Beyond The Horizon

Senator Robert Menendez Has Been Found Guilty On All Counts (7/17/24)

Robert Menendez is a U.S. Senator from New Jersey who has faced multiple legal challenges over the years. He was recently indicted on charges of conspiracy, bribery, and fraud. Between 2018 and 2022, Menendez and his wife, Nadine, allegedly accepted bribes, including cash, gold bars, a luxury car, and payments toward Nadine's mortgage, in exchange for political favors. These favors included influencing the U.S. government to benefit Egyptian interests and attempting to disrupt a criminal investigation involving his co-defendants, who are New Jersey businessmen​.

In a separate earlier case, Menendez was indicted in 2015 alongside Florida ophthalmologist Salomon Melgen. They were accused of a bribery scheme in which Menendez received nearly $1 million in gifts and campaign contributions in exchange for using his Senate office to benefit Melgen's financial and personal interests. This included advocacy for Melgen's business disputes and visa applications for his girlfriends.

He was recently found guilty on all the charges brought against him.

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Sen. Bob Menendez convicted of sprawling gold bar bribery scheme (

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17 Jul 2024
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VGW Group, void were prohibited by law 18+ terms and conditions apply. What's up everyone and welcome back to the program. So, gold bar Bob Menendez has been convicted of being an absolute scumbag and an absolute thief, and now he's facing decades in prison. Now, let me remind you, this is a sitting senator. Somebody who makes the rules makes the laws that all of us have to follow, but him, in his decrepit ass, disgusting mind, well, he doesn't have to follow any of these laws. He can just do whatever he wants. And just another example of one of these liars, who has complete and utter control, basically, over our lives. And then we wonder why everything's so screwed up. Today's article is from the New York Post and the headline. Senator Bob Menendez faces decades in prison, as he's convicted of sprawling gold bar bribery scheme. This article was authored by Ben Cockman. He's a newly minted felon. New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez was found guilty Tuesday of accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars of bribes in exchange for using his powerful post to enrich and protect three businessmen and the Egyptian and Qatari governments. Boy, isn't that nice. Out here, doing the Lord's work, huh? For Qatar and for Egypt and for everybody else, but not for America, not for the American people. What has Bob Menendez ever done to make our lives better? Has he ever done anything to make our lives better? Oh, that's right, he hasn't. Just another thief, just another scoundrel. Just another person that the Democrats up until now refused to hold accountable. Kinda like Stacey Plaskin, huh? The three-term Democrat wearing a blue suit and a pink tie sat with his head bowed and kept a poker face while the jury four women read the word guilty 16 times, convicting him of each count that he faced. The bombshell verdict was delivered in Manhattan federal court after about 12 and a half hours of deliberations spread over three days. It capped a nine-week trial that revealed how the senator leveraged this position, decayed her to the whims of men who showered him and his wife with one kilogram gold bars, cash, and gifts, including a Mercedes-Benz convertible. So all of these politicians that are clocking all this dough, they have all these nice cars, these houses, and the rest of it, where they gettin' all this money. On a public servant's salary, a couple hundred grand? Sorry, I don't buy it. Then you look at somebody like Nancy Pelosi and how much her wealth has grown since she's been in office. That's not how this is supposed to work. And furthermore, there needs to be term limits. You got Biden out here banging around talking about term limits for the Supreme Court. Nobody's talking about term limits for these senators and these congresspeople. Out here with dementia, gettin' rolled in in their wheelchair and shit. That's what you want, huh? That's the sort of country you want to live in, where we have these decrepit-ass, old, broken-down people making our decisions, running our lives. And not only are they broken down and decrepit, you have this criminal-ass Bob Benendez, rollin' right along with him, never been held to account, and let's not act like this is new. He already beat a case previously that was very similar to this. And the only reason he beat it was guess why? Well, because he was a well-placed political figure. That's it, the only reason. And the fact that this trial lasted about, oh, I don't know, nine weeks? But the jury only needed 12 and a half hours to deliberate? Well, you can imagine just how guilty the jury thought that he was. This wasn't politics as usual. The U.S. Attorney for the Southern District, Damian Williams told reporters outside court on Tuesday. This was politics for profit. The sad truth is, Bob Benendez, well, he just happened to get caught. All of your favorite politicians on both sides of the aisle are doin' this bullshit. Don't get it twisted. All these people who have been elected, they're all power hungry. You think they care about you or their constituents? They don't. Just take a look at their bank accounts and the vacations that they're going on while you can hardly pay your rent. jurors heard how Menendez cluttered Inglewood Cliff's house was teeming with goal bars and cash when FBI agents raided it in June of 2022. Bro was