
Amber Rose Plus More FBI Lies… | Candace Ep 26

Amber Rose speaks at the RNC and we still have lingering questions about the assassination attempt on Donald Trump.

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16 Jul 2024
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Amber Rose speaks at the RNC and we still have lingering questions about the assassination attempt on Donald Trump.


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All right, guys. We are live once again. How much fun are we having? I've always wanted to go live and some people thought maybe that's not a good idea if you make mistakes But I don't really care. I love just seeing what you guys are thinking about these stories and boy Oh boy, do we have a lot of topics discussed today? Again forgive us if the audio is not perfect I'm hearing a lot of sirens. I'm out here in Los Angeles, but the RNC What everybody think about it? I feel that the Twitter chatter was quite split. There were definitely some moments Some people felt like the RNC was appealing to people on the basis of DEI initiatives Other people thought that it was really well done. I mean there were definitely some good moments and some bad moments We're gonna go over a few of those First and foremost, and I say this with the most kindness in my heart I actually love her as a lawyer. I think she has been tremendous in fighting for American freedoms and defending the constitution Harmates Dylan. We're gonna I'm gonna go ahead and show you guys in case you missed it But she is a leader obviously she's a Republican leader and she decided to lead the Republican national convention with Something known as an art us. Okay. It is a I guess it's a it's a sing. It's a song It's also a prayer and it is something that is done if you a deer to seek ism So I just want to go ahead and show you guys a clip of that taking place on the RNC stage. Take a listen Dear wahiguru our one true God We thank you for creating America as a unique haven on this earth where all people are free to worship according to their faith We seek your blessings and guidance for our beloved country Um, okay, I'll let you guys comment. I got for me. I just thought First and foremost, what is this? Secondly, who is this for? Who is the intended audience? I guess what is the RNC for? What's the purpose of the RNC? What is this convention about? Are we trying to bring voters in? Are we just trying to assert who we are as conservatives? If it is the former, how does this help? If it is the latter, how does this help? That's where I was. It's just what is this literally why why is this I thought to myself and again? This is not a personal job at harmy Dylan. She's definitively somebody who punches for America and should be supported, but whose idea was this? That was the other thing when you sit around and you're like, okay We are planning the Republican convention. Who rose their hand and was like, what if we do something known as an art us and Then someone said, tell me more. What's that? And they said, well, actually if you didn't know about this Well, first and foremost seven percent of Americans are Asian Americans. Mm-hmm And of that seven percent one percent a dear to Sikhism Oh, tell me more and of that one percent of the seven percent They do this prayer and then someone in that meeting said, yeah, no go with that. That's definitely the thing to do. Huh? What? This is why I think and this is a moment in which I think a lot of people were responding going What are we doing here? Are we now the same party that critiques DEI and then Also practices practices at certain points because it's this for me if I'm running the RNC If I'm running the convention, I'm going this is just it's not emblematic of America Sometimes that you can't find a melting pod in different cultures within America But this is not something that patriots are rallying behind This is this is it doesn't make any sense for this to be on the RNC stage So I saw this I didn't think it made any sense and I can tell you for those of you who were like me going What is what is Sikhism? I have no idea what this is Here are the basic five tenets of it They believe there's only one God that God is without form or gender Everyone has direct access to him everyone is equal for him and a good life is served as part of a community by living honestly and caring for others They also do not believe in empty religious rituals and superstitions have no value So I hope that helps you a little bit that by the way those religious tenets that is as offered by the BBC I if you were as confused as me, I hope now you have some clarity and by some clarity I mean you should still be utterly confused as to why the RNC thought that that was necessary thing to include in its evening program I'm moving on to the moment that everybody was divided on every single person on the I mean It was like a war like in the conservatives based online People that were coming out and being like what on earth why on earth similar to me asking this question about her meets Ardas prayer or Ardas performance Amber Rose who that amber rose the slut walk amber rose those are not aware of amber rose before she had the RNC stage She is known for hosting Annually or she has in the past hosted annually for many years What is known as the slut walk which is exactly what it sounds like? It's women that are embracing their slut and walking around downtown Los Angeles half naked and basically saying it's not my body My choice, but like just because I'm naked doesn't mean that I can't or just because I'm a slut doesn't I actually don't know what the slut walk is about and I can tell you definitively I have been a person who has been harsh and critiqued this walk in the past as well as those people who participated in this walk because It is emblematic of the very many things that are wrong in this country Like the I talk about whole culture the entire time We have embraced we're embracing