The B.R.O.S

Episode 047: Saved on a Stormy Sea

The BROS return after a powerful week at South Florida Holiness Youth Camp to discuss a powerful miracle in the ministry of Jesus; His walking on the water. They have a great time comparing the different accounts in the Gospels and pulling some spiritual truth out of the Word.   If you have feedback, leave it at

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10 Jul 2024
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The BROS return after a powerful week at South Florida Holiness Youth Camp to discuss a powerful miracle in the ministry of Jesus; His walking on the water. They have a great time comparing the different accounts in the Gospels and pulling some spiritual truth out of the Word.


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[ Music ] >> Hey guys, welcome back to The Bros. We're in the backroom in Sanctuary. Where the conversation happens? Where your host Jose, Bill, and John, and we are in the room today. >> Absolutely, we are, it's a great time being back in our regular studio. >> Yes. >> Had a great time last week at Youth Camp. Had the episode come out, had a good time. We really appreciate all they did. But it does feel good to be home, I tell you what. >> It feels different and over then it was like we had everything to our disposal. It was great. But here it feels like you said homey. >> Right, yeah. >> Yeah, it was really comfortable. We don't have all the advanced technologies that they had over there. But we'll get there sometimes. >> Yeah, we will. >> We will. Today, we're going to read a story out of the gospels. Three of the gospels share the same story in different light. And we're going to each read a different portion of it and just give our perspective on the Bible. We haven't done this in a long time. >> It's been a very -- let me see, I can find when the last one was. >> Yeah, it was pretty good, wow. >> I want to say it's been almost 30 episodes since we've done this. >> That's about, yeah. Maybe. >> Yeah, I'm not sure. >> No, we're not. No, we're not. >> It might not be. >> It was a good, wow, way. We were doing a lot of interviews. We were doing a lot of guest episodes. We were doing a lot of just talking about different things in society and stuff like that. But I feel like we should get back into the Bible. >> We did the "Prodigal Son" episode 36 technically, right? But that was you talking about your story and then we read it. >> Right, right. >> So it wasn't a full -- >> Yeah, yeah. Oh, the "Prodigal" parking lot. >> The "Prodigal" parking lot. >> "Prodigal" parking lot. >> "Prodigal" parking lot. Yeah, that was a good story. But this right here, we'll go ahead and read the Bible and we'll get our story read out. I think the format that we used to do was pretty good. I think we just read the full story and then we just kind of give our idea. What happened and put key details and what, you know, what we pulled out of the story itself. What do you guys think? >> I think that's good. Yeah. >> If the name broke, don't fix it, right? >> So we're going to be reading about the Jesus walking on water. This story happens three times. It's Matthew and Mark and John. We'll take our turn. Bill will be reading out of the book of Matthew. >> Yes. >> I will be reading out of the book of Mark. And of course, John will be reading out of the book of John. It was like it was meant to be. It was meant to be, yay. >> Yeah, if only William was a Bible man. Alright, Matthew 14 and 22. In straight way, Jesus constrained his disciples to get into a ship and to go before him onto the other side while he sent them altitudes away. And when he had sent them altitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray. And when the evening was come, he was there alone. But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves. For the wind was contrary. And in the fourth watch of the night, Jesus went under them walking on the sea. And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, "It is a spirit." And they cried out for a fear. But straight way, Jesus spake unto them, saying, "Be of good cheer." "Be of good cheer." And Peter answered him and said, "Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee upon the water." And he said, "Come." And when Peter was come out of the ship, he walked on the water to go to Jesus. But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid. Beginning to sink, he cried, saying, "Lord, save me!" And immediately, Jesus stretched out his hand and caught him and said unto them, "Oh, thou, with little faith, wherefore did thou doubt?" And when they were coming to the ship, the wind ceased. Then they were in the ship, came and worshiped him, saying, "Of a truth, thou art, the Son of God." Wow, dramatic. That was really, really good. Hopefully, all that translated, other than me, accidentally grabbing the pan knob and going, "I'll always go right." Oh, yeah, I didn't get that. I was like, "Yeah." I think I record "Amana," so I don't think it'll affect it. But that was kind of funny. I was like, "What happened?" I really needed a little reverb there. Oh, what do you think about that, Bill? This is like the classic one that you read about. And it has all the details there. I don't know about the others talking about Peter coming, because some of them don't, I don't believe, talk about Peter walking on the waterbed. That's a story that Peter gets lambasted from that. Because he's like, "Oh, he failed. Oh, he didn't walk on the water all the way. He saw it. Look at how scared he was." But he was the owner. You think John would be the one to talk about this. But always one for bad mother Peter. But to be fair, I mean, he was the one to have enough faith to say that, if it be thou bid thee come, because what if it wasn't? Let's say it was a spirit. Right. It would have said come. It would have said come too, I think. A different kind of spirit? Yeah, right. If it was something they were afraid of, and it wasn't Jesus, and he's like, "If it's you, say come." And he's like, "Oh, wow." Do you see me spirit? I would have said that. No, you know what? I've been lying to you. You know what? Don't come to me. You'll die. It's