Catholic Inspiration

Holy Day - Mary, the Mother of God

Broadcast on:
01 Jan 2016

Mary's title "Mother of God" began when she said "yes" to the Angel Gabriel.  Chosen by the Father, she bore her Son who would be the bridge between Heaven and save and set us free.  Thus, Mary was the instrument by which the Son of God came into the world.

Which is another way of saying that God works through people.  God chooses the unlikely to do amazing things...with the Lord's help.

Mary offers us an example about how we can cooperate with God's grace.  When we say "yes" to the Lord new possibilities arise.  As we embark on this New Year may we be open to the Lord's call in our lives and allow Christ to work through us to proclaim Good News in the world.

January 1, 2016 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI

Fr. Andrew Ricci -

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