PVE: Podcast Versus Enemies

Act 1 Weapon Breakdowns - Ep. 107

1h 49m
Broadcast on:
02 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

After a week away working on the re-launch the lads sit down to walk through all the details and break down the Episode 1 Act 1 weapons!

  • Intro & Housekeeping: 0:00
  • A New Era of PvE: 20:55
  • Weapon Breakdown Changes: 31:33
  • Radiolaria Transposer: 35:45
  • Veiled Threat: 36:50
  • Lost Signal: 53:05
  • Sightline Signal: 1:06:48
  • Timeworn Wayfarer: 1:19:55
  • Faith Keeper: 1:25:00
  • Ill Omen: 1:34:30








(upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Hello everyone, and welcome to episode 107 of Podcast vs. Enemies, a Destiny podcast dedicated to the PvE sandbox. This week, we're going to go into a little bit more information about our recent announcements. And of course, I'm joined by my usual fire team, impetus and saint. How are we doing lads? - I'm doing well, doing well. It has been a busy Destiny week for me. I'm almost fully caught up on final-shaped content and the episode content. I've got Prismatic, fully unlocked on my Warlock in my Titan. And I've got the base kit unlocked on Hunter, but I still need to go finish the legendary campaign on that character and then do the appropriate quests for the remaining aspects and supers. I am one Motive Light away from Kavostov, which is very annoying. I need to go find which overthrow boss I did not collect their Motive Light. I'm sitting at 16 out of 17, so I've been working on that, but I'm also chasing my exotic class items at the same time, so I'm okay with doing overthrows again. I did do a full Salvation's Edge for the first time, and I've got Nullify crafted as well. Got very lucky with my Red Borders, so love the Raid, love the Pulse Rifle. Can't wait to get in there and hopefully do the Master Challenge for the first encounter either tonight or tomorrow to at least unlock and adapt. I've also started doing Build Crafting, Got Speaker's Site, and Prismatic Getaway Artist builds going. My Speaker's Site build is just on solar, which is fine, honestly. Really enjoying that, really enjoying the Getaway Artist, shenanigans. And then, yeah, I've been doing GMs with Court and a few of our patrons, a few other folks. Classway is a baby GM now, very, very surprised to say that, but we were coasting through that with ease and getting double drops and double XP, and yeah, it's been a good time all around. How about yourself, Sam? Yeah, it's been a pretty dense week of Destiny stuff, like you said. It is weird to be going through the glass way in like 17 minutes without even using any sort of like speedrun strategy. Everything is just dying. I'm not really sure what the changes there could be impacting that as far as just like all the sandbox stuff that has changed and the level delta stuff that has changed, which I was honestly expecting it pretty much the same, but yeah, really enjoying those GM runs. I'm not like absolutely broke anymore as far as materials go. I kind of just dumped the bank account in the first week of the final shape for a lot of focusing and stuff like that and getting that in-gram insider's club pumped all the way up so I could get all these new exotics. But the accounts are back to being full up, so we're good to go, start putting builds together. Like you were talking about Invitus, I have also been trying to test a lot of different just builds in the GM this week, and some of those were great, and some of those we'll talk about a little bit later, not so hot. But something that I think I'm feeling pretty good about that I've been looking forward to for a long time is second chance. If you don't recall what that is, I don't blame you. It's the pair of gauntlets for Titan that give you a shield throw, anti-barrier, and I'm feeling like that there's something here finally and it's something I've wanted to be good for a very long time, and I know I've mentioned before, but with the right setup here on Void and on Prismatic, I think that there really is something there. Other than that, it's a lot of hazardous propulsion, as you guys know. Also, a lot of the salvation's edge this week, normal run with Sherpa in there. It's only about two and a half hours, which I feel pretty good about considering the complexity of that raid. It doesn't hurt when you're bringing in people that are experiencing the game or maybe have watched a brief overview video before they get there, and I honestly think that that is totally the way to go, especially with a more dense raid like this. Really easy to pick up somebody that kind of has an idea of what's happening and then be able to just sit them in the encounter, have them ask questions for a few minutes, give a quick recap, and then just get into it, and that will really keep down on your runs there. And yeah, Master Challenge Drop-in crazy stacked-up traits on these raid weapons. Absolutely love to see it. Quartz, how about you, man? How you doing? I'm doing well, yeah, great stuff. I was actually looking at and seeing our older times for the glassware, and we're looking at 42 minutes in season 14, 40 and 16. I've got 46 in season 18, 30 in 19 and 20. So, you know, getting that 17 minutes, it was myself, Usain, and one of our patrons. The name escapes me. I was just looking at the stat here. Walrus, that was it. 17 minutes 54. So, yeah, it definitely is a baby GM at this stage. Have we become too powerful or has that, has glassware received some changes? I don't know, maybe the former. But, yeah, so lots of GM farming. Again, I've also been doing some build crafting in the background. I've got most of my hunter builds for this season that I want to play around with. I've been doing a lot of warlock builds as well with some of the new kind of fancy exotics and prismatic. So, I'm just going to be looking at that over the next couple of weeks. And, of course, if I'm trying to think, I think I mentioned last episode, last full episode, that's my champion counters infographic as well as my rocket launcher infographic, which came out just before this weekend that we're recording. So, you can have a look at that over on my socials, but also over on the new PvE Patreon, which we'll talk about in a second here. Emptus, who do we have to thank this week? Well, more people than I think we've ever thanked probably in the last 106 episodes, but I'm not going to list them right now. We'll save that for just a bit here. Do you want to quickly talk about community feedback and podcast reviews here? We're going to be changing up the little spiel that we normally give, and you'll find out why in just a bit here. So, we got people to thank. I'm just -- we're going to delay that thanking part a little bit here. So, I'll say instead, you can send us all kinds of feedback directly to any of our socials via the Discord server, and, again, all kinds of feedback helps with the trajectory of the podcast and how we present and break down builds, activities, and much more. In the PvE sandbox for all kinds of Destiny players, we do also want to extend a special thank you and appreciation to everyone that supports the show, whether that is download and listening to it, discussing it on social media and our Discord server, or supporting us via Patreon. And speaking of Patreon, there are some pretty exciting announcements to be made, but if you would like to support us, you can click on the link to Patreon found in the show notes of this episode. You will get access to members-only channels in Discord, behind-the-scenes content like episode previews and input on the future of the show. I know we say this with every episode, but that last section, that matters a lot more, and we'll talk about that very soon. The input on the future of the show in particular, the future of the show is changing in a great way. All right, Saint, let's get on to that announcement, shall we? What are we talking about in this episode? Yeah, we have some big announcements about PvE and massive retails in the structure of the show and all that stuff, and then second half of the episode will be a breakdown of all the episode 1 Act 1 weapons. So the, you know, I think you're Vex weapons with Radial Area Transposer. We have some weapons in this first Act, and then we'll have a few more added in a few weeks, and then I think another couple of weapons towards the end on Act 3 of episode 1. So we're breaking down the first chunk here, but yeah, a few just little housekeeping things to discuss before we get into our big announcements about show structure and all that stuff. First up is shielded perks and subjugators. So your subjugators are your mini Rolks, your Omen of the Witness, right? These enemies have intrinsic DR, which acts like a pseudo shield allowing things like under over-adapted munitions, so you'll increase damage versus base perks and things like that that normally wouldn't apply to enemies, that you wouldn't think have a shield, but really they do. These enemies are either bosses or mini bosses, so Vorpal will also work on them, and so will Microcosm. This deals a ton of damage to these enemies, but only if they're bossed here, and part of that is related to the shielding and stuff like that. Also related note here for boss type subjugators, they have a permanent 20% DR to all non-matching damage, essentially making them weak to their own element that they are casting Stasis or Strand, depending on the one that you're looking at. So a lot of weird interactions and stuff going on there, and the Microcosm damage to the shielded enemies again is kind of coming into play here, and I believe that I've seen some conjecture that Microcosm is also dealing bonus damage to tormentors. Do not believe that that is the case, it's just very good against tormentors because of the nature of the weapon. It's very easy to hit consistent precision hits and has pretty good damage output, so imagine it like 1000 RPM machine gun, and it's not hard to see why this would be really strong against stuff like tormentors. We have not done all this testing, but we are very grateful for all the work that it has gone into this testing. By front of the show, Massey Maxx will leave some links to initial posts and stuff like this that Massey has put out covering the subject, and a lot of the testing and stuff again that went into this. So yeah, thanks for all the testing there. It thinks everybody that pointed out that something was weird or was trying to understand what was really going on there, and glad we kind of got to the bottom of that. Another thing that we want to talk about real quick is dealer's choice origin traits. Origin trait from the last weapon set that we broke down, I believe. It's a pretty interesting stuff going on here with the trait as it is shared across its set of weapons. So similar to how conditional finality will synergize with the root of 9 meters harmonic resonance trait, which also works against subjugators, dealer's choice works with a few other weapons outside of your standard legendary pale heart set. These weapons don't have dealer's choices in origin trait, but they do count as a dealer's choice weapon for the purposes of additional synergy bonus from that origin trait. This includes Ace of Spades, Kavostov, Microcosm, Still Hunt, and Euphony, which is a pretty long list there. It's just about every exotic that has come out this season plus Ace of Spades, right? Yeah, we're not entirely sure if it also counts from Red Death, but I think what they're going here with the exclusion of Ace of Spades is it's any exotic that drops from the pale heart. So Kavostov is from the pale heart, Microcosms from doing the court mission, Still Hunt is from one of the missions and Euphony's from the raid. So, yeah, it makes sense. Yeah, very interesting, and dealer's choice is very effective when you have it stacked up. I want to say that it's like 2.5% super energy per kill when you have it at times three, and it's also increasing the blast of that radius if you are using that extra artifact trait. So, yeah, really strong there. We had another question that is interesting become irrelevant in the brief timespan since it was originally asked, but I believe it was dyscalculic is how I believe your name is pronounced. Asking about raids and dungeons having surges but not overcharges making kinetic weapons effectively a bad choice, which as you probably know has now been done