Pod Is My Copilot

PiMC: Episode 149 - The Devil's Taint, or A Round Robin of "Darling Nikki"

Broadcast on:
07 Jun 2010
Audio Format:

Rodan adjusts to a new person in his house, Taffy adjusts to some new boundaries as a parent, and Taylor adjusts his ability to get comfortable, or lack thereof, in the latest episode.  Plus the Gay Days dinner!  Thank you again to Julian and Ricky for setting up the dinner!  It was a lot of fun!

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Hi, fuckers. This is Cassie in Montana. Thanks for the shout out in episode 140 something or other 47 maybe. It was the Taylor Taffy episode. Yeah, thanks. That was kind of cool. Anyway, I haven't called in a while. I keep threatening to call and I always forget and then I realized that you've already recorded and I thought, well, fuck that. Might as well just wait and listen to the show and then I can call after and then pretty soon I was backlogged on shows and whatever. It doesn't matter. Anyway, just calling to say hi and I love you guys. You're still my favorite podcast. Fuckers. Bye. And PF, motherfuckers. Taffy, apparently you are my driving twin because I drive like you drive the speed limit because it is the limit and I don't know if that's a mom thing because we have kids. I don't know. But yeah, so when you're describing driving over that bridge, yeah, that is me. Exactly me. So, Taylor, you can just fuck it. Bye. I had a dream that I was making out with Rodan and he turned into Nell Carter and handed me the season four box that had given me a break. You're listening to Pot is my co-pilot with Taylor the Latte boy, Taffy Carlisle, Huffington and Rodan. Take it away, kids. Hey, everybody, this is Taylor and thank you for downlaning. Oh, shit. We're totally keeping that in, by the way. That's like the second time in a row. I've screwed that up, though. Then do better. Improve. Try again. Try harder. That's what Taffy says to tank on the random Tuesdays. You didn't bring me to orgasm within 14.3 seconds. You must try harder next time. That's from a movie, Dork. Go ahead. It's from a comic book movie, even. Try harder, improve. No, try again. Try harder. It's from the crow. Oh, I've never seen the crow. Yeah. That's a great movie, actually. Shockingly, as it may seem. Wow. You haven't even told the listeners who they're listening to. Yes. Thank you all for listening to episode 149 of Pot is my co-pilot. Yay! Yay! I am joined as always by Taffy Carlisle, Huffington. Hello, you. Movie connoisseur, Taffy Carlisle, Huffington. And cheesy movie connoisseur, Rodan. Hey, I'm wearing a t-shirt with the Tootsie Roll owl on it. It makes me happy. Well, there you go. Did you get that at Target? I did, yeah. How many licks does it take to get to the center of Rodan? Probably about 45, maybe 50. Well, first, there's the actual separating of the butt cheeks, and then you have to go from there. Nice. And then once you have your spelunking gear on. Hello, hello, hello. I got the Tootsie Roll shirt at Target, and I got the Fruit Loops shirt at Target. Well, of course you did. I'm done buying t-shirts for a while. I have a bunch, I have my skinny t-shirt drawer that are all these t-shirts that I bought with the intention of wearing them, and then got them home and thought, "No, I look like sausage casing." So they're all just kind of sitting, waiting for the eventual falling off of the fifth grader, and then I'm able to wear them. I've gotten close over the last couple of months with a couple of them, but alas, not yet. And then he saves some because I wanted them, and he won't give them to me because he's tormenting me with them. You will never get the eye-pug shirt. That's hateful. That's hateful. Why is that hateful? Because you know I want it. I know, but there's been times in the past where you've said, "Give it to me." I'm like, "It's one of four t-shirts that fits me right now. Why would I give you that?" I don't have to have it now, I just want it eventually. You've asked for it now, though. That's what I want for my birthday. Oh, kiss my ass, that is never going to happen. That is never ever going to happen. And I believe you told me the other night, in three in the morning, when I was writhing around in pain, what you wanted for your birthday. I think if it was three o'clock in the morning and you were writhing around with me in pain, I would have just gotten what I wanted for my birthday. I must say, that sounds like pleasure to tap you to me. I would have just gotten what I wanted. And we will discuss that later on in the episode. Yes, we shall. Yeah, so, well, we have a bunch of things to talk about, I guess. At least I know Taffy and I do, and I'm assuming Rodan does, getting adjusted to living life with Gambit. To what it bliss. Yes, and P.S., I have spoken with Gambit. He occasionally sends me a little Facebook messages, and he says he approves of the new name. Yeah, he did research. He was like, "Look up on Wikipedia after I told him about it." Well, tell Gambit he can suck it, because I had to ask to be his Facebook friend. He didn't ask to be mine. He probably won't suck it, though. Yeah, but punishment. Because his mouth doesn't open that pain. And how do we know that? Because he's with Rodan. I was going to say he has used to Rodan's cock, so that would explain a lot. I was going to say, I have the teeth marks to prove it. So, better watch it. We made it four whole minutes. That's pretty good for us. Really? Four whole minutes without a cock reference is like three episodes, Jesus. Well, okay, so tell us what's the latest with, have we pooped in the same house yet? Yes, we've pooped in the same house a couple of times. Although, last night we were getting ready for bed. He's going to kill me for this. So, we were getting ready for bed last night, and I go in there, lay down, or whatever. I was kind of fidgeting around the house, like, locking doors, and letting the dogs out and stuff like that. And he kind of comes rushing out of the bedroom, with his head down. He's like, "I have to go to the bathroom." So, I'm like, "That's fine. Go ahead. I'll stay on the other side of the house." And so, I came here and played on my computer for a little while until he was done. Good God. So, he can go to the bathroom on top of a glass table with you writhing around underneath it, but, you know, actually, in the toilet is considered inappropriate. No, apparently, yeah. We were recycling jokes from last week, really? Yeah, so he can totally pee in front of everybody, God and everybody, but he can't poop. Have you seen him pee yet? Yeah, like, date one. So, I walked in. Date one? Yeah, I walked into the bathroom, and he was just kind of peeing. Did it sting your eyes? Oh, ouch. Did it actually taste like lemonade? Oh. So, getting used to having somebody in the house on a regular basis is weird. He made dinner on Monday night. It was very good. What do you make? He made pork chops and... Applesash? No, he made wild rice and green beans, and he flavoured everything with stuff. It was all very spicy, and he used the Tony Shreshery, Shreshery, Shreshery, Shreshery. What? The saturis, whatever, the Cajun seasoning. I can't say it right, but, you know, people... Salt and pepper? No. People around here kind of use it like salt