not is it kind of funny and fun to use for sure to see something walk over the bolt and die and then have an incandescent explosion really enjoyable to watch happen in front of you how often things that can happen probably not enough to justify it but always funny to see it when it does i i will quickly say that uh just looking at mossy's um damage scaling spreadsheet bows have one of the highest primary damage multipliers which as we've mentioned before in previous episodes that the telesto bolts from wild cards are affected by so if you can spawn those bolts and enemies uh go over them you watch them explode they are going to do pretty serious damage okay so maybe the telesto bolt incandescent chain dream is alive here that's what i'm here right now uh i i think that the last thing i'll say that's strange about this is when i saw surrounded i was yes odd on a on a weapon that has such a ridiculously long effective range and then i thought oh well cornered will probably pair really nicely with that because it should get your your draw time way down it's like half as effective as archer's tempo archer's tempo is like a 30 decrease cornered is like uh what is that you're 25 percent it's a 15 percent what i don't i feel like there should be more on bows if i'm cornered with a bow and i have surrounded up i feel like i should be getting pretty significantly rewarded for using a bow within 15 meters of multiple targets just uh just small feedback saint wants to role play as legless on uh when he's using his uh his bow in close proximity of many enemies again saying no to you just yeah my fire team same you're right um all right uh next up i'll take because i know i always think you've got a little kind of comment about our next weapon or just story so i'll take ward was law uh very apt for the hunter um but uh yeah ward's law not much to talk about there's just a very small amount of changes here this is obviously our kinetic heavy burst hand cannon fires to round burst and it grants a small flinch resistance while aiming down sights in column three we've removed snapshot sights and discord and added in to the pain and demo comfor they swapped out shot swap with adrenaline junkie and nothing's really changed because in columns three we're still going to be highlighting fourth times the charm demo as one of the new ones a perfection motion enlightened action and comfor we've got four poor friends they and adrenaline junkie so demo and aji are making an appearance here because they are just quite good perks to begin with but yeah as per our last recommendation lucky pant hunters still going to be going after that so after four times the charm plus four overall as a reminder if you haven't realized this or if you're still reading some of those posts that have kind of been a little bit misinformed the kinetic damage bonus was removed for bosses only but not for other combatant types so against many bosses and champions they're still getting that kinetic damage bonus that ward's law intrinsically has against bosses that was removed but everything else is still fair game for non-lucky pant usage there's there are now fewer junk perks than before taking up slots and some great perks just for utility and general purposes so as i mentioned demo plus aji just a nice pairing overall as does uh perpurch motion enlightened action plus frenzy or forpo just uh like i use the phrase workhorse weapon for a lot of weapons that we talked about but this truly is a workhorse weapon just outside of the the kind of outlier of lucky pant pants hunters i think heavy bursts just do a really good job um if we do have kind of like a anti-barrier hand cannon in the future this is just a very good weapon to bring in or if you're just using radiant for anti-barrier purposes and currently it is a overloads uh peric for hand cannons so a lot more kind of ease of use against overloads but i'm still going to be using other things outside of uh like weapon usage for overloads i do like to jolt my overloads minotaurs before they get close to me um but yeah man of culture yes um yeah warren's law is still a solid weapon and uh there's now fewer perks that will get in your way to get those sought after perics if you if you can only get a demo plus aji uh role when you're doing your your night falls that's fine very solid pairing uh impetus you can eat other comments here nope i am chasing that exact role i did not get it when it first debuted because i again i hadn't played a ton on hunter but now i do want to play with that lucky pants style here so i will be chasing down that four times the triumphal role yeah all right say i would just say another weapon archetype that went you know a whole type of weapon that went from zero to hero it gets time for now another great example of long forgotten come back to the spotlight all right next up we got origin story origin story is a kinetic precision auto rifle given that minus 20 percent horizontal recoil this weapon has your vanguard's vindication for 10 hp on kill and then also into deer focus which is that increased range and decreased accuracy cone size of about two range and uh percent and a half accuracy cone at each stack that you get look at this weapon and it's it's not going to be you know great when when it compares to its most recent competitor and that is breakneck honestly a lot of people i think on initial thought would would see all the the lower sats you know you got 29 meters before damage fall off versus 30 meters you're handling it is like your one better thing of 52 versus 37 so that's going to give you about 0.04 seconds difference in your like ready stow 80s speeds the reload is also slower hope you know 1.96 seconds versus 1.87 seconds the recoil direction is also seven points lower the the thing that i think is going to allow this to compete though is that a first of all it it has the traits that it would need to to be you know viable even in a archetype that's kind of middle the road you know precision honor rifles are fine they're they're not quite as strong as your rapid fires or your adaptives and especially our no hesitation that just came out as it's really strong there are a couple things here though you know in our final column we've got onslaught we have got kinetic trimmers and in our you know third slot there is demo if you want some utility keep away feeding frenzy so it's you know it's doing okay the thing that i think is going to set this apart for people that didn't like breakneck is their recoil pattern which yes the recoil direction may be seven points lower but using this uh i i play mostly on controller on pc and my experience was that the base like screen shake and recoil pattern of origin stories a little bit easier to control than breakneck and i'm sure there's going to be some people out there that thought that that was just a little too unwieldy or didn't like that for whatever reason and if that is you but you still want a kinetic onslaught or a kinetic trimmers auto rifle then you know origin stories here you can go in there you don't even have to play gambit and go by strikes instead which may also be a win depending on who you talk to in