this and it is actually an evil and it is an evil that is actually disruptive To women genuinely above and beyond the people that are hurt the most by the idea that women have to be naked in order to be heard are women themselves we devalue ourselves we debase ourselves and we make it Difficult virtually impossible for men to respect us when we denigrate denigrate ourselves I'm parading around the streets with our boobs out because I don't know my friend invited me on a Saturday And that's what I should do so it's understandable that people had some reaction suddenly what what is amber rose doing here? And some people pointed out. Oh, she's got a tattoo on her forehead But actually her speech was a highlight of the evening So I'm gonna let you guys take a listen to just a small piece of it The first person I knew who supported Donald Trump was my father. I was shocked My entire family is racially diverse and I believe the left-wing propaganda that Donald Trump was a racist My father said no, he's not amber. What are you talking about and when I insisted he said prove it So to prove my father wrong. I did my research and looked into all things Donald Trump I watched all the rallies and I started meeting so many of you his red hat wearing supporters I realized Donald Trump and his supporters don't care if you're black white gay or straight It's all love and that's when it hit me. These are my people. This is where I belong So she looked classy she delivered points But if you go back to trying to assess to her me on stage according to the same metric that I was using for harmony Dylan Who is this speaking to and what does this signify? Well, actually it spoke to a lot of people, you know, I know that it's difficult for people to Recognize that this is the culture that we live in but it is right? So there are very many women who are living a life or have been living a life like Ambrose on only fans trying to get attention Trying to sell their bodies quite literally that's that's what she was doing in Hollywood trying to sell your body to get a magazine cover and to book a magazine cover so people are Watching her and seeing her Try to transition into something else and it is going to signify whether whether you believe it should or not to other Women who are living this sort of a life that they can be something else and so what I I struggle with with the Republican party or rather the conservative movement movement are these purity tests, okay? Which is to say and I went through this so I am saying this very much the chip on my shoulder because I I had to suffer purity tests When I first jumped in to conservative thinking and I want to say it is not an overnight process Right, so when I first was red pill black and started my YouTube channel. I just realized That BLM on its face was a lie. That was it. I'm just going okay Trump getting elected is not gonna put us back into chains I don't like all of this racist rhetoric and I actually do believe that you should work hard and Not receive handouts. That's how I've lived my life. So does that make me a conservative and in saying that and in putting out these videos my videos were going so viral as being on invited on to Fox News and of course I went because wow, that's amazing I can say something that I believe in and there you're telling me there's an audience people that want to hear this amazing And then instantly the purity test came and it was well actually who is red pill black? What does she actually believe about this particular issue? How would she solve what's going on in Afghanistan at the moment and what what are her perspectives on abortion? And suddenly you're being inundated with questions that you've never actually thought through you just you said this thing that you actually believe and You're not there yet. You haven't actually locked all of these things into place Can we make it easy for people to take that first step? She's not getting up there and saying she's a Christian and by the way I don't think very many people that hit that stage could get up there and say that they are Christian or embodying Christianity because the Republican national convention is not something that was established for Only Christians right there's a difference between being a Christian and being a conservative and being a Republican Sometimes you can be all three but not all the times right and some people are just economic conservatives Maybe she's an economic conservative But the point is that she said something that she believed to be true that she felt the media was lying to her about Donald Trump Okay, and instantly that media that left this media came to her and they said you're not allowed to say that Do you want to know why because you're our slut, right? You're our slut We already sold you leftism and that's all you'll ever be And she stopped them. I showed that clip a while ago of amber rose and amber rose was being chased by tmz And they're going how could you you know? You were the founder of a slut walk and she held her ground and she said Something very important that I believe in very much people are allowed to evolve So when we then say to those people who are trying to evolve that you went from Being a slut to being imperfect and we don't want you That makes other people who are seeing that Fearful that they can't also change their minds that they can't also become something different Now to speak to those who feel Okay, but why did the RNC put her on the main stage? I think those are that's a valid feeling and I especially know That I felt that way specifically because years ago they put kim clasek at the center of the stage And they had not even done any due diligence like they did not know about her past Working at a strip club and quite frankly She was lying about a lot of that stuff publicly and I took her to task on that I ended up in a lawsuit with kim clasek and I won that lawsuit after years Years of having to pay legal fees. I won that