Catholic Inspiration

18th Sunday of the Year - I am the Bread of Life

Broadcast on:
02 Aug 2015

Have you ever "wanted" something - thinking that if you only had this one thing you would be...happy, fulfilled, and free of care?  There are many good (and some not so good) things that we can want, but none of them will completely satisfy us.  We are left restless, longing for something at the center of our our hearts.  We know that nothing in this world will satisfy us for a simple reason:

Jesus said, "I am the Bread of Life."

The Lord knows us, loves us, died and rose for us, and longs for us to be united in his Sacred Heart.  Christ comes to us - sharing his Body and Blood - that we might never hunger and thirst again.   When we draw near to the altar, may our "Amen" resound with a desire to unite our hearts to Jesus Christ - the one who knows our wants, but responds to our needs.

August 1, 2015 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI

Fr. Andrew Ricci -

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