so dumb that he kept his ill-gotten gains at home. That's how arrogant and cocky he was that nothing was going to happen to him. And when you have this sort of power, these kinds of friends, well, you can have that kind of confidence, right? You can say to yourself, you know what? Chances are, I'm not gonna get nailed. I'm gonna play these games. I'm gonna accrue this fortune. And nobody's gonna be the wiser. And even if they are, so what? I'm Bob Menendez, big-time senator from New Jersey. Nobody's ever gonna do shit to me. Well, Bob Menendez, enjoy your time in prison, bro. And I hope you like baloney sandwiches. Photos revealed that Child showed 13-goal bars worth $150,000, found inside Menendez's bedroom, and $486,471 in cash spread out all over the house, including wads of bills totaling $14,500, stuffed into a pair of well-worn Timberland work boots. Oh, well-worn Timberland work boots, huh? Yeah, I'm guessing the help left their boots there or something. We all know that Bob Menendez has never worked a real day in his life. Cash-filled envelopes were also found stuffed inside Menendez's official U.S. Senate jacket emblazoned with his name. That money wasn't his either. It was in his jacket, but he doesn't know how it got there. Menendez's conviction immediately added fuel to calls for the senator, who has proclaimed his innocence and claimed he was targeted because he's a prominent Latino to resign from Congress, which he has refused to do. I mean, really, bro? That's what you're gonna say because you're a Latino. This is why it happened. No, you're a thief, okay? You're a crook, you're a criminal, and you're somebody that was borderline treasonous. You're lucky that you didn't get slapped with that. And you're out here crying, playing the victim card? Oh, it's because I'm a Latino. Man, stuff that shit. I've had my fill of that. I mean, you're being targeted because you're a high-profile Latino, but you weren't targeted before you got into the office. You were elected, though, right? Save the bullshit, okay? Just take the L and admit that you're a criminal and a crook. His indictment last September took a political toll and led to him stepping down from his post as chairman of the powerful Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Just chew on that for a minute, okay? This dude was the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee. Even though everybody knew he was a criminal, he was a crook, no accountability. Everybody else has to be accountable, but not for these guys, right? Not for the faves. He was trounced in June's Democratic primary by a representative Andy Kim and has announced plans to run a November's general election as an independent candidate instead. This is somebody who is so power hungry that it's not even funny, and thankfully the voters of New Jersey have had enough of his ass. The voters had to step in and show some accountability because his colleagues wouldn't do it. It shows you everything you need to know about the leadership, folks. And once again, it comes down to the voters. So keep that in mind. It's up to you to hold these people accountable. All these people that have been lying, making your life miserable, pumping all kinds of bullshit misinformation, you're going to get a chance to strike back. And that chance is at the ballot box. I'm deeply, deeply disappointed by the jury's decision. I have every faith that the law and the facts are not sustained with that decision and that we will be successful upon appeal. Menendez said outside court while insisting, "I have never violated my public oath. Where did all the gold bars come from? Did they just grow? You have some kind of special beans like Jack in the Beanstalk, where you can grow gold bars? Or a bunch of cash to get stuffed into your timberlands? Menendez's 70 faces what could amount to a life sentence, with some of the counts carrying a possible term of up to 20 years behind bars. He learns his fate October 29. The trial was the second time facing federal corruption charges, an earlier case in which the senator was charged by New Jersey federal prosecutors with accepting lavish bribes, including all expense paid vacations and private flights in exchange for doling out favors to a Palm Beach doctor and it in a mistrial in 2017. The charges, a jury of 12 New Yorkers, convicted them of, in the Manhattan case, included bribery, extortion, obstruction of justice, and acting as an illegal foreign agent. Boy, the whole entire gamut, huh? And I wonder how many decisions this man has rendered that fell in favor of the people who were paying them? We gonna talk about that? They probably just hide all of that, right? You know what, let's just, you know, make it as smooth as possible here and we'll just say that Menendez was a criminal, not treasonous. My guess is, he was treasonous. Dude's sitting there in that powerful position, acting as a foreign agent and you're gonna tell me that's not treason? Okay, I guess. Mr. Menendez sold the power of his office. Prosecutor Paul Montelione told jurors in the government's closing arguments. It wasn't enough for him to be one of the most powerful people in Washington, Montelione said. It wasn't enough for him to be entrusted by the public with the power to approve billions of dollars a U.S. military aid to foreign countries. Robert Menendez wanted all that power, but he also wanted to use it to pile up riches for himself and his wife. We all have somewhere we're trying to get to. As the largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is helping meet rising demand and we're working to do it responsibly. Our next-gen tankless facilities reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of our operations by more than 90% compared to our older designs. Working to provide Colorado with energy that's affordable, reliable, and ever cleaner. So everyone can get to where they want to be. You've arrived. That's energy in progress. 