213Hoops: The Lob, The Jam, The Podcast

Jordan Keeps Rolling, Moussa/Kobe Impress for 3-0 Clippers

Lucas, Cole (@colehoops), and Shap get together to talk another Clippers Summer win, 112-97 behind a late flurry from Jordan Miller. The guys talked about his continued solid run, Kobe Brown showing out, and Moussa's best game of the Summer. Does it move the needle on any of their prospects going forward? Plus, other standouts, like that beautiful Cam Christie jumper, and Cole gives some thoughts on the offseason moves for the big league squad.

Broadcast on:
17 Jul 2024
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I'm Brian Seaman and you're listening to the LOB THE JAM the podcast. What's up everyone? It's The LOB THE JAM the podcast. It comes with you with Lucas. What's up Lucas? How's it going? It is going well. We're also here with Cole at Cole Hoops. Cole taking a break from discussing whether or not Chris Dunn has officially become a clipper to talk about some summer league basketball. What's up Cole? What's up man? You got some more some more memes ready for me or some more gifts. I'm running out of them Cole. I don't have many more waiting gifts for you right now. I'm going to get that summer league manner before Dunn is on the team. I'm going to have to Google some some waiting gifts for you Cole and send over. The Clippers have been not waiting to get these wins though one twelfth and 97 against the Milwaukee Bucks in summer league today. Three and oh. Game got kind of tight tighter in the fourth quarter. It was single digits a bunch of that fourth. The Bucks made a good comeback. The Clippers got some space at the end of the third off off a Reggi Dennis Triple. Heave at the end of the third quarter horn. And then the game got kind of tight and then Jordan Miller just decided I need to get my 20 plus and I got some shots up late to get to his 23 points to lead the team today as he's been doing all summer league. Musudia Bate had 21 and eight. Colby Brown had 89 and six and a pretty comfortable looking game from him even though he missed some threes late and some shots inside late. Clippers got some points up finally. They pretty much had identical to their finals at the end of the third quarter and had some flurries. They also had some times where they weren't scoring so much and points both kind of difficult. Lucas how did you feel about this game that put your Clippers at three and oh in the summer league standings? Yeah kind of a weird game because even though it felt choppy at times to me it still ended up being like far and away the highest scoring game the Clippers have had at this summer league both offensively and in terms of points allowed defensively. You know I think there was there was some refreshing stuff in this game. Musa and Colby both had their best games of summer league after being a little quiet first. Reggie Dennis got the start which was nice after he was a Clippers best point guard in the first couple of games. Overall I'm not sure that I've been taking a whole ton new stuff away from this game that the Bucks summer league team is it might be the worst team here in Vegas this summer. And they lost their first two games by an average of 19 points a game before losing this game to the Clippers by 15 points. Obviously just watching there's not I mean like Marge on Bo-Champ is not an impressive NBA prospect here in his third summer league. Most of what they had going was like from Ryan Rowland's off the bench just having a game where he didn't miss I guess which was just cool but yeah largely I would just say you know nice to see the the Clippers play well that the main four guys all played well which is which is really good but also against the team that doesn't have very much talent has basically no NBA uh front court on this roster to speak of like they've got a 19 year old sec six nine second round pick forward uh playing center for most of this game. So yeah I mean glad to see Musa dominate because it would have been really weird if he didn't but not a lot to take away from a really dreadful opponent in this one. Yeah the Clippers were seven for 12 from deep in that first half I believe and uh finished 12 for 34 so you know a cool like five for 22 from deep in that second half and we're uh missing quite a few. They also did not shoot well from the free throw line uh attributed a lot to uh Jordan Miller who hadn't missed from the free throw line coming into this game uh and went three for nine from the line including a weird offensive interference uh in his uh I believe his last free throw attempt that took out. Actually I actually think shot excluding a weird I think that ended up not going into the box score. That's the proper term uh since he went three for nine and not an even uh tent free throw is attempted uh cool what were your big takeaways from this uh exciting summer league game? Uh for most part I mean it was a game that the big boy team would have lost last year. They didn't like playing with leads and they'd panic and stuff like that um that was my biggest type no I'm just kidding. Uh it