Surgeon General can roll it in a cone

No Americans do not have a gun problem. We have a culturally reenforced mental health problem. Like, Share, Subscribe. Be great!

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26 Jun 2024
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And then download the Instacart app to get delivery in as fast as 30 minutes all school year long. Get a $0 delivery fee for your first three orders while supplies last. Minimum $10 per order. Additional terms apply. Welcome to New Mexico Black Rival Operators Union. I'm your host Sean. You know, I'm trying hard to keep you guys informed about what's going on in the 2A and trying to keep the content interesting at the same time. So I was looking at what I could talk about that was new and cool. And, you know, it's kind of hard since I don't have the finances to, you know, or I'm not sponsored to go get guns for review to talk about how cool this gun is or that gun is or whatever. What I do have access to is a lot of information just like everyone else nowadays. And I can vet that information. So Dr. Vivek Murthy, he is the Surgeon General for the Biden Administration. That alone should tell you you should be worried. Okay. Today gave a speech about gun violence and how it was a national epidemic. Okay. In his speech, he cites the same statistics that have been coming out where gun violence is killing the younger generations at this alarming rate. Now, what he's doing though is he's looping in, and I've talked about the statistics several times, so it's calling in the war. So as guns and gadgets, anyone who's pro-2A in the, in the space or is trying to make it in the space like I am, we've talked about the stat because it's wrong. What they do is they loop in or group in, I just put it more correct there. They group in kids, when I say kids, young adults, so 18 to 21 year olds who are prone to gang violence. So mostly this is gang violence added to the statistic. It also accounts, you know, for a huge group of people that self terminate themselves. That is the bigger problem in the two way is that most gun deaths in the United States are from people just being depressed and killing themselves. So what we, what it boils down to is what I've said time and time again, what we all know in the two way is that, and the two way community is that mental health is a problem. And there's a mental problem and there's a, there's a cultural problem, a societal problem, that is not being addressed by anybody. And his speech today, Dr. Vivek, and I'm, it's not cake, like Vivik, he, he gets it wrong on a number of places using stats that are, are basically made up. They're made to make gun violence seem like it's killing everybody. You know, he talks about how people can't go do their daily business. You know, their live their life without being in fear of gun violence. You know, I think that's part of it is being hyped up by the media, because I don't fear that. But I also am one of those people that carry a firearm everywhere I can legally. And I've trained up for that, because, you know, it rains and there's fires and there's things you need to be ready for. You are your own first responder that if this happens, are you ready to take care of yourself? You know, that's what it boils down to. You know, it, I don't understand society where we've coddled society so much, or groups in society, that they look towards a government for solutions. Because this is not a problem that the government can ever fix, and giving the government power is not the answer here. Because if we've noticed anything, in the last 20 years of politics and, you know, government in general in the United States and across the world, is if you give the government any power, any more power than they already have, they abuse it. You're seeing the weaponization of the legal system. You're seeing that time and time again, for those of you guys that are on the law and order side, the one that, you know, believes that the state would never do anything. How are you voting this week, this year, you know, the presidential debates coming up, and that to me seems going to be a little bit interesting, more so because I'm kind of curious how both candidates stack up against each other for one reason. I have seen Biden's videos. I've seen his press conferences. I've seen him just in general, like everybody else has through mass media and through, you know, podcasts and video cast vlogs. And he doesn't seem like he can go head to head with someone that's as repunctious as Trump is, and at least not undrugged. Now that brings up something else, you know, this old man, and they're both old in my opinion, and I think both of them should be retired, to be honest. I think it's time for the newer generation, you know, as genoxers need to finally step up myself included, I have no want to be in political life. The reason being is I don't feel like I want them digging through my past, because a lot of my past I have lived through, dealt with, and have gone past them beyond it. And it's really not any judgment of my character now, nor has it ever been, because I've made mistakes just like everybody else has. And I think that that's what this plays into, you know, is that there's a lot of people that have used the government crutch to fix everything. And that's not the case we need to look at anymore. So we look at these things, and we wonder what's going on? Why are people being this way? You know, when you have people that live on the government dime, and I say this, meaning that they live their life's entirely dependent on the government, if they did not get as stipend monthly for food, and for money, whatever, that was paid for by the American taxpayers, these people wouldn't exist. They don't have any drive to work, and they have no ambition in life. And I understand that, you know, free will, you do you. But at the same time, how are you living a life? Because if you have no ambition, you have no drive to do something better with yourself or anything else. How a society is supposed to take care of you? You know, that's a more poignant point here. Now this doctor goes on and he calls for some actions associated with this epidemic. He wants an assault weapons ban because, you