Catholic Inspiration

1st Sunday of Lent - Be with me Lord, when I am in Trouble

Broadcast on:
14 Feb 2016

Those moments...when our guts constrict and the air goes out of our lungs.   The times in life when we are overwhelmed, lost, consumed by pain or grief, feeling abandoned, tempted to the breaking point...

And Jesus understands.  Forty days of solitude in the wilderness, hungry and thirsty, the Lord triumphed over the temptations of Satan.  It is crucial to note that these temptations - over physical needs, personal power/control, and death itself - would all be faced by Christ at Calvary.  What's more, he will triumph!

Our faith reminds us of two key facts.  Yes there will be times of trial, but as we confront the reality of life we do so equipped with the victory of Jesus.  We face our struggles with God's grace, and we call upon the Lord as we say:

Be with me Lord, when I am in trouble!

February 14, 2016 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI

Fr. Andrew Ricci -

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