like, but at the same time, Peter just needed to hear those words. Mm-hmm. And he knew it was Jesus. And so he walked out. What? I mean, the classic story of him, you know, asking to go out there and seeing this spirit that no one can recollect of who it was. And then when he asked, you know, how did he say? He said, "If it be thou, bid me come." You know, the curiosity that Peter had for it, being Jesus, was it was kind of a faith moment to know if he could come, he would tell me to come. Yeah. And I don't think, I think a deceiving spirit would have told him to come anyway, but it wouldn't have been as powerful if he would have said that and sunk right away. But the point that he went out there and he walked a few feet or a few steps, and then saw the winds. And then he started doubting. And then Jesus went down and picked up his hand. And it's a great story of him seeing where he's going, seeing, you know, the end path, but then getting bombarded with the trials of life around him. Yeah. Well, and I think what's interesting to me is that in another, you know, version of the story in one of the other gospels, then it says that he was a great way off. But when Peter fell, it was close enough that Jesus just stretch out his hand and he's right there. So how far did he really walk on the water? He might have walked for quite a way. Yeah. And that goes to show you that it doesn't matter how long you've served the Lord. It doesn't matter how long your testimony has been. Right. You got to make it all the way. Yeah. Or at least get close enough to Jesus that all, if you fall, he just has to reach out his hand and raise you up. You know, that's a great point. And then besides being in the Bible here, I got a story told by the Don yesterday while we were at church. I was with a friend at work and he was drilling this plate, this metal plate. And he had the drill bit going right through it. And he went, once that step in the drill, he went right through it. Then the second hole, he went right through that second hole. The third hole, he was, he went and he put some oil on it and then kept on going. But the fourth hole, he needed to make that fourth hole and he went and right when he got to the end of that hole. Right. When he got to the end of the thing, I saw the back plate and I saw the bit poking right through. Yeah. But it stopped. And I asked him, I said, did you stop on purpose? He was like, no, the battery died. Oh. You know, and there's a point where, you know, if he had another battery, he could have just popped it right on. And just kept on going right through. But when I was thinking about that, I felt like the Lord was just showing me, you know, you got to make it all the way through. And sometimes you got to have that other, that new charge, that new battery, that refresher to just keep going so you can't go through. Because a lot of times what happens is when we go through, we get to that peeking point behind that plate. Or we're going through and worshiping and we're trying to find the peace of God. You know, we get to that barrier right to the end and we stop right before we get to that breakthrough. And then right there, we go to recharge ourselves. And then we come back. We forget that we had a hole almost there. So we started a new hole. Yeah, right. We're working harder to get to a hole. We could have just started from the one we went through. I think the Lord was showing me that. I think that's what Peter needed to do was to just follow through, full through, and go straight to the Lord without having that doubt. Because, you know, drilling that new hole took a lot more time, a lot more effort. Granted, you had more battery, more charge, but could have been quicker. Brian, if you just... If you had just started with the hole you had already started. Oh man, that's not good. This is a... As soon as you have a prayer or something. So what happened there was I was in the Bible app. And as I was going through your thing, it was a lesson on that part. And it was a video going on. That was so crazy. Thank you, your version. Yeah. So trying to get a sponsorship? Yeah. Try all we want. They're too big for us, I think. Oh, yeah. But, you know, I love this story because it shows you in the midst of fear. Yeah. You go through, and even when you feel like Jesus isn't there, he'll appear unexpectedly to you. In a way you don't understand at first, but all you need to do is reach out to him. Yeah. And I really enjoy that. That's what I'm doing. And even Jesus was a little harsh to Peter, but in a kind of way. Yeah. Why are you doubting? Where's your faith? It wasn't a mean, like... Oh, you fell, you're horrible, you shouldn't have even come. It was just like, you were there, you were right here. I feel like Peter got the brunt of all the bad that happened. Because, you know, when Jesus would say, "Get thee behind me Satan." Yeah, right. That's right. You know? And when he denied Jesus, and when he couldn't believe for crossing the lake to get to Jesus, I think Peter had a hard time. I think we can all relate with Peter, honestly, every single one of us. Because there's times where we have a hard time believing for ourselves. And hard time to get through and break through to Jesus. We have a hard time. We've all said things without thinking about them. When it comes to spirit, when it comes to the flesh, whatever, we've all just... You're right. Bladed out something because we didn't know what else to say. And then somebody has to say, "Hey, that's not right. Say something else." You know? Because we don't know what we're talking about. Right, John, can you say something about that what he had said? I don't know. We haven't given you any time to talk. I was just gonna... Sorry. You're good. The reverb is distracting me. You're good. I can't. There you go. I had a thought, and then I forgot it because of the reverb. But I will say that... Oh, it's not the reverb, buddy. It's okay. It's okay. I got distracted. Anyway, I will say that Peter may have seemed to have borne the brunt of almost like disrespect, but also the turnaround is he becomes the rock of the church. He becomes the one that they build on. Right. You know, when