Catholic Inspiration

Good Friday - The Cross of Christ

Broadcast on:
03 Apr 2015

The Cross of Christ - ugly, filthy with the blood of countless victims, jagged, and splintered - becomes the sign of the depth and breadth of agony Jesus endured.  As he embraces his suffering, the Cross becomes a bridge whereby he unites with all humanity, meeting us in our most profound moments of weakness and sin, and gives us hope through his triumph over death.

We must understand the Cross in the light of Easter joy:

  • For if we only focus on the Cross then we have no hope; life becomes dark and filled with despair.
  • And if we only focus on Easter joy then we have no respect for the gift of the Lord's Passion; we do not appreciate the price that was paid for our salvation.

We look to the Cross and allow Christ's Passion to touch our lives.  We unite with Jesus and give grateful thanks that he has redeemed us in every aspect of our lives.

Come to the Cross and unite your heart to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ.

Be redeemed by Love Himself, who gave his life to save and set us free.

April 3, 2015 - Cathedral of Christ the King - Superior, WI

Fr. Andrew Ricci -

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