[music] Gay Days is almost here and I can't make it this year, so I don't give a flying fuck where you're eating dinner. You're listening to Pot Is My Co-Pilot with Taylor the Latte Boy, TEPI Carlisle, Huffington, and Rodan. Take it away, kids! [beep] I got to have sex with Taylor this weekend. Not really, but welcome to Pot Is My Co-Pilot, episode 148, with your hosts me, Taffi Carlisle, Huffington, Rodan, and the other guy. What's his name again? Taylor the Latte Boy. My eyes just got biggest saucers when you said that I was like, "What?" [laughter] I thought we weren't going to speak of such things on the podcast. We had a deal, and I let you do the intro. I let you do the intro, well. And I get to do your intro. [laughter] Hello, children. Hello. We have much to speak of this weekend. We do, like. We have children getting degrees, and children moving in with Rodan. [laughter] 98 degrees moved in with Rodan. [laughter] If that's the case, I'm moving to Monroe. Oh my god. I was never a Nick Lache fan. I was always a fan of the other big one. The one that actually had the 98 degrees on his-- I like Jeff. That's a Jeff. Jeff. Jeff Timbs. Yeah, I liked him too. What a shocker. Oh, wow. You and I like the same guy. What? What? Your dirty monkey boy is not somebody that I would ever in a million years touch with a 10-foot pole. I know. My dirty monkey boy upends him on a visceral level. We were playing game one night, and it was one of those, you know. If you had to have sex with someone famous who you deemed beneath you, who would it be? Who would it be? Who would yours be, Rodan? Someone famous who you find beneath you. Famous fun. Probably Channing Tatum. That's a good one. That's a good one. That's a very good one. No. It's not as good as Taffy's, but that's a good one. Mine-- when you consider mine to be beneath you, it's like the primordial sludge that drug itself up on the shores of, you know. Hey. Life had to start somewhere. Kid Rock. Oh, my gosh. Really? I know. And Lola right now is going yes, because that's one thing that Lola and I agree on was Kid Rock was so nasty, but you just know that he could fall. That's just like Skidmarks and armpit stains. That's all I could think about. No. I know. He's disgusting. He's so gross. Skidmarks and armpit stains. The titled episode 148. Mmm. Wow. Yummy. So, well, what is everybody up to? We have a lot to talk about, and I'm not exactly sure where to start, other than the fact that Taffy and I have spent every single day together for the last seven years. How is that possible? It is. I mean, how have you guys not killed each other yet? That is a question many have asked. Yes. And I just take out my frustration on Babaloo. Well, it's because we enjoy spending time with one another. We do enjoy spending time with each other. That being said, I'm taking a break tomorrow and not going to her family's barbecue. Right. No, but no, but do you know why we enjoy spending time with one another? Because we have self love and that would be why. So, you guys can just like talk at each other about yourselves and neither one of you have to listen. No. It's like talking to ourselves. It's like talking to me. And when I'm sure he was talking to me to have the time, it's like talking, we even say to each other, I was having a conversation with so and so, and your voice was going coming out of my mouth. It's hard to explain. It's true. It's very true. Well, before we get started, I know what I want to hear first. I want to hear the move in situation. I'm waiting with baited breath. Well, the dogs are finally starting to get along. That was actually probably our biggest concern. There's a dog? Yeah. What kind? Um, the Cajun has a Catalina Kerr, Catahoula. Oh, Kerr. Catahoula. Yeah. I don't even know what that is. It's the Louisiana State Dog or something. It's, um, which the Louisiana State Dog. So it lives in front of a gas station and has three legs. Oh my God. It lays on a front porch where all cars are up on their center blocks. Okay. So Serena. It has sex with its sister on prom night. Wow. Wow. So Serena is the sweetest dog I've probably ever seen and she did not like Riley all the times I've been down to Lake Charles. So I was not expecting them to get along at all, but they've had tons of, they've played around a lot. They've, you know, barked at each other and gotten upset with each other a couple times, but nothing bad. So that, that's, that's good. I was, I was really, really nervous about that because, you know, it would be bad if, you know, Riley killed the Cajun's dog or something. Well, after biting his mother here. I know. That would be bad. Good Joe attacks. Part two. So you have a blended family? Yes. Yes. We do. It's the Brady Bunch. Now, now where does Serena sleep? Does she sleep in a kennel like Riley does? Uh, well, Riley doesn't sleep in the kennel, but yeah, when we're out of the house, they, they both go in their respective kennels. Wow. Well, that's good. Yeah. And suck my tit as he's laying in his kennel and she's walking past, you know. Yeah. We were, we were talking about that. Not going over piles of China. Good China. And then saying, oh, I guess the other dog did it. Yeah. And when the Cajun first was starting to move in or starting to move stuff here, Serena had rebelled against the Cajun and tore up a couple of things in the house in his house and like Charles. So, um. Oh dear. Yeah. But the, the kenneling is probably the best bet for the time being, plus she gets really afraid during thunderstorms. I'm in touch with that. Yeah. So we, we decided that Kelly was the best bet for now. No. Are you starting to get the bad thunderstorms every day? Is it getting like that for you guys yet up there or? Uh, no, it hasn't been too bad. Um, it was worse down south. So we'll see. I'm waiting for our oily thunderstorms, but that's all other story. Um. They have a salve for that, you know. Hahaha. But everything else with the Cajuns going well, I think we're still a little bit afraid of the pooping in the house with each other around kind of thing. You know what I'm talking about. So he's running to the 7/11 every morning? Why is that working? So, you