The B.R.O.S

Episode 046: The Youth Camp Special

Today we had a fun time broadcasting from South Florida Holiness Youth Camp's podcast setup for the first time, and it went tremendously! A special thanks to SFHYC and Bro. Travis Matney, along with Producer Levi Anderson, we appreciate their generosity and help in all areas and look forward to working with them in the future!   If you enjoyed this episode, leave feedback at  Catch the video on our Facebook page

Broadcast on:
03 Jul 2024
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Today we had a fun time broadcasting from South Florida Holiness Youth Camp's podcast setup for the first time, and it went tremendously! A special thanks to SFHYC and Bro. Travis Matney, along with Producer Levi Anderson, we appreciate their generosity and help in all areas and look forward to working with them in the future!


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[ Music ] Hey guys, welcome back to the Bros. We're in the back room in the sanctuary. We're at the conversation happens where your host Jose, Bill, and John, and we are in the room today. That's right. This is an awesome opportunity we have. It's a great space, great effects, great video. We're really upgrading on every level here, and I'm so excited to be able to do this. What do you think, John? I'm really glad for the opportunity to, for one, be at the youth camp and that they gave us the space to use for the podcast. It's a huge blessing. Yeah, I am actually excited about this. This framework that we're working with right now is exceedingly above what we usually work with. This is amazing. I'm actually kind of anticipating some kind of change in the middle of the program, but hey, you'll get to see that later on or hear that later on. This is going to be so crazy, guys. But, hey, Bill, why don't you give us a little topic that we can start talking on? Sure, we had a fun time getting, you know, introduced to the camp. We've obviously done this a lot, but they have an orientation where we got to watch maybe the greatest public speaker of all time, Travis Matney, talk for 30 minutes over his time, and every minute was just, you know, he brings the energy, he brings everything out, and it's crazy because I know that even though it's Monday, first day of youth camp, he's going to, well, at the time of this recording, obviously, even then on Friday, it will be the exact same, if not more energy. And it's something that I just have no idea where it comes from. We talk about it on his episode, but it is amazing to watch somebody with that much energy, that much enthusiasm. And it's not like he, you know, he pulls it down during the services. The services are even more, you know, and he just has an amazing energy, and we're very grateful for the opportunity he gives. He's been such a blessing to our podcast and to podcasting in general, because everybody sees what we're doing and what he does, and it's starting to be a genuine form of ministry. I mean, you know, you're, you're one of the people who really put this forward. Like, we want to do this and transition into a speaking role online rather than just in the church, and it's amazing. Yeah, the whole, the whole podcasting platform for me started off right at the beginning of the, right after COVID, actually, the thought of it even being a thing. You know, it was two years into, into the thought of having one that I was just like, we need to start this, you know, ministry for our attorney family band that we're, that we are associated with happened and, you know, seeing the platform grow from that and seeing what that has been doing. And, you know, we have, you know, we're all given a, we're all given a ministry. We're all given something to do. It's just like the, just like the end of Matthew, we're talking about go to all the world and preach the gospel. You know, what better way than to do that than to use the technology that are here right now in front of us to go ahead and do that. You know, everybody has a phone. Everybody has some type of device that they can listen to anything with. And podcasts has actually been pretty much on the up and up. So what a great platform to do that with and now seeing it come to fruition, which we're at 46 episodes now, it's amazing. And I couldn't even ask for a better blessing than the Lord actually that happened, letting that happen for us. John, being here with the podcast is, you know, being on the first episode, obviously a guest and now you're actually a full-time host now. What are you thinking, dude? I went from being, I don't know, maybe it'll be here and there to it being a weekly, a weekly dedication to it. And it's a chore sometimes. Yeah. Just working. And there's times when we're all tired. But knowing that we reach people, knowing that we have that following of people that it helps, it makes it worth it. For sure. For sure. I believe that too. You know, one thing about doing a podcast is, you know, it does get tiring. It does become a chore. It does become something that, you know, it's getting off my back kind of thing. Bill's been experiencing that a lot with me being on his