away with, which brings me back to Microcosm as a weapon that is something I think was already very strong against the witness just because of the nature and ease of use of the weapon and now that kinetics are no longer a detriment, I think is going to just continue to grow in popularity for everybody but certain people that may be using Still Hunt and helmet combo, but we need to get super hard into that. I would like to clarify, I am not using Still Hunt a lot these days. I think it's a very fun weapon, but yes, our resident warlock is using it a lot. Just to clarify there, so we're referring to surges on the normal dungeons and raids. It's still active on master where it also has the overcharge set as well. Yeah, good chat, Kord. I was a fan of having the surges there as long as the overcharge was there as well because it does make that problem of, well, kinetics become pretty useful. Sorry, useless when there's nothing to kind of boost their power. I just struggle with the idea of just having surges only in these normal dungeons and raids, but they're gone now. I think the general consensus is that we didn't want them. Bungie acted pretty fast on that, so I can just give them props for that. But they're still there for master content, so we're fine. I'm not a fan of surges just because not every element is equally represented on the weapons front, especially for our meta-heavy weapons. If you're not tied to an exotic, I was very much okay with the -5 power penalty. And I'm more bummed that that's gone than the surges, so. I think that's my thoughts on it, really. Yeah, I think we could have had best both worlds of... We don't need to have this intrinsic global buff applied to everything. I think we still wanted that slight challenge. Because we impetus now we did Warlord Drouen, a full run. Was that just a dual run? Yeah. And we could feel it. We felt that increased difficulty, despite because of that -5. And I don't think I was using surges much anyway, so I wasn't benefiting from the... I think at the time it was solar and something else. So obviously I would be using Still Hunt and Celestial Nighthook Hunter. But I much referred that experience. It was a lot tougher. It did kind of kick her ass, which is fine. But yeah. Yeah, it's more engaging at least. Versus, you know, you get to the point with a lot of like normal raids. And I will say this, I went back and did a Chrono run before these changes hit. And at least it was a little more engaging of like trying to think about what I'm using in the encounters, rather than most of the time, once you've out-leveled a raid, it's just kind of autopilot. And you just talk through the mechanics, and then you just chat with your raid team about whatever the hell, you know, topic is relevant that day, or technical matter, sandbox, or whatever it may be. I think it's a little more engaging, was since that change has been, I don't know, updated or reverted, whatever you'd like to say. I don't know. I'm fine with weapons, you know, not being super limited. I would have been fine with just overcharge, like you say, court, because then that opens things a lot more and allows you to use kinetic weapons to the point of this initial question. And my biggest frustration there was, okay, I already feel like I am not capable of doing that rate of damage in a scenario like the Witness fight, just because of extenuating surge instances and comparison to other classes and loadouts that deal massive amounts of damage. And then going past that and saying, well, now, if you want to keep up with that, not only can you not use microcosm because it's going to be at a disadvantage, but you probably also can't use a good chunk of these other weapons just because, you know, they're lacking surge. Like you're putting yourself at a deficit for your potential damage output and you're able to just override that with some loadouts that are already so strong in the first place. I mean, you know, still hunt celestial combo is not even having a problem because it does so much damage that it doesn't even matter when you're at a 25% potential, you know, damage output increase deficit. It's so strong, it doesn't matter. And then other things that were already weaker, even weaker, and that did not feel great, but I don't know, it's done now. Maybe we'll see some sort of update on this in the future. Overcharge just offers so much more, still moderately limited as far as the origin traits relevant, anti barrier, or whatever champion counter weapons for that season and stuff that adheres to that origin trait enhancement modifier from the artifact. So it leaves it moderately open, not entirely open, but also gets kinetics on the table and a bunch of other options like that. I don't know, which they would have added surges and then overcharge and then reverted the change rather than just immediately reverting, but I get this is highly negative sentiment, right? I feel like they could have tested on. I think I can understand why they did it in the first place because Pantheon was a roaring success. We don't currently have it in the game right now. We might see it again in the future, but that had surges. It didn't have overcharge, but the only thing about Pantheon was that we were increasing difficulty each week, or I should say each node that you selected. So, like, surges felt fine there, and it did mix up the sandbox a little bit, a fair amount, you know, dusting off our old prospectors when it was arc a week. But I know some folks have still got complaints about that. It's kind of really shoehorning you into a different vibe, and you have to find something that's going to be really powerful. It might not do as much damage you might be bringing down the team, so it's a different dynamic. We don't need to get into that particular rabbit hole for this episode, but yeah, I feel like we could have had a best of both worlds where surges don't need to exist, but we still have a difficulty spike or something like Pantheon where they do exist, but we've got much higher difficulty spike, but we'll see. It's back to normal now, so... Yeah, I guess we'll just have to wait until Pantheon 2.0 comes out at the end of this year, right? Obviously, of course. Yeah, I can't wait to deal with War Priest with -20. Contest mode all over again. mechanics the final time for real, actually part three. Final version V9 for real this time, yeah. Okay, enough to talk about all our little updates and catch up there. Let's jump into our main announcement. Court, you want to kick us off here as we start to go through this? Sure thing, so if you haven't already listened or watched the special announcement that we made last time, last episode, podcast versus enemies is now independent. So yeah, we put out a special announcement episode, which you can find in the usual places. It'll be the one preceding this one, or over on our YouTube channel where you can find a video version of the same announcement. In today's episode, at least in the first half, we'll talk about some context and additional details, including answering some of the questions we've received since we've published that announcement. So I'll kick us off with our first thing here. So yeah, PVE has split off from the DMB, the Destiny Massive Breakdown's brand. So the PVE crew, that's the three of us plus auto, have full ownership and control over its own brand and its pairing company, which is data per second, or DPS. And DPS will also broadly represent Destiny's science. This is a amicable split, agreed by the four of us, and the Massive Breakdown's duo, that's Berkeley's and Kit. And like I said, PVE has took full ownership of the following, and that's Discord server, the YouTube channel and the Twitter social. With PVE now being its own independent brand, the PVE crew have also spun up its own Patreon, which you can find a link to in the show notes. And as I mentioned, DPS is our parent company that will also broadly cover Destiny's science. So impetus, what's going to be happening with DMB? So the DMB Patreon is not ending or closing, and it's actually getting a rebrand of its own. It will pivot to Beneath Twin Suns, BTS, that's the Star Wars show that Merck and Kit host. So they are working on drafting up future news to share about that server. We don't know that right now, so I don't have any more to share other than that's what's going to happen to that Patreon. And of course, Kit and Merck can share their plans on that Patreon, which is going to be the rebranded Destiny Massive Breakdown's Patreon. The DMB Discord is also not closing, as Quartz said, the PVE crew now have ownership of the server, and we're in the process of converting it, rebranding it into a PVE/DPS server. Functionally, though, there are not going to be any changes to the server, it is still going to be the place for Destiny science. So what is our new PVE Patreon going to provide for anyone that's interested? Yeah, we have been discussing this for a while. A lot of these changes have been in the works for quite some time. And we've settled on some benefits and things like that for different tiers, and we've also considered how we're going to be distributing information and things like that to both free members and premium members that support the show. The host will be providing and adding supplementary content to the Patreon, such as mini breakdowns and recaps of highlighted weapons, the call, midnight coup and no hesitation are already up on the page. You should expect that all of our favorite weapons from each breakdown episode that we do will be posted up there as recaps that you can go back and read and kind of really hone in on what our favorites are from each set in each episode. We'll also be adding some content we usually don't do in the podcast, you know, exotic breakdowns of weapons that we love, but wouldn't necessarily cover as they don't fall into a category that would make sense for the show. Court will be posting his infographics when they're published out on Twitter and Reddit and to his Ko-fi page. There will also be published when they're in public into another category there, which is called collections over on Patreon, just like the weapon breakdowns will have their own collection. And we'll also be highlighting and showcasing Destiny's science application documentation and creators as part of the kind of DPS wing of the show, as DPS is kind of like this overarching brand concerned and focused on Destiny's science, as Court said, and then higher tier members will gain access to bonus episodes, raw gameplay giveaways and much more like that. So, speaking of Patreon members, we've got some how it benefits. The new naming convention for our teeters is probably pretty familiar to most of our listeners. We've got hero legend, master and grand master tiers. So hero tier, this is going to be very comparable to citizen within the DMV Patreon. You'll get access to all the text and media breakdowns and resources, Discord role and flair, and then the exclusive Patreon channel in the Discord server, the patrons lounge, and then also the ability to submit questions for any kind of dev at community guest episodes. Legend tier is going to include all that as well as question and topic submissions for every episode of PVE, which around the time 107 goes out, you should also be seeing a post up on the Patreon for episode 108. If there's topics you want to cover, questions about weapon reviews, all that kinds of stuff that will be going there, as well as day early access to PVE episodes. We're going to be shifting schedule slightly there. Generally, the expectation should be that on the Patreon, you're going to be seeing episodes on Monday nights, and then Tuesdays, they'll be going out on all YouTube and all the free feeds and stuff like that. Next up, we've got master tier, all the other benefits mission as well as access to monthly bonus episodes for random one off topics and more meta things like that. Access to all the raw gameplay footage of the PVE fire team, including our audio as it's a bit different than the show, I think that you will find and access to more respectful, more polite. Yeah, and also we'll be putting in emblem giveaways there, PVE merch is coming down the line, some of that will be included there, as well as voting on future content and plans for the show. And then finally, our Grandmaster GM tier includes all of that as well as, you know, increased