the community but yeah it's pretty solid there there's also some you know some other things like a zen moment in dynamic sway reduction which by all means are not traits for pve yet when you're capitalizing on something like onslaught i think that they're i think that there are people that may gravitate towards something like that because of the desire to hit crits so often you know dynamic sway reduction you're just holding down that trigger and the same could be said for onslaught things like feeding frenzy keep away pair more naturally but you know an option is there and yeah if you if you wanted a kinetic trimmers are onslaught you know especially onslaught the way that that rpm goes up it's like a 37% decrease in the firing delay which is i mean it equates to about it like a 60% outgoing damage per second increase which is really high you know again kind of taking a middle of the road archetype and really pumping it up stuff like that can help with hitting crits and crits its damage and something else there to note is the reload speed you're getting from onslaught don't forget that at you know you're getting 15 25 or 35 reload speed so you pair that with something like a flare of magwell or whatever it may be and you can already be up to uh you know a 90 reload stat which getting your reload down to like 1.3 seconds or something like that so it's pretty solid alloy mag IMOs it's also a great option here for a weapon you're going to be dumping out your reserves on so often that could get you elevated on like a 1.15 second reload so maybe uh not a not a super attractive weapon on burst look but there's something there and worth a try if if you're still looking for more onslaught weapons for your arsenal all right we got a we got another auto rifle up next this is uh this is a this is a nightfall weapon though impotus what what do we got up next we've got shadow price one of our first ever vanguard nightfall adept weapons to debut all the way back in season of the chosen it was fine on release you know it's a precision frame ark hand excuse me auto rifle so decently fine stats again uh same intrinsic bonuses origin story that minus 20 recoil yaw so the reduced horizontal recoil meaning it feels fairly nice to shoot but yeah it wasn't a hugely impressive weapon when it debuted and i think we've been hoping that when it did eventually come back it would get a bit of a buff and it has it is definitely a better weapon than when it was when it first debuted unfortunately there are other ark auto rifles that have come out since then and i think that's where the the sharp competition will come in here unfortunately but well we can talk about uh shadow price first here let's let's get into the perks because on the stat side of things it is definitely top of the line here it's got top of line range uh very very solid at about almost 30 meters 80s here decently solid handling and reload speed and we do have some excellent perks that can help out with both of those like stats for all overflow especially gives you a larger magazine but also does auto reload whenever you run over a heavier special break as a primary weapon which can be very solid as well and then we have decent damage perks one for all we do have volt shot at long last not a lot of people were hoping for that and then we've also got surrounded added onto it so that can be very nice for our up close and personal damage however since shadow price went and then has returned we've also got the prosecutor which made its debut last season also an ark precision frame dropping from the first encounter of the prophecy dungeon here that certainly has a flashier perk pool again the stats are not quite as impressive shadow price does edge it out by a little bit here in most of the leading categories that i mentioned but you do have things like keep away and column three as well as rewind rounds dragonfly very very exciting whenever dragonfly shows up in column three that can be a bit of a flashy fun role there especially when you pair it with things like frenzy in column four or a golden tricorn or volt shot in column four it's also worth pointing out that prophecy weapons have the crossing over origin trait which is a very spicy origin trait you get increased range in handling for the top half which then pivots down to extra damage in the bottom half of the magazine a lot of stuff going on there versus shadow prices more standard vanguard's vindication and stunning recovery against stunning recovery still very solid origin trait but that only works against champions whereas crossing over is just it works in everything there so we're where do we ultimately land here i think if you are somebody that wants to go and farm that first encounter prophecy it's certainly not a difficult activity to farm very fast encounter once you get the hang of it you've got access to prosecutor prosecutor does feel really good to fire i know we were talking about that originally when we covered prosecutor for the first time it feels really solid for having a recoil direction of just 69 but that deterministic recoil doing a lot of favors shadow price i fired just a little bit here again i'm playing on him in case so the deterministic recoil isn't a big factor i court i don't know have you fired a shadow price do you know how it feels on a controller saying yeah i i'm still going prosecutor to be honest with you you're still going prosecutor yeah and it's fine the vault shot in there is fine uh but i i don't know i'm i'm just kind of like prosecutor i got i did i will say that i did get lucky on that and that i've got keep away vault shot and dragonfly frenzy and between those two roles if i'm looking for an org auto rifle those two options are both quite strong and just yeah shadow price i tend to compete with that and in the in the origin trade is so strong like he said and despite the fact that it's a recoil direction is seemingly kind of low and the shadow price is a full 10 points on it it doesn't i don't think it feels that much better hmm court do you have any additional thoughts to add now i was looking at the other frames here so darkness siders are kind of a little bit classic iron bar iron banner weapon uh you can focus for it and then you've got sweet sorrow uh both of those rapid fire frames um really if you prefer rapid fire frames like me uh then i would opt to go for one of those dark decider officer gets vote shot sweet sorrow was well before vault shot existed but it's still a very great weapon it's got one of the best order treats out there not necessarily easy to get mind you because is attached to vox obscura it's part of that weapon set uh is craftable but you know pretty hard to try and obtain if you haven't uh previously played uh witch queen slash season 16 through 19 um yeah i just done with yeah shadow price i think is is a great like introduction to arch auto rifles but if you can try and get into uh the first uh prophecy dungeon encounter then get that prosecutor um it's our only dungeon with the enhanceable perks at the moment at the time of recording anime um shadow price obviously gets enhanceable perks as well but uh yeah i'm certainly pivoting