back about getting stuff done. He's the podcast producer and he does a lot of the editing. He does a lot of the audio and, you know, it's a big task. I mean, putting the audio, the episode together, coming up with ideas, coming up with the whole thing is obviously probably an easier job than it is to sit down behind the computer and edit, do software and so like that. But, you know, I'm not, I'm not wanting to speak about that kind of stuff, but it is a, it is a big chore. I know I kind of kind of let go of some of the things that I can't do, but you know, I want to. I want to push, push, push. Right. Yeah. But Bill, what do you. Well, it's funny because, you know, it is a, it is a task to do. And it, it takes a lot of time. But I'll say there's one thing that's more difficult than that. Was that you're, you're seeing it on your screens, you're hitting it in your ears. But I get to sit on my computer and take care of this for an hour and a half or sometimes two hours. More difficult than that is having to come in here and do it in real time. While we're doing this, changing the banners. All of this is not a random AI generated anything. It's all stuff that's put in work. And right now, Brother Levi Anderson is absolutely doing an amazing job. Yes. And absolutely amazing. And you see his work on, on the, what is it? Come on. That shield and sword podcast. Shield and sword podcast. You see it on the. Poetry podcast. And later on, we're going to see it on the south border holding a youth camp. Although it'll probably already be passed by the time this episode is out. Yeah. But we'll be doing live streams and interviews every night. And it's, it takes a different kind of energy to have to in real time think about where should I go? What should I put up? Should I put up this banner, should I put up that in my switching cameras too fast and all this stuff? But it's unbelievable. And we want, you know, we want to thank him, not making a bless too much behind the computer, but it's, it's great and not only that, but to take time out, you know, because this week is busy for every, every person here. For sure. For sure. And so we were generously given this opportunity to record, but we can't do it on our own. Because with all this extra equipment, you know, you've heard it in spiderman with great power comes great responsibility. And we have a lot of power equipment here that needs a lot of responsibility around it. And we're very grateful. And it's, it's going to be a great episode. And it's kind of a test run for us now of like, uh, of like, is this something that the audience wants to see that we want to see? Because you know, we want to have the best experience for everybody. But um, what were your goals going into this Jose with coming up with the idea? Did you have any end kind of like, this is the best thing that it could be? Uh, so good question. And my intention for the podcast was to be about culture, about where people come from and how they overcome the difficulties in their life that made them who they are now. And you can see how that can become a Christian podcast, because a lot of times when we go through life, we look to Christ for change. And if we don't, you know, what are we doing, but just losing ourselves, we're trying to gain the world and lose our own soul if we, if we don't do that. Um, I think that's the main goal for me as, as the podcast was just to get people to talk about what in their life has been drastically changed, um, being that the Lord is part of it. And for me, obviously, you know, you've probably heard my testimony from the previous episode before, um, not video, but an audio where, you know, I was coming up in high school, where I was in gangs and I was doing things that I shouldn't be doing at a young age. Um, you know, and the Lord just showed me who I was. And it happened to be the way that when the Lord showed me who I was, you know, it was at this youth camp that I was that happened in 2010, man, I was in the front of the altar. I was praying and the Lord showed me a vision of my whole family. And that's, but that was the burden that I had was my family being safe, my family going to church with me because that's what I was doing. I was going to church every Sunday and every Wednesday and sometimes every Tuesday. And I wanted them to be with me and not having that made me want to work for it so much more harder when the Lord showed me that vision, it made me fall to my face, cry. And if that changed what's right here at the South Florida Holiness Youth Camp, how many years ago that was? That was 14 years ago, something like that, 2010, so 14 years ago, then that happened and the Lord changed my life for that long. And it's been, it's been a miraculous change. And that's the goal of the podcast was to get that kind of, get that kind of conversation out. You know, you know, we've heard John's testimony before about how he's, you know, never really gone to church. He's been to church, but never really been there for the experience, but I let him tell his story about that. And that's, you know, for him, I was raised in church my whole life. I think my parents had