they were in the upper room, when they came out of the upper room, when he stood up to preach, 3,000 were saved. So he was... He may have had the roughest path, but the turnaround is that he had almost like the greatest reach. Okay. I can say that people that get things easy because it's handed to them. A lot of times, it doesn't last for them. But when it's people that work hard and fail, because you know what success brings... To getting to success has a lot, a lot of failures. Yeah. And each one of those failures is not a step of "I didn't do it right." It was a learning process to how to do it right the next time. And that next failure will teach you how to get back up. How many times did Peter have to get back up from that failure that he had? And how many times did he go and he ministered because of that failure? He knew how to minister to somebody else. And that's why I say we can all relate to that because we've all had our failures. We've all had those times where we learned, "Oh, that's not how we do it." I mean, we've been seeking for the Holy Ghost for years. And it's been hard to just break through. And it's one of those things that every time we fail, we just go back and say, "Well, that's not how I get it." It brings us to a point where, "Okay, next time I'm going to try this." Or, "Next time I'm going to try that." Or, you know, that story that they told me about how they got the Holy Ghost. You know, I'm going to try that way and see if it works. And if it doesn't work, then I can try something different. Those failures become points of learning. Well, and you brought an interesting point, John, of Peter bearing the brunt of "punishment." But let me ask you, which is more difficult. Navy boot camp or Navy SEAL training? Why is the SEALs so much more difficult? Because they're leading the curve. They have a much more difficult job. And you have to weed out the people who aren't going to go. It's not like, I've seen it. It's psychological torture. People understand how different people in the military think than normal people. It's a totally different thing because they've been drilled into them and they turn into different people. Whether that's good or bad, not for me to decide. But they are changing their minds and transforming them into, essentially, an animal, just something that knows what they need to do. Yes. Boom. Boom. They don't think regularly. Not only knows what they need to do, but also know that it will be done no matter what is in the way. That's part of it. The Navy SEAL training is brutal and is designed to break them physically and mentally so that they can be rebuilt to what they need to be. Because, like you said, seals are the ones that are behind enemy lines. There's only four to six, I think, in a team. There's not very many. And those guys have to trust themselves and each other with their lives. Because if, you know, me and Jose are in the woods, I'm not running him. Well, actually, probably not, but I'm going to try. I'm not worried about... You're right. I'm not worried about no man left behind. Right. Just because... Just because that's how we are as people. Right. Military and seals especially are trained, no man left behind. Right. Everybody goes in, everybody comes out. Right. That's... Yeah, that's the idea. And that's where Peter, you see that energy that he had at the upper room. That was a different Peter. Yeah. It's been transformed. It's like during the Cuban War, Cuban-American War. When Teddy Roosevelt was leading the Rangers. And it's like deadly fire. Everybody is dying around him. Yeah. Picks up his gun, picks up his sword. Rangers lead the way, you know, and hand up and charges into it. That's what Peter was doing. He was just Rangers lead the way. Right. We didn't go out there and he was the one in charge because he had had the most broken down. He completely reestablished himself both after the denial. He completely was destroyed and rebuilt somewhat. And then Jesus rebuilt him on the beach. Yeah. And, you know, I love you. And built him back up to somebody who Jesus knew he would be that pillar. Yeah. Because he was there the whole time essentially during, you know, like God. He was leading the other disciples. He chose was the first to be martyred. But Peter was around for quite a while to, you know, to be able to lead the disciples until he wasn't needed anymore. And he was, he was martyred himself. Yeah. And on his, on his martyr to go from saying that he would follow him to death, follow Christ to death, to denying him, I think like the same night. It was. And then however many years later to be, to be crucified and to say that he wasn't worthy to be crucified the same way. So they crucified him upside down. Yes. Wow. That's a great point to bring out. Yeah. That's perfect. To, to, that's a shift that's a complete turnaround of your life. And, and the things that people say, Oh, that's just part of me. I could never, you know, I'll just never get rid of that. Mm hmm. Yeah. You ever get, sorry to cut you off. No, no, no, no. You ever get to, you ever, somebody has to do it. You ever get into the gym and you start working out and then you go, you never go into the gym. I'm just kidding. But, you know, um, just speaking to people who are listening, been to the gym working out and then you're on, you're on your sets and you're getting to the point where you're, you keep on going those reps and every repetition feels like the weights are getting heavier and heavier and heavier and then right, right there at the end, the last set, you feel like your muscles have failed. So you can't pick anything else up. Your muscles have failed or you can't pick up that other weight over there. Even if you are lifting 40 pounds and curl or curling 40 pounds, if you go to the 10 pound weight, you, it feels like impossible to pick it up sometimes. And I feel like that right there was a point of, you know, tearing down who he was and breaking him down and then there's a point of rest. You know, there's a point of 24 hours and 48 hours where the muscles have to relax and rest and bring back up to where they can be built back stronger, of course, with protein powders and all that kind of