lawsuit against her when she tried to sue me for defamation Because she wasn't being honest about her past and I still feel that she was she completely ran The republican party and raised tons of money off of One viral video and nobody did their due diligence So I understand that feeling of are we being duped? Why has the RNC done any due diligence? And so again, I want to validate those concerns but saying By also saying that you can feel that but your coral would be with the RNC not with amber rose So let's not join the chorus of people who are denigrating her on the basis that she Hasn't only fans account that my understanding is that she hasn't posted content to it Um, and instead try to welcome her and and I've had just to be open about this a conversation with her and I sensed very much i'm a gut player That she was very genuine and that she is very much struggling right now because of this horrible limbo Of realizing that your friends on the left don't want you anymore because god forbid you were a MAGA hat And your potential friends on the rights are now crawling through your pages and saying ha ha ha Look at this girl. She's a conservative. She's supposed to be on stage. Let's just not do that Let's just not do that. Let's just press pause for a second And give her the space to learn because she is not going to be What we would want her to be if she decides to stay within this realm She's simply sharing her story and I think that she's very much allowed to do that So if you disagree with that, let me know in the comments. Let's take a quick break here Uh, we actually have a new advertising on the show which i'm really excited about and as we're talking about with amber We all know that life can be extremely unpredictable But what everybody needs is a good life insurance policy a plan that can give your family a financial safety network To protect against some of the unknowns policy genius of the country's leading online insurance marketplace It makes choosing the right policy for your family easy and quick It can help you easily compare your options for america's top insurers in just a few clicks Their award-winning agents can even walk you through the process step by step Policy genius has no incentive to recommend one insurer or another So you can absolutely trust their guidance. 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I told you about it yesterday There was someone who actually predicted That donald trump was going to get shot in the ear back in march No, I'm not kidding around somebody tagging this video. I said no way is this real? Okay, so this this man his name is brannon bigs. He says alleges that he's a pastor I could not confirm that information. I hope he's like a self stylized pastor But the point is is that he went on a christian author's show that christian's name is steve chocolante and he Just basically said he foresaw an attempt on the president's life In which president donald trump was going to survive. I'm going to let you listen to that again This was published onto youtube on march 14 take a listen Saw trump rising up and then I saw an attempt on his life That this bullet flew by his ear and it came so close to his head that it busted his drum ear drum And I saw um he was he fell to his knees during this time frame and he started worshiping the lord He got radically born again during this time frame. I'm talking People say he's saved now but he becomes really on fire for jesus for what I saw coming and um then I saw people Interceding when he and I see him I saw him winning the the presidency uh through great The lord showed me he would go clear into the the summer great persecution would come on him Through the judges and through the um through the law and all these people trying to sue him and all this stuff But there would be a stock to it and their things would start to it's to break free come toward the fall And then I saw him winning uh the election Through the patriots coming out and voting and then and then and then there will be a great economy crash I mean as everybody as shook by that as I was when I saw it I went what is going on And it's not even just accurately predicting that he would survive it and that it would hurt his ear and That in and of itself is unbelievable But then even the fact that he predicted that immediately following this the lawsuits that people were throwing at him would be dropped That quite literally happened. They they dropped they had a huge lawsuit to put together this Entire panel to go after trump for these documents that he took and then suddenly the judges threw it out And again, that that's obviously one of many lawsuits that have been against him But that is something and then also saying that this would draw Trump Into christianity somehow this would this would be a draw for him to become more faithful Well, let me just remind you jog your memory here But the second post that he posted following the shooting was this onto truth social he wrote Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers yesterday as it was god alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening We will fear not but instead of remain resilient in our faith and defiant in the face of wickedness Our love goes out to the other victims and their families We pray the recovery of those who are wounded and hold in our hearts the memory of a citizen who was so horribly killed And this moment is more important than ever that we stay united and show Our true character as american's remaining strong and determined and not allowing evil to win I truly love our country and love you all and look forward to speaking to our great nation this week from us content So this is not the trump that i'm used to Hearing him speak about faith as a form of defiance hearing him speaking about god having prevented the unthinkable from happening And asking for people to pray. I mean this is just not the trump that I think that we're used to so Maybe that is