Beyond The Horizon

ICYMI: Officials In Aruba Doubt Joran Van Der Sloot's Narrative

Natalee Holloway was an American teenager who disappeared during a high school graduation trip to Aruba in 2005. The case gained widespread media attention and has remained unsolved, with many details still unclear. Here is a summary of the key events:

  1. Background: Natalee Holloway, an 18-year-old from Mountain Brook, Alabama, went on a trip to Aruba with classmates to celebrate their high school graduation.
  2. Disappearance: On May 30, 2005, Natalee was last seen leaving a nightclub with three young men: Joran van der Sloot, a Dutch national; Deepak Kalpoe, and his brother Satish Kalpoe, both Aruban residents. Natalee did not return to her hotel, and her disappearance was reported when she failed to appear for her flight back to the United States.
  3. Investigation: The initial investigation focused on the last individuals seen with Natalee. Joran van der Sloot was arrested multiple times, along with the Kalpoe brothers, but they were released due to insufficient evidence. The investigation faced criticism for its handling and the lack of progress.
  4. Search Efforts: Intensive searches were conducted on the island and in the surrounding waters, but Natalee's body was never found. The lack of physical evidence complicated the investigation.
  5. Legal Developments: Over the years, there were various legal proceedings, arrests, and releases. Joran van der Sloot was arrested multiple times in connection with the case but was never charged with Natalee's disappearance. In 2010, he was arrested in Peru for the murder of Stephany Flores Ramirez and is currently serving a prison sentence in Peru.
  6. Closure and Ongoing Mystery: Natalee Holloway was declared legally dead in 2012. The case remains unsolved, and the exact circumstances surrounding her disappearance remain a mystery. The lack of conclusive evidence and the legal complications in Aruba have contributed to the ongoing uncertainty.

In 2023 Joran Van Der Sloot pleaded guilty to several crimes related to Natalee Holloway, but he was not charged with her murder under the terms of his plea deal. Now, in the aftermath of him spilling the beans, officials in Aruba are questioning his version of events.

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Aruba investigators question if chilling confession by Natalie Holloway killer Joran van der Sloot is credible amid concerns over 'contradictions' | Daily Mail Online