know, so there's that part. I gotta take a dump. Do you need a slurpee? Hahaha. I'm sure there's a whole subculture that would enjoy that last sentence. I'm sure. But you know what I'm talking about, right Taylor? Well, no, I initially, there is definitely that hesitation of I don't necessarily, we got over that pretty quickly. Yeah. Well, I mean, we're three days in. And now there is an unwritten, not an unwritten role. It was stated pretty much early on where I have pretty much said to, to Babaloo, I will never poop with the door open. Right. Yeah. I will never become that comfortable with you that barring me being sick and needing assistance, that will never ever happen. Yeah. Which he was like, I don't see what the big deal is. And then that is where you and I differ because I see a huge deal. Hahaha. There are some things that just need to stay private and that's that's definitely one of them. Yeah. And so I think that's, that's, you know, we're kind of figuring that out still. Well, I think if your biggest problem is that you too can't shit in front of one another, then things are going pretty well. Yeah. I think, yeah, so far so good. I think, you know, we still know quite what to do with each other in the house and I've lived single for a while now. So it's, I don't know what to do it. I don't know what to do with him. Occasionally his dog barks on my dog and his dick falls in my mouth and then everything else is pretty good. Right. I don't know. We just kind of said, look at each other. We've had lots of good sex. Oh, I took them to the barn in row last night. Is that where you had the really good sex? No. Throw them up on the pinball table and let the town, you know, welcome them the way they welcomed you. No. It's not Jody Foster for God's sake. So we went to the bar and he was like, didn't do anything and all of a sudden like the booty shake and music started going. He started dancing like really, I was just like, this is what you want to start dancing to. Was he booty dancing? Yeah. Did he have on Apple Bottom jeans? I'm just curious. Did he have on the boots with the fur? No. Well, he did have the whole town looking at her, so there you go. Bottom got low, low, low, low. Unfortunately, that song was relevant about three years ago. Yeah. So apparently, you know, listening to that hippity hop and that snoop-diggity dog is not what we're doing. Yeah. I'll never quite understand what it is with racist, not that Cajun is racist, but racist rednecks and their love of rap and booty-shaking music, I'll never really quite understand that. It just seems like that should not go together. Well, it's just like, you know, Republican football players who enjoy getting their dicks sucked by other boys. Yeah. Not the X, the XX, yeah, he's a dish bag, but I guess. Yes. As you well know. Were you here today when he was here? Yes. I wasn't sure if he was still here when you were here. Yeah. And I said, congratulations. And he said, oh, thanks. And he tried to give the big manly handshake, and I just was like, you're such a fucking dish bag. Get away from me. Oh. You should have given him the big manly handshake, and I just was like, I'm like, you're such a fucking dish bag. Get away from me. You should have given him the big manly handshake, and I just was like, I'm like, you're such a fucking dish bag. Get away from me. You should have given him the limp roasted handshake, just to freak him out a little bit. I would have been good. And then shove my tongue down his throat. Right. You're 18 now, right? Should have kissed his hand. Press him up against your kitchen counter. Now I'm going to do it to you like Mr. Huffington gives it to Miss Taffy. Oh. You're 18 now, right? That was Friday evening, was when we were at graduation, because Lollipop graduated, and it was a lovely service. And I was very grateful to Bobaloo and Taylor for coming and sitting through it all. But this is the after thing where they had a big reception. Guy in the blue shirt, is he 18 yet? Guy in the white shirt, is he legal? Because we do have some smoking hot little boys that were there. And every once in a while, and of course, you know, saying that makes me sound like Mary Kay LaTurno. I'm not that I'm going for. Debra LaFave, party of one. Right. But every once in a while, there'd be one where he'd be like, oh, Jesus God, who is in the white shirt? And he was like, he's 19. And he was like, yes, that was the highlight of graduation. Well, hello, I'm Lollipop's uncle. Would you care for a piece of cake and some punch, a donkey punch? What's a donkey punch? Oh, God. Oh, we've talked about that on the show before. I don't think we have talked about it. I was going to say, I'd have never heard a donkey punch. Wait, is this going to be some new sex thing that I learn now? Yeah. I believe so. I'll go over the theme for when you learn some new sex thing. It needs to be the more, you know, okay, what's the best way to describe a donkey punch? The title episode I'm pretty hate. What happens after you eat out, John Goodman? Yeah. Oh, I put it the same category as the guys who like to, uh,phyxiate when they're coming. Auto-expiciation. Yeah. It's kind of, I think of it like that. It's when you're doing a girl, I guess, or a guy from the back. Okay. You know what? Now that I think about it, I'm actually not exactly sure what a donkey punch is. No, it's what you're, you're, where you're starting to go. So it's when you're doing a, doing someone from behind and right before you come, you punch them in the back of the head and they go on, and they go unconscious. Oh my God. Donkey punch is a slang term for apocryphal apocryphal. Oh God. There's even a diagram on Wikipedia and apocryphal. I don't know if I'm saying that wrong and potentially lethal sexual practice supposedly performed during anal sex. Their purported practice involves the penetrating partner, a male, punching the receiving partner, male or female in the back of the head or neck, what is known in boxing as a rabbit punch after a technique to kill rabbits. The alleged goal is to cause the receiving partner's anal passage to tense up, thereby increasing the pleasure of the penetrating