discord role and flair shout outs in every episode of PVE community game nights and similar to our classic sponsor tier or the original nine tier from destiny massive breakdowns. Okay, we've got some more changes to cover here, though, as far as just the infrastructure of the show and our channels go court. Yeah, so Twitter, we have taken control of the DMV Twitter and we branded it to PVE so our handle is now pod at pod versus enemies. That is VS enemies and additionally this destiny science where which was already established a few months and years ago is still going to be at the two spreadsheets, and now has the DPS branding as does the link tree. So destiny massive breakdown is obviously has a website we we are not taking over ownership of that, which will become non destiny related in the near future. All of our content that was on the website is now been moved over to the Patreon so that includes our dev transcripts, the three of them are currently up and active. And currently we have no plans to make a PVE or DPS website at this time, or on the YouTube front, we have taken control of the original massive breakdowns channel and we've rebranded to PVE will be posting our shows there as normal. And the podcast platforms will be still be posting our shows there as normal. There's no changes required from your end will still be posting under podcast versus enemies. You'll notice our new branding or new logos, which you can think disease designs for. We want to thank their professionalism during the last few weeks and months. We really highly recommend them. That's it for at least the highlights here. Our patron has a full Q&A available for everyone to see. The link will be in our show notes and it is currently the pinned post over on the Patreon. You don't need to be a member to view it is completely free to read and there's a few links to various topics and collections and to the D&B Patreon as well. All right, so we want to give big shout out to all our new members and sponsors. Obviously, we have quite a lot to to cover today. In the future episodes, we'll only have a couple, but this is our big bulk that I've joined us since our brand new announcement. And of course, we'll continue to shout out our PVE Grandmaster tier members every week. And until at least the end of July, we'll be shouting out D&B sponsors just so there is that kind of crossover period is a little overlap between us announcing this and then reaching into the July month. So folks who are still contemplating whether they want to support us or not, entirely up to them, but we'll still shout out our D&B sponsors until August. Emptice, you want to take us away with the number of patrons I've joined. Absolutely, I just took a big sip of water, so I'm good to go here. In alphabetical order, thank you to Adobe Jacobi, Apollo, Avon Grave, Creamy Code, Deck, Demon Squirrel, Dock 2015, Fusion Catalyst, Glunolf. Hey, it's given 48 just K-12, K-7 E-21, Lucha Bear, Mizaki, Nims, Noah's Large Arc, Prankster, Rock DC, Sam, Subsistant Sasquatch, and Silve. And then those of you that joined Patreon with you are full what we assume to be your real life name. We're just going to shout you out by your first name here, Andrew, Anthony Christian, Craig, David Guide, Jewel, Joe, John Nate, Raul, Taylor, Thomas. Thank you so much. And then of course our new Grandmasters. Got to give you guys a shout out as well. Dark Wizard 85, Deacon, I'm Kate Rose, the Shazzle, the Puckster, the Mirror, this moment. And as promised, our D&B sponsors as well. Asky and Monk, I'm Kate Rose in this moment. Thank you all so, so much. It is very, very nice to see such immediate support from all of us. That's all of it for the announcement side of things. Let's actually get back to the weapon breakdown segment here. Episode one, Act one, weapon set here. And with that, we've actually, you know, we're in the middle of change. Might as well take a look at some of the existing things we do with our show and see if we can make some changes, hopefully some improvements to how we break down things. So with the ever popular weapon breakdown, we want to make sure that we're giving the best and the most comprehensive advice. So one of the things that we want to focus on now is stuff that really you can take and translate directly into your game experience. So what we want to do is provide further context on the range stat, how many meters until you encounter damage drop off damage fall off. The base reload duration in seconds. We want to try and give improved feedback on recoil, especially for people that use controller because that's where it tends to be far more noticeable. And then any additional stats like reserves were appropriate. So for those things in particular, we want to make sure that we don't just read off the range number or the reload number or the recoil number. We want to see if we can go an extra step beyond so that you have some idea when you're listening to the show, rather than just going over to foundry and reading those numbers for yourselves. We will also try and define any other unique stats depending on the weapon type where relevant. Additionally, the three of us have also agreed that when it comes to a weapon set, we want to be focusing on the highlights here. It doesn't mean that we won't be fully covering some weapons, but for some of the following criteria here, we do want to talk about things a little bit differently. So if we are talking about an underperforming weapon frame, we will give some brief highlights. And if that frame gets buffed in the future, we'll come back and cover that frame family with some of the more recent or readily available options either on the show or on the Patreon. In the case of a duplication, well, I can't read duplication. If a weapon is the same weapon frame as a recent pick outside of Dungeons and Raids or an established option, then we'll likely not cover it extensively. So weapons that have the same type as those behind Dungeons and Raids will still be talked about, and we actually have an example in this set. As we know that a few of the listeners, they don't engage with these activities necessarily, so we want to make sure and say, here's an alternative for those of you that don't play Dungeons and Raids. So that example will be a sightline survey. It is one of our weapons we'll be talking about today, and it does have a "better arc precision frame hand cannon" cousin being available in a raid, which is a deep stone crypt's posterity. And then finally, the other thing is if this weapon is very clearly PvP focused, then we're not going to talk about it too much. I think in the past, we tried to be fair and say, well, there might be one perk or, you know, there might be one role that you might want to look for, but if this is a weapon that is very much designed to be used in PvP, like say, Rose, for example, we're not going to talk about it too much here because it has a very obvious purpose that this podcast does not cover. So we are going to touch on the basics, but there will be no full breakdown for the following weapons in this episode's set, which would be Time-Worn Wayfarer, and that's due to it being an underperforming frame, and then Faith Keeper, excuse me. This is an example of kind of a duplication where it's a precision frame rocket, but it doesn't offer much outside of an established option being Paul Myra B. Court will talk about this a little bit more as he's already talked about it in his Reddit breakdown. So with all those stipulations out of the way, let's talk about this set here, and I will pass you over to Court here. What is our origin trait for the Echos episode weapons? Yeah, so this is Radiolaria transposer, so the description reads here. Rapid final blows cause targets to explode into a pool of Radiolarian fluids. We don't have much details here. It's very little that I could find. I think there's been a few videos that I've kind of looked at it, but it seems like a fairly passive perk may not have much utility, except in higher difficulty content, at least in my experience, you know, adds to tend to die a fair amount before that kind of kicks out. So it's one of those kind of nice to have in the background, just working for you if you do get some final blows. So some notes here, just like very, very brief cliff notes in regards to how it activates. It's three minor kills to activate. It's going to be fewer for higher tiers, and it interacts with some other traits, which will cover that later. So our first weapon here is failed threat, and that is the Stasis rapid fire auto rifles at 7.20 RPM. The frame bonus is when the magazine is empty, you get a .8 reload duration multiplier that's around about 20% faster. We're going to be comparing this with crate, which is the world slash banshee drop, which is better in every category, except AE. So looking at the range here, it's 22 meters when ADS. Good luck on hit firing with a rapid fire AR. The reload is 1.83 seconds to reload at base. This is not factoring in the rapid fire buff you get from the frame. We're just counting this as if you've just reloaded halfway through a magazine, and the recall direction here is 45. Not much of an issue considering you should be using this weapon within 25 meters or so. So what does crate have? Crate's got vice stinger, which is to help with more bullets. In columns three, you've got stats for all, subsistence overthrow. Sorry, overflow. In column four, you've got one for all, and headstone. So we've got that sofa classic role for a classic audience that love to hear us talk about sofa. Over on veiled threat, though, or we're going to be focusing on hearsay. Yeah, we've got a few things to hone in on. One of the first things I want to mention off the bat is capitalizing on that rapid fire frame intrinsic treat. So that is going to give you a 0.8 multiplier on your reload, like Court said, when the mag is empty, and you can really double down on something like that with alloy mag, which is a 0.8 on empty magazine. That is going to bring your reload speed all the way down to 1.24 seconds, which is quite fast. The range in this weapon is not starting off great, and you can get it up a little bit as you look at the stats here. The stability, also like Court mentioned, its recoil direction is like really low at 45, but given that you're using this within about 25 meters and its stability is already pretty high. Adding on something like small board will give us a little bit of range, put that stability almost up to 60 past 60 if we use a range masterwork or reload masterwork, whatever you'd like to go with, getting that extra few points on our crafted weapons. Then something like alloy mag is really nice. You know, tech mag is fine if you want to increase that magazine size up a little bit, but I really like the idea of always having an incredibly fast reload when I empty my mag. And then as far as the traits go, Court mentioned that Radiolaria transposer can interact with other traits, and the couple that I really want to call out here. Number one, shoot to loot. I'm a known shoot to loot enjoyer. We got plenty around here. It's a pretty strong treat and it offers a lot of utility. I feel like people have started to become a little bit more keen on it. Maybe as they've started to use Kavostov and realize the utility that can provide some situations. Now, Viltred is not Kavostov, but the kind of nice part about shoot to loot is that it can be activated by Radiolaria transposer, leaving that on the ground. If the brick that dropped from the enemy lands in that little Radiolaria pool, it will pick it up. It'll reload that weapon, all your weapons, and add some ammo to your current weapon, the primary, and then reload your other weapons in the background as well as picking up whatever that brick was. Same thing works for a strategist, and this is already a weapon that's pretty good at generating charges for a certain exotic Titan chest piece, and along with that, you may want to really short cooldown on your barricade, your rally barricade, your arc dash, whatever that may be. So, I think strategy is pretty fun to use with a build like that where you just want to be putting out rockets constantly on your hazardous propulsion, so the burnout from your Radiolaria pool, as well as kills with the weapon, are giving you classability energy, as well as hits from the weapon, and any kills that you