an indication and i'm sure for a lot of people by the way when you have Any sort of a near death experience or where you look and you go out by one inch i could have been dead And that is the reality like if he had just moved one inch he could have been dead or if his head was turned It was not turned at all and he continued looking forward donald trump could be dead today And that has to impact you it has to have real impact onto you So it will be interesting to see if that part of this prophecy plays out now of course What is kind of alarming about this as later on he says that he sees trump winning And then followed by trump winning the election there is going to be a very hard economic time And hard economics times and he sees trump praying in the oval office now who knows who knows now Everybody deems himself a prophet Tons people will make a bunch of insinuations a bunch of predictions and maybe once in a balloon you get something right But I think that was oddly specific Oddly specific and I see people in the comments now saying that he wasn't the only one who did this But I just wanted to draw this to attention because I just thought that that was Just insane to see it circulating all of the internet that this man made that prediction It really is something to say the least now We need to go back and talk about this shooting because so much is happening so many things that are being updated and you're just going what the heck is What what really is going on here? Who knew what? When did they know it? Again, are we still supposed to believe that this person just was able to load up and sling This rifle onto his back and scale onto a rooftop and nobody saw anything Of course, we don't believe that and it seems almost as if they're scrambling to give us more information First I said the FBI couldn't get into his phone then they said yesterday. Oh, no, great We actually figured out how to get into his phone I'm glad to hear that you were able to get into this nobody's phone You are of course the FBI with access to the nsa and you're monitoring every single second of all of our lives I mean new thing that you have to do now is take a picture every time you're at the airport That's for what reason is it making us safer or freer? No, but just more data for them to collect me Just want to say your face is changing every time you fly But first they wanted us to think that this kid really stumped him. They couldn't get into his phone Well now they're they're into his phone and they say well, we find no connections There's nothing going on here. There's no connection to anybody else. Ha Yeah, right again this lone shooter nonsense. Nobody is buying it. Why don't you start listening to conspiracy theorists? Okay The reality is is that your CIA spent the better Part of the decade of the 60s Experimenting on how to create mentoring candidates, which is how do we infiltrate the psyche of someone and inspire them to kill That is a reality. You have to face that reality. I will say this on the show over and over again I do not care what I am called at all because it is high time that people wake up to true evil and a lot of it is coward's people don't want to to face this that you don't want to face the plausibility rather the actuality that our deep state agencies have organized and executed The assassinations of presidents in the past, but that's a reality You got to stop being a coward. We're gonna face the reality Because the more people that know it that this is the only way that we that we represent a threat to them Is when too many people know when there's just too many of us for them to go after And so when you see this situation take place, okay, you go what the heck is this about? What is this ever about? What are they actually trying to do other than Also get power for themselves and here are some more updates regarding that specific situation Local police who were assigned by the secret service to help spot threats in the crowd at the rally Were inside the building where the gunman had positioned himself on the roof to shoot at the former president That's at least according to a secret service official brief. So they were inside the building you guys But they just didn't see anybody scaling on top of it. They weren't even worried about their own safety They weren't worried that they would be ambushed from behind. They just were inside the building building doing god knows what then of course our resident dei Us secret service director kimberly cheetahl claimed during interview with abc news at the personnel We're not positioned on top of the building where the shooter opened fire because of a quote unquote sloped roof Oh, okay. So the roof the roof was too sloped for Our nation's secret service and fbi officials are supposed to be the people that are the fittest ever right from checking the president I'd like to think and you could outrun a bullet But they couldn't scale this roof, but this dinky looking kid Who can't even grow out facial hair? Yeah? Well, he was able to do it very very easily. That was very easy for him Nobody is buying that whatsoever In fact, if you actually look at the map it shows you that or if you look at the the footage rather You'll notice that the roof that the shooter shot from is less slow Than the roof that's the secret service we eventually took him out was sitting on Okay, so that roof was actually less sloped Makes entirely no sense for them to be saying this but again They're just trying to solve so much information that we're confused and we just think again that it was a remarkable Failure of intelligence and that is not what I believe whatsoever As I said despite getting into this young man's phone No further information has been provided and this is the worst part This has been confirmed. He was spotted on the rooftop 26 minutes Before the shooting occurred Don't be a conspiracy theorist you guys Don't don't think I don't want you thinking if you're watching this