partner. However, there is no medical evidence that it works or that for any matter, any reason that it would. When used, the donkey punch is almost exclusively executed during or just before the orgasm of the penetrating partner. Well, I don't even know what, I don't know how to think about that, but I was gonna say but of course Rodin would know the accurate definition of that, but. Well, there was a movie called Donkey Punch or something like that. Yeah. That was the other thing that you could have looked up. It was a 2008 movie about it was like a murder like a slasher movie with a bunch of co-eds on a boat and one of the guys killed one of the girls by accident and it was the way they were. I remember seeing the trailer for it and thinking what? This is the state of Hollywood. Yeah. I think it was a British movie. Of course, if you kill somebody while doing a donkey punch that doesn't necessarily, you know, that that is murder, that's not just someone dying during a donkey punch. And Rodin would know lots of places in the bayou to hide a body. Is that true? Because I'm thinking, no, no, no, no, listen to me. This is actually like a real statement. If you doggy punch somebody and it's in the middle of the sex act and they die, I would think that that's something that you could actually defend yourself against was the fact that it would be rep sex and that, you know, this happened. You eat and that person would have died during assault. Yeah. You assaulted the person they died. Blunch trauma to the back of the head. That's in no way she would perform what you do during a donkey punch should be considered legal. Well, no, I'm not advocating it. I'm just asking that that just sounded like, you know, I'm thinking if you're, you know, change a position and you flip somebody over pretty quick and they knock their head up against, you know, one of the bed posts. Well, that's different. I would think that would be different just in that they, if they did a forensics, it did an autopsy on the body. You can see that there was maybe an accidental versus, you know, a bruise the size of somebody's fist in the back of the middle of their head. It's CSI. Donkey punched my girlfriend. It's an intracranial hemorrhage. That must be how Gary Coleman died. Wow. That was like the most. Wow. A tip of that hat is too soon. Gary Coleman died from a donkey punch. That's the title of episode 148. We'll get letters. Mr. Mr. Drummond was a hell of a puncher. Mr. Drummond. Donkey Puncher. There you go. Oh, I've seen artwork this week has to be Conrad Bane. The Cajun and I are seeing Avenue Q in a couple of weeks. I wonder if it's still going to, I'm very concerned about this. Oh, because this isn't one of the characters named Gary Coleman? Yes, it's Gary Coleman. I mean, it was originally-- It is Gary Coleman. The part was originated by Gary Coleman. Was it really? Yeah. Yeah. Oh, God. I didn't know that. And the traveling shows know me a woman plays them. Well, of course. Why don't you do that from your pictures? Yeah. You have a picture from when you saw it the last time. So anyway, getting back to the lovely event that was-- Lollipop's graduation. Graduation to Donkey Puncher. Yes. So excellent. No, it was very nice. I'm very glad it's done. And not for any other reason. It was one of those things where as it was happening, tank looks over at me at one point and goes, this doesn't even seem like real. It doesn't seem like what it is. And we were-- because we'd been to so many award programs and so many of that kind of stuff. It just seemed like one more. Yeah. And none of the parents were crying. It wasn't. It was very joyful. It was a very happy graduation where the kids all seemed ecstatic and all the families and all the people that were there were very happy about being there. And so it's never really been any of the whole, "My baby's graduating." Now, there was none of that shit and it was-- it was very nice. And we had a lot of people there. And there was a million people after the graduation that had poured into this enormous churches like-- Check in. Not what you knew. Sorry. To a church-- she graduated from a church's ticket. You're insane. Rodan, she graduated in the church that was the old Walmart on US 19. Yes, that is a lovely, lovely-- yes, at one point I even said, "My baby's graduating from Walmart." And she just kind of looked at me like, "Really?" It is. They turned it into a beautiful church though. It is really pretty inside. That was the first time I'd ever been in there and walked in. It's like one of those super mega churches kind of where they've got it. It looks like a Britney Spears concert with all the lighting that they have rigged up around the whole thing. There was 1100 people there for graduation. Wow. Is that how many there was? Yeah. And I didn't think it was overly hot and it was well-- they had the timing down pretty well. Well, it didn't feel overwhelming. There was a ton of people there until the end when everybody was getting ready to leave and they were all staying around. Everyone was doing the screaming and hugging and taking pictures. Then it was like you couldn't move. It was Bedlam. It was-- it was Bedlam. It was mayhem, I tell you. But no, it was-- I'm glad to have it done. This week there is nothing school related going on at all until Friday, so that's lovely. And the little us Huffington had her eighth grade completion too. We don't want to forget about talking about that. No, she did and she was very excited and, of course, Taylor is getting the best friend, big giant A plus because he literally has been-- he has been to everything this last week. Bless his heart. And I mean, it's one thing when we are tired of sitting through it. Oh, bless his heart. And then you look at him and you go-- at one point I just said, you know, I'm so sorry. He's like, it's fine. And I think to myself, but we have set through 25 of these and this is your third. But still, you're still sitting through this. You know what I mean? We think sprung forth from your loins. I'm just-- No, there's-- I'm still pretty sure your DNA involved in some of them. I will say today that I got points from