and pepper, but it apparently makes food kind of hot, and he brought a pepper... So does fire. Yeah, he brought a pepper plant with him, and so he cut a pepper off the pepper plant and cut it up and put it in the food, which kind of freaks me out, but... That's not a pepper plant. Did you all smoke it later? I've never really had food that, you know, had grown, like, really grown and not came from, like, you know, the McDonald's farm. So it was kind of weird. McDonald's farm. So it was weird, and we had Chinese last night, and he went out and cut another pepper off and put some extra pepper on his... So it was just like... Okay, okay. So besides the cooking, what else do you have to get used to considering you have a new person house? Well, we've had sex, or we've gotten off probably almost... Well, every night but two, since he's been here, which is... Okay, but Rodan, you got off before someone was living there every night, so again, what is the new thing you're adjusting to? You've missed two nights already, the thrill has gone apparently. Honeymoon's over. You'll be helping him pack his things out and finding a new place in Monroe? No. I don't know. Is it just the... Is it just coming home and there's someone else in your house? Yeah, no, I mean, that's just kind of weird, you know? He started his job last week, so... Actually, I was getting home before he was, but it's odd trying to find your new rhythm. Like, I felt guilty going to the gym, and then... Oh, guilty not going to the gym, and so... I really know what to do with myself, and it's weird trying to watch TV. Like, I tortured him with about 40 hours of the Flintstones. This would be because... Oh my God! When I'm still there, it must be love. He's like, "The next time, I'd rather even watch Shira." Yeah. Because, you know, I do work email and watch, like, a DVD in the background for Gambit. He just kind of sat there and was tortured by it the whole time. Are you working on the same schedule? I mean, he's not like... I mean, you guys are there at the same time during the day, though. Yeah, for the most part. Well, it's good. And the dogs are getting along better? The dogs are loving each other. They're doing great. Okay. So... He got a job? He does have a job. Yep. Excellent. We started last week. Nice. Is he doing what you said before the whole retail management thing? He's doing retail management, yes. Okay. Well, you don't have to say where, honestly, because we don't want people stalking the new kid. Because... No. Yeah. It took you this long to catch a squirrel. We don't want anybody scaring him off. No one make any big movements. Yeah. Although, for a, you know, hot little country boy, he is... He's apparently a bit of a wuss. Some things. Because we were, we were having sex. And just as we were both finished. Well, honey, you got to understand that that would scare off a lot of people, too. Wow. It's like you got new material from gay days. Um, so... No, it's always been scary when you have sex. So, we, um, you know, we're both kind of finishing up and I grab him. And what do you eat goes? I'm not ground meat. I'm not ground meat. Apparently you're grabbing handfuls of ground meat. Apparently. Were you trying to shove him in an oven? No. Apparently, I don't know my own strength is what he later told me. But he's all like, "I'm not ground meat." Apparently, gambit is another brick in the wall. No. Not a forkly and literally. Oh. It's been fun. I've enjoyed it tremendously, so it's been great. Oh, that's great. And he cleaned the house when he was here by himself. So he cooks and cleans and fucks. Yes, I know right. Perfect man. I was going to say, "Are you with Taffy?" Lucky boy. And he gave Riley about half of his... He got orange sherbert push-up pops for dessert. So he's actually 12. We've been joking about that, but in fact... And so he let Riley have about half of his tonight. Riley loves him. So he's buttering up the step-kid? Yes. Well, yeah. Hello. Bobaloo still does that. Rocco. That is true. He's the one that wants to give him all the treats. Make sure the puppy's happy. Come on. Well, that's because Bobaloo's afraid that Pug's going to be like eating his face in the middle of the night. No. He's... They're buddies. I think I get out-voted occasionally in the house now. You know, the allegiance has shifted. Well, Rodan, this is a perfect segue into our weekend because literally at about... Lakeland? Bobaloo from the back of the car goes, "I miss Rocco." Aww. So you still make Bobaloo ride in the back? Yeah, he has to ride in the back. Which became an issue on this trip. No, it's never going to happen. He seems to think that on the way home, he should have got to sit up front. Because Taylor doesn't know that you guys have like eternal shotgun. There is a pecking order. Too new. Too new. Yeah. The only way he's going to get shotgun is if he has one at the back of my head from the back seat. The only way he gets to sit up front is if he drives. That's kind of the way it is. And then if he sits up front and is driving, I'm sitting beside him. Yeah. And we've established that he is never to drive to Disney World because it takes him 14 minutes. Hell yeah. He's driving time. He's a lunatic in his low rider that bounces the whole way there. Well, considering on the way home from gay days yesterday, we saw not one but two cars that had flipped over on the way home from I4. I think this might be, you know, the one stretch of road in the state of Florida that you might want to pay a little attention and go the correct speed on. Yeah. Wait, gay days yesterday? Yeah. We came home from gay days yesterday. And let me just tell you, before we get started on the gay days talk, you're not everyone's happiest person right now because literally the first of all, because I can hear Rodan, I can hear Rodan seething in the background. We did not go to Magic Kingdom yesterday. No. We did not go to any park. No. We did not go to any park at all. Yeah. We made a solemn vow because we decided that we weren't doing gay days, Rodan's, I'll just let the listeners in a little background stuff, Rodan was concerned that we were going to tell him we weren't going to gay days and then we were going to decide the last minute to go while we stayed the night Friday night at the hotel where we had dinner. We did not meet up with everybody on Saturday. We did not see anybody on Saturday. No. And that was not received well to put it mildly. We had, we had dinner with a bunch of the podcasters and a bunch of fans were there and one fan was very, very funny and he just kept saying, yeah, he just kept saying over and over, fuck Rodan. Fuck Rodan. He doesn't want you guys to have fun. Fuck him. Fuck Rodan. I loved him. But by far and away, the crowning moment of the evening for me as a podcaster was when one of the fans leaned over and said, oh, is that the Kevin that you guys always talk about when you say bye Kevin on your show when you say something dirty. Wait, wait, hold on, hold on, it gets better, it gets better. And I said, yeah, I said, that's Kevin B. I said, that's the one we always go, you know, bye Kevin or Kevin's out and he goes, oh, does he do a podcast? Nice. In front of Michael. Which Michael just kind of turns ahead and looks at him like, are