was cool I kind of like what Lucas hit on uh at that I think it was good that uh Kobe had a pretty good bounce back game shot. He said he looked comfortable um I thought he looked good like I think his biggest thing if he's gonna play minutes um when the actual season starts he's got to make the three point shot which has kind of been up and down for the most part. He's been uh he's always had sort of a good feel for the game offensively um I think he does some good things with him with his reads and you know once he can attack the pain or get past the first line defense he usually makes the right play. So I think he has some stubborn form he just has to get that shot to to go down um but it was good to see his confidence there tonight um no real other takeaways uh like like what Lucas said it was good to see Musa dominate uh again in his third summer league against uh non-MBA talent uh so that was I guess encouraging it wasn't discouraging um and then Cam Christie uh he's hasn't really impressed in terms of the box score and uh you know like anything that's really standing out but I think that uh his name is gonna translate as he ages uh still very young obviously but uh the shot is already there he seems like he has a good feel offensively just once he gets a little bit more developed and a little bit more comfortable uh into the the clipper's system and gets more reps and stuff I think he'll be uh a rotational player in due time not this year obviously but um but yeah those those are my biggest takeaways I thought uh some of the books players were fun Ajay Johnson had some fun moments he scored it pretty well had some highlights uh Ryan Rollins was good so uh biggest takeaway no injuries on the on the clipper side and they moved to three you know to you know position themselves for a potential uh championship shot as long as they keep trending in the right direction. Cam Christie went three for ten from deep tonight but uh man that guy has a beautiful jumper I feel like every shot he's taking is going in um he's got the height already of an NBA player the wingspan of an NBA player the readiness to shoot uh of a three point shooter with pretty good mover off the ball you know it's everything else that'll come with it you know I like that he got an offensive rebound put back or uh in that fourth quarter um you know all the stuff that we saw Brandon Boston do his second summer league where he put on that strength and was making it a real point to kind of get buckets down low or just finish in traffic it'd be great to see that from Cam mostly because Brandon Boston didn't have a jumper that was reliable but Cam Christie does I mean he has a beautiful shot um cool we might as well spend a little bit of time you know the big guys that we're looking for a little bit here you've talked a little bit about Cam and his and his game seeming like something it would age well I think it's it's worthwhile looking at a little bit more critical eye at guys like Kobe Brown Musa and Jordan Miller um what stuff from those guys particularly do you think could transition to the big boy team to the to the actual clipper roster or are there things that are discouraging from you from them I mean Jordan Miller clearly has had a very good uh summer league Diabate who is a guy that I know that you had eyes on even when we drafted him as a guy that could be like a tweener type but a uh switchy big who you know I think you compared him to Ben uh Vanderbilt right was a Jared Vanderbilt Cole I said I said yeah best case scenario I didn't say he's Vanderbilt already or anything but no it that's kind of that was kind of the top yeah when when he came out um yeah I mean the the things that will translate I think that uh all three of those guys defensively can do some things Kobe doesn't have the greatest uh on ball defense actually it's not very encouraging at all but I think uh both him and Jordan do some things off the ball like they're you know they were in college for a long time so it checks out that they know where to be and which gaps to be in and help side and whatnot they seem like they're pretty solid there um and in order for them to to stay on the court when they do get their minutes it's going to be the other things you know uh making sure they get rebounds obviously the three-point shot is going to be um a major key for the both of them uh I'd imagine when they do get minutes that aren't in garbage time uh they're going to be ignored they're not really going to be on team scouting reports so they're going to they're going to need to knock down the corner threes and you know take advantage of whatever opportunities to have offensively because the things that Jordan is doing outside of his transition stuff or I think he's really good I don't think he's going to have the ball and then in his hands enough to just attack left and never go right and and grift and do Norman Powell type stuff I don't think uh he's gonna have very many opportunities to do that type of stuff so it's going to be the little things and then moose's on ball defense is it's good it's it's not