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17 Jul 2024
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I gotta apologize last night I tried to post up a podcast set it up to be delivered this morning and apparently it failed so I'm trying to be more consistent I promise guys sometimes even the tech guy or the guy who's really technical has tech issues what I wanted to talk about was yesterday let's just cover what happened yesterday I wanted to first and foremost say my sincere and heartfelt condolences and New Mexico black rifle operators unions condolences to Corey Compentor if you don't know who this man is he's the man that died shielding his family from the gunshots that happened during the assassination attempt to on Donald Trump now what I was covering last night or what should have been dropped this morning was Trump's VP pick okay as far as I am concerned as far as New Mexico black rifle operators union because you know I am the one that runs it is concerned he couldn't have done better JD Vance is so pro 2a that it's kind of awesome for once he does not back red flag laws he backs soldiers because he was a marine himself to continue to keep their 2a rights despite what's happened in Congress and in the Senate he doesn't support magazine bans assault weapons bans he doesn't support the ATF's unjust use of their powers so he's not a big fan of Chevron deference as far as all the things we are concerned about with New Mexico black rifle operators union when it comes to politics the man earns an A and he can correct and he wasn't never trumper so he has since redeemed himself in Trump's eyes to be elected or to be nominated or selected that is for vice president Corey compador if you would like has it go fund me I don't have the link but I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to find he's doing his family is less without him there's some also for the other victims there are two other victims that are in stable condition they were in critical condition because of this idiot shooter I'm not gonna mention his name again I probably shouldn't have named him the first time I broke my own rules there but this seemed to be such a historical event what has happened since Saturday not a lot you know you would think in this day and age we would know everything there is about about the shooter and so far we're just getting that he's in a strange loner that was picked on a lot which you could kind of tell just because of the type of action he took he was incompetent enough that they didn't even want him on his own rifle team in school so because some of the reports have come out that said that he missed the target 20 feet by 20 feet that's incompetent okay so not only was it God's armor you know his protective armor that was on Trump there's a fact that this guy was an idiot you know their questions is still surround this type of incident well this incident in general have this guy clear secret service and the security parameters that are perimeter around this and there's a lot of questions specifically Dan Bongino a guy that used to do this for the president and I think it's multiple presidents has raised a lot of questions that no one's been able to answer and I don't know that will ever get an answer because how do you as if if Trump wins I'm gonna say when he wins because I honestly think he's going to now because no one in history has ever survived an assassination attempt and didn't win so there's hysterical precedents here so what how what I was getting to is how do you police the guys that just saved your life or a quote-unquote saved your life if you start a firing spree you start these guys now who are in your innermost circle you start pissing them off and if you start trying to reform everything about them you have the same effect so I don't know how they're going how Trump specifically and how his team is going to address this but it needs to be addressed because if and when he wins I'm gonna say win again it needs to be addressed because this threat ratio this threat threshold is only gonna get greater especially with bad actors foreign bad actors there's a plot that was discovered that Iranians want him dead with Trump's record on Ukraine on Ukraine not supporting Ukraine Ukraine's already put out hit list on people in the United States excuse me in a drink water I could see that being there being Russians that are for fighting in Ukraine or the Ukrainians are fighting I could see you them because we're putting aid in Ukraine and I don't know that Trump can back out a Ukraine at this time and I say that not because he's not capable it's that we have gotten so involved that it may not be easy to get out of what we've done you know three years the war has been going on for two years and nothing has back tracked of anything you've seen the American government double down and that's not what most of us in the United States want and we kind of want to back away from the world because we've had 20 years of war country building that didn't do anything but waste American lives and treasure so I could see we're in a weird spot where I could see the world order wanting us to step up and a lot of Americans wanting us to step up to keep up the ceiling of the of the global order but the populist the population itself of the United States isn't interested you know we we have sacred like I said we've sacrificed a lot of American blood and a lot of American treasure to keep everyone else up we have problems at home that need to be fixed it pie in the sky for me I'd like to see Trump get in secure our border so that we don't have that bleeding hemorrhage that's causing so many issues here take some industrial steps to start rehoming American manufacturing and jobs back to the United States specifically the ones that are around China you know I'd like to see us at the very least reach across the border to Mexico and maybe rehoming some of those lower-skilled jobs if not directly in the United States in something that would