know, assault weapons account for 12% of all problems in reality. And it's usually the mentally ill that are doing these bad things. Rifles account for less than 3%. I believe less than 312 or 612 or something like that is what the stats usually say about rifle deaths in the United States. And that includes all long arms. So that's shotguns and rifles. But yet they focus in on this because it's a big scary gun. He asked for magazine capacity bans, which again, you know, I think it has more to do with mental health than it does. How many rounds a gun can carry because there is such a thing as logistical chain to think about a person. Are you going to carry 17 magazines fully loaded into someplace without being detected to perpetrate one of these horrible acts? And if you do, you're probably going to be stopped pretty quickly. Okay, it's just a matter of weight that you're carrying on your person. Just like those people that like to think that they're going to bug out and carry, you know, thousands of rounds of ammunition with them when reality, you know, pounds equals pain. That's not a thing. He also asked for expanded background checks. He also asked for more lawfare with the gun industry in general. Basically, he's trying to regulate them out of business. And then he gets to the one that really urged me, which is he wants to start talking about how people can seal carry and whether they should or shouldn't in some places. The fact of the matter is the sensitive places thing keeps coming up. And if you look at the crime statistics of where people get mugged, where people encounter these shootings, it's usually in these sensitive places. So why shouldn't I or anyone else be able to defend themselves in these sensitive places? You know, I think this surgeon general misses the mark on several levels in that he's attributing gun violence stats that aren't real for one. For two, he's making this a very public political statement in a political time because we're in the campaign season for the presidential or the national elections. And he's trying to make his case so that the Biden administration can use more of their administrative power without doing legal lawfare, meaning they're not going to pass laws because Biden can't seem to do that. And that's a good thing. I mean, we don't want them to pass assault weapons bans again because we've had them before and they had no relevant impact to crime. So all this is political grandstanding. It's to be expected because of the time of year and what's going on. Isn't entertaining? No, it's more frustrating than anything because you would think we've started to make inroads. Yeah, we took a loss with the Rahimi case. And truthfully, we should have known we were going to lose that case. Rahimi is a bad dude. You know, this administration, Merrick Garland, he's going hard after some more cases that have to do with prohibited people trying to get the Supreme Court to hear these cases. And he's trying to basically to get as many wins as he can in this political season. But he's also trying to make it clear that background checks and prohibited people is a real thing. Now, do I believe that there should be prohibited people? Yes. Being as pro to AI as I am, I do believe that there are some people that have no business owning firearms. And that's people that I know or that, you know, our culture knows are mentally challenged. You know, there's no reason to give someone who is a violent person, mentally unstable, a firearm. Okay, that goes another way, violent offenders, really violent offenders, multiple violent offenders, offenses is what I'm getting at. These people don't deserve to have firearms or should be around firearms either, because they have already demonstrated that they're willing to push violence on the American people are on civilians in general. These are people that should be probably locked away as long as they can be until they're either reformed or they're dead. Now, once reformation happens, if that does happen, I'm all for people getting their rights back, unless you're a super violent offender. If you've got 16 gun charges, we're used to gun against someone and you've shot it, someone or you shot and hurt someone. I'm not okay with you having firearms. You know, you have proven you have demonstrated to society, you cannot own the tool because you misuse the tool. You know, that's the same, I believe with drunk drivers. You know, if you got 16 DWIs living in New Mexico, that's a thing where people have so many DWIs and yet they're still out free. Now, think about that. I mean, it boggles my mind that we have a DWI epidemic in New Mexico and we're not calling for car prohibition. You know, the best we've done here in New Mexico is after your first DWI, you get a breathalyzer put on your car to make sure you're not drunk so you can start the car and go on and then you're on probation for a while. Okay. Now, this has to do with decisions. This has to do with being an adult. You know, if you're incapacitated, should you be in any way near a firearm? No. You know, I firmly believe that you should have the wits about you to know that if you're drunk, it's not a good idea to play with guns. Probably not a good idea. Well, it's not a good idea to be behind the wheel of a car. You know, and I've made those mistakes myself. You know, I've been a guy that sat on a bar stool for a long time because I didn't want to stay at home and stare at four walls. You have to fix yourself. And I think that's where society is really lagging right now is that no one's willing to admit that they have some problems. And that they're not willing to talk to either a therapist or they're willing to fight it out alone themselves without looking for either therapy or a spiritual guidance, something, something that clicks and finally makes things solidify. You know, that's where I'm worried about society. You know, dealing with the younger society, when I worked for K-12s, I noticed this a lot that you'd see kids that were in mental hell, basically. And there wasn't a lot of helper resources to get to them. I mean, people tried. One of the reasons why I left is that they were telling me pretty much not to even try to get help. And, you know, after experiencing what