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17 Jul 2024
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So I guess down in Aruba, the investigators are questioning if the confession by your inventor's sloot is even credible or if it's real. Now, before we go any further, I'd just like to say that I don't really have too much faith in the investigators down in Aruba to tell me anything, never mind relying on them, to crack this case, they had their shot, how did it work out, not so well did it. It was an absolute abortion from the beginning and the whole entire investigation was straight up garbage and for all these years they really had nothing to say. All of a sudden they have a lot to say again, all of a sudden they're investigating, not for nothing but you guys are about 18 years late. So before we even dive into the article, let's take a gander at Vander Sloot's full confession. She has to go back to her hotel, but I was just trying to get dropped off a little bit further away from her hotel so we could walk back and I might still get a chance to be with her. That's what I was hoping for. Deepak drops me off at another place, a little right of the Marriott Hotel known as the Fisherman's Huts. This place is not far from, you know, the next hotel is the Marriott, and the next hotel after that is another Marriott, which is a timeshare, and then it's a Holiday Inn. We walked along the beach. Deepak and Satish leave, they go back to their home, assume they go back to their home. They get in their car and they leave. I'm actually with Natalie, walking alone, along on the beach. I find a space before we get to the Marriott Hotel where I lay her down, we lay down together in the sand, and we start kissing each other. I get her to kiss me again, and we start kissing each other. I start feeling her up again, and she tells me no. She tells me she doesn't want me to feel her up, I insist. I keep feeling her up either way. She ends up kneeing me in the crotch. When she "knees me in the crotch" I get up, and I kick her extremely hard in the face. She's lying down, unconscious, possibly even dead, but definitely unconscious. I see right next to her, there's a huge cinder block laying on the beach. I take this, and I smash her head in with it completely. Her face basically collapses in. Even though it's dark, I can see her face is collapsed in. Afterwards I don't exactly know, I'm scared. I don't know what to do, I decide to put her in the ocean. So I grab her, and I have pull and half walk with her into the ocean. I push her off. I walk up to about my knees into the ocean, and I push her off into the sea. And after that, I get out, and I walk home. This dirty, disgusting piece of garbage deserves the worst fate that you could possibly imagine. This man deserves worse than the volcano. How about we feed this dude to piranhas? Maybe throw him in to some sharks or something, or we could go like the Comanches used to do, and we could bury him all the way up to his head, and then we could just put a bunch of honey all over his face and let the bugs in the ant show up and give him the business. Because that's how I feel about your and Vander Sloot, and that's how much I care about this piece of shit's life. Alright, let's check out the article now. This article is from the Daily Mail and the headline. Aruba investigators question if chilling confession by Natalie Holloway-Killer, your and Vander Sloot, is credible amid concerns, over-contradictions. And like I said in the opening, all of a sudden, they're very concerned about this, huh? All of a sudden, there is contradictions, and you better hope you never fucking go missing in a place like Aruba, forget it, they don't care. This article was authored by Bethin Sexton. Aruba investigators have questioned if the chilling confession made by Natalie Holloway's killer is true, stating, "There are some details which don't add up." Prosecutors said your and Vander Sloot's admission about the 2005 murder of the high school senior contain contradictions, which don't make sense. You know what don't make sense? A whole-ass investigation put on by you clowns, that's what doesn't make sense. And then for them to get aggressive, to get offended, and to worry about how people are talking about them in the press was just ridiculous to watch. And back then obviously, I was a lot younger, and I really wasn't following the news the way I do now as far as this kind of news, but it was quite apparent from just a little bit that I was consuming back then, that the whole investigation was full-bar. And imagine being Natalie's parents, imagine how they must have felt, knowing that they can't do anything about any of this. Their daughter went missing in some country where the authorities don't even really care. And then you have this shitty ass investigation, only to have the same investigator has come back later on after this idiot confesses to say they don't believe the confession. Okay, I guess, but the reality is, it looks like they're on the same kind of shit that the US VIs on. Oh, we're the heroes, we're the good guys, really you're not. And the investigators in Aruba, really should just sit this one out at this point. Vander Sloot 36 confessed as part of a plea deal in which he pleaded guilty to charges of extortion and wire fraud after he tried to scam money out of Holloway's parents in exchange for intel on a remains. So instead of the jail sentence, he should have been given to Natalie Holloway's brother. I think that's fair, right? Let Natalie Holloway's brother, meet out the justice here, let him have a good 15-20 minutes with your and Vander Sloot alone unsupervised. I mean, I'm sure they'll just have a chat, right? Okay, maybe not, considering the language that was used by Natalie Holloway's brother in regard to your and Vander Sloot. This dude is not getting half of the punishment that he deserves. And in instances like this, Hammurabi's law is looking pretty good. The Dutch national told how he