stuff. But that also brings in to Peter's life or to our life where we get into the word and we start working out, we start breaking down those bad habits, we start breaking down all those different things that are in our life that don't need to be there and then break him completely off of us and then we get rest in the Lord and then with the protein powder, the word of God, we start reading that and then we start getting back into it and we start building back to the strength. That 40 pound weight feels like 10 pounds and we can lift that so many more times. We have weight more strength, but I would like to get onto a different, get back into the word. Yeah. I want to get back into, I want to go back to actually Mark chapter six, this is the other story of Jesus walking on the water and this story, I don't think this story has Peter in it, but it has a different, this has a different effect to it. Yeah. And this happens after defeating another 5,000 and we're aware of that, right after that. That's how we know it's the same story because every time it was right right after the feeling of fun. So for context, they're all in the field and they're all hungry and they're all looking for food and Jesus acts where do we have any loaves, do we have any bread and they say we have five loaves and two fishes, go ahead and get those and feed everybody and they're all doubting whether God can do it or Jesus can do this miracle because it's never been done before. And because Jesus does it, it gives them a faith that Jesus can do all these things. So after that, they tell them to go ahead and cross the lake. I'm going to read in chapter six of Mark in verse 45 and straight way, he constrained his disciples to get into the ship and to go to the other side before unto Beth Theta while he sent away the people. And when he had sent them away, he departed into a mountain to pray. And when he, when even was come, the ship was amidst the sea and he alone on the land. And he saw them toiling and rowing for the wind was contrary unto them. And about the fourth watch of the night, he cometh unto them walking upon the sea and would have passed by them, but when they saw him walking upon the sea, they supposed it had been a spirit and cried out, but they all saw him and were troubled and immediately talked with them and say unto them, "Be unto his years, be his eye, be not afraid." And he went up into them, I'm sorry, and he went up unto them into the ship and the wind ceased and they were so amazed in themselves beyond measure and wondered for they considered not the miracle of the loaves, for their heart was hardened. And they had passed over, they came into the land of Ganesorette and drew the shore and they were come out of the ship straight way they knew him and ran through the whole region about, round about and began to carry about in beds those that were sick. And when they heard, he was, I'm sorry, yeah, I'm sorry I read that wrong. And ran through the whole region of round about and began to carry about in beds those that were sick, when where they heard he was. And whether so ever he entered into villages or cities or country, they laid the sick in the streets and besought him that they might touch if it were but the border of his garment and as many as touched him were made whole. Something about that story was a little bit different than the Peter story and what was different about it and I have it highlighted differently here to make this stand out was Jesus saw them and they were in trouble, that he saw them in trouble. And the wind was contrary unto them and forth what of the night he commented unto them walking upon the sea and would have passed by them. That is so funny. He would, no, he would have passed by them just going to the other side. That's so funny, that's just so hilarious, they're in the storm. And he's just not even looking over. No, but remember the feeding of the 5,000 happened and they all had faith, right? What else would you think that they were thinking after they had that storm? Jesus did the impossible. We're in this storm and Jesus told us to go to the other side. We're going to the other side. This is the impossible thing. Yeah. And Jesus saw them and just was going to pass right by them. I saw that when I was reading mine and while you were talking I looked over it years and I saw that it would have passed by them and I've never noticed that it's killing me to think about him straight faced walking on the water while they're in his storm just passing by whistling. Yeah. Just like. Because he had no worries about anything else. And then he hears it from the, it's a ghost and he's like, oh, where? Oh me, oh no, I'm not a ghost, hey, I'm trying to get to where we're supposed to go. You're supposed to be there too, right? But he would have passed by them is the funniest detail of this whole story. Yeah. That's what messed with caught my eye was he would have passed by them. And I'm just like, but I'm thinking because in the other story that we've read, it doesn't say that he would have passed by. He didn't say that he was passing by them. He was going for them. He was going to them. Or as they thought. Yeah. You know. This one is just like, he was just having to be. He just having to be close by. He having to be just driving by while walking on the water and just. I wonder if while he was walking. Now this is just a strange, this is just a random thought, but I wonder if while he was walking on the water was like walking over huge waves, just walking through everything. I think I think the waves obeyed him. So I think that while he was walking, the waves weren't hitting him. He was walking straight land. I mean, straight land was straight dry land. I mean, you can have like, it's just like hills and valleys, right? I think that's how it kind of was, where it's just like, the wind is so it's just like swells. Nothing. Because on the beach, it's like, in there, it's just, it swells. Sometimes they break, but most of the time it's just up and down, so you just walk it through hills and valleys, because that's kind of how it was. You know, you just walk through it. You ever see, you ever see, um, sometimes in troubled