towards prosecutor if i wanted a art precision role man land tank what a one a hell of an origin trait on sweet sorrow and that whole weapon said absolutely beautiful very much the the peaked and high school of origin maybe that was a okay maybe we went too far here and yeah let's uh just scale that back a bit yeah oh man again not to say that shadow price is terrible by any means it is a perfectly fine arch auto rifle it's got stats for all one for all we have we have shouted that that wombo combo of a part combination for many many episodes we'll continue to say that it's going to make any weapon feel great and deal good damage however as far as the frame goes as far as auto rifles go as far as arch auto rifle goes shadow price isn't that unique in what it brings to the table other than a fine stat package and a really solid per combination prosecutor has that plus a more interesting origin trait and then if we start branching out beyond the archetypes you've got some really solid rapid fires as well so go for this if you're a fan of shadow price if you're just looking for a really solid arc auto rifle there's a good chance you've already got one in your vault and you already have your mind made up on the situation i think is where the rest of us would land on that let's move on to something that's a little bit more unique here uh scintillation court are you taking this one or saint taking this one i'll take this okay so this is our strand adaptive linear fusion rifle and as a reminder LFR adaptives are those that fire a three round burst at the expense of one ammo it does have an other origin trait here that is vice stinger we've mentioned that last episode but as a reminder it's of a chance to activate vice stinger for seven seconds which grants the following it refills 25% of your magazine from reserves and it decreases the ADES the speed penalty by 10% aka just faster strafing while aiming down sights and the chance is based on weapon type and it's 10% for LFRs and that's four second cooldown between activations mentioned this last episode that vice stinger used to be a very hot perk much like land tank but it's no longer it's still viable it's still useful but it's just not as hot so we're going to be pairing this with our uh other uh competitors of doom petitioner which is from season 23 and briars content which is from root of knights mares so range of 48 that's three down stability of 45 two down handling 33 plus two reload of 28 that's plus three reload sorry re-cloud direction of simply six plus two zoom of 26 plus one other no-pull stats here so it's tied with briars for highest base reserves at 20 and others are at 19 so I mentioned this earlier in the episode the higher base reserves stat you have the more ammunition you're going to be picking up from ammo bricks so the damage follow for LFR starts at around 1500 meters i'm not it's not a typo that's 1500 beers so wouldn't be too worried about all that range stat you don't need to build into it just you know overall it's very solid stats versus it's competing options here high zoom and a solid recoil direction in combination with recent changes to this archetypes firing pattern make it for a very easy to control weapon saying how does this feel on on controller i've been running around using i got a reservoir burst roll which we'll talk about pros and cons of that in a moment but it's it's fun to use it's easy to use yeah it's solid then yeah it feels really good on mason keyboard as well just just it fits like a glove really um it's over on our highly uh weapon perks here so call them one and two for bowels hourhead break as usual plus 10 handling and that does maximize your recall direction and on the mag side we've got enhanced battery for that plus one or you can go accelerate coils for that six percent higher dps at the cost of two per two percent total damage calms three and four quite a nice selection here uh envious assassin or rewind rounds that's your kind of ammo based perks you could throw in all loading holster if this is something that you're swapping to and then swapping away you'd obviously want to build into that you want to build into handling it does have quite a kind of less than middling handling speed but you can boost that up if you if you're pretty lucky with the with the bowel perks here and then pairing that with something like a quick access sling in your weapon mod calm for though we've got some really solid perks we've got bait and switch we've got fire line nice to see that we've also got reservoir burst which is very interesting to see on an LFR as a reminder so well magazine is at or above maximum capacity so you know take that in mind with rewind round sorry envious assassin if you can overcharge the magazine start stats you will have reservoir burst until you reach until you reach the your the hundred percent minus one basically it's how to describe that so you can have like what is it three or four extra kind of reservoir burst shots here so you get 25 increase damage and causes enemies to explode dealing kind of the base number here is 444 which is actually quite substantially high for for an explosive pair it doesn't sound high but this is just base stat it will get enhanced it will get multiplied with by all the other kind of different multipliers in the game on top of that it does also passively grant 30 magazine size that that does kind of mess around with the magazine stuff it's a little bit too complicated to get into this episode I of course defer to mossy max maxes fantastic amylers verve spreadsheet which will be getting changed anyway with the the new changes to reserves wow i know but definitely go support him very fantastic spreadsheet a very fantastic science person but yeah folks do kind of forget that reservoir burst does tweak with your your magazine size that which is identical to extended mag and yeah we've got fire in line which is your if you're near two allies within 50 meters you get 20% increased precision damage and obviously bait and switch here which yeah it used to be 35% it's now 30 as of a few patches ago but still like very easy to do another kind of classic if you want to combine that with all loading holster if you can't get an envious or rewind rounds roll or rapid hit then like it's still a very valuable option to swap between all your weapons swap to uh scintillation then once you've expanded all your ammo swap a little way to like a sniper rifle and then wait for ali h to to actually proc just another kind of final reminder here in terms of miscellaneous and other recommendations so mass of work charge time it's still a stat negation we mentioned that last episode as well hopefully that'll get fixed in the future and backup mag as a kind of weapon mod at least in pve i think uh we didn't mention at the top of the episode but the changes to mods that are happening at debt mods anyway they're losing a lot of their or all of their negatives that's that's kind of part two of i think part three of the weapon mod systems getting kind of an overhaul so sometime in the future we know they are adding more uh or expanding upon the weapon mod system so hopefully not