you fucking kidding me? Yeah. That was for me. That was, it wasn't going to get any better than that. Yes. That was a lot of fun. We had a lot of fun. I laughed really, really hard a couple of times, primarily at British John. I was going to say, what was the name of the, I don't even know what the name of the restaurant was that we ate at? I don't know. It's a, it's like a Mediterranean buffet in the middle of the Gaylord Palms Convention Center. It's beautiful. The food was really, really good. And for a buffet, that's kind of an odd buffet, a tip of the hat to foul monkeys, they chose very well and it was delicious. I went in loaded for bear and not just because of the groom you're in, but because Julian has given us such shit over where we picked last year, I figured I was going to go in and go, I don't like getting the food here. And I can't believe I'm paying this much, jokingly of course, but the food was, it was good. Initially, we'll get to that in a minute, but the, everybody was, everybody was funny and it was a lot of listeners this year in years past the last two years that we've done. It was mostly podcasters. And I almost want to say it was 50/50 this year. Really? I was going to say there was a ton of listeners. And there was like 30 of us. So you figure there was, there was that many listeners and people that when I saw them, or when I saw them on the list, I figure, okay, well, they're all listeners, a big fatty or they're foul monkeys, listeners, but a lot of them came up to us, people that we had never heard from before and people that we had never seen that were coming up to us and like talking with us about the show and how much they really enjoy us. They were very funny, it is, it's still to this day, it cracks me up when people say, "I can't believe Taylor and Taffer are right in front of me, can I totally get a picture?" You guys talk, just the way you talk in the podcast. I say, well, that's the way we talk though. Well I know, but I just can't believe that you guys really talk like that, but that's how we act. I think people really do believe that we don't actually talk like this when we actually hang out. No, where this obnoxious and real life is true. Right, right. And they were so funny. They're the most like they are on the show. I was, okay, that's a compliment, I guess, for sure. So, no, it was lots of fun. We met some beautiful people and we met some, we saw some old friends, people we had seen last year, year before last, and everything. We missed Patton Melanie tremendously. Yeah. But we made up for it by molesting West Stone occasionally, so it was-- I'm molested West Stone. West Stone is always fun to molest. Yes. And that's a title. I believe there is a picture of Taffy ripping open West Stone's shirt. Really? That's true. Yes, and Ricky did post the picture of me trying to dry hump the leg of the mariachi band player. Aw. So you know that that's a good night, you know, that's really. Yeah, and you, you, I believe you molested, was it, who was humping Michael when he was signing the banner? I don't know. Connor, maybe. Yeah. If you, all our friends with Ricky, we posted some pictures on, but Ricky and Julian posted some other pictures on their Facebook pages. They're very funny and-- Yeah. And-- No, big fatty pictures of podcasting, podcasters eating, where it's pictures of all of us mid-bite. Yeah. Fabulous. Let me just tell you. But yeah, that's all on the, that's all on the, like, I think it's a pot of-- The podcast to pull is a page? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. For the record though, for the record though, it's not my fault that you guys couldn't hang with everybody on Saturday. Yes. Just, just for the record, because you made it sound like, taffy made it sound like, well, it was all, you know, it's because I wasn't there. That's not the case. No, we told them, we, we told them, we told Rodan, we will not go because he was unable to come in. No. We absolutely said that. No, and I said at one point, I said, no, we made a promise, nobody, he did not make us make a promise. Right. I said to him, we would not go because he wasn't going to be here. And they were all like, he'll never know, he'll never know. And we're like, no, because that, we, our people of our word, we said we weren't going to go, we're not going to go. Right. And all of you fuckers carry around iPhones that are taking pictures left and right. It's only a matter of time before we get back to them anyway. Yeah, right. No, what I mean is that we agree that we weren't going to go, which is why I didn't come down. Right. Not I didn't come down because for any other reason. Oh, that's just semantics. You're splitting hairs. No, we had a good time. We did. We missed you. We spoke of you. Yeah, it looks like it was a blast. I was looking at the picture. I'm like, oh, well, speaking of blast, not long after dinner, we went to Kevin's house after dinner and we hung out there for a while, which was lovely. But before we, before we went there, I was feeling something was wrong. I wasn't quite sure what it was, but I had some stomach, and when I say stomach issues, I don't mean poopy issues. I just meant that I just felt uncomfortable. Right. And over the course of the evening, while we were sitting at Kevin and Michael's and hanging out with British John and Big Fatty and everybody, I started to get sick. Did you still feel their bathroom? I did poop in Kevin and Michael's house. I don't think they know that, but it's true I did, but it wasn't like a crime scene or anything like that. I think it was just the opposite. Do you need some lights on wipes afterwards? No, not at all wipes, Jesus. I'm not, you know, Taffy's mom. My mom. Exactly. Those are Clorox wipes to get it right, but go ahead. Well, again, splitting hairs. If anything, it was more styled in substance, if you know what I mean. I had the worst pent up gas, not like, wouldn't do anything. No, rotate your laughing, and it is kind of funny now, but it wasn't funny at the time. I know what you're talking about. It's like you have like, yeah, I don't, it's like, yeah. I was at one point because Taffy and Babaloo are the supportive people that I love dearly. All three of us were in the hotel room, literally with all of our legs in the air and Taffy was trying to teach me how to make myself fart. Which it did work? Yes, it did. It did work. It does work. It works every time. And you did. I think Babaloo was feeling left out, so he decided to do it too. We were all just doing it. These were, I'm thinking to myself, if people could see this right now, this would be, it was deranged looking, but it worked a little bit, but unfortunately, I don't think I actually went to sleep till, because of the actual serious pain, I was until about 4.30 in the morning. You know, they make these things called Tums. Nope, had them done that. Yeah, I tried them. At one point, Taffy and Babaloo went to Walgreens and bought baking soda, and I drank baking soda and water. Let's make them burp, just to get it out of them. Right, which unfortunately, the first time I burped a little bit, but it was enough so I drank more. And for the first of my life, threw up out my nose. I did that too recently. Yes, but mine was involving bourbon, like