waters, there's areas of the water that are flat while the other parts are just waving. Yeah. Right. Like I think, I'm thinking of that. The area in there was just like, it was troubled still, but not as, not as wavy as the rest of it. I think that's personal, but I think is. But I think that story is very different because of just that little area would have passed by. But also what also brings me, um, my thought is their hearts were hardened. That's another, yeah, that's another interesting detail. Yeah. Their hearts were hardened. Um, let me see if I can find that part. Yeah. Here's a be of good cheer. It is I be not afraid. And he went up onto them in the ship and the wind ceased and they were so amazed in themselves be on measure and wondered for they considered not the miracle of the lows. So they didn't even think about Jesus's miracle of the five, of the feeding the 5000 at the time. They didn't even come, it didn't even come close to mind about it. You know, their hearts were hardened about any, about, about all this stuff. They were worried about this, the storm is battering their ship. You know, I think so. But what do you think, John? Um, I was thinking about something completely different. Oh, I would say, um, I was thinking about the, like the timeline of events. Yeah. So it says it was in the fourth watch of the night and, um, fourth watches, three AM to six AM. So I did not know that. Yeah. So it says, uh, fourth watches from three AM to six, eight, eight. No, I know. Where did you get that information from? Oh, he said that the fourth watch of the night says it, yeah. It says it. Oh, I know. Yes. I'm aware of that. Oh, well you're asking, but how do you know what the fourth watch of the night is in time? Um, well, from books and then I googled it to make sure that's right. Okay. That's fine. Let's check in there. Make sure you weren't just making that up. Yeah. No. You made things up on the podcast. Hey, we've seen some of these presidential debates. You can say whatever you want. Yeah, right. You're going to have to back it up with fast. Hey, I'm a, I'm a six handicap. So anyway, you're going to go after it and get to go. Yeah. Fourth watches is three. This guy's not even. He's a handicap. Not even on the golf course. Look at him. Sorry. Three to six AM. And when they were feeding the five thousand, um, it was before the sun went down. Yeah. Dinner time. Yeah. You know, I'm not sure exactly what time dinnertime was then, but seven o'clock. Yeah. Yeah. Six, seven. Yeah. Assuming that they were up early in the day, they've been up for quite a while. So at this point, they're, they're mentally exhausted. They're physically exhausted because they've been fighting the storm. Yeah. So sorry, I forget to get into my, um, it's, it's, it's, that's just something that popped in my head is the state of being that they were in at the time. They were exhausted. Yeah. I mean, I would be, I could see myself getting exhausted just by having that, because you're working. You're, you're at that time they're feeding the five thousand, they're going to every single person out there, you know, five thousand, uh, counting without just men without counting women and children, how many people they were there, they had to feed, how many people they were there to walk around. That's like armies of people around there. Yeah. And then, you know, who knows what time they got finished because if the dinner time was a seven and they were still going out there feeding everybody, they were done by nine o'clock, ten o'clock at night. Not only that, but they had to gather everything up and they walk everywhere. So they've been walking all day. Yeah. I would, yeah, I would be, I would be exhausted as well. And then they have to get the ship and they're like, oh, this is, this is easy right there. Yeah. Jesus, Jesus told us to go over here. Jesus told us to go. That's going to be easy. That's how long it is. Well, I did a little math because in John, it says they, Oh, we haven't got the John. Yeah, we haven't got there. But yeah, I know what you're going to say. Yeah. It's fine. What I'm saying, John, you want to just read all of it? Five and 20 or 30 furlongs. So 25 or 30 furlongs, which is about three to four miles, which is about, and then it was, they were in the middle of the lake. Yeah. So do you want to read your part of this toy? Let's do it. And when now even was a nope, I already done it wrong. Start with 15. Yeah. Anything so? Yeah. Who's that? I mean, when Jesus therefore perceived that they would come and take him by force to take, to make him a king, he departed again unto the mountain himself alone. And when even was now come, his disciples went down unto the sea and entered into a ship and went over the sea toward Capernaum. Right? Capernaum? Yeah. That's all it's just. Yeah. Anyway, and it was now dark and Jesus was not come to them and the sea rose by reason of a great wind that blew. So when they had rode about five and 20 or 30 furlongs, they see Jesus walking on the sea and drawing nigh unto the ship and they were afraid. But he sayeth unto them, "It is I, be not afraid." Then they willingly received him into the ship and immediately the ship was at the land where they went. Wow. So it was wow. Nothing about Peter. Another important detail. That is amazing. Another incredible detail there that's not any other stories. So he got into the ship and as soon as he got into the ship, they were already there. Yeah. So it doesn't even say the wind ceased, by the way. The others do, but that one didn't. Yeah, it just said they were on. Oh, right. You're right. It doesn't say anything about the wind season. Yeah. They just were at the land. So maybe it was still storming. It could have been. Well, the other gospels said it had stopped. Right. Yeah. The other gospels had it right. It didn't say they weren't immediately on the land. Yeah. I'm surprised John didn't say anything bad about Peter in this one. He's learning or not, or he hasn't thought about it yet. It's so early on in the book. Yeah. Maybe he just hasn't, he's not disliking Peter yet. Oh, man. Or maybe he was, this is a good theory. Maybe he was disappointed. He was worried