amazing or anything like that but just being kind of that's what you guys he's just so light in the chest um to play the center I just I don't see that translating um so it's it's kind of hard to see where he's going to fit in uh in terms of opportunities especially you know with the Clippers having other taller centers and you got your your mobambas and obviously zoo um and then we'll see what happens with Kai Jones I don't I don't really know if if he even gets a contract with the Clippers that is so um but yeah they're just going to be you know spot minute guys uh to begin the season I would imagine and we'll see if they can um turn into uh in a mere coffee type of player where you know they take advantage of opportunities and little by little uh crack the rotation that that's got to be their focus yeah let's take a quick break come right back and talk more about these guys especially after this all right we're back so you know it kind of moose uh I've been a bit slightly discouraged about Lucas touched on this last time too you know the he had a nice game today um but I do worry and this showed it's it's you know you can't really rely on moosa when things kind of got slow in that fourth court you couldn't rely on anybody virtually unless it was Jordan Miller hitting some mitties um or three pointers from a guy like Cam Christie and when things got slow in that fourth quarter and the team just kind of clogged the pain a bit um because moosa and Kobe both have issues kind of finishing in traffic I feel like Kobe at least was used to being a bruiser um in college a bit and and maybe last year in the g league whereas moosa I'm not sure has ever been kind of a bruiser he's been kind of a pocket pass guy binesse sort of player down low and I and I worry I've just constantly worried like Lucas has mentioned his second jump is slow he's not really catching boards and getting putbacks even though he has a nap for offensive rebounds uh I I again just wish he would be able to shoot a bit more I'm a little bit discouraged with moosa despite him having a good game I think he'll continue to be a nice glee guy if that's the case with him Kobe you know Kobe is tricky because he has heavy feet um he's gonna get blown by if teams target him on defense he's got some strong hands get some deflections you know I feel like you slowly seeing him know where to go on defense but he's just not fast um on offense he's kind of intriguing to me um I feel like there's a vacancy around those that power forward spot especially when you consider Nika Batum and Kawhi Leonard are the Clippers power forwards right now and those guys might not play every game next season and uh and Kobe Brown could be flanked by a guy like Mobamba who maybe is your interior presence who can kind of clean up stuff as as far as being the seven some seven footer with wingspan and can get some blocks who get a good block part 36 last year uh whereas Kobe can maybe just play some team team defense and get away with that stuff um and bomba also could be a spacer and allow Kobe to have the ball in his hands a little bit more as a sort of playmaker secondary playmaker guy in the elbow who could maybe operate because I really think that if Kobe doesn't isn't looking to pass or making the next read then really a lot of his utility dips a bit of course he needs to have guys willing to come up to him uh on the three-point line and and be threatened by his jumper out there but if he's just in the corner and never touching the ball I'm not sure that's the best utility for him but if he's touching the ball is like a roller or a guy that's making some decisions he's a smart passer I think that's the biggest thing that's popped up for me Lucas when it comes to Kobe it's just his passing um and as you saw some of it today you know he had uh a team leading six assists today continuously has made the right next pass as a clipper even in his short time last year trying from transition plays to some half court sets like I I'd love to see him featured more in that role you had when you the team was healthy last year you would have mason plumbly being a guy that you would need to have in that short role area and from what I can tell from what six or fans have told me and older fans you know you don't really want maubamba making decisions and maybe Kobe could be that guy you know I mean here's the thing I just with you know with with all the yeah Kobe ground is a he's a smart offensive player he's a good like high-low interior passer guy that was the rub on him coming out of college as well but the reality is we're talking about a sophomore third string guy who's going to be getting like injury replacement spot minutes so the the offense is not going to be structured around what's going to make Kobe look best right he's going to have to fit in and if that means standing in the corner stretching the floor and hitting those shots like Cole said like that's the gateway to getting on the court is he's got to be a be a sniper from the corner and then in different configurations you might look yeah let's put bomb in the