yours was, this was a medical necessity. Well, I will tell you, Rodianne and your listeners, that while there is seven stages of grief, there are seven stages of Taylor's sick. Well, no, just, well, yes, but, you know, first there's denial, no, I feel fine. And then there's acceptance, I think something's wrong. And then it goes to, I'm just uncomfortable and I can't get comfortable and I want to get comfortable and I'm willing to do anything. I'm willing to try anything as long as it helps me feel better. And then there's anger. I fucking can't get comfortable. I want to sit down, I want to lay down, I can't do anything, I'm like, God, I'm pissed off and I want to walk. I don't want to walk. I want to walk. I don't want to walk. No, I'm just going to sit here. Now I'm going to get up. Now I'm going to sit down. Now I'm going to lay down. Now I'm going to sit up. Now I'm going to sit up. Now I'm going to sit down. I'm a mother bee. So I am a hoverrer especially. So I'm like, can I get you anything? Can I do anything? And he's being so generous. He's doing that. No, I'm fine. Thank you. And I know in the back of my mind, he's like, fucking leave me alone. Because I know it's all those things where, you know, I mean, I'm not getting too graphic, but he's literally sitting on the side of the bed, throwing up into a trash can. And I can't smell God has graced me with that gift. So it doesn't bother me to take the trash can and tie the bag and then bring him a wet towel. And he was like in the corner of the room doing the whole, it smells like food. It smells like food. It was like a keystone cops. It was so just. And then at one point, we actually walked on the third floor. We walked the entire floor all the way to the end and back like at 2.30 in the morning, just seeing if he could work out any of the little bubbles he had. It was pitiful. He was just pitiful. And the next morning, he woke up and he was like, I feel so much better and I feel so good. I want French toast. French toast. French toast. French toast. You know, when we were serving French toast, we had to find him his French toast, but he was pitiful. No question. Aww. And we did eventually find French toast in celebration. In celebration. Yes. Yes. And it was very good French toast. Now the last time that happened to me, Taylor was when I had my, well, I've had it since, but I carry Pepto bismol pills with me all the time and that works all for me just fine. But the last time I couldn't get rid of it was when I had my appendectomy where my stomach was going to explode. Well, I think I, I really, I came home and researched it and I mentioned when we were with him, it sounded like he had diverticulitis and I came home and looked at it and one of the first things is diverticulitis feels like acute gastral discomfort. I'm like, um, yes, but I'm maybe not because none of the other stuff fit, but I still think he should tell his doctor. No, well, I have a doctor's appointment coming up in a couple of weeks, so, and I'm just going to. I had this when my mom came down a couple of weeks ago and I talked about it. I don't know if I talked about it on the show or not, but the common theme was both nights. I had fatty red meat. Right. You ain't big fatty. Who hasn't. That wouldn't make someone sick. I'm just saying. So any who, um, and so I'm, so if I just avoid fatty red meat over the next couple of weeks, then that'll be the, that'll be my list. I had that and ginger ale. So maybe the combination of ginger ale plus fatty red meat equals. I look like Veruca salt, you know, rolling through the hotel rooms. Lord. I could just hear the little flute whistle thing. The gambit is in the other room. I don't think he wants you calling it that. I heard him singing a minute ago to some Katy Perry song all the way, like other California girls, with the baby dukes and the right now, yeah, he's going to need to make that go away. He was in the other room singing that. I hear him like, here's a little falsetto right before the show started. I was like, Oh my God, as opposed to you and I on the ride home yesterday, singing 10 seconds of every print song ever recorded. But all of them seem to do that. Oh, that was the noise that we pretty much did for 45 minutes or at one point, you heard Babaloo go, Jesus Christ. It made us happy this really all mattered at that point. I think we sang Darling Nicky about seven times, but not in the order of the song. We would just sing a verse, then we would sing something else, then we would go back. It was almost like a medley. It was a round robin of sorts, a round robin of Darling Nicky. The other titled episode 149, God, what did you do today? I worked on charting for about four hours, and then we also went, Okay, now this is what I, okay, this is why Target is the best place in the world. When were you at Target? I was at Target like around dinner time, because I know you were there earlier. No, but I was also, we were, we went to out back at like, which is a tragedy in itself, but we went to out back at like, yeah, let's say, that just seems beneath you, Taffy. It is beneath me, but it's happened to be on the way to where we were picking up the little is Huffington, and it just was there and easy, and unfortunately, that's out back as kind of my version of like fast food. So you know, I get sashimi tuna in a salad, so I don't feel near as, it's, it used to be so bad. What the hell did they do to that place? It's just, everything is brown and fried. I don't, I don't know. I don't understand it, but I'm sorry. I go ahead. I can't believe you were at Target, and you didn't call me and say, maybe Starbucks. Well, it was one of these where I was working on my charting for a couple of hours, and I got to the point of where I needed to, I needed to take a break as my eyes were going wonky. But I need to run to Target. This is what I bought. I bought three things. I bought road straps, Swedish fish, and a deck of old maid cards. Okay. Because I said, I look like a psychopath walking under the cage. That is the weirdest cosplay kit I've ever heard. I don't even know. No, I, I needed, I just needed to buy a couple of things, and I, so we, we stopped in there, and then I had to finish my charting. But unfortunately, I went to the Starbucks to do my charting at the, at Central and 66 Street. The plus side to that is there's nobody in there. The negative side to that is the reason nobody's in there is because it has these big vaulted ceilings in it. So all of the music that they play, that goes through the play. So it's so fucking loud. And that's okay if they're playing Chardee, but recently they've been playing that weird Jack Johnson hybrid country, weird God bless America Crap, it drives me crazy. Yeah. And then they go into or they'll go into old jazz, which I love. But when it's do la dee dot dot, and you're trying to figure out why this kid is crying and write about it in a note, it's a little, it's a little much. So we went, so I said I need to take a break and then we went to Target and then we stopped at Barnes and Noble so that I could finish my last little bit of notes. Because I can't do them here in the house because there's too many, there's too many shiny things that distract me. So I need to go someplace to finish my