Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: The Delphi Leaker Has Been Arrested

An Indiana man named Mitchell Westerman has been arrested as the source of the Delphi Leaks.

These leaks have caused a huge amount of fallout. We've seen one man kill himself over the leaks and we have also seen justice now delayed for at least an extra 10 months.

Westerman says that Baldwin had no idea that he was taking the pictures and that Baldwin was not in the room when it happened.

The Indiana Supreme court will now decide where things will go from here.

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Indiana man Mitchell Westerman is charged over leaking gruesome Delphi murder crime scene photos | Daily Mail Online

Broadcast on:
17 Jul 2024
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On today's episode, we're going to spin back down to Indiana, and we're going to get an update on what's going on in the Delphi murder case. And we're learning now that a man named Mitchell Westerman has been charged over leaking the evidence that has thrown this whole entire trial into disarray. But for the life of me, I can't understand why he would do something like that. What would motivate you to take pictures of this evidence and then try and leak it online? It just doesn't make any sense, did he make some money doing it? Did somebody pay him for these pictures? And if so, whoever that person is, shouldn't they get in trouble too? Alright, so let's dive into this article from the Daily Mail, and let's try to make heads or tails of what's going on here. The headline, Indiana man Mitchell Westerman, is charged over leaking gruesome Delphi murder crime scene photos. The author of this article is Ishita Shrivastava, Indiana police have arrested a man for allegedly leaking gruesome crime scene photos of the Delphi murder case to the public. Mitchell Westerman, 41 of Westfield, Indiana, has been charged with one count of conversion after he allegedly took photos of sensitive crime scene evidence related to the 2017 Delphi murders case which were later leaked online. Westerman is a friend and former co-worker of attorney Andrew Baldwin who along with Brad Rossi was accused Delphi killer Richard Allen's original defense team. So this guy is obviously somebody who works in the legal field, right? You would think, how else would they be working together as former colleagues? So this guy knows better, and he's out here taking pictures of evidence and evidence as gruesome as this. I can't figure out what the hell you would do something like this for in the best of times. Never mind if you're a trained attorney, somebody who knows that this is going to be big trouble not only for yourself but for the case. So I have no idea why somebody would do something as stupid as this, and he definitely deserves to be charged, and I hope that he's found guilty too. Allen 50 is accused of slaying Libby German, 14, and Abby Williams, 13 while they were hiking through Indiana's Delphi historic trails in February of 2017. According to court documents, even after Westerman stopped working for Baldwin, he visited the office frequently and met with his friend. So he comes to the office, cruises in and takes these pictures. Now Baldwin is on the hook because he should have had these pictures secured, right? Like we've talked about before, what are you doing leaving this shit out on your desk? This should be in a safe somewhere, somewhere that people don't have access to it. But if you leave it out on your desk and somebody shows up and they take pictures of it or whatever, well, you're responsible for that. How about a little self-responsibility? Have we forgotten about that part of life? I mean, I know all of these weird-ass, green-haired Gen Z kids don't want to take any self-responsibility, but for the rest of us, come on now. You're the one who left the pictures out, you're the one who had the relationship with this dude, and now that he took the pictures and then disseminated them online, well, who do you think's going to get in trouble? Mr. Lawyer Guy? Westerman allegedly sent those photos to a "Fishersman" who was employed at the Fort Wayne U.S. Air Force Base who went on to share them with a man from Texas. The unidentified Texas man posted the photos to various YouTube and podcast creators. On October 5th, officials were notified of the leak and went on to interrogate the Fishersman. He killed himself after the questioning. And it's also stupid and pointless. What are you trying to prove? You trying to prove that you have some online cloud or something? All of these clout goblins that you see on the internet, on social media, TikTok, the rest of it, I'd be very, very wary of these people, folks. All these people that are pitching you all this bullshit selling you this, selling you that. Oh, check out my sponsor. I'd be very, very cautious. A lot of snake oil salesmen out there pitching a lot of bullshit, and it's all fine and well until that shit becomes deadly until somebody ends up committing suicide. lawyer Kevin Greenley and journalist Anne Caine who run the murder sheet podcast said that they were sent the horrible crime scene photos from a source and contacted the police. Caine described them as some of the worst I have ever seen, very, very disturbing, very upsetting, not only what we are seeing but also the fact that they got out. Now remember, let's think about Abby and Libby's family. How do you think they feel? Why would anyone want to send those pictures out to the internet where you damn well know there's a good chance that their families are going to end up seeing these pictures? So yeah, fuck these dudes. In a statement, Westerman said he was not given permission by Baldwin to take photographs of the evidence and that he was not in the conference room at the time. I was in Andrew Baldwin's office building waiting to visit with Andrew. He was in his office either a meeting with a client or on a telephone call with the door closed. I went into the conference room to wait. I observed printed copies of photo evidence on the conference room table. I took pictures of a few of them. The statement reads, "This dirty rotten son of a bitch." Did you forget that there's two little girls who got murdered and their families are waiting for justice? You piece of shit. The leaks delayed Allen's trial by ten months after Baldwin's team withdrew from the case due to gross negligence over the gruesome crime scene pictures being leaked to the public and they should have. There's no good reason for those pictures to be out there and they could have all the issues with the judge that they want. The fact is these guys aren't competent enough to be the lawyers on record here. So why we have a appeal afterwards that takes another five years? Sorry, I think that justice has been delayed down in Delphi for long enough. