A minor loss

Rehimi case goes down as a loss. John Stewart shows how much the left still doesn't understand gun laws.

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23 Jun 2024
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Void where prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. I can't let it slide. I can't let it slide. I can't let it slide. I can't let it slide. I can't let it slide. I can't let it slide. I can't let it slide. I can't let it slide. I can't let it slide. I can't let it slide. I can't let it slide. I can't let it slide. I can't let it slide. I can't let it slide. I can't let it slide. I can't let it slide. I can't let it slide. I can't let it slide. Welcome to the New Mexico Black Rifle Operators Union. I'm your host Sean. So, what are we going to talk about tonight? Well, let's talk about the Rahimi case. So, if you didn't know what the Rahimi case was, it was a chance that it was a case that was tried in the Supreme Court. There was a chance to get rid of red flag laws or felons in possession of firearms. Now, it was exactly the wrong case if you ask me because it had a guy that was kind of a jack hole that didn't deserve to have a gun and probably shouldn't have had one. And they ruled in favor of him not being able to have one which in essence gave us a black eye in the 2A community. Now, it didn't really though. See, the number one problem with the red flag laws or prohibiting people from owning firearms if they were criminals is if they're a repeat offender or they have that mark that we all know that you have for some of us, people in the 2A, we know they shouldn't own firearms. He was kind of one of those guys. And the language left in this, we're going to be fighting in the opinion that is or the ruling that is for the rest of the 2A fight that we're in. Because they're basically saying that they absolutely do have the right to prohibit certain people from owning firearms which the 2A's for everybody. And I've talked about the redemption arc of getting people that are non-violent offenders that have felonies, they should be allowed back in case in point. Look at Trump. He is a felon now and he's not allowed to own firearms unless something changes. But this also goes to the point of cannabis use and out. I have been clean about this for a long time. I tried to start a cannabis business and it didn't go very far. You have to use the product and I like my guns too much to continue to use products like that or to have anything like that in my life continually. But with it being pretty much the law of the land, just like concealed carry is, there are 31 states that now allow cannabis use legally. To me, just like the concealed carry piece, you should be able to carry throughout the United States or you should be able to use this just like you would alcohol. Now, the same thing goes with alcohol in cannabis. I don't think you should be on the substance while you're carrying a gun. Meaning that if you're high or drunk, it's probably not a good plan to be carrying or using a firearm. That's just common sense. But in today's society where we have a lack of common sense, that's not necessarily, you know, universal. If you look at what came out with John Stewart, John Stewart went on a gun rant. A rant about how it's so easy to get firearms and that all the guys on the right are all about just flooding the street with illegal firearms and, you know, military grade weapons. Now, I've said this and I'll say it again. My weapons are better than military grade. I make sure of that. If you go talk to a military armor, you'll find out that military grade is not that great. It means that they have been beaten to hell. They've been pressed into service time and time again. Mine are new and mine are in very good shape. So I first take issue with that mine are military grade. They're better. One. Two. I don't have fully automatic weapons. I can't because we haven't been able to have them since 1986. There is, you can have them if you go through the hoops of getting one and paying the exorbitant fee to have one. And first to purchase one, then paying the $200 tax stamp, getting on the legal registry to where they can come and take a look at your firearms or take a look at any of the ones that you have. Go through the process of registering yourself. So on and so forth. This should be universal right. Once you're an American citizen, that is part of the two way as far as I'm concerned. The way the founding fathers put it was the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. At the time they're talking about historical precedents here. They're talking about having citizens armed to the same degree that the military is. So that if they had to stop tyranny, they could. Whether it's foreign or domestic tyranny. And if you've lived in the last five, ten years in the United States, you know that there is definitely a push towards tyranny here. The tyranny of the majority is what's ranking in the United States and it's kind of terrifying because there's so much talk about how the United States is a democracy. We're a democratic republic and there's a reason why we have that republic in our name because the minority is still has rights and you can't take their rights away just because you have the majority. That's why democracy is crap, being an end cap nowadays. You definitely see that there are people that march towards that beat of total democracy. Well, what happens in a democracy? Your rights are taken away from you and the majority get to dictate what goes on. That's the same as if you had an apartment and you allow your roommate to come in and they're now part of that democracy. So they help make household decisions. But what if they bring in somebody that they didn't tell you and they add them to the lease because they're part of that decision making process. Now there's two against you and those two decide that you're going to pay for everything and they're not because that's what a democracy is. That is flawed, that is flawed philosophy and that's not what our founding fathers ever wanted. They wanted the minority to be able to