I have, that's not a thing for me. That's a non-starter for me. That's something that I can't do. You know, there's some things that I have, some scruples, I guess, some moral compass that there are certain things you don't do, just like I couldn't ever, as much as I have been angered in my life. And I could have been one of those school shooters when I was a young kid in high school, because I had access to an assault weapon. I had an AR-15, or not an AR-15, AK. And, you know, I was picked on a lot. And I absolutely could have decided that, you know, let's go ahead and take these kids out back then. But why? That's the part that always gets me, is where's that? But why? Why hurt so many other people when it does no good to solve the problem? You're getting your pound of flesh out. That's what you think that's doing. Is it really? Do you know how much damage you're causing by having to do this? Like I said, I trained so that I can use a firearm if I have to now. But I know full well, and I've stated this before, that there's going to be a mental issue if I ever have to, because you're taking a human life off a line. And a lot of people will say sometimes you need to do that, and some people just need to go in. I understand that. I'm just saying that I think that that's oversimplifying the dynamics of what's happening to the human condition. Humans aren't made to kill one another. We're not supposed to. You know, Cain and Abel used a rock to kill one another, you know? Well, one of them did. And now we're looking at the same thing. You're using a tool to do bad things. And if we've seen nothing about our culture lately, we've seen the rise of people that are mentally ill. People that are male or female, and they decide that they want to be the other person or that other sex. That's not natural. You know, what in society is causing this? Because we've never, you know, growing up in high school, I maybe knew one throughout my entire life. I maybe knew one person that had some sort of gender dysphoria type situation going on. And I think that they were more so in denial of their true self that they were actually gay or lesbian in this case. And instead, they went the other direction. You know, they went and said, I am this other sex. You know, is that where our society is gone? Where we're saying that it's okay to be gay, but also to be trans to be straight. Because that's a lot of what's going on here. Think about the mental gymnastics of that alone. Excuse me. That you're basically denying who you are in multiple aspects. And you're denying kind of God's own pure design. Just because society has said this is good. And it's happening younger and younger. And you have to look at where are the social contaminants that's doing this? Is it the media we're creating? You know, for a long time, there was a lot of people that were saying that video games are causing violence. Well, video games are now kind of ubiquitous. But is it the media that's in that video game or in the videos that they watch or the music they're listening to that's starting to cause the social contaminant or people think that being mentally ill is not only is it acceptable, but it's your one way of being different that you makes you so unique that you have to exhibit this everywhere you go. You know, they're parts of my personality. They're a little moto, motivated, okay? And they come off wrong to some people. There's a lot of my personality that comes off exactly like what people want though. And you know what the change has been for me lately is trying is it's not so much trying. It's actually being my most genuine self that I can be nowadays. You know, there's a lot of times I've hidden that exceptional piece that I know is there. I've had enough compliments over my lifetime and I'm 46. This year will be my 47th birthday where I've been told I'm brilliant or smart. You know, you have enough people tell you that that kind of has to be true. And I've had just as many people over my life sound probably pretty ugly. But then I've had some really, really beautiful people. And I'm saying beautiful inside and outside this say I'm not. So what's the truth? You know, each person has to decide these types of scenarios in their head so that they become who they are. And as long as we section off people and put people in little bubbles where they don't live with other people, you know, they're not exposed to other people, other viewpoints, then they start becoming that one identity piece. You know, I've lived through depression. I've lived through extreme violence from family members that I thought were supposed to be raising me to be a good person. And that leaves you with a lot of emotional baggage that you have to deal with when you're an adult. And how you deal with that depends really on the person. Because there's a lot of people that express that hurt by going out and hurting the people around them. There's a lot of people that internalize that and shut themselves off from the world. And I can say that I've done both. You know, there was a long time that I looked for fights. That's not the case anymore. And it hasn't been for a long time. There's a long time where I used to section myself off and, you know, stick into my own little bubble because it's my own problem. And I don't need to share this with anybody. And then you find out that's not going to work either because it leaves you alone and isolated. So where do we fix the two A? You know, how does this overlap? When you have so many people that are being told that they're never good enough, that they're never going to be anything. And this is becoming more and more prevalent with males. They start to believe it. And they forget how exceptional they are. And when they express how exceptional they are, it's called toxic masculinity. In reality, this is you asserting your own self to who you are and taking on that identity that you have and pushing it out. You know, you're not forcing people to do this to accept you. It's yourself accepting 100% of who and what you are and what you're doing. You're no longer looking for approval. You know, a lot of people in the two have done that for a long time. Look at Brandon Herrera. Man went out to learn. Excuse me, let me get a drink