me actually in the church like two weeks after I was born. So it was, it was nearly my entire life that I was in church, but I was never, there was no connection. It was just, you know, Sundays, we went to church, Tuesdays, we go to church. It was just a tradition that come to youth camps. And it was just a time to hang out with my friends. That's all it was. But there comes a point in your life where you have, where you realize that it's, there's more to it. Of course. There's, there's a personal connection that you can and should have with God. And that happened over span of various trials and tribulations, but I, I realized that I can't do it on my own life is not a thing that you can go through alone. Right. And that I, and I realized that we have a heavenly father that will guide us through. Amen. You know, you actually have a testimony about being a youth camp too, wasn't it? About the Lord show, the Lord helping you wasn't it when your art wasn't your arm when you were playing. Wasn't it this one? Oh, it was. It was. It was at a youth camp. Yes. That was at a youth camp. My freshman year of high school, I injured my shoulder. I didn't have full mobility in it. It would, I broke my shoulder, especially. And I was at a youth camp and I was, I was praising one handed because I was afraid to move this one. Right. And the, the, the morning speaker came and he, and he laid hands on me and I was told that we went all the way across the platform. And when I opened my eyes, you know, both hands were in the air. Yeah. And it's, it's never bothered me since. So the Lord just delivered you from now. Oh, yeah. And I was there to see the full effect. I mean, I forgot it, I forgot it was there. I was there at the beginning of the week when he was, you know, having trouble moving it and, and I don't him a long time. And he was definitely not faking it. He was definitely not trying to hold anything back for laziness. He was, you know, genuinely had an injury. And I've been there since where I saw him, you know, I don't think I was, I don't think I was right there when you did get healed. I think I found that. I think it was behind you. Yeah. I think I didn't notice. Um, I think we're singing, right? Yeah. It was done to quiet. So I was focused on my, uh, my own worship, but I was, uh, I've rejoiced over the miracle and, you know, all the youth camps I've been to, there's been an opportunity for a great Christian growth, but also for miracles to be done because, you know, you, once you let that growth come up in your heart, then it starts to go outwards and, and, you know, it starts to manifest itself in physical means, not just in spiritual means. And it's, it's beautiful. I mean, to see this, you know, this youth camp is celebrating 30 years south Florida Holy, the youth camp and, and I think it's almost immeasurable. The number of lives that have been changed, uh, hearts that have, have been helped people that have been healed. You know, we can't, I couldn't even begin to, the people that I know going to this camp that have had things happen to them, then you'd call the preach, you know, all this stuff. It's been amazing and just a blast to watch the Lord move through everything through here. All right. Amazing. Yeah. Um, I hadn't thought, I forgot. I'm sorry. You always do that. Every time I would, uh, I will say this though, I, um, I think it will, we were here, I think it was two years ago when sister Caraway was healed out here on the two years ago, I wasn't out there. Um, it was two years ago, cause the papa was a, uh, brother Michael was alive. And yeah. It's been over. Was it three years? No, it'd be number four. At least over four long while ago. Oops. I don't remember how long it was. My father. Hey, time does the same thing in my mind too, man. It just, it just goes, yeah, it was my body trying not to be as old as it is. I don't believe it's out there when that happened though, but we were here. We were at the camp. Yeah. Right. Uh, was it Thursday or Friday night? I don't remember. I believe it was a Thursday night. I think it was. Yeah. But go to, go to the photo. Holy, you can find the video. We're talking about a year. Yeah. That's true. Yeah. To this day, she has the cane on her, on her wall. What is it? Do you know, uh, where the cane, if she had a cane sitting up on the wall that, that was a testimony that she's in Arcadia, Arcadia where she does not have to walk with that cane anymore. That's the testimony. Yeah. Happened at youth camp. And the Holy Ghost movement was so, the, the service was in the church and then it just left the church and went outside the church and everybody was just, everybody was from inside, went outside and the service went out there and it was just glorious. And I know, I know some of us, boys had already gone back to the dorms and somebody, yeah, well, I was a camper. Yeah. You were a camper. Yeah. Anyway, um, and somebody came to the dorm and blew the door open. Hold. If y'all want to move the God, get back out here. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know who it was. I don't know either, but it was fun. Yeah. And a lot of us went out there and, and I went back to bed now. Yeah. It was, it was a powerful move of God. Oh, yeah. And it always is. It always does. Friday is always a great night too, cause there was, there was a night, wasn't a Friday night. It was another night that they were having a choir meeting, a choir practice in the middle of the church, but the service was still going on, which is, you know, they were trying to meet the, the, the, the schedule. Yeah. And while the, while the, um, service was still going on, they were still praying and the choir practice was going on and the low, the Holy Ghost was just moving so much more. And people were in the dorms, going to sleep, and they said, you know what? The Lord's moving. And if y'all are going to be up, y'all need to be in the church or in the dorms. Somebody went out there and grabbed somebody in the, in the dorms and said, we're going, all the people went lined up onto the church, went inside and said, you know what? I am not going to sleep if the Lord's moving right now. And I'm going to dedicate this time to serving him. It was amazing. Wasn't that the red team skipped two years ago? I think it was. Actually it was. It was. Yeah. I know what it would have been. But yeah, it was a skip practice that just blew apart, it started as a testimony service. Yeah. In, in, uh, semi fake life as far as they were really testifying, but for that skit. And then it turned very real and very spiritual, very quick, very, very quick. It was good. It was really good. I was there. Happened to be there. So it was amazing. I stepped in for a minute and then, uh, went back to bed. It was, it was a lot going on. It's weird to just step into a place and just everybody is, is been there. Yeah. And sometimes, you know, you, you get swept away by the current and, and you feel that fear and, and it was a thing where I was like, I wasn't prepared for that level of people like on me, you wanted me to do that. And so I, it wasn't me trying, because I didn't want to quench the spirit, right? I didn't want there to be a spirit of fear and a spirit of unshurity. And so there I was like, I don't feel like I would help the service and what was happening. I feel like I would hinder it. And so there, I was like, I'm just going to go back to the dorm and whatever happens happens. And if I miss out, I miss out, but I don't want to cause something to stop because of me. Yeah. You know that I, and I want to talk a little bit about that too, that since you, since you brought it up, you know, just like when Jesus was at the Garden of Gethsemane and he was praying and he said, Lord, if this, let this cup pass from, you know, the, the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak or yeah, the spirit is willing to the flesh is weak. Many times we'll go into a service and we'll see that throughout the week. There'll be lots of kids going into the service and even adults going into the service and the, the Lord will be moving. The Holy Ghost will be moving in that service and you'll see it where people will be in the flesh and there's an unwillingness to surrender to the Lord. Yeah. And there's people that have surrendered and said, you know, it's the spirit that's willing. The flesh is not, has any, has no power over me. What do you think? And this is open to either one, wherever wants to ask this question, answer this question. But what do you think is it that makes us so eager to just get into the flesh rather than into the spirit when it comes to that, when it comes to worshiping God? Because it's, it's a hindrance that we see in the fellowship, in, in the services and I want to kind of break the chain of that happening at youth camp. I don't know how to do it. You know, I, I get, I have a hard time breaking out of a, we're getting into the spirit. But what would be a way to, you know, get into that? What do you think? John, want to go first? Um, I feel like a part of it is the human nature and it's almost a fear of what people will think because not everybody praises the same. To an extent, I think some people are afraid that they're going to be looked down upon because of how they pray or what they do to praise. So I feel like it just, we just need to, to quit worrying about what the person next to us thinks and, and we need to focus on how God feels about what we're doing. Right. Okay. Because it's youth camp. That's, that's what we're here to do. Not so much as counselors, we are here to praise, but also we're here to, to show others to praise, to, to guide the, for, for us, we're, we're junior counselors. So we have to help the young ones. We're here to help them to God. Mm hmm. I think that's what gets in our way too is the fact that we have a, um, a duty to serve at the camp, um, that I know I have to be on duty at a certain time. Like for you, you are the night supervisor, I'm, I'm, I'm on duty after church. So being that you are at a night, night supervisor, um, when it comes down to it, when people have to alter praying and everybody is, you know, worshiping God and I don't, I don't think you have a problem. I don't think you have a problem with serving God or worshiping God in the