dunker spot and Kobe in the short role and all that but if they can't even trust him in the corner then he's never going to get high enough on the depth chart to be used in different types of settings so you know I think he just needs to be to me he's still just just kind of a step away that the defensive mobility thing I think is going to keep him off the floor you know even more than the questions around the shooting I think that you know they'll put him out there in the corner and let him take and miss some shots and see what happens but if he can't guard he's not going to play and right now he can't guard even at this level he's not he's not good enough containing the basketball so that's the really tricky thing with me for Kobe as much as there is to like offensively I don't know if they got to get him out there like an ankle weights or shuttle driller or what he has to be doing but they got to get this guy faster moving side to side or else he's he's not going to have an NBA future but there is what you're talking about the passing I mean there's a lot to like uh it's just he's not going to be put in a situation with NBA minutes that's built here Kobe this is we we built this ecosystem perfectly for your skill set he's going to have to adapt to what's going on around him that's fair that's that's a fair point oh gosh it's a shame I just feel like I I hate and it's possibly the most likely thing if Kobe just became like one of these g-league all-stars who's ever so bad where he controls games in the g-league because he's quite good and smart but you can't put him in a role specifically for you know for him like that in the big boy team we'll see I mean he has a little bit of time you know I thought I thought in this game this was Kobe's best game but I still was a little underwhelmed I mean he's playing against it a team with no NBA front court talent he was good but he wasn't great like you said you know a g-league all-star who controls the game a g-league all-star who controls the game would have been better against this Milwaukee Bucks summer front court than Kobe was today and yeah I don't know I just feel like he's he's got some things to work out I don't I'm not sure if he's totally sure who he is but I really came into this summer like wanting him to control these games and this has been his best game but by the standard I was kind of hoping to see from him this is sort of a below average performance compared to what I would have hoped for um so Musa is the guy that I think is like clearly a solid professional just not at the NBA level whether that's a g-league or overseas you know does it does a good job but doesn't have the body or jumping ability to do it as an NBA center full-time yeah Cole has anybody stood out to you aside from the big guys that we're talking about here of course Jordan Miller has plenty to be talked about um I don't really have too much more to say about Jordan aside from he's made clear strides as a secondary offensive guy uh you know the Clippers did run plenty of you know dribble handoff type stuff for him and and trying to let him kind of uh get into sets a little bit better as a premier option here it's not going to happen with the big the big league team um obviously he's been impressive he's in running for summer league MVP right now if not the lead for summer league MVP right now um but some of these other guys Cole you know Ray J Dennis is what has has flashed some nice playmaking chops for a g-league team that could really use them you know Elijah Harklist defensively we have uh local Kidamari Bailey that's that's existed on the team who else has stood out to you Cole as far as guys not just you know for the big league team for the clipper team but you guys that can maybe repopulate this g-league roster that's losing some guys it will have to be Ray J Dennis um for all the the reasons that you guys have already discussed in previous pods like he seems like a guy that could potentially you know come in for five minutes if you need to sort of like an Xavier Moon type to where you know you got a couple guys injured or it's a long road trip and uh you just need some extra bodies who go on the road trip and you know he happens to get into the game he seems like someone that can just hold down the fort for a few minutes at a time he's not going to do anything to hurt you he's a solid passer he's gonna get the offense moving and get guys in their spots um it seems like he can shoot it uh decently so I think he's the guy that relative to you know expectation has popped um but not not necessarily in the way to where you know I'd expect him to be on a on a 15-man roster and playing any meaningful minutes or anything like that but I've been I've been pretty cool on on watching him play uh these these three games so far I've liked what I've seen and I do think at the at the G League level he'd be a good fit uh especially for helping you know the the younger guys um get to their spots offensively and helping the offensive run to make other guys look good I think he'd do a great job with that um and then Cam Christie