get. So, really easy return around on the classability region there, which is pretty nice. If you're really wanting to lead into that build, or maybe a hunter build that really focuses on your dodge or Orlox, I know there's a few riffs, exotics out there, classability generating exotics that could double down on that. The fourth column, though, you know, I'm not too fussed about it. We do have headstone and desperate measures, which are fine, but yeah, I'm not super keen on any of these traits to be honest, you know, where we always heads up. Go ahead, Court, what are you going to say? I was actually going to ask, saying, how does this weapon feel for you on controller? Now, this is obviously being a rapid fireframe. What's the kind of feel? What would you be going for? So, this being a craftable weapon? What's the must have? Yeah, I'm not crafted this yet, but I have been using a headstone roll, which is pretty dependent on, I mean, actually getting precision hits and kills, and I don't find it to be that bad. I've been using threat detector headstone. Now, threat detector does give a stability bump whenever you are within range of a target. I think it's 15 meters. You're getting 15 stability. But I would say, you know, you put a stability masterwork or something like that in place of that. And it's really fine. 45 sounds so bad, but just a bump from threat detector or, you know, whatever it may be, your masterwork stat getting that stability all the way up to like 65 or 70. I think it's going to be just fine. Yeah, for me personally, I'm looking at desperate measures or collective action, collective action is obviously more curated for the stasis build. You can pick up any elemental pickup if you're on a prismatic subclass that's spawning. A particular elemental pickup, you get that 20% bonus. Desperate measures, probably the easier one because you can just get that 10% from the weapon kill and then grenade slash melee kills to get 20%, which then increases again up to 30%. For again, more of a prismatic build. I'm thinking, I'm probably going to, if I'm going to use this, it's probably be on prismatic, just so I can really capitalize on desperate measures. And I can use any of my kind of offensive grenades and mailies rather than trying to shoehorn and stasis grenade that's, you know, not that great for for damage in terms of for desperate measures. I'm really struggling to figure out why I want to use this over crate. I'm looking at my crate roll right now and I admittedly I haven't used my crate in a long time, but I had an overflow headstone. Arrowhead break, a pendant mag, and then stability masterworks. I was sitting at like, not only did I have great recoil direction. It was 86 with airhead and then I had a stability masterwork, putting me all the way up at 68, which, I mean, if we take the masterwork out of the equation, it's 58 versus veil threats, 52. So again, crate is definitely statistically superior, but I think this will depend on in large part in whether or not you have something like stats for all on crate, because yes, veil threat does have the craftable aspect going for it. So you can tweet those barrels, mags and masterworks to your liking, but it's not really going to matter up against a crate with stats for all. Once stats for all procs, that is just going to feel so much better than veil threat. Well, even a crafted one. Sure, you could go something like threat detector, but I feel like if you're trying to lean into threat detector on an auto rifle, I would just ask why you aren't using a submachine gun at the moment. And yeah, auto rifles are in a good spot, but they're in a good spot because they have more range than submachine guns. Like, it's not that submachine guns are necessarily bad right now. It's more the fact that auto rifles are performing at a similar spot and they have more range. So it makes sense to have the weapon that uses, you know, that has more range, right. So the threat detector surrounded combo here on veil threat is certainly a strong combo. It's a tried and true. It will perform fantastic within 15 meters, but there are SMGs, many of them that have threat detector surrounded. They are also craftable or can be enhanced. So I would once again ask, why aren't we just pivoting to a stasis SMG and I'm trying to think here, I believe it's prolonged engagement from the vineyard. Yeah, I believe that also gets it. I don't know if that is enhanceable though, but I know it gets, it definitely gets surrounded because I've had that drop. But man, I cannot get myself to use an SMG these days outside of a few exceptions. They're not, they're not feeling good. Again, it's, I can totally understand if somebody wanted to push back and say, I'd rather have the auto rifle range, but yeah, rapid fires are not what you want when you're going for range on an auto rifle. So, and at a distance, I mean, again, test for measures, great perk, headstone, great perk, shootaloo, great perk, but I think I'd probably pivot to a different archetype. I don't know, rapid fires are definitely the best. Articatype. Well, not the best because we do have no hesitation coming out of nowhere to steal every auto rifle's lunch money. But for the normal auto rifle frames, right, rapid fires are certainly at the top when it comes to damage output. So, there, there are a lot of pluses. I don't know. I'm on the fence. This is definitely one of those weapons that I have not been keen to chase. I think I've gotten like one red border to drop and I haven't, I certainly haven't been prioritizing that at weekly reset when you do get that red border option right at fail safe. So maybe I'll, maybe I'll, you know, come around to it, but in the meantime, I'm kind of good with my overflow headstone crate. And if I change my mind and decide that shoot dilute headstone with radio layer is the play, then that's what it would be for me. But yeah, wasn't super thrilled with that column three. Just double checking. I think for a long engagement is enhanced, which is the Stasis SMG. I'm also looking at the other options. You've got Yarevit MG4, which came out this episode. It's a world drop. It's your lightweight frame. It's got all Milan. And then you've also got an unending Tempest, which is the crucible Stasis precision frame from two seasons ago. So that will be enhanced as well. And it's worth pointing out here again, for the ranges of both of those SMG's that base, it is sub 20 meters. So the threat does clear them. And you can certainly get a good bit higher. Because it's an auto rifle, but I mean, unending Tempest has probably the Stasis perk pool. I mean, really, the PDE per pool granted it's crucible. I understand that, but we're coming up on two weeks of Iron Banner. So you will probably be playing some amount of crucible and you will be getting your crucible in grams and maybe start spending them on unending Tempest. So it's just a tough sell. I think had it been maybe statistically closer to crate for me, I would have felt a little bit better about it, but I'm quite happy with my crate. I certainly used it a ton when it debuted in which queen. And I just, I don't know, man, it's tough. I think it's also the origin trait too. It's just such a weird one. Like, when Vice helps, it's very noticeable, right? It was, it was a crazy good origin trait when it debuted and it's been toned down a little bit due to its prominence on LFRs, but just maybe getting the, like the, the radio layer of pool to appear. And then maybe that helps me get shoot to loot to proc, you know, depending on where the bricks are lying whenever that pool spawns. I think that's the kind of frustrating part for me of it's a neat interaction. It's not something I can really work towards. It's just, I have to hope that I've, I've met the criteria to spawn the pool. You feel like? Yeah. And I, you know, you have something like Vice Singer that's just kind of always working in the background or very frequently working in the background. And I, I would agree that radio area and shoot to loot and all that stuff is, it's honestly more dependent on you playing, like, I would say, like more modern content that's more likely to have like dense rooms of ads over waves and periods because that's really when it's like going to start to kick in. And whenever we were, I think we talked about this a little bit ago, but I record mentioned this, maybe the idea that, and a lot of times, if you're finding low level content, they're just going to die before radio layer transposer can do much. Now, you have rooms that are densely populated full of enemies. Ah, it's pretty nice. Now it's really like delivering some, some impact. Is there other small, you know, little thaw in or thrall, whatever it may be, kind of runs over that pool and is taking tick damage in the background? Yeah, it's kind of the, it's this weird thing, at least for the primaries here, we'll talk about the specials and the heavies that have this origin trait. But as the content gets higher and difficultly, you know, it becomes more difficult to, to get that, those multi kills with an all rifle, where you'd rather just maybe bring out your rocket launcher or special just to blow them away. So you're not going to see that origin trait a lot with field threat. And again, with what impetus has been saying about, like, stats are, you know, pretty mediocre here. Creates not enhanceable now, but I think Bungie have certainly, they did say that they're trying to work on it, at least for like season 16 weapons, that is one of the things that they want to try and get fixed functionally for in game. So, create will get a one up once that becomes enhanceable in the future. So, yeah, it's, it's, if you want to roll with us, I think, I think you made this comment before we started the podcast scene. When you're using it in game, it's very bulky is very, it's a lot on your screen. Yeah. Think of Vex Mythicalast, which, you know, all these weapons have that Vex Mythicalast vibe to the base or ornament, but it is very similar in terms of it's quite a high weapon. So it's taking up a lot of your, your screen real estate. Oh, I'm just now looking at mossy's primary DPS chart. Oh, SMG is actually line up against rapid fire autos, almost across the board. Yeah, even the precision frames do. Okay, so it's not, I mean, you're not really sacrificing damage whatsoever then. If it's against elites, yeah, against minors. Right. They, SMGs are not good at all, which is wild. Well, I mean, they're, they're the, okay, so this is a shocking statement to make for this to be accurate. Generally SMGs at their base reload stat have the lowest DPS output against minors of any weapon, other than aggressive scouts, which we'll get to in a minute. I know why we're not talking about Time Warner. Yeah, but that, that's pretty bad. SMGs could really use 10%. But again, a lot of SMGs have perks that really take things like threat detector, right? That's a reload helper in a big way, right? You get handling and then of course, surrounded as obviously a massive damage increase, but yes. Yeah, SMGs are, they're struggling. And again, auto rifles have that range boost over it, but rapid fire auto rifles, not, not too much. All right. Let's, let's get into our next weapon. It's a new one. It's a weird one. You want to sort us off on lost signal? Yeah, this is Lost Signal, which is our Stasis area, area denial frame grenade launcher, special grenade launcher. And the description here is, well, it doesn't actually specifically say how many bursts of the AOE effect, but it's a burst of five projectiles that leave a lingering damage over time pools. So I kind of gels with radial area transposer, because you're kind of getting that same effect. So think of this as many folks have been calling this baby with a horde, Stasis with a horde. So not quite in terms of with a horde, you only fire one projectile. This is five, but it doesn't last as long as with a horde. So yeah, it's being a new frame. We have nothing to compare it with. It would not be fair to compare with with a horde with it being an exotic and not fair to compare it with any of the other special grenade launchers. So we're just going to list out the base stats here. We have 21 stability, 66 handling, 65 reload, recoil irrelevant. And we've got obviously blast and velocity stats here, so it comes 100 blast radius to boot and you've got velocity of 72. Now, for one very