notes. And that was good because it was quiet, but unfortunately it's so quiet that you can hear all of the obnoxious, crazy people that are standing up at the cafe asking for things. The first woman was like, she was in chapter one of how to be a cougar where I'm going to wear clothes that are too tight and I'm going to dye my hair and I'm going to have this cute little Bob because that's what Courtney Cox has on cougar town. And I'm going to try and chat up the poor little, I barely speak English cafe guy that's just trying to, you know, make, you know, I just want to give you your garlic pretzel. That's all I want. Then this weird little Indian girl came walking over who was like 2021 and she says, I want a yogurt and you will repeat, will put that on a plate for me to, and said it loud enough to where everybody kind of was just like to where all of us that were sitting there kind of looked up and looked at it like you're an asshole. I would have taken the yogurt, opened up the cup and dumped it on a plate because you know that she just wanted the cup on the plate. I would have dumped all the yogurt on the plate to hand it to her. Right. She's at the little bar right by the window and with a stack of books and then sneezed into all of them. So charming. And then there's this one guy who when he's he's one of the regulars. So when I'm in there on Sundays, he's usually in there and Babaloo and I call him Wolverine because he has hair like Hugh Jackman and all the X-Men movies. But he's like 45 and about three foot tall and he was with some Russian guy who was about seven feet tall that had on like a P-Diddy T-shirt and these big baggy jeans and he's talking to him and it's this weird conversation and again it's really quiet in there and at one point the Russian guy says you go to sex club yes, which I of course like spit on my neck like what and Wolverine looks you know horrified and he's like no no that's not what it's called I'm assuming they were talking about titty bars but he apparently thinks that he's going to the pleasure palace to be John Goodman. I don't know. No no no. So about that point I finished my last note I'm like yeah I'm ready to go I just want to go home to my house. Well we had a hour let's test the limits of Tank and Taffy's parental guidelines today that was then tested even further thus resulting in life less than number you know 3,812 for the little stuffington. No no these are all good things there was nothing was none of it was bad but I am not a boat person unless it's a Disney Cruise and the idea of getting on a boat is probably right underneath giving myself my own pap smear because it's just not anything I need to do ever. So the little is Huffington decides that all of her friends are going on a boat ride today and they're going to go tubing and please mommy please mommy can I go can I go can I go fine. We take her down to this little boy's house and it's two boys three boys and two girls. This little boy's house how old is a little something to again she's fourteen okay old enough for him to not be a little boy okay well oh yes you're right but still too young for you to date right exactly yes agreed. So we get down there and they live on the water and the mother is assuring me that he's just lived his whole life on the water and that you know he's had his boat license for a year and all that and I went wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute back up oh this is not going to be good. The child is going to be driving my child on a boat on a tube on the intercoastal what. To which you know I get I get the look of mommy mommy please mommy please please let me go and I'm going I'm doing the whole okay you know I felt okay enough that I actually left her there but then I then I was I was insane I called tank and he talked me off the ledge before I ever left and he talked to her and I talked to the mother and I talked to everybody and I pretty much threatened this little kid that if anything happened to my kid that he was making a career decision type thing so I go to Target thanks mommy all the cool kids get spit roasted before freshman year I get Taylor on the phone so he can talk me off of a ledge and then I'm feeling pretty good about life and I go home and I put my stuff away and tank and I had some errands to run before we were going to go to you know out back before we were picking her up and anal anyways and so I get a text message that says we're supposed to pick her up at six o'clock will not be back until around seven had a little snap food to which I immediately call her and go where are you because well we're on the boat but it ran out of gas I said I said send me a picture right now because that that is my way of figuring out if my children are not necessarily being honest with me is send me a picture all everyone has a cell phone everyone can take a picture and 30 seconds I better have a picture of your location because that's the whole you know oh my god the boat ran out of gas and I don't know where I am cut to I am at the pleasure palace so I wouldn't know where you are so sure enough sure enough she sends a picture of her sitting in front of the gauge that says eat on it so I'm like okay well about four seconds later the mother calls me and she's like I just want to let you know that I'm on my way to the public son Madeira Beach because they're pulled up at the dock they had to paddle the boat to the dock at the public and I'm taking them oil and gas and it's fine and oh my god I can't believe this happened so cut to an hour and a half later we go back down to his house and we get her and the front side of her is completely white the back side of her legs are completely summoned because they had to lay and paddle this boat like and I said how far did you actually have to paddle it and she goes it was about a quarter of a mile now at this point they are exactly they're all they're at the point where I'm so tired and I put on the water all day and I'm so covered in salt that I'm silly but you know as soon as air conditioning hits them they're they're out so she gets in the car and she's doing that whole haha where she's kind of laughing and kind of falling asleep and I didn't have it in me to do that I told you so I just didn't have it in me to do it to her she was she was like you know I have had an adventure my mommy and daddy let me do something they would never let me do and then we ran out of gas and we all handled it like mature adults because none of us freaked out and we all knew what to do and we we had paddles and we all had life jackets on which she can prove due to the sunburn on her back which is in the perfect shape of a life jacket and you know and we worked together as a team and we paddled the boat and we got the gas and he knew how to mix the oil on the gas and then we rode the boat she was so totally happy that you know tank I just looked at each other like well what do you do there's no possible way you can say anything to her at this point she was so so happy she was just like you know it was so fun I'm so exhausted I can't wait to tell my sister so now of course she's in love with one of the boys because you know he was he saved her from you know she's on an inner tube you know being pulled around the inner coastal