of water. Man went out, ran for election, lost. You know, he's been chided and bugged about the AK 50 since he started his YouTube channel. And yet you see him doing goofy stuff, just being his genuine self and showing how off how awesome it is to be who you are, love who you are, love your country, love your friends, and just so happen to light guns that this is a hobby you have. And that's what it is for most of us. It's also a lifestyle, you know, this is, you know, growing up in the Southwest. There is something to be said about living in the Southwest knowing that we kind of have to be on our own in a lot of ways. We have to be self-sufficient. A lot of us like that. That's why we live in the Southwest. You know, we are not the ones that the first time something goes bad. We call on the government to come save us. We're usually the ones that find the local solutions and fix the problem. And that's what makes us different than a lot of those people that live in cities. You know, the city guys, the reason why they push gun control so hard is because they don't trust themselves with guns. And if you ask these guys, and I've done it time and time and time and time again with leftist, there's an underlying theme there when you talk to them that I wouldn't want myself to have access to this because I've had these issues, whatever issue it is. And they don't believe that you have the locus of control to fix those issues in yourself so that you can own set firearm and never have the issues that they think themselves are going to have because they're not willing to look in the mirror and take that next step of ownership of who and what they are in their identity and express it as purely as they are. You know, a lot of us do that. Eventually, when you get to an age, certain age, and I can't tell you what it is because it's different for every person. You don't care anymore. You figured it out. And I think that's what our country is doing right now is it's trying to figure out what the hell is going on with our own people. Because we see these radical idiots on both sides of the aisle running headlong into walls that make no sense. You know, I have really good friends that deny simple things like science. And what I mean by this, I have a friend that I've had an argument with here and there about different things. He is so convinced about weather phenomena and that the media is wrong about 1,000% of it that he is going off on rants and he's just looking like an idiot right now. And the truth of the matter is probably somewhere in between. You know, we're living in a time where you cannot say that the Southwest isn't as hot or hotter than it used to be or than it's ever been. And that you're not seeing as much rainfall or snowfall in the cities itself as you once did. Why? That's kind of science. You know, maybe there is something to this climate change thing. But let me ask you this. Is it because of people or is it because of volcanoes or is it because of the sun flares, solar flares or is it because of some other condition? And we've gotten to the point in society, we can't even take the science that has been given to us 100% because if you did, you end up in those same places of a denying what is obvious the other direction. You know, that's people on the right, people on the left. What makes you think it's okay for a kid who can't make a decision for consent to anything that they can then say that I'm going to make a life altering decision before I'm even of the age of consent for anything in my life legally or otherwise. And that's okay. That's not okay either. You know, we have people that are so pissed off about a crosswalk painted for the pride flag because it's painted for the pride flag one and two that other people are driving on it despite it being in the road. How the hell does that make sense? If you put a crosswalk in the road, it's gonna be driven on. And there's gonna be tire marks because guess what? That's kind of what happens on the road. Okay, as for the pride flag. Don't care. Should you be sporting the pride flag when it's paid for by American taxpayer money? Absolutely not. Because that's a freedom of expression thing that should be covered by first amendment and organizations that back it. Not the government because the government's supposed to stay the hell out of stuff like that. But that's not what happens. You know, these same people that say you should push in where the pride flag are the ones that get pissed off at Christians for showing this rainbow and saying that this is God's promise. What's the difference? Differences in belief systems. You know, what you know in your heart. And that's what the problem is with the two way. You can't fix problems of the heart without addressing the culture. And I think that's where we need to start pressing. We need to make the two way as cool as it possibly can for the newer generations to overwhelm these idiots saying that it's not a thing. You know, we need to embrace that video game culture because video games for the most part, unless they want really woke and stupid and people don't play those as much. They've embraced gun culture. You know, let's start educating those about those guns that are in those video games. Those kids, those young adults, let's get them out on a real range so they can experience what that gun really does. You know, that's how we influence culture. That's how we change the two way by being the best representation as a community as we possibly can be. We aren't made to be section off in your own little world. We need to be part of the community. We need to do good stuff for everyone around us. And unfortunately, society encourages us and those internal pains encourage us to just sit away in our little hole. I'm tired of being in a hole and I've been pushing out a lot lately, getting out of that hole. And I hope all of you guys that are in your own little hole, find the way to get out, find your exit. Because you deserve that peace and you deserve it will be around other people. Because other people can be great, they can also be a pain in the butt. But life is not the same living alone and solo. Like, share, subscribe, most importantly, be great. 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