front of you. You kind of just go ahead and do it, um, being honest, I think that's part of being raised up in it. Right. So, but when it comes times for brother matinee to say, all right, um, we're not dismissing from the spirit, but you know, we have a schedule or whatever you, the people who aren't praying and go outside and those counselors, whoever's on duty is on duty right now. That makes you feel like I have to get into the, into my flesh and do that. Yeah. That means that, that, that means I have to work now. Right. So the matinee doesn't have that standard, but the matinee said, if you're in the spirit praying, continue praying, someone else will be in your spot. And that's, that's why there's three or four of those. Right. It's like five or six, five or six people on five, yeah, because we have the main as well. Right. But that's so that if one of the counselors is receiving from God that we can stay there and we can get what we need. Right. And even, even though it is youth camp, that doesn't mean that the adults can't get help from God. Right. We're here all day, every day, and it essentially becomes the upper room where, where they're all in one mind and one accord, we're all here to grow in God. Mm. That's good. Yeah. That's good. And now it's Bill's turn. I had a long chance to think and I'm going to actually present the other side of his question where the way you presented it is we let the flesh override our desire to worship. Right. By, by not worshiping or not getting fully in, but another side of that is letting your flesh control too much and start oversteering, where you start compensating the spirit for the flesh because you feel less of the spirit, so you're like, oh, I need to just push harder. And sometimes you do, sometimes you, you know, God is trying to give you a chance to, to, you know, prove your devotion and try to say, can you keep doing this, even if the spirit isn't as strong, but sometimes people start to do a little, you know, there's some stuff that they do that may not be what the spirit wants because they're just trying to get a reaction either from people or from, you know, from themselves or from the spirit that they just push and then start saying things to people and, and they don't really may, may not feel it as strongly, but they want it to be true and they go forward. And so it was a range of emotions happening that night. And anytime we have a powerful service, it's something that regrettably we're not used to a lot of times being in the presence of God like that and feeling spirit so strongly. So when we start feeling less, we think it's us, but there's an ebb in a flow. And sometimes services have to wind down, you know, sometimes we feel as, as choir singers, we think, oh, we messed up because we didn't shut the house down. Why didn't, well, why don't we break out and, you know, it was a good song. We knew we were going to break out. We thought so, you know, we'd practiced, we'd worshiped, it's hard, we could. Sometimes we talked about it with brother methini, sometimes you just need that service to move to the preaching. And there's some preachers that the service breaks out every night and some years we've done where it's like they preach two nights and one was the first night. And after that, it's been a breakout service every night. And then sometimes it's just like we hear preaching and it's super good. And there's analogies and everybody gets a touch and learn something more than just feel something or get an experience because it's, you want a full range of experiences, not just we shot it down the house and everybody went home happy because, you know, sometimes when you're not fully in the grace of God and in the spirit of what he wants, you can't go home happy. You have to have that check because this is a place where everybody's one and the same thing. And so people are way more open to feeling those checks and what the spirit wants you to change about your life going forwards because when you're, when you're just at home, you may not listen as strong as when everybody around you is also one and the same thing you do to get in the spirit. And if that takes changing your whole life, this is the time where we take your phone away. We take all of the things around you, the world's influence on you away for one week. So you can get a chance to say, this is where I want to make a change. And then all I have to do is you set a time. Next year I'm going to be even better and I'm going to grow even more. And sometimes it happens. Sometimes it doesn't. Either way, you have an event in your mind where you say, this is the moment that I made a change, like you said, where this is the moment I saw this vision and I wanted a change in my life with my family. And now every year it comes around, you're like, this is when I had that, that's 14 years, that's 15 years, that's 16 years. And it keeps going until finally like 20 years later, maybe that's when I received division and you have that date always in your mind and you weren't the only one who got help that 14 years ago. There's plenty of people who got touched during that same camp and that's