all our all of our weapon mod recommendations will just be backup mag it will be something else and yeah very solid weapon here i've used this uh fair amount i want to use a little bit more you know alifars aren't the hot spicy thing that they used to be but uh it just feels fun to to use this and it's very shiny this weapon is very shiny you get a nice uh uh uh ornament or a shader on that you can see little sparkling stars it's like looking into like a galaxy kind of thing it's very it's very cool looking um saying what's your uh your vibes what's your thoughts with the scintillation here the the standard version looks like something out of a dreaming city you know lab and the adept version looks like it came from green bay wisconsin and i'm not sure what happened right there but i it is a good looking weapon i do love the effects out of the cheeseheads yeah one time we see you know um yeah reservoir burst i i think was i was attracted to reservoir burst plus amnias just because like i don't really nothing really has that so uh it's fun and yeah you know lfars dps not good total damage it's good and they have been getting just like a really i mean we don't always speak super highly of them but i feel like the sentiment around lfars right now is like really low when the reality is that their total damage is still good compared to other weapon archetypes and it takes an outlier to beat the total damage output of a of a weapon like this with firing line or bait and switch with that 30 damage buff and i don't know they're easier than ever to use with all those changes that that uh court mentioned at the beginning the way they did change kind of the recoil and firing general pattern of all these weapons it's easier than ever to hit all your crits and make sure you're getting that max image it's really just only viable when you have super long damage phases and other weapons that you don't want to be using there which is not super often but it's it's still fine good gm weapon though and we we take that all right that's a rarity around these parts so we will always celebrate a real in-game weapon even if the current meta does not allow for top of the line dbs/total damage which again total damage just gets laces doing just fine yeah it's a great point because i look at the weapon that we were just talking about shadow price and it's also fine as far as archetypes go but it doesn't have the like you know the the the trait uniqueness that something like scintillation does and that's really what sets it apart from from being able to go get a dungeon weapon that has shinier traits even though if it's not like massively better what's got cooler traits on it so like i'm gonna go for that instead and i would yeah i would hope for that more even if to your point even if it's not a meta weapon archetype that's that's that's just gonna happen that's just a nature of weapons being added to the game only so many of them can be meta but doesn't mean they can't be fun or have interesting tree combos like that to draw you out and make you use them a little bit more even when it's not super serious content in terms of availability for adaptive bursts this is probably our most available at the moment because doing petitioner from last season isn't directly acquireable at the moment it is you can craft it but unless you've got some spare deep site resonance you've got some spare doing petitioners around then it's it's pretty impossible to get outside of says or gunsmith if it's even part of their look pool buyer's contempt's obviously part of route of nightmares if you're not an avid reader then yeah you're not going to try and get this um fire forget is or probably are kind of next because it's you can acquire it but again it's part of uh serf shields where you know it's with the other serf weapons and yeah so i think storm chasers are second to scintillation in terms of acquireability um being from the um duality dungeon so quite a rare weapon set at the moment even though we've got you know what one two three four five weapons that are adaptive bursts it's just so like two possibly three if you want to count fire and forget that are quite currently acquireable which a bit of a shame because i much refer adaptive bursts in terms of like usability um i've not spent too much time in terms of what's better in terms of damage potential is adaptive or if you're just your standards single fire LFRs but i feel the three bursts has always been like my favorite of the two frames i'm with you on that one yeah definitely like the the burst at the cost of a single bullet if we want to call it that a single shot in the mag usually beneficial let's uh let's move on to gambit here let's try and get this one over with as quick as possible uh we do have hush coming back to us here this was a pen a person rich i can't remember what they called it back then it was a it was a fancy little fella and it had archer's gambit as the special perk on hush way back when that was before i started playing destiny too that's why i don't remember what we called it back then but uh it is returned in all its glory it is our uh our gambit weapon for this episode it does come with the gun and run origin trait which is unique to the gambit weapons only and it only has gun and run which is also important here so killing enemies within three seconds of each grants six point two five percent increased sprint speed sprint speed for ten seconds and that does remain active while the bow in this case is stowed and it does stack with other sprint speed buffs up to that cap of 12.5 percent and the activation is by the enemy rank where rank and file gives you just over a third everything else gives you 100 activation solar precision frame bow that is hush and weirdly enough we've got kind of a few of those in the game right now including two from vanguard slash nightfall which is what we'll be comparing it with here that's right we've got strident whistle which is dropping from playlists and then pre-off psionics for which you've already mentioned a little bit earlier on from the nightfalls specifically here so yeah we've got three of these um all with origin traits pre-off psionics and hush both are enhanced bull pre-off psionics is the only one that gets an adept version fyi here in terms of like a comparison of of stats as as we kind of use them in practice here on the handling they have the same stone ready speed across all three even though there is a one point difference between the three of them um it actually does translate to the same speed here reload does have the same reload speed it's 0.4 seconds reload across all three again they all get archer's tempo here so that does become a much quicker reload speed with the right perks here and let's be honest you're here for the perk differences anyways uh when it comes to bows it's not really a big big difference in the stats to be relevant and on the perk side it's it is kind of hard to differentiate i think strident whistle definitely loses out to pre-off psionics and hush because it is the much older bow it was the first solar precision of the three and it also is not um kind of on the same tier i would