important factor with a trait in Calm 3, we're going to focus on handling boosting stats here. So quick launch does increase your handling by +15. In addition to that +10 to velocity. We also have, you do have counter mass here, which is +10 to stability and because direction gets +21 or maxis out here and then +10 handling. But that's your only really option here is quick launch for the factor that we'll talk about here of quick swapping. In Calm 2 with the magazine, you've got high velocity rounds or implosion rounds. I haven't tested a lot with the blast radius here in regards to how it's going to change. Obviously when you do pick implosion rounds, you get that +10 velocity +15 stability, but a -10 to blast radius. So it's probably just more worthwhile doing high velocity rounds and you get that +10 velocity. So you're already up to 92 velocity. You've not touched every last radius. Your handling's up to 81. Reload is 75. But that's kind of irrelevant because in Calm 3, we have auto loading holster, which is the main kind of quick swap. I have crafted this roll. I have auto loading holster. And in the fourth column, I have went for one for all. Now that's because of the five burst shot. So if you can quickly move your weapon, your aiming down sight, or just the way you're kind of hit firing, you can get multiple targets with this. And you get that 35% damage increase immediately. So the damage itself from the AOE is not high. I don't want to necessarily say it's not great because it's a brand new weapon. We're not entirely sure how this will kind of land, but something like one for all buffing it by 35% will make it all the worth while here. Do you have any other perks you want to talk about for Lost Signal? Have you crafted this? Have you seen anything else that I've noticed here? I know Lead from Gold is also in Calm 3. Yeah, the problem is that I'm addicted to auto loading holster. And when I think about like I'm using my blinding GL partner Dust, I'm using Witherhore. I'm always hooked on auto loading holster. And there is other utility to be provided here, but I'm hooked, man. I can't give it up. It's too good. The way that this weapon also lends itself to be used, it also really works in there. Maybe stats for all is the other trait that I would consider because it's big brothers in Calm 4, but that's pretty much it, man. Should also add, you can get this intrinsically up by another +10 and then put quick access sling on, which doesn't give you any handling, but it is a scalar to your ready/sto animation. So you're handling, we don't have the stats here on D2 Foundry, they've not been updated with us being a brand new weapon, but it's going to be a very fluid action between going from Lost Signal to another weapon and then back. So, very fun weapon. Emptice, you got thoughts here? Yeah, it is a really strange weapon. I've crafted it and then I was leveling it slowly because I am resource poor. Doing it the old-fashioned way, as we used to call it, while I was doing my overthrows, trying to get my missing mode of light. So I've had a lot of playtime with it, and I did finally level it up enough that I could put auto loading one for all on, but I haven't actually fired it since making that change. The burst is very controllable. They all shoot out, again, it's five projectiles, one after the other, but because the RPM is so slow, you can spread that burst really to your liking. Again, if you just shoot it and don't move your controller or your mouse at all, they'll all kind of land in a little bit of a pool around one another. Some of them will be a bit further back as the weapon kicks up, but you can very easily make a line going from left to right. You have enough time to control it. It's strange, because when you first see it in action, you think, "Oh, that must be really unwieldy." But once you get the hang of it, you can actually control it and make diagonal lines and stuff just by jumping up and angling such. It's true to the name. You can absolutely deny an area. Unfortunately, the deny part is a little bit lacking, at least without a damage perk. I don't know if one for all is going to be enough to kick this up to be useful, but without any damage perks, when you just have the base traits available when you craft it initially, it was not hitting a lot. In fact, I found that the origin trait would typically finish off enemies that didn't move all the way out of the pools more often than not. That's the other thing, too. While you do cover a large area, there's absolutely no slow effect that's happening. In effect, enemies will get hit initially, and then they can keep shooting at you, or they might even move away. I've noticed enemies that jump or have some sort of flying capability, wizards, or shadow cabal. They would get hit, and then they'd just move out of the way of the pool and then keep firing at me, which was a little frustrating. It's so strange, because if one of the projectiles does collide with an enemy in the air, it will just spawn in the air. It really is kind of a weird thing, where once you get good with it, you can absolutely hit pretty much anything, because, again, it's five projectiles, and you just need one of them to hit. The other four might go off in completely different directions. They all don't stop once one collides with something. You can hit enemies in the air and the enemies in the ground in the same shot, in effect. But, again, there's nothing that's really keeping the enemies pinned in place for the damage over time to really work its magic. You're really going off the initial impact, which is where I think you need a big damage perk like one for all to really lock it down well. You know, one thing that this weapon does, and it's something that rapid fire fusions are popular for, is the damage ticks. It ticks so many times, and that is helpful for a couple of things related towards generating energy, like generating super energy. Rapid fire fusions have been good for for a while, again, because of the nature of the number of bolts and the speed at which they're applied. And that also applies to your transcendence energy, right? If you are able to land a good chunk of this, and to this point, it's not always easy to keep your targets in place, but if you can land a good amount of ticks on the enemies that you tag, it will refill your darkness side. Or darkness side of your transcendence meter very quickly, which, if you're going for a build that's trying to push for a high transcendence uptime, this is definitely worth a consideration. And I think one of the stronger things that it does considering its damage is, okay, the AOE's fine, the duration is fine. To your point originally of this comparison of Witherhorn, I get that it's legendary, you know, it can't quite be Witherhorn, right? I would like to see, if not the damage increased, the time that the pools say on the ground increased, so kind of a damage buff, but really just, if it's going to live up to that name, right, it's got to deny the area. I really wish they had made a lasting impression perk, a lasting impression style perk for grenade launchers, because I think that would play into, it would already enhance an area on this. It would boost the strength of this frame, but it would also allow for, well, I guess that's what they kind of have proximity grenades for on other grenade launchers. We just don't have a lot of dot perks, you know, and there's definitely some, it feels like there's some weapons that would be very useful for, but I guess that's kind of the point of this frame. So yeah, maybe it is just a case of I'd like to see the frame get enhanced a little bit. I think this will have a place in my inventory, it's just right now, it didn't come in too hot, is where I feel like I'm at with it. I don't know if you guys agree or disagree a lot, but I can see the utility, right? It's very obvious what this thing can do, and it sounds like it can do it well, but it's just not quite there yet. I would like to take this into something like onslaught just to see how it really truly performs in that type of content. You know, there's going to be a lot of ads close together, you know, all down one single corridor, I'm just thinking like midtown, some of the zones. So yeah, I might take this in just one day, do some onslaughting and just see how this performs, but I definitely think you need something like one for all. I was looking at, so there's a new trait in column four, reverberation, which is one of the kind of explosive quote perks. I've done just a very small amount of testing, I haven't noticed any difference with that active or not in regards to the radius of the ADR denial effect. I think it's probably either related to the fact that blast radius is already maximized, so if it is like a plus X to blast radius, it's not doing anything, or it just doesn't do anything to the EOE effect. And it's maybe just related to the initial impact or blast damage that you do with the projectiles and nothing to do with the area effect. So yeah, I haven't noticed anything with the reverberation. I do see demos here, so if the damage was increased in the future, that would be a nice kind of getting your grenade back fast perk, again, related to what you were talking about with the prismatic building up your transcendence energy, just to get your the light grenade, if you want to get that up to a higher energy so you can then use that against your enemies, and then you've got your energy back really fast that way. But yeah, definitely think this could do with a slight increase, but with this being the first one, we don't know where it's going to position itself. So yeah, whenever we get our second one, whether it's another top slot or if it's a middle slot, we'll see. My general feedback on this weapon is keep going. I'm liking where this is heading as far as like an idea of a weapon, and it's fine, but there's something here, I feel, for a long-term potential, right? I definitely know Coriolis force, but it's not quite a no hesitation either. We're closer to no hesitation than we are to Coriolis forces. I think that's where we're landing. I do like the idea, though, with the proximity kind of lasting impression style perk, just like some delayed explosion at the end of it. But yeah, a lot of promise. I think this is a very interesting part to think about. Okay, keep going. Yeah, keep going. Can we say keep going about our next weapon, though? That's the question, because this is where I think we're going to run into some like, it's great, but there's something else here. Maybe what we'll say is you can keep going to a different weapon. Our next one here is going to be site line signal. This is our precision frame hand cannon firing at 180 RPM. And again, precision frame hand cannons do get that passive minus 20% recoil y'all, which is translating to a reduced horizontal recoil. So they feel a little bit better to shoot. They don't kick up quite as much as some of our other archetypes. There is, unfortunately, a pretty big comparison that does need to be made here. Another crafted weapon, posterity from Deep Stone Crypt. When we look at our stats here, you probably have some idea of how this is going to go just by looking at the sources for these weapons. We have on site line signal, a range of 34, or about 28.6 meters, which is 500 posterity. Translates to about 0.7 meters less, so don't freak out too much. A stability of 53, that's under by about seven on posterity, handling a 29 minus six compared to posterity. Round about 0.02 seconds in EDS, radius to speed difference there. So again, noticeable, not really. Reload 51, which is 600, or in real world time here, it's about 2.54 seconds to reload at base compared to posterity's base reload speed of 2.44. What that really means is that you obviously need to focus on reload speed for both of these weapons, but posterity has a pretty big help with frenzy on that wear. There's no frenzy here, so we're going to have to look at that column three to help out as well as our columns one and two. Obviously slightly weaker stats all around, but it is to be expected when we're comparing it to a raid weapon. So how do we go about addressing a site line survey? Can we salvage this? Can we make this feel like posterity, junior, or diet posterity, however we want to describe it here? In column one with our barrels, obviously we can't touch reload speed