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. Maybe you can save too. With Medicare's extra help program, my premium is zero and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to Paid for by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. How dangerous is it to unwrap a burger at 40 miles per hour? More so than you think. In a little over two seconds, your car can travel slightly more than 117 feet, which is the same length as 20 bicycles. Anything that distracts you while driving is dangerous. That's why driving while texting can be deadly too. So put it down, it can wait. Don't drive distracted, shifting to safe. A message from the Colorado Department of Transportation. Special judge Fran Gull of Allen County ordered Baldwin and Rosie to cease work on Allen's case on October 12. Soon after, defense attorneys William Labrato and Richard Tremon became the newly appointed attorneys on Allen's case. They told the judge they had not received discovery and said it would be impossible to review all the evidence in time for the January 2024 trial. The new attorneys filed a motion and the judge approved the delay. The new date of the high profile murder case is set for October 15 through the 31st of 2024. So again, justice delayed. And for us as people that are watching from the outside, it sucks right? We want to see this dude face a jury of his peers and get what's coming to him if he's found guilty. Now think about how Abby and Libby's families feel. A handcuffed Allen was brought into the courtroom during the late October trial. He sat next to his former defense attorneys Baldwin and Rosie while his newly appointed defense attorneys sat nearby. Baldwin's attorney David Hennessey was also present to defend him in court in the leaks. Mickly Lynn the ledge that Baldwin and Rosie made negligent statements and also told lies. Mickly Lynn told the court that the two attorneys were trying to have the trial in the public eye. Now why they would want to do that is beyond me unless of course they know they have nothing to go on. And when you look at the filings that we saw from them, that seems to be the case, right? Odinites really? Yeah, sure. Like I've said before, a whole ass gang of Odinites is hanging out in Delphi, Indiana and they just happen to be next to the Monon High Bridge when these girls are there. Does that sound likely to you? Certainly doesn't sound likely to me and I highly doubt any jury in the nation is going to buy that bullshit. During the hearing, Judge Gull turned to the accused telling Allen, "I cannot and will not allow these attorneys to represent you." He disqualified Baldwin and Rosie from representing Allen, even Pro Bono. She also ordered both lawyers to hand over the discovery to the newly appointed defense team by the end of the week. Hennessy denied the gross negligence and said they were not prepared for the ruling on October 19th, having the team withdraw. He further stated that the summary judgment was unconstitutional. So they're going back and forth and they're basically arguing semantics. Let's remember the issue at hand. And the issue at hand, obviously, is the fact that there was this big leak and it wasn't like, you know, a couple of papers were leaked out to the public. Some transcripts were talking about photos, crime, scene, photos. Huge. It's a very big deal. Especially considering everything that's going on in this case, we have the gag order, we have all kinds of things happening. And for that stuff to get out there, it's just egregious. She disqualified Baldwin and Rosie from representing Allen, even Pro Bono. She also ordered both lawyers to hand over the discovery to the newly appointed defense team by the end of the week. Hennessy denied the gross negligence and said they were not prepared for the ruling on October 19th, having the team to withdraw. He further stated that the summary judgment was unconstitutional. Well, the Supreme Court is going to settle that one and I have a sneaking suspicion, it's not going to be the ruling that Rosie and Baldwin are hoping for. 14-year-old Liberty Libby German and her friend Abigail Abbey Williams, 13, went missing on February 13th, 2017, while the pair were hiking through Indiana's Delphi historic trails. Their bodies were found the next day in a heavily wooded area near the trail by the Manon High Bridge. Allen was arrested on October 28th, 2022, on two charges of murder five years after the heinous murders of the two young girls. In September, Allen's defense team alleged that the girls' killings were carried out by members of a pagan cult dedicated to Odin, a war god in Norse mythology, and that Allen was framed by law enforcement as the main suspect in the murders. Baldwin previously called the leak by a Westerman, a betrayal, and said that he has since kept all Delphi documents and files in lock cabinets. That's what you should have been doing in the first place, dum-dum. And this guy's a lawyer, really? I don't even want you getting rid of a parking ticket for me if this is the way you're going to conduct yourself. Rosie claimed Westerman's actions were theft as he did not have permission from either attorney to photograph or share the evidence, well that's exactly what it is, theft, so I'm glad that Westerman has been charged, and I hope that he has to do some jail time. This is a big deal, this is just terrible, and it's really, really terrible for the families. And for me, I think that's where the focus should be, on these families. So if there's convictions that need to happen, let them happen. And as far as Rosie and Baldwin go, sorry boys, time to find a new gig. Alright everybody, that's going to do it for this one. All of the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box. An official message from Medicare. 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