say so for example we don't have attrition orbs in column three or four on strident whistle but it does show up in column three for pre-off psionics and hush so you've got that going for you um again pre-off psionics got refreshed so it does also get archer's gambit in column four strident whistle was not around for archer's gambit hush does get frenzy which is the kind of the more unique aspect here but when we think about bows when we think about what's really relevant to how we use bows they they do start to get a little bit more uniform right we've got archer's tempo in column three we've got explosive head in column four that is shared by all three bows um hush does not oh it does sorry i missed it it does have incandescent there all three of them have incandescent uh we've got successful warm up on pre-off psionics and hush we've got shoot to loot in column three on pre-off psionics and hush again i'm really trying to look for things here that that really make hush stand out and we do have pugilist we do have swashbuckler if you want to lean into a melee build there that is i think a very specific playstyle for pve i would dare say maybe something that's a little bit more fun if you're trying to lean into a specific melee build i think like i can think of maybe a caliban's hand roll on solar hunters that could be a lot of fun if you want to play with swashbuckler a lot solar titan can certainly make use of swashbuckler um again just kind of strange cases here where there's a lot of overlap and when it comes to a comparison of the origin traits i got to give it to pre-off psionics you've got three compared to the one of hush which is run and gun or gun and run and then we've got just fan guard some indication on stride and whistle but other than that it's kind of a pick pick your poison here do you like gambit a lot go run hush hush does have a lot of pvp potential here don't don't think i'm ignoring that side of things i know a lot of pvp content creators that like to use bows have been chasing a hush to get a hold of those enhanceable perks and that has been a lot of fun has pre-off psionics come around in this episodes gm rotation yet folks i don't think it has but correct me if i'm wrong court insane i don't believe so no um okay no unless it was no because it wouldn't have been available maybe it was like the nightfall weapon like the first week of the release or something right so you could have got the regular version of it yeah you know there is there's one thing that i will say though you're talking about standing standing out versus pre-off psionics is tough and there's not a ton there but the two traits that i think hush has that make it stand out to me are hipfire grip and offhand strike in combination with archer's gambit which pre-off psionics does not have either of those traits which i i mean to me hipfire grip is like the the true partner of archer's gambit right and that's you can get your draw time down to like 200 milliseconds or something like that and kind of like you've just said that is a very specific playstyle not everybody's gonna want to lean into that like hipfire super low draw time bow thing but if you do want to lean in on archer's gambit i would say go a hipfire grip with archer's gambit on hush over pre-off psionics because it just doesn't have anything that can really make that make activating archer's gambit easier good shout good shout court you have anything Anne i was looking at the schedule for the nightfall so astanax was the second week so probably around about mid-August before next piers because this episode we've got eight weapons to go through so quite a fair amount uh of kind of um stuff that we haven't talked about uzime and undercurrent and the slammer they didn't get any tweaks uh so we're not talking about them this week but uh they will appear in the nightfall selection so we have mid-August and then probably the week before the end of the episode but in terms of the weapon hush yeah i if you play a lot of gambit if you can get the three perks and comm three and four and you can really lock out to get those uh those perks that you're after then fine uh but yeah i think the nightfall solar uh precision frame bows the one that i would probably go for yeah out of the three yeah i suppose if again i've noticed we got unrelenting in comm three of hush that is unique out of our three bows here and if you pair that with something like incandescent and you can get multi kills there you could maybe get unrelenting to proc a little bit quicker than you could on a standard bow that's not one of the other two because unrelenting doesn't show up on the other two but again that's a very specific perk on a out of a very long list of things that can drop on hush so i wouldn't push people to just go play for an unrelenting in comm three solar precision frame bow i'd have to give you something a little bit stronger to go chase after before i do that and i'm just not sure that hush really brings a lot outside of this very niche play styles that we've already talked about which can be just as valid and just as fun get not discounting that but for general play here go go for any of the three maybe not strident whistle as much go for pre-assionics or go for hush pre-assionics with the smaller perk pole and the adept version hush for some newer combinations of newer options that's also enhanceable and you can also get more perks total than you can on an adept pre-ass tionics granted that you have the the enough gambit resets i think it's three or four but you can you can get a total of six right three and calm three three and calm four with enough resets and that could increase the odds of you getting a a super god role if you so choose so bear that in mind make your choices go have fun in whatever activity you want to go chase but yes hush is back and it's it's solid but it's not quite as unique as i think some of us were hoping for definitely not as unique as a fan favorite or an oldie but a goodie that is returning here as saying what do we have for our crucible weapon starting off here we have better devils better devils to this day remains one of my highest kill count weapons in the connect slot in the entire game and partially because back then there were a ton of really strong options and explosive payload was really good and there didn't show up a lot on weapons like this but we're not gonna worry too much about that let's talk about let's talk about the new version of better devils is it is it viable and in today's day and age all these years later can it can it still hang on to a shred of relevancy here as a crucible weapon it now has access to one quiet moment which is a very new fangled new world thing for better devils as the kind of old geezer of a weapon that it is and it also has new deer focus as a reminder for one quiet moment when you're out of combat you'll get that plus 20 handling 40 reload and a 5% reload duration multiplier decrease out of combat refers to having not dealt or received damage within the last five seconds kills reduce that to 1.5 seconds until damage is dealt or received better devils is still an adaptive hand cannon but