is I mean I touched on him earlier uh just the the jumpshot like I said he hasn't hasn't done anything to while you uh but just the the the type of looks he's getting the confidence he's shooting the ball with and not being hesitant to take them with uh you can see the upside with him well rather he he you know taps into that potential and reaches that upside is another thing but you can see uh what the front office was thinking when they when they made that pick so um I've been I've been encouraged by what I've seen with him I hope that he can continue to develop throughout the summer and into next year but uh yeah that that's mostly it I don't think anybody else has really uh done anything super impressive that is worth discussing Lucas and anybody stand up stand out to you today compared to these last couple games of course your boy got the start uh and uh which you've been asking for for a bit of kudosil Lucas but anything else that kind of jumped out today that hasn't been consistent with the vibes the first couple games uh no not necessarily I mean I just you know I love me uh a smart floor vision point guard um and and Ray J Dennis is definitely that for this clipper team so that's that's fun and I think that he you know like he could really be uh in contention for a two-way spot I think it depends on kind of what happens I've been asked this question is Jordan Miller gonna get a contract and I think that really has less to do with what Jordan Miller does in summer league and more to do with what happens above him on the roster and is their space and where their needs on the positional depth chart if there are trades and etc etc if it does work out that Jordan Miller ends up on the 15-man roster then I think that you know Ray J Dennis not that he has a shoe in but I think that that he has a case for one of those open two-way spots uh and that would be that would be kind of fun but even if he's just uh in Oceanside with the San Diego Clippers next year I think that that that will also be fun the only thing that other thing I noticed just that Trevor Hudgens you know a sort of successful overseas guard coming back into summer league started the first two games obviously couldn't buy a bucket but was solid overall only played 10 minutes in this game didn't get a lot of time off the bench and he did finally hit a three but I kind of would be interested in seeing a little more from I don't think he was bad in the first two games he just is a shooter who wasn't making shots uh and wasn't as good uh as Dennis all around but kind of interesting that that he dropped off but otherwise no no big vibe switches for me on the other guys that made me go like oh my god I see the light the Clippers must sign this person today yeah continued fun stuff from Elijah Harkless who is a guy I'd love for the Glee team um just a defensive mind of you know Luke Keaton Wallace? I don't like that a new Chris Dunn for the Glee team uh yeah Keaton Wall Keaton Wallace uh it's just somebody who can you know Keaton Wallace was such a good offensive player um I like that Harkless has not been shy about taking those three's and he's been a good very really nice heady defender you know and you kind of forget watching the Clippers for the last couple years what a guy that you can just throw in who will just get at it uh at point of attack or just a smaller guard will get at it we haven't had it since Patrick Beverly who's who's not going to be playing in the NBA next year uh Clippers have not had that kind of consistent vibe for a minute they will have it this coming year um but I like I like the Harkless stuff that we've seen um I'm looking for you let the bench with minutes and 17 with 17 minutes so uh the Clippers seem to have some interest in him too and he's been a pretty positive contributor so it'll be cool to see what he does is like game two and uh speaking of what the Clippers will have with uh with the actual roster let's take a break and get some of Cole's thoughts on some of the moves that have happened so far this summer all right we're back Cole we haven't had you on the pod for a minute here um I kind of want to get some of your takes on the actual clipper roster or the or the LA clipper roster here you know uh we've mentioned guys like Bamba there have been lots of rumors recently about Tyus Jones um James Horan of course came back for a two-year deal 70 million dollars um Paul George has gone Chris Dunn isn't a much rumored sign and trade that could happen soon here whenever it does uh of course Derek Jones Jr signed a big chunk of that mid-level exception that the Clippers have with a little bit of a leftover maybe for the done money maybe not depending on what happens uh with his sign and trade stuff and pending Russell Westbrook stuff and the Clippers not really being interested in having him back but how are they're going to lose them we will see um of course lots of big moves uh one huge move as far as a departure and lots of little things Jordan Miller maybe playing his well his way into a standard contract here um yeah a lot of things worth