Catholic Inspiration

22nd Sunday of the Year - The Battle is Within

Broadcast on:
30 Aug 2015

In football, trick plays are sometimes used to fake out an opponent with misdirection - focusing on something unimportant while the play is happening somewhere else.  Life works the same way: it is easy to spend our time and resources on trivial matters and miss out on critical issues.

The Lord points this out in the Gospel today, inviting us to concentrate on the battle within our hearts.  Here are three things to consider:

  • Using an Examination of Conscience
  • Going to Confession
  • Daily Prayer and Sunday Mass

Through regular use we strengthen our hearts and focus our lives on important things, asking the Lord for the help and guidance we need to conquer our daily battles.

August 30, 2015 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI

Fr. Andrew Ricci -

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