battered Holloway 18 to death with a cinder block and dumped her body in the ocean after she rebuffed his sexual advances. Now what kind of degenerate, sick monster does something like this? Oh, that's right, there's plenty of them out there, and the audacious disgusting part about all of it is he's going to walk, right? He's not going to prison for murdering Natalie Holloway like he should. Instead he's going to get nailed for extortion and the rest of it. Oh yeah, that's great. Makes everybody feel so confident. Now the one saving grace is this scumbag is serving time down in Peru where he's already been stabbed once and chances are he will be attacked again and my guess is the results won't be so favorable for your and Vander Sloot. So when all is said and done, the universe will probably end up meeting out justice. And while I'm completely on board with that, I wish he was getting that justice here in America. I'd put his ass in a jail cell with Larry Nasser's former cellmate. See how enjoyable he finds that. But now prosecutors have poked holes in this account, stating the geographic features of the Aruba Beach where the killing took place typically would mean her body would have been washed back up, typically, typically, typically, okay? Not for sure, not guaranteed, they don't know. Just like from the very beginning, they didn't know, they still don't know. I hear they're filming the next season of Reno 911 down in Aruba. It's going to be called Aruba 911 though. An official message from Medicare. A new law is helping me save more money on prescription drug costs. You may be able to save too. With Medicare's extra help program, my premium is zero and my out-of-pocket costs are low. Who should apply? Single people making less than $23,000 a year, or married couples who make less than $31,000 a year. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out. Go to paid for by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. It's true that there's a reef that usually keeps things from washing out the sea. The investigator told the messenger, "I don't know if you guys know this or not, but there's things in the ocean that, like, eat people. So you're telling me there's no chance that some animal, some creature, some fish, some shark, whatever the fuck you want to call it, got her remains?" That would certainly account for the body not washing back up, huh? It's about 30 meters offshore. You have to go past it to be sure that things won't wash back up on the beach, but he says he didn't do that. Vander Sloot described with a sickening detachment, how he caved in Holloway's face before waiting up to his knees and pushing her body out to sea. Police also never found the murder weapon, or any remains, despite an extensive search the day after, Holloway went missing. We didn't see any block, the investigator added, no blood, and nothing that led us to believe that she died there like that. Vander Sloot, who was admitted to receiving treatment for his sociopathic tendencies, was compelled to disclose everything he knew about the murder, as part of the plea deal. US authorities also subjected him to a polygraph test which he passed with flying colors. So here's the thing, we don't know what happened, right? We don't know for sure what happened in Natalie Holloway. But the Arubian investigators here are laughable at best. All of a sudden they have a lot to offer, huh? All of a sudden they have some insight to share with us. Like I said earlier, you're about 18 years too late, okay? So just pipe down. Probably a good idea to go and do whatever it is that you guys are usually doing, because murder investigations, they're not your forte. But his testimony contradicts an account, he gave to a friend over email in 2010, which he claimed his father had rented a boat two days after the murder, to take care of things, suggesting the body was hidden before being dumped, further out to sea. Possible too, look, it's definitely possible. One thing's for damn sure, your and Vander Sloot is responsible for murdering Natalie Holloway. All this other stuff, just noise, let's get on the punishment phase, and I'm not talking about sitting in some jail cell for the rest of your life. His confession brought some closure to the years of torment for the Holloway family, who have strived for answers since her disappearance on May 30th of 2005. A judge declared her dead, but her body was never found. The teen's mom Beth Holloway described the immense relief the family felt after Vander Sloot was handed a 20-year sentence at an Alabama court for his extortion crimes. This confession means we finally reach the end of this never-ending nightmare, she said outside the courthouse. The killer was snared after trying to scam 250 G's from Holloway's mom Beth Holloway, in exchange for information on her remains. Vander Sloot was extradited from Peru for a hearing where he is already serving a 28-year sentence for the murder of 21-year-old student Steffi Flores in 2010. Serial killer shit, bro. The murder of the Lima student took place five years exactly after that of Holloway. Vander Sloot will serve his second sentence at the same prison he is currently being held in, but technically does not face any time for the murder. Despite doubts over the veracity of his confession, the murder has now passed the statute of limitations in Aruba for Vander Sloot to be charged again, a statute of limitations for murder. Makes a whole lot of sense, in fact it doesn't make any sense whatsoever. There are some things that don't make sense, the investigators said, it just doesn't add up. There's nothing more to be done, but I still will always wonder, well you're not the only one bub, we're all gonna wonder, your in-vander bitch is never gonna see the light a day again, and for that we should all celebrate. Alright folks that's gonna do it for this one, all the information that goes with this episode can be found in the description box. Even if you don't think you qualify, it pays to find out.