it's no longer kinetic it's not a strained hand cannon the you know adaptive is kind of well-rounded they don't really have much of a frame bonus there and then again with the deer focus you're getting plus two range and a percent and a half of decrease accuracy cone size stack up to five stacks all right we got another strained adaptive hand cannon out there and season of the which brought kept confidence this is a much more pvp p-focus weapon though so as we look through the stats it's going to beat out better devils in most categories better devils got 40 range that's 600 about you know 8.8 meters it's got 42 stability which is 14 under it's only got 40 handling which is 5 under same reload speed of 40 and 88 for its recoil direction which is 3 under so on an issue read you're going to think okay low stats yeah why am I interested in this thing but hey you know a playlist weapon here it's got 12 traits in each column and it has way more on the pve front of value to offer than the traits of kept confidence so you know i don't write this thing off just yet looking at barrels and mags i probably would take something like small bore for that plus seven range of stability and then on the mag side you know your classics of like a tack mag for an extra bullet the mag a little range a 10 reload or ally for that 15% reload increase whenever the mag is empty depending on what traits you decide to give for in columns three and four and we've got quite a list of viable traits here in column three we've got rapid hit enlightened action slice demo pugilist perpetual motion reconstruction and even air trigger which is not something words i ever thought would be coming out of my mouth but but cool guys really been on a kick about this so i decided to give it a moment of a chance and maybe there is something there uh to briefly recap on why anyone would use air trigger in pve basically if you hit a a quick jump and go for a reload it's giving you outlaw reload speeds for being in the air and that means even just a normal little jump i still find the loop of it kind of odd it's just not something that i'm used to but there is no doubt that it's a pretty free to activate high reload there keep in mind that a rapid hit is also going to be giving you up to 25 stability and something like enlightened action is also going to be giving a lot of handling uh to 50 handling and reload speed at 12 stacks which on hand cannons translates to only four bullets which these days you're running back up mag you know you've got 13 rounds in your hand cannon not too hard to activate that four stacks or four shots for 12 stacks of 50 handling and reload speed following it up in the fourth column we've got one for all explosive payload hatchling frenzy adrenaline junkie and swashbuckler no shortage of of damage and utility traits here i'm i have a a personal role that i'm looking for but i'll hold on to that for just a second court is is this enough to bring you back to using one of the oldest weapons in this game and if so what role would you be looking for on it i thought you're going to go another way with that question is this enough to take me back into pvp i mean i've been playing a fair amount of pvp and i did get a few better devils um now i i definitely can echo your sentiment about better devils that was my go-to hand cannon back in the day back in year one launch um it felt good it still feels good you know we we talk about the technical recommendations of all these weapons but at the end of the day does this weapon feel good in your hands and this one certainly does um whereas you know something like kept confidence i used a little bit and it just was like it just doesn't like it doesn't feel great just something about it just didn't really you know tickle me so yeah i think looking at the the huge array of perks in both column three and four like if i can luck out and get something like slice in column three enlightened action even demo or pugilist rapid hit even reconstruction there's some really good perks in here that if i can luck out and get sure and then in column four you know one for all's in there frenzy i would love that as a pairing with either you know demo frenzy or slice frenzy just with that being a unique combo yeah like like a solid feeling weapon with some really great perks uh to boot um impetus you obviously didn't have the same experience with this being like the og destiny to weapon but do you see anything here that you're kind of like okay i'll play a little bit of pvp try to get some rules yeah absolutely i i have actually unlocked this weapon even though i have not stepped foot into pvp i got it as a crucible engram drop from hawth or and it was demo aj which very serviceable again i haven't fired that role yet i've got it sitting in my vault here but when i do eventually make my way into pvp i think i will probably i mean it's going to come down to i always start with my damage perks um probably explosive payload or frenzy again aj's great here i certainly am fine with the role that i have right now but again if i'm just chasing a a role in particular i feel like it will be explosive payload or frenzy and then working way my way back to calm three reconstruction seems just the most simplistic one again frenzy is going to be helping me with my reload speed so i might as well be getting extra bullets if i were to get a reconstruction frenzy roller or if i were just to think of something to pair with frenzy i'd happily take slice to rapid hit as well yeah i think i'm fine with that uh the demo and the pugilist perfectly fine with that but um if i don't get them on any other roles so be it i can i can get grenade regeneration elsewhere i think the extra bullets part is where it will really shine for me if i can get that uh let's see it's got what about 10 or 11 in the mag if i could get 21 or sorry 22 or 20 bullets in the magazine that will feel really nice with either frenzy or explosive payload to help with champion stunning or just general sling out so yeah definitely something i will you know if it gets to drop sweet i don't know if i'll be spending crucible and grams on it necessarily but if it lands i'll be really happy if not um yeah i'll be okay i guess um i haven't used a lot of strand hand cannons in pve that's the thing i love kept confidence for pvp uh the 120 strand hand cannon whose name i'm forgetting from uh neptune from neomuna i have a lot of pvp kills on that so um i just haven't even thought about using a strand one for pve but now we have a really great option definitely a ton of reasons to go and get better devils if you like having hand cannon solid pve hand cannons in every element this will certainly be the one for the foreseeable future i would have to imagine the bars gotta be pretty high for a potential heavy burst strand hand to cannon or 180 hand cannon to to match answer pass better devils because you got all the juice perks on one gun and um you can certainly get a lot of those on the same roll if you do enough crucible resets so uh round robin was the other hand cannon the aggressive one um yeah i totally echo that i i am kind of fondly waiting for a 180 strand