Lollipop. They had a graduation party/openhouse for it today. And she was given all sorts of lovely gifts from people and she received a family heirloom today, which from what I understand from the little-- what's your name, Taffy, that it's very, very pretty. However, her most-- she was most excited to get a gift from me. Rodan, would you like to know what that gift was? I had something sassy to say, but it was inappropriate. So you tell me. A rim job is not what it was. Did you say a rim job is not what that was? God, sorry. Blue amp. What? Blue amp. Two cans of blue amp. It's true. I do not allow my children to have anything like that. Okay. I don't ever buy it. I don't buy it for them. If she does get it, it's on her own accord and I think for her birthday one year, she asked for a can of it and I got it for her and then it's set in my pantry for like four days because she never drank it so I poked a hole in the bottom of it and I drained it and I just said it back in the pantry and I know I got all kinds of shit for it. I just can't-- I can't stand the idea of them putting that in their body. And he got her that and he got her a gift certificate to Chipotle. You would have thought he had-- and Babaloo got her a sports illustrated subscription. You would have thought they had given her gold. I said you have-- you have pinpointed lollipop, you know, blue amp, sports illustrated Chipotle. Swedish fish. Yes, Swedish fish. You would have thought I said tonight as you lay in slumber, Taylor Lawton is going to come in and deflour you. Yeah, she was crazy. So I-- you know what, if that's what it takes to get that kind of excitement out of my child, I'm very happy. So that was-- that pleased me to no end and I wrote her a little note in her graduation card with the intent to try and make her cry even though she doesn't cry and I got as much of a you suck look from her face, which she read it, which I was like, yes, I got her. So because it's all about manipulative people, you know, cry, damn it, cry, I've been doing this job 10 years. I'll get a tear out of you yet, damn it. He did something very exciting. I mean, you know, graduation being fun and all. Let's get to the real excitement. Yes. We got to spend the day with Kevin B yesterday. Did you really? Mm-hmm. I'm jealous. Kind of unexpectedly. We sort of thought we would just see him briefly during his play at the Fringe Festival and no, we actually got to spend a big chunk of time with him. It was-- it was glorious. It was glorious. We had a lovely day yesterday on a couple different levels, first off being the fact that we got to see Miss Kevin B and the show he was in was great and we got to see Michael in a show and it was, it was fantastic. We got to see a completely unexpected show that I almost disrupted from laughing, which we'll get to in a moment, and more importantly, we met a fan. Did you really-- a listener, you mean? Yes. Yes. And unsuspectedly, we met when it wasn't like, you know, we knew someone who was going to be there. We were standing in line to get-- And you were stalking them? No, no, no, listen, no, we're standing in line, we're being ourselves, a lower key version of ourselves because we were in a really cool venue where they were having the Fringe Festival and we're waiting to get in line to get tickets for the third show that we hadn't planned on seeing. And all of a sudden, this beautiful gentleman walks up and-- Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. I mean, he's walking up to us and-- And we're both doing the whole-- Oh, my God. I walk in this-- who is this beautiful bald-headed, blue-eyed, big, muscle-tall? Yes. And he comes up and he kind of has his hands over his mouth and he goes, I am so starstruck. What? Right. And he goes, Taffy, Taylor, Taylor, I love the podcast, he goes, I'm just so starstruck. And literally, we were like, please come over and stand by us. You're beautiful and we love you. So we took pictures with him and he was just like, you know, I just, I love the show and this is so cool. I just can't wait to tell my friends. I'm just so starstruck and all this other stuff. And so he turned around, we get our tickets and we walk away and as we're walking away, I turn to Taylor and I go, and that is why we will never stop doing this show. Because there's a chance that someone that looks like that is going to come and stand next to me. And I can put my arm around him and for a few seconds go, why am I not a gay boy? And his name was Sean. Correct. Sean, I believe. Yes. And then so fast forward an hour where we are with Miss B and he turns on and goes, did you see the guy in the maroon muscle shirt and Taylor goes as a matter of fact and then he regales him of the story was fabulous. Oh, and another thing that it's important that he did say at one point. He doesn't listen to a cute cast. No, he says he does listen to cute cast as well. And then he said, and you're not a spin off. Oh, yes, he did. He did. So it was validation. And I said, thank you so much. Take off your shirt. Drop, drop, drop. Okay. I didn't say that, but I was thinking it while I was thinking it. So it was very sweet. Very nice. We love your fan. Can I lick your armpits? That was pretty much what it works. That should be the title. We have two, wait, we have two armpit references as titles. You. We have two armpit. Oh, because skid marks it. Well, welcome. It's a Conrad, Bane 1 will probably be one, so. But Kevin's show was very, very funny and Kevin is amazing. Yes. Kevin, Kevin, I saw Kevin when he did the range of monologues, which was his role was completely different from that one than from this one. And it just shows his range and versatility as an actor. He was great and the play was great. And there were some unexpected really funny things in it that happened, some of which weren't supposed to happen. And another actor were doing the whole Tim Conway, Harvey Korman, Carol Burnett, where they were cracking each other up, which is always funny. I mean, it's supposedly one of those things that they're not supposed to do, but the audience totally loved it. So that was great. And then we saw a play, I guess you'd call it a