Pod Is My Copilot

PiMC: Episode 185 - Quit Your Bitchin', Gambit!, or A Chicano With A Heart Of Gold

Broadcast on:
17 Jun 2011

It's our Gay Days follow up show!  Rodan, Taffy, and Taylor talk about spending time with the DQYDJers, offering sexual favors for baked goods, Taffy's birthday, and Rodan shares just a liiiiiiittttle too much about recreational activities with the BF.  And, you know, we make fun of hispanics....well, not ALL Hispanics...just one.

Counting the days til we get to throw James Leroy on a Lazy Susan at next year's Gay Days, we are Pod Is My Copilot!,, 206-350-1287, FB: Pod Is My Copilot, @PiMCTaylor