cannon as we're calling it um just yeah like like better devils feels really good but i i still gravitate towards one ease i'm still using posterity now and like yeah of course it's in a different slot to to these uh to these weapons that we're talking about but it just feels so good and you know hand cannons just always feel really great in in destiny they they really put a lot of effort into making these these pacific guns these hand basically hand guns that are now you know amplified by three um in size and in power but uh yeah they they are such a great weapon to take into any type of content but yeah that 180 strand cannon would be who whenever that may be yeah i until then i'm i'm going for slice and frenzy because of the way that slice will allow you you can use thread of isolation to to generate a lot of tangles but being a strain weapon as well with threaded blast the one of the weapons one of the roles in this house tested out this past week i believe was man i don't know i went through five of them and then sometimes the brain just starts to loop it all into one big memory but i believe i was using slice a lot and then getting those enemies severed and having them spawn a tangle and then you can just hit that tangle real quick and detonate for a massive you know aoe explosion that's more isolated to this episode but i would still say there's a lot of utility on something like slice explosive payload just for getting target stunned uh just you know like overload uh and explosive payload stuff like imptis i think was talking about just a second ago and then slice on just how valuable that is to be using on a champion here but the stun if you don't quite kill them right before they come out of the sun they get a shot off well it doesn't matter because you're doing like 40% reduced damage because they're severed and then yeah probably like in light and action one for all or something like that just to just to have a really high damage output version but i've been racking up a lot of crucible ingaramps playing iron banner and getting all those pentacles the ingaramps have been stacking up its shack so i'll have to cast some of those out pretty soon and see what we can land yeah it's a good thing that you mentioned uh sever there because as a reminder that's 40% 40% for 10 seconds or 15 seconds if you've got the strand specific extension fragment and yeah against overloads that's kind of where you want it to be especially this episode where we have that as a as a champion effect and then disruption itself also applies i think it's 25% dr against the enemy so you know we're already talking i can't work that percentage decrease in my head but it's something like 55% maybe closer to 60% damage reduction on an overload champion which is what you need because you know overloads link to start teleporting everywhere and launch their bullshit weapons towards you and your fire team so if you can get there basically split their damage in half with slice and then with the overloads actual effect then yeah you're cooking so yeah bare devils with slice would be a really great option all right bare devils good one yeah all right we're heading over to iron banner for our last two weapons kind of going to not as long in terms of the last a few kind of major breakdowns so first up we've got the guiding site which got a quick refresh with quite an intro like we don't tend to see this we saw a revamp to calm too where it went from armor piercing high-cal and ricochet rounds and they swapped them out with actor eyes irons tactical mag and steady rounds so strange to see that yeah calm three they removed tunnel vision and gut shot straights and they added in to the pain and slice and they'd come for they removed on core and added in strategist in its place so yeah this is our strand high impact scout rifle and don't have much to really talk about we did kind of touch on this last season now that they've had a slice in i think that was maybe one of my recommendations that i would have liked to have slice added into this peric pro which they have in column three and as we've been talking about it with our bare devils strand hand cannon you know slice is a very solid perk if you can proc this with i think specifically hunters can utilize this a lot more often i'm not certainly not disputing the fact that warlocks and titans can't use slice but because it's based on your classability your mix the next five hits within eight seconds apply sever to the targets even if they are immune to damage as well so um more of a kind of utility perk for hunters but everyone can use slice in terms of column four though uh still you know i think if we want to just go full strand you've got hatchling probably makes the most amount of sense again maybe a little bit more you know pivots towards warlocks having this as a handy perk to have but you know hunters and titans can can utilize hatchling as well um outside of that you know you've got precision instrument if you're if you're that type of um you know nightfall user that are using scout rifles that are kind of a longer range distance got something like slice or something else like demo plus precision instrument uh or in like action plus precision instrument then this would probably be your go-to um i'm not particularly fond of high impact scouts i know they are fairly you know they've got some utility uh both in pvp and pve but i'm just personally as a personal preference i'm not a big fan of it and i i do recall seeing that when we first covered getting sites so uh imp to shoot got any uh kind of highlights here i actually do i did not at the start of the episode but as i was looking at better devils i was thinking to myself oh well slice and column three that would be perfect to pair with a strategist and column four except better devils didn't have strategist and column four had a column three so then i started looking at strand primaries that had slice and strategist and which ones had them in separate columns for that combination and it turns out the guiding site is one of them you get slice column three strategist column four and then i believe imminence which is a raid weapon or our new raid SMGs i think the one other one let me just double check real quick here uh yes that is the other strand primary at this time that gets those two perks in separate columns so if you want to lean into that class ability to sever enemy loop there that would be an interesting thing to bring up about the guiding site beyond that though i that that's my one highlight i'm not really interested in the guiding site beyond that unique interaction but it is there and it is worth pointing out saying anything to add now i you know i i impact scouts used to be okay but aggressive sir uh taking that spot up pretty quick now these days so i i don't know maybe if we get a a strand aggressive say it's dreaming about the strand aggressive already yeah it's it's just where my mind is going i mean yeah we're we're to see them change it up so much kind of like court said um hatchling from a distance slice from a distance you know for sure there's value there i don't i don't know if i'll be using it a ton but