benefit us because then there's only a transport issue just crossing one border instead of crossing oceans to get to us I think that Trump needs to address the issues that are in Mexico that are gonna bleed over here you know the cartels have gotten powerful enough to where the Mexican government's kind of useless and he needs to help prop them up if we're gonna prop up anybody it be our neighbor so that it doesn't bleed over here because all it takes is you know a couple white people named Debbie in the United States for this to become a real pressure issue where we end up invading Mexico you know that's kind of the same type of thing that happened in Afghanistan you know that's a bad plan because if you look at what the cartels do and what they control it looks a lot like Afghanistan down south where these cartels run and that's a war we don't want to fight you know I am Mexican American I am Latin and I do have heritage in Mexico so maybe that's some of my bias bleeding in but and also being from the Southwest where we have a lot of New Mexicans and Mexicans and Hispanics and Latin's that I don't see us having to fight one-to-one with the cartels but we can take steps to definitely curtail what they're doing you know fentanyl's have been a huge issue in the United States I'd like to see him address that specifically the precursors that are coming from China to get that drug manufactured you know we have put some of the strictest sanctions on Russia how would those affect this particular problem because China imports 75 80% of their food and their energy and we could put those re those sanctions on China and maybe we'd cause them to have a regime change like we were hoping in Russia you know I mean I don't want us to be the military police of the world but China is definitely a problem you know I don't think there is big I think they're honestly a paper tiger compared to the United States they don't have the even though they have the largest Navy they don't have the displacement like the United States Navy does to get here I've said that multiple times on here so I'm not talking about this stuff on a 2-way podcast because we're kind of embroiled in that time of year in that election cycle we need to talk about the politics you know because it matters in the 2-way who we elect do I think we're close to a civil war I still don't if anything the assassination attempt on Trump I see is a little bit of more of a uniting force than I expected you're hearing and you're seeing a lot of people tone down I mean Jack Black's man made some stupid comment in their world tour got banned and ended so there are repercussions for you know shooting off your mouth about something like this now that we haven't seen in years you're seeing CNN hosts while I was shocked to see this but CNN hosts actually turn back their words and dial them down I'm am concerned of people like that are always on the view shooting off their mouth to the females on the planet that are still watching their stuff because they consume mass media still where they're concerned about someone a white male specifically buying 50 rounds of ammunition well in this case that concern may have been necessary in most cases 50 rounds of ammunition is two boxes of ammunition why is that a concern that's a little bit of time at the range that's not even a full day for most of us if you're really going to train and really going to shoot so I think there's some misplacement into the concern that's out there I've seen one of my friends on Facebook no one for a long time is post-concerned about agenda 2025 I haven't read all 800 pages of it but I have researched what it is and what the big play is right now is the left is pushing this saying that Trump's trying to push this because that's what they're going to do if you look at what Trump's personally saying and what his campaign is saying about agenda 2025 it is a campaign slogan it's there's no piece behind this do I think that there is some stuff in there for most of us that are on the right or in the center or you know what's considered far right now there's things we'd agree with that we need to do some things to adjust to fire because our country has went dramatically wrong for far too long and we've let this militant side of one specific party and that that's the one that took the shot or the shots that have went under the radar as far as an entire group of people they've always thought it was the radical right that was gonna do this and that's not what was gonna happen the right isn't gonna riot they have never rioted if they wanted to riot they should have rioted after the assassination attempt yet you saw people coming together and praying so it's not that side however we have seen one side of the aisle consistently go out and burn down cities and start riots and it is the militant wing of the left right now so what do we do going forward we better crawl over broken glass to vote okay what I said last night was and it is factually true it took eight years for our founding fathers to form our country before they even declared independence we were already embroiled in a war for a year and a half or something like that before we decided we had to declare independence you know we up to that point that very last point we had tried to settle this and we were embroiled in a war for over a year before we actually declared independence from the crown the British crown so anyone in things that our founding fathers would be stacking bodies by now they're misplaced their thought process is misplaced we still need to do this the most peaceful way possible and right now that's still through the ballot box that's right now that's still through making your voice note that's the soapbox standing up and making yourself and your views known you know for at least three years if not more a lot of us have been closeted we didn't talk about our views it's now time to step out of that comfort zone it has been for about three years now it's time to get up and say hey I