but he saved her life so I it was just you know the day of the life of a Huffington child yeah so is there punishment to be had or no no there was no punishment to be had because she has to sleep tonight on the you know blood red lobster legs so that could be her punishment and you know you never know when you when your child goes to school with especially when they go to a faith-based school you can pretty much gauge the parents sort of kind of about you know if they're really really really right wing or if they're kind of in the middle clearly we are you know a little to the left to say the least clearly yeah and so I walk you know we pull up to the house a bit of the house a bunch of times but I've never been in the house I've always been the outside because he always has huge birthday parties it's a very big house in the water and so I'm like oh okay when she goes you know come on in the kids are getting cleaned up and I walk in and the first thing I'm confronted with is a enormous life-size portrait of Marilyn Monroe in the nude and that's when you thought yourself these are good people pretty much hanging across from a giant stuffed Marlon but I'm just like well all and take looks me he goes well already then nice to pull there you go because I'm looking at her bush excellent so that was that was kind of the the capper on the evening yeah that's a little excitement and an otherwise boring day little something to the world and we watched the special with that was supposed to have British John in it tonight on the Wizarding World of Harry Potter and it looks like it's gonna be good I can't wait to go I'm sure Baba Lu will want to go oh yeah now that happens in a couple of weeks and he's already poodling he's already poodling about it and I told him I would consider going in a couple of months after it's not 500 degrees yeah and it's and it's not what did you call yesterday the Devil's Taint it was like living on the Devil's Taint yes I cannot take I cannot take um what's the word I'm looking for credit credit for that one because as I was getting um groceries bagged on Friday afternoon the person bagging my groceries looked at me and said it's hotter than oh it feels like we're living on the Devil's Taint to which I and Shirley who was about 65 turns and looks at him like I cannot believe you just said that to a customer which of course I burst out laughing well yeah I thought it was hysterical and he was just like oh I'm sorry but it is really hot outside because you know he was like 16 was like right and I told him I said I'm going to use that at some point tonight as long as you realize that haha hmm a good for you for giving credit to a 16 year old who said that's compared to you usually give syphilis to a 16 year old no he normally gives the taint he he um he presents presents well speaking of presenting taints we have a voicemail from hunt wish on was present as saying get real he's beautiful hello I know right I go ahead and and and hunch wants us to know that that that he's he's in it with me as far as becoming pen pals with some special citizens uh some some special what the hell is the word I'm looking for balance no what the hell are you talking about I I want to say he thinks Scott Peterson's hot too so here it is in inmates in no but I wanted to say guests guests of the state yes that's what I was looking for that's the phrase I was looking for but the joke's going now fucking here's the voicemail hi everybody this is hunt up in Orlando hey I just finished listening to 146 the scat cast oh man I love that after all these podcasts you can actually still shock me with the show you guys say oh my god and I'm glad that I'm not the only one that occasionally finds criminals hot along Scott Peterson for one alright guys thanks a lot I love listening you guys and honestly I don't mind that you guys have very long podcasts you can make them as long as you want because you know longer is always better alright thanks guys talk later bye but Scott Peterson was cuter before he dyed his hair oh yeah well he was kind of on the run that was sort of a necessity well yeah but what why do you have to dye your hair to look like a douchebag just because you're on the run you can't you be on the run with some style has the ever seen tellman the sprout no Taylor died his hair once and kind of look like a douchebag yeah I know I remember do we have pictures of that I don't know you have one picture I have one yeah on my back so I don't know I don't with my long my back though hmm yes for listeners you don't know what we're talking about Taylor died and by Taylor died his hair I mean I died his hair on a drunken weekend in Orlando and it was supposed to be died blonde but in fact because his hair is super dark it turned out his favorite color of orange yeah and he kept it that way for approximately a day and a half I think and no I was like that until it grew out which took me about seven years yeah it was a long three months I think yeah yeah it took forever for it to grow out but I can't I remember coming to work and everybody going oh because of course you know bright orange hair but then I've also got the brown goatee and the brown eyebrows yeah and I wonder why no one took me seriously my first year my current job because you and I just knew each other at that point I think I maybe only hung out with you two or three times when I decided in public's I want to die my hair this weekend and I think I got die my hair was about as far as I got and she was already running down the aisle to grab the bleach blonde and then you let me shave your head at least on the sides to create a faux hawk once I do have that on video I have I know I have that on video too that was for the raise thing so I think it's only fair that since I've got to color your hair and I've got to cut your hair I get to shave your bush with your teeth no you should get to cut my hair after the race okay yeah we have to we the race is what five days and counting six days well it's um a week a week from yesterday so six days so I'm I'm worried what are you worried about the race you're worried about the race are you really don't be worried I'm scared to death I'm I'm scared because we apparently and if I talked about this or not I was under the illusion and I guess this was just my brain's way of soothing me through this whole getting ready to walk process thinking that I had to walk a by a minimum of an 18 minute mile no no it has to be like a 16 minute mile it has to be a 16 minute consistent mile which means 16 minute consistent right which I can do the first mile I can do the first mile in about 15 15 but then my fat ass starts slowing down and I'm I'm just I'm worried I'm worried it's going to be the golf cart with Agnes and Harry in their mouse ears and their gloves saying tubby get on the back you're done wait so this is a race race I thought it was just not a race it's a race against Agnes and Harry in the golf cart that's the way I'm looking at it well but Agnes and Harry I mean so you have to pull a 16 minute mile and the reason is is because the course closes because after the 5k you have an obstacle course you have to do and then you have a scavenger hunt and the whole entire thing has to take place within two hours and