that people would think be disappointed in him because he wasn't the one they go out and walk on the water. Yeah. It could have been true. The disciples used to love. So he's like, well, I didn't offer. So I'm not going to put it in there. Right. He could have been looked down on at that point, but he had, but if he had asked and he went out in the water and then doubted, John would have had a lot to say about him doubting. Yeah. Right. Well, but, but then again, you've got that battle. He didn't have the faith to ask. John's kind of like, yeah, John's going to like on one hand, that Peter failed. On the other hand, though, I didn't do anything. I didn't have faith. I didn't have faith to ask to go out to him. I didn't ask and I didn't. So well, I'll just keep it out. I'll just say we were immediate. I won't even put in that. I'll just say we're immediately at the dry lay. That's what I'll do. Right. Just keep out the whole part of my thing. Boom. We're there. Don't worry about anything that happened in between. We were immediately there and don't ask any questions. And it doesn't say that the way he writes it, it doesn't eliminate the time that Peter was on the scene. He just doesn't talk about it. Yeah. Yeah. It doesn't seem that's important. Because they see him walking on the scene, they see Jesus walking on the scene and drawing night at the ship and they were afraid. Right. Yeah. And then it is I've been not afraid. Sorry. It's fine. And then he just kind of skips a second there and he's like, "Eh, then we've received a minute of the ship." Yeah. Don't talk about any of the trouble that he had before he got on the ship, though. Come in. Yeah. Yeah. That's good. That's for me. Yeah. Well, John, what do you think? And what do you think about the whole collective idea of these three, three gospels together? I think, honestly, I'm just going to say that Matthew, having Peter in there, talking about his faith to ask, but doubt to make it all the way through was very important. Yes. I think the fact that in Mark's example where it's talking about Jesus was on the way to the path by then. But I know it's funny, I know it's funny. But sometimes when we're going through our life and we have to have the faith that Jesus will be there to help us and to get us through those situations, but what if Jesus knew that we had the faith because we saw different miracles that we've done before? We've seen a lot of things that he's done, raised the dead. We've seen him feed the 5,000, we've seen him heal the sick. We've seen him do all these different things. Yes. And then all of a sudden, we're just going across the lake. And Jesus said, if I say you'll make it, you'll make it, what faith did we have to be crying out that we won't make it to the other side? But Jesus stopped. Even though he was going, he stopped and saw us and he helped us. He helped us in that boat. It's not like he was just going to keep on going. He saw us in our trial. He saw us in our tribulation. And he said, I'm going to help you. Whether you've asked or not, I see you in your trouble. I'm going to help you. I think that's very important. In the John scripture, they immediately made it to land as soon as they receive Jesus in. So what did I say about us, as soon as we received Jesus in our life, what does that mean for us in our life? What does that mean for us when we receive Jesus? Does it make our troubles are going to be gone because as soon as we get here, we're through the other side, he's going to be our helper. I think those three stories combined together make a very good, very good, yeah, three different pictures. What's a good word for that? A very good perspective. Perspective. There we go. Right. All together, the three pictures make up. It's like how color images work, where it's layers, you've got the red layer, green layer and the blue layer. I think that's right. And yeah, RGB. And you have those three layers of picture that when put together, make full range of colors. But if you don't have that, then you just have one layer, then you're just like, oh, that's okay, picture. But it's all red. Why is it all red? You know, you need all three to make that full color image to see everything clearly. And I really think that Jesus passing by again is hilarious because, well, because you've ever had to pretend like you didn't see somebody and you knew that you would see like, yeah, that's what he had to do because he knew where they were. So he just had to pretend like he didn't see him and just kept going. But that tells me that even in the middle of your spiritual trouble, Jesus knows what you're going through because it says he did, he said he saw them. You know, and even though he knew the trouble they were going in, they still had to call out to him. Yeah. So Jesus won't always be there just because you're like, well, he sees I'm going through this problem. You still have to ask him for the help yourself to see him walk in and go, Hey, I need help us help us, you know, and call out to him because otherwise he might pass by because you didn't ask for any help. I get caught in that a lot where I'm just like, you know, why don't you do this? Why didn't you do that? No one, no one asked me to do anything. Yeah. And I'm not at the place where I just see stuff that needs to get done and just do it because I'm worried about doing the wrong thing. I don't want to, you know, mess anything up. Yeah. And so because of that, we can't get too comfortable that we like, Oh, Jesus knows he'll help me. Yeah. But if he's just walking by trying to get to where he told you to go, yeah, and you're not there yet, you're not picking up the slack, you know, and, and so you need to call out and say, Hey, I know you told me to go to the other side of the lake, but we need help here. No, it's a little long where we've been throwing a long time. We're tired 20 and five there longs for longs. And, and, and so we have to call out to him and then we have to invite him into our boat because otherwise we're just going to keep on row and he'll keep on walking. And we'll never get to sure if we don't accept them in the boat. The fact that he almost beat them, he would have beaten them