considering on a big change for the Clippers this coming season Cole how you felt about some of these moves here and uh and maybe what the Clippers could have left well they're worse they're worse team than they were last year on paper obviously uh with with all George's departure um you know in the replacement stuff will come in I think uh they filled out the roster admirably um I like uh I like bringing in Derek Jones Jr uh he's you know kind of like mo heartless on steroids to me kind of I don't know I think I can come see I like guys nobody's mentioned mo it's because especially considering this part can like smoke that's a nice comp yeah I like it so so we'll see uh we'll see if you know he can hold his shooting uh his three-point shooting that uh he had in the playoffs so that can carry over because he hasn't been a good shooter or a spacer throughout his career um that's going to be important especially you know with such a big uh a big piece of the scoring production being gone uh every every little you know chip in here and there can can be so important to this team and you know can be the difference between five to ten more wins or whatnot but um yeah I like that um Obama I don't really have too many thoughts on I think he's an okay player um we'll see you know if he's asked to do more at the five or more more at the four uh seems like he would just beat the backup five at this point but we'll see um not not really too high on him though um Nico obviously you know that's that's the one that you know warms clippers fans hearts brought me back to twitter for a minute uh that's how important he is to clipper nation we'll see I mean they made a bunch of moves to to bring in like players that will help you win now and help you stay competitive so it's almost like to me it seems like they would have one more like big move whether you know whether that would be now or you know during the season or at the deadline or whatever to like try to go all in if if they are playing well or if you know the contract of the guy that they're trying to acquire makes sense and lines up with what they want to do two three years from now um it just seems like they have a they have a bunch of veteran guys that like are used to being in winning situations so it doesn't seem like they kind of bottom out or anything like that and not that they can um so it's interesting I think their offseason has been interesting uh it's still incomplete uh and you know it seems like some sort of consolidation uh could be happening hopefully um then there's the but Chris Dunn stuff that's still lingering the Russell Westbrook departure maybe the the um PJ Tucker and Bones departure just seems like there's a lot of stuff still uh that needs to be worked around the edges to for me to have a better idea of what this team is gonna look like a few months from now but uh as it stands now uh definitely less talented on on paper uh but the game's not played on paper so we'll see. I think I think that's fair uh waiting to see what happens with the Dunn thing waiting to see what happens with this huge glut of guards um Bones Highland of course PJ Tucker uh Russell Westbrook all these kind of question marks that don't feel like they're totally in the Clippers plans going forward um but but we'll see um yeah I think it's undeniable that the Clippers have gone worse um Paul George as much as we've complained a little bit about him took close his very poor end with the Clippers I mean he's clearly he's a top 30 guy um and uh a big scoring boy that they need the kind of fix you know and the Clippers want to maintain some flexibility and Lawrence Frank has mentioned as much in an immediate presser he had about not wanting to torpedo flexibility which makes the much wanted Zach Levine stuff and and maybe making a swing for a contract that's a little bit angry uh kind of tough here so we'll kind of see what the Clippers want to do here Nico Batume I forgot to mention Nico Batume was the last jersey I got um I don't know if I'm gonna get another clipper jersey for a minute here I just kind of wear them when I clean stuff up. You're you're getting a Chris Dunger yes that's true I'm not gonna get another get another Nico Batume jersey but yeah um you know the Ties Jo and stuff being in the rumor mill is definitely an interesting thing and especially more fire to to the console consolidation we're back here at consolidation tray this and being another buzzword for the Clippers uh they got James Harden and then they lost Paul George and now we're back to square one um yeah I guess I don't really have too much to add on that Lucas you know I think we're just doing a lot of wait and see stuff the Summer League stuff has been exciting I've really enjoyed uh this Summer League roster more than kind of I anticipated um it's been kind of a fun squad to watch uh anything that you're looking for as far as the the regular season roster and what the Clippers might be doing on the edge as soon as it's just to me it's just like a lot of wait and see and waiting for that stuff to be cleaned up. Yeah I think then the