and you're thinking about thinking please stop Please wait until the experts Come out and tell you what to think about that. What's a way to hear from rachel mattow Don lemon people that went to the schools where they where they know how to process information They know how to discern between disinformation and misinformation and misinformation and they know What is a conspiracy theory and what is not a conspiracy theory? And let me tell you something. It is perfectly normal I'm sure they're gonna tell us that a the secret service would spot somebody on a rooftop with a rifle 26 minutes before he fires the president that means that The secret service agent and this is what is being alleged had his scope On the shooter and allowed the shooter to fire first before he took him out. So that would be Allowing six shots to go out and then shooting at him But again, this was all just a remarkable Failure of intelligence. That's that's literally obviously what it was You're not even gonna believe this headline actually you are gonna believe it because if you watch this show I've been telling you the elites have already decided that we're going to war So get on board get on board everybody. We're going we're going shopping Okay I've been covering this quite literally for years that it's very obvious in the rhetoric that they want war with russia and iran And what do you know guys lo and behold in one presidency where we're suddenly Inching ever closer to war with russia because we just got to help you crane out You know, they're just such good people over in Ukraine. They've suspended elections. They're locking down the churches The Bolsheviks are back, baby The Bolsheviks are in charge and they're coming after the christians again But you're not even gonna know right rather the christians are just going to be quiet And and allow this to happen and and forget what happened in that region not so long ago anyways now obviously the the rhetoric has been increasing against iran and this headline ran and CNN exclusive Secret service ramped up security after receiving intel of iranian plot to assassinate trump No known connection to shooting. Yeah, no known connection just yet This is what we term a false flag events. So hmm if trump had died Maybe they would have blamed it on iran who knows? But are they actually trying to sell us to the public that iran Was plotting to shoot trump and we're supposed to believe that not only did they they increase his secret service presence But despite that despite this real-life threat from iran the country that they keep telling us that they want us to go die for They want us to go die on to behalf of fighting iran rather Um, but now they're they're trying to sell to us that the secret service got this intel saw this man of rooftop for 26 minutes Just watched his hair swaying in the wind They just wanted to see what was gonna happen. Yeah Trust the experts guys believe this intel. I know it's it fits like a perfect piece of a puzzle That they have been wanting to go to war with russia in iran and suddenly now they're trying to tell you that there's an excuse And intel by the way if you're looking for disinformation and misinformation The intel agencies are just dropping these things because false flag events are real We know that because there once was a president named jfk And um, he was told via operation north woods you can look this up and you should look this up Okay, just go to wikipedia That the cia wanted to establish a false flag events back in the 60s because they wanted to go to war with qba So they were going to kill americans. They were going to stage a fake terror attack Blame it on the cubans kill either american troops or american civilians And they had different options. We should kill them down in miami We can kill them down in new york and they'll blame it on qba or we could just down um, a a ship or Fighter jet whatever we want to do we could down it and then we'll tell the american people that now we have to go over qba That's a real thing that happened, but that brave President catholic president said no, I will not do this morally to the american people And then unfortunately you guys he was involved in a car accident By involved in a car accident. I mean he was accidentally shot by those same agencies Who he said no to So that's just just the reality of things. I just want to make sure that you guys know that that is actually happening As what's actually going on in our society and I would just need more people to be willing to call it out to say exactly what it is We understand what's happening. We understand the risk to down chumps life, you know yesterday I was talking to you all about how I Didn't really know how to feel about jd vans, but I felt optimistic just based on his voter record his uh voting record and Me believing at the time that he had stood up to the military industrial complex And I started getting technologists from a lot of my friends who were saying what are you talking about? He he also is beholden, you know, some people were saying he's peter teals puppet So basically what it means is that peter teal that is the billionaire who is definitively republican Who did fund much of jd vanta's career But they're saying that he is a part of the military industrial complex and I saw a clip of him I'm not going to show it because I don't want to take him out of context But he was definitely talking about iran at the rnc Speaking to a fox news host about how to deal with them Now I took him a clip that he could have been saying, you know when trump dealt with iran He attacked solomani and that was it did not lead to a broader complex and he was also talking about behave abraham accords but just In my opinion. I just would like to know if it's possible and let me know if i'm crazy hear me out This is an idea But you can tell i'm crazy Could we just not bomb the middle east could we could we just america? Could we just stop bombing the middle east