here, so we can focus on some other things. When we're ADSing here, 28.59 meters, that's a pretty good range for hand cannons. If you wanted to get it up over 30, I think any of our range boosters would help with that. I would like to boost to the handling, preferably that 29 at base is far too low for me, so I'm going to throw on fluted barrel that gets me up to 44. Also touches the stability a little bit. I don't need that bump in stability personally, but that will make it feel much nicer to shoot. Column two, this is where we can start working on our reload speed directly. Flared Magwell is going to give you the biggest boost here. That's a plus 15, takes you up to 66 reload speed. That's going to be quite nice as well. If you wanted to have a few more bullets in your magazine, tactical mags here as well. Allowing mag, again, could get that multiplier when the mag is empty though, although that's kind of a big thing of you got to shoot all the bullets first to get to that benefit. So I personally would probably lean flared magwell, so I just get that flat stab bump regardless of how many bullets is in my magazine at the time that I go to reload. But depending on what perks we go for in column three to help with reload, if that's what we want to do, it may be the case that you want to go with allowing mag or tactical mag. So let's talk about column three here, guys. There are reload perks. There are really good reload perks in here. We've got enlightened action, triple tap, keep away, does give that reload, 30 reload speed, stab bump. What are you looking at out of those options to help with the reload speed here to make it feel a little bit snappier so we can get back to shooting the gun? Yeah, I'm definitely with you on flared magwell, gives it a pretty solid boost. At this point, you know, using flared magwell and getting up to 66. Okay, you know, that's serviceable. You've got keep away, which is very passive. Depends on the activity that you're in if you're going to be able to manage that, so remember for keep away reverse threat detector here. You need to be at least 15 meters from your targets. And that grants you 10 range and 30 reload as well as a little bit of a decrease your accuracy cone growth. So generally really good gun fuel perk. Enlightened action is very interesting, though, because on hand cannons, you're getting three stacks per hit. Whereas something like an SMG, you know, you're getting one stack of enlightened action per hit. A per bullet that you land on a hand cannon, you're getting three stacks of enlightened action and that is able to really pump your stats up really quick. With three bullets landed, puts you up at nine sacks and that's plus 38 handling plus 38 reload speed. So you've maxed out your reload at this point and you are at 82 handling. Now that range is still sitting at just under 29 meters. So if you're if you're going to try to be pushing out the range, go keep away. If you're going to be spamming it sometimes within 15 meters enlightened actions like the safe bet, right? And we've got some pretty important reasons to be pumping up that reload speed, don't we? In the fourth column there court. Yeah, we do have some great perks in the fourth column. Vault shot is there, but I'm just looking at posterity and vote shots in the third column and you can mix that with frenzy. So it doesn't matter what the reload speed is when you've got frenzy active. But yeah, you do have different measures as well. You've got precision instrument, but I think with this being your arc option. I would go vote shot if you don't have another arc weapon that has vote shot. This is your go to, but if you have posterity with vote shot and frenzy, which was our big pick back in the day and when they refreshed it. Yeah, that would be your go to. But yeah, I think in regards to so impetus, you're you're asking about like reload stuff. If you're a hunter on our subclass, not prismatic flow state does give you plus 50 reload and a .8 reload duration multiplier. When you're amplified, which you can very easily do when you've got ascension. Or if you can get that vote shot to start triggering, triggering up a lot of the arc kills and the weapon itself. Very easy to get amplified, but that's for hunters only. Titans and Warlocks don't have access to that plus 50 reload and .8 reload duration multiplier. So yeah, we don't have frenzy on this, but if you are a hunter, get that flow state out for this one. Interesting, you know, you just don't really want to use backup mag on this thing. Or there's not a ton of purpose there if you're going to be using vote shot a lot. Which makes me goes back to the idea of discussing potential for new mods in the future. Would love to see a plus five reload mod. Maybe it's not a depth reload doesn't give you a plus 10 to the set. But just a basic plus five reload mod could be could be a nice touch. Mm hmm. Yeah, I kind of agree with you on that saying because I was looking at it here. So with flared mag well and keep away both active here. We're sitting at 96 reload speed. So we can get that up to a hundred with reload speed master work. Everybody's favorite master work or we could just have a mod with plus five reload that would get me up to one on one and wouldn't be quite as much of a waste of stats as the master work wouldn't be. But when all of that is kicked in, if we do assume that reload speed master work and keep a waste active and we have flared mag well, you're looking at a reload time of 1.83. So it's still, it's still bad. Right. I mean, this is what frenzy gets to just by itself. We don't even have to worry about flared keep away reload speed master work. Once frenzy is propped, you get a hundred reload speed. So you can see why we're a little bit hesitant to talk too much about this weapon for people that do raid that do have access to deep stone crypts because you get the benefits of what are three perks all for one. Obviously, keep a ways doing more than just give reload speed. Obviously, flirted mag well is giving more than just reload speed. But again, it's a really tough competition here and a raid weapon is doing a lot of benefit here. So again, I think if you are, you know yourself best. If you want to go and get posterity, we are always going to say go get posterity. If you're not interested in doing raids and dungeons, if you know that posterity is not in your future. Sightland surveys, their precision frame hand cannons are really strong right now. They are one of the stronger hand cannon archetypes. So you're not wasting your time at all by chasing this down. If you are not someone who goes and does raids or dungeons could be the case that we do get a dungeon. Or a can cannon that would be pretty comparable, I think dungeons are certainly more doable than raids are as far as the average player. So, you know, keep your eyes open. But for the time being, yeah, I think this is first for I'd say some of our more casual players. This is going to be a fantastic hand cannon option here to take advantage of Voltchott on a solid archetype. You know, I do your exact point there, impetus. I feel that precision hand cannons aren't as popular as I would suspect. Given how popular hand cannons are in general in the current sandbox, which is odd. People love malfeasance, but as far as legendary 180s go, they don't see a ton of usage. Despite, like you said, their DPS is very good against your red bar enemies and stuff in our current sandbox. They're good, man. I think it's a case of the available options being in hard or annoying places to get. So, if we take sightlight out of the equation, if we go back to pre-final shape, our two most available options were the two most recent ones, Luna's Howl, which was dropping all over the place and onslaught, and then Optitive came back. Optitive had terrible stats, though. Beyond that, though, the next one, if we go back in time, Word of Crota, a raid gun, you had Trust, which is Gambit, had massive per-pool, and an unpopular playlist. So, if you were looking for a specific combination, like if you were using that for incandescent, well, you got 11 other possibilities to get in calm 4. Seventh Serif Officer Revolver was the next one after that. That was dropping in a dungeon, but we also did get Eicholos Hand Cannon, again, not great stats, and also a really bulky model. I know a lot of people don't like firing that thing. Then it was Frontiers Cry. Then it was Volpekula, so it's just been kind of a weird thing. They're certainly fine, and they've been, I can't even remember, when did they get buffed to be one of the top tier options? That happened at some point since now in Serif, right? Yeah. Volpekula does see a little play, I guess, and we're reaching back to it, but yeah, there's a lot of those that either didn't have this, they don't have great stats, or they didn't have great traits, or they're hard to get, pretty much, right? Yeah, and let's be honest. Voluna's out of the equation because that's not a true precision frame hand cannon, anyways, so. Korg, you got anything else to add to this? Now, I was just looking at the selection of other frame arc hand cannon that also roll with Volpekula. You've got Nation of Beasts, Witches, Glass, Wish, Hand Cannon. You've got Waking Vigil, which we're obviously dropping quite a lot last season with it being a Dreaming City source, not so much now. It will still drop within Dreaming City and Shattered Throne, and then you've got Combined Action, sorry, Waking Vigil was adaptive, and then Combined Action is your aggressive frame, and Nation of Beasts is adaptive, so that's your other option. So if you've got two adaptive frames with Voltshot, the easiest in terms of, well, the easiest in terms of trying to get it would probably Nation of Beasts because there's not a deterministic way to get Waking Vigil now. You can't focus for it either, and then Combined Action is your aggressive frame option. That's a world. Yeah, yeah. I do love the amount of explosions that you can get from Nation of Beasts that Dragonfly Voltshot. Very fun. A lot of good meringues is flowing there. Even though, strictly speaking, posterity is for sure better, but I just enjoy it. They're raid weapons ultimately, so again, to folks that are ruling that out, it goes silent, sir, but you really don't have any other competition. It's really good. If you don't bring in posterity and you just held this little isolated, yeah, a great weapon. Well, there's a weapon here that we're going to cover here, so I know you've wrote a little... Some warps to describe this weapon. It's not a rant. It's constructive feedback. Right. It's different. It's different. We're talking about the new Solar Grousa Frame Scout Rifle, and that is the Time-Worn Wayfarer. On first look of this weapon, you could look at some of its effective stats. It's got almost 80 meters of range. You look through the perk pool, and it has some really interesting stuff in there. You know, a chuteolute. We've got, you know, keep away again for helping with that reload. Dual loader, which is really interesting for this archetype. Empty is pointing out that this loads four bullets at once instead of two bullets at once. Okay, that's pretty interesting. Chuteolute is offering utility, final column, incandescence there. You've got desperate measures. And it even looks great. You know, the thing just looks absolutely beautiful. The problem is, is that it just can't compete with other scout rifles. Specifically, the reload on this tends to just kill the DPS output. Now that dual loader, aka quad loader that we mentioned earlier, if you put that together with something like Flared Maguil, or you're increasing the reload speed otherwise, it's okay. But it's really not enough, especially when we started comparing it, even just to other scout rifles, you know, other weapons within its, you know, type. Other archetypes just deal significantly more DPS. We are talking about 25% more DPS. Even just going up to its closest competitor, which is high impacts at 150 RPM. You're looking at 241 versus 323 on the just kind of very base DPS output against minors with no increase in reload speed or anything like that. And if you look at their burst DPS or DPS without ever having to reload or anything like that, it's still like 10% lower than most of your, it's next closest competitor. And then if you look at something like, you know, our premium