Beyond The Horizon

The MOAB Police Department Blasts The Petito Lawsuit Filed Against Them (7/16/24)

The Moab Police Department has recently responded to the wrongful death lawsuit filed by Gabby Petito's family, who allege negligence in their handling of a domestic dispute between Petito and her fiancé, Brian Laundrie. The police department's motion to dismiss the lawsuit, filed in April 2024, argues that the judicial system should not be used as a substitute for a GoFundMe campaign, suggesting that the lawsuit is more about seeking financial gain than justice. They also contend that their officers acted with kindness, respect, and empathy during their interaction with Petito and Laundrie on August 12, 2021, and that they cannot be held responsible for predicting the tragic events that occurred weeks later and miles away.

In response, Gabby Petito's father, Joseph Petito, has strongly refuted the police department's claims, emphasizing that the lawsuit is not about money but about accountability and preventing future tragedies. He asserts that the Moab Police Department's failure to properly address the situation put his daughter at risk and that their refusal to learn from their mistakes endangers the public.

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Moab cops blast Gabby Petito family's $50m lawsuit as a 'substitute GoFundMe campaign' and demand it be thrown out | The US Sun (

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16 Jul 2024
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The police department in Moab is still acting the fool when it comes to Gabby Petito and the lawsuit that's been filed against them in regards to their behavior during their stop of Gabby Petito and Brian Laundry while they were in Moab. Now, of course, Brian Laundry went on to kill Gabby Petito a few days later, a few weeks later, and that has led to this lawsuit being filed by her family. And when you look at the video, there is no doubt that Brian Laundry's ball-headed melon munchin ass should have been arrested. But he wasn't. They were just separated that night, and then Brian Laundry went on to kill Gabby Petito. So, her family filed a lawsuit against Moab because they're negligent and shitty at their jobs, and according to the lawsuit, it should cost them around 50 million. Well, Moab is responded, and in typical fashion, they look like complete jerk-offs. According to them, this sort of lawsuit is nothing more than the Petito's attempting to use this and substitute it for a GoFundMe campaign. Now, imagine saying that to somebody whose daughter was murdered on the back end of your employees' incompetence. Imagine having the audacity to say some shit like this. Today's article is from the US Sun and the headline, "Cash Grab", Moab cops blast Gabby Petito's family over the 50 million dollar lawsuit as a substitute GoFundMe campaign and demand it to be thrown out. This article was authored by Katie Forrester. And look, if there wasn't video backing up what the Petitos are saying, then Moab would have a leg to stand on. They do not have a leg to stand on here, and I think that they're being very foolish by attempting to draw this out. If I was them, I'd be looking to settle. I think 25 million sounds like a decent number to start at, no? Moab Police Department is demanding a 50 million dollar wrongful death suit brought by Gabby Petito's family to be dismissed, saying the judicial system is not a substitute for a GoFundMe campaign. The 22 year old influencer's parents, Nicole Schmidt and Joseph Petito, first filed the suit in November of 2022, and of course we've been following along with this ever since Gabby disappeared. This has been one of the ongoing stories that we've covered, and it just gets sadder and sadder by the day. Talk about unnecessary. This piece of garbage Brian Laundry should have just did what he wanted to do and that's kill himself before he hurt Gabby. And look, I don't say that lightly. Suicide's no joke. It's something that affects a lot of people, and a lot of us have friends and family members who have went that route, so I'm certainly not making light of it. But when we're talking about somebody like Brian Laundry, who was wired incorrectly and who had these thoughts and who obviously turned those thoughts into actions, we would have been a lot better off with this dude just killing himself. But instead, he had to take Gabby's life before he took his own, and that obviously feeds into the narcissism and the rest of the BS that we saw with Brian Laundry. In the initial complaint, they alleged that the department's negligent hiring and failure to properly train led to their daughter's death. Petito and Fiance Brian Laundry were pulled over in Utah following a domestic dispute in August of 2021, just days before she was strangled to death by her partner. Law enforcement officers who responded to the call told the couple to go their separate ways for the night, but no arrests were made. After this year, Petito's family filed a second amended complaint, and I have all of these documents if you folks are interested in hearing them and you want me to add them to the catalog, shoot me some emails and let me know. New court documents seen by the US son show Moab Police Department is demanding a dismissal as a matter of established Utah law. In this case, Brian Laundry murdered Petito 15 days after they left Moab together, the filing reads, "During that 15-day interval, Petito had her van, keys, and contact with them. Instead of leaving Laundry, she drove with her fiance to Wyoming 400 miles away from Moab. So we're not going to take into account that she was being manipulated or emotionally led. Are we not going to take into