don't agree with you and here's why you're absolutely mistaken and it's time to be informed you know mass media legacy media now they're the ones that are stuck in an echo chamber and it's time to start looking at alternative media now I'm not saying embrace them the when you do that there is a chance to go down the tunnel of being in the conspiracy theory place and that's not where we need to be either you know I'm more akin to think that our government is inept enough that they could actually cost someone their life like the president then I am to think that there is some giant cabal conspiracy that made this happen and all you have to do is go to the the DMV or see how the IRS deals with each of us and you can see the incompetence of the government and that's why I'm not a fan of the government we saw government negligence during covid and right neon lights that's what shook me out of being a total status you know I am 100% an end cap I believe the government should stay out of everyone's life I'm still having a hard time understanding why the government exists but then I know that there's a cultural decline that has happened that moral character isn't there to to perpetrate or keep that utopian idea I have of a government world governmentless world because that would require a hundred percent of the people in it to be moral and that's not something we see whether your religious or not that that you just have to talk to a criminal or see the criminal element do what they do and realize there's not enough of us of character to influence even them it should be so reprehensible that abortion goes to up to birth just by cultural norms and to allow it to get to the point where that's a thing now that shows the decline of the American culture and how do we fix that well there's a number way to fix that quit supporting these idiot shows and movies and TV shows and TV programs cartoons whatever it is that promote this stupid idea that if you believe in total equality that's an idea you know to think that just because you're a good person you're going to always win that's not the case the fact is you're gonna have to be able to fight the fact is you're gonna have to be you know someone in some physical format capable of defending yourself the fact is you're gonna have to speak up you're they're not going to psychically detect the problems you have with their way of thinking we have to start standing up and saying no enough's enough you know my time happened with that when they started passing gun laws are trying to into Mexico right after they were trying to exploit the one of the only school shootings that's ever happened in New Mexico that I had to deal with I've talked about that at infinitum and I'm still dealing with a lot of that mental baggage and it just floors me to think that the government would take advantage of that and they will you give the government an inch and they'll take 10 miles so let's not give him that inch and I think the best vehicle we have right now isn't a libertarian communist isn't Biden because he doesn't have a brain and a damn sure isn't RFK because RFK seems to flip flop and he's willing to play ball with anybody as long as he gets to see some sort of power so the only option for me right now at least on the national stage is Trump on the local stages these are the races that matter more to me and what I pay more attention to and they're easier to research you know the special session in New Mexico is still on and our governor in New Mexico you know Michelle Londrichem has said that our state is in play if Biden doesn't straighten up and fly right all now is the perfect time to strike and turn this country specifically my state to a different way of thinking in a way of continuing a hundred years we've had 90 some odd years we've had Democrat control of the Roundhouse in New Mexico and while we've had a Republican governor from time to time when you have the Roundhouse firmly in Democrat hands you can only do so much it's time we change it all and it's time we put every one of these guys on notice whether they're on our side or not that they better toe the line and do what us the American people the New Mexican have finally said it's time to do we are sick of you trying to take away our rights you're sick of you trying to demonize us because we are the people you serve it's time to stand up for what we've sent you there to do serve us because that's what you went there for it isn't to get your pocket lined it's to do what is right for the American people and the American citizen quit trying to demonize us and say where the problem we're not if we were you would know it case in point it was one halfway motivated idiot it did what he did could you imagine millions being motivated that's what terrifies me terrifies me more is that we just accept the status quo and we get to the point where the government for what it is doesn't exist and what I mean by that is that both sides decide what do I care what the government says what do I care if what that cop says and they start taking their you know taking law into their own hands because then any offense any offense that someone sees in their eyes is a an offense that's bad enough what we met with violence in our country in our world doesn't need more violence like share subscribe most importantly be great high five casino high five casino is a social casino with real prizes and big Vegas hits at high five casino dot com the hottest games right from Vegas and all winnings go straight to your bank account hundreds of exclusive games free daily rewards and come back to get free coins every four hours only at high five casino dot com high five casino is a social casino no purchase necessary boy broke her head and play responsibly terms in addition supply see website for details at high the number five casino dot com high five casino you can achieve platinum status in the fuel rewards program at shell twice as fast by filling up 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