play, would he call it a play or a musical called The Dream Express? The Dream Express, I would say, well, it was supposed to be that you were watching a lounge act. So they told stories and they sang. Yes. I can't even talk about it. Many show that incorporates Olivia Newton-John's physical and then goes directly into a whiter shade of pale while wearing a leopard skin mini skirt and fishnet stockings. Yeah, that's sold. You've got me there. So we're sitting in the front. No, hold on. I was like, you have to tell the premise before you go ahead. So Taffy and I are sitting there. And the woman, she sings some song, some like gospel song. Yeah, some gospel song. Right. And it's, you know, and it's this very serious moment. And she sort of says, you know, I need to take a break. I'm going to go off stage. I'll see you all right back. So then the actor on the stage that plays her ex-husband, but they're still a lounge act, says the funniest line I've ever heard in my entire life. He says, or is it a Marlene, Marlene Lewis, I think was the name of the character? Is Marlene Lewis, everybody? I would drag my balls against shattered glass for the chance to fingerfuck her shadow. And then goes into some story. I mean, it was this like split second where it made no sense. Taffy and I were doing got, you know, we're first, we were doing the guffal, like everybody else did. And everybody else calmed down and was listening to the story. And Taffy and I get the church giggles to where then we can't stop laughing to which Kevin is looking of two of us, kind of half laughing to have doing the shut the fuck up. Shut up. I actually couldn't. No, I literally couldn't, and what's bad is my feet could touch the stage. I mean, I was sitting, I know, I mean, there was, I was trying not to be disruptive, but I went into the ugly laugh where you're making the hoo sounds and I couldn't, I couldn't stop and I was, and then what's worse is I'm trying to be quiet. So I've got my hands over my mouth and I keep putting my head down and I'm trying not, I was trying not to laugh became, I think, more disruptive than actually the laughing, but I just can't help it. It was so completely out of left field and unexpected and his delivery was spot on. And after the, and after a gospel song, you know, you're waiting for a finger fuck reference, obviously. Well, I mean, what else should you be waiting for? Exactly. Exactly. So, so that was a very, it was, it was an odd shit. Well, I mean, obviously with a line like that, it's going to be an odd show, but it was, it was very much where there was very funny parts and then it got almost kind of serious and then it would get funny again and then serious and it was very much up and down kind of thing. Then we saw Michael. And then we saw Michael in Julie Bunny Must Die, which was completely different. It was actually a musical musical, whereas Kevin's had no singing and the middle one had some singing. This one was nothing but singing. Yeah. I think Michael actually spoke four or five lines and then everything else was him singing and all the other characters singing. And that was really great. That one, I really enjoyed that. Once I got used to the idea that they were going to be doing nothing but singing, like I thought, okay, when does this turn into a play sort of thing, but then it was, no, it was pretty much a musical. And Michael was great as Michael always is and Michael played, Michael played the villain. Shocking. Right. And he was a chef. So he's walking out with a big chef sat on and, and that was really, that was, that was really good too. I really liked that one. Bob Loo didn't go with us, but we both said that Bob Loo, he wants to be a writer. He would have really loved that one because it was about a writer and he interacts with his characters and everybody. He's not a comic book writer of all things. Yeah. Yeah. So it was, that was, that was really enjoyable. And I had something to eat yesterday that I've never eaten before. Me. So long lasting taffy and long last taffy. Now that I had fried peanut butter and jelly, oh, okay, diabetes, we not discussed your diabetes situation recently on this show. Okay. When am I ever going to have a chance to have fried peanut butter and jelly again? Why, why ever tempt yourself with it? No, it was good. Well, because it's, I will probably never have it again. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity. I'm actually doing much better with my blood sugar now now that I'm on the proper regiment of medication to where I woke up this morning thinking, Oh God, I'm going to be so off the chain. And I was within normal range. Wow. That's awesome. I'm doing, I'm doing what I need to do. So if I'm doing what I need to do, then I can have little treats like that every once in a while. More importantly, it was one of the best fucking things I ever put in my mouth. Besides, Bob will lose cock that is. Exactly. Wow. Exactly. It was like little balls of peanut butter and jelly, like sandwiches, but not really. And then they were dusted in powder sugar after they were deep fried. Yeah, they were, they were yummy, yummy goodness, and now when he hands you the basket and says, now don't eat this for five minutes because the jelly is still boiling inside. Yeah. So then I was terrified to eat it, then I'm just kept looking at eventually, I'm like, okay, well, I'm going to try it. And it was good. The jelly was still very hot at one point. Some of it got on my hands. And I turned to tapping and said, if you want me to steal something, tell me now because I just burned off my fingerprints. Yeah, I have no fingerprints. No. It was, it was very good. After a fringe, then we went and hung out at, at Kevin and Michael's place. Michael had to go to sleuth, so but we just hung out with Kevin for a while and then went out to dinner. And what was supposed to be just a quick meal turned into like a three hour, just sitting around laughing and being, giggling, talking about all sorts of silly stuff and being, you know, being the way we am. Yeah. Was I inappropriate? Yeah. We talked about gay days, which is coming up this coming weekend. I know. Friday night, the