so obviously obviously they do not want you know for lack of better word scragglers on the route because a security they want to make sure that they have everyone rounded up and know where everyone is plus you have two more things to do and they want to make sure that they keep within a timeline so you know there's an after party and it starts correctly and they don't want to have everybody figuring out the scavenger hunts and then you know six groups walking in who haven't even got the first clue they want to make sure that it's consistent and I don't think that there's going I'm very excited for it I wish the tailor would walk with me but he won't unless you want to jack slap him senseless but that's beside the point okay well okay the reason why I haven't walk with you is let's see Baba Lou almost had a heart attack then my mother was here then works been crazy plus I had camp and then at the times when I say okay when do you want to walk you say let's walk you know well let's walk this afternoon at lunch great that's a Wednesday I've got five appointments that I have to do afterwards I've never asked you to walk at lunch I always ask you to walk at night I've asked you to walk at six o'clock in the morning but I ask you to walk at lunch you never asked me to walk at six o'clock in the morning because you know I would never get up at six o'clock in the morning exactly exactly well we unfortunately to is Friday night we really technically should go up there because they're having where you can scout the course and all this other stuff but we are going to have to leave at O dark 30 on Saturday we're taking two cars because Baba Lou and Tank and the girls were going to come up later on the afternoon but Taylor and I have to leave at like seven o'clock in the morning because we have to physically be at the wild world of sports at ten o'clock yeah so and my birthday is Friday and you're still talking about training my training is done I'm I'm still training but I've got the times I need I'm not and I'm not worried about Taylor because I think once Taylor gets with me and we're talking and acting silly I think the time is going to go much quicker than he thinks it's going to go I am not worried I am excited I'm not worried about Taylor either you know it's it's what did you say I have full faith in you oh but she said I'll be pulling him and I'm like oh why did I have full faith in you wow I well it says okay that it starts at eight the actual race starts at eight thirty right yes so because technically it is a race we're just not looking at it as a race we're just looking at it is this is something that we want to do it has to be done you have to be through the five K and the obstacle course you have an hour and a half to do those right and then you have an obstacle course taking forty five minutes to do well they say that the obstacle course depending on your ability level can take thirty to forty minutes what kind of obstacle course it's a military it's a military style obstacle course there's if now I do not I've only spoken to one of the person who's done this and I'm only going off of what they said and what the video that Taylor originally showed me the first time when he was all excited wanting to do this they have to do you have to do a low crawl underneath ropes like in not in mud but you know where your belly is on the ground and you're doing the military low crawl you have to go across balance beams you have to go up rope ladders you have to go across you know different obstacle courses type things the only thing that concerns us is me walking across balance beam just because my foot but Taylor can do that twice and yeah and then you go on to the scavenger hunt but that but they're far apart you have to go from one obstacle to the next obstacle it's not like you know you have to they're like a football field apart each one is so they are that's that was the consensus was that they're not right on top of each other you have to kind of you know jog a little bit to get to the next one oh fuck me you heard it here listeners invitation if there's ever been one yeah right now you'll be fine oh okay we're gonna videotape we're gonna videotape as much as we can with the flip cam so hopefully at least parts of this with me and black and green spandex will be a video podcast and my birthday is yes yes we have we are both wearing yes you know how I feel about clothing there's only four colors of clothing there is black there is white there is navy blue there is gray and there is tan and that's about it this one there are four colors but apparently you just listed five whatever but apparently I'm we're going to be wearing lime green and black yes spandex spandex spandex no I will be wearing spandex and let me tell you something one of them that's our strategy is we figure it will people see the fupas come and run and at them everything will clear out of our way I will tell you that the day that we went to find the shirts now this shirt is one of those neoprene lime green Nike whatever and I put this thing on and I come strolling out of the of the dressing room and it was cold we'll just leave it at that too much Taylor goes Jesus Christ and I said okay we have a problem because why and I bounced on the ball of my heels like two times he goes he starts laughing he goes you can never ever do that again I was like do you want me running in this shirt and he's just like well clearly you would have a different bra and I'm like you never know baby not I will go it's broad option maybe that'll help you guys win exactly I love the boobs and we're not talking about Taffy so that is yes that's a worrying and my birthday is Friday night so I cannot eat anything overly you know delicious and decadent and I cannot drink anything because obviously I'm not going to be hung over the next day away from fatty red meat his name is bottle loo and I'm sick of you calling him anything but wow so that's yes well yes your birthday is Friday and I figure we'll talk about your birthday apparently I was not aware of what her birthday present for me was supposed to be I thought it was one thing and she informed me the other night again when I was writhing red and pain what it actually is double anal what is it meaning her in tank get to double anal me I am to I am to prepare Taffy a meal in my home yeah cuz after 11 years thank you and Jesus thank you Rodan I am on the podcast I agree well okay so I am officially stating this right now name the date you would like to come over for dinner Wednesday night this Wednesday night sure no I think well this Wednesday night you guys should be doing walking I agree okay so I'm actually a little bit more nervous for you guys for this weekend well I okay all right well so all right Wednesday night as of right now I don't have any late appointments okay so Wednesday night I will come over and we will walk okay God help me and you'll be fine then okay okay we'll do that and then we'll figure out and then we I will have you over for dinner when I I already know what the menu is for dinner I've already figured out what the menu is cuz it's all stuff that I know you like that is that is not going to make it where you spend your evening in my home sitting on the toilet and it will be a pleasant