to the shore. And it says, it says, yeah, in no other, by the way, your GPS will never tell you the fastest way to get across the lake. It's by walking. They never pull that out. They always show a boat for something that I don't want. Oh, they don't, the GPS don't have faith. Yeah. True. Oh, man. Hey, oh, I get in this word, you're insane. That was good. We didn't plan that. No, we didn't. Good. What's a good takeaway from this? I didn't, I didn't, I didn't, taking Jesus, taking Jesus, what Chinese is a, you asked to take out, uh, that's the English version of take out his takeaway, but yeah, it's wrong. I think, I think, I think trusting in Jesus, having faith that he's going to help you and accepting him into our life. All three. Yes. Together. Make this, make these three stories in unity. Make this story. Right. One. And not just hardening your heart because two other miracles you've seen just because you don't have one for you right now. Right. Sometimes that happens for you. Lord, you have my bag. But what about, what about my family, you know, and then we just, we don't even remember the back. Right. Like, you know, I can hold my family in prayer, but I couldn't hold myself up physically two weeks ago. But now I can. Right. And yet we throw that aside. They had just seen it that day. Yeah. Yeah. That day. I wonder if they were like trying to explain it away. They're like, oh, you must have another love for breading and sleeve or something. You know, like what they're trying to like, what happened, Shirley Thomas, he didn't really even really break their bread and it, you know, and who knows how they describe that. Because it's a weird thing to see. It is. But because Jesus wasn't the only one that did the miracles, right? The disciples would be breaking it and giving it out. So it was a strange thing, but even so, they were just like, oh, he's the people that were receiving the bread didn't see Jesus breaking the bread for them. They saw the disciples breaking the bread for them. Well, here's something popular on the internet recently. They had a tier list. They, when we do it all the time, we have a tier list of what miracles? It's like obviously cancer is at the top. If you get healed with cancer, that's the best miracle that can happen. I guess, right from the dead is like slightly above that, but, but, you know, we do that in our head. We're like feeding the five thousand. That's pretty cool. But it's like a, you know, C tier miracle. And then you go, Oh, I'm in the middle of the ocean and the weather has to change physically. The weather must change or I will die that has to be an A tier miracle to do. So I don't think, I don't think Jesus can do. You know, or he won't do it for me, you know, and then you go through and it turns out that he doesn't care whether it's feeding the five thousand, which that was probably an A tier miracle, to be honest with you. That would be crazy to see. But either way, to try to categorize of what miracles are good, what miracles are hard to do, what miracles are easy, the Bible doesn't think of it that way at all. Jesus never said anything like this is too hard for me. Jesus never said this is a difficult thing you have asked as far as like, you know, he just said, I will do it, and we did it. And then when Jesus said that the same power that I have, you guys will do this, but do greater things. Yeah. And the only difficulty that is, is the faith. It has nothing to do with the performance of the miracle. It's the faith to believe it. That's what makes it difficult. Right. And that's what puts the tier list is because it's hard to believe that somebody will get healed of cancer versus Lord, can you give me some food tonight? Like that's easy to say versus right, that kind of little thing that we think because it doesn't take much faith to believe he can heal you of a headache because you've had it done before right versus Lord. He has cancer. Millions are dying of this disease, right? I don't know if you can do this. And it's our faith. It's not him not able to do it. It's our faith. And seeing people die of cancer and never getting to make it out of hospital rooms are like the winds and the waves, boisterous on the, on the water. And you can't make it to Jesus faithfully to say, I will see you heal him. Yes. Those things actually make you worry that those things will not come past. And we got to the faith right through it, you know, faith through it. That's my thing today. Yeah. Faith, cancer, pass. And by the way, if you want to check out an episode on that level of faith, that it takes to have cancer healed. I mean, we had that episode with Jordan and Autumn. That was amazing. Yeah, it was really good. We went so well and that's something that we all can believe because again, we put that in our human tier list. That's one of the top. That's an exterior miracle of getting healed of cancer. A very rare form of cancer at that. And I didn't realize how bad it was until she started talking about it. I was like, oh my goodness, because you hear, you know, you see online, but that's a tiny picture of what is actually going on. I was like, oh, he's better. You got better. The chemo has done something. No, he was dying. Yeah. Almost dead. Wait, no numbers. What do you say? Yeah. Well, low low. Blood count. It would be like white blood cell. White blood cell. Yeah. Yeah. Probably white blood cell because that's what heals your infection. That's what fights the infection. Yes. And so therefore, if you don't have any of that, you can't go anywhere. You can't do anything. The doctors are all masking up and trying to keep you safe from from yourself. Right. And a completely sterile environment. Right. And, and, and that's, that's the level of treatment. But to see that, to see that boy come out of that and be healed of it. Your faith has to be your faith had to be tremendous right after that, you know, and that's what, what she was talking about in that. Because so many people say it's impossible. The Bible says to have faith of a mustard seed. You've seen a mustard seed as a grain of a mustard seed. Yeah. That's tiny. They're really tiny. Almost like a poppy seed. Yeah. Have you seen those? Those