big dinner. No, Rodan. No. Well, next year. Don't. We'll do it next year. Pat and Melanie are coming next year and we don't have the race next year or so, or maybe we do. Maybe we'll enjoy this when we get an annual fang. But it's, you know, we'll go next year, but I am looking forward to the dinner. Me too. I love, I love what we're eating, so I'm excited about that. What's the name of it? I don't know. It's, it's, it's the Mediterranean. It's the Mediterranean buffet restaurant that is in the middle of Gaylord Palms. I, I have no idea what the name of it is, but it's, I've eaten there before. It's a lovely restaurant and I like where you can sit outside and outside would be in quotations if you were watching me say that because of course you're inside a giant atrium. But it's, it's a great restaurant and it's very, it's, they have odd food there, but odd in a good way. So. Well, we had odd food at ours last year when we hosted the dinner. We did. That's just the thing is that, you know, all the podcast dinners are just unusual because the podcasters themselves are unusual. Yeah. Now, looking forward to that. I don't know what I'm going to wear though. Your Lady Gaga outfit? Yes. That, that was my, I was going to have, you know, electrical tape and, you know, Konstantin Wire wrapped around my body in a gyroscope while I play piano. Outfit. Right. Exactly. We should all come dress up as Lady Gaga. Yeah. Yeah. You and every other fag at the, at the gay day. I was going to say the idea of big fatty in a pair of thigh high red pleather boots, like that's never, like that's never happened, but okay, that would be awesome. Speaking of Lady Gaga, I have made a decision what given the episode that was on, I guess it was this last week. Yes. When this season is over, I'm done with Glee. Oh. The only reason I'm watching the last, I think it's two episodes is because I've invested this much time into it, but I have no interest in watching it any more than this. It's gotten so ridiculous and so off the chart from what it was before that I don't have any, I don't have any interest in watching it anymore. It's more ridiculous, more ridiculous, but it was ridiculous and a fun kind of dark subversive way starting when it started. And now it's just high school musical every week. No. Now it's where the producers go to the cast and say, okay, we got the rights to these four songs working into your show. It seems very corporately inspired right now. Yeah. I mean, they definitely need to find their way, I mean, they've definitely lost their way a little bit, but not to the point of, I don't think they're quite obnoxious yet. Although the fact that they called it a Lady Gaga episode and they had two Lady Gaga songs in it was a bit ridiculous. One of which that made absolutely no sense. If you had seen your long lost mother for the first time in 16 years, you would sing poker phase with her. That one was definitely a stretch. Yeah. I didn't understand it. But that's just, that's just a little aside that I'm, I, you know, I'm finding it harder to justify in my head buying some of the, you know, a couple of times there's been a couple of episodes where I thought, well, at least, you know, the episode was shitty, but I liked to that one song. So I'll buy that. And then I think to myself, no, because I'm just supporting them, you know, being me shit. So yeah, so I, now I don't need to watch it. Now we did not, you and I privately did not discuss this, but you know what started last week? So you think you can dance. Which I haven't watched yet. Oh shit. How do I miss that? Damn it. I miss the first two episodes. Well, and honestly I don't care. Yeah. It was only the first episode I think on Thursday night. So it was a two hour one. So you didn't miss a whole lot. Yeah. You're just, you know, this is so you think you can dance and it's two hours of watching people plie because they're not really showing anyone that's going to probably make it on yet until they get to where they're, they're doing the, when they're narrowing it down to the two groups and then they narrow it down to the top 20, you can pretty much miss some of that. Yeah. But I love that show. I'm glad it started. And I'm thrilled that Mia Michaels is one of the lead judges, even though I think she's completely crazy, but it's better than that weird chipmunk woman who screams. So. Well, I'm a little confused by the fact that they let Mary Murphy move on choreograph. No, she's a choreographer. I know. She's a, she's a choreographer and she also is doing a lot. She made an announcement, I guess it was during the last season that she sort of said that when she was, she was in a very abusive relationship many, many years ago and she's doing a lot of guest speaking engagements now. So there was no way for her to be able to keep those obligations and stay as a permanent fixture on the show. Yeah. So she said it was done. It was, it wasn't where Fox came to her, came to them and said, get rid of Marie Osmond. It was more a, they worked together and decided that this was what they were going to do. If Marie Osmond and Paula Abdul had a baby, I think it would be her. Yeah. Yeah. I think it is. I think they may have had some genetic experiment that happened to Mary Murphy. Like some bizarre, Mormon, weird, scat sex and she was born from. Oh. Scat sex. Well, you know, like the whole, why do I do mean that kind of scat? I meant like the drawn animal, M.C. Scott. Oh, M.C. Scat Cat. You keep trying to get a stock, M.C. Scat Cat from that stupid opposite attractive video from 1990. This is like the third week in a row. That's the only video I can ever think of her besides one with Keanu Reeves, where she looks like a smack dass with a scarf around her neck. Oh, rush rush rush. Yeah. That made me think of the one where they stretched her out to make her look fake. Oh, that was promise of a new day. I apparently know the entire videography of Paula Abdul. I'm barely due. Wow. That was what that was when she was chunky and she was on the MTV Awards and that stupid cat suit thing singing vibology. And then I said to my, you know, ex-girlfriend, well, she was my ex-girlfriend not