and stop selling to us that we're doing this for peace and prosperity and freedom? We've been bombing the middle east for like, I don't know Decades Okay, it's not freer. We're not more prosperous. We're not safer. Nobody's buying this rhetoric anymore I mean seriously how many people in the middle east have to die For americans to wake up and realize that we are up to no good How many people how many bombs have to be dropped in syria for the america people to wake up and recognize and this is not about making us freer or more safe There is something operating Just beneath the surface called the military industrial complex and what their initiatives are are not aligned with the american people's interests And so any person who does not have the spine or the backbone to stand up and say hey You elect me and I will vote against every measure Every measure that makes it so that you have to go to work And we have to spend your dollars overseas until america is fixed Find me those individuals because they are so few and far between because the majority of people in congress and in hollywood from dc The hollywood are blackmailed There is no real power in dc. Okay, there are a bunch of spineless Politicians who are all blackmailed and a bunch of men who are way too puny to stand up and to say things out of fear Of not getting lobby dollars. We're pathetic. We are pathetic. We don't produce men like we use to anymore And of course there's there's one or two who pop up rand paul Thomas massy These are the people the the one two three or four people that we have in congress that are actually serving the american interests And so I don't know. I don't know what to think about jd vans just yet. I am hopeful He is going to develop a spine. I am hopeful that I can trust tucker caulsons analysis of jd vans But at the same time I am becoming increasingly more cynical Increasingly more cynical, but everybody has got a master somewhere and for whatever reason that master Is never the american people And that's all i'm going to say on that topic Now what I do want to do guys is just very quickly jump into the comments here. I see what you guys are saying This is the best channel. Thank you, Courtney. I see you. I see you It is sending an awful message about us to the rest of the world Absolutely, and people by the way, we're developing enemies all around the world And we don't really know why we have all these enemies and it's because people around the world think that we are our deep state That's why it's important for us to signal to them that we're not we disagree with what they're doing too We are absolutely helpless as well. They've turned america into baby babylon i don't even think it's baby babylon I think it's out of less than babylon like or adult that maybe this is grandma babylon I don't even know like we're we're quite quite progressed on this satanic agenda that is being operated here and and people hate us For what our deep state is doing Uh, this person says money is their master. Yes, and that is why um The bible preaches against it. Uh, I know a lot of people are commenting that the neocons support vant Vance and that is the reason why we should know that he's not good And yes, there are some voices in the media who support vance that I wouldn't trust a thing that comes out of him out. In fact, there are some voices. There are some neocons That are so neocony That if they support anything, I know it's bad Like the litmus test is you the neocon supported and if the answer is yes, we love him Then I instantly know that we should not but again. I want to give vance a little bit of runway But i'm suspicious this person writes christ is king indeed. He is I couldn't agree more with you yay 24 money in power Um spot on term limits for all members of congress and senate. Yeah, that would help term limits would help because I know I think They would They wouldn't be able to spin the blackmail fast enough if they knew that New people were being elected all the time and the people that were in office would not be incentivized by lobbying dollars Because they would go okay. I'm only going to be an officer for years Then I have to go back and be a regular citizen So I want to make sure that the taxes are low and I want to make sure that government is restriction And I want to make sure that we deregulate the economic environment Deregulate the economic environment and I I definitely believe that that would help a tremendous amount if we could actually do that Neocony trade mark this yes, they are neocony. I just and I can't stand them I have such contempt for neocons because it's just a way that they add the audacity to like pretend that they care about trump, right? like it's just like Everything you have done has been antithetical to freedoms in this country because you serve the master of money in power But you say a couple of talking points are conservative and you've somehow earned an audience You've spent all of your time trying to make sure trump didn't get elected Which would mean that you wanted Hillary Clinton to get elected back in 2016 And now you get to flip it and pretend that you're an expert on anything while you refer to because they hold contempt for the american people They are the people that genuinely believe that their degree means something Like like we are smarter than you americans. You can't figure it out. I mean, that's why I love people that Just embody common sense right like gut instinct, you know People that come from nothing work hard just want to feed their families to me They are way more illustrative of what the american dream is and who the american people are Anyways, you guys i'm going to wrap this stream up But I just want to thank you guys for joining us today. I've been loving going live I see that you guys are loving it as well and we're going to continue to do this for the rest of the week And um, yeah, i'll see you guys back tomorrow [Music] [Music] [Music] [BLANK_AUDIO]