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What a scumbag, dude. This dude deserves everything he's getting and he deserves to spend the rest of his miserable ass life behind bars. Hana and Dave's were each convicted of funneling the bribes to Menendez and his wife in exchange for a series of valuable favors and promises. Prosecutors detailed a dizzying array of actions Menendez took between 2018 and 2022 on behalf of his cronies, including Hana, a businessman who bribed the senator with hundreds of thousands of dollars of cash in gold. In exchange, prosecutors said Menendez did favors for Egypt, including ghostwriting, a letter asking the US to unfreeze 300 million in military aid that had been held up due to human rights concerns. Menendez also leaned on agricultural department officials to protect Hana's lucrative monopoly on approving halal meat exports to Egypt. Evidence revealed. Hell of a guy that bought Menendez. In exchange, Hana gave Nadine Menendez a no-shop job, where the 120 Gs per year, prosecutors said, "What else can the love of my life do for you?" Nadine told an Egyptian official while the senator smoked cigars and swig red wine during a May 2019 meeting at Morton Steakhouse, an FBI agent who secretly observed the scene testified. The senator also traded gold bars in cash for trying to meddle in a federal bank fraud case against DIBIS and setting up a meeting between the real estate mogul and a member of the Qatari ruling family, prosecutors said. Gold bars in the Menendez safe had serial numbers linking them to diabetes, while envelopes the cash bore fingerprints tying them to both him and Hana, trial evidence showed. Also involved in the bribery scheme was New Jersey insurance broker Jose Arribe, who pleaded guilty and flipped on Menendez. Uribe testified that he bought Nadine a numerous 80s Benz, C-300, in exchange for help scuttling state criminal probes. "I saved your ass not once but twice," the Garden State politician bragged during an August 2020 dinner at a North Jersey restaurant, "Sagovia," Uribe testified. "What is it, Tony Soprano?" "I'm out here, I saved your ass twice, now I want my kickbacks." "Congratulations, monomor de la vie." "We are proud owners of a 2019 Mercedes." Nadine Menendez texted her husband after receiving the first payment towards the new car, using the French phrase for love of my life, she added a heart emoji at the end of the message. Uribe told Menendez, the name of the man being probed by state authorities, and the morning after Menendez pressured New Jersey Attorney General Gerber Gruwell to speak about the active criminal probe, Gruwell testified. "Whoa, that was gross," Gruwell's deputy said after the September 2019 meeting in Senator's New Work office, trial testimony revealed. Nadine Menendez, 57, was slated to go on trial separately from her husband, but her trial date was delayed indefinitely hours before the verdict Tuesday while she recovers from breast cancer surgery. Hannah and Dave's each face up to 20 years in prison, on the top count, when they are also sentenced on October 29th. When asked by reporters how he felt about the guilty verdict, as he left the court that day, Dave's responded not good while flashing a half smile. Hannah declined to comment. Menendez did not testify. His attorneys had claimed that the feds tried to dazzle jurors with the golden cash found in their client's home to overcompensate for a thin case relying on scant evidence, that the senator had taken official acts in exchange for the bribes. No, he just took the bribes because they gave them the bribes because they're just good people and they wanted to give Senator Menendez of all people money. The court of the case is hollow, Menendez lawyer Adam Fee said, in his closing argument. He called the prosecutors over Zellis and claimed that Menendez's actions were, in fact, exactly what we want our politicians to do. The defense called three witnesses, including the senator's older sister, who testified that Menendez decades-long habit of stashing cash was part of a normal distrust of banks stemming from his Cuban heritage. It's a Cuban thing. Carradade Gonzalez testified? Well, isn't he a senator? He couldn't fix the banks to make them better. Oh, that's right. He was too busy enriching himself to do the people's work. So finally, Bob Menendez's bitch ass has been held accountable and it's about time. This guy should have been held accountable a very, very long time ago. And hopefully when the sentencing phase arrives, they don't go easy on him and he gets the maximum sentence. Because that's what he deserves, but my guess is he'll end up with like a slap on the wrist like most of these politicians and he'll be out in a few years. But I guess that's what you get when you're expecting justice from the unjust. All of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box. An official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. You may be able to save too. With Medicare's extra help program, my premium is zero and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year or a married couple who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to paid for by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Okay, round two. Name something that's not boring. Laundry? Ooh, a book club. Computer Solitaire, huh? Sorry, we were looking for Chumba Casino. Chumba! That's right, Chumba has over 100 casino-style games. 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