in class scout archetype of rapid fires right there, their top dog right now in that archetype. As far as damage output goes, you know, look at it. I think a 33% difference in base DPS value. So aggressive scout rifles, time worn. Wait for it's not your fault. You're a victim of your, you know, your circumstances here in your archetype. So really enjoy this weapon. It looks great. It's cool. I like the scope and all that stuff. It's got some interesting treats. If these things could see a, maybe a 20% buff, I think that this will see a lot of play until that time. Hard to justify against other scout rifle archetypes and things like that. So that's all I got. Yet again. Do you soon crypt has a superior option when it comes to a comparison because Trustee is the solar rapid fire frame from that weapon that will be dealing that 33% more damage. Yeah. So that rate's really good. I'm a little sorry. I'm running deep stone creative, but also please buff aggressive frame scout rifles. They're very cool and I want to, I want to use them. But hard to use outside of just doing normal planetary patrols. Yeah. You would think with having a trials option, these would have gotten some sort of buff, you know, because the profit got added with the mid-season update. Last season, I thought for sure we'd be seeing a buff then come final shape. And that did not happen. So I mean, it's, it's got to, it's got to be soon, right? We've got both the profit and now time worn wayfarer, but we've also had last right, which was the pursuit weapon from season 21 and then long arm, which was the first one that's in our. Oh gosh. What's that dungeon called the cowboy? That's one watcher. Thank you very much. That was back in season 19. That was the first one. That's a arc. So. Yeah. It's like a several in my vault. I'm holding, I'm holding out for the aggressive scanner. Oh, he's hoping what 700 slots in a vault does to a person. I, I am with saying though, like, I really want to use this weapon because I, you, you mentioned about the looks. It does look very good. It looks like DMT and Vex Smith, the class had a baby. And that's, that's the result. Um, it's just unfortunate that it doesn't have the same damage as, I, or those weapons. So, um, yeah, I, yeah, I want to see a buff of this as well. That's all I've got to say. We'll give it a proper breakdown when that buff does come though, because it's got good perks and stuff and it will compete quite well. But that day is not today. Well, we've got another weapon here, which we're going to kind of, uh, kind of glide over and that is faith keeper, which is the void precision rocket launcher. Uh, and then you remember that's, uh, decisions are auto tracking. Uh, they did get the buff recently. Uh, last season they got their damage profile, uh, increased from 0.9 up to 0.95. Uh, so they do a little bit more damage than before. And the RPM here is 42.5. Uh, not going to do a full breakdown here. Um, this being a precision. It also has higher reserves than adaptives and aggressives. Lower inventory size that then it's stasis sibling palmara B, whereas 36 versus 42. And the reserves here, which is base one, two, three mods. Uh, no field prep. 9, 10, 11, 11 field prep. It's 10, 11, 12, 12. And enhance field prep is 11, 12, 12. Um, looking at my infographic here slash spreadsheet. Very similar to other positions and high impacts that I've already got. If you've got semi-attention from last season with, sorry, two seasons ago. Uh, it's got the exact same, uh, field prep base and enhance field prep reserves. Um, and I think high impacts, at least in what I've been describing it as kind of endurance content, like your grandmasters, a lot more friendly, uh, with, with semi-attention. You can use that quite freely, uh, with high impacts into kind of a lot of ads. If we're, if we're doing like, um, uh, battleground content where there are a lot of ads that spawn in one position. I, I just think palmara B just has the edge because it's got hacky breach armaments. We've got crowning do-log, which is coming out, uh, with solstice later in this episode. Also has hacky breach armaments that is currently active in the API. Uh, and it's got a lot more interesting perks than this one. Um, so just a, just not quite there, um, in terms of, uh, competition. Uh, it does have bipod, which is the plus five to each of the aforementioned numbers. So with two reserves, it would be 17. Uh, but obviously bipod is reducing your damage on a rocket launcher that already has reduced damage. Um, I did do a breakdown as these lads have been pointing out with the, uh, with rocket launchers just related to my infographic. And it does cover faithkeeper and crowning do-log. I'm a lot more friendly to crowning, crowning do-log, despite the fact we kind of shunned it last year because it was, it wasn't quite there. Um, but in terms of faithkeeper, you know, third column, field prep, clown cartridge, or loading holster, and then fourth column frenzy explosive like bipod. And yeah, it's just not quite there. Reverberation is also there, and much like with the, uh, uh, the area denial grenade launcher that I mentioned earlier. It's, I just don't see much benefit on a, uh, on a rocket launcher frame that has intrinsic low blast radius stat anyway. I'm not using this for damage, um, so I don't have one crafted with that. I might go back in and just double check on how it's performing, but just, just the idea of using, uh, uh, an, uh, precision rocket frame for kind of damage controller, kind of add clear. Just doesn't really, really deal with me anyway. Be interesting if we get a high impact with, uh, reverberation, that'd be a lot more kind of so after interesting build for, again, those endurance type content. Um, but yeah, I think overall, just to kind of wrap things up here, it's outclassed by red herring from the throne world. If you want a void, uh, rocket launcher, uh, as far as general archetypes go, um, you've got a little more interesting combinations, you've got enhanced field prep, you've got enhanced explosive light. Um, sorry, you've got enhanced frenzy, uh, you don't get, uh, explosive light on red herring. Um, so, yeah, that, that, that's your better option, uh, obviously red herring is very easy to get in terms of crafting. Uh, if you've got the Witch Queen expansion, and you've got a lot of other weapons that, uh, you know, rockers, I should say, that are, are part of our recent kind of recommendations and breakdowns, like Apex Predator. Crocs termination's still going strong with it being a world drop, and it's dropping quite frequently now. Like, I was not anticipating the amount of, uh, frequency, but that could be related to something else, but, uh, don't want to go down that particular rabbit hole. But, uh, as I said, I'll, uh, I'll get, like, kind of, a bridge version of my rocket launcher's breakdown over on the Patreon if you are interested in kind of looking at all the information, and that'll also include crowning, do log, and the truth buff. Um, lads, you've got any points? I know I'm Mr. Rocketman over here, so, uh, St. You, you've got any thoughts here? Uh, I would say enhanced fuel prep, not even running a single reserve mod and having 11 rockets. It's pretty good, and then enhanced explosive light for seven sacks, instead of six, pretty good. Uh-huh. I don't know, other than that, it's, it's like, yeah, there's, there's a lot of things that other rockets could do or take its place. It's okay. Um, I use red herring a ton with enhanced fuel prep, which Corey, you and I, I know, I've talked about that a little bit, but, and red herring isn't even something like super crazy. It's just a solid rocket that has an okay damage perk, really good ammo economy and a good damage profile, which, you know, a lot of that stuff is, if you look at it on paper, it's kind of like, middling to pretty good and a bunch of things, but, hey, that's enough to have a really good ammo economy on something like that. Explosive light and, you know, 11 rockets, let's go back and double check in some, like, total damage output to see if it can, you know, even compete, even having, you know, another couple of rockets and having a strong damage perk for a seven sacks. I wonder if that's enough to compute a total damage output comparing to something like red herring with frenzy. Yeah, and there's only four weapons currently that can roll enhanced fuel prep, and that's faithkeeper, red herring, bump in the night and same rotation. Two of those weapons, their damage is down intrinsically, faithkeeper and same rotation, then red herring and bump in the night are, you're adaptive and aggressive, respectively. So I've always maintained that red herring is such a great work horse rocket launcher, especially in endurance type content like GM's. I would take red herring in just because it was very, um, it wasn't very greedy with the ammo. If you picked up a brick, a purple brick, it would provide, I do have numbers here, it would provide around about, it was either two or three rockets, which is very high considering the reserve. And if you could get that up to 10, 10 in the total ammo capacity, which very easy, just with one reserve mods for red herring, it would go up to three, you'd guarantee three rockets per brick pickup. It's the same with, um, decisions and, uh, at high impacts, you do get a much higher yield with your, your ammo. So I'm a lot more friendly in bringing positions and high impacts into GM content, because it's very economical. You know, you're looking at three or four, or if you've got higher with bipod, you're looking at five or even six rockets just from one brick, a normal regular brick. Uh, but, um, okay, it's just a bit of a toss up, depending on the GM, the situation, uh, if I want to bring in something a little bit more powerful, light red herring, sure. But if I want to bring in a precision and there's a lot of vehicles, it's probably going to be Palmyra B or Crowning Doolog, which have a lot more kind of intrinsic vehicle parrots. All right, well, I think that's about it for the rocket here. Last thing I got to say about this rocket launcher, it sounds so good. I don't know who it was that made the audio sound effect for this thing. It's absolutely incredible. I might even say that I like this more than the sound of the new raid pulse rifle, which is really saying something, but I just absolutely love this. Sure, sure. Yeah, I know. I know that's a big statement, but man, I can just listen to that all day. I'm trying to figure out a way I can record this sound and then get it on my phone so when I get a text message, I just hear the sound of the rocket launcher going off. There's a little good brain juice, you know. Are you saying I should maybe make this my new soundboard entrance and discord? It's possible. It is certainly on the table, I'll say. No longer something like football, it's a faith keeper firing noise. Yeah, that's OK. It means I'd have to fire the rocket launcher and I have no intention of firing that rock. Maybe I'll stick with the football. All right. Let's talk about our last weapon here. Another one of Saints favorites. This is ill omen, our caster frame sword that is stasis flavored. We do like stasis swords. There's always a chance for a very fun perk and that fun perk is actually on ill. But there's a butt. There's a really big butt here. I'll quickly do the stats here that's probably the easiest stack comparison ever when it comes to swords because they're all pretty much the same. Although ill omen does have a very interesting fact going forward here. So we've had some caster frames recently. As in last season, we had two of them debut. We had our pursuit or ritual weapon. I can never remember which one we're supposed to call it, which last season season of the wish was chivalric fire. That was a void caster frame sword. And then we also had a dungeon last season, which was warlords ruined and that had a strand dragon cult sickle caster frame sword. Again, stats are pretty much the same here against all of them. However, ill omen does have a slightly higher charge rate than the other than actually the rest of the caster frame swords. They even went and checked some of our older ones has a charge rate of 52. Everyone else has a charge rate of 50. I have no idea if that is going to make any impact whatsoever on your gameplay, but it is worth pointing out again. I haven't had