lovely evening what are we having I want to know I'm not telling you I want to think of girls doing the poofies I don't know one wants to think of girls doing the poopy unless you're some small Asian man and I don't want to know anything about that speaking of Asian men we met the gravitas and he was very nice he gave me glitter to wear the katies dinner this what Taylor needs is more glitter yes that's all I need usually it's coming out my ass and the gravitas was very he was enthralled with lollipop he kept saying to care to show me a picture of lollipop because I just had this vision of what she's gonna look like in my mind and I want to know what she looks like and it eats at me and it troubles me and I'm like sure absolutely you can see a big driver and he was just like like she's beautiful I don't know what I expected looking at her parents and I said well you know that Taylor's her real father the look on his face seriously look at his face when he just went he kind of was like he started to kind of laugh and then he kind of got serious then he kind of heard his brow and it kind of looked to me like wait are you being serious well I said yeah we'll never tell type thing and then he kind of was like I don't know how to work with that well thanks tap you scared off a listener thank you for that yay oh speaking of listeners I had dinner the night before the night before the get his dinner I met Darryl one of our listeners he was in town with his friend Fred what yes Darryl and Darryl wow yeah because a new heart reference is always timely I think that might be a title anyway he was he was lovely we went out to sloppy Joe's out on the beach and he and he and Fred were were great and I just want to say a special thank you to them for a fun fun night and just thank you very much I was sad that I couldn't go but I could not attend but I was glad that you you took Babaloo as my stand in thank you I Babaloo appreciate that I'm sure yes I'm sure I'm sure he'll thank you with his own special phrase after here's that now I explained to them that both of your girls were out of the house that night so you and Tank were trying to knock the side knock the drywall off the sides of your house no that let me and not not that I I mean I know that it seems like we talk about sex all the time I really I don't really I mean we jokingly talk about sex at least with tank and I and then there are occasional stories of you know vehicular sex but being gone Friday night and then coming back yesterday we were very very busy I believe that when your husband is 43 as tank is he will he'll he will be 43 in July and he has the ability to come not once not twice but three times within about five hours there's an element of that that impresses me I am impressed other stories that are probably equally as impressive but I'll let that go yeah no no now three times in one day all encompassing one day is is is acceptable but within about five hours yeah I was still kind of impressed yeah yeah so but that's all I can come with three times within five minutes can you really well hair trigger yeah but see that's just it is that tank I mean tank can go for 45 minutes and then it's you know power blasting me across the room oh okay the sound that you all just heard was three months from now when lollipop decides to start listening to the show from her dorm room and just I'm gonna check and see what's going on oh my god I never thought of that yeah she could totally do that she could especially when I get her the link to the show is a goodbye present you know what though I can guarantee you the first time that we start talking about cocksuckin or something I don't think she would listen to it now that doesn't mean her roommates and everybody else what I don't think she would I think that she would get embarrassed little toughington would be sitting there with a notepad taken notes I'm I'm pretty sure that lollipop would just be like ah no I can't do this nope well lollipop at the very least is gonna want to listen to the show that she's on is she going to be on a show you can have her on a show I told you that she once she went to school you could use her picture for art one day so that could be her going you should do a going away podcast right before she leaves okay that's okay oh god we should tell a going away podcast and we can tell her stories of living in the dorm that's an excellent idea of her and Rodan and I lived in the dorm I think that's a tremendous idea yeah you can have her all right that's good I thought for sure I thought you were gonna fight me even more about that no but okay you can I think telling her stories of gay sex is always gonna be a pro and how her all her straight boyfriends are really gay all right we are at an hour I said I want to do a 40 minute show so let's we're we're we're winding down now so thank you all for listening to episode 149 and next show the big one 150 my current weight of my right leg oh damn it I said left though you said right did you really I said your leg oh my god Jesus okay well we have something special planned but we're not ready to announce what it is we were gonna do something big and bold and beautiful and Taylor and I are having sex on camera that would be a big bold and beautiful video of you and I walking is pretty much probably going to sound like that with the grunting and wheezing and the flop is flopping around but that's no that's that's not going to happen that should have been the name of our team who was flopping who was flopping well you should say what actually real quick you should say what our team should have been named after we named it our team should have been named fat royalty FFAT and the reason is because fat with two F's royalty is an acronym of Taylor and Taffy so I was yes so I was very sad that we did not to figure that out before we submitted our name which of course is team Taylor and Taffy but I think team fat royalty would have been hysterical yeah so bibbity bobby bitch they wouldn't allow and and aerials tail and aerials tail taste like you know ten that one was that was allowed either I'm just kidding okay all right well as always you can go to our blog which is pot is my you can email us at pot is my co-pilot at call our listener line at 206-350-1287 and I want to thank Hunt and Cassie who did the intro for our show this week you can also be our friends on Facebook at Taffy Carlisle Huffington Rodan J co-pilot and Taylor T latte boy and tweet me at PIMC Taylor on Twitter I hate that word I know that's why I said it alright everybody thank you all for listening to episode 149 we'll be back next week with episode 150 until then this is Taylor and Taffy and Rodan have a good week everybody bye bye well now wait we really actually won't be back with 150 next week because we'll be back with the video of our gates walk well we could do both of them at the same time we'll see much like tanks fingers and your cock not your cock is cock you're insane I am insane and you you choose to hang out with me so whatever with pleasure with pleasure all right everybody good bye bye weirdo you've been listening to hog is my co-pilot with Taylor the latte boy Taffy Carlisle Huffington and Rodan aren't you glad you did see you next time you. you [BLANK_AUDIO]