the opportunity we have. And it's amazing. Right. Wow. Amazing. When you, if you can build enough time to hear by an answer, he's going to give a good answer. Yeah. Really, really, really well thought out. And I'm, I'm pretty sure that started with the question that he then answered, then you started. He just phrased his question to both of us. And then, and then answered it in a different way and then moved and then shifted it. But it works. Right. It's, it's. Quite political of you. Yeah. You know, you know, today, what happened, it was during the service, somebody asked a question and then they, it was the most political answer. He just deferred the question in a, in a perfect way. And, and the guy didn't even know that he, he had an answer to this question. He just was like, I can just root straight on as perfect. I was trying to remember the whole situation now, but it's fine. I'll think of it later. Somebody put crickets up quick on the draw. Oh my God. We need to get this set up for ourselves. I'm telling you what, but man, I'll tell you what, that, that, that's a good answer. And that's obviously a really good way to break down a question. I mean, your, your ability to change something up is pretty, pretty good. So being that we're here at this youth camp, I mean, this youth camp means so much to every lot of people. It's been, it started in 1993, I believe, and, uh, 93, and we skipped the year for COVID. And it's, this is why this is the 30th anniversary because of the one year we skipped. Right. Yeah. So I mean, a lot of people have been helped people that were once kids, once kids have their own kids here, it's been, you know, yeah, I don't have kids at the youth camp yet. No, no, almost, almost, yeah. They're in VBS. They're coming up. It's close enough. Right. You're right. You're right. You're right. I'll give it to you. But once kids at the youth camp in 1993 have their own kids now here in 2024, amazing longevity of the camp. It will go on for a lot longer, hopefully into the Lord, the Lord Terry's, whatever that noise was slamming a door way too aggressively. Yeah. I thought that their shower was too cold or something like that. That was not sound. That's not right. That's not here. Oh, yes. We love the sound word guy. That was amazing. Shout out to Levi Anderson. That's amazing. Oh, man. But, um, so, hey, one question for you, a different topic. Why do you think Peter denied Jesus? Very different topic. Yeah. Why do you think? I know why you're asking this. Why? You know why I'm asking this? I've heard some personal discussion between, uh, who knew and her brother Brandon on this topic. Well, go ahead. Answer the question. Yeah. Go ahead so I can collect the thought. Yeah. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. So I can collect the thought. Yeah. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. So I can collect the thought. Yeah. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. So I can collect the thought. Yeah. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. I can collect the thought. Go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. But they also didn't make any mistakes, you know, where their consistency was important. And even if it's labeled as a mistake and negative aspect of Peter, then it's something for all of us to say we have to be very careful because even a person who walked with the Son of God for three years was scared of death and scared of the consequences. And like a coward started to say, I don't even know this man. And he may have had a good reason. We don't exactly know. I personally feel that he was trying to save Jesus from his fate and trying to see if he need to be in place and Jesus was going to pull out a sword and rise up against the people who had him captivity, in captivity. But it wasn't, it was Jesus' time to die. And so, and you can hear a Roman mob forming behind the door here. But it's fine what it sounded like. Yeah, right. And Peter's in in a courtyard full of his enemies, full of people who just captured a man who at that point was considered untouchable to the disciples. Yeah. He'd never fallen. He'd never done anything that was considered less. I mean, always in charge leading the ideas that the Sanhedrin found offensive. And they were, I mean, they were, everybody needed their place in the religious system. And the Sanhedrin and the Pharisees were the ones who said, we're going to kick you out. And Jesus was never afraid of that because he was trying to upper the whole system. And so, I feel like it, it was a big moment where even in that Peter could have had some courage. But I feel like the story would be so much different because Jesus showed forgiveness, even going to death, not just for all of us in the future, because we could say it's easy to do that, where you know that all the sins, but somebody who denied you, pretty much to your face. I mean, because he looked at him right afterwards. And it was predicted. And even then, even when Peter knew that he was going to do that, he still could fall into that trap. And that's something that we have to avoid. Right. And I feel like it was the reason