long after that in high in college, I said, Oh God, she looks just like you. Oh, I didn't mean anything by it. I liked Paula Abdul, but she took it as, you know, you've got a fat ass. And that's why I suck dick now. Yeah. Yeah. That's why. How good. Oh, good. So Rodan, what else is going on? So you said you've moved him in, moved him in. We went drinking. I had a horrible anger over Saturday morning. It was not pretty that a week of stress and then he moved in and then we had, you know, we drank like all night and just hanging out and talking and stuff. And I was miserable the next morning. So like. Did he have a nice birthday? Cause his birthday was fried. Yeah. He had a good birthday. I think I got him a camera for his birthday. So like a digital camera. Nice. Nice. No, I got him one of those little Kodak ones in the box in the cardboard box. I thought this would be great. No, like a disposable camera. No, I got him a digital camera. He got him a disc camera. Oh, yeah. Did he say thank you and Taylor says to go fuck yourself? So I got him a camera with the whole kind of things. So you know, kind of welcome home, happy birthday and kind of the whole thought process, you know, kind of with the camera that this is for you to be able to start taking pictures of our kind of new life. That's nice. That's nice. Thanks. So call it three years from now. Exhibit A. Yeah. Right. Yeah. And then we would go see our man too. Oh, okay. What did you think? I really enjoyed it. I know there was a lot of kind of like, as the Cajun would say, crawfishing about it. Kind of like it's good. It's bad. It's good. It's bad. But that's called crawfishing. Yeah. He says I'm crawfishing all the time when I say something and I start to back away from it. But yeah, he started to school me and Cajun lingo last night because I was making fun of the fact that he said that he was putting something in the ice box. I'm like, did you really just say ice box? And he's like, well, do you save your clothes? I'm like, do I save my clothes? Of course I save my clothes. And does he put the keys on the Davenport? No, he doesn't put the keys on the Davenport. I want to dance. Turn on the old Victrola. Because that's what I was thinking too, I'm like, you're just talking like a little lady. This isn't Cajun. This is a little lady. So there was something else he said that I was just like, I have no idea what you're talking about. But crawfishing is one who uses all the time. So crawfishing. He says all we. There's apparently some Cajun thing too. All we? Yeah. That's definitely Cajun. So I know that because Gambit says it in the X-Men comics. That's his name. Gambit. Gambit. What's our call name? Gambit. Okay. So just as the Cajun became Babaloo, no. Just as the Cuban became Babaloo, the Cajun is now Gambit. Okay. Remi Lebeau. So I liked it. I liked Iron Man too. I enjoyed it for the spectacle it was. You were being entertained. Yeah. I was being entertained. But I thought it was a good. Yeah. I thought it was a good sequel. Now it didn't do much for me in terms of advancing Iron Man or making me want to see a third Iron Man movie. But it made me, you know, I was thoroughly entertained and it makes me excited for Thor. I was just going to say that you stayed till after the credits. Yeah. Although that's the big mind fuck there. Why the fuck just show a hammer? That's ridiculous. Well that's Thor's hammer. Well because they haven't finished filming the Thor movie yet. Well they've finished principle photography. Well yeah, but now, but I mean Iron Man, this movie was done what a year ago? Yeah, true. So they didn't even have, I think, actors yet. I know, but I mean, I don't know. I mean speaking in NerdSpeak for just a minute. Do you know that on top of the other movies that are coming out next year and what else is coming out? Green Lantern comes out next year, doesn't it? Green Lantern. They're making an X-Men movie for next summer? First class, yeah. Yeah. Like a prequel. Because they just hired the guy who was in Wanted to be Professor X. Yeah. Which is just weird. He really should be Magneto. Yeah, he would be a good Magneto. That was my favorite character. Magneto? Yeah. He was my favorite. Yeah. If I was going to be one of the characters, that's one I'd be. Yeah. Well, it's produced by Brian Singer. Of course you would. Yeah, you'd be a Storm. You'd be a great Storm. Do you know what happens to a toad when it's been hit by lightning? I don't make Babaloo laugh because he loves when I say that. I go, it's like, do Storm, do Storm and I just say that. Because we're nerds and that's what we do. You go. Do a flower. You go, shoot the flower in his hair and stands in the middle of the living room. And when I get angry, my eyes turn white. Now, Tank's favorite is, now hold on, let me think, do not tell me who it is, Jean Grey. I can see that. Is that her name? Yeah. Yeah. Listen to you with all the superhero names lately. I know. I'm so good. I'm rubbing off on you. Or is that rubbing one off on you? I was going to say it's rubbing one off on me. I did that this morning. It's good for your hair. It's good. It's good. It's good for your complexion. It's protein. Mmm. So. Well, I'm glad that you liked Iron Man. Well, you went and saw Iron Man and we went and saw Sex in the City and that was actually episode 147. Yeah. Hey, he saw people who were fake and plastic and we saw people who were fake and plastic. I know, right? It is like Kim control is turning back into mannequin. Oh. Yeah. No. It was as Baba Luke calls it a pea, oh you said you went and saw Golden Girls the movie. And if you haven't, because we released it so soon after 146, some of you may be not expecting to have gotten it. So you thinking, what are we, what are they talking about? Go back in your feed and make sure that you haven't have downloaded if you haven't already. Because actually, as I said in the show notes, it actually is one of, I think, the funniest episodes that we've ever done. And haven't we got a lot of response that people saying that's a classic episode, it's a great episode? Well, we got one response, but okay. Why do you have to do it self-promotion? Thank