things are small. But also, the largest cell in the human body is, I believe it's like the egg that's produced by, by females. It is, it is still like not even the head of a pen. Right. Wow. It's, it's tiny. It's absolutely miniscule. So to have faith of that, it's like, what is your perspective? If you're talking in a motion, like faith is not a physical thing, it's an emotion. So if you have that much faith that it can be seen as a grain of a mustard seed that you can see the faith if you were to bring it out, then that's a different way to picture it. Because some people put that as a low end and they're like, oh, you don't need very much faith. So I won't have very much faith. But if you're thinking of it as, I need so much faith that you can see the faith I have physically in the real world, then that shoots you all the way to the top. So whether it's a miracle down here or up here, you will always have the same measure of faith because you're always shooting for as high as you can get. Wow. And always believe. It's pretty good. I've heard that before. I mean, you know. Where'd you hear from? I don't remember. I'm sorry. But just in general, I've heard that, that, that it's a grain of a mustard seed. But we're not speaking of like some of these are metaphors, right? In general, through the eye of the needle, some people say it's a metaphor, no, it's a physical thing. It's like, you know, it's harder to do. Wasn't that a gate? It's an actual place called the Eye of the Needle. No. Oh, is it? It's not. Yeah. It is. There's a gate called Eye of the Needle. But it's not, it's not literally that small. I thought that's what it was. I thought it was a very small gate. I believe it's little. It's a narrow doorway. Like it's like, it's like imagine going through, um, I don't know what any of the doors and grannies now. See that? I don't know. You can't see it. It's a very small other closet door. Imagine trying to fit through there with a backpack and side saddles and you have a rider on top. That would be the Eye of the Needle. You'd have to get through there. And the only way to get through there, the camel has to unload its package, packs. The rider has to get off of the camel, the camel has to do it, the camel has to get through it. Because you can't, the camel can't, the camel will stay back. A person can get through it. But that's why the Bible says it's easier for a camel to go through. So I have a needle then for, um, then first to get it. I believe it was literal. Yeah. But the camel had to unload its packs and it has to unload the person off the, off the purse, off the camel. And the camel had to get on its knees because the height of the camel exceeded the height of the doorway. So by getting on its knees and crawling through, that's the way it can get, it can get through there. That's a good point. Yeah. I think it was literally the Eye of an actual needle. You have to physically change yourself completely and defy the laws of physics, defy the laws of what everyone tells you is scientific. And you have to completely reroute how you're doing things before you, or it's making an internet. I don't know. I just think Jesus literally meant that. I don't know if it was a gate because I feel like he would have said it was a gate. I think it was a, you know, and that could be my upbringing and I'm always thinking that as a kid, you know, if it's, oh, wow, that's, that's hard to do. I would rather somebody say it's impossible to do rather than just, oh, that, you know, they have to pull the packs off and then they have to kneel down and like they can still get in and it's not that difficult. But I've seen some rich men and it's impossible. You know what I mean? Without God. Yeah. But, but the reality of that is that it's, it's so hard to unload the camel that people get discouraged of wanting to do it. So they don't do it. It's like, it's just like when Jesus told the rich man to tell all that you have and give to the poor, that man, it was so easy to do that, but he was unwilling to do it because of how much work it would take to do it and he would lose all his possessions that he had, which he was prideful of. He had so much pride in all his possessions and all his ownership. He wanted to keep it all and to get through the aisle and needle, you had to let go of all those things, these worldly things to get past it. And that was the, I mean metaphor or not, you had to let go of all those worldly things. You had to let go of anything that would keep you from getting through it. The eye of the needle, people barely can get a sewing thread through the eye of the needle without having a magnifying glass ten times vision to even go through there, you know. And even then it takes a lot to try to do that. And some people that get into sewing don't get into sewing because of the difficulty of threading that needle, it becomes something that you don't want to do. And that's why that scripture metaphor or not, it's a great reminder of modesty, it's a great reminder of humble being humble and you know, gotta get yourself to where you're not, you're not prideful of everything that you've got. Let go of everything that you have so you can make it through it. But where are we at? Are we, are we at an hour point? I feel like we've been for an hour. 49 minutes. I feel like that's a great wrap up. And we went on a little rabbit trail at the end, but it is good. I mean, I liked it. Because we disagree on something, we agree on something, just you know, we talk about it and we get both perspectives that way. Yeah. I'd hate to have only just us talking and we all like, yeah, that's right. Everybody agrees and we're all happy and then somebody in the comments is like, wait, no, you're wrong, but we never heard their point of view, you know, it's always fun. Well, we thank you all for listening and watching this podcast. We want you to all to just hit the like button, hit the follow button and give us some feedback at the We gave it the appreciated, we would read your responses and your recommendations of anything that you want us to do. We'll see you back next week and have a good night. (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]