that he denied Jesus was so it can be an object lesson to all of us in the future. What about you, John? I also feel that Peter was very quick to do things. He didn't, he didn't wait. And the Bible says to be still and know that he is God. And I feel like it's almost a warning that we need to wait a minute. We need to think about what we're doing in the implication that it can have on us and the people around us. And that even though he felt like he was doing what he should have done when he was following Jesus to the court yard where he was at, I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure that Jesus told them to stay where they were, to not follow him, didn't he? Where? No, he didn't say anything. He said, he actually said that they would scatter beforehand, quite a bit beforehand, but he said they would scatter like a sheep without a shepherd. And so he didn't expect them. I don't think he expected them to follow, but he knew Peter would just because he was knowing all things. But I feel like it's a warning to us that we have to be careful. We have to pray about everything we do. I think personally the reason why he doubted or denied Jesus was out of fear. Bill, you hit it right on the head with I thought, because the fact that when Jesus said, wait a minute, what did you do? I went like this. But the fact that Jesus told them that he was going to die, that he was going to die and rise again. He knew that whatever was going to happen, he was going to have to face the same persecution afterwards. And being that he was arrested, if you were following somebody that they wanted dead, and everybody was like, hey, aren't you the same guy? I would 100% feel like they're going to come after me next. And at that point, he just said, you know what? No, I don't know. I don't know who that is, just to be a coward, like Bill said. At that point, I wouldn't want to be on the stake either. But thankful that he did go to the cross and he did die for our sins. And like Jesus did, I get to go and give him the peace of mind and say, hey, do you love me? Yes. Do you love me? Yes. Do you love me? Yes. Feed my shit. That opportunity there was a good lesson for us to know that, no matter what we did, you know, aside from blaspheming the Holy Ghost, that we have great repentance and we have great forgiveness through Jesus Christ. And that right there is, I think that's a perfect answer, honestly. I feel like that's a perfect place to close. You want to pull the door already? Well, we close on a high note. We close on a high note. Let's look at how far he went, how far Peter went. He went from denying him to being the rock that the church was built on, like you said. Was it either one that got that healed 300 people by the cast of his shadow? I think. Or am I thinking of someone else? I'm trying to remember, there's two separate, there's one with the shadow and there's one where even the cloths they touched was healing people. The Peter? One was Peter and one was Paul. Okay, well, either way, one of those two. Why don't you guys read about it? You sound like the guy who wrote the chosen? I want to go with my Bible to see if the chosen is accurate. Well, yeah. All you think you should be doing that? You succeeded. He went from. I was just thinking it's like, have you ever seen where posts on the internet will have deliberately wrong information? So people will go and comment? The director of the church started putting in details and so they would comment on it and watch it and then they'd go read their Bible so you get 10 times. Not only the people who read their Bibles to try to find out information, but also the people who are commenting on it saying it's just wrong. It's just wrong. And he's like, oh, yeah, no, but you commented on it. So I got you. Yeah. So I think this is a good spot to start closing this episode up. I'm going to go ahead and say I appreciate both of you guys coming together and helping me out with this. And this has been a great, a great opportunity to come together. And I mean, even if we're not like complete ministering the people, we're giving some insight of our relationship with Jesus Christ. And I think that's perfect. We don't have to be out in the fields in the streets ministering. Please give a like and a follow and a share on our Facebook page and give us feedback on And let us know how we're doing. If you want to see other content, please comment below. Absolutely. Special thanks to brother Travis Matney. What do you want to say? Okay, good. Yeah, that's why you're muted. Special thanks to brother Travis Matney. Special thanks to brother Levi Anderson. Very special thanks to everybody at South Florida Holy Youth Camp for not only the memories, not only the spiritual help, but all of the people here have been so kind and giving. And we really appreciate everybody who listens. A large part of the audience are here right now. Right. Right. We thank them all for that. And thank you guys for lending this time out of your busy schedules and always staying open to where the spirit wants to lead where we have to go. I appreciate a lot. Thank everybody. Have a wonderful night.