account? She might have been scared for her life." Well, guess what? The jury certainly is going to take that into account, so Moab better tread very, very lightly here, because the jury is not going to take too kindly to the police department, making statements like this when somebody's daughter was murdered. They're basically saying we have no responsibility at all, and we had nothing to do with this. Meanwhile, it was your officers who let them go. That's a big problem. Now, of course, those officers didn't directly lead to Gabby being killed. We can't draw that conclusion, at least I can't. But I can say this, their negligence played a part. And if your negligence plays the part and somebody dying, guess what? You're going to be held liable at least in a civil fashion. And that's what we see here. Moab's police department did not cause potatoes engagement to laundry, her decision to remain with them, her decision to continue driving to Wyoming, or laundry's criminal conduct weeks later. That is all true. However, the department did cause their officers not to be trained correctly and not to react the right way to this situation. So there has to be a come-up in for that. There has to be a penalty, and not just people being fired. There has to be some sort of punitive damage, that way it doesn't happen again. The department goes on to say, "Potito's murder is an undeniable sorrow." Laundry's crime was undisputably depraved. But the judicial system is not a substitute for a GoFundMe campaign. Heartbreak is not enough. That's true. All of that's true. I'm not somebody that gets in my feelings when it comes to lawsuits. If there's a basis for a lawsuit, great. If there's not, well, too bad. Here, I think there's a basis, and not only a basis, I think they have tenable ground to stand upon. When you have something like this occur, and remember, we have the video footage. We have the body cam footage. We have the phone calls to 911. We have the eyewitness reports. So there's a lot of evidence stacking up for the potatoes. And if I was Moab, again, I'd be looking to settle here. And I think that's eventually what they're going to do. But they're figuring maybe we'll posture a little bit here, and it'll have an effect. Breaking news, it's not going to. The potatoes aren't going to be shaken off their perch. What they're going to be intimidated by the Moab Police Department. In the 14-page motion to dismiss, filed last month, the department references multiple different cases where a crime was committed after a run-in with police. The filing states in this case laundry murdered potato roughly two weeks after their interaction with the Moab Police Department. That crime happened hundreds of miles away from Moab at a campsite in Wyoming. Moreover, the crime occurred after Moab separated potato and laundry during that time. Potato had her van where she had been camping. But she did not drive away or leave laundry. Indeed, potato had declared, "I don't want to be separated because she and laundry were a team." Oh, so next time the police show up for a domestic, all they have to say is, "Look, we don't want to be separated. We're a team." Really? Is that how this works? When you get called out for a domestic as a police officer and there's any marks on anybody, somebody should go to jail. Point blank period doesn't matter who the person is, woman or man. You can't be putting your hands on somebody. So the fact that nobody went to jail here is a gigantic red flag. And in fact, there's more red flags here than a Chinese communist parade. And all I can say is that Moab's lucky that I'm not somebody that might be in the jury pool. Pledge facts, plaintiffs cannot establish legal or approximate causation as a matter of law. Moab PD has retained Mitchell A. Stevens, a top-rated business litigation attorney in Salt Lake City. In a statement he previously told the US son, the Moab City Police Department, did not cause Brian Laundry to murder Gabrielle Petito. When called, Moab officers responded with kindness and respect. No they didn't. They didn't do their job. What are you even talking about right now, Mr. Stevens? Moab acted like a bunch of fools, like a bunch of untrained morons. They also separated Ms. Petito and Mr. Laundry for the night. The next morning Ms. Petito and Mr. Laundry chose to continue their ongoing road trip, traveling hundreds of miles together over the following weeks. So that means everything's okay. Let's just ignore the fact that Gabby was obviously terrified of this dude. Let's just ignore that. How is it that these cops show up? People have marks on them. There's an eyewitness saying that Brian hit Gabby and nobody goes to jail? That's what I can't get over and up to this point they haven't explained that in these court documents or anywhere else. He went on to blast a lawsuit claiming the plaintiff's $50 million demand appears to be a publicity stunt. Even if the plaintiffs believe that Moab City is liable, it's strange credibility to suggest the city is 15 to 20 times more responsible for Ms. Petito's death than Brian Laundry, her murderer. And that might get a little attraction. I can't even front about that. That's a good point that he brings up. But guess what? The city of Moab, they're insured. They have a bunch of money. You can only go after so much money from somebody like Brian Laundry, right? The city of Moab, that's a different story. So when the city has more money or a bigger insurance policy, of course, the demands are going to be higher. That's how this works. We all have somewhere we're trying to get to. As the largest energy producer in Colorado, Chevron is working to responsibly meet rising energy demand. So everyone can get to