you, see. See. But it was Pat and Pat was very, Pat was very, maybe perhaps I hold Pat's opinion in the highest team. Well, you should. Well, exactly. That's what I'm saying. So, you know, if I'm going to get one good review, I want it to be someone who, from whose opinion I trust, and that would be Mr. Pat. Yeah. And why do, excuse me, why do we appreciate his opinion? What is the one reason? Because of his large dick. Let's be honest. Because of his large dick. Yeah. Yeah. The guy's legacy, the guy, the guy's legacy, Pat needs to understand eventually we're going to see it. Oh, what's happening? Yeah. Pat, you've got a year to prepare for this because next year at Gay Days, we're looking at it. Whoop it out. We're going to be the Japanese tourist, and that's because we're going to be like... Goshira! Goshira. Yeah. We're going to hell. Well, now that we've scared Pat off for next year, I guess it means Melanie's not coming either. Oh, dear. Are you kidding? I have the feeling Melanie's going to be the one holding the camera watching that take place. Watching that interaction take place. Oh, yeah. All right, kids. Do we have anything else we want to talk about tonight? Mmm. No. No. Well, we have one voicemail, but I'm going to save it for the next episode, I think, just because I want to keep this one kind of short. And that is from one of our friends over at, you know, the house that the mouse built, Mr. Hunt. Hi, Hunt. Hi, Hunt. Hi. How are you doing? Hunt is dreamy. He is. Like the top of his little head. Not his little head. Wait a minute. I'm going to say, "Well..." His little head or his big head or which one's which? Hunt's cute. Hunt's very cute. Hunt's very cute. Sounds very cute. All right. Did I talk about the fact that I cut Baba Lu's hair, speaking of bald heads? I don't believe you did it. I know we talked about it after the show last week. I don't know if we talked about it on the show. We know we did talk about it because we talked about the whole fetish thing. Yeah. Yeah. So, and I did kind of... I got a little bit in trouble for that. Huh? I said I got a little bit in trouble for that because I did get a disclaimer before he told me that story that I was never supposed to say it on the podcast. Oh. You broke the disclaimer? I did break the disclaimer. Oh. Sorry. Snow job. Wow. This job. Did you say this job? I did. Wow. He's going to... He's going to donkey punch you at some point. I'm going to donkey punch you at some point. This is why you too can't teach me new things. You know this. Yeah, unfortunately. I'm going to be hearing donkey punch for the next week. Maybe Baba will want to donkey punch you. No. I think he would have to punch me sometimes. You know, too. I don't know if it's a donkey punch. Just say he'll do it. Deal, Taylor. Come on. I know, too. And on that note. So all right. Well, let's get out of here. As always, you can go to our blog, which is potismycopilot.com. You can email us at potismycopilot@gmail.com. Call our listener line at 206-350-1287. And be our friends on Facebook as Taylor T. Latte boy, Taffy Carlisle Huffington, and Rodan J. Copilot. And you can also tweet me @PIMCTailor and look on the blog for pictures of Serena Rodan's new dog. Oh, wait. That's right. He doesn't post things on the blog. Wow. What? Didn't you command him to do that a couple of weeks ago and still nothing. Yes. He's not the sheriff of me. She's the sheriff. And-- Wow. Grace Suzanne Summer's reference. I know. I actually can't have a mental picture of her walking into some bizarre building where there was like a, I don't know, sort of an indoor, you know, what was that, where she was. And she would have like white boots on it and white boots on it. Like a Colorado or something. Yeah. Was Boss Hog was on it maybe? I think you're getting your 80s TV shows mixed up. No. She's a sheriff. Well, Dan could probably help you because I'm sure he has the first three seasons of it on DVD. You know, ultimately, I don't care. I don't care. Go ahead. Somebody's going to send us information about she's the sheriff. Yeah. Okay. If you want to fund Gambit and I's new mattress, give me a call now. Well, the first thing we realized is that Gambit and I need a new mattress. God, you've already broken it? No. Well, we've already broken it in, but I think we've realized that we need a king size bed. Well, years of wear and tear and stuffing little 14 year old boys in it all this time is going to, you know, take a toll on it. You don't have a king size bed? No, I used to sprout out in the divorce, which actually smoked it. Yeah. Exactly. Well, I have to tell you that that's one thing that that's one area in the world that the tank and I disagree on. We don't disagree on much, but in this particular case, I like a king size bed and tank likes a queen, which is why I get to hang out with Taffy all the time. Exactly. He always wants us to get rid of the king and get a queen. He wants to be closer to you. That's very sweet. I know. I think I may have almost punched Gambit last night while we were sleeping because he was like, he was really close to me and I went to turn over and I may have hate him in the face and I hope he doesn't bruise. Well, that's for future reference that might be good to know. Apparently, three days, there's already trouble in paradise. They've broken the bed, there's punching and, you know, apparently one of them's a fighter. So there you go. Oh, cool. All right. We have to go. We have to go. So everybody have a good week. We will see you all next week for episode 149. Getting close. Getting close. Getting very close. And again, hair triggers at 150, you'll be right after it. Jesus. This is Taylor and Taffy and her dad. Have a good week, everybody. Bye bye. Bye. So what are we doing for a landmark 150th episode? I forget. We're fucking on air. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. I love the podcast, love the podcast. I just on our fans. They're twisted motherfuckers. You've been listening to "Hod Is My Co-Pilot" with Taylor the Latte boy, Taffy Carlisle Huffington, and Rodan. Aren't you glad you did? See you next time. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)