big domino here is actually Larry Markinan in Utah he's eligible for an extension uh the first week of August and Utah appears interested in extending him also appears interested in seeing if they can really you know flee someone like the Warriors and get you know like Kaminga and Moody and four first round picks or something like that uh and really uh even further jumpstart their rebuild. I think a lot is holding on that for for a few reasons one is that the Jazz have some other guys John Collins is one of those names that they could move but it depends on what direction they're going to take are they really going to try to be the worst team in the next year uh and get Cooper Flag in next year's draft or are they going to keep marketing and probably be somewhere you know in the night through 12th range in the west uh and then maybe they keep some of those other veteran role players as well if they keep marketing and they extend him they have the option to do it since they have a cap room they could do what's called a renegotiate and extend where they actually increase his salary for next year and in return he might you know take less than what his number otherwise would have been on the future years on the extension kind of balancing you know just bringing more of that money forward using the cap space this year giving them more flexibility in the future that is going to affect their situation with uh credit stun and his cap hold and sign training him out to the Clippers and I think there's just dominoes going on there uh done you know my understanding is that Chris Dunn will be a clipper regardless of what happens with Utah which to me says that they probably have a good uh fallback plan in place with that remaining middle level exception money that they have but uh I think that's kind of what we're waiting on and once once something develops and it could be still two or three weeks from now something develops around marketing's future and Utah has their path forward that's when we might see you know the Clippers making the done move and if there are other dominoes then that come down to you there for the Clippers or for the teams that are involved in the marketing situation you know there there might be another kind of little flurry there in the first or second week of August yeah hopefully it's the move of them who have been sued enough I'm just so sick of waiting right but I understand why I think I think I think Lowry is extension eligible on my birthday so maybe maybe we will get a Chris Dunn trade on my birthday yeah uh a birthday to remember Lucas for you it's the best gift I've gotten in years uh Cole any closing thoughts on uh on on these Clippers summer or not to close the pod? no not really um I know right before we we went live uh I kind of brought up the Pat Bev stuff headed to a different league uh if that was his you know throwing the ball into the stands it's his last memory uh being in the NBA I think that's pretty funny uh but yeah shout out to him if he's done with the NBA great career really grind it for everything clipper legend obviously and uh yeah he'll leave us with with plenty of memories that's all I got really I don't know what their season is is like over there but I know sometimes guys come back from you know Europe and sign late contracts in or Europe in the or the Middle East and sign late contracts and if that's a possibility you know I wouldn't be surprised to see someone who needs a you know a reliable fifth guard who can defend a little bit pick him up on that river that's going to march so yeah yeah he's got a spot I got it I got to think if he's available you know last week of March first week of April to come in and be adept there's gonna be some some playoff teams ago yeah we could probably use him shout out to Pat primarily just underrated offensive player especially aside from people who watched him play for their teams or just loved love basketball and watch them closer than others would and just uh always will have fond memories of Pat as a clipper including his last thing being shoving Chris Paul into oblivion and I think Pat is going to serve a suspension if he comes back to the NBA for the last thing he did he that was a pretty poor way to go out not just that but with their porter afterwards and I don't not not great stuff from Pat but was a very positive memory for me as a clipper fan on the court that's for certain and that'll do it for this episode of the lobby on the podcast we'll be back for this last game not last game but the fourth game coming up here before we kind of know if the clippers are going to be in that in that semi-final and and possibly be playing for a ring and several league ring right the clippers are finally gonna kind of get that ring that they that they've always wanted what a thing what a day that would be on twitter by the way if the clippers do pull this off with the Jordan Miller MVP of course leave us a nice five star review whatever platform this is on five stars five stars will be up so nice words to read them on the air and as always go clippers you [BLANK_AUDIO]