where they want to be. You've arrived. That's energy and progress. Visit Judy was boring. Hello. Then Judy discovered It's my little escape. Now Judy's the life of the party. Oh baby, mama's bringing home the bacon. Whoa, take it easy Judy. The Chumba life is for everybody. So go to and play over 100 casino style games. Join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prices. No purchase necessary for you. We're prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. See website for details. On the day of the traffic stop, Laundry was allegedly seen slapping his girlfriend. But when Petito also admitted to hitting him, police deemed her the primary aggressor. Imagine deeming her the primary aggressor after an eyewitness tells you otherwise. We all know that people aren't honest when they're in this situation. They're scared. They don't want their loved one to go to jail. They're abuser to go to jail. There's a lot of psychology that goes into this. So as a police officer, you have to be shrewd enough to see through the bullshit, especially after Brian Laundry tells you, oh, I don't have a cell phone, then you see him with a cell phone. Don't you think that would get the alarm bells ringing if you're a police officer that knows his shit? I know if I was a police officer and you lie about one thing to me, I'm going to think you're lying about everything. And honestly at that point, I'm taking everybody to jail and I'll let a judge sort it out. But to just leave and not take anyone to jail and just say, oh, we're going to separate them? Yeah, that's negligent. Laundry later murdered Petito and left her body in a campsite before eventually killing himself after a manhunt. The young woman's remains were found in Bridger Teton National Forest in Wyoming in September 19, 2022. After an exhaustive manhunt for Laundry, police confirmed, he had fatally shot himself. In a suicide note, Laundry admitted to killing Petito, but bizarrely insisted it was because she had fallen into a stream and injured herself. But wouldn't let him get help. Oh yeah, that's exactly what happened. Who falls and gets hurt and then says, you know what, I think I'll just die here. Give me a break, man. This guy's such a piece of garbage. And honestly, I wish that he could have been fed to those alligators instead of just blowing his stupid face off. He wrote, she wouldn't let me try to cross the creek, thought like me that this fire would go out in her sleep and she'd freeze. I don't know the extent of Gabby's injuries, only that she was in extreme pain. I ended her life. I thought it was merciful, that it was what she wanted, but I see now all the mistakes I made. I panicked. I was in shock, but from the moment I decided took away her pain, I knew I couldn't go on without her. Oh, you went on long enough to leave, right? You went on long enough to drive all the way back to Florida, you piece of shit. In an independent report carried out following the traffic stop and Petito's death. It was found Moab PD officers made several mistakes. Captain Brandon Ratcliffe of the Price City Police Department in Utah, who conducted the review, found that the officers who responded misclarified the incident and their reports lacked details. No statement was taken from the 911 caller who reported the gentleman slapping the girl before the couple left in the van, according to the report, kind of important, no, kind of important to do your job. I mean, hell, somebody at McDonald's better get the burger right. So you as a police officer, better get your shit together. The review recommended that the two officers, Eric Pratt and Daniel Scott Robbins be placed on probation, despite several requests Moab PD has refused to confirm or deny if they ever were. Petito's mom, Nicole, previously said, "We will never stop seeking justice for Gabby and working for the protection of other victims of domestic violence." Attorney Brian C. Stewart of the Parker and Mcconky law firm also stated, "Gabby's family remains committed to honoring Gabby's legacy by demanding accountability and working towards systemic change to prevent such tragedies in the future." The U.S. son revealed earlier this week that one of the officers involved in the traffic stop, Eric Pratt, is now working as a Moab guide, charging around $499 for luxury tours of its national parks. Current and former officers were removed as individual defendants earlier this year, as they could not pay the $200,000 bond required. Moab PD has refused to confirm or deny if Pratt has left the force, but he has removed the department from his LinkedIn page. They should all leave the force, are you kidding me right now? None of these dudes should be cops. None of these dudes doing tours, really? Wouldn't want to be on that tour, imagine you get caught up out there, there's a storm or something, bro's going to leave you, not going to give you the right advice, going to leave you, whatever it might be, and he's about to dip, and you're going to be out there like Aaron Ralston trying to cut off your own arm to get out of the canyon. Alright, maybe that's a bunch of hyperbole, but you get my drift. I wouldn't pay this dude one single dollar to even pair my socks, never mind taking me on a tour of Moab. But either way, this lawsuit's going to keep moving forward, and in my opinion, I think when all is said and done, the city of Moab is going to settle with the potatoes, for how much I have no idea, but I think that's what we're headed for here when all of the dominoes fall, but until then we'll keep our eye on things, and when we have some more information to share, we'll make sure that we get it added to the catalog. 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