stand up to the majority and say no. They wanted everyone to have their rights in black and white. That's why they put them in the Bill of Rights. It was to make sure that everyone knew their rights as an American citizen. So what do we got going forward? I'm going to tell you the fight continues. It looks like if you're unless your state passed through their legislative branch. The pistol brace rule or the bump stock rules laws, I should say at that level, you're fine. Those are now legal in the United States. They're legal throughout the land. I believe that the next case the Supreme Court is going to take is probably going to have to be the pistol brace rule. Because while that should have shut it down, the ATF won't take the W or take the L, I should say, take the loss because they didn't win there. Take the loss and accept that they can't make a law without going through the legal legislative branch. But that's not how the ATF works. So expect a bigger fight. What else has been going on in the world? That's about it. If you're watching the history of the world right now, basically the happenings that are going on in the world. Russia's using 3,000 pound glide bombs in Ukraine. I don't believe that it'll ever be a time where Ukraine can actually beat Russia. You're talking about a military force that at its best is like two to three million versus eight million. There's no math there. The Russians are fighting with a Soviet stockpile of 60 years of tanks and munitions that the Ukrainians are going to have to chew through. And even with Western munitions, we can't supply them with enough for the Ukrainians to actually win inevitably. So to me, I see it as inevitable that the Russians will win. It'll be a fight. And we can continue to supply Ukraine with arms and munitions, but at what cost? I understand that there's a lot of people, including myself saying, "Why are we sending stuff to Ukraine right now?" And I think the only thing that makes sense to me is that if we do not stop the Russians in Ukraine, they will continue on to Poland, Lithuania, Estonia, Romania. Those are NATO allies. And by treaty, unless we have some sort of change of government in our own country, we're bound to defend them. That was set up in the Cold War era when we were afraid of the Russians invading us. The Fujian, another thing I saw that I think those of you who listened to New Mexico Black Rifle Operator again would be interested in the Fujian. If you don't know what the Fujian is, the Fujian is the Chinese quote unquote "super-battle carrier" or "aircraft carrier" or "super-aircraft carrier". Well, it is a diesel-powered carrier. It's not a nuclear-powered carrier like ours. Ours have dual nuclear reactors. And ours can turn inside of 500 meters, meaning that they can turn on themselves 180 degrees within 500 meters. They can turn around. That makes them way more wicked and more maneuverable than what was reported today. The Fujian can turn at 3.4 kilometers. So if you don't understand the map there, that's 3,400 meters, where the United States carriers can turn in 500 meters. That means that they're less maneuverable, easier to spot. That also means that since they're diesel, they're going to have to have a hell of a lot more supply ships with them than ours were. Our carriers, if we had to sail in infinum as long as they were resupplied with food and fresh water, they could go forever. That's just how they are. So I don't put a lot of stock in the Chinese being able to stand up against our super-carriers, despite what the world likes to say. The Chinese missiles aren't also that great either. They're anti-ship missiles. So they're number one that at the pinpoint the carrier, that have to use third-party relay satellites because they don't have their own for targeting information. So while I see a huge disruption in the world that's coming, where the United States has finally decided we're tired of the forever wars and we're trying to take care of ourselves. We're focused more in on these cultural war issues politically, and the gun issue has become a cultural, political pawn, just like abortion. It's a wedge issue that pushes us aside from one another. Those of us that are concerned with our rights definitely side with the two-way guys and the freedom of speech guys. I've made my stance on abortion. I think abortion's murder personally. I don't think it should be banned. But the reason why I don't believe it should be banned is they're repercussions for everything. And you will get repercussions when you go to heaven or you go to hell. In the afterlife, you're going to have to make a tournament for what you did in your life. And that's not for me to make that decision for you or you to make it for anyone else. So that should be something that should be going along with this. Whether you're in a firearm or not should be a free choice thing. That is part of America. So I'm going to keep it short tonight because it's Sunday. And I'm just trying to get something out to let you guys know what's going on in the world. That's basically all that's going on in the two-way world right now. The fight continues. I'll let you know if there's anything more pressing or anything cool that's going on. I haven't seen any new guns that have come out that have stroked in my fancy. I've been helping a few friends learn about reloading. I'm still planning on doing a series about reloading and getting in depth with it. What kind of knowledge you're going to need to get before you jump into it. I'm hoping to get lance from Go Rogue Industries in on that as an interview so that I can just give you some more knowledge, not just solely mine. Like, share, subscribe. Most importantly, be great. You slept through your alarm, missed the train, and your breakfast sandwich. Cool. Sounds like you could use some luck. I'm Victoria Cash, and Lucky Land is where people go every day to get lucky. At Lucky Land, you can play over 100 casino-style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Go to and get lucky today. No purchase necessary, VGW Group. Avoid we're prohibited by law. 18-plus terms and conditions apply.