one of these drop yet, so I cannot comment on how a plus two to your charge rate really impacts your caster frame sword gameplay. But both court and saint have been playing with this to some degree and it's not great folks. There are some problems going on that we need to bring to people's attention, right? Yeah, and I don't think that this is a caster frame sword thing, not an ill omen thing. I've only been using this, actually that's not true, I've tested one other sword. This goes back to the way beginning of the episode when I said that I've been testing out some new GM loadouts. My first thought was, okay, overload sword, there's a lot of sword artifact stuff going on this season. Don't we have something that could capitalize on that? And then I thought about the sword that I just mentioned, a shovelic fire. It should work fire from last season. It doesn't have the strongest perks ever, but it's fine enough. So, immediately try to use that as an overload weapon in Glassway and realize that there's some things not quite right with the way that damage is applied by the caster frame attack. And we think that this is a bug and that this is not working as intended or consistently and Cold Steel also plays into this a little bit. The first thing I noticed, I'll say, I don't give it to court for a little more detail on what we found here, but whenever you would hit an overload champion like that captain right at the beginning of Glassway with a strike from the caster projectile, it wouldn't stun. Even if you would hit several damage instances, which typically landing a couple of damage instances, so what's going to proc overload, right? You would need to land three light hits and then you're going to overload the champ and you'll see the little buff appear in your screen and all that stuff. For whatever reason, those don't really count as hits or instances of damage that are being applied to the champion, but there are some other things about studying the champion that don't make any sense along with that hit counter as well as Cold Steel. Court, what were you seeing right before we get together today to record? A whole lot of weirdness scene. That's what I was saying. I am glad I never looked at this in particular detail, because what I normally do when it comes to the champion stuff for each episode or season, I'll have a quick kind of gloss over all the kind of highlighted stuff that maybe it's not worked in the past. It does work now, so Chill Clip not interacting with Radiant was a big thing that was fixed last season during the mid-season update. This season they've tweaked with some of the Exotics where something like Wave Splitter now accepts Volatile Rounds or Radiant to deal with bad at your champions, so all great quality of life updates. Whatever reason that's going on here, with Cold Steel, the light attacks work fine because you apply 40 stacks with the light attack. Heavy attacks will apply 60, but when you send out that projectile, the first projectile is not, I can't see it doing anything because it's not stunning the champion. You can see the stasis effect, but there is stasis being applied because when you send out another one, inconsistently it will freeze them, but they'll also stun them, so the slow is working, but there's just some jank going on with applying it through the caster heavy attack itself. Then it was the same with Chill Clip, so I tried Dragon Cult Sickle with just Overload Swords, and it was the same deal where I sent out a caster and it wasn't properly stunting it. I would do the light attack and then into heavy, or I'd do a heavy attack into the open air, use it up, I would then do another heavy attack with no energy, but that would stun it. There's just some big weirdness going on here, so I'm glad I didn't discover this because I would have been tearing my hair before launching my up-to-date infographic for champion counters. At the time that we record this, I would just say it's not intended, it's definitely a bug. It's a real shame because I know you've been trying to use this for a lot of GM content, I want to use swords for this particular playstyle. Just to try it out, it's not something I'd maybe take in serious builds for GMs, but it's a nice fun build, this is the sword season, so it makes sense. Yeah, Cold Steel's not working properly, Overload Sword on caster frames are not working properly either. I think it might be related to how we had the slumber, the cold, sorry, the coldestasis vortex frame from last season, might be related to kind of that, where it was applying each individual tick, but here they've maybe over fixed it and it's not applying to everyone else, however, until you do too heavy it's some weirdness. I'll try and get some videos together and probably pull stats somewhere because it's just really weird. Hey, I've got a few bits of myself dying to an Overload champion and a GM trying to use Overload Sword, if you just let me know, I got you on that one. Put that up in the patron, let the patron see that. So to recap, even though it's a problem on Ill Omen, I think we also have to bear in mind, this is also a problem for Ergo Zoom, right? Any caster frame rules you have of that, you do need to be aware that this will also be, there's going to be some shenanigans there as well, which I think is probably a sword that more people might be interested in taking into in-game content due to the kind of roles and qualities that Ergo Zoom can get. So if you do have any caster frame roles and you are hoping to take advantage of Overload Sword with that option because it's in a different slot and you can use a different heavy weapon with that, do be aware that right now, as of the time you're listening to this, it's going to be inconsistent. And it's not necessarily your fault. We think it's just due to how the artifact is interacting with the projectile nature of a caster frame, which is a shame because as we were also testing earlier before we were recording, that projectile goes a long ways. I had not realized this about caster frames, that the distance the projectile travels before it completely pops is very, very far. And it would be really cool, especially to have Cold Steel in a projectile form on Ill Omen to send that across the map to apply a stun to an Overload Champion, for example, in Glassway. When they come out of the portal on the far side who immediately send a blast out, deal with them, you know, have them stunned so that they're not an immediate threat, focus on the other wave that's a little bit closer to you. And then by the time that Overload on the far side comes out, you're ready to deal with them, hopefully after stunning the closer Overload Champ. But it's not that fantasy is not going to work out right now. Again, there's just some weird stuff happening. But yeah, I mean, all in all, I think we can say pretty high things about Ill Omen just without that stuff looming over it. Cold Steel on a projectile is awesome. It's got a pretty good calm three. I don't know what I would do. I probably do relentless, right? Because if we do, you know, if we factor in the light attacks applying 40 slow stacks of Cold Steel and then relentless strike giving ammo after three powered hits. You would freeze an enemy, get the ammo back as they're frozen, so that would be nice. I don't know. Is there something else in calm three that you guys are looking at here? Attrition orbs just takes too many hits. It's 10 hits on a sword. That's a lot of hits. If that was like six, maybe? I'd be keen on that. Yeah, I'm curious if that the quote hits on attrition orbs applies to it has to be the sword hit or it can also apply to the text of the Cold Steel perk. So if it's the text, then, well, that may be unintended as well, but I think I'd be a lot more friendly to attrition orbs there. Yeah, I think relating strikes is your option. You could go unrelenting if you're kind of into a really high skill play of getting your health back. You could play this into Stasis, you know, Stasis Shards when you've got those harvest aspects applied can also give you health and then a frost armor. But yeah, no, just to be really clear, I think we're very friendly to the idea of a caster frame, Cold Steel sword. I'd love the idea of caster frames to your point there impetus about standing an overload at kind of long range and then dealing with it, you know, getting a Cold Steel projectile out. It stuns the bad air. You've got a hunter with Golden Gun, snipe them out the way and that's it. You don't have to deal with them. I'm a big supporter of Jolt as an overload, stunning as these guys would have seen with the GM that we were doing last week. But something just to kind of deal with an overload when they're spawning in or they're far away, this would be your go-to. I'm very like that idea. I'm a big fan of Black Talon. I haven't actually tested how it works with overload swords either. But yeah, I love the idea of a projectile caster frame sword. It's just a real big shame about just the old, very inconvenient bugs. What seems like we need to do one last class we were on this week saying the Black Talon and maybe O9, just give up on it all in the end. I can do that. I can do a little Black Talon phone. Well, I think we'll be doing that after the episode here. Sounds like it. Rope to that. We still need to do our other thing, which we won't spoil here, but the patrons know. All right, well, lads, any final comments with this set of weapons? They look good. Yeah, man. Look great. Can't wait to talk about the rest of them. Can't really complain about having more episodes to talk about more episode weapons, but as a bummer, we do have to wait so long for the rest of the set to come out. Because there are some pretty good ones that we're waiting to get our hands on. Yeah, a certain solar one. It has been foretold. I really time-worn wafer. Can't wait for that buff. Yeah, I was going to say, I hope that this does push aggressive scouts into a buff, though. And I really like the... I really like Lost Signal, and I think it would be funny if they had a fire one, because then you just effectively gained the high of night ability to throw fire under the ground, a solar one. I hope it's taken. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's taken you. Yeah, so that could be pretty fun, and I hope they keep to, you know, keep experimenting with that. It would definitely require a unique animation, so maybe a little bit more investment than your average grenade launcher, but I would like to throw fire. I am interested in that. Many Dragon's Breath. Oh, I'm here for it. Are incandescent on that thing? Sure. Come on. Well, Lance, what are we talking about next week? We shoot. That's a good question. What did we say we were going to do? Was it Raiden? I think World Trip? Oh, World Trip. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Our new Foundry stuff, new world loot stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Cool. Yeah, we'll get to the raids. We know we've got some additional episode weapons coming up, but we'll get to them as they come out. And yeah, lots of stuff to talk about. Very exciting in terms of us as a kind of new era. I obviously want to thank Kit and Merck for getting us onto the show. The three of us just chatting, breaking down all these great stuff. And yeah, that is it for episode 107. Thank our lovely, beautiful Otto Diadactos for the audio engineer work that he does every week. And thank you again to the patrons that have joined and you for listening and you for joining us in this new era. You can find me over on socials as court projects and discord as court. You can find my spreadsheet and infographics over on the Patreon and the Destiny 2 D2 link tree. That is D2 spreadsheets as well on Twitter. Amongst other great fantastic stuff that people do across the destiny science world impetus. Where can we find you? My name is impetus. You can find me by that name in discord and in destiny and occasionally lurking under the pod versus enemies over on Twitter. Where can we find you? My name is St. Kabir. You can find me by that name, posting weapon reviews on the Patreon, hanging out in the D2 server or on Twitter, looking at the best art I've ever seen in MS Paint for yet another day in a row. Thanks for listening. Thanks for the support of PVE. We're all looking forward to the future of the show. Until next time. [BLANK_AUDIO]