something for sure for sure only uh only one weapon left here and it's okay we we have got the claws of the wolf and this has been seen a lot of talk in the pvp front as this is the first time we've seen this weapon in a while this is the first time we've seen it avoid pulse rifle in a while and by a while i mean grid skipper in season of the splicer and that is pretty hard to get read uh near impossible uh these days so if you do not have a grid skipper you never got a grid skipper you like rapid fire pulses a lot then then i think that you may be interested in this weapon the stats on it are not great they it loses out in in most categories when you compare it to its other you know rapid fire siblings it does have a couple of traits to offer though that would be remiss if we didn't mention in column three you've got repulsor brace and perpetual motion perpetual motion just for the step up you know repulsor brace if you're playing into this void build and then in column four we've got destabilizing rounds and disruption break disruption break is a pretty strong treat considering this is anti-barrier uh pulse rifle is a thing this season you're getting 50 increase kinetic damage to targets that have they're shield broken by disruption break uh you got a secession supremacy a mountaintop to capitalize on that that is great um and then other than that you know it's pretty much just you go have some fun with stabilizing rounds this the stats on this are again they're just not very good uh the base archetype of rapid fire frame pulse rifles is strong though so i mean i think it's a fine weapon to be using by all means if you were able to land a solid trait on it it just is not have a ton of pve focused stuff honestly and it's one origin trait is skulking wolf which has no effect in pve so it's a strong pve archetype just despite that does not have a lot of traits that are catered towards uh pve court any thoughts here if i can try and get a repulsive brace plus destabilizing rounds from my turf alkins hunter then that would be great i really love rapid fire frame pulse rifles obviously pulse rifles across the board got big buffs uh for the final shape they're in a really good spot pulse rifle anti-barrier right now i do like that idea that you have there with disruption break because that does proc off uh barrier shields and then swap to something like mountaintop or supremacy um but it is the origin trait or the lack of pve origin trait is kind of what bums me out with closet wolf it is my preferred archetype for pvp so like i will be chasing this regardless because i want to get a kind of upgraded rule for pvp but yeah just having no like additional origin trait just kind of kind of bums me out and yeah the the parrots are just not quite there for uh pve um impetus you've got any thalps here i can only echo both court and saint's thoughts on this it is okay um and i think especially coming off of the high that is elsie's rifle with its mammoth stat package it's insane perk pool it's fantastic pve origin trait it's shiny variant i mean it's it's a deep and dark shadow that that void pulse rifle casts overall future void pulse rifles and i'm not sure that claws can really escape that shadow unfortunately uh pvp wise again there's definitely a play there i will certainly be chasing a head seekers and moment rule of that i'm very excited to get my hands on that but for pve yeah i'm i'm sticking just fine with my elsie's rifles rolls so maybe next time void rapid fire you know maybe in three years you know when the next one when grit skipper gets re-priced uh you know we can we can all come back around be like the return of the king you know um thanks cause yeah cause is not quite the return of the king unfortunately one is said i just want to point out how egregious what impetus is talking about right here is that the handling on elsie's rifle a high impact frame is double that of cause of wolf 21 versus 42 how what i i i just don't know man it's ridiculous how good that thing is and still obtainable too i mean and much more obtainable than uh our iron banner weapon here you will be waiting a long while to get your hands on a claws of the wolf roll after once this episode comes out so yeah go uh go have some fun and onslaught go get an actually good void pulse rifle with a ton of great perks that we've already covered and uh don't even worry you're silly little head about lord saladin's claws of the wolf so to recap from all these weapons that i've noticed is all of us are waiting for a strand 180 hand cannon and a strand aggressive scout rifle i wouldn't be mad yeah come on we we need to see him and a strand double fire grenade launcher let's not forget yes uh with with that also starts with the letter w very important but it keeps to the 50s something cowboy related as well yeah whoa they're a partner that's the strand of fire right there oh man no some some good good perks uh sorry weapons in here um you know some of these are going to be a little bit tricky to get or or to obtain to get some really good perks with them but uh yeah we've we have found some some uh diamonds not even within the rough it's just some diamonds within some okay weapons yeah i'm so glad of course better devils still be good despite the fact that it's like they're way too old yeah that stat package is screaming fixed rolls for sure um yeah that is a big difference between kept confidence and better devils well that wraps up our our first kind of preview look through review of the playlist weapons we'll be talking about some more next episode don't forget um again kind of doing a bit more of a truncated review while also taking some time to look at reposte iches care and shires wrath as well as our new act two weapons of course aberrant action curation and perfect paradox so that's up on the docket here again a bunch of analysis buffs to any other archetypes like high impact scout rifles we'll be sure to freak out and re re re review uh the guiding site here with a bit more of a positive note but until then my name is impetus thank you so much for listening to episode 109 we of course want to give a shout out and very special thank you to our audio engineer auto didactos for keeping us sound sounding crisp and professional each and every episode you can find me in discord and in destiny by that name impetus as well as lurking about on twitter under the pod versus enemies handle that's our group handle here court work on our listeners find you yeah you can find me over in the socials and discord as court projects you can find my spreadsheets among other fantastic spreadsheets documentation from various other destiny science folk over on the d2 spreadsheets twitter and the link tree and you can find me in game trying to get a really solid role of better devils with saint uh saint where can we find you yep you can find me by at st_ underscore beer social media discord hanging out in game and going against all my better judgment to play a bunch of comp this next week to get some auto record rolls the things that you do you know the things that you do for the podcast thanks for listening to another episode of bve [BLANK_AUDIO]